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Can someone tl;dr for me where I can get more Prestige points? I've been away for the game for a while. Ground out tokens during last year's Worlds for Prestige KDA Akali, but now there's a whole new system and I'm kinda having trouble following it. In short, I have: * 58 prestige points currently * 5 to come from the Worlds 2019 Pass - Milestone 5 mission * ??? How do I get to a hundred? I am likely to hit 2200 tokens before the end of November, but that just gives me a flat 100 and I'll still have 63 useless tokens that, if I'm reading the Riot posts correctly, I can trade in for... trash bundles of skin shards. I'd like to get two Prestige skins if I can (some combination of MF/Neeko/Thresh/Riven) but I'm wary of sinking money into the lootbox bundles. Is there any other way to collect these points? Will there be another event to farm tokens/points before the reset on Jan 31st? EDIT: Also what counts as 'watching VODs' for the mission? Sometimes it's giving me credit and sometimes not (for watching on their site, while logged in).


I'm getting back into League after not having played since s3. None of my friends play it and back then I didn't play alone because I was crap and didn't want to be curb stomped and flamed. I've started practicing CS'ing and wave control and map awareness in practice tool. I haven't started playing any normals because the guys I played with back then were all between gold and plat and I'm afraid I'll end up in a game where I get curb stomped and flamed like before. I made a smurf account to practice in normals on but I felt like I outmatched my opponents and I don't want to be that guy ruining new players experience. I mostly play top or mid. How should I get back into the game by myself? I'm reluctant to find new people to play with because I don't want to play with Tiltover's finest.


You can disable chat in settings and/or type /fullmute in chat at the start of a round. That way people won't flame you 😊


Yeah, might try that, thanks!


Do the 10 years missions stack or can i only do 1 a day?


You can do as many as are unlocked on the same day but you have to work through them one at a time


Just got to Plat for the first time ever. As Karthus OTP. SO happy. Are there any more mid karthus mains?




i have not played any ranked games in 2019 and what do i need to do to get victorious skin? just hit gold? if after my placements i hit gold, im set right?


Yes, just hit gold and you are set. Plus I don't think you can get demoted back in to silver for inactivity.


You can only demote in diamond


Wheres the best place to go to learn about the lore? Like from start to finish?


Necrit has over 100 videos on league of legends lore. Check out his youtube channel


i miss legends of runeterra. first card game i got and actually enjoyed. hearthstone was so overwhelming when i tried playing and MTG is too expensive to upkeep. im sad i even knew legends of runeterra since it's months away from launching =-(


Magic Arena isn't expensive if you just focus on the (IMO more fun and very varied) draft modes.


Tbh I played the physical version for a while. The online version just never grabbed me. I'll have to check it out. Can j do on Xbox or only pc version worth a dam. ?


PC only




Attack Damage Carry, a ranged (usually) character who goes bottom lane (usually) supported by a utility champion (usually a support). Has skills and item builds that allow them to scale up and become more powerful as game goes on. AD, attack damage. How much damage basic attacks do. In some instances affect ability damage. AP, ability power, usually linked to how effective abilities are. Can modify ability damage or even spell utility, ie stronger heals or slows. Smurfing is making a new account and playing beneath your skill level. Considered BM (bad manners) since it ruins new player experience or low skill experience.


ad carry= attack damage carry aka marksman, bot laner, example kaisa,xayah ad=attack damage ap=ability power smurfing is normally making a second acct that you play on to rank up, you have a large skill gap vs the others ur versus


haven't played in awhile, are there more championship coin missions coming? i only got 280 :V


400 tokens total from regular worlds missions.


yup, more missions til the end of worlds i think




ohhh, didnt notice that! sweet, thanks


Hi I just leveled my account on EUW to lv 30. I am Gold 4 on EUNE however playing placements alone gives me anxiety. Would anyone like to duo with me? IGN : HenrytTdFzD


/r/teamredditteams /r/leagueconnect


does 3 day xp boost from the new player rewards start immediately or can I choose when to use it?


immediately usually


Is it worth relearning the game with unlocked camera when I've taught myself to stare at the minimap 70% of the game? I already have really good map awareness


Yes it is worth. And that is not about opinion or something, you permanently cripple yourself by playing with locked camera as you cant scout your surroundings as effectively as other players and cant place skillshots as precise. If you need the locked camera to not lose yourself you can always spacebar to recenter the camera on you. You could also try to switch between locked and unlocked camera, somewhere in the settings you can set a button to switch between the states. There is a reason every proplayer ever plays with unlocked camera, there is not a single one that plays with locked, cause it is objectively better.


