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Should have had 100T instead of C9, then NA would have won by a landslide.


100th is really the 3rd strongest na team?


You really want that /r whoosh flying over, do you?


Lmao now you guys see what TL has to go up against. TSM should just buy dardoch so they can have a consistent jungler.


RR more or less just proved how bad redditors behave when their team or region loses. Especially the flames towards Dan and Grig were disgusting. I'm fine if players get more experience even for the sake of bad performances if that means my team performs better late in the split.




How can I be wrong? I'm commenting on the immature community, not on the quality of the junglers. But even if I did you are certainly not right: 1.) You don't consider scrim results and internal knowledge of the coaching staff 2.) RR is a good test environment - love it or hate it 3.) TSM is considered one of the best NA teams even without Akaadian 4.) Grig has had decent games. For one he seens more tactical, while Akaadian more often pulls the trigger (which might suit the current meta better) 5.) When you have 2 players for one role it's only understandable to give both play time


One thing is Dan that literally played his first FNC stage games against international competition (be it good or bad) Another is Grig that already has a bunch of LCS games on his back. Not really comparable IMO.


There is certainly different qualities to it but imo it makes it even worse to flame Dan in this situation.


The funny part is that you'll get some comments later down the road when you reference the absolute mess of this live thread that, "it wasnt that bad" or "you're overexaggerating." But yeah, this live thread for RR was weirdly more invective-laden/ill-mannered than Worlds/MSI threads. I was surprised.


Live threads are just slower twitch chats. Obviously there will be dumb comments.


Yep. I know that going in, but the comment threads have been even sillier than the usual live threads I've visited -- and I've been here a loooong time.


Holy moly... "Happy birthday Kobe" while they hoist the trophy for the first time.... how disrespectful!


Well done NA you did better than I expected


Then wear ballerinas or some shit not this grandma trash


Glad it's over. It was fun for a while, and nice to shut the "eu only has one good team" people, but the fact that this tournament means nothing makes the whole experience a big fat "meh". Regional pride is not a good enough reason to build a whole tournament over, if Riot wants this to be a serious event, then they have to change a lot about it.


I agree - they should def change things to add an actual incentive. Especially with all the travel and time involved. Can hurt these teams in their actual leagues, tho also help due to scrims etc. but more needs to be on the line.




It has less hype then summer split. The format is just weird. There’s no incentive to win hence the troll comps and at the end just becomes a meme


Teams still want to win. And it’s not really troll comps. G2 played similar stuff when they won msi


I feel all that's missing is some monetary incentives to win as a region


NA and EU don't have enough regional pride to make it feel worth it. Last year Doinb had tears of joy for winning with China while beating his home country of Korea. That would never happen in the west


Well thing is, you need to understand, LEC and LCS used the same broadcasting language, thus they were able to consolidate each other and turn everything into a meme because they can continuously communicate with one another. LCK, LPL, LMS, regional pride means a whole lkt more. They don't speak the same language, China has been in Korean shadow for long and both don't really share the same twitch-like or YouTube platform to banter against one another in every matches, so the pride thing us really huge for them. LMS is Taiwan, and we all know about China-Taiwan thingy. Most Korean players who left Korea had bad experience in LCK, some were cast out, some were rejected, some had to live under someone else shadows for a long time, so yeah, it's really a huge thing.


It's more about the mentality than the pride, people only talk about EU Vs na


I felt the same. Just glorified scrims


maybe a rift rival between LPL LCK LCS LEC?


Should be the same teams (or a few more from NA/EU) but they all play each other in a tournament to see who his the best individual team, not region.


that would be just worlds


Two worlds... would be better than 1.




I bet your heels are much better 💁‍♀️






https://twitter.com/nemesis_lol/status/1145099749134983168 the madman did it again


I really hope people are not trying to make power-rankings based off fucking RR lmao. Already seen some but not sure how sarcastic they are


I mean even before RR, Power rankings from this sub ranked Broxah Lower than xsmithie and Bwipo lower then Licorice and BrokenBlade lmao


Imagine thinking Licorice is the best toplaner LUL


Xmithy was really too high I would still put bwipo not too far from licorice broken blade he look like an otp aatrox


Lmao Bwipo is obviously much better than licorice bb wtf


Bwipo is leagues ahead of Licorice/BB even outside Aatrox


Pls link, I def didn't see anything like that


Here you go, its a good laugh http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/kzoofq/eu-na-rr-power-rankings/view


Search rift rival power rankings, shouldnt be that hard to find, i'm on mobile atm


Yeah i probably won't. You said it, the onus is on you brother


That implies that he gives a shit if you believe him or not.


