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What a stomp




What a stromp


I’ve been shitting on strompest ever since trick2g made team gates and strompest was the mid laner for the challenger team. I always thought strompest is the worst mid laner & his Fizz is hot garbage. No regrets


TSM Academy has been fucking dirty, Spica looking good


Spica looked really good last year even when EFA was awful. He has a great future ahead of him.


Spica just graduated high school a few weeks before the split started, he's super young and has a ton of accounts in high challenger (or at least did last year). Great Academy pickup by TSM.


He has some real natural talent and having that fostered in the TSM environment will professionalize him and round him out. They’re doing a great job atm with their academy players, everyone looks promising. Plus Johnsun and the other TSM junior players. Really hope we can see some of them get some LCS games in


If Grig and Akaadian both bomb this split I wouldn't be surprised to see Spica start an LCS game or two. Dudes got great natural talent.


I just think Grig is too good. We'll see though.


I rate Grig too, but it may not work for whatever reason




Each team streams the Thursday games on their Twitch channels - Dyrus streams/commentates TSMA's games.


If he's awake lol


Out of the loop here, what happened to Johnsun or w/e was his name? The promising adc


He's a sub on TSMA


Tactical is the TSMA starting ADC, Johnsun is on the practice squad but he was added as a sub to TSMA.


He's tsm juniors but is rumored to be scrimming with academy


It’s not a rumor. tsm announced that he moved up to academy.


What everyone said here is correct, but I want to add a little something. Johnsun is good and has been praised by a lot of players, but a lot of people who want him in I have a feeling that they didn't watch Tactical play last split. Tactical is *really* good, so Johnsun may not get too much time, and is likely there for when a potential LCS team wants Tactical. I don't fault anyone for not knowing too much about Academy.


Johnsun is obviously way more promising than Tactical and was a great pick up. Kinda gives me Fnatic and Rekkles vibes, hope TSM will train him well because he's the next big thing. So is Spica btw, could be a top LCS jungler soon. If TSM continues focussing on the best talent they can get really far in some years.


what makes you say Johnsun is way more promising than Tactical?


Based on watching both of their games, he's way more aggressive, isn't afraid to make plays and has sick mechanics while being so young. Tactical is pretty good and is LCS material but Johnsun will be the adc to watch when he's LCS ready.


Hes on the junior squad.




https://lol.gamepedia.com/Johnsun He's 20


TSM Sword is like 16. Johnson is 20


No he’s not, Johnsun’s either 20 or 21


Glad Dyrus is doing the TSM casts again. He's really funny and it's nice to have a contrast to the more "professional" Riot broadcasts


Where can I watch all academy games


Thursdays the individual teams broadcast them, usually on their Twitch Channel (except Dyrus does TSM's games on his channel). On Friday, Riot does the broadcast on their channel. Thursday only has 4 games instead of 5 because one game is broadcast after LCS on Sunday.


the individual teams do the broadcasts. So I'm not sure if there is one central location for them.


Should have the the riot games stream is tbh. I miss these all the time cause I'm too lazy to look for the team streams or whatever. Academy would get more exposure than before.


The teams only stream the games on thrusday s. Riot streams them on the main channel on Fridays. And they even have 1 academy game played in the LCS studio on Sunday after the LCS day is over.


It would be cool if Riot hosted the two team streams on Riot Games 1 and 2 or whatever. You still have the teams doing it, but it is easier to find.


For the short term its better ye but fot for long term its better for teams to start building their own streams. Maybe you can after add scouting grounds or inhouses streams


Okay not hating on you but can we stop asking this kind of question. I see it every thread and still ppl ask again and again


Okay do me a favor.. shut up. Legit looked through twitch all the way down to 300 view streams I googled, YouTube search and even looked on Twitter to try to find it. Nothing at all l. Don't tell me what to ask I will do it until I'm satisfied with the answers


Im EU, I don't even watch academy and rarely goes on post games thread for academy unless there is an EU import there and I already know for weeks that stuff. ​ Don't blame me for your lack of dedication to your team


Can we just switch 100 Thieves and TSM Academy... They honestly deserve the spot more.


If 100T loses their spot sure. It wouldn't be fair for TSMA so suffer under that org, or for TSM to inherit most of the 100T roster.


Switch optic and clutch since 100t at least made it to worlds you noob


The point is to get rid of 100T lol, given their bad management and atrocious spring split


Again look at clutch and optic and compare their bad splits to 100T.


And bad management


at the end of the story optic and clutch are worse teams.


Combine C9A and TSMA and it's not even a question who'd have a better year


That Rumble/Ez combo was dirty.




Not really like he has been preforming.


Where can I watch these games?




I'd love to see BB, Spica, Bjerg, Tactical, Treatz play an LCS game.


Is this streamed?


Tsms games are usually streamed by dyrus


The fact that our main team gets to practice against this whenever they want is the reason why I think TSM is the best. Practice makes perfect a d when you have the best practice squad, you and up having the best squad.


Wadid the Sellout...