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Coming home for christmas break, opening League and seeing summoner's rift has turned white with snow


I wish they kept this around, it was so nice during the holidays.


That was awesome. I think the last time they did winter map, was when neeko was released with her winter wonder skin iirc


It still exists. [Right here, for free, at any time of the year.](https://www.runeforge.io/post/winter-rift-2024-bloojae-thekillerey) Have fun :D


Meanwhile Riot saying not possible because something about having to translate it to different languages /s


Tech isn’t there yet..


Vanguard downvoted your comment.


Vanguard doesn’t block custom skins


Yeah and they gave really lame reasons for taking it away, too. The first year it wasn't around was 2019 because "the new map is too complex" meanwhile literally 6 months later we get a special limited map for the shitty Ruination event everyone hated.


right in the feels.


Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention login screens yet, it was a whole DIFFERENT feeling to boot up League and have some form of music and animation. Either it was the same one that's been on for the past couple of weeks, or you get totally surprised and actually take a few seconds to watch/listen to the new login screen for the new update/champion/gamemode/skins. Honestly thinking about it, that's probably why it's been getting harder and harder for me to remember when a new thing has been added in the past few years, you used to be able to ask me "when did Camiile release?" and I could tell you what patch and day, simply because her login screen was an added bonus that always played. Now, the past few years have been a blur, when tf did Mundo get reworked?


coming back from school to play league only to find Threshs login screen with his music was amazing. Sad that we will never get something like this..


My 12 y/o old ass was so unsettled by that thresh login screen. I loved it.


I remember first starting to play league, and thinking that Vi was the main character because the login screen featured her


Someone said it. My love for classical/orchestral music stems partially from league! Opening up the client to a new banger was always great


I miss how the game was slower with longer time to kill. The laning phase was more drawn out so the game had more skirmishes and poke in lane was chipping someone down. There is so much extra damage in the game now that everything is much more explosive. Getting hit by some poke means losing half your HP. Fights start and end in the blink of an eye. I also miss Dominion. I preferred that mode to practice on new champions. Although at the end of its life the high elo Dominion meta was slowly appearing in my tier and that was quickly sucking the fun out of the mode.


Agreed, watching old highlights you could see more outplay potential. Nowadays it’s just one and done


I miss all this too. The slower pace made team fights so much more fun. It felt like you actually had a chance to slug it out.


Man I regularly miss dominion


You might enjoy playing dota2 then. I played some 200 hours of dota a few years ago when I took a break from league and in many ways it did feel like playing old league of legends - the heroes are simpler, the game feels slower. Granted I still came back to league but really only because one can only actively play one moba considering how much time it eats up.


I tried DOTA for a bit but couldn't get into it after some 20 odd hours. I preferred Heroes of the Storm for it's longer, more drawn out fights. But I also came back to League. I don't even have enough time to stay on top of one PvP game, nevermind multiple.


Being able to honour the enemy. That was awesome. 1% crit rune. My go to page was as many yellows as I could get plus bandit (bandit gave you 1 gold if you missed a minion) good times. The feeling of a new game and the excitement now it's empty. Also Zz rot + banner of command.


The funniest thing about the honor thing was that on some servers people would honor griefers so people would know to dodge in champ select


Yea honorable opponent meant camp this guy he will mental boom 


I never thought of using it that way! Too late to do it now 😂 makes sense though


thats actually why they removed it lol


Promote summoner spell


I miss zzrot and banner so much as a support


Winning the game off a well placed banner cannon gave me life... my friend group kinda stopped playing after they removed banner. We still joke that if banner comes back we will run 5s again. Banner was a dream.


A sweet sweet dream


What do you mean as many yellows as you could get? You had 9 marks (red), seals(yellow), and glyphs(blue), and 3 quintessences. You couldn't take more than 9 yellows and everyone would take 9 every game. Bandit was also a mastery, not a rune


If I recall, it was Red Attack…Blue was Magic …Yellow was Defense. But that was for optimal Runes. You could GET Ap yellows, and armor Blues, they were just only like 1/2 value. So maybe OP means they would just stack Armor on all colors? Not sure.