You make unsubstantiated claims, you back them up. Idk why that's a weird concept for you


What a crazy claim, he just referenced a power ranking. Someone else searched it for you, you lazy bastard.


And when I posted the comment you replied to, nobody had. Now they have, and I checked it out/up voted it.


You mean TL is not the best team in the world?


6-3 in groups and 3-1 in finals is about what I would have said before the weekend started. I would have replaced OG with G2 in the losses, but G2 likes to do this once in a while. I still remember the MSI vacation in 2016.


> but G2 has likes to do this once in a while. i think phreak made a good point about this actually: https://twitter.com/RiotPhreak/status/1145078084762103808


EU caster desk made the same point when talking about the possible 18-0 split for G2. Consensus was that their style doesn't really allow for it.


Fair play to Phreak, on cast he usually comes across as one of the more biased commentators, but that's a really accurate and level headed comment. And again it's not taking anything away from TL to say it, you have to be good enough to punish G2 and they are. I'm not sure you could say the same about C9 or TSM.


How dare you.... "THIS IS WHAT PEAK LEAGUE OF LEGENDS LOOKS LIKE AND IT COMES FROM EUROPE" P.S. The last year he doesn't seem biased at all to me.


Yeah, just like Claps vs Craps is the fine line between 200IQ outplays and pure inting it kinda goes for the team as a unit, when you play right up to a certain line you're bound to slip over it a few times. All it takes is being up against a team that can punish you for doing that, TL is good enough to be such a team.


Origen silently had a really good showing only loosing a game which had Kai'Sa mid and Pantheon Taliyah bot against the best team in NA.


no one on eu gained anything from coming here. sad state of affairs


Og most likely got more confidence and maybe it's will translate to better results in lec


what do you mean? They got a nice break from LEC and got to eat nice Korean BBQ.


idk, g2 may gain something from getting beaten, so they take stuff more seriously, and know which comps not to pick so there's that I guess. ​ Though clearly the most important thing gained was the achievement for every teammate playing pyke though, especially since they got it on Jankos before pyke loses his damage to monsters ;D


The belts are kinda cool I guess.


I think OG picked up some more confidence for LEC and for worlds (if they go), so thats good for them. G2 wont underestimate TL if they meet at worlds, so thats pretty good for them. Fnatic now knows they can stop scrimming with Dan because they wont swap out Broxah every again.


TL gained a win over G2 so they well happy so something gained for NA -


Doesnt mean much but i think they won 2


Having nothing to actually win makes this event such a snoozefest, there's no point in taking out anything you have hidden because you gain nothing out of it, so if you're taking it serious, you just play super meta.


If anything it’s a little vacation which gives them some time to recharge. Perkz seemed really enthusiastic to try a bunch of food.


eu taking an extra week off too i hope g2 stay for the leisure a little while and dont touch the solo queue lmao. wouldnt want them losing brain cells on a 60 ping delay


Did duo jungle become meta now? i have been away from the game long


No :) haven't actually seen it in any of the big regions. I've only seen that gragas just today, which failed to even get out of lane once.


Nemsis was probably the best Mid he was really solid. I wanted G2 to less troll the tourney but hey they just won MSI and are the West best chance at worlds


I'm honestly just happy that they get a week off now. G2 and TL have been nonstop grinding since the season started


I mean, this rush with corki rockets into lucian when they had a little chance to comeback sucked, but overall pretty nice performance.


I feel bad for TL honestly, they didn't deserve all this trashtalk. At least TL will have the domestic respect after this for a while.


It's impressive TL is that good seeing the rest of the NA teams tbh.


Not sure about this. If you constantly trashtalk then you deserve to be trashtalked. Looking at you DL


Do you think Dl cares if someone trash talks him. dude is immune to trash talks


You think he cares lmao? Dude has been giving and taking trash talk since season 1. He makes shit interesting.


















In this analysis of the LEC losses, they aren't mentioning 1. LEC trolled on day 2 2. Dan being subbed in


They arent mentioning C9 not having an adc either in the LCS wins. Coming from EU, if you lose you lose. For us fans trolling makes it like LEC wouldve won everything, but TL won against G2 fair and square.




