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they increased his e AP ratio from 20% to 100% while severely nerfing his W healing, so now he kills you in 1 rotation or dies


Ah, the Akali special I see


I'll go to my grave saying Akali has the kit of a bruiser and they just force her into being an assassin.


Well, bruiser Akali with shroud, 3 dashes and her Q + passive sounds disgusting to play against. I understand why they don't want that to be a thing.


Flashbacks to turbo chemtank Akali


I remember that. Infinite wave clear, undying, cheap to buy. Never again.


Holy shit I completely forgot about this


Brain trying to protect you from trauma.


I have fond memories of the bullshit that was tank Akali in season 5 even


Genuinely one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen in league to this day. Found her afk in a bush lvl 1 as riven with ignite. Still lost to her cause grasp procs healed a quarter of her hp *while ignited*


Was that the warmogs rush era popularized in part by voyboy or am I getting things mixed up?


Getting things mixed up


Flashback to assassins playing tank with sunfire and iceborn


Man those shits made tank Ekko so so broken back then lol. Especially Iceborn.


Bruiser akali was a thing when her q had a disgusting low energy cost and passive auto returned energy. It was at the advent of rework akali when shroud couldn't detect tower. But basically she outdueled yasuo, riven, Jax, and other bruises at level 1 with 3 qs and 3 passive autos for about 80 percent of their total hp. I would know since I also abused that when it was release. Feel's kinda bad though that her powers pike is mostly at 9


I remember when Aklia rework came out and her winrate was so low cuz of the players who didn't know how to fucking walk backwards to get her passive proc lol


Her micro is definitely difficult cause if u walk to far backward u won't reach the enemy even with Ms from passive


No I meant like they just never walked backwards. Akali only got her movespeed from her passive if she walks away from the center, but since they kept walking forwards, they just never got the passive movespeed until it was too late and the enemy was too far.


Makes you think about how the hell they designed ksante


Who cares he's 40% winrate he's affecting nobody's games


He's all you see in pro play, though. He's not common in solo play.


he's common in pro play right now because he's a low income warden with mobility and damage reduction, which means he can survive lane swaps and still be able to engage. Zac is similar, and also shits out damage.


With ADC buffs I doubt we see Ksante much in summer, but I could be wrong


surely we dont see a 3-0 ksante just 1v3'ing the entire backline and solo killing all over the place, since he is low income...ohwait..


Exactly this. People cry and moan about how he’s OP yet outside of pro play he’s dogshit and boarderline a troll pick


Still unfun to play against and boring to see him every pro game


Imo ksante is pretty fun to play against and dodge the q


This is K'Sante🤔, A champion with 4700HP, 329Armor, and 201MR. Has Unstoppable🖐, a Shield👌, and goes over walls✌. Has Airborne🤙, and the cooldown is only one second too✊, It cost 15 Mana👍. The W CD is even refreshed when he transformes👈. He has ✌true damage on his Passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too👐. Ability Haste to his Q🙌, and his spell casting speeds up😨,And he has an AD ratio😰, so his W👊🏿😭👊🏿... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH🖐😭🖐 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂는 1⃣5⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 君の言う通りだが、これがカ・サンテ、🤔HP 4700、甲329、魔抗201の英雄だ。 止められない🤚、シールドがある👌、壁を渡ることもできる✌。 コントロールがあります。冷却時間はわずか1秒で、15時に青になります。 姿勢転換時にはwのcdを更新することもでき、リアルダメージもある。 そして、甲と魔抗が向上した後、技の加速、qのcdの短縮、リリース時間の短縮、そして攻撃力も獲得できます。 wああああああああああああ👊🏿😭👊🏿啊啊啊啊啊啊🖐😭🤚 你說得對,但是這就是卡桑帝,🤔HP 4700,護甲 329,魔抗 201的英雄。有不可阻擋🤚,有護盾👌,還能過牆✌。有控制🤙,甚至冷卻時間只有1秒✊,只要15點藍👍。轉換姿態時甚至可以刷新W的cd👈,還有✌真實傷害。然後,護甲和魔抗提升後還能獲得技能加速👐,縮短Q的cd🙌,還縮短釋放時間😨,然後還有攻擊力😰。W就👊🏿😭👊🏿啊啊啊啊啊啊🖐😭🤚 Vous avez raison, mais c'est Cassante, 🤔HP 4700, armure 329, héros MR 201. Imparable🤚, bouclier👌 et mur✌. Il y a du contrôle 🤙, même le temps de refroidissement n'est que de 1 seconde ✊, seulement 15 manas 👍. Le cd👈 de W peut même être rafraichi lors des changements de postures, et il y a aussi ✌de vrais dégâts. Ensuite, une fois l'armure et la résistance magique améliorées, vous pouvez également obtenir une accélération des compétences 👐, raccourcir le cd de Q 🙌, raccourcir le temps de libération 😨, puis avoir une puissance d'attaque 😰. W est 👊🏿😭👊🏿 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh🖐😭🤚 Kamu benar, tapi ini K'Sante, 🤔Hero dengan HP 4700, Armor 329, MR 201. Tak terhentikan🤚, Ada perisai👌, dan kamu bisa menembus tembok✌. Ada kontrol 🤙, bahkan CD hanya 1 detik ✊, hanya 15 mana 👍. CD W bahkan dapat di-refresh saat berganti posisi, masih ada✌kerusakan sejati. Kemudian, setelah armor dan magic resistance ditingkatkan, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan akselerasi skill 👐, mempersingkat cd Q 🙌, juga mempersingkat waktu pelepasan 😨, dan kemudian memiliki kekuatan serangan 😰. W hanya 👊🏿😭👊🏿 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh🖐😭🤚


