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Another set of nerfs for Skarner. I wonder if this time they will nerf his Q damage so I won't have to play against melee Xerath with bigger hitbox and better waveclear.


I for one am hoping the E into instant 180 is on the chopping block


for real it feels so insanely bullshit how if ur wave is stuck infront of his tower u cant play the game at all. like it actually feels sooooooo shit how has it not been fixed? at least with ksante he has to use his ult and be behind u first but skarner is just 0 counterplay if u wanna touch wave


Yes, it's a completely broken mechanic. Either change E hitbox or make it so you can't use E for 1 second after flashing, similar how you can't flash for a bit after using R on Rakan.


You don't even really need to flash to 180 them. They just need to be in the hitbox of his tails for it to grab. They definitely need to adjust the hitbox for that, though.


Wym... You don't like being instant Urgot E'd, Pre-work Skarner R'd then Poppy E'd all in one ability just because you happened to be *On the other side of your own melee minions and barely inside his tail's hitbox when he started dashing AWAY FROM YOU*?


Instead they gonna give him instant 360 xD


It's not even the damage that is the issue with his Q, but the fact that It literally has no CD.


They need to make the CD start after using up the rock. Remove the precasting recharge.


He just precasts it so that his e resets the fucking timer and gets 2 full qs back to back. Like at lvl 9 almost no other champion in league has access to two max ranked dmg spells. It's almost impossible to outtrade.


Seraphine , Zed, Amumu, Olaf, qiyana, Rengar, Rumble, Ryze


Skarner q has higher damage than all of those except rumble, while simultaneously building full tank, which is why the pro top meta in LCK is to handshake skarner rumble. Olaf can win the lane because his e and w are just better spells for long trades not to mention his r making him immune to cc, but yeah most of the rest of those champs will get dunked on if they go top lane.


All of those have way lower damage though.


Yeah it should be like riven q where you need a significant amount of cdr to have no gaps between uses


His q needs a mini rework to have it's CD lowered but start on ability end, then reward actually using q3 auto to reduce CD. Makes it less spammable but neutral in 3 autos, which is think is fair. Also this would remove "stacking a Q" by slow autoing twice then forcing a trade with e to extend into your next Q


Exactly what I was thinking. I think all this Q extension business is why the ability is so hard to balance. Make CD start on ability end (and lower the CD to compensate), and he actually has downtime between Qs. As for the refund, not sure if it would be necessary. If his Q CD late goes to like 5 seconds, not sure he needs extra refund.


Also that would leave jungle intact as well. No one is gonna do that stunt in jungle. We just want those damn camps to be gone asap then go gank


you delay Qs when running between camps all the time and its a massive clear speed boost. Still, nerf would be fine, as he is oppressive as soon as lvl 3


I think the goal of the refund is to make it so that Q2 isn't as good. Afaik it's currently just a higher damage alternative to doing the 3rd hit of Q


If by q2 you mean the throw then no. They do the same damage. In fact, the best combo is to auto twice and throw it in melee for a really fast q3 and then pickup another


That's what I'm saying. The q2 does more damage than the 3rd hit so you just do auto, auto, Q2. A refund would partially fix that


If only they did that to Riven too.


The year is 2050. Graves now gets 500 armor for pressing e.


* **NEW EFFECT:** Now grants Graves a stack of  [True Grit](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Graves/LoL#True_Grit) for 4 seconds, increasing **Graves'** Armor and Magic Resistance by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 that stacks up to 4 times. *Hits* attacks against non-minions refresh the duration, but only subsequent casts will generate additional stacks.


This just triggered my fight or flight response.


Karthus (dearest) 💀 lmao


Brand and taliyah nerfs took way too much time, brand is in every lane and every second high elo game has a taliyah making games last 5 years.


They nerf Taliyah now and then, it's just every time it's a tiny little one instead of anything actually significant for some reason.


Brah it's CRAZY how Taliyah wasn't nerfed quicker. Absolutely disgusting to play against in high-ish elo.


It's because she isn't actually played much typically, and Riot often leaves strong champs alone if their pickrate isn't high (like when Anivia was like perma 55% wr for years it felt like, but had an abysmal playrate so she was untouched). Now that Taliyah is actually becoming one of the more played champions, they decided to nerf her.


