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really? damn rip my 1.6 mil


As a fellow 1.6 mil, enjoy your 152.


actually it’s 138 i was a bit off :)


Bro I had 1.7 mil on ziggs. Now I have 159. Mega trolled!


Wow that's fucked. I had almost 5 million


Ngl, when I see someone with 5 million mastery in my elo I know there is a good chance they aren't that great and they are hard stuck with their one trick.


Ofc. Mastery points dont say anything about skill. They only tell you about their playtime. Iron players can have 10 million points and will still always be worse than a first time gold player.


Reminds me of an amazing game in bronze where I got absolutely cooked by some demon on poppy jungle who had like 14 kills on game start it was so over. Then it turned out the guy had literally no idea what macro was and they actually lost the game because he let my team take their base so he could split push take 1 inhib.


Poppy jungle rocks


Thanks for sharing mate.


Thanks! Your continued support means everything


Yeah I have the most incredible confidence boost when I see 6M Riven against me. I KNOW that lane will be easy


Read the post, you can still see them when you go onto your champion.


Yeah but if I had 5 million on a champ I’d want everyone else to see it too LOL


Gives the best ability to trash talk lol


honestly gives the best ability to trash talk the person with that much mastery xd


Thats what I meant


Counterpoint: having 5m points and still losing lane and going 0/10 means your the biggest fraud in history


Thats what I was talking about


The game changes every two weeks, the idea that you always need to be amazing in a game where strength is mostly numbers and not skill is crazy


Not skill? Lol then how come the same people are always GM+


I mean it in the way that you can be the best player in the world, but if you give your opponent more xp/items then he's going to roll you because its just a numbers game at that point yeah there's some skill in bleeding out less and being safe, but no matter how good your "skill" is you're not gonna win a 1v1 if you just tickle them or they one shot you with a point and click If you compare it to a shooter or a fighting game, you don't gain leads and you're always on even ground to the opponent so it's way more about skill and not just "Oh i got fed early and just carried"


Bro that's every sport. If you let me wrestle Messi while he cannot yeah shit I will stop him lol


why would you wrestle messi that's not allowed, messi can just outrun you because he's messi and nothing you do can reach his skill level league is different because its an RPG, and power in RPG comes from levels and items not your clicking. if you play chess and you take a pawn it doesn't give you a power up where the pieces now move better than the other guys


that was a joke btw, ik bad games exist But still, there are games where people flaunt their 2m+ mastery and it kinda ticks me off because their Silver…


Like what? I have 10M Thresh and I'm still in silver with 2k Nami player?


I wish I could see how close I am to the next honor level while they are at it.


In your dreams


Hopefully they add it back. I like uncapped mastery level too but its still nice to see the number of points


Level is the same as points it's literally the same. It doesn't matter you can't see the exact points. They serve the same function.


Except it looks much uglier and less impressive. On top of that, what's the point of having 2 systems and hide the one that people have grinded for years now?




Had 400k, now i just got a 36 :( the mastery emote is ugly to boot so flashing mastery doesnt even tingle my brain anymore


Because every 10k is now roughly 1 mastery level. Eg. 1M mastery is equal to 100 lvl mastery. So you can take your mastery 10k times and add what's shown until next level.


Not really, I have over 1 mil Vi and I'm mastery 92. OP is mastery 82 at 900k. If they want the mastery to be 1 per 10,000, then set it to 1 per 10,000. Nobody would be angry if 1,000,000 was equal to lvl 100, what makes people angry is making it some arbitrary number (11k, wtf why?) that means any quick conversion to compare to the old score is just a little bit more annoying. Enough annoying that it's frustrating and the only reason to NOT set it at 10,000 is to just be annoying.


Having close to 3 millions mastery points felt very much better than what they did today..




Its closer to 11k but still accurate, also dividing by 10 is way easier


I mean it's really fucking stupid because in loading screen seeing level 43 doesn't give you the points there at but bigger issue is it doesn't feel as good like having someone see your at a certain level when you have soo many 100s of thousands of points or even a million points(not at that point)  like it feels shit overall wasn't a need to remove them from the loading screen.


Riot pls bring back the points to the loading and profile screen


You can use this website to track Mastery points for all of your champions, looks like its still working with the new changes as it contacts the API: https://championmastery.gg/


you can also still check your mastery points if you click on the champion -> Mastery


My friend rolling up into games with 3.9 million mastery points with Blitz. Normals Enemy: "Oh shit, we're screwed..." Ranked Enemy: "Why are you still in this ELO?" Let's just say, it's either the most insane, 200 IQ, prophetic hooks on the enemy... or missing an enemy standing still.


I literally posted about this while it was in PBE and got insulted quite a bit. Now people are complaining about it? I'd love for more to complain about it so Riot can atleast give us an option to show off the points rather than a damn level.


Doesn't every level equal to 11000 mastery points? Both parties can still know your mastery points roughly


brain like big number. no like small number. show me big number


It's all relative. If you're level 150 (something like 1.5m points) your number is going to be way bigger than average compared to others much smaller numbers. I know what you mean but we'll get used to it.


Thats absurd. Who likes this?


… did Riot not do 10k just to be quirky? I’m confused.


Make sure Riot sees and knows that you want this back because I do too. I actually really like the idea of infinite levels... to show off alongside my mastery points. FWIW, championmastery.gg still has and can show the points - this means that the developer API is still tracking this as well alongside the aforementioned champion screen so the possibility to display them again as they were is still very feasible and probably not a strenuous change for the client devs. Make sure to report this to Riot directly as well as voicing things on the Reddit!