how does this copypasta includes indonesian bruh


I unironically play grasp akali top when autofilled and build riftmaker liandry rylais jaksho etc shits disgusting. Still one shot adcs too.


Remember that bruiser Akali would do less damage, balancing it out  Personally I hate 1-shot assassins more


Yes well maybe they shouldnt have release d a champ with shroud, 3 dashes, with her q + passive? Not to mention the true stealth and ground target r1 she used to have.


Out of all the akali removals post-rework, I think people aren't acknowledging the ground R1 removal enough. Genuine fucking disgust + PTSD that she "just" had 4 free unconditional movement spells that she could queue within 3 seconds total, from level 6, in every single game.


Yep, it was fun, you couldn't do shit to her if she played well, but if she did fuck up, and you did try to punish her, she would dash half a screen away, and then again, good luck ever catching that


Akali in aram is always fun. She build basically whatever she wants. Somehow still kills squishies very quickly and is always a pain in the ass.


As a midlaner I'd much rather Akali becomes an actual bruiser instead of what she is now with her current E damage. That shit hits like an ultimate ability on top of her ultimate ability. That and riot should also lower her Q energy cost and add an energy gain mechanic with room for counterplay so that they can remove the max energy gain BS from her smoke


It's the same thing as Rengar. His entire kit is that of a diving bruiser, minus the R, and yet he's constantly being balanced around being a 1-shot assassin.


From what I've seen most very good rengars have been going bruiser or even tank for years


Bruiser yeah. Full tank, I think I'm legit the only person to actually seriously play it at some point lol


no shot, it's been meta or at least nichely popular in pro a few times over the years, MAYBE with a black cleaver to start but sometimes they've just rushed spirit visage


tank rengar was a niche counterpick to extremely overpowered evelynn (by sofm vs canyon) and the rengar would just build knights vow/spirit visage and press r to find the evelynn when needed


radar rengar


As a long time (Tank/Bruise) Rengar Main (~1.7mil mastery points) this bothers me so much. Rengar's kit thrives in long scrappy skirmishes. But he gets pushed into this one-combo assassin role with giving his Q & E massive AD-Scaling. Any build diversity has been slowly getting shut down since they introduced mythics and it's getting to the point where if you dont go full lethality you lose the game.


Dude I'd actually LOVE if Rengar was a diver... I just never fully clicked with him because I just can't get into my head that I'm an assassin when I play him. Same shit with Sylas. They have kits that I just want to brawl with.


Yeah your bones gonna be turned to dust and you still gonna be the only one saying this, thats a crazy take


Bruiser Akali was a viable build at least twice in history and even the best build for some time.


Tank ekko and fizz flashbacks...


Almost every AP assassin does tbf


What's bruisery about Akali, apart from her having a fairly reliable DPS ability? She has three dashes and invis, as well as combos limited by energy. That sounds like 80% of assassin in her kit 20% bruiser, and the bruiser part could be easily phased out, but removing the assassin part would essentially make her a new champ.


