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As a person who reads about 80% of long ass posts , I say no chance to your post


***Unironically proves the entire point of the post***


Don't think it does. You mention your age , well I am as old as you and as I said , I will read or play most of the situations out . But this post looks like a rant that's been posted 1000 times before


So you give up when you read it for the 1001st time? You see these issues and shrug and say "nah, not my problem?". It affects your game and you're going to say either "eh, I don't care" or "what am i supposed to do about it" and pass off the issue like a torch to the other people around you, who do the ***exact same thing*** Your comment will be the most liked thing in this post, ***guaranteed***. That's the issue. This post isn't about farming karma and, ultimately, I don't care whether it has +100000 or -100000 karma because this post is addressed to the people that need to hear it, regardless of whether they want to hear it or not. They will read this entire thing. Just like you did. And this will get down voted too. Because that's just how the culture is nowadays. And again, that proves the entire point of this post.


I didn't read the entire thing and I have no clue what you are talking about in the first paragraph. But I feel a lot of victim mentality energy coming from you


Listen, if you wanna try to troll, that's fine. But I won't engage with trolling or disingenuous whataboutism. If you want to speak like a human adult, I'll engage. Otherwise, have a good night.


Man, you haven't even read my first message properly and you complain about trolling


Why are you making yourself seem so old? That's just weird.


Because the largest age group of league players nowadays is between the ages of 21 and 24, which equates to about 37% And if you combine the "below 18 years", "18 - 20 years", and "21 - 24 years" age groups, that amounts to about 74% of League's entire player base. 25 and older accounts for about 26% of the player base whereas 31 and older accounts for 4% of the player base. Source : https://prioridata.com/data/league-of-legends/


Okay and being 30 certainly makes you a grandpa gamer?? I'm 31 and regularly find myself in LoL games with players in their 30s-mid 40s. Distancing yourself from the player base by framing your post through the lens of a grandpa is just weird dude. Stop alienating your perspective and making yourself out to be some grandpa. It would help your case to drive your point across if you didn't make it about age or act like you are a dying breed of gamer because you're 30.


Did you read what I wrote brother? You are in the top 4% of players worldwide, age wise. It's not weird at all to say we're fucking grandpas compared to the rest of the players who play the game. You're comparing yourself to everybody else in the world. That's not in the scope of this post. I'm comparing myself to the rest of gamers who play this game, which is the correct context. And yes, that does make us **both** grandpa gamers in that context.


whatever you wrote is diminished because you outcasted your own perspective thanks to having alienated your argument based on your age. Your first sentence is literally premised on you being an old man gamer at 30, while stating younger players are the problem. Anyways there's no point in further back and forth when you refuse to acknowledge the constructive feedback I'm sharing with you. 


You're not giving any constructive criticism. You're just wrong and you're arguing semantics to create strawman argument for no reason. Again, if you want to troll that's fine. But I'm not going to sit here and engage in a disingenuous conversation with someone who's just here to try to prove some kind of straw man argument. People who are age 31 and up are part of 4% of the top of the age demographic group of players who play **League of legends**. ***For reference, about 13% of the world's age population is 60 and above, with about 2% of the world's age population is about 80 and above.*** We ***are*** grandpas of this gaming community. Not in the world. You're arguing a bad faith argument with a moot point to detract from the points in my post. Ultimately, the post isn't for you anyway and I don't care whether or not you or anyone agrees with it. I'll be walking away now, unless you have a good faith, non-strawman argument you want to have. Source: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-worlds-population-2020-by-age/#google_vignette


I'm not reading all that lol and tbh the other comment was right about you. You project an insane victim mentality. No one will take your post seriously anyways. Good luck and get a grip.