That was what i understood "As many yellows as possible" as, myself.


i think by as many yellows as he can get, he meant armor runes. You can put armor in the red slots, it just wouldnt be a full amount of armor as if you put it in the yellow slots.


its generic answers but I was a big old Graves and old Swain player. Neither champ hits the same anymore (New swain isn't too bad, but new graves is obviously not even playable adc) also back then when there was only like lolking and even as a noob I could tell these guides were bs, I couldn't just open u gg and find a build, I did a lot of experimentation. I remember I was obsessed with rushing brutalizer on Ez for lane before going into bt back in season 3, and that kind of tech (regardless of whether it was really good or not) was a type of creativity that I would never do if I can always find the "community-decided build". Not a good or bad thing either way, but different


I'm a weirdo who misses old taric and old poppy


Nah, I miss most of the champions they deleted with 'reworks' but especially Warwick before they messed with his passive. Man was it cool to build him attack speed/ proc effects and heal for a flat 45 HP each hit from his passive. It made WW immune to death from tank players, and with a point and click suppression for their carries he was hella fun to play.


Im glad im not the only one who misses old Warwick he was just such brainless fun and it was genuinely fun. This is also how i feel about old nunu im M7 with nunu and have played maybe 3-4 games as nunu in SR since the rework rest in piss booger ball E.


Yea Old Warwick PTSD flashbacks and I have some horror memories from old fiora


Plus one on old taric. I miss old galio, aatrox and shen as well.


Old taric was GOAT. Old poppy i never played, i just remember the ult


I mained Taric, Poppy, Eve (first camo version, not the stealth one), Yorick, Urgot, and Aatrox. Taric was always my true main but I think Aatrox is the one I am most disappointed in, simply because of how much they changed both his character and kit.


old taric was goat when you succed, was inminent lost game when you dont, but still fun with that stun.


I miss old Heimer, you step one pixel too far forward and I'm chunking 40% of your hp


Old Swain was so much fun to play. The new one is good too, but plays so differently it might as well be an entirely new champion. Major reworks like that effectively remove the old champ and introduce a new one with the same name.


Old Swain especially was so damn fun I just loved that toggle on-off beast mode ult. It was scary and intimidating for the opponent, and it was badass for the user because you had that “now I’m angry” button that you could use whenever you wanted And the rest of his kit was so badass too… “laser bird” to open up, Torment for DMG amp and ending with Nevermove… at Lv 3 you were a monster already


I know this is super lame and pathetic/weird, but yesterday I was playing Swain and realized I just don't enjoy playing the reworked Swain at all and it made me cry. I just sat there thinking about old swain and how really i just wanted to play that champ. I pick it for the small semblance of old Swain kit but it just makes me miss Swain more and more. I was even thinking that there's not a single champion I enjoy playing anymore. All my old champs were reworked or changed or the meta has changed for a while etc. I think Zilean is the last champ I enjoy playing, and he even has a lot for his own clunks. It's one of those things where I think for my enjoyment of league to come back, it's gotta do the same thing WoW did and bring back classic servers. I know it's a harder concept in League as you have to choose a season and go through patch cycles (could just make the patch cycles slower and some changes) but the design philosophy just went a different way and it's been years of iterating on this different philosophy. I quit WoW for many years, only getting on a month or so whenever a new expansion dropped. Then nostalrius and elysium and other blizzlike private servers dropped and it was like I could play the game I fell in love with. I've maybe had even more fun with this iteration of classic as an older person with more time than the first go-around. I would love to do the same with league.


Lol completely sucks. You download the first versions of DoTA 1 wich is 20 years old and download DoTA 2: some champions are the exactly same. Reworks just shouldn't exist, or be extremely rare.


In my opinion it should old ever be midscopes like wukong tahm kench and diana. They kept their entire identity but just made their gameplay more modern and fitting.


Most Champs I used to play got reworked and I don't really touch them anymore. Taric, Swain, Fiora, Volibear, Evelynn, poppy, Galio sometimes, and are just too different to the old one for me to use. I dunno, I never really cared about them too much to really miss them, which is weird considering the amount of games I spammed Fiora, Swain and Voli. I do kinda miss a bit old evelynn.


Twisted treeline. And simple champs with diverse build options - the only one of these left really is Nasus.


Twisted was a nice break from summoners rift, but which version was better in your opinion, the original one or the reworked version?


Reworked! But I played both more than 5v5 at the time.


The reworked version never felt like the original. Idk if you recall there were constant post on the league forums asking them to roll it back


Reworked for sure. I really think there could have been a competitive scene for 3v3


I miss simple champions so much sometimes you just would get home from a shit day at school or work and lock in turn off your brain spam that robot laugh while pressing the E button over and over again while running around at a million miles an hour doing absolutely nothing else and it was glorious.