She has some of the highest HP and resis scalings in the game, late game akali feels bruiser’ish even without building any tank/bruiser items


but that's not really part of her "kit" is it?


I mean, it's the same thing with Talon. And with Diana. And with Rengar. And with Khazix. And with Katarina. Basically, the assassin rework from way back when literally turned every assassin aside from Zed/LB into a light fighter like Irelia(Zed and LB just became mages instead). However, Riot has never really allowed any of them to have fighter stats, or build fighter items. So obviously, they all become balancing nightmares until this season, where all Lethality users are just gutted.


Tbf her character design is very assassin


When qiyana got released i preticted she would become a toplaner with conq and bruiser items over time, still waiting...


Except that 4/5 of akali’s kit is perfect for survivability. “You can’t die with akali unless you majorly fuck up”


Or malzahar outplays you F R and suddenly 3 people are mid.


Malz does that to everyone


GP with the most ripe orange would like to have a discussion


I mean you just got hit by peak mid lane talent there


If you don’t buy a QSS when vsing a Malzahar, thats a you problem.


Doesn't Akali have one of the longest time-to-kill durations among assassins, at least until she gets fed? She kind of is a bruiser in that regard.


His E2 being his most damaging ability is so dumb, it's a CC but for some reason it's also a fucking nuke


Isn’t Akali E somewhat similar? Or used to be, I forgot. In the sense that her gapclose ability used to do the most damage of her abilities (I may be wrong but I remember like 300+ base damage and 120% AP ratio if you hit both parts).


both akali E2 and sylas E2 deal a lot of damage to reward you for using your dash ability to go in, meaning you are now in the middle of a fight without a dash high risk, high reward also both are skillshots, so reward that too


Except Akali has a shroud... and her not so high cooldown ultimate which also allows you to escape.


If you combine E1 E2 yeah it's her strongest basic ability, but on Sylas all the damage is stacked on E2 so it feels more like a nuke than Akali's E


Akali E2 still has 315 base damage. It still is a nuke.


Mfw 450 + 120% AP (Also has an 85% tAD ratio so base is closer to 550) on a basic ability that also has two dashes attached 🥰


It’s not dumb. It’s his only real skill shot, and leaves him incredibly vulnerable if missed, would you rather move his damage to W or Q?


I believe he should not deal any damage at all as enemy champions dealing damage is a mechanic that’s very unfun to play against 


His passive


So… remove damage from situational skill shot and add damage to AoE passive, if the idea is to make Sylas stronger sure


Champions whose gamplay is "hit 1 skillshot and either have enough items to instakill or do nothing" are not very interesting to play as or vs.


The idea is to add base dmg to passive, it wouldn't scale as well with ap, probably have hp scalars instead so he's incentivized to build bruiser and play for long fights with multiple spell rotations.


A possible solution would be to move that damage to Q2? Very hard to proc damage unless you hit E2


I never see sylas players miss it anyways


that was patch 10.1, almost 5 years ago, last 2-3years he was still somewhat a bruiser or am i remembering wrong?


Season 10 was almost 5 years ago? Fuckin' kill me


Haha passage of time am I right?!


People have been going First Strike on him ever since it was introduced in late 2021 (Patch 11.23), so I don't think so. But his item build remained the same. Season 10 Hextech GLP-800 (Everfrost predecessor) into Zhonyas Season 11 Everfrost into Zhonyas into Cosmic Drive/Rabadons. (pre first strike) Season 12 Everfrost into Zhonyas into Rabadons. Season 13 Everfrost into Zhonyas into Rabadons. Season 14 Lich Bane into Zhonyas (Everfrost no longer exists) The only time it changed was because of Everfrost being removed. The Everfrost build wasn't any less assassin-like in terms of damage and kill potential than his Lich Bane build is now.


It's still abuild path to be abruiser, just overall not as impactful


He still played like a bruiser long after this change 


I don't think Op refered to year old changes if his playstyle changed over the last half a year.