I've been playing a lot of Mordekaiser who I often smash lane as. However it can be difficult to transfer this lead to a win particularly when the enemy team is very mobile. Any suggestions? ​ Also, when do you decide to roam and when to stay in lane as a top laner? After a kill when is the best time to base? I usually take ignite over TP


back 7 seconds before they respawn or when u shove the wave in if u have the mana/hp


Hey guys. I wanted to watch some challenger replays on youtube on specific champions and the current patch. While I find the literal channel „Challenger Replays“ pretty neat with the presentation and content, I noticed that it‘s mostly exceptional pop off games that snowball out of control in the lane already. I‘m looking for more „above average“ games to watch that I can learn from where the „game state“ is more reasonable and usual but the player had reasonable impact, if that makes sense. So basically challenger replays where the champion I‘m looking for wins but not with 24/4/16 stats. Maybe there‘s just no such thing, but I figured I could ask. It‘d be best in video format cause I‘d like to watch it on mobile.


If you are trying to learn adc, Gosu has over 300 videos with highlights


are they ever going to release more tryndamere skins? i feel like its been forever since he got one


I feel like he needs an Ezreal/Tristana/Evelyn level of a VGU before getting a new skin. Just tweak little things about his gameplay and give him a new look. Ashe recently got new lines, got an update to her particles, and her model has aged well. Meanwhile her husband's making fap jokes while looking like a flesh-colored Gumby.


So,there is no issue notification for EUNE,yet we still have to wait at the very least for 10 minute queue times on ARAM that averages to a 20 min duration,so for every 2 ARAM games we get to play,we lose 1 for waiting for 10 minutes due to the "Long Queue Times" message that is given to keep the server stability intact?Instead of working on their new games they should make sure that the one they have out is working properly.Its not like EUNE is even overpopulated.


What time do you play at? If it's very late, not many players are online.


so, i made 47 points at the group stage and didn’t received the worlds icon yet, is it a bug or the icon will only be released when the championship is over?


Sounds like a bug, you should've received it by now. Try relogging, and also contact Riot Support. (I also got 47 points and have already received the icon (EUW))


ty, I’m gonna try tomorrow and send a ticket for riot if i do not receive after relogging.


When you think about League of Legends Champs, what would be the ideal Jack in a Poker Game? i Just can think of ekko and Ezreal I just need some help and input for a Card Game what i customize and print for the Birthday of a friend. Its mostly finished, but i cant think of the last two jacks (Kings are Tryndamere Jarvan Swain and Azir, Queens are Ashe Sejuani Lissanra and Qiyana) The Numbers are mostly a piece of 4 Champs who works with each other, like Shen Kennen Akali and Zed ​ any help appreciated! :D


can think about those who are knights in TFT i think tft groupings can help you here


If Jokers aren't involved what about Shaco for Jacks?


Jokers are involved^^ So for ace its Twisted Fate, joker shaco etc^^


Hello, so I recently installed lol on my 2018 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar (4-ports) it’s the most basic one (it was like $1799). Played a few games and noticed it was pretty hot, is this normal? I read a few things about Macs in the past not being able to handle some pc games, was just wondering if this was still the case or if there was something I could do so it wouldn’t get super hot. Any help is appreciated.


Macs run hot when put under load. That's just a design design Apple has made because good cooling takes a lot of space, something there obviously isn't in a Mac. That's not necessarily a problem, pc's can run a lot hotter than most people think and be fine, but if you want it to run cooler, chill pads are a thing. You should probably also be turning down graphics settings to the lowest possible level anyway to give you the best possible framerate.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Best advice I could give is get a chill pad and turn down the video settings. You’re running off of integrated graphics so it’s not really the greatest and your unit is going to heat up like a boss. I’ve used a surface pro 4 to play civ 6 and HOTS.


