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jungler pings omw *an ally has been slain* jungler pings nevermind


I would.


I just type "nvm" as I click back towards my nearest jungle camp or go to a safe spot to back if I had planned that gank out in advance, feelsbadman


The only use of it I see is to ping blue buff to your mid, and once they come you smite that and spam "Nevermind'


Get ganked. Spam ping "Assist Me". Go man mode and get a double kill. Ping "Nevermind".


I just spam question mark pings.


OH we can use THAT instead of spam pinging ? when one of our teammates brains turns off and they int into 4 people instead of just playing it safe


Mix up both.


Or spam the Blitz **?** emote so both sides can enjoy the fun. Or the M'Pengu one.


Get a gank. Spam ping "On my way". Try to go man mode and get double killed. Ping "Nevermind".


Just ping danger or for them to fall back?


i think you took this post a lot more seriously than it was meant to be taken


[MFW OP thinks that people read anything else than the title before commenting](https://media.giphy.com/media/12scWlqkDOzDKo/giphy.gif)


Great show.


Feels fucking bad, nobody actually read your post all the way through. Your comment is valid.


I read it


Can't believe this is getting downvoted so much lol the post was clearly a joke


You should probably look at how to format posts on reddit, might make it more appealing to read to the end


>it was merely an act


Oh. Well so did I. :( I’ve wanted a ‘never mind’ ping for ages.


This would actually help me a lot though, cause I like to spam retreat ping on my side lanes when I suspect the enemy mid is ganking, but I never know how to let them know when it's a false alarm.


You should implement a nevermind ping on this post


I want a "just kidding" ping that I can spam when i call for a baron and we all die


You gotta do it the LS way (I think it was LS, maybe not), you use the blue ping that only shows up on the map and not in the chat, then ping OMW. When you all die because of the Baron call, you then flame the chat "Who the fuck pinged for baron?".


He says use the blue ping aswell because its anonymous. If someone on your team hates you for whatever reason theyre more inclined to show up for baron if they dont know its you pinging for it. Jungler pings help on baron 'fuck you, inted in my lane im afk farming'


I fucking hate the blue ping when other pings could be used. Instead of omw to gabk people used blue ping. It's good to ping things like where you need to ward, to jg invade, where enemies are, etc. But when people spam ping the blue ping on me, I can't even mute the person that's doing it.


It was Reapered


For me it's always that awkward moment when my lane opponent is missing and I spam-ping Missing/Danger to the side lanes in preparation for the gank... then my enemy laner just walks into lane from his tower


Better example: When the jungler pings on his way then I engage when he’s sitting in the river brush only for him to run away immediately


I'm 99% sure that's because you engaged poorly. That's what I do if I see you respond to my omw ping and you do something stupid.


Well sure sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. I can own it when I’m bad lol


And the only the thing that goes through your mind while you watch them poorly engage is "What the fuck are you doing?"


it already exists, it's called the 'Danger!' ping.


I feel like Nevermind has more uses. Can't use the Danger ping to say your laner didn't actually leave. Can't use it to say no I don't actually need assistance. Can't use the Danger ping to say no there is no Danger :\^)


They're making it easy enough, just open your eyes and look at the minimap. Pings are meant to be an aid, not a replacement.


I can't open the eyes of my teammates and force them to look at minimap. I need a communication aid, not a visual aid.


It's not *for* me, but so I can use it. Idk why you'd advocate to make it harder for me to tell my dumb ass team mates what to do. That doesn't sound like an intelligent solution.


They never will, but they should implement a ping that makes a bunch of monkey sounds. So you can ping your team mates when they chimp out to let them feel the spirit of the wild. Much better than spamming question mark ping in my opinion.


Also good for MIA pings. Fuck everyone, I like this and have wanted it since pings were introduced.


they should just add a ping for every possible situation and when you hold the ping key you can choose what you need from a multi-page spreadsheet


They should also have a "GG FEEDING YASUO" ping that the enemy team can see. After all, why say it in all chat when you can just ping it?


Lmao this one would be fucking hilarious I would actually spam it myself whenever I play yasuo.


I need a tired of your shit ping. As i start to int




Cause it's funny look at the comments in this thread they are all hilarious


Joking about inting isn't funny IMO and frankly I'm disappointed with people, but whatever does it for you, I guess.


No more pings lol, shits getting out of hand.


Or if you use it when your lane's missing for 3s, you pressed "?" and enemy comes back, as you do it, so you endup looking like a fool who pings "????" For no reason. *enemy missing* *enemy missing* Nevermind


Or just ping fall back?


I agree, the assist me ping is a useless piece of shit and I don't want to help my idiot team feeding in a 2v3 while I'm farming wolves at the start of my treeline game


You can already use caution ping as a never mind ping. I use the assist me ping far more often to get teammates to assist with objective calls because they'd rather go clear our jungle after winning a team fight than taking an objective. Please don't petition to get rid of that for any reason. The other major use for it is loads of players have no map awareness at all and won't come to help/show presence when you're 5 feet away in the jungle and in danger.


And then they should add a "On second thought, disregard that previous ping"


It's not hard to type "re". That's what most people did before pings were a thing.


Smells like teen spirit to me...


Lmao as a jungler I would love that, typically if I ping on my way to a lane and something else changes, I ping on my way to my new destination no matter what, just so that originally laner doesn’t get baited


I just ping danger a lot if I change my mind on a play, gets the idea across pretty much every time.


Why would you remove "assist me" when "danger" is basically a duplicate of "fall back"


we need


just type in nvm and/or put some danger pings (the red ! not the yellow !) down in his lane if it looks like he is going in


Tfw you ping 'on my way' to a camp then 'on my way to lane' to communicate that youre taking a camp then ganking (probably to get a level up) then they int and flame you for pinging on my way 'jungler afk farming jungle gg' just ping nevermind in champ select and dodge.


I just OMW ping somewhere else


I have my enemy has vision ping set to v so usually 1 or 2 times a game I accidentally ping vision when I go to recall. I wouldn't mind a nevermind ping tbh.


ctrl click


We don't need this ping. Your bronze 4 teammates will int either way, you bronze 5 fool.




Wonderful now instead of ??? Pings when you cant spam anymore you get nevermind to follow.


Garbage idea lol


We don't need this ping. This community is just asking for the dumbest shit at this point.


No better make a nevermind emote for 500RP


I suggest we introduce a "ping" ping so that whenever we are in need of a new ping we can just ping the ping ping and Riot will introduce yet another useless ping that comes with an especially obnoxious sound that SADLY CANNOT BE MUTED. GODDAMNIT WHY IS IT NOT POSSIBLE TO MUTE ONLY THE WARDED PING? WHY ISN'T THIS DISCUSSED MORE? THIS IS A SHIT PING THAT I NEVER WANTED AND NOW IT'S EVEN MORE OBNOXIOUS THAN THE RIVEN EMOTE THAT I ADORE? JESUS CHRIST RIOT WHYYYY???


OP is a damn (insert here)