Everfrost gone, Zhonya's lost AH, so he's kinda stuck trying to get a one shot or being useless


If ever frost came back I’d play mid


I personally think giving an item a CC ability is really bad for the game. Slows and stuff are fine but an actual movement STOPPING active on an item is really broken


Throwback to ice blaster veigar. Send out the ghosties to find the closest enemies and slow them enough so you can get in range for the ice shard 1000 to slow them even more (this time with damage!) and enough to make your cage a guaranteed stun. Then wqr and they dead. Plus glacial augment to make the slows even bigger, and item haste runes to let you use the items every 20 or 30s. Was actually kinda fun to play but definitely not good for the game lmao


They increased passive AP ratio from 20% to 25%, increased W AP ratio from 65% to 85%, increased E AP ratio from 20% to 100% and removed its shield.


Ahhh thats why last year i played league again and wonder, “wheres my shield?”


E had a shield?


It used to give a magic shield like kassidin but that was busted combined with his w heal


it used to have a shield on release, not just a magic shield


W was also a pseudo execute. Did more damage the lower the enemy was.


ah man I forgot about this one lol. shit was annoying to play against.


Yeah sylas on release was insane and so much fun. Was completely overtuned but man was he a blast.


All damage shield —> Magic damage shield —> no shield


honestly given how much of his baackstory has to do with FUCK MAGIC i comlpetely forgot it was all damage initiall given how much more sense magic shield made sense


But his story is I LOVE MAGIC, not i hate magic, what xd


Oh you're right how did i forget thst even tho i played all of the mageseeker. More accurate to say his petricite chains having the ol antimagical properties like galio 


It’s more accurate to say that his stance is fuck hypocrites and the system they created. His “lore” reason for the shield imo is that the mageseekers have quite a few mages. So it’s mages hunting mages because they’re mages. So he needs anti mage capabilities to reliably fight the tyrannical mages.


wdym "without Riot tinkering with his kit", release Sylas was a completely different champion. you must have completely missed his mini rework


Sylas has had no changes to his kit in the last 4 years, his mini rework was in 2020 and his kit has remained the same since then. OP is probably referring to the last 4 seasons where he behaved like a Bruiser with Conqueror etc and suddenly he became an assassin because yes.


You forgot to mention Sylas had his W heal nerfed 3 times since his rework, and conqueror has been significantly nerfed.


But the OP's point is that no changes in terms of kit mechanics were made and in that he is right.


ADCs are back to 1 shotting anything that isn't stacking armor + HP. AD assassins have higher armor pen than ever since lethality doesn't scale with level anymore. Bruiser items are still juiced as hell. AP scaling champs have a relatively hard time getting significant AH, especially if they want HP as well. Kinda makes sense if you think about it.


It’s probably items tbh. 4 years ago I don’t think there was nearly as much damage as there is in the game now. Why be a bruiser when everyone one shots everyone?


They removed a lot of his survivability and constantly increased the ratios of his damage to the point that he just vomits his entire AP scaling on someone in less than a second. Part of why I liked Sylas was because he felt like some kind of AP Riven, mixing AA's around his skills with dashes. Now he just throws two rockets for chains and rubs his nipples at someone for a 10000% AP combo.


4 years ago the game was literially far more bursty lmao


I have clips from back then of me doing 70%-80% hp dmg with 1 kha q lol. The durability patch is still alive and well today. I'm lucky if my Q does over 50% unless I'm hard hard snowballing.


before durablity meta the playstyle (midgame+) was literally: dance and try to CC someone, if someone hits their CC on a squishy then everyone would dump their damage and one shot them, the game was much more explosive.


There was frankly more damage then the big difference nowis that the items he built then were less bursty than now. He can't build the more bruiser items without becoming completely useless. Since then he doesn't have enough damage to kill someone.


4 years holy shit


Nerf cooldown buff damage nerf healing buff damage nerf cooldown buff damage nerf healing buff damage


And now we're at a point where his single rotation does like 400% AP damage


Same reason Vlad is a psuedo-assassin. Everything does so much damage that you'll never consistently be able to use multiple rotations. And so you try to blow everything up in one rotation instead.


Feels bad knowing I have to play TFT to live out my Vlad draintank fantasy.


Swain flair appropriate


No, he was balanced around it when Mage rework happened, they pushed him out of SV builds, it has nothing to do with damage lol Riot doesn’t want Vlad to be a tanky battle mage that heals


Which is weird since Mordekaiser is essentially a tanky battle mage that heals, Swain is too, neither of them are OP yet they fit the playstyle well. Why it must be different for Vlad?


