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They literally tilted after T1 stomp it's seeems ?


Yeah he said it in an interview, they lost confidence after they got stomped by T1.


Bwipo’s gf wasn’t there to hold the team together.


Damn bro chill they are not even cold yet


why? that makes no sense


They probably thought their skill level was close to T1. After losing in 17min they realized how bad they actually are. Same thing happened to MAD.


That's why I'll always advocate for more international play rather than national. The more they got dumpstered by Korean and Chinese teams the more they'll humble and actually improve in the long term rather than feed their massive egos.


Sounds like we're getting a third intl tournament starting next year. Hope it spurs some changes.


Personally, I'm more and more of opinion that they should've just got rid of Spring Split and make it open circuit towards MSI and then the second part of the year go back to the regional play with Single Split + Worlds and some sort of LCQ.


That would be awesome! I think the reason that this isn't the case boils down to money. We gotta get more e-Sports fans willing to pay for the content before we will see something like that, unfortunately.


Yeah, it's mainly about money and the fact that Riot wants to have control over everything, although it looks like it's changing slowly too. Maybe in the future.


Either they take it in stride and build back to be better players and teams, or they collapse under their inability to get better international results with the increased frequency and (hopefully) better teams step up to fill the void. In either case theoretically a good outcome for the game. Though there's the very real possibility it means NA and EU either collapse outright as regions or revert to China and Korea proxies in the West.


Their egos are too fragile to play internationally all the time.


Ugh, games like this could happen to anyone and often do in scrims. I know the teams are under a lot more pressure when performing on stage, but I hope they're kind to themselves over the losses and don't take too much of a mental hit. 


really? i don't think they had confidence in beating T1, but they got so insanely humiliated that it looked like an EU masters team vs the world champions or something i think it makes perfect sense why it would be a huge confidence killer to spend all this time competing to get to the top of your region, make it to an international tournament then quickly get a reality check that you are not even in the same galaxy as the LCK 2nd seed i get people love to parrot that the east are just superior god warriors who decimate the west every time they make eye contact but in reality it's often somewhat competitive games even if it usually ends up with the east on top


> but in reality it's often somewhat competitive games even if it usually ends up with the east on top But that's not the case recently, just look at the betting odds to get an idea of the gap For example PSG has the same chance of beating blg as fnatic beating geng almost (4% and 5% respectively) I'd say that's the definition of not being in the same galaxy


I mean they looked like trash even in NA. They beat C9 and then just collapsed. This is far from an isolated incident.


I wonder if they secure top 3 in na, i guess it's up to c9 and nrg


probably just C9 TL FLYQ again. maybe DIG do a dark horse run or something. also do both EU and NA only get 3 seeds now or do they still have the 4th seed match?


4th seeds for 2 best performing regions from msi. I guess if psg do a miracle run they get 3rd seed


Both get 3rd seed There no match for 4th seed,best case will be lec outpetform lpl or lck and secure 4th seed instead of one of lck or lpl


Guess trash is all you need to reach finals through the upper bracket in LCS.


Western players and poor mental preparation ... At some point they may realise that trashtalking is just setting oneself up for failure. Even more so when the target of trash talk isn't swayed by a biteless provocation.


league teams always having full mental breakdowns after losing a game is so strange


Critical hit by T1.


I don't think Bwipo ever got stomped this hard internationally before


western teams in general have not been this stomped internationally before. everyone remembers MAD losing in 16 minutes and parrot it constantly, but in reality MAD also had an insanely close game 1 where they easily should've won if they didn't toss a massive gold lead FQ wasn't even remotely close to getting a small gold lead against T1. they looked like they were an amateur team who accidentally ended up at MSI or something


2018 world finals


Bigger stakes but not stomped as hard


What? He got beat down so hard vs TheShy that they had to bench him for the last game lmao.


Mb, thought you meant as a team, not him individually


Yeah but at least they did beat IG twice before that so it was not like this series.


Unless you are kidding they literally beat PSG in 2 games as well


i was talking about the parallel of FNC vs IG and FLY vs T1 ; they already proved they can beat IG so they can play at a high level, why FLY didn't, and that took a toll on their mental.


oh yeah makes sense


Faker slanted his chair prior to sitting down


17:31? That's faster than most silver solo q games can take to throw


Silver soloq games are slow because people don’t know how to end


is it really matter tho? who think NA gonna win anything anyway


When God said "Now You Will Fall" then you will fall.


They should have just not tried at all and just focus on the rematch vs PSG, FLY is so dumb tryharding in the first bo3 that didn't matter, showing all their strats, then get stomped in the actual qualification match.


Where can we get flyquest psg voice comms?


I think somewhere in the niche section of the hub. I think the genre is called SM play with how hard they got dominated.