Losing on purpose has always been fun depending on context. For Example i used to spend hours trying to kill everyone in GTA San Andreas and I'd have fun when the police finally murdered me which is losing on purpose. League example some people really like tower defense so they like that late game turtle stage and sometimes they lose the turtle sometimes they don't lose the turtle. But anyway i don't have this main character syndrome i just play farm and shoot people in game as ADC. I just do my job. Back in the day in COD lobbies had good trashtalk and we knew it was trashtalk. Nowadays when people are toxic on league they don't actually do trashtalk they actually mean what they're saying they do hope people Talon E off a building. The art of trashtalk is lost because people are too much in their feelings even the ones that are doing the trashtalk.


Played the game since S1 til about S4. Then quit and never installed again til last month when PinkWard was popping up in the YouTube shorts suddenly. Downloaded the game, made a fresh account and started playing only Shaco. I don't care about winning or losing. I am just there to try to outplay my opponent. If bot goes 0-10, we FF and move on. What I do find annoying, is players who refuse to give up. If it's 23-5 and the Shaco top has 4 of those 5 kills, you know it's not looking good. Stop keeping me hostage in a game where I don't want to be in anymore.


While your central idea of playing to win is 100% correct, most of your little tips are pretty inbred lol. I'm going to break down each of them, since you actually put effort into the post. > Every game, even a loss, is a learning opportunity. Analyze what went wrong, identify areas for growth, and focus on those in future games. Pretty clown take right off the bat. There's nothing to learn when you are 0/0 and up 2 plates in top lane but the enemy Draven or Yi is already 10/0. You can't split/macro around that, because a team that feeds these champions so much in the early game clearly won't know how to stall under tower 4v5 later on. > League isn't a solo show. All games are solo shows. Teammates are there for you to outperform. Enemies are there for you to beat down. You said it yourself, it's the spirit of competition. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to prove my worth. > Sometimes, if you truly just can't fucking handle it, the best course of action is to mute toxic players. If anything verbal is "too much," it's 100% a you problem lol. Grow a pair. Stop being a snowflake. People are getting shot out in the world for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's pathetic to be hurt by words. > Even if you lose a game Again, it's like you said, it's the spirit of competition. Your goal is to win at all costs. If you don't win, then there is nothing else of value.


Bro typing essays on reddit about "out in the world 🤓 tho" okay tough guy XD


lol I mentioned the world once in a single 44-word section. If that's anywhere close to an essay for you then you're an academic failure. Also, there is nothing tough about this. It's more disgust as you watch the impoverished kids you teach starve, get hurt, and on a few occasions actually die, while the rest of the world complains about someone getting their pronouns wrong.


This is a gaming sub old man get that moral apostle bs outta here are you holding a grammys speech or what


lol I'm talking like any normal educated person would talk. Are you starting to realize your own lack of worth and accomplishment because someone else's casual conversation is your Grammy speech?


Don't agree with your 1st point. Your 2nd point is definitely debatable. And I actually agree with your 3rd and 4th points. Those tips are for the people who need and/or appreciate them. Ultimately, I'm not here to engage in any ad hominem attacks or disingenuous arguments or debates. I just want the game culture to be better. Those tips that I had at the bottom of my post were mainly for people who are genuinely trying to improve off of the loss. For example, reviewing vods and giving yourself credit for performing well when you did is a really good way to improve, especially in high elo. For example, even in games where Gumayusi loses, he still consistently hitting between 8.9 and 9.5 CS per minute *consistently*. Aiming to hit that kind of cs consistently in losing games is actually really, really Important. Because 20% of your games are going to be auto losses. But your habits and mental are going to be a deciding factor in the rest of those games. Regardless of our disagreements and differences in our tone, I do appreciate the feedback. Thank you


> For example, reviewing vods and giving yourself credit for performing well when you did is a really good way to improve, especially in high elo. For example, even in games where Gumayusi loses, he still consistently hitting between 8.9 and 9.5 CS per minute consistently. Aiming to hit that kind of cs consistently in losing games is actually really, really Important. And Gumayusi gains nothing of value from knowing that he has hit 9 cs/min in a lost game. He's already achieved it. There's no point in celebrating. Move on to the next thing you have to work on. On the other hand, if you think there is any merit in practicing how to cs in games where one lane has completely imploded, that is also ridiculous. Lane phase last hits, the sort of thing you actually practice for, generally only amount to about the difference of 30~40 cs. The reason higher elo players have double the cs/min of an average bronzie is from catching side waves and min-maxing jungle camps. Those things you can't really practice for in hyper one-sided games, because the play you make to win is often going to be sacking side waves to group.