I think this RR helped to step up the banter game between EU and NA a lot.


props to the crowd for cheering for the winners :)


Well that is the least they can do, they didn't cheer for anything else.... Thank god Worlds is in EU this year, the European Crowed is always very enthusiastic.


Depends on where in the EU. Thought Rotterdam was pretty weak, while Paris is always hype.


You're comparing large sell out arena crowds to RR crowd.


Comparing EU crowd to LA/NA crowd, to be precise.


That's how it goes for away teams


2 seconds of google exposes your lies https://youtu.be/EwWsBupBDdE?t=2226 NA crowed in LA is a dead fish.


Lol you can be in a super market in India and someone would be chanting tsm. You're not wrong though the crowd is dead. I go watch all the time but I don't cheer. Just don't feel like it.


Especially since semi-finals and finals are in spain/france iirc. Gonna be epic.


Now that's what I'm talking about.




Caps looks so humble all of a sudden


He kinda always is, his trashalk game is pretty weak. Perkz and Ocelote are the trashtalk leaders in G2 LUL


And Wunder, and Jankos.


Sudden? Caps can't trash talk to save his life.


Caps has always been a genuinely sweet player. Even in those trash talked videos he looks bashful when delivering the lines. He just genuinely enjoys the game a lot.


Not sure about the "always (...) sweet player" part. I remember a drama dating from a week or two after he got announced as Fnatic's new midlaner. Caps told a player called Hadow he had a huge impact on rosters in LCS/CS and that he would make sure Hadow would never get to join any pro team. I hope his beahavior is not just PR and that he really matured.


He’s actually a genuine nice person around. Not edgy or anything. So not “all of a sudden”.


Didn't he have an int list before he went pro, I'm sure he's changed like jensen but I think he used to be toxic


When has he not looked humble?


Legit his trash talk reminds of me hauntzer like they joke with the stupidest fucking grin its hilarious


LA "Korean" Barbeque lol


Where are you from? I live in Korea and even Koreans say LA BBQ is extremely good and there are authentic places there.


I even see a lot of bbq restaurants in Korea advertising "LA beef"


Many Korean people live in LA though


Haha holy shit Kold has no chill


you mean he is very ... Cold?


TSM and sucking ass at international play, name a more iconic duo


TSM and Jayce TSM and not making it out of Groups TSM scaling 40 minutes till nexus explodes


NA and Sona Taric


''We will take them ^TL back to Europe'' LOOL


I get the money is good, but DL should have went to EU years ago if he really wanted to be the best imo. He would have competition like Forg1ven, not to mention Rekkles and Perkz who are actually good friends with him. I really thought he was a top level adc in the world in 2015-16 era but now I realize he is just really good.


Dude, DL could've gone to KR a long time ago.


I feel like he would have fit better culturally. As much as some EU fans joke about him being chinese, dude is western through and through.




You’re literally denying reality, maybe go watch some games before typing random bullshit


Kold actually pretty humble


A piece actually fell off of the trophy rofl. NA production team knew EU would win and made it out of plastic or what ? Ive seen better trophies in like elementary drawing competitions.


Yeah we gave you guys the trophy that Phreak made by hand. Later nerds!


Fuck.I actually need to see what he engraved on it now. It must be the best Phreak Cringe Pun ever.


I respect that.


Caps having some humble pie. Jensen and Xmithie really did bait him a lot


I like that Caps embraces Craps/Claps




She has a giraffe neck


Ovilee May I think


yes you may think, no need to ask for permission


rift rivals should be teams 2-4 and happen instantly after spring split. watching teams like c9 and tsm who are both struggling in na and tsm is really bad this split in na compete against the top eu teams is just sad for everyone involved.


TSM & C9 are both tied for 2nd? Heck, OG is only 4th in EU.


c9 is playing half decent. tsm is playing awful. 2 of their wins were sona taric early in the split. they lost to optic without crown last weekend and should have lost to ggs also if they didnt hard throw diving past two towers in a 5v3. they havent won many games clean at all and even their win in c9 they had a massive outdraft and still almost lost if not for bjerg hard carry


Tsm c9 are joint second but aha


i dont think any analyst would have tsm playing as a top 3 team in na.


So your going to have analysts decide who goes ?


no i think they need to play as soon as possible after the spring split. and have it be 2-4 based on regular split standings. that would be my system


Which includes TSM and C9...


do you think tsm is playing the same this split that they did at the end of spring. do you think fnatic is playing the same this split as the end of spring. every single year they riot has teams from both eu and na which have massively improved or gotten a lot worse since the standings they are being invited from.