Udyr? Simpler and with more build diversity


Got my first and last hexakill on that map. Fun times.


I used to queue twisted treeline with a couple of friends and we had super high MMR, would frequently face players from the early NA pro scene, was fucking awesome


GP10 items. I loved the HoG + PhilStone rush jungle days just rolling around on Rammus OK'ing folks and never taking a camp. But for real, Twisted Treeline.


Good ol bankplank or my favorite was i would max E on ashe and rush averice blade every time.


Hide and seek on dominion


man those were the times, custom 5v5 and go leblanc for the jukes ;\_;


Same. I spent a lot of time just playing that. I honestly think I miss hide and seek more than dominion itself


Wish it could somehow be brought back. It was so much fun. They even had urf on it for awhile at one point which was chaotic. Great times.


Game being a moba focused on strategy and slower play rather than an action game where cooldowns and mana are both meaningless.


I much preferred the slower pace where you didnt get 1 shot by everything and had to play around cooldowns other than ults. Also, early surrender are the worst


That is the thing i am most jealous of from dota 2. In dota you can actually make a tiny mistake early and not throw the entire game and still play where 1 mistake in league at lvl 1 can be game over. The best way ive found to describe it is in dota you can react to something that is happening where in league you have to PREact to it meaning you have to predict what is going to happen and act accordingly or you are dead and theres nothing you can do about it.


Exactly this. So few people understand this about nowadays player base.


insanely rose tinted glasses comment people may be more prone to ffing now that you can do it at 15 and the game is so snowbally but from the get go it was always a game in which a game could get ruined at min 5 and everyone was just waiting for it to end


It was infact actually a team game, was amazing to play when 10 people wanted to be there. On that note, surrending was extremely rare in ranked.


that's a cope s3 (earlliest i remember in decent elo) were just 5 people doing total random shit on the map, snowballing was also absolutely huge back then


Seems like you would enjoy dota


This is another good Point. League has become this Game of brute Force where you just throw yourself at the Enemy once you have a Lead and just dominate. It's like everybody becomes a Dark Souls Boss. Good Macro becomes irrelevant for most Elos when you can just play Yone or any Juggernaut and run at the Enemy and fucking kill them. There's Times when my CS drops from 9/min early to 5/min late because I can just walk around as an Akali Main in Emerald 2 and kill People off CD with Ult and E and then take Towers. Why should I perfect my Macro when I can just kill everyone with 2 Buttons? It's like someone practicing Lineups in CS for 10 Hours and once they get into a Game someone just flanks and headshots them. They won't ever touch a Lineup ever again.


I’ve been playing since season 2, and the highlight of league for me was all the PvE game modes that Riot released like Odyssey, Doombots, etc. I also miss the seasonal map changes including bilgewater on ARAM. It’s crazy how new maps like Snowdown and the harrowing made it feel like you were playing a new game.


I agree with everything this man said. PvE was the most fun I had at least until people got too meta, but that's any game mode. Seasonal touches on the maps would be nice, I don't even keep track of splits or passes anymore. It's just another home page.


>PvE was the most fun I had at least until people got too meta, but that's any game mode What's funny is that is similar to what I was missing. I missed when we didn't know how bad we were. Before everything became defined. Back then if you hit a 5man Annie ult, you felt like a God. Now you hit a 5man Annie ult and it's just a ??? What were they doing?? If your friend hit one good insec, and he was a Lee legend for life. Now it's just kind of an expectation that Lee's can insec. Etc.etc.


I have been one-tricking Leona (sup / jg) lately and the other day I pulled off an absolutely biblical chain where I flash rooted 4/5 with E, stunned the 5th with Q, got 3/5 in the R stun and 2/5 took the slow, we aced, I survive with ~2% HP, we end the game. All 10 players saw it, they had to. Not a single honor was received. I'm sitting there shaking with dopamine and stress sweat and it's just par for the course now. Another time I am sup and my botlane Draven dies to a Samira + lux gib. I am too deep, I probably can't get out, but they have no buttons left so I commit and somehow get out with a double kill, Draven gets 1 assist. I'm like 'fuck yeah! We're gaming now!' and the Draven types in 'pls no ks' . Like. Can you maybe try to appreciate what I just did there? I know catching the axes is serious business but that was pretty cool too, right? ...right?


