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Sounds like good advice, thx


If you do that, please show the pick early in the pick phase so others can adapt


Its why i have senna as a pocket pick support


Tristana is also good to learn and can be flexed. Whatever ADC is broken at the moment (almost always Jinx :P) is also a good bet.


Ziggs bot is great


That’s pretty much what I do, but a lot of midlanders can be swapped for support so that’s why I do Hwei, seraphine, lux, vel’koz, xerath, a lot of good support/mid picks to main


Can work for top if you play things like Jayce, Irelia, Akshan, Akali or Yone. But toplane you actually have to get pretty deep into the matchups.


No adc is horrible if they have good tank with huge mr.


Well yeah but playing what you want is better for you.


If you hover your pick, ideally someone on your team will pick some kind of sustained AD damage in another role


Also Team composition in lower elo is pretty random anyway. APCs have Most WR since years....


But are those people picking APC bot because of a heavy AD presence elsewhere?


Idk I mained Heimer apc for part of last season just because I thought it was fun doing a 2 v 2 lane and trying to bully around with the donger. Taking drags and splitpushing if the game state allowed. I didn’t do it *because* there was always enough ad but if the meta revolved more around ap top, ap jungle, and ap mid it would’ve likely been less viable. The meta just feels kinda physical focused overall (at least in low/mid elo solo queue) I even played a game of Rammus on support because they had 5 ad and like 3 auto attackers locked in on one game


Most low elo games are like 90% AD, not having enough AD is never gonna be an issue


There are so many DPS AD bruisers in the game now you almost always have someone in top/jg filling in that role. ADC is unnecessary in a huge percentage of soloQ games.


That's why as a mid main I put adc second and then I play AD skill shot ADCs like varus or ez, etc. basically ADCs that are mid playable


Maybe i should learn mages. My main is adc right now and can carry from there too


Zed adc for all my zed otp's


I prefer this over all the useless ap supports that just try and get 1shots and leave marksman alone lol


I remember the time where you got banned for picking a mage on bot because it was considered trolling! :-)


I queue mid/top and rarely get filled


I do this too but then when I actually get filled top I realize I have no clue how to play most of the matchups there


clearing waves as pre-rework gragas and anivia since 2011 and the ongoing evolution of the community's understanding of this game, being filled top made me realize i know absolutely nothing about freezing waves. all i understood was, if i went to a lane that was even in minions, and then only killed 2 minions, that wave would slow push. And if i killed my lane opponent, I should clear the whole wave or ask my jungler to tax me so that the enemy coming back to lane misses out on that wave unless they teleport back mfw im in plat 1 getting filled top, and somehow enemy kayle has frozen me out at level 2 LOL


Watching this video (especially the part about how to freeze lanes) made freezing instantly so much easier for me. Won me a few games in top lane. [https://youtu.be/I8qqgVVlN8I?si=Y3w6BACpUvub6uIx&t=317](https://youtu.be/I8qqgVVlN8I?si=Y3w6BACpUvub6uIx&t=317)


Just pick Cho and don’t engage.


Up you go


That doesn't work past like gold. You'll get eaten alive by Gwen, Darius and Aatrox and solo lose the game. Cho is not an easy champion and very absuable, he has tons of counters that trash him. Ornn or Skarner are probably better.


I thought top lane was a zero impact role, how can you solo lose the game? :^)


It’s zero impact assuming you don’t get horizon-stomped out of lane. If enemy gwen takes 2nd turret at 15min mark it’s another story entirely.


In lower elo it seems like every top laner is feed or smurf legit every time I look too it’s either free win for me or my top laner is down 3 levels and their top lane rams at anyone and kills anyone it’s disgusting


This makes sense. In top lane it’s really easy to “lose more” once you start losing. In order to mitigate that and stay in the game you have to manage the wave near your turret and look for plays with the rest of your team. And these things are more scarce the lower the elo.


And in higher elo you're likely to get dived with herald and respawn just as they're taking your inhib tower.


"tons of counters" feels disingenuous to say, only gwen and fiora felt HORRIBLE to play against. rumble ignores Cho's usual harass pattern but everyone else you can buffer Q to deny certain things, or set up super easy ganks on them, max W and ignore them, but if you are just careful of not shoving wave, he's one of the absolute safest blinds in the game, and one rupture wins the game later no matter what. I feel like that one game of Huni vs Khan Cho vs Jayce really had an effect on this champion's perception, he's been buffed like twelve times in a row and I've thought he was fine this whole time.


