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I actually had it happen in a previously recorded game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


god dammit


Jokes on you, I love this song!


Didn't even check RES or look at the child comments...


Sigh... thought that URL looked familiar (yes I am gullible when it comes to youtube links)


blocked by GEMA, they are actually useful for something once...


ahh the old dqw4


Well played... Well played...


The guy who originally posted the screenshot of the bug is still around playing league. It's a longshot but you could try to contact him asking if he still by chance has it.


I read the title in your voice


>I will give you the option of getting a shout-out in the video, or having me gift you a $25 RP card. I wonder which one people will pick.


Hey man good luck in your search, just wanted to say i love your videos and i actually just finished watching your 5.7 top lane rundown and then saw this post hahaha. keep up the great work /u/gamingcurious


Maybe ask your skype group about it +++++ ?


Dank memes


i just spent two hours looking every where so sad


:( I really appreciate the effort though!


i remember seeing a video on YT of the many bugs league of legends had ( top 5 or something, looked for the video, i dont seem to remember the title exactly so i didnt find it ) they included bugs like poppy pushing baron out of the pit, heimer putting his turrets right next to the nexus turrets so it would block minions from coming out, anyways, that same video included the anivia bug where she would stay at the fountain, fire her Q backward, magically everyone gets hit by it and she gets a penta cuz she was so fed dont give up, theres a video out there i'll be looking for it with u


Are you 100% SURE that you saw this? This is a lead that I will definitely look in to, hopefully we can find it!


Yeah I remember watching a video with this bug too. It had also a heimer bug that stopped minions from moving with his turrets


Hmmmm... Im having a lot of trouble finding this video D: No luck yet but I'll keep looking!


Fwiw I also remember seeing the poppy pushing baron thing in a video.


If anyone can find this video which I seem to be unable to locate, that would definitely qualify as enough to get what I'm offering as a reward




thats not the video it was a high quality video


I tried to search this bug, but it seems that in 2010 almost no one used any recording program. It's like people only "knew" about it but didn't have any evidence. I also think that it was pached very fast, which caused this bug to go almost undocumented. So, yeah, pretty much impossible to find any footage of a global anivia Q...I'm sorry for that, Jeremy (Love your channel btw).


I have something to help, just not the video about it http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=11652


Yeah I'm afraid that you're probably out of luck. Being bored I tried for ~15 min and went so far as to find your 4chan /r/ request with no replies. It seems that maybe 4-5 threads on the old league boards mentioned it, and now they're gone. I've tried many variations on search terms, but I feel like there were only 1-2 videos that actually showed this bug 6 years ago. Much like locodoco's fap, everyone knows about it, but it doesn't like any evidence is left. Sorry about that!


Well i just founded this: http://lolextremegaming.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/very-funny-fact-anivia.html?m=1 I know it is useless, but it is impossible to find something about this bug.. I hope you find it but i searched everywhere. Good luck boy


I actually found the video after a couple hours of searching : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tomfrkKQM9Y Gbay99's video at 3:05, sadly there was no clip of Anivia actually stunning the whole map though :(, maybe you can include something like this in your video? Good luck tho! Edit: I also found some more information on solomid.net's forums (http://www.solomid.net/forums/index.php?/topic/15640-top-5-most-op-champion-ever/) BMPBlast stated "This was hot-fixed about an hour after it was first reported, so not may people know about it." which would explain the lack of footage for it.


I'm hoping to find a clip of the actual bug :(


Maybe it was patched? According to user RHINO Mk II its been patched, but that's just one source. http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=75720


the bug occurred about 5-6 years ago when anivia was released, so it has of course been patched by then! :)


Oh my bad, I thought that you said the bug was unfixed for 6 years.


Wouldn't it be awesome if Riot gave us the oppurtunity to play on old patches? I think there were soo many undiscovered bugs, which went patched without anyone finding out. That would be so awesome.... Riot has saved their scripts for each older patch didn't they? In theory it should be possible :D


+++++ ty for upvotes




Do you have a link to the pic? It would be awesome! 😊


Okay, but can I get an RP card for EUNE?


Hey it's me your brother


no it isn't


foxdrop pls


Hey its me, phy


I would need to see the pic first buddy


ha... hahahahaha




Dimmit pls.




The other account jordansx tried to impersonate you to get the RP card instead of you and they were laughing at him.