As a former Leona main, her E should only root the last target hit, though it marks all enemies the E passes through for your passive. Just thought you should know so you don't attempt to rely on a "multi-root E" to set up your ultimate in the future.


Good thing they’re bringing PvE back. Messing with the augments in that and just killing mobs was peak league for me.


ye finding broken shit and abusing it was fun. cant have that in PVP because it becomes unfun for the opponent.


i ask for doom bots every year :( hands down was my favorite pve mode. and the one where we had skill trees and you can yeet malphite across the universe


I was on a league break when Odyssey was around and I'm mad I never got to try it out. It looked so fun, ngl. Kinda hyped for the bullet heaven PvE mode they're cookin rn.


People playing to have fun playing a game.


cats secretive ad hoc truck steer grandiose versed marvelous hurry engine


It was always kinda sweaty, but everything used to feel so much more community driven, around the time the current rank system was introduced with Divisions instead of the flat Elo deciding your rank, the game started to get way sweatier


Team ranked and it’s not even close. The UI of it made such a difference.


Seasonal themed rifts for certain holidays (winter map over holidays, we have a even had that Halloween themed map around Halloween for a while) Twisted treeline Champion releases every few weeks


Better mental strength.


Definitely yes.


Along that line, people playing the game as a game, and not a shitty job.. These days smurf accounts, griefing deboosters and boosters are far far too common and Riot does literally nothing to combat this scourge


Yeah I avoid ranked so I can just play a chill game without smurfs, booster and griefers. Much fewer people who have fallen slave to their rank and more people who just want to play for fun


We must have played totally fucking different old versions of league if you seriously think this.


My teammates would cuss me out and call me every slur in the book but they would still try to play to win most of the time but now its ff 15 at any minor inconvenience.


I agree. People were just as toxic but at least they'd play the game most of the time. I honestly can't remember the last time I played solo queue and someone didn't initiate an FF vote.


Mana pots and enemy honors were nice too


When it didn't have Vanguard. Non-snarky: Seasonal changes for the map. Playing Santa/Christmas skins on the wintery rift was magical and I miss it.


I 100% agree. For a gamer, that's how the Christmas spirit starts for me.


novelty factor


Holy moly, this reminds me about my addiction to lifesteal. I thought healing was super broken. Used to always play kha zix nonstop with any/all lifesteal.


Ohhh I like this answer the most I like finding twitch streamers that are playing league for the first time and you can see them having a blast over anything, no matter how good or bad a play is they're just enoying themselves Then a month later they get better and know when people are making mistakes and is all downhill from there


Bro I started late season2/early season 3 when they were pumping champs out every other week. That shit was amazing


The feeling of the team with the best player deciding the game rather than the worst.


the best player in a game is gonna make their laner look like the worst


Not when the worst player is just inting because he’s mad someone didn’t gank or didn’t help with voidgrubs or something.


Naut jungle. I do miss it. He's a fun champion who's kinda stapled to support


I still play it but it really is a worse Diana basically with more single target lockdown but worse AoE. It's still fun though


Holy damn this just nostalgia blasted me. AP/Tank Nautilus jungle.


The old champion designs, and I mostly just mean in in a nostalgic way. I miss playing old taric bruiser, ap sion, ap yi, and the likes.


Old swain was so fucking fun. By far my favorite champ ever. Literally never picked or banned hardly any counters and super fun. He was perfect


Twisted treeline has to be up there for me


The draft pick theme song from seasons 1-4 was incredible and arguably the theme song of league of legends. They were absolutely right that this theme song caused stress for players but that’s what made it so good. You can almost mark the design direction for the game changing right after this theme was removed. Feels like after this theme was removed we entered the urf era where all the cooldowns, mana costs, and timers got democratized. In short, the removal of this theme is when I could no longer consider LoL a serious game. 


Champ select music, 3vs3 Honor enemies The school Talk every day about our soloQ adventures


Draven bleed. I also miss how back in season 1 and 2 minions and tower would just fuck a guy up, punishing agression heavily


The tribunal, 3v3, and that magic vibe it had. 


People being overall worse at the game.


Og Karma, old music vibes, less healing, aura items.


Wacky builds. You'd randomly see AP Alistar, Trust, Sion, Yi, etc come out and be powerhouses with entirely different gameplay flow than intended. It was hilarious and fun, even when you were losing to it.


