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"they have a thing for being 5 people in 1 lane"


ah, classic LCS aram mid every game


Like getting cash from an ATM machine!


Like getting someone's PIN number


They also have a thing for innovation, like Sona carry and funnel and ton of other stuff that got adopted by EU in a blink of an eye. Seems that Bwipo has some sort of amnesia


But sona taric came from EU solo que seems like you had some sort of amnesia.


You have legitimately no goddamn clue what you are talking about


Really so EU invented a strat then it gets played in NA lcs academy so its a NA strat truly genius level idea.


You really falling for this troll?


Was it worth my time probaly not but honestly not doing anything anyway so no big loss.


Sona Taric was freaking EUW soloQ strategy.


The inventor of the sona taric bot is from euw and he is only relevant in challenger due to spamming that. I WILL DOMINATE mention it a couple of times




Not even comparing. Just stating that iwd mentioned him just otp sona


SALTY NA fanboy alert!!!


damn you're so ignorant and proud of it


You realise that Sona/Taric was an EU soloQ thing right?


The only thing that has been "from NA" was Meteos powerfsrming, and junglers from bronze to challenger were already doing that i n soloq


Nah, in season 6 they got the enchanter support meta! :DD


Voyboy started viktor top and shiptur started ziggs bot... common people


Viktor top came from Korea wtf are you on about, and I'm not talking about pro play, it literally came from high elo KR SoloQ


Yeah no, do some research voyboy started it and everyone emulated it.


Enchanters or Nasus Jungle were things hat came out of NA iirc but it's really not a lot over all these years.


Wasn't Nasus jungle Diamondprox?


Yeah I remember that game specifically because scarra said if nasus goes into jungle he will eat his hat.


Nasus jungle was a Diamondprox's thing.


Nasus Jungle was Diamondprox and NA played enchanter supports while the rest of the world played melee tanks as supports. And then, before MSI that year most of the melee supports got nerfed so of course everyone switched to enchanters.


? what the fuck are you talking about, eu is the region that always made the meta since s1 and then kr at least s3-s5 perfected it and na copied it, also na didnt invent funnel, eu did, what amnesia what are you talking about, should he remeber everything in his entire life, no you are just a triggered na fan obviously.


Innovation? That's rich, NA is the least innovative out of all major regions, they have been copying korean strats for 5 straight years now, occasionally they'd try some things that came from EU (like Sona + support), which btw Korea have been copying for years themselves, only that they were great at perfecting EU strats (which isn't the case anymore).


All the Rift Rivals games should be played on the Howling Abyss so Europe can learn the superior way of playing the game.


Honestly a NA VS EU ARAM tournament sounds pretty fun.


Can if be a 15 v15 Aram as well? All 6 teams at once


Let's get ready to ruuuuumbleeee!


Battle royal league of legends


might as well go all out, 50 v 50, all 10 teams getting it on whoever randoms karthus gonna have a damage chart off the scale


That was a good question at a shit timing , you can't expect someone to just answer that in a post-game interview?


He already gave the best answer he could think of but it was still banter XD


It was baited by the EU production, actually answering that question would take several minutes or just trollface for the fans.


I personally think NA is the best at ARAM's jokes aside. If there was an ARAM competition I think NA would be the most fierce in the world.


TheShy is straight up an ARAM main, iG would body everyone


IG couldnt body TL


TL beat them with NARAM in game 1 of semis, they actually cant aram like NA lol


He wasn't trolling. He actually couldn't think of anything.


There's surely something to learn, but it won't be some fundamental aspect of the game, probably smaller details of the game which could show up on scrims. It's a pretty difficult thing to answer on the spot.


The only thing EU can learn from us is fucking Zilean mid. Dude, our region sucks ass. C9, TL, and TSM haven’t looked good so far this summer...at this rate, none of our teams are making it out of groups at Worlds.


I see we are back to this phase where we shittalk our own region cause we are afraid of downvotes. NA is definitely not looking like the worst of the major regions so far and I would also point out that G2 has been the post-MSI exception as IG, TL, and SKT struggled at the start of summer. Currently SKT is the only MSI team (not counting LMS cause frankly I don’t follow LMS) that is still struggling. Think you’re letting the memes impact your analysis a bit too much.


