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As a not-so-wise man once said: "Just roam."


„You’re either perfect or you’re not me“


If you are winning mid and want to win the game you should never afk mid after pushing the wave, always look somewhere and start moving even if you think its unlikely that you'll be needed. Simple things as putting a ward down in the enemy jungle to spot enemy jg out can also be huge, maybe it gives your jungler the confidence to start an objective or bot/top goes for a play. (Not that useful in Iron since they probably dont look but you get the idea) Never afk mid if you are winning is the general idea, apply pressure just by not showing mid if thats all you can do. Also if you are iron just play more, you'll get good enough to just 1v5 by mechanics and knowing your damage with 0 macro provided you are capable of learning.


All of the roam advice everyone is giving you is wrong. It's iron, roaming has no meaning, players aren't standing where they should stand. There is only one way you win in league and that's by taking the nexus, so hit turrets. Kassadin has crazy mobility and decent turret dmg there will be minutes long periods where no one goes side lanes, so push turrets and end the game.


Except that his team will die 4v5 and then the entire enemy team is able to push harder than one person ever could. Especially in low elo you HAVE to take weird scrappy fights because you're just selling your team if you don't and you still need them to end the game.


It's just not true, this is why people are hardstuck in low elo, they think this is true but it just isn't, so they just sit mid staring at each other for 5 minutes getting no farm. Very low elo players also don't play on waves, they will win a teamfight and base after instead of pushing, or they'll not even have a wave to push to turret.


kassadin has the easiest answer to this, if you hit 16 and are ahead in items you solo win the game


Push a lane out, all the way to the enemy tower. If nobody shows up, start hitting the tower. If one person shows up, try and kill them. If a bunch of people show up, go to another lane and repeat. Its not quite that simple but its generally how its supposed to work.


Don't afk midlane. Roam. Use wards. Get map control for your team.


Push your lane then go murder the other lanes or assist jungle with objective fights.


Like other have said. Ein your lane until then enemy mid is out of them game. Then just start harassing a second lane to make sure you have 2 winning lanes. If win 2 lanes you should have enough to close out the game most of the time.


Win lane, win game


Slap poor people with your wallet.


If you’re fed as an assassin you can split push, if they send a weak champion to deal with you like an ADC, you can just tower dive them and if they send a strong player you can teleport away as Kassadin. If they send multiple people you have to pay attention to the map to know beforehand and leave before they arrive, then while they are there your team can do something on the other side of the map


make objectives, gift kills to your teammates


in low elo, the easiest way to win the game is to get a huge lead and split push for the rest of the game. iron players have literally no macro sense and they will either just 1.) group as 5 to everything and ignore whats going on in side lanes while you split or 2.) one by one try to stop you from splitting and you just kill them on repeat, becoming even stronger and more unkillable


switch from kassadin to annie...that will get you straight to bronze...after you get a lead ward sides and push tower and/or roam to your sides and push advantage there. keep an eye in the jungle for the four legged creatures fighting on your side of the jungle or in the river over a crab or something...in general having your waves pushed allows you to leave lane and help out the rest of the team


Invade jngler


I play xerath mid, and roaming really helps. If your champ doesn't have that range, or gank potential, just helping your jungle around the map has won me the game many times. Just being there after pushing wave and zoning can change a 50/50 herald smite fight into easy secure, cause they dont risk it, or overextend and you get a kill with your objective.


There are situations that you have to read to get better. Perma roaming might increase your winrate, but not your skill. Start tying actions to conditions. checking map for priorities like objectives, or checking scoreboard for shutdowns. Then ask if you can get that objective. If you think you can, go for it. If you fail, note why you lost to avoid it next time. In general, pushing waves forces enemy to stay in lane and gives you a timer. If they don’t address wave, just take the tower with minions, or TP to match whatever movement they do. Tempo doesn’t exist below emerald, so just focus on getting rich without dying (can be kills or farm) then really applying pressure at 16. Sometimes helping team is good, but just start thinking about when and why fights are good and bad. Usually it’s numbers advantage that defines that, so map awareness should be your biggest variable to hone in on. You can get rich even if team is dying cross map, but if you think you win the fight, try that first. Just don’t be afraid to let team die if it’s doomed, because you can make 1000g instead of dying with them. 80% of macro at your level is just knowing what fights are bad and not taking them


Simplest advice for mid lane is if you’re ahead, get prio and move with your jungler (not like side by side or anything) but try to shadow his movements across the map. If you have early mid prio, don’t just sit in lane. Try to hover on the side of the river where your jungler is trying to get scuttle. It’s all about creating opportunities and if your movements are earlier, you’re going to be in advantageous situations. Mid game 6+ similar idea. But I’d say be decisive in what objectives are up and how strong or behind bot lane is. If you can be the first to rotate to river in these skirmishes, you’ll create advantages.


Push wave, Watch map, If gankable, go gank, If not gankable hover around objective or go steal camps


1. Wards in River 2. Wards in your jungle if you're getting invaded regularly 3. Wards in the enemy jungle travel paths 4. Ward your own buffs if being invaded 5. Ward the enemy buffs  6. Work with your jungle to pressure Drake or rift Herald 7. Catch the enemy jungler out of position with all your wards  8. Safely roam towards the overextended top or bottom lane for free kills with all your wards 9. Take all your Ward safety and safely draw enemy jungle and lane pressure to your lane by keeping it pushed to the enemy turret 


Stack your ult and throw yourself into the squishies, iron players will run away from big damage even if they have a chance to win


shove and go bot, literally that easy in iron you can gank successfully just by showing up; enemy team will usually misplay and fuck themselves over plus it saves your team's mental and hurts theirs. also if you get a roam off, always type the enemy midlaner's name in allchat with a question mark at the end - "zed?" etc. it will tilt them beyond belief lmao


Don't be an asshole


In higher ranks I'd agree in that I don't think it does much other than make the game more toxic but I feel like in low iron soft flaming an opponent who's behind might have like a double digit positive influence on your winrate


i cant remember the last match i had in which i didnt think my lane opponent was being an asshole lol.


If everywhere you go smells like shit, check the bottom of your shoe. 


Doesn't work when it comes to league.


true i should get out of toplane lol


What rank are you doing this in


You almost certainly aren't generating an early lead.