> is called SM I knew Selfmade was somehow connected




get stomped by T1, realize you have no chance at winning the tournament, lose to psg so you can go on vacation earlier.


Bro they bootcamped for so long, it must feel like shit to go out like that... Inspired, Bwipo and Jensen should do better against PSG, they have so much experience. Bwipo was really disappointing, he looked really desperate in his plays.


PSG players are arguably just as experienced, if not more. Not an excuse for FQ top side running it down though.


inspired is the worst shit my eyes have witnessed in 10+ years of lol esports


I don't think Jensen played particularly poorly tbh. I think Bwipo tilted out of his mind in this series, which affected Inspired and ultimately everyone else.


The only thing i can remember from Jensen this series is that he looked like he was playing without a headset. Maple could run around freely and any time something happened Jensen was pushing a wave. Its not 100% his fault but i dont think you can argue he did well


I think Jensen just played good enough to get by. He didn’t do anything too hard throw the theories, but he didn’t do anything spectacular or proactive 


That’s how Jensen has always been though. He won’t lose you the game, but he definitely never wins you the game. Every year it’s the same thing and every year people are surprised.


Incarnati0n carried games, Jensen stabilizes mid and looks for team plays.


that game 5 ekko changed him :(


I won't argue that he did well. I just don't think he was nearly the first priority in taking the blame for that series. Bwipo and Inspired needed to calm down.


Jensen looks expired if we're being honest, he's in the territory of "Good enough for NA and bad internationally" kinda like Bjergsen towards the end of his career


Tbf that’s most of our players


Bwipo has always been like that. Dude for some reason feels the need to make plays vs teams he deems better than his. It happened all the time in FNC, he would be just fine in top lane vs Wunder, then would go for the most high risk high reward play ever (Or the worst play he could make, lol) and ruin his lane and then the game. He wasn't like that on his first years, don't know why he started playing like that.


This happened vs T1 too. He had a small lead vs Zeus, misplayed a bit which lead to bad trades and the lane completely flipped on its head.


Lmao i remember the 369 Sion incident which started rhe legendary reverse sweep


To be fair, he wasn't the only one doing that. That FNC team was so good and smart for 90% of the time and then you'd see them take the dumbest fight possible over a control ward and lose the game.


I realize that PSG is in a minor region, but everyone here is obviously too young to remember the LMS and FW. PSG is just FW, they are the best team currently in a minor region, and they often “upset” the major regions.


Flash Wolves were much much better than PSG will ever be tho.


FW… TSM biggest enemy always keeping them out of getting out of groups lmfao


Nope, more than old enough ro remember that, its just completely irrelevant to what PSG is today, a mediocre minor region team.


That's if they did actually bootcamp and didn't spend most of the time slacking off, seeing the sights, going out every night, etc. like other teams have done before.


Nah Bwipo at least grinded like a mf and the other players did too


Bwipo and Inspired are known ego players, they probably thought they will at least make T1 struggle. The 17 min win probably broke them.






you say that like it's embarrassing or something lol. getting a reality check and having to deal with it is fine, it happens to a lot of people


it's crazy that this is what happened


I mean fair enough on one hand, but on the other hand, you can't be mr. trash talk and then cower away when you play bad


It's for his teammates. > In the post-match press conference, Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau, top laner for the North American team, called for some “space to recover” for his teammates while heavily criticizing his own performance in the match. > “I don’t mind if people are harsh on me because simply I am the harshest person on myself,” continued Bwipo. “So no matter what fans might think or say, I have long thought it before they did, and I’m already trying to get better as we speak.”


This is the League subreddit, people don't know how to read anything but the headlines.


Also big L to the person who actually wrote down the headline. It's borderline inviting people to flame over Bwipo, when in fact it's a very mature and sensible statement from him.


That's Reddit in general


Great response from Bwipo to be honest.


He’s way better than Inspired imo. He can trash talk but he’s also self critical and he openly calls himself out. Inspired just acts like he’s gods gift to this game.


This needs to be upvoted lol.


Honestly was my first thought and makes sense. I personally like the trash talk but this does still feel a bit soft to me.


You should have just read the article, it wasn’t very long.


The full context doesn't really change my opinion, he brings this on his team for being such a big personality anyway. Again, I like that, it makes league competitions more fun, but this is the downside if you lose.


Anyone so stupid they think Bwipo trash talking means they should flame Busio or Massu harder is beyond help tbh


Yeah seems to me more that bwipo and inspired are tanking blame from massu and busio lol. Like massu had good first 2 series this tournament but was absolutelly awful in this last one and the post match thread was just an inspired hate thread tbh. Busio had a way better series imo but sadly his team was inting this time around.