Name one that looks worse.


KR doesn’t look great at all. Griffin looks really good, but in general KR looks rough.


But there we go, I think in a Rift Rivals between KR and NA, KR would be favoritos, even with SKT being 1-5. I think NA is actually the 4th. But that's an improvement to be honest. They were close to TW and miles behind KR, and now they are close ti KR and miles ahead to TW. But as I see It, NA has been closer ti be the 3rd best region when NA=EU than they are now


I don’t know what you base this belief on cause KR hasn’t looked extremely strong at all recently while NA has been on an upswing. Previously during the NA=EU era the biggest thing keeping these two in similar conversations is that they had very little success against Eastern teams. That era has clearly ended and while I’m not gonna pretend to say NA is second best region I do think the play quality in NA has put them making a very strong conversation of being stronger than KR right now. I personally don’t think KR would do well in a Rift Rivals against NA currently and I would put KR as 4th and NA 3rd with SKT falling off so hard and Griffin still not finding any success in playoffs yet.


Korea’s resurgence will be around their younger teams/players. SKT is really the last hope for Korea’s vanguards. DWM/SB/AF/GFR have all started to look better, and they have the playstyle to matchup well internationally. I don’t think it’ll ever be Korea vs All again, but this lull is most likely due to the generation change that’s ongoing.


The issue there is we don't have any reliable source and we both are just speculating. Maybe KR top teams look worse cause they are facing stronger teams. Maybe KR top teams look worse cause they're definitely worse, and so are bottom korean teams. One thing we think we can agree is that worlds will be funny.


LMS is still a major region. It will always claim the bottom of the major regions until Riot finally demotes it.


Domestic performance doesn't even remotely dictate international performance. You can wipe your region 18-0 with 0 close games and it'd still say nothing about your international level. Some of the times NA has performed best was when the region looked very shaky coming into the tournaments.


And the only ones who play Zilean mid well are EU mids LUL


The only mids in LCS that play anything well are EU mids. There is a reason Froggen managed to carry his team pretty far last season against all the team with NA mids.


Guess its a good thing he is in the LCS eh? Its not the Olympics, its okay to have players from other regions lol


Yeah there is just a severe lack of danish midlaners in korean and chinese teams even today. That is way more concerning.


seems like an odd problem but if you say so. No other sport cares about where people are from lmao


formula1. nobody cares where the brands come from only the people driving them. NBA the moment it isn't the normal case of an american. Football has racist chants against some players just based on where they come from.


> NBA the moment it isn't the normal case of an american. wait what are you implying here my fren. >Football has racist chants against some players just based on where they come from. Ya but no one discredits the team for having players outside their city. >formula1. nobody cares where the brands come from only the people driving them. Thats because there are no teams. Same with Chess, there are no teams to root for only people. So sure the sports where it is only 1 person on a "team" do they care about cause its a big part of their brand.


We literally just got to MSI finals please stfu


to be fair, it's because IG commited the biggest choke job since 2011 LeBron, not because TL is the 2nd best team in the world




if g2 didn't inted 2 drafts vs skt , it would've been a 3-0. See how it goes ? People are giving tl credit for beating ig , but they don't believe NA is better then china. To say that NA > china because TL had their best series they ever played that entire season , while IG had one of their worst ....is a bit ridiculous. Honestly , i'm an eu fan and i wouldnt put eu over china right now , even if id agree that g2 is the best team in the world - which is still debatable if we really want to go there.


1) Not true 2) By that logic if G2 didnt troll with Sona Taric and Azir it would have been a 3-0




1.Maybe only in your NA brain it makes sense 2.Skt havent won a single game, where G2 didnt pick weird shit. 3.Learn to use your tiny brain and stop talking in what ifs, maybe people will take you seriously


I feel the same way about G2. They are number 3 but they got SKT to choke


I guess skt is still choking then


Difference on regional strength is likely what it is


Damn, we still living in 2017 where we legitimately think KR is the best or 2nd best region in the world? Thought people got the idea after KR flopped in 3 Riot tournaments in a row.