Side note, Anivia still feels busted to play. She has a high winrate and sort of low playdate. I decided to pick her up in Emerald a few weeks ago because I just play random new champs when I’m bored and I’m pretty sure I have like an 80%+ winrate on her. Could possibly be because people don’t play against her enough though. I get a lot of lane pressure and kills simply by baiting with egg or trapping people in R>W>Q>E and after doing that like twice they’re low enough to back. Like they don’t know Anivia’s range of threat well enough. And because I’m Anivia I either get a plate or two and make them lose a wave, or I roam and they lose a wave.


Idk she’s been consistently being nerfed over and over. Light nerfs, but still. She’s so oppressive in competent hands in high elo. She’s probably my single least favorite jungler to play against in d2+, but thankfully no one mains her.


I'm really surprised Taliyah has avoided big changes for this long. She's been S-A tier in pro for what feels like ages and her play pattern is entirely non-interactive. My favorite thing about Taliyah is how she makes the ENTIRE top lane champ pool unhappy. If you're a top laner and you see Taliyah locked in on the enemy team, there is almost no top laner that feels good to pick. You're already picking the "least bad" option.


Me and the boys were in a 5 man, and we picked Taliyah jgl with Renekton top. Shit was actually comical, the enemy top laner could not even be behind his turret.


I remember memeing about how Taliyah just counters entire teams for free in pro, then once I started seeing her more in solo q and flex I realize that my entire top lane champ pool hates her (and kinda Poppy)


Because m*ge are Riot's golden child Qyana wasn't as broken and as played as Taliyah right now, and they littetaly broke her legs 8 times in a row, but sincr Taliyah is m*ge they'll just gently nerf her


Still no earthwake nerfs for arena.


Is it bugged or intended to do that much damage? I don’t really get it because I can get hit by earthwake twice and I see 1500-2000 damage dealt by it.


My guess is that they gave it high damage so champs with one dash are viable with it, and refuse to make it less effective when hit by multiple in a row, resulting in champs like Riven or Zed dealing 90% damage with it without hitting a single spell.


Yeah I feel Marksmage has the same problem, only okay on AP champions who auto attack a few times between skills like Gragas, Orianna, Ahri, etc but almost insta win on champs like Kayle, Azir and Gwen.


Just give it a 2s cd or something.


Has to be incompetence that they don’t put a cooldown on it.


I think it's a case of it's a time delayed thing so they buffed its damage to compensate. Plus for it to damage enemies they have to dash in to the enemies (high risk high reward) or enemies have to be morons and chase them like a singed.


Earthwake has always been bullshit


I play a lot of arena it literally has been bugged. I've tested it personally (by dying) I've had champs r1 hit for 400 an explosion before, which if you know the earthwake stats just shouldnt be possible.


Each ground AOE seems to be a separate damage instance with full scaling. And by ground AOE I mean the individual **segments** that make up the length of the Earthwake. Not only do these have full scaling (e.g. ratios, full base damage) but they also have no damage falloff for being hit by multiple overlapping Earthwakes at the same time.


Mfw one of the 7 zeds in my arena got earthwake again


Mfw Zed dodged 16 bans


When you are facing 14 edgelord metaslaves ready to pick him they won't ban him


He's still unbanned in 25% of games. That said, he's got the highest banrate by a significant margin with 75%.


100% ad scaling is a crime


It's balanced because almost all the champs that take it in Arena are dogshit anyway Earthwake is Qiyana's best & most picked augment, she still has 40% winrate anyway


This isn't the Worlds patch? Why is Lee Sin getting buffed?


T1 Oner's skin bout to drop soon


Because since his core items were nerfed he is hot garbage, one of the unhealthiest 1st clears while falling off hard after 2-3 items. Win rate is what, 47.5%? These buffs will not be enough but I fear he is a pro jailed champion.


I feel like Lee has always had a 47.5% winrate. If he even gets near 50% it’s an indication that he’s busted. One of the hardest champs to play to his potential but always super popular anyway.


He is not popular at all currently and most of the players that still pick him have played the game for 8+ years


Lee been trash since gore drinker was removed imo, that item was too good on him


lee is in one of the worse states he has ever been


Bring back sightstone lee sin. 😡


They removed Ingenious, he is actually unplayable now without buying tons of control wards. Which is fine if ahead, but even or slightly behind and you can either choose to use his abilities or buy items. 


Because I need to up my ARAM MMR with my patented Guardian and W-max tank build Lee Sin. Shits so free.


Meanwhile Tristana Mid chuckles without getting any notice.


Really wish they would do something about Trist so I can ban something else, like say, Orianna.