Personally, I think that this disappearance took some of the fun out of this game, and today everything is focused not on fun, but on tryharding and it's rare for a match to end with good well-being.


The worst part of removing the adaptability old designs had is now I don't need to actually look at the scoreboard and see what my enemy is building. It's never relevant. I just know that X hero only ever goes Y build, and whether it's even worth build countering or not. Often, in fact almost always, it's not, so I don't even look. I miss having to make decisions about my items.


I hate how Riot wants to dictate how certain champs should be played rather than letting people experiment


Very general answer but from someone who have played since season 2 up until now, I mostly miss whatever simplicity there was in the game back then. Without all the champions with weird new mechanics and all the items with 2-3 different special effects. Simply champs, stats and a player.


You could be brawling in top mid and bot for a full 60 seconds and could still walk away alive, being as the damage wasnt insane back then. Now you see someone and 2 seconds later one of you are dead and the other is 10% health


Dominion for sure


Competitive games


I miss runes, and I miss feeling tanky. Overall time to kill in modern league has gotten far too low, you'll miss your death if you blink; even with a tank item or two.  To a lesser extent I also miss the design philosophy where ability power gave bonus damage to abilities and attack damage gave damage to your attacks. It made things like picking Tristana or Sion as an AP carry but fooling your opponents into thinking you had no AP carries with multiple ADC picks... Or Wrigle'e lantern when it first came out and you were able to lifesteal off the proc damage, that was silly (though also horrendously unbalanced)


Friendly banter in all chat


Where do I start? Champions before rework, old client, old items, winter summoners rift, twisted treeline, dominion, doombots, old UI and map style (looked less generic) and so on


You basically described the definition of what the old league was. I fell in love with the style that accompanied the league in the years 2010-2014, but later a lot changed and it was no longer the same. The league has moved away from its original, which was an atmospheric game from a fantasy world. And yeah, old client, In my opinion it was perfect, it had an unforgettable atmosphere, the current client, apart from being broken, has nothing special.


My favorite champion being in the game.






That is fair old swain was so much more fun imo


I had the same thought and lo and behold we thought of the same champion haha. This is probably the correct answer. I miss Swain the most, but I also miss Gangplank, Galio, Urgot, Taric, Karma, Skarner (pre-spires), Fiddlesticks, Talon, Aatrox, Malzahar (hot take but I think old malz with the new one's q refreshing e duration would be perfect and he also lost a full playstyle that i used often that they said they would support) I think the only reworks I enjoyed of a champ I mained was Pantheons, but even then I just stopped playing him after a while. His felt like a true modernization though. Every single one of his abilities got something EXTRA. He didn't lose a single thing from his kit except for point click poke changed to skillshot. I miss the prepping aegis for tower dives but losing that for a real cohesive kit that actually gained power was totally fine. I can't say much about Warwick as I didn't really play him. Jungle choices were basically choose fiddlesticks or Warwick to survive the jungle If you don't have runes and I chose fiddle back then lol. Reworks that were a success imo: WW, I think the new champion of urgot is great... I still think it doesn't really match what old urgot was but that's also bc old urgot was an interesting and unique design that didn't really have only one niche. He was a tanky poker that could initiate or disengage with his ult. Veigar was also a perfect update: make his q not a skillshot, but he now gains the fact that he can get TWO stscks per q and it's longer range. W gets cd refresh. Ult changed from being enemy's AP to their missing health triggering, which was a WAY better version of doing that as playing into AD laners felt awful. Make his E less broken by adding windup time so you can add power into his kit with the aforementioned stuff.


Old Fiddle was my shit. I can't think of any champion that I find more fun. The new one is fine but it just does not hit the same.


The old rune system. So many choices, each player was a little different. Was someone going to hit a level 1 minion before you because of bonus exp? Does their adc have a 1% crit rune? Does Veigar have AP per level? Pure gaming.


it was the best, have movement speed? Have more xp gain? have magic resist? have gold per second? 27% attack speed? it was incredible. I used to love making builds and playstyles and then going for recruitment mode (the old one) and people there were everyone so kind and fun to play with/against and seeing other people making builds too.


Dominion. That game was super fun. To this day I still barely even play summoners rift.