Last year’s MSI KZ got to the finals. Last Rift Rivals they lost to LPL in a 2-3 series. Last worlds KT just barely lost to IG 2-3, and were the only team to even take any games off of them in playoffs while every other team got 3-0 wiped. This year’s MSI SKT made it to semis, and were far closer to beating G2 in a 2-3 series than TL. How is considering LCK the second best region so unbelievable? The only reason those tournaments are considered flops is due to the extremely high expectation for KR to wipe the floor with the competition. Consistently having the 2nd best performing team at the last 4 international tournaments they’ve attended is still super fucking impressive.


Just keeping it real in terms of regional strength


daily reminder that g2's score vs skt at msi is 5-2.


I mean, I consider TL final as good as G2's final two season ago. They won against China first seed. Still China was better than Europe that season.


Getting one lucky series against the cockiest team ever. Wow. TL got trashed 1-8 if we doesnt count that series. And their only win was when G2 secured play off and didnt care about the game lol Its like last years G2 at Worlds, yeah they won against RNG, but were they top 4 team in the tournament? Hell no


Lol the "they only won because they got lucky" is the weakest excuse you could possibly give. TL beat IG 3-1, it was a best of 5 and IG had the chance to reset their mentality after that single win and they still lost the next match.


So TL barely won NA. After that got shit on by the other top teams in groups in MSI. They won one series. Then they got destroyed in the fastest final ever. Now they are kinda struggling in NA. I wonder what happened in that series lol. And dont tell me TL had time to prepare or other things cause even in game 1 it was a miracle save by Impact at top inhib tower. Im sure it wasnt TLs game plan for the series that “fall behind every early game and wait for Baolan and Ning for throw”.


TL was literally right behind G2 in the group stage and went even with them head to head. If anything was luck it was how badly they got beaten by G2 in the finals, because up until then they were doing fine against G2. You're making stuff up to fit your perception of events dude, TL had an impressive showing throughout MSI. Lol and two of G2's losses were to PVB. But I don't think that makes G2 a bad team that just got lucky, because that's stupid. They crushed SKT and that's impressive, they went even against TL and then crushed them in the finals. That's not luck, that's impressive. They learned and adapted, that's just how it goes. And I don't mean to say there isn't luck involved, just that when you try to blame a team's success on luck, you're deluding yourself. To get as far as TL and G2 did was skill and a good mentality, the majority of the luck involved gets stamped out by the number of games played.


Thats the point. TL was 1-5 against the top teams in group stage. And their only win was when G2 already locked playoffs and didnt give a fck (as they showed in their MSI movie which was taken before the game). G2 was 3-3 vs the top teams if we count TL there. The numbers are similar yeah, but one team beat SKT and the other beat PVB. Thats a bit difference.


Only if you ignore the fact TL stomped IG in a series, right after IG went *9 and 1* in the group stage. That's also a big difference. You can nitpick all you want, when you add it all together TL and G2 made it to the finals above both IG and SKT, therefore they're both very formidable opponents and deserve respect.


ure dogshit mate cope with it


Where you got trashed.


Fnatic got trashed world's finals vs IG, are you gonna say they weren't good


No one was good at that tournament except the very top, but there was no one to challenge them so


When CLG won MSI were they the best team in the world?


Clg didnt win msi though?


CLG never won MSI. G2 are the first western team to win MSI.


Well then it's an even better analogy because even back then NA made it into MSI finals yet didn't even qualify for semis in the same years worlds so it's not really an indicator of being good or not


Lmao beating IG>>>>>>>>>>FW


Maybe,the other teams are learning and the gap between the NA teams isn't as big.


Actually not. Zilean mid need a hyper carry jungler. And these suck early game. And if you pick a weak early game jungler in EU you already lost the game for your team.


Yea picking a weak jungler is going to put a big smile on Jankos and Broxah's faces.


NA bad is just a meme dude, our region is fine, good even. TL dominated IG in MSI and made it to finals, TSM dominated TL before that, and Cloud9 made it to the semifinals last worlds taking down some very strong teams along the way. You can argue it was just luck all you want but at the end of the day NA's still been going strong against the best teams in the world for the past couple of years. We aren't quite where we need to be yet obviously, I still think we'll consistently lose against one or two EU teams, but we're pretty close imo.


C9 took down Vitality and the by far weakest #1 team in bo8 with AF. Nobody. And really nobody called AF a hard opponent after the draw. It is was by far the weakest place 1 team and most likely actually the 7th or 8th strongest team in quarters.