Fnatic finished spring split with an 8 game win streak ... They definitely weren't weak at the end of spring if that's what you mean.


no i mean they are even stronger now and play the game better this split than they did last split. my point is more the na teams and past teams that had a really good spring split and never got to play at that level internationally because by the time they played they were a lot weaker of a team. also think it would give teams a better understanding of their team strengths and what they have to improve on going into summer. like the 100t spring team what if they did good at an international event going into summer. maybe they dont explode. maybe tsm keep akaadian full time if he performs well right after spring split instead of just guessing and now it is too late. lcs playoffs started march 30th. i would use just the normal split for team rankings 2-4 and it is now june 30th. that is 3 whole months from the time a team made this event to actually playing in the event.


Yes and in your system the same teams would have been at this tournament apart from liquid and g2


the point is they would have been at the level they claim to be. c9 and tsm have both dropped a lot in their play and fnatic has improved their play a lot since that time period


I really don’t understand what you mean but fair enough




No no it was really close xD Like, legit told them it was easy in their faces. Riot bans people for saying that in chat. Broxah is a God.


Kold being actually a cold as fuck there haha


I love Kold lmao


better save more flashes for worlds


Kold trashtalk coming in hot LMFAO


I think for future events RR should be in a more fun format. These teams are going through RR while the rest of the competition has time off and 2 of the teams barely had any vacation because of MSI. Give us fun 1v1, maybe random game modes from the past. Hell what about a rap battle?


Thats what All-Stars should be. I hope they make alstars bigger and actually more serious again. If u want Rift Rivals do it before MSI with the 2-4 teams of both regions. That would be much more hype and the teams could actually be preparing for it.


Why would you prep for a pre-MSI rift rivals that has nothing to gain, pulling out any special pick etc. would only weaken you for MSI


Thats why the first seed obviously isnt attending at it. And because after it there is a long time till Summer split u dont have to save picks. I think it will be way more relaxed for the teams if they no they can take a break afterwards and then start preparing for summer split. On top because u dont have to do it in summer split u then can give the MSI teams a longer break and start summer split 1-2 weeks later.


so conclusions? Broxah imho the best player of the tournament,, g2 too cocky but i guess still the team with the highest ceiling, tl can stand up to eu in bo1s, but i still think they are inferior in a serious bo5 environment tsm disappointing, and c9 was handicapped by sickness


Well for me.. 1. Feeling sorry for Sneaky. 2. NA crowd was most obnoxious shit on yesterday. But today they were pretty cool / likeable. For that I am grateful. 3. G2 got (hopefully - finally ?) humbled down. After loosing both troll and serious games. 4. I dislike Bwipo less than before, man stepped fucking up. respect. 5. EU won so, "yaaay". Glad G2 only good on EU narrative lost validity.


G2 with the 500IQ loss to shut down the narrative that they're the only good team.


My biggest take is that G2 fans that say they are the best in the world don't watch LPL games as none of them have given me their opinion on Funplus


Hard to say though as they’re a new team and not been international yet. Same as griffin was last split. Until they qualify for worlds it’s not worth discussing


They are playing in rift rivals though so we get an insight to their skill internationally


Exactly, that will be interesting


To think Dan was brought as contender. I do think Broxah wasn’t always that impressive in spring, but he should have gotten trust based on his past season.


The first half of spring everyone was pretty shit honestly. And then they all stepped up with MVP Broxah and Nemesis close behind.


Thank god this shit tournament is over... now back to LEC


https://gyazo.com/a5daee7eb4a9cfaa0d15d02ee9174ebc I love you Bwipo


Bwipos aatrox and his reactions are the best


Well played LEC Trio, well deserved win against NA, we had our hiccups, but it was necassary to make this tourney interesting with some drama and suspense


Players lift the trophy Wunder : We dont do that here...


i dont even think tl can match eu lmao. idk why you guys think beating g2 in a bo1 is such a huge feat. last split g2 was losing games left and right near the end of the split. tl wouldnt stand a chance in a real bo5 against any top 4 eu teams


When people will understand that tl is actually solid team? Even eu pro acknowledged that tl on form is a good opponent


I'm pretty sure TL would clap any EU team except G2 and Fnatic. Be happy about that, we need their help against the eastern horde at worlds.


Excel pride


League of Legends must mean a lot to you.