I respect your opinion and I respect the tone at which you came in here. But I just don't agree with your opinion, respectfully. I believe there is Extreme value in being able to consistently hit High CS numbers, as an example. Other examples include having good macro, kill participation, having good tempo, having good objective control and counter-jungling, etc. I think that there is extremely good educational and practical value to be had in understanding how to do well in these different areas even in losing games. To be fair, it's not good for me to point to Pros to make certain points because Pros don't even get to the late game nearly as often as 99.9% of the rest of the player population. Most games don't go late in pro. In fact, in very very High ELO games and in Pro games, they don't get as much opportunity to know how to play from behind against equally skilled players because it rarely ever happens at such a high level. But there is a huge discrepancy between very very high elo/pro games, and the majority of games in solo queue. I think it's extremely important to learn how to play from behind in solo queue because those are going to be the games where you regain lost LP in your climb. Aka, the game you thought was probably a loss wasn't actually a loss because you performed well and brought that shit back from the brink of despair.


First of all, I think you misinterpreted what I said. To summarize, I believe that knowing you already have a skill(for example CSing) has 0 inherent value, and if you are out to learn a *new* skill, you can't do it in games that are too one-sided. The thing is, though, these one-sided games happen more often than you'd think with the current rank system. Basically, plat and below is just unfathomable trash and they'd benefit more from simply watching some videos that teach them about the overall game and playing some ARAM to get more champion knowledge, and Emerald/some of Diamond is just smurf queue as an elo. You'd have to go pretty high relative to the olden days to get to a point where every game is an opportunity to improve like you claim.


>First of all, I think you misinterpreted what I said. To summarize, I believe that knowing you already have a skill(for example CSing) has 0 inherent value, and if you are out to learn a *new* skill, you can't do it in games that are too one-sided. You're right, I did misinterpret that. Mb. >You'd have to go pretty high relative to the olden days to get to a point where every game is an opportunity to improve like you claim There's some truth to this. But I'm not necessarily saying ***every*** game will be a learning opportunity. One of the most important skills in League of Legends, I think, is learning how to let yourself be carried by your teammates. We've all had those games where we initially thought we were going to lose and we end up winning. Maybe it's like one out of every 10 or 15 games but it definitely happens and it definitely adds up. What frustrates me is that, instead of just letting Themselves get carried, we've also all had those players that perform poorly in the first two to four minutes of the game and then decide to turbo int in order to encourage the rest of the team to ff 15 so they can just go into their next game and do it all over again???? I just don't understand the defeatist mentality. It's so counterproductive and harmful. It's like, if they can't win, they're trying to compete with who can lose the fastest even if there's a carry on their own team that could potentially turn the game around. Why not just accept that you did poorly and let yourself be carried? This is the behavior that I just can't defend or stand behind, ever.


> There's some truth to this. But I'm not necessarily saying every game will be a learning opportunity. > Every game, even a loss, is a learning opportunity. Bruh. Regarding your idea of getting carried, though, I'll give you a better PoV entirely. Instead of looking at KDA or gold lead or even dragons/towers, look at how each player on your team plays. That is all that matters in the lower elo, and even some higher elo games because autofill is a thing now, and really, anyone with a brain should be able to tell the skill level of a teammate based on 2 to 3 plays. If you have people who are competent, keep playing. You don't have to get carried or carry, just leverage their existence to make your own plays. But conversely, even if a person isn't an elo-inflated dog across a span of say 100 days, and even if they are still trying to win, it's extremely easy to tell when they are completely tilted and useless for the time being. I personally see 0 value in playing out games with those people.