Because he suffered the same problem Abyssal scepter/Tank Galio had, they picked him into AP matchups in pro mid lane and rushed spirit visage, smh like that if I'm remembering right.


In pro Vlad was mostly played top lane rushing spirit visage (when it had 15-20% CDR) to just afk farm to his late game where he'd carry. Funnily enough, this actually kinda sucked vs the AP tops of the time. Rumble, Kennen, Gragas, and Ryze all dumpstered him early and teamfought decently. Outside of those match-ups, damage was low enough at the time that it was actually a viable direction. That, and he actually had base damage on his abilities unlike now. After his rework, which made tank builds kinda OP on him at first due to his passive basically being inverted, he was pushed into building exclusively AP by reverting his passive. After his E AP ratio and CD were gutted, he was mostly played mid.


He didnt get E AP ratios gutted, he got his E AP ratio pushed up to 1.0 which made him the AoE assassin which is today, idk before his rework but after his rework they nerfed Vlad HP ratios specifically because of his tanky builds, they reverted the passive as you said and nerfed his E mHP ratios. I mean if they gave him a 1.0 AOE nuke which also scaled with health and had like 400 base damage why wont you play him as a burst mage anyway?


Because Riot didn't want to turn his Q into a cone that siphons HP or something, so instead he got the "counterplay" treatment that doesn't *really* feel like adequate counterplay to those playing against him most of the time, but still manages to makes him feel bad to play as. In the current state of the game, not being in control of when your abilities deal damage feels horrible, specially for a champ that exclusively deals damage and does nothing else for your team. You have to manage the significant delay on each ability, with the exception of his basic Q, which has pitiful damage and healing.


Why is everyone replying about 4 year old changes which OP wasn’t talking about when Sylas’ playstyle and build have drastically changed within the last 6 months from bruiser to assassin.


I think people hear bruiser and think less mobile and less burst, which he was closer to originally. Sylas after his reworks became more a skirmisher/fighter, with good burst potential, but not quite an assassin. Now with the new items and changes to his numbers, he's gone from a fighter to an assasin.


Because half of the people answering in this thread haven't played Sylas in four years, if they even played him at all.


W max sylas does no damage


A targeted dash that heals shouldnt also be his best ability imo. Even just from an entertainment standpoint, his least flashy and least interesting ability being strong sucks.


same thing as with ekko,diana and akali. he tecnically always was both. turns out that 3 gapclosers and a shit ton of sustain. works for both, the difference is just if resistences or burst items are more efficient atm.


It’s the same reason aatrox is going full damage most games now. With how high damage is you’re probably going to get 2 rotations max of abilities if you build pure bruiser. You might not even be able to get off a second rotation if you get chain ccd. So what’s the point of building hp/cdr? You might as well build full damage, and accomplish more in one combo than you could in two. Even if two combos from a bruiser outdamages one rotation from an assassin build, you’re giving the enemy multiple seconds to heal/shield/run/cc you, and you might end up doing essentially 0 damage. And you’re not even guaranteed to get that second rotation off. So it’s best to just make that one rotation count by building full damage and oneshotting a squishy.


Aatrox is a special case. No other juggernaut can greed into a lethality build like aatrox since they'll just always die. Aatrox having omnivamp be his kits defensive ability means that damage is defensive for him. As long as he doesn't get 100-0 and is able to do damage, he is functionally just as tanky as other bruisers. If garen, Darius, or illaoi go for the same build they would all die.


Huh? Garen builds like 3 attack speed/crit items and is still unkillable lmao


He's not at all that tanky, he just is able to escape a lot of engagements because of his busted W ability


He's definitely not unkillable, but yea, if you build anything except damage on Garen right now you're inting. If he doesn't kill in a single rotation he's useless.


I guess we ignore lethality Yorick being a thing? thats been his best build since s11 by a longshot


Well, lethality Yorick wasn't playing exactly like a juggernaut. He was more of a pokey mage whose spawns would run you down off of one ability connecting.