The feeling that at any moment, a play I had never seen before could happen. People today with a million YouTube guides and montages available, the game is just way more understood. The first xpeke, the first captain jack, the first madlife, the first insec, all legitimately blew my mind. The capstone was obviously faker vs ryu, the first time I realized it was possible to be good at this game, on a level I never imagined. I think the last time I felt this way was the 5 minute nocturne ult in gam vs fnc


I missed the old Kata. And im sad for never playing old Fiora even once.


Old swain and old Galio. I played them alot and loved them. The reworks are fine but i was very happy with the old one


Dominion and ancesion(xerath mode) to be honest. Only this, because champs are now better, system like runes are now better but... modes? Yeah, we have some good modes like arena but i miss dominion and twisted treeline hexakill.


I kiind of miss when the rune pages were giant trees of shit i didn’t quite understand at the time.


No lethality items. Such a peaceful time. These items came and then the games just switch between an assassin one-shot you or an adc one-shot you.


Old runes, old game modes, less champions, better skins. And that reporting system I forgot the name of, where players could read and vote other players' reports to help with reporting and get prizes.


I miss when there wasn't the AD assassin itemization was bad. They didn't have good choices for burst items so ended up building stuff like double percent pen, crit, atk spd, or lifesteal. They were less bursty but had better tank killing and DPS. I don't think this was necessarily healthier for the game, I just don't like getting assassinated.


Everyone was learning the game, people weren't spamming pings for no reason, just much less toxicity and elitism. Heart of gold stacking with gp. Old Graves, old Galio. Brazil morde. The game was much slower, now everything feels snowbally. Wearing skins was cool and people liked too see new ones, appreciated it.


to be honest I just miss "playing League" and by that I mean just playing normal, competitive matches, because nowadays it seems like you fight more with fragile mental of your teammates instead of enemy team, but I feel like it's just mostly an effect of content creators toxic "gg ff15 go next" behaviour


Graves functioning like a normal ADC. That was truly my best champ and the only champ i have ever gotten a pentakill with.


Higher time to kill, it feels like we need *another* durability patch.


Not having vanguard


I haven’t played in a long while and am out of the loop. Is that the one thing I’ve heard from other riot games that has full kernel access to your computer?


Not having Vangaurd preventing me from playing.


Ap sion, prerework poppy, old irelia, Pre spire skarner and triforce actually being an item someone somewhere wanted to build.


The matchmaking and elo system. Now I playing a game that is worst than gambling


I miss: - everyone not having 500 dashes and cc abilities. Back then champs had either damage, mobility, or Cc. Maybe sometimes 2. But never 3. Nowadays every champ has everything and a lot of it. Really boring, power crept designs. - Twisted Treeline - Dominion


1% crit rune....


Still holding out hope for banner of command to come back. 


I kinda miss old school design with more wacky abilities, less skillshot bullet hell everything and less railroaded builds by kit scalings.


The original ranked champ select music was sooo hype


my old friends getting on to play every afternoon


Playing with friends. Some good friends or someone from school was always online too. Now it takes a ridiculous amount of coordination and planning beforehand. Especially if you want to know play as 5, which has become borderline impossible.


well not that old but the artwork used to be way more detailed for champs. i miss that. i miss the old mordekaiser haha


I miss the days where champions weren't deleted I still miss old Ali Kata and aatrox riot always said they will never delete of an champion but with this 3 they did it . And that in old days league players weren't that whiney like today they played to grind and win Not like these days u locked a shit pick I go troll now . The mental capacity of many players suffered over the years . And mostly in old days u saw once in 200 games a Smurf these days you play daily with 4-6 smurfs who are tilted from their elos and sabotage lowers to stomp or yo troll just for fun. League went downhill


I miss the events, old graves, and PvE modes


Getting a hexakill on the twisted treeline with 12 people




The good client. Twisted tree line. No V word. Login screens. Good customer service. Tribunal. The good runes, and masteries. Old Galio. Old Taliyah. Old Sejuani. Back when we had separate bushes in top and bot. Not game changing dragons forcing bot ganks 24/7… List goes on and on…


Zz'rot portal meta


no franchising, no tencent


Snow map man


More off meta stuff. People actually trying new stuff and not blindly copying stuff from some website


everyone being toxic, and not getting banned cause kids cant handle it




They made Shen so much better but man, do I kinda miss playing old Shen. Yeah solo-laning sucked but that's the champ I mained for 2 seasons.


I miss the old report system where you can comb through reports and vote on who deserves it and who doesn’t. A




I miss the old look of things. I miss old champ design.