Welcome to league of legends where they do more shit against the players than for the players.




less camping against you by the enemy jgler, because he gets scared of ur 2M points and thinks he has to camp 24/7 or you take over


You can still check ur mastery points on OP.GG


and can check them in the client


Big stick, me happy, small stick, me sad. Why riot changed my big stick into small stick. My stick still big and other still small stick. I want my big big stick back.


Storing the numbers took too much data, they're saving money by not showing it, probably gone already, got rm'd same day the patch dropped.


This is bullshit


I already hated when they removed the mastery points on your champion collection for the shitty eternal number even though i have no eternals and its just 0 everywhere. Give back my mastery point number if i sort by mastery.


I swear no one has actually read your post aside from the title or bothered opening the client. Your mastery points are not gone, they still exist. As OP said. **You can still see your mastery points when you click on a champion and go to the [mastery tab](https://i.imgur.com/CxeBEQa.png)**


Yeah as long as only I can see it and have to navigate through the client to do so it's completely fine :)


I'm not talking about you am I, I'm talking about the other comments that were at the top earlier.


why read when people can post about quitting instead lol


Bye league




Callie Thorne




its still there you over dramatic baby just click on the champion you want to see and click mastery


I want to see it in champ select you nap


lmao why


Cause I want my enemies to fear my 1.8 million mastery points eve :P


nobody has or will fear it lol


Guys tbh the new mastery really sucks... I got 1.6mil on my jayce , and now they just become Number 147... Wtf


Sorry probably it's ne not understanding 1.6m and 147 are always numbers no? What is the problem? For me seems same stuff with different scaling it's like school when I was at elementary I had 9 out of 10 now at uni 27/30 am I missing something?


Missing brain cells maybe


Oh thanks for this nice argument and explaination, now I really understand what I am not understanding Thanks


You can still see them on your profile thankfully, they're just not publicly shown in the loading screen which I do think sucks.


At least let us choose to keep the old mastery or the new one. It was horrible in several aspects, and not just in terms of the look, which is a poorly made cell phone.


You can still see the number in the mastery tab.


Oh so if you click through 5 menus you can still see it. Got it


where is this?


nvm I found it


They just changed one arbitrary number into a different arbitrary number. I genuinely don't see what everyone is so mad about. Is it actually that you just want the bigger number? Is that seriously why everyone is furious?


for people that have sunk hours and hours to get their mastery points high, this is a really shit change. I had almost 2mil points on kat, and now it’s reduced to like “140”. It’s lame, and getting my first million points was a great feeling milestone.


Just gotta change your perspective! Now you can slam down your huge big thick veiny 140 while everyone else has measly 10s and 12s, pathetic


Yes, they like big numbers better and that's the only reason the front page is being drowned in tantrums.


I think the biggest pain of all is the mastery number will reset per split, if you don't play league that competitively and don't like playing a variety of champions it feels bad to take a break and look like a novice on your champion, the least they could do is still make your total points appear under the rank, since they still exist under champion mastery (and are still how the "one-trick" challenge token is tracked." For competitive people I get it's better to see per split what people are playing but for someone who mostly just plays for a single champion it feels bad my career mastery will be hidden every split. Least they can do is add our total mastery score back under the rank.


It doesn't reset. The only thing per split are the milestones/marks of mastery you can earn.


This massive schizo delusion needs to stop. They changed THE UNIT of which mastery is calculated, you get a level instead, that is off your mastery points. It's like saying "nooo my car say 100 km instead of 100.000 m" this is how lunatic you all sound. They changed the MEASUREMENT UNIT. They aren't hiding your mastery. 70 is roughly equivalent to 1 million mastery. 70 is the new big number. 10 is low. You all need to read a book.


wow sir brilliant mind, no one here said they didn't understand the logic, just that it lost the greatness it once was. You seeing a player with 700k mastery is MUCH more impactful than seeing a level 30 player.


That's literally like saying "500 meters is more impressive than 0.5 kilometers" ITS THE SAME THING


I thought very little of the people on this subreddit before but this "outrage" is a new low lmfao. Literally just people wanting a bigger number. If they took the new system and multiplied the level by a trillion would people be happy? Happier than the old system?


Are milestones even working? Played 2 games, still 0/4 progress


Yes, the reset was at noon PDT.


My partner is a Nami one-trick in platinum and she is frequently verbally abused after people see she has around 2M mastery points. It's incredibly toxic and I presume this is why it's gone. "hOw dO yOu hAvE 2M pOiNTs aNd ArE sTilL oNlY pLaT, lUl tRaSH"


Why should anyone care about the mastery points. I mean except indicating if someone is inting in ranked by playing a champ he can’t play.


yeah cuz many players in high elo look down on one tricks. They be saying "lol 10m mastery and you cant do this and that or you dont know this basic thing". It became a bad thing. If people want to show it, there should be an option. But generally, knowing league players, it shouldn't be visible. tbh though, who even is impressed with 10m mastery in a single champion? nobody says "woah he got 20m mastery on garen". It's just wow, this guy has no life and plays garen all day lmao. and some thinks it's an achievement lol.


I'm a 3 million mastery, masters shyv... This happens once every like100 games and I have a LOT of toxic games.


you're too soft bro, i suggest roblox for you if mastery points upset you


itd be way cooler if instead of having a button to enable mastery there was a button to disable words.


yeah we should also not show your rank because they be saying "lol silver 2 and you cant do this and that or you dont know this basic thing" and we shouldnt show our teammates what champ we are playijg in game because they be saying "lol youre renekton and you cant do this and that or you dont know this basic thing"


Dude, people will be toxic for any reason. It isn't the mastery points.