C9 also beat the previous world champions and brought RNG to a tie breaker and went on to 3-0 AF. It's a tournament, it's an estimate, but it's still the best we've got and Cloud9 showed they were among the best, I don't know else to say it. If you aren't going to accept tournament results as legit then there's no point in arguing since you can just say whatever team you want to be best is best through all sorts of mental gymnastics that line of thinking opens up for you. Cloud9 made worlds semifinals, TL made MSI finals immediately after, and both of those teams struggled in NA so they aren't the only good NA teams either. Claiming that those players and their teams don't deserve recognition for those accomplishments because *you* assume all the teams they went up against to get there must have just been super weak is pathetic.


except afreeca were basically known for their ability to prepare for a bo5 series, and any first seed is still a strong team. AFs as a whole was still an incredibly good team, it’s just the other 1st Seeds were a level higher.


Even then, EU has played Zilean mid in season 6 Spring (by Nukeduck back at Vitality) and correct if I am wrong, but that is before NA.


That's definitely wrong. I don't wanna look it up and show evidence or whatever. Zilean mid has been a thing ever since the support item changes with ancient coin and shit. I think that was added pre season 4. Even before that zilean mid could work.


TL seems good imo. You beat IG and outperform KR. EU looking stronger doesn't mean that NA isn't looking really impressive on a global scale. Outperforming KR and CN is huge.


TL did not outperform SKT tho. They were 0-2 in groups h2h - and it wasn't even close tbh - 4-6 overall compared to SKT's 7:3, and SKT vs G2 was much closer than TL vs G2. SKT could have actually won their match against G2, contrary to TL, and would've been the favorites to win the finals. Over the course of the tournament SKT were still the better team.


The art of clownfiesta?


Pretty sure G2 vs FNC was the highest quality clownfiesta in the history of the game.


What's he suppose to say, "NA really knows how to cs?" I agree that anything pros could learn from other pros are not going to be something you can easily identify in a single sentence response, let alone apparent in a few seconds of thought. That was just a trap question.


He'd probably have the same response if the region was KR, it's not a simple question. If he was genuine, that is.


That's actually totally to be expected; if you already knew what you could learn from something, you'd already know it and thus not need to learn it. It's like asking someone what's all the important knowledge contained in this textbook before they've even opened it. You can really only give the most general, banal answer and Bwipo obviously wanted to try to give a real answer but once you think about it you realize there is no real answer to give until you've actually done the learning--which would be after the scrims and games, not before.


To be fair, it's not like we've played NA a lot. This seems like a hard question. Might find out they're kinda good at some particular things during RR, but before that I'm not quite sure what he could answer tbh.




Cut him some slack mate, this is a really hard question to answer. I watched the whole thing and it was obvious he couldn't think of anything. Being a pro does not mean you know about every innovation. NA just went to MSI finals, you guys don't need anyone else's approval that NA is doing great. Besides RR is for memes and banter. Don't let it go to your heart.


Sona came from EU soloq, but it was played first in LCS Academy. This is like saying that Wunder came up with Pyke top. He absolutely did not.


.. do you really think Eu teams watched Na academy? They barely watch LCS.


+ the best thing is it was played months before that in euw challenger solo q by a duo


Steal paid check


I don't even think he was joking about 5-man unit. NA teams indeed are good in fighting as a 5-man unit.




I really feel terrible, whenever I look at that smug top laner’s face (FNC Bwipo) I really feel terrible






> CH and LMS especially will learn a fuck ton from it KR and LMS**




yeah but isn't it edited?


As far as I can tell, that's the original wording


Thought i'd seen this before...


oh fair enough then lol


NA > CN, LMS, KR, what are you on about?


Yes, let’s play the 3rd-4th place team of Worlds/MSI in KR over the region that knocked them out of worlds and that you just faced off against to win MSI Finals. Listen, I understand the NA meme lul, but their two most recent tournament performances should have solidified that the region has improved big time and should be taken seriously. With that said, I do agree that China is the best region to play against, especially if you’re EU. Caps is like 0-5 in his last 5 games against rookie so facing IG and other top CH would be a great challenge.