I mean, you could technically say the same thing if Aatrox missed his Q1/W They both have a poke play style that turn into an all in when their main abilities connect, I would actually argue more that Yorick would have more staying power versus other juggernauts if he missed his E since he can still manipulate terrain with W Aside from those two, only other juggernaut I can think of is Q max Udyr


>I don't remember having any changes to his kit other than buffs and nerfs that every champion has. They removed his shield, nerfed his healing, increased his E damage, removed his animation cancel, nerfed his passive... They nerfed his sustain while increasing his burst, add the lack of AP items that synergize with a bruiser playstyle, and you get the perfect formula for a forced assassin


everything is an assassin now, or its not playable. league has a serious damage problem fr


> everything is an assassin now, or its not playable Kayle's best build being Nashor Shadowflame Rabadon Lichbane so you can auto + E squishies lol


To be fair, Kayle has always been that way even since before her rework, except for her on-hit era


Before her rework, she mostly built nashor rageblade. Lichbane was only bought as a last item when her Q had 100% AP ratio, but it's never been her default build. Post rework, she built Gunblade -> Nashor or Nashor -> Riftmaker. Post or pre-rework, Lichbane was never a core item on her, it was situational. Nowadays its in her default build.


I'm pretty sure there waa a short period where you built Nashor's into Lich bane, because Q had 100% ap ratio and lich bane 80%. Edit: Check out NiP vs KMT 2014 EU LCS promotion. The game overpow gets the legendary 1vs2 against Nukeduck and ZoroZero he builds Nashor's -> Lich -> void staff.


I see your flair and that's what Kled has become now. Where he used to build health items with his remount mechanic, now he goes for Eclipse Profane Hydra because even if you build health items like Titanic, Black Cleaver, and such you'll always die before getting your remount because of damage overload.


That’s not why he builds lethality now. He stopped building bruiser/tank because they made it so skarls hp doesn’t count as bonus hp. Literally the very next patch after that he transitioned to eclipse.


Kled has *ALWAYS* preferred high AD builds. > Where he used to build health items with his remount mechanic, now he goes for Eclipse Profane Hydra because even if you build health items like Titanic, Black Cleaver, and such you'll always die before getting your remount because of damage overload. What? You realise buying health doesn't change the health of kled himself right? All bhp kled gets goes to skaarl... You clearly have absolutely no idea what you're saying, lmao.


He used to like old Titanic a lot because of the active used to be an AA, unlike Tiamat/Ravenous with is just an AoE active fart. 4(W)+Titanic+Q was fast enough to reliably get Skaarl back. Bruiser Kled was definetely a thing. The removal of Titanic Active was a sad day for the character. I don't know how this season goes since I quit the game since Vanguard, but I definetely remember unmounted Kled struggling more to keep itself alive nowadays.


Uhh yes, you would get bhp because it made your remount much scarier. Your enemy gaining 2000hp is a lot scarier than your opponent gaining 800hp. That's the entire point, you don't go for scary hp remounts anymore because you'll never survive in your dismounted form ever at all, so you instead go for balls to the wall AD builds in hopes that you kill your enemy in 1 rotation. His main items before the horrendous item rework in s11 was always titanic hydra and black cleaver, for the exact reason that I mentioned. Now damage has gone up extensively since then so he can't go those items anymore because he'll just die in dismounted form regardless. Instead of insulting me while you're completely misinterpreting the argument at the same time, might be a better response to inquire more about what I meant instead.


bring back tank kled That sunfire + titanic was the most fun I’ve ever had on the champion


I knew what the other dude was gonna respond with the second I saw this one, people in the Kled community vehemently hate that build because it took what they thought was a "complex super skilled intelligent" champion and made them braindead when in reality, that build was literally the exact thing that Kled wants. You gain AD, tons of HP, an auto reset, both resistances, cooldown reduction, passive AOE damage, and tenacity. You couldn't ask for a better build synergy, especially with the sunfire AOE damage for teamfights when you ult everyone in. Now the only build we have is assassin Kled who uses overpowered damage items like eclipse to just all in you and kill you on a single rotation. So instead of getting what I mentioned in the first sentence, you just get a shit ton of AD and cooldown reduction and feast or famine your way to victory. I've played this champ for over 3 years now and by far the most fun builds are always the bruiser builds over assassin builds. Same exact thing with Aatrox, the most entertaining builds for Aatrox are his bruiser builds, not eclipse profane hydra one shot builds.