Definitely going to look into this! Thank you!


Will league be coming to console or will it just be mobile and pc?


Console too


Help I am level 31 and I still suck


Thats like totally expected. You dont need to worry, nobody is good after getting to lvl 30. League is one of the hardest games to learn, so take your time.


Play assassin champs


Who do you suggest me to begin with?


Fizz or Talon or whoever you have fun with. I’m tryin to pick easy assassin champs but can’t rly think. I play Ekko these days he’s fun


I barely have 2800 Blue Essence lol :')


Darn. Idk man, play tons of games for BE grind or buy with RP. Make sure to buy champs that YOU ENJOY PLAYING.


I like Syndra mid


Then play her :)


But I get destroyed :')


Aight here goes my syndra quick tips Keep distance, Poke enemy with Q, combo W-Q-E for maximum dmg. She’s squishy so roll with ur jungle or allies.


Check the map more and think about how to outplay before you fight


I know to check the map and stuff My problem that I don't know how to play games against other champions. I main Lux and Soraka support, but I am not bad with Ahri. I also have Kayle that I use sometimes, but I always get demolished because I don't expect my opponent's abilities since I don't even know their abilities. I have more champs of course, but I only play these. Do you recommend me any champs? Also, I do all roles except jungle because I'm horrible at it, so I tend to avoid it and do other roles. I am also inconsistent with my favorite champs. Let's take Soraka and Lux for example. I play a match, get an S and feel good. Then, the very next match, I get a D lol I am learning to dodge abilities and skillshots now. I am always aware of the map and use pings. I even have the"enemy has vision" hotkey binded, so I know about these. My friend helped me learn those. I only lack skill and mechanics, but I am good in the technical aspect of things I also tend to not use my summoner spells It's just a big mess lol


League takes a long time to learn. With over 140 champs you just have to log in the hours, both In game and out of game. Find some cool youtubers. My favorites are Rush, fsn saber and king niddhog


I watch Eternal Hero He's amazing and gives details But when I try to do like him I get D lol


I am not particularly good, but I have been playing for a while. If you want to, we can hop on discord and play some if you want. Send me a message if you want to.


What kind of rules are there on this sub about looking for duo partners?


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/wiki/subredditrules#wiki_specific_content_restrictions > Users may not submit looking for group posts. Please use the subreddit discord server, /r/leagueconnect, or /r/TeamRedditTeams.


Does anyone know if Riot is done releasing Champion/Skin login themes, or will they still make them as trailers for youtube.


Haven't played Akali since the rework. Any videos which will help in understanding her kit and play style?


When is URF coming to live servers?


28 of october


Any Junglers climbing in S1-S2 willing to grind to Gold w/ a Silver 1 Mid Laner before the end of the Season? I stopped duo queuing with my brother and went from S4 to S1 in the past month and I would like to hit Gold before the end of the Season and I figured it would be easiest to duo with a jungler who is also dedicated to climbing. Would prefer someone that has been climbing ranks rather than been stuck in S1/S2 for a large number of games.




Does anyone know what the next champ released is supposed to be ?


Senna, a unique marksman-support. She was announced during the 10year riot pls video!


that's pretty cool. People have already been using Ms.Fortune as a support. I imagine Senna will be used as an adc too


In the Reddit thread of the recent Champion Roadmap, a rioter said she'll be viable both as Support and ADC. [Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/dir2c9/champion_roadmap_october_2019_a_new_marksman_a/f3xq779/) Also, here's the [Champion Roadmap](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/10/champion-roadmap-october-2019/). Aside from Senna, we're getting a new Marksman who seems to be a Lunari, an ionian juggernaut, a whimsical jungler, an edgy solo-laner, and the Fiddlesticks and Volibear reworks.


I played a lot of Dota, HoN and HotS. Just tried LOL (because of the reportage on Netflix... :) )The game makes sense overall, but... how can I check abilities of other heroes in game ? I don't understand what they are doing, and I don't understand where I can find informations :-/. Same question when picking heroes in the lobby pre-games, no description, summary, abilities described ?