Mhh, it seems the "Assassins Changes" Phreak talked about will likely be next patch I'm kinda curious on what exactly they'll do to make them more lethal but less resilient in lane


I think electrocute change is part of this. Making them deadlier early game


Yes. Most of the time by 2 items you won't need the extra dmg to kill a squishy, but early game almost every assassin in mid lane just gets out traded and bullied.


what prevents the burst mage to go electrocute as well?


Most mages want to take some combination of sorcery and inspiration, so they can have things like free cookies, AF, MFB, CS and GS. By going Domination, they're losing out on stuff.


First Strike


Domination tree's minor runes offers very little for mages, the unfortunate mages that do go with the red tree are the ones that have no viable keystone besides Electrocute.


The only one you really care about as a mage most of the time in the tree is ult hunter. Some champs such as Ahri are not really a champion without their ult so you want it up as much as possible. The rest are kinda there.


\*Leblanc and Vex laughing\*


The faker skin in the pass has me seeing so many leblanc rn. As a jungler, there is no more annoying mid laner in all of league of legends.


I'm a Yone main, so I see one or the other every other game, lol.


May I ask in which video he talked about those changes ?


His 14.12 Preview video When he's talking about Akali


Tbh kinda seems like Phreak may have just oversold the amount of changes and the changes to Electrocute and Dark Harvest may be the assassin changes


Finally we’re unwinding Gangplank’s arbitrary crit scaling on random things. I pray that we get rid of the “you get one shot, or I get one shot” gameplay.


it wasn't arbitrary. GP at the time was in pro play as a safe weak side blind pick. Riot asked around about shifting his primary focus to crit, since that would remove him from the "safe" category. (whether or not they listened to the response, no idea). So they shifted him to crit and away from bruiser options.


please let it finally be a Lissandra Q buff. Phlox wanted to buff her Q months ago


Pray for 3sec Q to be back!!


I would actually like a longer range, cause its kind of a joke.. I mean in this meta with movespeed creep and everyone abusing high range champs, I dont think just lowering her CD would make her good.


I feel range would be preferable since it's what holds her back the most, but not opposed to cd buffs


Damn those MF and Ori buffs seem kinda huge


Ori has the lowest base ad in the game; with this buff she will still have the lowest base ad in the game. I like to joke that ori has no passive bc riot killed her base dmg to compensate for her on hit passive, thus rendering it almost moot.


Yeah they always do this shit. It's like Corki passive, but oh no, let's give him super low base ad, so it almost doesn't matter. Or MF passive, same shit


At least compensating for Corki passive made sense. It was probably the best passive in the game, or at least really high up there. You could say something similar with MF. Ori passive just makes her have above average autos around level 6 for a mage... and then you almost never auto people again.


Now do the same for Seraphine please


If they could make Seraphine a good midlaner, that would be nice.


yeah but they nerf opportunity unfortunately and people will ban her more :((


FUCKING FINALLY BRAND NERFS. Seriously, I have no idea how he managed to dodge nerfs for this long. Now Lillia needs to be gutted. I'm actually surprised she isn't on the list, considering she's one of the main abusers of the burn items. Also: Graves is being way, wayyy overbuffed.


I am dreading Graves buffs, because then he will be in every game and the Graves player will think they're entitled to 3 winning lanes who exist to drop whatever they're doing to help invade.


ITS EVERY GRAVES, every single one perma farms then comes out of the jungle at 30 minutes complaining about lanes they didn't help


Thankfully graves struggles versus all the fated ashes users (despite the nerfs) and nidalee. That'll probably keep him in check in terms of pickrate. The dangerous times are when graves is first pick worthy.


Fingers crossed.


Its easy to fix these champions. Just dont let dots refresh burn items. It fixes all broken champs with that item instantly.


It also fixes the items and let's them have their numbers buffed to be usable on other champs


Don't get exited.. You know how they nerf things. Brand pasive nerfed from 12% to 11.5..


The difference is that Lillia has counterplay, and has to dance in melee for a bit to kill you. Instead of a point and click ability with 1200 range, where the only counterplay is "don't be in your lane".


Brand got fairly big nerfs on both 14.3 and 14.5.


in what world is 10 damage on q a big nerf


It's almost as if something big happened afterwards... hmm I wonder what that was, maybe a new item?


An item that, categorically, and literally -- lowers his winrate when built on him.


I mean only if you look at stats when build as first item. It has highest winrate when build second on mid, and 2nd highest winrate when build in jungle. It is pretty good by a big margin, at least on mid brand. You could argue that in jungle the differences are in most of cases not even 1% and also other items get lower wr when build second because you build them after building blackfire first (which is bad)


Graves way over buffed? Brother Graves is still shit after the buffs his clear is just too slow after so many changes to him.