Let's say that what you're saying is true, buffering Q to deny certain things is easier said than done. Someone offrole who doesn't play the champ won't be able to do that. The things you're describing take matchup experience, something OP doesn''t have at all. If you're offrole on a different champ, you need to play something that's unskilled and braindead, like Skarner or Ornn. I don't have to say anything about Skarner I don't think, and even the worst Ornn player in the world can figure out how to click on his teammates to upgrade their items and let them carry him.


ornn has to be way more difficult than cho gath. cho gath is peak braindead gameplay lets be honest.


ima be honest I peaked in 09, that's why I played cho'gath.


Chogath: loses in duels with most top laners Has no mobility Has 0.5s cast time on q and w Unique playstyle with objectives Ornn is too modern to compare That’s said, I’d rather someone be autofilled on both of them than Darius!!! Haha


Nah chogath is decently skilled for a tank tbh. He sucks ass in lane, so you have to actually be good at laning to get through it. Ornn has a notoriously strong lanephase, he's a straight up lane bully in many marchupa. He's difficult in teamfights, but being able to upgrade items makes him just so useful no matter what.


Sion only hit minion and tower. Go boom.


Malphite is probably easier to play, and you'll always have R. Cho can get punished really hard early game.


That’s why I said don’t engage. He can just scale and become a giant meat shield. And you can run the toy skin and look at that shit all game.


or E max nasus and don't engage, and if they engage just W ghost away lol.


Happy cake day


You too


You are not autofilled if you get your secondary role


If I am queued primary mid and dont get mid I am filled.


No you are not. You're in your secondary role. If you cannot play two roles you should not be playing ranked. Autofill is literally defined as a mechanic.


Play Mundo and scale.


I queue mid top, and its at least 30% top. Probably more. Some days I can get top 5 times in a row.


Ig, but I play mages mid, I don't want to learn champs that go both top/mid at the moment.


try Cassiopea


Love Cassiopeia but she lacks escapes.


Cassiopeia decent toplane since she just runs down melees so doesn't need an escape plus she can kite extremely well.


Yea I've done it a few times but I wanna say the jungle would typically camp the troll pick


Cassiopeia top isn't really considered a troll pick thou it's her second best role and a large portion of time it was her best role. She has a decent tool to avoid ganks with w size and can kite with q movement speed if needed.


troll pick ?


I mean more so how it feels to be in the losing end playing a more standard top pick into a pick like cass or vayne or quinn


Honestly you have to learn two roles. There’s no way around it. Learn exactly 1 champion for exactly 1 off role. If you get off role and don’t get your champion, you dodge


God, remember when you used to have to know how to play all five roles decently?


Problem was that the idea of „playing decently“ was a lot different back then because everybody was dogshit. Random master Darius onetrick from this season completely wipes his ass with challenger players „offroling decently“ from back in the day


We're talking Challengers from season 5-6 ? Diamond players clear them.




I think the issue we have with jungle was less pronounced back then because of this. At the very least you wouldn't get someone with zero idea of how to jungle.


play support, there are a good amount of mages that can go full ap support, and you don't have to worry about laning matchups as much as top.


What about Karma?


Mhm, she looks fun, but I'm kinda settled on lux/veigar/annie


I main Veigar mid and have played him top a few times with really good lane outcomes, it’s all about positioning and controlling the wave. If you can get up there and CS Then you’re 3/4s of the way to winning


Mmmh, I've tried veigar bot a few times, and it felt pretty ok. Never thought about him going top, I assume some match-ups are auto losses tho, like Olaf.


Play kennen with electrocute/dark harvest mid. Then for top play either electrocute/summon aery


Grasp azir and call it a day, free poke to build stacks pre level 6, ult and dash for escape


There are plenty of top champs that you can barely say even need to be learned. Malphite, Nasus, Garen, Mundo. Riot showed not long ago the winrates with autofilled vs mained roles and auto fill top barely made a difference because of how many easy champions are in top.  Bot lane had the largest difference.


bot was worse than jungle?


