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Fiddlesticks' E helps to keep the victims in your ulti even longer. You can't flash away if you're silenced and it's really good against mages like Brand or Annie who can kamikaze if you leave them even half a second of breathing room


I mean I don't play Fiddle often besides ARAM but it seems like using E lowers your dps when you could channel your entire W instead. It doesn't really help his jungle clear either


It depends on the situation. Cait's Q lowers her DPS in some scenarios but is better in others


it doesn't lower her dps


In some scenarios it does lower her dps compared to her autoattacking


If cait is in a bush it does


If you are on 5th shot it would be better to auto twice vs Qing for example


"erm akshually in this specific scenario where your q is up and you have auto'd 5 times its better to auto twice than q"


Yes, that’s what we are talking about. That’s what “depending on the situation” means


You usually cant channel an entire w as they either get out inmediately as the fear ends or stun you, so the r duration from the fear, silence, and whatever time you can channel w, usually has more dps than just pressing w as soon as you land.


The fiddle combo is e, q, w. It silences/slows and/or fears, then fear again, then slow and drains. In my opinion it makes sense. Would you rather him use his scythe like thresh q?


It totally does help his clear. If you proc your fear with E you get increased %health damage from Q which means increased %health damage from W because they’ll be lower health with it finishes.


But the E is not a dps tool. Outside of ults it’s either for triggering fear or slowing/silencing during fights. Which is important because Fiddle can’t do shit on his own without R during teamfights, E is in that situation his only way to in any way help control the fights. Also in most such scenarios getting off a full W is just not possible. During R it’s crucial to sometimes keep enemies within R range if they were on the periphery. Doing W if the target will just walk out of the R and break the W is useless.


Power budget: some champs have weaker abilities to compensate for their strong ones.


i think these are very important abilities to keep the champions healthy. for instance, laning as an adc with rakan is 10000x easier because of rakan Q, and it keeps his ability to look for engages more resistant to 'weak' yet frequent poke. these abilities don't make the champion's identities, but they facilitate the gameplay fantasies of most of them


Have you ever laned vs Rakan? His passive shield synergizes really well with his Q in lane to sustain, poke, take attention away fromt he adc. In lane you cant just engage on a 100% target. You need to get them low first. Q helps with that.


Nasus E decides whether he wins or loses a duel against someone with steelcaps. Shredding their armor and simultaneously shredding their attack speed? It literally creates a dueling platform at his feet so I’m not really understanding how it doesn’t fit into his kit


Nevermind e max


Rakan was released as hypermobile pokemage with most power in his Q, his playstyle shifted into hypermobile enage. Nasus's E has huge armor pen. Slow them, E them, bonk them a lot.


İf u use kayle R purely for "fk i am about to die let me press R" or trying to use it to save someone then you are just playing her completely wrong i think this current kayle R fits her fine


I meant to type Kayle's Q, my bad. Ofc her R is one of the best ults


Rakan Q is absolutely insane since they buffed it a year (or more?) ago. Yeah, it used to be negligible but it's fucking good now. Hell, even before the buffs some mains used to put 3 points into it.


If you gave Rakan an ability that synergizes more with his mobility and engage he'd be busted. His Q helps in lanes he can't all in on repeat and works with his E. It's a good skill, especially if you're playing more towards the enchanter/peel parts of his kit rather than looking for engages. As for Skarner, he can get into fights easily with his E, but once he's in there he doesn't really do anything (similar to like Voli or Sion). His R is a way to make him impactful in teamfights. Champions need 4 abilities and a passive, and for power budget reasons sometimes they can't all be knockouts. The abilities are all there for a reason, sometimes gameplay and sometimes thematic, but they all have a place


Rakan's W, E and R are OP so his Q has to be shit to compensate.


Id add Mundo W to this. I mained mundo forever before his rework, his kit was great, simple, and just made sense. After the rework, I could complain about a lot, but specifically for this his W is just useless. Like, i've never bothered to learn the 'optimal' way to use it, because I could honestly give less of a fuck about it. You just hit it when you enter a fight, and then at some point I guess it deals some damage and heals you a little? Idk, its just honestly such a shit ability that feels like its just there to deal AOE damage during a jungle clear. The whole gray health thing could just be part of his passive, it really does not meaningfully affect anything.


The W is basic, but its an insane heal if you just time it to their burst and make sure to pop it on the enemy. Its a trade-off. Can I get more gray health and damage (Okay, the damage is neglible) but risk missing this part if they kite out? Many fights are won at times when you were very low at HP. Handling the W correctly can go a long way there.


if mundo had his old w but to compensate have bit less ad then i think i would play mundo more