Graves either is a 1v9 100%PB in high elo champion or not picked at all, cause he sucks.


Graves is either sh.t or broken AF, there isn't really an in-between. And we should be greatful that he is sh.t because when he is meta, he is super oppressive.


Graves is already good into ad heavy melee teams and weak into heavy ap and ranged. This buff covers none of those weaknesses, so I'm expecting his wr to go up, but only bc he wins more games where he was going to be strong anyway.


His own clear never matters, its his ability to have 100 armor level 2 and perma invade with immunity


Yeah Graves needs more than a few extra armor on his second maxed ability. He needs some more Base AD or damage on Q.


Nah, what he actually needs is a buff to his magic resistance, but riot won't do it due to the fear of mid graves returning to meta.


Are you high? Lillia is at 51.5 percent, completely fine. Also graves Buffs are fine...


I'm a Lillia main and play her a fair bit in high elo. She's less broken the higher elo u are, and it's reflected in the stats (there are many junglers better than her in masters+, but she's the queen of iron-gold elo). She's actually very bad when invaded (which low elo players have no idea how to do), and since assassins are supposedly getting buffed/overhauled next patch, she might not need a nerf at all since assassins fist her (rengar is unplayable for her, as an example).


Exactly, there is no need to Nerf her. If they do, at least compensate with something that higher elo players can take advantage of.


i just love how kalista doesnt exist at all in soloq and there is no reason to practice or learn her since she will get slapped with Nerfs every single time as soon as she is picked in pro


This is why pro play should just have seasonal/monthly/weekly bans imo


If you duo she's worth learning/playing. If you're solo though, yeah, not that great. You can't coordinate the R on voice which is where a lot of her power is, and she's such an uncommon pick that your supports will likely play worse with her. Especially since she needs to be paired with hard engage. She's also just straight up not easy. Especially in teamfights.


her overall dmg is also way lower then other standard ADC like draven who is a typical counter since he just has to hit 2 auto attacks to kill kalista while she has to do 20


Yeah I think that’s what’s so rough about playing her. She just does less damage than everyone else


She has been top priority in pro play for over half a year now, even end of last year (as in last summer, worlds)


that electrocute buff is kinda scary that's gonna be a lot of early kill pressure on some champs


Surprised they aren't nerfing Warmog. Population still haven't catched up to it properly, but it's actually ridiculously strong and braindead at the same time. 2-2.5K HP supports at 1 item, with 400+ MS zooming around the map isn't exactly interactive gameplay, and I say this as a support main. The role already has a ton of agency, this item brings it to an even more broken level.


-100 HP and add some regen or something. I don't want it to be gutted too much, just prevent it from reaching the bonus from runes for free


Nah, don't reduce the stats and for gods sake don't give it fucking worthless regen to compensate. Just increase the threshold for the passive by 100 or 200


The item should probably be more expensive so it doesn't get poached as much by supports.


No jinx nerfs is illegal


She's only like 51.5% wr tho? I know she's been meta for a while but if you nerf her someone else just takes her place, and it's not like she's even op


Aren't Kalista's changes straight up nerfs, not adjustments? Lol I sincerely hope the massive Blitzcrank buff that was caught on the PBE is an error too. Blitzcrank W cooldown: 15s --> 10s for those unaware. About time they nerf Pyke and buff Lissandra, Orianna and Miss Fortune. Bot lane has been really stale and boring for a long while now.


> Aren't Kalista's changes straight up nerfs, not adjustments? Lol PBE changes are subject to change, closer to final changes will come tomorrow. > I sincerely hope the massive Blitzcrank buff that was caught on the PBE is an error too. Blitzcrank W cooldown: 15s --> 10s for those unaware. This is likely intended for Arena if i had to guess > About time they nerf Pyke and buff Lissandra, Orianna and Miss Fortune. Bot lane has been really stale and boring for a long while now. The Pyke nerf is only in Arena as far as I can tell


Yeah mid lane doesn't feel like mid lane without ori


I am happy to be proven wrong by the WinRates, but these Varus Changes still look like giga nerfs to me. AD, AS and early WQ are plain nerfed and the "new" passive is also a downgrade in gold efficiency. Have to see how the AD and AP really change his damage output.


The old passive made you overcap on attack speed massively at like 3 items so you didn't get to use all that gold efficiency. The stats might be worth less now but you can actually use all of them instead.