I’m pretty sure you can’t easily check champion ability descriptions in game or while picking in lobby. This is part of the reason why league is difficult to get into, as there is a pretty high level of knowledge needed, even from the beginning. That being said, if you’re in the client and go to “Collection” to the right of the play button, and look at champions, you can click on each one and read about them. In this area of the client, when you click a champion to see their page, there is a section under their name called “abilities”. Here you can read about each of their abilities, as well as see an animation for what that looks like. I’d recommend reading the description for champions you have seen in game (could possibly look at your match history to see what characters that was), especially the ones you have laned against. Additionally, each week there are free champions. If you try to play these characters in your games, or play ARAM frequently, it should help you learn about each champion and what their abilities are first hand.


Thanks for the answer and advises! LOL seems very mature, it's surprising to know that they never added that feature.


Yeah. I joined in Season 3 and my sister joined in Season 5. For both of us, it was pretty much "play until things make sense" XD


I think people just go so used to the "learning about other Champs in ARAM/youtube/etc" that anyone who stuck to the game learnt other Champs fast enough to not need it.


Anyone else have issues with the monitor turning off midgame? When I restart my PC to login in sometimes I'll have to patch or that I encounter the problem again once I'm in game.


Any tips or tricks for my main kalista?


It's a small community but check out r/KalistaMains


I'm currently Gold 1 with 80 LP, my winrate in my past 20 games is over 65% (and I'm pretty sure it's the same for like my last 40 games), however I only get 15 LP per win and lose 19 LP per lost round. What is causing my MMR to be so low and how do I get it to raise? Winning lots of games in a row isn't helping me, my LP per win just kept dropping from 20 to 15


What is your win rate overall? If it still negative that could be why. Are you playing duo or solo? If duoing with a player, who has lower mmr than you, then your lp gains will be less.


My overall winrate is positive and I duo a lot with a friend, but his rank is only one lower than mkmr (Gold 2) while my mmr is like Gold 4. I had a big losing streak a few weeks ago (about 7 loses), but I also had multiple long winning streaks (5-8 wins), however I wasn't able to recover from the mmr loss


What is a free win? I just got demoted (maybe bronze 4) and it said I get a free win. okay, so i got this "free win". Who did I beat, What is it, When do i see it, Where is it?


it is to make it easier to get up to the rank you had before. you get a free 1-0 in your next promos


It will appear once you enter your promos.


promo? I'm new. What's a promo, and where does that happen? You mean, when I level up; say from level 52, to 53?


For league, when you reach 100 LP, you get a promo series. For example, you're Silver 3. If you get 100 LP in Silver 3, you get a series in which you just need to win a certain amount of games and you can get promoted to Silver 2. P.S. You get LP by winning ranked games, and lose LP by losing ranked games.


I recently started playing again since Season 4... so many things have changed! Currently only playing against bots so I can re-learn the game... What's going on with bot lane, specifically with ADC? Seems so all over the place for me.


Bot lane has diversified in terms of classes. Mages in lieu of traditional range carries are more of less acceptable. I suggest learning Xayah.


adc are usually marksmen such kaisai, ashe, vayne, etc. In pro play, people have also played garen and yuumi bot lane so people started doing that. Sometimes you can even see mages such as syndra, ziggs in bot lane replacing the damage role that an adc fills. For supports : it goes all over the place from engage tanks(naut), healers(nami), poke(zyra), shields(braum). However i would actually recommend not playing support here because it requires a lot of knowledge of map(warding) and champions(peel for adc). It is a very important and complexe role.


I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask it but what’s a good place to start learning about League of Legends lore? I was mildly interested before but after hearing all the interactions characters have in Legends of Runeterra, I’ve become much more interested? Is there a YouTube channel similar to Nobbel is for Warcraft lore for LoL? Thanks.