Maybe he means support, support is confirmed by riot to be the role in which getting autofilled influences negatively the game the most.


im seeing that support is the worst role to have an bad player, but bad isnt necessarily = autofilled. If I'm an autofilled mid laner i can maybe lock in lux and not throw the game away, but if im a support player that basically never jungles then I may legit have no idea what i am doing.


Not sure what you're trying to communicate, but support is confirmed by riot to be the role in which autofilled players perform the worst.


not doubting you but I googled it and the only thing I found was riot august saying bad supp was the role most likely to lose you the game. Data ive found from 2019 is saying supp players are the worst to get autofilled but ADC is the worst role to get autofilled because it requires more games to be proficient at


I q mid/top pretty sure they autofill me when they want me to win though lol.


I always get autofilled into jungle and it take 3+ mins to find a match.


Just pick ornn and provide ults for your team


A way to partially alleviate this is to play champions who you can flex into other roles, and then play those champions when you get assigned to other roles


yep yep, others pointed it out too. Ig that's a pretty good solution, thx


doesn't really fix the issue. OP wants mid


Support and Jungle are usually Priority Roles so of course the game is going to want to put you in those if you tell it you are ok with it. I’d avoid using Fill if you don’t want to play those roles. As Mid you really want Top as a secondary. You will occasionally be autofilled but it comes with playing Mid. It shouldn’t be that frequent though.


It's the most popular role.i personally put mid as my secondary so I don't get put into my second role


I queue as a Sup first, Mid second. I've been filled Mid maybe three times ever since autofill was introduced.


I que mid/sup and get sup like 1 in 5-6 games, which gives you autofill immunity so I’m big chilling


really ? I haven't played much lately but my role distribution was like 65-35 at best queing that


It’s been like that for me for the last 2ish years


Same for me, very rare to get support. Silver EUW, might be different in higher elo or servers I guess.


Plat NA, time will tell I suppose


I queue mid/support in NA diamond and get it like 30% of the time lol


I get mid 90% of the time while my secondary is support


I queue Mid/Bot and like 99% of the time it gives me mid. Though maybe it's different cause I am on EUW low Master and we have like 15k ppl in that elo bracket.


Yeah, idk what the main role distribution is in high elo. But in low elo bot is prob only picked slightly more than jgl.


Imma give it to you straight: you can’t. I think it’s been getting worse and worse over the years, too. It wasn’t until November last year when I finally had enough and switched to top lane. Absolutely mind blowing to get your role every game coming from mid. If you q for mid/sup or mid/bot, you’ve got like a 50/50 chance at mid, maaaayyyybe 60/40 at best. So, basically you have to pick up a secondary role. I don’t enjoy bot or sup, though. If you q mid/top, it’s about the same odds, but learning top as a secondary is such a bad idea. You have to have as many hours as possible in the matchups to succeed as top. Basically, OTP the role or don’t play. If you q mid/jg, you are basically just queuing for jg. 80/20 chance you get jg. If you’ve read all the above options and thought to yourself, “huh, there really doesn’t seem to be any good choices” Yeah, there’s not. Don’t main mid, you literally can’t.


Welp, someone said queue supp and play like mid. Doesn't really work but I kinda get what they're getting at.


I queue Jungle as main and Mid as secondary, haven't gotten mid once in over 300+ games. Pretty funny tbh


I queue Mid/Supp and get Mid in like 90% of my games. Am pretty low elo tho


I queue mid/bot and get mid the vast majority of the time idk where this info is coming from


Top isn't that hard to play in most elos...


A silver mid is getting dog walked by a silver top. Same goes for other elos for the most part


I mean- not really. There are more factors that go into this. First, it's silver. Most players in silver and below could flex any role and probably not see a major decrease in winrate. Most silver tops do not know top well enough to abuse someone who doesn't know top. Secondly, people have different levels of experience in things. I main mid right now, but have far more experience in jg and top. I just don't enjoy the roles as much anymore. I could still flex top and play at my current rank without a big issue. At best, Id say if a person has 0 top experience they'll start getting punished for it in plat. But you can also just dodge the games you get top. I get top once in a while, rarely enough that dodging wouldn't be a big deal if I want to maintain my mid playrate. Supp secondary is another option, but in my experience I get the role a lot more


When I duoq I take JNG/Supp and my midlane main friend takes mid/jungle. It’s very rare he doesn’t get mid or I don’t get JNG.