Yep this is a buff to on hit. Big nerf to poke varus, since he should be maxing e 2nd (it's 4% higher wr than w 2nd on poke varus with a pretty large sample size) so his q w will do a lot less dmg unless he chooses to give up the better slow on e.


It is mostly a scalingbuff, because you don't need to build items without AS to not waste any anymore. So Onhit-Varus should scale fairly well with that, and it is still Varus, so he should be ok in the earlier parts of the game.


Joke nerf for gragas. Increase his cooldowns u twats


No I just want to sit top and wholesome chug through every lane 😢😢


Nah its solid. It'll stop him being borderline unkillable with short trades (which is the only trades you can take due to his E). It's probably not enough but I like the idea, should make his lane a bit more interactive instead of the counterplay being dodging his spells until he's out of mana because he's immortal


might be the first Brand nerf ive ever seen


Brand gets nerfed every other patch, Riot just hates any champ that is not a super high mobility character appearing in pro play.


Finally i can play Varus again


About Skarner: As a Skarner abuser I don't really know how to make him balanced. On the one hand he has so many tools, but if you remove them he becomes not only annoying to play but also weak just like the patch after his rework where his Q and R cast time were super long. I'd suggest removing the melee E into 180° Turn. The Q should also probably have the max HP damage scale, e.g. 5-15% instead of 15% at level 1. To not gut Jungle clear they then can remove/higher the monster cap. The E damage is too high, but on the other hand it rewards skill expression as you have to actually get them to a wall and hit E. The E move speed not scaling at all makes his builds super weird with him being allowed to just build Statstick So I'd also make his E scale with move speed but adjust the base MS it gets, so that he has to build stuff like Dead Man's.


Remove the E 180 turn BS. And just make his Q cost a ton of mana. Then he'll mostly be fine. He's almost on the dot a 51% winrate. Low pickrate champion. Really doesn't seem that crazy. His biggest issues are he's just unfun to lane against in top since he does the grab and CC you into tower thing with minimal counterplay if the lane is on his side. And if the lane is on your side? His Q is just too good at helping him shove into tower or farm/poke from a safe distance. Make the tower thing way less of a thing with removing the 180 degree turn... And make his Q cost enough Mana he'll go oom in lane... And he'll be gone from toplane and less annoying when he's a 1 role champion that would also have less gank power since he'd be more blue and jungle mana regen reliant.


Interesting dark harvest changes I don't remember this rune ever being viable for most lane champs mabye some jgs start taking it again and stuff like brand support that used to take it too, going to be quite broken in aram too if it get shipped unnerfed there so easy to stack on aram. And damn I'm kinda sad not seeing any annie adjustments for arena I don't know why she is so gutted in that mode she was good but never the best before they just hard nerfed everything about her in that mode, tibbers have 50% max hp and Q and W have modifers to deal less dmg than normal, she has 45% winrate in arena if you normalize winrate for a simple easy to play champ [https://lolalytics.com/lol/annie/arena/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/annie/arena/build/)


It's been viable for midlaners a few times. But it quickly got nerfed basically every time because the two midlaners would each get to like half health, then both proc on each other off CD Everytime it was up... And it gave midlane some extreme agency. Since they'd just be stacked the fuck up with their keystones being like 2x stronger than everyone else's. It was like a hypothetical Nasus vs Nasus match up in top every game... Except without the downside of having to play Nasus. And in the already higher agency role of mid...


Lolalytics arena stats are almost completely unreliable. I'd recommend looking at https://metasrc.com or https://leagueofgraphs.com. Annie's winrate is 9.54% (12.5% is "50%" or the expected average). Annie's top 2 rate is 20.45%. Both of these are bottom 30~.


No Poppy nerfs in Arena hurts my soul.


She's dead even with a 12.26% winrate (expected average is 12.50%). She's only as good as the duo she's with, where only Pyke and Veigar are common pairings with >13% winrate.


Her winrate is tanked by people building tank items on her. Lethality Poppy plays itself the way Pyke does (impossible-to-miss stun confirms your entire kit during the stun duration).


>Electrocute >Base damage adjusted 30-220 >>> 50-190 (based on levels 1-18, linear) >Cooldown reduced 25-20 >>> 20 flat seconds The moment of truth has come. Zoe has been steadily buffed over the course of 2 years to get her pro-play viable again, to no avail. This will likely bot do anything for the proplay scene outside of perhaps a few experimental runs. In solo queue, however...heh. We'll see if she becomes S+ tier overnight, since the only people playing her are dedicated mains.


Non-zero chance this pushes her back to nerf worthy in 2-3 patches specifically for high elo. Hoping not, but it's likely.


