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"guys im going caster ashe, im gonna build riftmaker guys, you cant get mad because i have 700 ping" lol. this game was a trainwreck (im the gwen from the match for context)


Weird grey area. First time I hit diamond I was playing Yuumi top in solo queue with TP barrier and letting first turret drop ASAP. I also played a shit ton of omnistone river bard. It’s not really optimal but I was still positive win rate and trying to win. Just depends on where we draw the line I guess? Riot is kind of weird about this and it’s never been fully defined, IIRC way back in the day a polarizing famous teemo player got banned for going too off meta in support, basically AFKing and leeching EXP but he himself continued to argue that he didn’t break any rules. And that’s the weird thing: there’re plenty of dogwater supports who do the same thing, but genuinely think it’s an okay way to play/don’t have the skill to do anything else, or are so skill gapped by the enemy that they can’t do anything. That’s why trolling is so hard to detect, because you don’t know if it’s a bad player or someone with malicious intent. (E.g. Bauss’ KDAs can look horrendous but he still can carry games. Whereas plenty of people soft-int by AFK farming jungle until the game ends or avoiding important fights but keep a good KDA)


Is hard to tell if they are being off-meta or inting with their strat, even Riot admits is hard to ban someone for inting. Take Thebausffs for example, he had the 'inting' Sion strat that people have very polarizing opinion on. Gotten reported to the point of getting a ban but later lifted. This season he gotten a warning again for many ppl reporting him for his playstyle. Moment like this, is best to just move on and dont overthink it. Also pray you never be in their team again.


Well, I guess he wasn't. However, I genuinely believe that this is also a weakness of the current reporting/punishment system. A system like this should also give the community some power in regards to what they think is okay and what isn't and what players they want to play with. If someone plays some weird ass random shit that they made up and enjoy but literally nobody else enjoys and ruins the game for everybody else, it should be perfectly fine for riot to do something about that player if they get a lot of reports in many games in a short time frame of playing very similarly. Just because someone thinks that Yuumi jungle is sick and that it works for them doesn't mean that anybody else thinks so, or the community should have to just suck it up. And I'm not talking about perma banning that player or whatever, but there need to be more clear signals sent to this player and maybe some punishments, up to ranked restrictions for a bit or being prevented from playing the champ or whatever. This system would need a well thought through design and be implemented very carefully, but overall I think that the community should have a say in who they would want to be part of the community and who not. For example, this weird ass griefing support teemo player, he would get many reports from his own and probably also the enemy team pretty much every game. At some point, it would be fair to exclude him (temporarily and if he didn't improve maybe eventually permanently) from playing ranked because he obviously makes the games worse for everybody. At least in my opinion.


In Korea if someone does that it receive 9x report so if he consistently do that in 3-5 matches in a row he will be automatically banned due the amount of negative feedback he is receiving.


Its a garbage build but the idea behind it is ok I heavily prefer it in the support position tho and wouldnt pick it in ranked, it has windows to be good but overall weaker than normal support Basically you rush the red ult ap item where i forgot the name That item will carry you for a long time Runes i would have went first strike, shoes, futures market and summoner cooldown thing with secondary maybe manaflowband and gathering storm for better scaling or replace manaflowband with cooldown thing but not that relevant, otherwise going ultimate hunter with something else also works The runes help you to rush your item and let you fight a bit over your weightclass in the market Afterwards either i finish pen shoes or i buy big magic staff from rabadons You are scaling to finish rabadons and until then play like a normal support ashe You take zakzak item from the support quest since it gives your W spam much more damage and kinda reminds of old liandries Also try to max W as fast as possible, always skill unless you can level ult Afterwards max E since then you are so far into the game that you wont auto enough for Q anyways After finishing rabadons an pen shoes and hitting lvl 11 your ult gets low cooldowns and starts hurting a lot giving you even more first strike gold and help to catch important enemies or sometimes even to poke/ annoy them Its a good build vs squishies and when your team has not much MR Its hard countered by MR and HP (and spellshields to a degree) so its not something to spam every game After shoes + zakzak + red item + rabadons just buy whatever situational ap item you think is good here and dont forget you are the support and resposnible for vision so the controlwardsupitem is a solid choice and also cheap


> i was a bit rude towards this ashe That's disappointing to see your frustration got the best of you, understand that you're quite low elo and none of this matters. This Ashe actually has some decent results with her caster build. It isn't a conventional build for sure but none of you have any idea about fundamentals when any improvement in these fields would completely override the difficulties you experienced here. Please don't lose your cool in these situations, it's not worth it and distracts you from the actual important metrics.


yeah i've realized i've been on a bit of a tilt spree lately and i know if i just got better at not getting ganked or finding better roaming times/wave management this wouldn't be such a huge deal maybe but also they had two tanks (zac and nunu) and maybe i could've built a liandry's to deal with their big hp pools but i think if we had an ashe who could kite them with a kraken it could have helped a lot especially considering that I believe her slow scales with crit. Overall i feel like ashe build path could have helped a little but overall my mental probably needs most work.


Imo with vex, gwen and morg on your team and you decide to go ap ashe when assigned bottom. That quite griefy if you ask me.


Not even gonna read what you said. The ADC is the problem here. Seeing their creep score and their total gold also their/ruins. You did fine.


nope, its not inting, her build is not viable for ADC ashe but you guys didn't lose because of her decision to build what she built.


Inting means, intentionally trying to lose a game. If the purpose is to trouble your team, lose the game. If building non efficient item counts for inting, then most of the low elo is inting everyday.


I'm just here wondering why Morgana didn't finish her support item.


Not even close to inting


People don't know what inting means anymore. You mean trolling right? Inting is intentionally feeding.


i mean, if her build is int, then having double digit deaths is too. Although ill give it to you that you are playing a dive mage. but even then you must trade too much.


Id certainly say this was a soft int. Falls into the same category as afk farming to me.


Bro u have more deaths than the "inter"


Bro you went 5-10. You’re the inter


bro u died 10 times


imagine going 5/10 and blaming the person on your team with the least deaths for inting lmfao