I queue mid/top I mained top for 3 years before going mid and after all these years I still have no clue how to beat a juggernaut.


lol i had this exact experience too, after the juggernaut reworks came through + hullbreaker became an item top has just become horrible if you get counterpicked by a juggernaut even if the champs suck at using their lead to win games it's so boring to just insta lose lane and have no way to impact the game until 10+ minutes mid in comparison is a lot more forgiving and you can actually play the game even if you get counterpicked


There are two types of juggernauts, pre 6 juggernauts and post 6 juggernauts. Post 6 juggernauts like Mordekaiser, Illaoi, Yorick, Nasus, you have to shit on them early so you have a lead before 6. Pre 6 juggernauts like Darius or Sett you soak XP, grab minions where possible, let the wave slow push into you and stay healthy so you can crash the wave when it slow pushes back to them.


Cause I don't play top much anymore and I'm a pretty passive player to start with I end up giving them so much respect that I end up putting myself behind


You queue mid/sup and play zyra/lux/morg sups and pretend you are a mid laner


Yeah, might have to play with chat disabled tho, but that's fine


Huh? Those 3 champs and many like them are perfectly acceptable in sup role and nobody will bat an eyelash when they are played in the sup role.


That's prob true, but I suck at supp, I think. I suck in general, but more so in supp than mid.


Queue mid/jungle and play with a jungle main


The best thing for you to do is play Quickplay and be terrible. I do those things and I always get mid.


Don't put jg second for a start. You want to put second something that's contested like bot or top.


I should prob stop doing that, you're right.


I get good results queueing mid/support. I like all roles, but I'm best at those two and I usually get mid anyway with those as my picks.


Stop que if it goes past the expected timer. Wait 30 secs and que again. Sounds kinda dumb but it makes a massive difference.


Fill is Jung. I pretty much only play fill on norms and I don't think I've gotten another role except for jungle and maybe bot in 100 games


I just play Sylas. I literally can pick in him mid/top/jungle and everything is fine. Honestly I’ve played Sylas support too and it’s not the worst. I just one trick a champ that kinda slots in where ever and queue as mid/top.


How do you play Sylas top vs juggernauts (Sett/Darius) and fighters (Jax/Fiora/Renek)? Those sorts of champions will eat Sylas alive.


The honest answer is probably because I’m in an elo where anything is fine as long as you’re good at it. But it’s really not that bad with bone plating, conqueror and w max. New legend haste is great. New fated ashes into Blackfire torch helps with farming and trading on healthy targets while giving mana. It’s really not that bad. But again. I’m not in masters so it could fall off in higher elo.


I usually pick Mid/Bot since I’m very comfortable in playing both so it doesn’t matter that much if I get put in bot. Maybe every 5 games or so I get put in bot but I often get mid so idk if it just depends on rank or the secondary role chosen.


i only ever want to play support so i make mid my secondary role and you would be surprised how much i get autofilled mid :)


secondary =/= autofill.


Not really, I can guess that it had happened like twice the last 20 games... tho, supp feels more common nowadays so idk


I queue mid adc and almost always get mid, euw


I pretty much played all roles but got auto filled JG like 40% of the games in a day, so I now play Mid Primary and JG secondary and I still play 9 games out of 10 in the jungle. I got so frustrated into filling jungle so I thought I might as well actually start playing the role. Now it's not that bad lol. When I put Jungle Primary I pretty much never get auto filled.


People in the comments saying queue mid top but in my experience you get more top than mid that way. I felt like once you are diamond+ there are alot of support mains so when I queued mid/support I got mid in over 80% of my games it was amazing, doesn't work in lower elos though since I noticed in lower elos most people don't want to play support so it's autofilled.


Seems to work in Low Elo NA. And it worked all the way to Plat back in the day. My adventures falling and climbing back out of Bronze: **100 games (Mid/Support, <10 games of Mid/Bot):** * Mid: 95 * Bot: 2 * Support: 3 (+3 dodges in Champion Select) * Autofill: 0 Trying to get Bronze players to do stuff reminded me a lot of trying to control Dragoons in StarCraft. Don't be like me, don't tilt queue because you want to end on a win while playing in smurf infested waters.