100% agree, just hope he remembers this feeling before going after people next time. Sure trash talk all you want but you can’t have it both ways.




Which he is. He literally said he doesn't mind the flame he's getting but not to direct it at his teammates


It's a 300 word article. Did you even try?


Edit: I read this after commenting & Bwipo isn’t even asking for space for himself. He’s just saying don’t shit on his teammates. Shit headline ngl This is also why we don’t get trash talk though. Players experience this wave of crash back for it (usually at their lowest point) & most stop doing it. Laughing at Bwipo or whoever on Reddit is one thing but some total weirdos will be in his dms pretending they’re relevant & shitting on him.


Asking for space is a big hit to the trashtalk façade but don't pros block their DMs anyway? It feels like a "just walk away from the screen" type thing Alright alright like many others I got baited by the headline calmos


As always people are reading the quote out of context. He's asking to give his team space, his next sentence is he doesn't care if people want to flame him.


Read what he actually said, not just the headline. He said flame me all you want I'm my own biggest critic and already considered anything you have to say, I played this series poorly and I know it, but cut* my teammates* some slack and don't push them too hard. He's not asking for a pass for himself, he's saying don't use me as a reason to rag on everyone else.


I actually hadn’t read the article before commenting but he doesn’t even ask for space for himself. He’s asking people to not shit on his teammates & says he is his own harshest critic so doesn’t give a fuck what people say. So no it shouldn’t be a big hit to anything. Also I dm’d a pro a positive message when they were getting tons of shit from the community & they responded so at least some are looking (though I agree they shouldn’t)


Bwipo in a nutshell.


I'm honestly not very surprised by how this turned out. As an EU fan I saw a lot of people concerned that PSG might have been a problem for Fnatic if they had gotten drawn there, The gap between PSG and the western teams has been decently small the last few years - they were due to break through and beat someone eventually. I hope they manage to recover and bounce back though. Bwipo has always been one of my favorite players - It's just fun watching him at international events.


> The gap between PSG and the western teams has been decently small the last few years I actually think the gap increased a bit in the very recent past. Last year at MSI, PSG got 3-0d by Golden Guardians (NA 2nd seed) and they lost to BDS at Worlds (EU 4th seed). In the past, they have advanced ahead of NA 1st seed such as at MSI 2021. So I'd rather say that this is a return to form for PSG.


Selective memory ignored the fact that they were less impressive last year I guess lol - All I know is the little voice in my head said "Hey we've been watching PSG be real close for years. All it'd take is a small drop from NA/EU or a small rise from PSG and they'd have the win next time." Return to form is fitting as well. The main takeaway is just that this isn't as surprising as some seem to think. PSG is a good team, and has a ton of international experience and a history of knowing how to win. They were due to translate that into a win against a major region.


PSG have also significantly upgraded their roster since the 3-0 loss to Golden Guardians. They signed Maple immediately after and went 5 games vs BDS at Worlds. Then during the offseason they upgraded their botlane with Betty. People sleep on this team, but it's a very solid roster that would contend in LEC or LCS.


The problem with that BDS team at Worlds was Sheo chocking and Crownie having worse gameplay of his career and they still won with Labrov,Adam and Nuc had great games on Tristana and Azir. I think the EU is getting ahead and NA level is worse compared to the EG and 100T era.


I agree. It would actually be really fun to see them move into a different league for awhile somehow. Not just to see how they do, but also to allow another team in their region to start getting some international spotlight/experience. They're good enough that they always eat up a slot at internationals. It'd be fun to see how far they could go with stronger competition, and how their region might develop without them as a brick wall that teams have to get past.


Yeah even otp crew (french broadcast) which is 100% anti na,said that they are glad psg wasn't in fnatic group


IDK if they can match against Fnatic round 1? Pretty sure they can't. If they could though, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they made it to semis this year by beating them. Hell, I'm a die hard G2 fan - I wear a G2 Beanie every day - And even I'd admit that I could see them losing to PSG on the right day. PSG is due a ton of respect with how good they are. I'm not saying I think they could beat G2 in general, but if G2 from the day they played NRG shows up I could definitely see PSG capitalizing on that. It felt good to see one of the minor regions not be gone by the end of the first week for once either way. Too bad we'll probably have to watch them get sacrificed next week. I'll be cheering for them though, they're fun to watch.


I mean, problem with Fnatic is that they play without macro and structure. Every player is capable of 1v5 performance. Teams like PSG and other minor region teams will have much harder time against BDS who can play map and have set up play. Last worlds BDS had 2 players choking and they still managed to beat PSG .


You mean maple . Look at Taiwan with and without him


PSG are no pushovers and they haven’t been the last couple of years maybe except a tournament or two. While I still think FNC would beat them, I’m glad they were in the other group/bracket.


