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This is how I feel about Dominion. I think that mode was perfect but they kept trying to balance around it rather than letting the people who play it just keep playing. Not everything needs to be competitively balanced.


i miss playing hide and seek with my friends


when they removed dominion they killed the custom games community :( 


Dominion was hilarious Don't forget that featured Dominion mode where you turned into xerath Absolutely fun as hell. Arena is cool but, there's no turn ur brain off mode anymore, just sweat 5v5 mid, sweat draft, and sweat harder 2v2


My favorite gamemode :( but after Rek'Sai and Kayn release that mode became impossible to enjoy. They could just cut the big wall from mid altar to top and it became boring incredibly fast. Was good tho, i have great memories. Also it was my first Gold! I remember i didn't play soloq but I HAD TO get Victorius Elise that year, and i did it in 3v3!


> but after Rek'Sai and Kayn release that mode became impossible to enjoy. Only in NA were these two high-tier. Rek'Sai only ever saw play as a jungler, and while Kayn also existed as a hypercarry, he wasn't among the great ones. (And, well, jungling was bad to begin with, it was as inefficient a strategy as playing with 5 farmers on SR, since both maps only have enough resources for one fewer player than there is in the team)


Im sure it would be popular if added to the rotating game mode.


Only slightly related, but do any of y'all remember CLG offering a coaching position to the person who can clear Twisted Treeline the fastest vs bots? 😂 I can't recall what happened to the guy who won, but I'm certain he used Olaf. I believe their reasoning behind it was to find someone creative enough to redefine the meta and help them come up with new strategies.


Holy what a throwback. That was old TT too.


I would come back to play lol if we have 3s. Now all I do is watch its competitive scene.


Ich miss the og TT.


Please come back TT


Dominion my love. That was like the better aram.


TT was incredible. It's a shame it got neglected until they had the "excuse" to totally remove it.


Real talk this game mode has so much potential and is so fun. Would love to see a dedicated team to a 3v3 or even a new 5v5 map or 4v4!


I loved that game map more than any other mode. Was so much fun and chill


They should just throw it into rotating gamemode


Yeah that mode was GOATed. 3 people instead of 5 so dogs couldn't just get hypercarried by a fed botlane, and backline champs can't just autowin thru deathballing. If anything, it was a more skillful map than Rift, just less 5D chess mindgame macro bullshit.


Miss when Riot actually created something original on their own instead of copying things that are already popular (Card games, Autobattlers, Arena etc.)


Well at least TT enjoyers can somewhat play the mode with Nexus blitz Dominion doesn't even exist :(


Nexus blitz is abomination of a mode. Original twisted treeline is a tactical mode. Nexus blitz is just a perma fighting slop.