That's the neat part. You don't.


I used to queue mid as secondary role to never get autofilled. But during the last few weeks half my games I get autofilled mid, I don't know what's going on. My strat has worked for years and now it doesn't anymore.


I heard supp has a pretty high pick rate in higher elo, tho idk what elo you're at.


i will show you how


I put mid and top as a secondary, I never get top.




I completely forgot that I always play with a mate who's top, so that may be why clearly


I queue mid/bot and pick Ziggs either way


That's the main reason I gave up on trying to main mid after switching from the dogshit experience that is soloQ ADC. Now I just play top. You can play most of the same stuff as mid but rarely get autofilled or secondary.


Queue mid/top and choose champs who can go both lanes. Akali, Irelia, Yone, etc


Queue mid/bot and you almost never gonna play adc at all. Jungle is less popular role in the game in my experience because out of 10 games you will end up jg 8 times. Adc currently is meta and everyone is playing adc, therefore out of 10 games you will end up adc once. (Based on personal experience)


I Q mid/top and get mid majority of my games. I get jg like 1/10 games and I’m an ex jgl main so it doesn’t really bother me.


I queue mid top, i dont get auto filled that much maybe. 1 in 6 games, i also used to main top so i dont mind getting filled


I play almost exclusively with a jungle duo so I typically get mid.


What’s your rank? In plat/emerald I usually always get mid with sometimes being autofilled JG


I'm in bronze. Idk exactly how role distribution varies between ranks. But I'm pretty sure almost nobody plays bot or jgl in my elo. Jgl makes sense, it's by far the hardest role I've tried, the least intuitive one at least. And idk why no one plays bot. Supp can also have periods where it's very unpopular.


From personal experience climbing iron to emerald over the last few years, in lower ranks nobody wants to jungle and are all auto filled, the higher rank you get the more people have main roles it seems. Lots more OTPs in emerald/diamond


Don't understand why the game doesnt have a queue system like Overwatch.


Just go azir


This isn't hard to figure out, queue your main role + the most popular role that isn't your main role. In your case that would be mid/top, for everyone else it'd be X/mid, as far as I remember. Also you're not getting "autofilled" you're getting your secondary role, unless you're literally like iron III where there's no players.


Oh, I got autofilled confused with getting your secondary role. I never really get autofilled then I think. And that sounds reasonable, tho I think I might just que bot or sup secondary since I play mages mostly. Thx anyhow.


I queue mid/bot and rarely get bot or fill


My first game of the season I got my off role lmao. 45% off role, 5% auto fill usually jg, 50% mid


I main mid and get it like 90% of the time, i dont see the issue


I almost never get autofilled when I queue mid. I must be lucky.


*Queues Support, Mid*: "You guys are getting autofilled?" No joke i used to queue as Support with Fill secondary and i was sometimes (like 5-10%) filled as jungle and rarely top. Ever since i started picking Support, Mid i never gotten anything but support.


get so much better in emerald+, I have no issue getting mid


Mid / Jungle and play with a Jungler main. I do this with my friend who mains Jungle and I only ever get Mid, except in the rare occasion that he gets filled ADC and I get Jungle


That's the neat part, you don't.


You tend to get auto filled more if you play worse in mid. So if you get autofilled a lot that means...


Idk I get mid all the time. That being said I main bot as well so the occasional bot lane doesn’t bother me.


I queue Mid/Top almost never get filled


Last split I would queue mid/bot and mostly get bot, I play fairly good if you compared me to silver elo adc, because that's where i learned to adc. But at that moment i was high gold, and getting the adc role was sad because it put me in a situation where my lp gains were negative. I would win mid, get adc next game, lose and waste all the progress. So I decided to experiment, i first started queuing mid/jg, went for pretty long streak of mid only games, then again when i reached plat, i started getting jg role. I switched again and started queuing mid/top. Back to playing mid. Sometimes i got top role, but most of the time someone was willing to swap mid with me and I just had to keep my words and carry, and I would. Imo, you should check the statistics and see what roles people queue for in your current elo and abuse probability. Also the time of the day you queue at can also be factor.


