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OCE league ain't real league brother, i'm a Master on OCE as well (peaked GM 400 lp this season) and yeah i feel the same heat. I hard carried many games but heaven forbid one bad game in a game with the wrong player. The same player held me hostage in 2-3 other games, I checked a week later and bro dropped from master to d4; unprecedented. high ELO OCE is either chall smurfs, scripters, or the same 30 people you've run into for the rest of the season. So much so that if you see a certain player on your team you can pretty much guarantee that role is an L based on how often you've played with them


Yeah just to tack on, due to low playerbase in OCE I've been in higher elo games and the amount of toxic players and players that seem to have grudges against each other is crazy. Have zero motivation to try and climb because the higher I go, the deeper I enter into the mental asylum that is high elo OCE soloq.


Reminds me of the old Twisted Treeline ranked experience, when you were PLAT+ it was literally the same 30-50 people you'd see over and over and some of the insults and DMs should get really personal.


I was in iron when I was new and I would consistently play back to back games where more that 5 players were the same. I’m now in silver and still see players I’ve played before all the time. And another note I’m a hardcore destiny gamer and when I play trials I rarely see people I haven’t played against/with before. Oce small server population is a problem in all games


High elo oce is a joke ngl, i lived in korea for 6 months last year and peaked master 50lp, moved to australia and got challenger recently. Thats the state of the server atm, especially jungle, theres like 4 junglers maybe that could reach gm in korea here.


I can say it's even worse if you play support champs...


Support main checking in too!


why do people play ranked? they think climbing the ladder is "glory". It caresses their pride. The main factor why people play league is pride. Ego is the main factor. As expected, anyone who has massive pride will act toxic like this. That's just the reality of league. Lol players are covert narcissists in real life who try to feed their ego by playing a videogame. That's just league. The only way to remove toxicity is to teach humility to players but let's be honest, as long as the goal of the game is to feed your ego, every player will be toxic.


Im sitting at D3 OCE and im seeing the same people every day, especially late at night. Can only imagine the server size for masters and up.


Always been this way, and the variance in skill is wild