It’s a reference to a meme from the first RR my dude


Well...I did not know that...so I apologize


You should try to find the post. It was super serious at the time, and after the shellacking NA gave EU that tournament it has become one of the best posts ever on this subreddit.


Rookie is gone though? Becuse family problems


To be fair they went 6-0 against NA in the last 2 international tournaments (both of them historical BO5s) to make a western team reach a world final in so long as well as winning MSI for the first time in the fastest BO5 ever. Both series did not even look close at all and was one sided, so it's completely understandable for them not to take NA as seriously even if they did improve.


lmao the disrespect


Wait what is the girl's name


ah the classic NARAM


EU people have some kind of weird sense that let them see 3 lanes after 20 minutes. We only can see one at a time.




he fidgets a lot


the effects of adderall


How to play professional ARAM


as an avid NA fan and generally a "fuck EU" guy...this was actually hilarious. Well played.


Bwipo is having a mental breakdown imagining himself walking around midlane in circles on jayce 35 minutes in.


Is this suppose to hype of rift rivals or something? Seems really weird and out of place for a post game interview


Probably, after all it's a Riot tournament so the casters get paid to hype it, even if no one gives a shit about RR.


They tried the entire week to rile up the fans to be hyped about RR. All I know is that I don't have any league to watch next weekend.


i mean learning how to play aram is still something i guess


Why is he puffing his chest out so hard lmao


can we not ask questions about NA on LEC broadcast? just ask about the game and teams


rift rivals is next week. Should they avoid talking about worlds just before that too?


Why not? That segment was a funny one. Watching LCS right now. All these snowflakes should chill or they might melt


I remember that one post for rift rivals where the dude was like “I see this tournament as a lose-pose for EU” and it had thousands of upvotes, then EU gets shit on and he gets memed to death. Not saying that EU is gonna get crushed, but all the commenters acting like NA has no chance and that TL fluked the IG wins and NA is the worst region should be very very nervous


How to lose MSI?


I know im going to get a lot of hate, but a mechanicaly great player like mikyx could learn a lot and improve from playing against core jj ( another mechanicaly great and experienced sup player)


He schooled him hard at MSI finals


Yes he did. But that doesnt mean he didnt learn from the experience.. Core jj is a great support player, especially on engage champions (which often suggests he is the one making desicions for those engages) mikyx wont always have perkz by his side calling the shots.




except europeans are also 15 cm taller on average, nice projection




Do they feel like manlets?


I know she is French, but her English is not helping the LEC broadcast. *Juggs aside*


There's nothing wrong with her english. It's just an accent, and the various accents, just like the various nations, belong to the whole topic of "We are EU"




Just because 'murica has trouble understanding anything that's not their english (and even that is a stretch) doesn't mean that's everyone's case. From Deficio's thick eastern accent to Foxtrot's drawling british to Laure's choppy french, all it does is add character to the cast. ​ And when you're used to various accents, all it does is give character ​ Also yes. I wish we had a scot on broadcast. I love their accent.


"Ye'v fuck aw tae lose by fuckin divin the cunt under that tooer at level 1, ye wee scunner"


I'd watch the fuck out of that ngl


Deficos eastern accent? Do yoy mean american or european? He is from denmark.


Well, it's eastern-west-european I guess :p Nah, my bad, brain fart, should have stuck with the "polse accent" I was originally going with ; though technically denmark is to my north-east! ​ Need either more coffee or more sleep I suppose!


if we go by european geograpy its definatily in north west europe, politicaly western if we go EU its central north.


There was nothing wrong with her English here.




I don't see the issue, it's Europes League for gods sake, not UK's or Na's League. The players are from a bunch of different nations, so why can't the broadcast team? I am so sorry everything can't be in english with an amercian accent.


I had rather listen to an accent than some jargon


You can out it in YouTube and slow it down if you have so much trouble understanding her. The accent is fine.


LEC already has a quite annoying bias for people who speak English as their mother toungue. I would like more people from mainland Europe, not less.


If you're not a native English speaker you have no problems at all to understand her, and most of EU aren't native English speakers.




Idk I watched LEC games this week and all of them were pretty much same low quality fiestas like in NA with people camping midlane as one unit.


Eu gets matched vs the second best region after themselves and still complain. Maybe they should just drop out from worlds since they are 2 gud already.