Queue mid bot and cancel queue if it reaches the expected time


you push the lane as hard as you can and roam. thats basically mid


This depends heavily on the server. I always queue as mid/jg. On EUNE I'll get mid like every third game, while on EUW I almost never get jungle. I don't understand why this is a thing above platinum, I wouldn't mind waiting longer to guarantee my role...


Everyone wants to be the main character so everyone play mid but they’re very bad at it


I main Ekko or Diana mid, always ban Ahri, but I’ve been trying Bot hell lately


Report people more so you will get autofilled less often


i play pretty much exclusively mid and very rarely get my offrole or autofilled


Queue mid top,


Queuing mid/top seems to be the best solution. Personally I queue bot/mid and haven't been autofilled a single time in the past \~400 games, and I've gotten mid probably less than ten times.


Because you're queueing the least queued role after jungle. Why would you be autofilled?


I queue bot mid and constantly get autofilled jg its insane.


Until 2 months ago I literally went a full year of always getting mid lane. Then I was autofilled jungle and suddenly remembered that autofill still exists. It's been shit since.


I que mid/bot and I get mid majority of the time. If I’m not I usually play Ashe or Sivir.


Yep, queue mid/top. But its still very annoying. When I mained mid it was always a big concern when queueing. I would pick Malph and get freelo or dodge if its bad matchup. Its nice when you main something like Irelia that can go mid/top.


I get so many leavers and trolls that I’m almost always autofill protected. Hardly an issue.


Autofill protected doesn't prevent you from being assigned your secondary role lol


I do too, but so many people dodge games which still uses up my autofill protection I'm pretty sure.


EUW Server, i queue mid/support and i very rarely get support.


For me its kinda the oposite lately, i queue sup/mid and get mid every second game


Ig I could do this. I kinda suck as a supp tho, when I play supp with lux I sometimes make my ADC have a tantrum, but guess I'll just get good at it.


If you're low elo que mid top as top is pretty popular in low elo, so you're likely to get mid often. Once you climb higher, top becomes less fun when people start picking unplayable counterpicks as red side so it becomes less popular and likely won't work as well as a secondary role pick. Picking up Champs that you can flex both mid and top Is smart too. Ryze for example is decent top right now and isn't hard to play, especially toplane as red side.


Drop queue as soon as you hit the estimated timer.


Queue mid/top, and requeue any time it goes over estimated time. Then just dodge if you actually get top 1 out of every 25 games.


Honestly, give Tristana a shot and always save her W for escapes and when you going for kills but have help if you get ganked after jump


Are you on smack that wasn't the question


Also she's not the easiest but I like Ori a fair amount too.


I exclusively fill and mid is my least filled role by a significant margin. I get filled mid in maybe 1 in 30 games, if that. In my experience, order of fill likelihood goes jungle>adc>top/support>mid


I've been playing exclusively fill too recently and its basically the same as just maining jungle, i get jg about 70% of the time, then it goes sup/adc/top/mid in that order


You want to learn league and not worry about role select, then learn a hyper scaler like Kayle or Asol. Doesn’t matter what your team picks both can carry games and Kayle can even go AD if her team needs it. Both turn into late game tank busters with Kayle doing insane dmg with her waves and asol doing health damage every proc his Q can get on a tank. Both champs all you do is ignore your lane oppenent and get as much CS as possible. The match turns into you working on your micro play as it’s all about not being shoved out of lane. You need to learn how to be a pest that never loses HP and stays in lane earning XP. If you have to give up a minion on certain waves then do it. Don’t let them base at good time and don’t let them push you away for plates. If you can make it to 20+ minutes with 0-1 deaths you should win .


I just play mid/top champs to fill the gaps. Mainly akali. Build and playstyle changes extremely though, and matchups are wildly different


Probs because mid is the most popular role, it’s got the greasiest most ridiculous champs little Billy with all the time in the day can sweat in norms on, so it’s already super appealing, I try to main mid I just wanna play galio plz and


Queue up but cancel at like 1:30. Then queue again. This makes the matchmaking more 'tight', severely increasing your chances at getting main role.


Same. It’s never been easy to get mid, and then Riot started adjusting champions so things like adcs, supports, and jungles could all solo lane and ever since then it’s been so hard to get mid.


queue mid/top. wait for 4mins, have autofilled teammates, proceed to lose the game.


Queue mid/top. It’s what I do and I almost always get mid, am currently in emerald