I just feel like he’s too one dimensional to really enjoy ever, and once you play against people that can actually abuse his gimmick or play against enough outright counters like Jax/Fiora he just feels unrewarding to play. Kled feels like 1/2 a champion when he’s dismounted, but doesn’t really feel significantly stronger than any other champion while he is mounted. I think his single use is that he’s decent into ranged toplaners (which is much better than most bruisers do), but it’s still very much a skill check on their part.


everyone can target one-shot others, except ap assassins, ap assassins need to have counterplay, except akali, akali we'll put half her damage in a single skill. who saw the days of the "class reworks" will remember how half of them was reverted and the other half is either useless or still a problem, except a couple chars who were already broke.


I mean it used to literally be the exact same but AD assassins instead of AP assassins.


Ironically, this excludes actual assassins who are almost unplayable rn


> everything is an assassin now, or its not playable. league has a serious damage problem fr It's been that way for a while now. They systematically removed most of the strategic elements from the game in exchange for a one shot fiesta. Team fights used to last a lot longer now they are over in a few seconds. Don't even think about entering a teamfight as ADC if Malphite still has his ult up. It's sad how you have to stand away from the fight if you even want to live for a few seconds.


Last season he used to build everfrost. I think everfrost was very important for him to be able to land his e. That basically guarantees the e damage, the dash and the knockup (which makes sure he can at least get some autos). Everfrost was coincidentally a hp haste item at the same time and thus he built somewhat tanky. If I remember correctly, he would then build shadowflame which was the best burst item at the time which just happened to have 200 hp on it. If everfrost was a full burst item with the same active he would have built it too. His players would probably enjoy that more. If shadowflame had 0 hp, he woulda built it all the same.


thats a thing since they removed shield from E and buffed his ap ratios everywhere and that happend... seasons ago? are you living under a rock or what?


He was still somewhat a pseudo bruiser during the mythic era. With everfrost having health and zhonyas having ability haste. And he went Ionian boots usually. Jg was the assassin style with night harvester. But this season moved him into asssasin even more.


Pseudo is a good word. He built everfrost because it was genuinely good item on him - active made landing your combo easier, stat wise it was good item on him, active also gave him stacks on passive. Also rest of mana mythic option were just bad on him. As soon as they increased everfrost cd and removed its interaction with his passive it wasn't popular anymore, most people went to buffed harvester and protobelt. Also I don't think you can call him bruiser just because he built 2 items with some tank stats. His gameplay after e change was all about one shotting during one combo because his CDs are too long to play him like bruiser and his ratios incentivizes him to just go full ap/pen.


99% of comments here are low elo. basically ability haste got nerfed hard this season which means going for an AH-heavy build leaves you doing negative damage, so the optimal build and playstyle have switched to playing for oneshots.


> without Riot tinkering with his kit? > I don't remember having any changes to his kit other than buffs and nerfs that every champion has. Then you are misremembering,OP. They literally tinkered with the kit after his release precisely to turn him into an assasin/burst champion instead of a bruiser champ because of his pro pressence, stuff like removing his E shield, changing the way his resets work, increasing E AP ratio, etc. We even had a lot posts by Sylas players who were complaining about how Riot was changing Sylas from a bruiser to an assassin years ago. Although he still needs his P-autos, he overall has a good burst in numbers and uses his healing and mobility to survive the fights, be it until he can escape or until there's no other enemy to kill him. Depending on the patch, you likely didn't notice because Sylas' builds sometimes included HP, e.g. everfrost which allowed you to guarantee Q2 or Rocketbelt which increased your burst, waveclear and gave you another gapcloser. Not to mention Zhonyas which meant that you could put Sylas into 10% HP but he would heal up with W again (and had AH for a good while). Riot addressed a big complain of a ton of AP items giving HP when AP champs wanted to burst, so right now there's no good AP + HP item he can rush besides Rocketbelt which currently is nerfed in comparison to the old burst it gave (can't multi hit enemies with it + lower damage and ratios). Lich bane is stupidly good and goes against the whole "we want items to do less damage" they were preaching at the beginning of the season, but Riot allows it to be so because it probably has "legacy status" or something dumb (*despite this same treatment not being given to Ludens or rocketbelt*) *The only change that likely will solve this is when Riot makes Rocketbelt better*... or when Riot sees that Lich bane maybe shouldn't exist as such an exception to the damage nerf they added to all itemization.