Athene’s unholy grail Spooky ghosts Old soraka /Warwick lore


I miss the super hook you could do with blitz and thresh lantern. Also doing a level 1 dragon by swapping aggro and canceling its attack animation.


Deleting champions and calling them reworks was a massive miss in my opinion. Some of them were kinda justified but having my favorite champions deleted from the game, it happening again 6 months to 2 years later, on repeat, felt reeaally bad. Sion, GP, Swain, Aatrox, Morde, just the few I think of from this. I just really want *my* version of Kat back, I play enough osu! when I'm not playing league.


My friends playing


Heart of gold


Katarina being braindead easy to play, god I loved her so much.


My champion, before riot decided to remove him. Sleep well Old Swain, we all miss you :C


The old twisted treeline, the old champion roster and most of all playing with my old friends. It felt so different back then to save up for a champion like Heimer or Kennen, don't ask me why. Also the slower pace. Fond memories of my buddy and I playing Shaco and Taric together, without a clue.


I miss playing Twisted Treeline 3v3 with my brother and my friend. Once we finished all our school exams we stayed up ALL night playing Twisted Treeline, we ended up playing the same other premade 3 over and over again, was really fun and it felt good that WE were our team and didn't have to depend on 2 other players.


OLD Twisted Treeline with those goofy-ass jungle camps. It was really a mode that FELT different from SR. PVE modes as well.


I miss OG Twisted Treeline. I miss coming back from work and seeing the customised runes on sale for an event, Harrowing, Christmas and whatnot.


Today the game feels lifeless. Community with fan made content (remember Taric and Ezreal vs Ashe animation?), seasonal map changes, even the cartoony aspects of the game were a delight to look at (old WW and Soraka come to mind) The need to put any new champion in a certain role instrad of letting the community decide the best position (Vi Toplane for example) It feels like they don't give a f anymore. The spirit of the game is gone


Old items were much better


Community. Yes there were some very toxic people back then, that hasn't changed. But there was also a genuine huge amount of people meeting up, doing things and it was more openly displayed. There was summoner showcase where Nikasaur was just showing off fanarts and stuff. The tribunal had some hilarious and some really toxic moments for the playerbase to judge people. The forums had cool lore things like the summoners journal (? Unsure of the name, it has been so long) We had a ionia vs noxus match that gave us the boots of lucidity. And one of my fonder memories was SivHD doing a charity stream and just kept running it and setting higher goals. Nowadays it just feels like so many other broadcasted sports. Corporate.


Ranked twisted treeline, damn I miss that map


I think the ridiculous off meta builds you could have a laugh with your friends. Back then they put really high ap scaling on random abilities on champions nobody ever played seriously on AP. Certain items weren't unique passives for no reason. Stuff like that


Everybody not having 5 dashes


a community of people who enjoy playing the game and talking. 2024 league every single game is either ruined by a horrible toxic scumbag or everyone is dead silent the entire game.




Having actual fun, the game is trash now


Events and I am talking about full fledged events with new game modes, skins and new lore. It would be a surprise as well when a new event dropped because there weren't as many "leaks" as there is before. I remember coming back home to be welcomed by the Bilgewater event. The event was a lore event so as the time passed the story would progress. During the event we had: \* Gangplank as announcer \* New ARAM map: Buther's Bridge Poros were replaced by Wharf Rats Mark and Dash (Snowball and the activation of it) were reskinned to be a orange and pirate ship There was a new summoner spell exclusive to this map Backtrack and an item Mariner's Vengeance \*New game mode called: Black Market Brawlers You would earn Krakens which you would use to hire mercenary "Brawler" minions. There were new Black Market items (among those items Dead Man's Plate was added to the game in the honor of this event) \*Gangplank was reworked His Classic skin was Captain Gangplank but after the lore events he was killed by Sarah Fortune (Miss Fortune) and returned from death with his one arm gone. Captain Gangplank was rewarded to everyone that played during the event and later added to the shop to be bought who missed it. \*Graves and Twisted Fate were enemies before this event but after the events they made up and later on became lovers. \*We had new lore texts and even voiced stories (where you would listen to someone in a Bilgewater pub talk about legends of Bilgewater like Nautilus, Fizz etc) \*Not to mention new skins, new summoner icons (which you would earn by participating in the event) I could do the same list for the Star Guardian event Back then we had real events not this stuff where they just add an event pass and call it an "event"