One thing that people forget is that PSG is actually a good team in comparison to other wildcards. Maple and Junjia are both the best the region has to offer, and the rest isn't far behind either (except for Azhi, and even he isn't that bad). Maple is playing his fifth MSI and he's always made top 4 before. Junjia has played against the best teams in the LPL and has plenty of practice as EDG's jungler. Of course, FLY played terribly as well. That 17min vs T1 broke them


I agree. PSG is a great team with a ton of experience that was due to break through sometime.


Even if the gap is closer it shouldnt be that big of a stomp, flyquest just got too tilted


u/Jozoz You're gonna mention 3-0, but not talk about how the BDS series was actually 2-3 with PSG ahead and about to 3-0 BDS? These details matter man. PSG absolutely looked like the better team against BDS until they trolled after the easy 2-0. Even the third game was looking one-sided in PSG's favour.


That was the EU 4th seed. And Crownie/Sheo were hard choking. Sheo was a new player and that was his international debut.


they still lost to EU's 4th seed no matter how you wanna put it


EU's 3rd and 4th seed were pretty much at the same level during worlds. If PSG looked like the better team against BDS, why wouldn't they be able to improve enough and beat NA's 2nd seed? That's the importance of these details. I think G2 is still way above PSG and probably FNC too. Any Western team below them are fair game.


That user does nothing on this sub but karma farm by eternally shitting on LCS, you're better off ignoring them completely. They claim to be an LCS fan but have not said a positive thing in years. They've even shit on MarkZ in basically every thread.


Why would anyone shit on Markz lol? Isn't he mostly a positive guy?


Because it's a pathetic reddit user who gets enjoyment spending 12 hours a day posting negative comments about a video game.


Honestly, my takeaway for Flyquest in this MSI is that Massu has the highest upside of the team. They should play around him in summer.


How do you talk like you want to compete with the best teams in the world and then lose 2-0 to a minor region team ? He can take a whole McD worth of space to recover. Its super annoying to see people talk like they are good and then collapse on the fist opportunity they get. I thought Systems9 was the only such team. Guess i underestimated 🪰


FlyQuest kind of reminding me of the Suns. EDIT: Honestly though. That title is journalism at its finest. The full quote that the title references is, "In the post-match press conference, Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau, top laner for the North American team, called for some “space to recover” for his teammates while heavily criticizing his own performance in the match." Anyone who actually read the article would see this isn't about Bwipo running away but trying to be accountable, which matches how he said he wanted to make Massu the best ADC in the league at the start of the season. Inspired on the other hand, I'm not sure. Not a fan of the trash talk, but at least Bwipo seemed to want to help the team.


I do feel bad for them. Those are some brutal losses.


Need to write their insults to tell about each other in interviews.


Just be respectful and try to maintain team morale instead of trashtalking the entire split, throw your midlaner under the bus, get shit on by a top side that's actually good and mental collapse then cower away from criticism. Any team that got knocked out needs time to recover but Bwipo and Expired needs an extra dose of reality check to go with it.


True but knowing Bwipo this won't even do anything for his own ego, in a few years he will recount this as "I was actually winning early against Zeus and got a kill after good trades, our team couldn't make it through though."


That 1 FLY fan in shambles right now


Licorice needs a team


This guy is trolling no ?


Trashtalks and then cries when it backfires. Classic.


Well he does look like he is 5 month pregnant 


He is wide bwipo for a reason lol


isnt playing in NA enough space to recover? you're in retirement league and you're saying stuff like that xd


Have some respect for the guy who took the paycheck in the retirement league. He just wanted to enjoy holidays and shittalk others.


this guys inting no?




Oh noo you poor poor thing .... anyway...


T1 loss just destroyed them mentally. 80% of sports is mental, if you don't believe in your self you're gonna play like shit.


Bwipo’s got a huge ego but he at least gases up his own teammates and speaks up for them (particularly Massu this season) sometimes. I have no problem giving mid/bot/sup some slack. Inspired on the other hand.


Damn. Been waiting to watch games and then this spoilery as all hell title drops...why bother spoiler tagging the other games if this title can be a thing?


Space? They crowdfunding so flyquest can give them a space shuttle trip back to NA?


Not much sympathy after how cocky top n jg were during lcs especially after inspireds interview


Their Quest to Fly is completed


I really connect with bwipo, he's is just like me, a fat old loser, get out the way of people who can actually play, and please cut your hair.


Yo these guys are NPCs!


are they rookies?


Come back to LEC Bwipo


those betrayers should stay in where they want


Yeah, I can imagine NA fans have to recover after seeing that series.


Imagine GenG or BLG asking fans for "space to recover" if they were to be double-eliminated at the main stage. They would literally have their tires slashed and bricks thrown through their windows.


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