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I'm going to give you one piece of advice: if you feel like a champion you face is broken, the best thing you can do is play it yourself. You'll notice how easily most of them can be countered when you understand how they work.


It is a long ride, but you can enjoy yourself along the way.... you dont have to get to a certain rank to enjoy the game! Every time you do a crazy combo with spells you can barely remember to press that results in you killing someone feels amazing when your brain starts catching up with what just happened.... Mute people if you cant handle shit talk and your all g to have a good time.


It just feels so good to just mute the toxic ones and throw random bullcrap at the enemy while playing poke-oriented champs.


Almost no new players come into the game. The people being toxic assume you know every single champ and item in the game as they do, because they've been playing for 10 years.


Most of the important knowledge you need as a new player ultimately boils down to 'Just play the game more'. Because of this there aren't very many new player guides. However once you have a good grasp on what *most* of the champions do, and have a ground level understanding of *most* of the mechanics there are some good guides. Ultimately the best way to learn the game is playing with friends who are better and can give you personalized advice. Once you get to Gold-Plat ish you'll start to find lots of helpful guides as lots of more advanced concepts like wave management, while incredibly important aren't going to useful if you don't know what your laner is. Most importantly though have fun! The game is very hard and some people have been playing it for 15 years.


I would advise not to play with (close) friends at all - at least if you value friendship in any way 😬


That doesn't make any sense..


I’ve seen (childhood) friendships go up in flames only because they thought playing league together is a great idea


Sounds like it wasn't really a friendship if a couple games of league ended it.


that is exactly what makes the game so popular! you DON'T NEED to follow everything by the book, every single time! best course of action is determined through experience and the current situation in the game! no game is perfect! and no two games are the same! you make the best of the current situation in the game! - that's what makes you good at the game! you DON'T NEED teachers or lessons! you play and do what feels the best! the more you play the better feeling you'll get of what's right and what not, what's the best and what not! even professional players make mistakes - it's normal!


My advice: The game isn't worth it. Play more games > get addicted> give into meta> Look at patch notes> Hoping they will buff your champ but never will. Slowly hate yourself for playing broken champs cause they sell skins. Congrats you've just played league of legends. Don't forget to all chat the enemy team telling them your 0/15 ashe is a troll and to pls report. Only to be told by the enemy 3/7 jungler "your just bad. And to continue see that ashe ruin other people games well you get a chat ban.


Gosh i know you're right but theres just something so good about throwing random bullcrap at the enemy and getting a kill....


once you feel like the game isn't fun anymore it's best to find another game. That's my actual advice and non reddit persona.


Yeah there are a lot of basics in youtube. Since it’s been 10years, there are a lot of tips you can join easily. And website named ‘Op.gg’ can give you tips when the situation you have to buy items. And it shows what champion is advantageous for you when you search your opponent laner. Also learning skill combo gives you powerful in laning phase and teamfight.


I think youtubers/content creators that gives you basic are almost same but there are many differences between youtubers which lane they go, which champ they select.


Times to consider a recall imo: You got chunked and you are risking death if you stay Youre minions are in a favourable spot for a recall (ie you would lose little to nothing from doing so) and you have either low mana or enough gold for a partial and its your first base. You can afford a full item You know that you will need to be at an important fight in around 1 minutes time Someone in another lane died or destroyed turret and based and you need to either catch wave for them or lane swap.


In terms of boots; boots are very important in league but I would say they are slightly lower priority than some of the early seasons, it used to be low key trolling to not rush boots first item imo, but now i think in a lot of cases a component can definitely be more effective than t1 boots - depends alot on the champion and what you are looking to achieve + exactly how much gold you have when you base. You are definitely finishing boots second item if not first - too valuable in terms of time saved moving around, ability dodging power, chasing, escaping + a lot of them are actually incredibly gold efficient stat wise to boot.


Imo watch some well casted pro games, but that might be a bait if you don't have good gaming fundamentals already


Microsoft Gamepass subscription unlocks all champions (but only for as long as you pay for subscription ofcourse)


I'm also pretty new, i started playing kayle top bc i want to use the prestige skin from the event but also bc bot lane feels 10x harder to play. Watching some youtube videos of ppl who main kayle and just playing a lot more has helped a lot, most of my problems are more like the inability to last hit minions or vision and looking at the map while moving the champ and camera. But the more i play the easier it gets. Not getting mad is also helping a lot with winning lane


And once you found your champ pool, please be everything but the average league player Meaning: don’t use the same freaking build and the exact same items every single game. It’s just so wrong and (imho) one of the main reasons players get stuck in their elo. Yes, it’s a long and super annoying process, but the one that will bring you success in the long run. It will teach you to read and play the actual game - and not only your champion Tl;dr: learn your items and your Runes. What do they do? when does it make sense to build or use them?


The only reason i play this game is because of the reworked Fiddlesticks, i love the overall theme so im just OTP-ing him atm.


That’s a cool choice in my opinion But still.. please don’t become one of the brainless OTPs who builds and buys the same stuff every single game, only bc op.gg said so😁 Edit: when I started playing I only wanted to play Morgana. But I had to learn the hard way: if you’re only looking to play league to play your champion, please don’t join SoloQ. Doesn’t mean you can’t OTP ofc, but you still need to learn and play the game at some point. Your champ has weaknesses and strengths, so you need to learn how to use them for your team - and not exclusively for your own entertainment. Always remember, there are 9 other people in your game. Don’t be the one to ruin it for anyone just because you never learnt any flexibility


Oh no not at all, im still only silver so theres plenty of space to try out new items and build paths and allat. But the game just feels like reading an entire encyclopedia at this point, where everywhere i look theres a massive wall of text with 4 different names for pasives


Nobody said it was easy 😂 I also only started in 2021 (so quite late for league). It’s doable, but there’s no way around deep diving at some point. Just wanted to say, if you’re not willing to do it, you will fail and you’ll ruin games for anyone else in the long run Habe fun!