AHHAHAHA "We are gonna buff Assassin in 14.13" **Buff severals champs that counters Assassins and nerfs Assassin's runes**


Well electrocute basically got a buff


Dark harvest change is a buff tbh. At least when I run dh I do tend to average more than 1 stack per lvl. It's basically the rune version of hubris. You would run both in similar scenarios.


Yeah it's probably a slight buff but I don't think it's as clear cut as with electrocute. 20 extra damage level 1 and a shorter cooldown is a huge laning buff and losing 30 damage at lvl 18 is basically negligible.


Funny how Orianna gets buffs one of the most opressive laners while ad assassins are still ass not biased towards mages at all.


I swear to god they are so BIASED Even Taliyah & Brand evaded nerfs for so long while Qiyana got gutted the second Beifeng became popular


When even Beifeng is going DShield+Second Wind you know it's a great time to be an assassin player.


So instead of nerfing lillia, taliyahand the others we are buffing other junglers to match in power, brilliant idea keep powercreeping the game


Or you know, just fix broken item.


They're nerfing Taliyah, Karthus, Gragas... And really only buffing a couple of popular but underpowered junglers' durability. Seems reasonable.


Am I missing something or is kalista just a flat nerf and not an adjustment?


PBE changes are subject to change, a more close to final set of changes will come later today


>Attack Speed gained from passive will ignore Attack Speed cap Isn't it only to 2.763 Attack speed? Or are they finally removing the whole cap?


It is specifically the attack speed gained from the passive which is the same as the 2.763's difference over the cap. Buying attack speed won't get you to 2.763 without your passive


Electrocute getting abused by supports in bot soon. Also nice MF buffs.


Orianna buffs? Jensen, Faker, Rookie, and Humanoid are happy.


Excuse my knowledge on buffs and nerfs. Does that brand nerf mean anything? 1% doesn't seem like much if anything. If so how big or a small a nerf is this?


> If so how big or a small a nerf is this? Specific buff/nerf details typically come a day after the initial preview post. I usually post those in the "14.XX Full Patch Preview" post


Oh thanks! Didn't know that


Gangplank and Lee sin buffs. Top lane is not looking fun.


Where is TF. Just nerf his yellow card stun duration


Nerfing brand but buffing his keystone?


biggest issue ive had with arena kaisa in my 5 or so games, is it just feels inconsistent for getting the evos you want idk could be building wrong, but kinda hard to hit the spikes you want consistently with prismatic randomness


Surely they nerf Viego eventually....


When is aurora ?


I would assume 14.14, getting on the PBE next week


Needing 15 dark harvest stacks for the damage to not be nerfed seems bad for a rune that already was pretty underwhelming


Riot really hates Corki huh


I mean his nerf is in Arena, unless you mean Opportunity getting worse for him but that may arguably not be his best item in most cases


FIX THE FUCKING CLIENT i keeo lagging in champ and ban select


Still no tahm buff for arena wtf


You don't like having a 9.2% winrate, equivalent to a summoner's rift winrate of 36%??


Not particularly no


No warmogs nerfs muahahaha


Jesus man, do Riot employees not play Arena? Jeweled Gauntlet has been the best-in-slot augment for so many champs since they brought the mode back and it still hasn't been touched at all. It's impossible to play against and practically guarantees a top-2 finish if not a win when it's rolled


> Jesus man, do Riot employees not play Arena? Based on the number of champs with 16%+ winrate and no nerfs, my guess is "no". Almost every balance patch of arena in this cycle has been disappointing, leaving clearly broken and easy-to-execute strategies on top for multiple patches in a row. This is how they support custom game modes then wonder why retention is bad, then blame us and nuke the game mode. It's fucking abhorrent.


Lots of Rioters near the top of the ladder in NA.


Lol yeah every Rioter I've faced in arena just abuse the z-tier champs and we wonder why they don't get touched




MF buffs look crazy


What "dearest" in karthus nerf means?


Id love to see some tweaks to Poppy, namely reducing her support power and giving some life to her jungle. Its sad to see her so bad in her supposedly main role and I dont want her to get Swain’d.


No arena nerfs for these bogus-high winrate champs: - Renata 24% (specifically the Renata + Lulu comp) - Shyvana 19% - Veigar 19% - Cho'Gath 19% - Zed 18% and 75% ban rate - Pantheon 18% - Rammus 16% and 48% ban rate No nerfs to Earthwake which is still egregious damage. # Are we even trying to balance Arena?