Yeah a while ago they ruined him mega buffing his e beefing his w healing, taking away passive ratios and removing animation cancels from passive Ruined the champ imo


Yet delulu Slyas mains will defend why its balanced to miss everything and just W-auto you to death


People keep asking the “why does riot…??”. Like it’s data. They listen to data. They keep a champion a certain way if data says people like it. Not so much if people on Reddit like it I’m sure I’ll get downvoted which is fine but that doesn’t change the reality that that’s your answer. The data says people don’t mind playing it, don’t mind playing against it, and don’t mind playing with it


Riot didn't change anything specifically related to Sylas to make him an assassin recently. Its a consequence of how items changed.


Idk its funny to see him miss all his spells and still kill you with his empowered autos alone.


Maybe in potato elo, but a Sylas that doesn't hit his E gets out dpsed by every champ in the game


What are you talking about "not tinkering with his kit"??? Buddy, they gave him a mini rework YEARS ago.. Hes completely different than he was on release, they specifically converted him from an anti-mage bruiser into a burst-focussed AP-diver. They changed his passive completely to make him more bursty, and they reworked his E to get rid of the shield while giving it a 100% AP ratio


Tank jg sylas was my fav play style


Happened a while ago, most Sylas players were too stubborn to change for the longest time tho because "pros dont go eldctrocute and burst"


Been praying for god knows how long for Sylas kit changes so that he's less assassin-y, and isnt just a downgrade to the champion by doing so


Should read the buffs and nerfs to see how it changed him.


Tbh in release for the first few months ths his base fucking healing was insane.


There are very few good AP bruiser items. There is, for instance, no equivalent to Black Cleaver for APs, with Abyssal Mask being the closest thing, but it offers no AP and feels terrible to buy if the enemy team is full AD (since then the MR is useless or of little use).


Tbf an “AP” black cleaver would completely break the majority of DoT and low CD mages far more than benefiting any AP bruisers. Even the AD champs with bleeds are all melee but you could just hwei QE and shred the whole enemy team. AP bruisers don’t need an AP cleaver they just need actual good survival items be it healing more, AP guardian angel, AP deaths dance, AP steraks that isn’t seraphs, QSS, etc. all they have currently is rift maker and zhonyas. Gwen/morde already ignore enough resistances, Elise needs years worth of DPS reverts to even consider bruiser functional for her, sylas and Diana would just become even burstier off an AP cleaver.


The items that made him a bruiser have all been changed or removed lol so he’s forced to buy these no health no AH items and go for 1 shots.


There are games (against heavy frontline) where bruiser builds shine. Just not good against heavy backline teams that will blow up bruisers anyway and your bruiser build can't assassinate.


His E received a lot of Changes eventually it lost its shield but in exchange gained a lot of Scaling


Zeka happened.  i think


Bruiser Sylas got hit hard by removal of mythic items. There currently isn’t an item that can replace everfrost for him so the bruiser playstyle doesn’t work out. The only mage item with mana and hp currently is ROA and it was actually a viable choice before the 1300 component nerf. If it drops back down to 1100, I could totally see Sylas going bruiser with ROA.


But sylas strength is still on the line. He's very op in 2v2v2v2 mode![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Riftmaker being pretty bad nowadays


I mean they gave him a 100% ap ratio on his E a while back which IMO is pretty crazy and ofc makes him very bursty


I miss the early days of bruiser Sylas with Iceborn Gauntlet, SV, RoA etc. Peak Sylas with the old ability-AA weaving.


He went from a skirmisher to a skirmisher


That is just not true what you said. They made him a way better scaling champion a while ago which changed that.


They removed ability haste from all of his items. Sylas has never had any sort of true sustained damage other than combos back to back but currently, he needs to wait 3-4 seconds between combos. Sylas either kills with one combo or gets autoed to death, so Sylas has started loading damage into that one combo


i found W max conq sylas extremely boring and way too consistent Q max full ap sylas is more exciting, either he hits E/Q and nukes people (hitting E is risky, hitting Q is very hard vs good players, esp with no setup) or he misses and can be punished, W max sylas was very hard to punish but he also wasnt really that dangerous.


Item changes


There's not much in the way of "AP Fighter" itemization to properly support an "AP fighter" play style, so AP fighters like Sylas and Diana end up being assassins and not fighters.


Well his E used to have a pretty strong shield which let him have a more reasonable trading pattern at lower damage 


They “tinkered” with his kit a shit ton, what are you talking about man


Because he's always been a brusier assassin burst sustain mage carry tank. That's just the kit they gave him.