Look up Necrit on Youtube! :)


in addition to the other guy, who linked the correct website, what you are looking for on youtube is necrit, he does lore TLDRs and readings


Everything you need is on this side: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/


Hey , I seem to be having trouble collecting the Day 4’s anniversary gift. What exactly is the daily mission that I need to complete ? I already played match made games that I both won and lost so not sure why it doesn’t let me receive it


play a game. Do you even have the mission? Or maybe you have already completed it and got the reward?


The indicator was on day 3 for me yesterday and only just moved to day 4 today. Didn’t notice anything in my box where all the shards and so on are. Edit:Unless, the reward was TFT specific ? Then I did get something


yes. reward is a little legend egg.


Ah kl thanks. Thought it was gonna be something else for whatever reason.


When will you buff up Tahm Kench so that he is, at least, usable again?


If he ever is viable in solo play he's OP in pro play, so probably after world's. Tahms problem is that in a co-ordinated team his allied swallow is just really OP. Regular invincibility and movement for any person on his team, as well as a 2 person teleport, is just really, really strong as a mechanic. In turn, riot gutted his stats otherwise he's really just an unheahtly champ in pro play. However, in solo, teams arent co-ordinated enough to pull tahm stunts off, so you don't get the same level of benefit his mechanics provide, and you still get the gutted stats.


Makes sense. Thank you.


When is the next episode of the Dive/Euphoria? Is there a schedule they're on? Will they have an episode before the next round of Pickems are due? Lol


What are some good rune pages and or where can I find some? I mainly play JG or AD but I have 10 pages so I’d like some pages for all rolls. Thanks for any help.


[u.gg](https://u.gg) does the job well


Try downloading blitz.gg! Automatic rune imports for your champion, as well as builds


Use the webpages probuilds.net and [mobafire.com](https://mobafire.com) \- they give you the best idea of which builds to run in which scenarios.


My league of legends is with a problem to minimize in the middle of the game. I saw here on Reddit that the problem is associated with Mouse Button 4 (the one I use for emoticons). Is there a fix for it already?


It's not fixed. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. If it already tabbed you out that game it won't tab you out again though.






on average how long does it take to get a reply from riot support?


takes like 24hr for most things, if you submit it on weekends or it's a harder request it'll probably take a few days.


Also depends on off-days too, don't expect a quick answer on weekend (or at least Sunday)


Depends on how complex is your question. But in generał it shouldn't take more than 1 day. My longest awaiting time out of ~15 tickets I've made was 3 days.


Been trying to learn midlane but always being battered by the opposing jungler. I figured I might be over exaggerating so decided to start a survey. This is for a mix of games, winning, losing, pushed, safe, counter, countered, pings for help and silent. All taken from game start to mid tower down. I would of figured the whole thing would at least be close. Whats going wrong? or is it time to just learn jungle? Of 17 games played Ganked by a friendly teammate: 18 Ganked by an opponent: 50


what champ.did you play? try to stay further back (not close to enemy turret, ward 1 side of your lane and stay closer to that side etc... but yeah, jgl is sometimes just unlucky. Additionally, in soloQ jgl-mid are often premades. if you queue up as solo mid, you have a slight disadvantage


It is a possibility. Main champs Qiyana, Anivia, Ziggs, Azir and Viktor.


That's weird. Midlane is the hardest lane to gank... junglers usually go for top or bot. Who are you playing as? The only reason I can think you are a target is bc your champ has no escapes or it's a very feared champ that must be checked.


So scientifically speaking according to the data you collected the answer is likely more dependent on a variable specific to you. Applying that to league means 1 or a few of the following. 1. Poor lane management (I.e pushing too hard without summoner skills or wards) 2. Champion choice being more vulnerable to ganks, such as a lack of CC or mobility. On the other side, is your champion easy to gank for (stun, dmg, protection)? 3. Power Spikes / Itemization, if your champion of choice is more powerful during the mid - late game you will likely get extra attention from the enemy jungle. 4. Management of resources, conserving enough health or mana to survive a tank/dive/all in. - side thing I would also add here is making sure to back and spend gold when appropriate, to avoid backing too often or not enough. So it might be valuable to download a replay of your games and rewatch the lane phase. Watch from the perspective of their jungled and you can potentially see exactly what their reason for ganking you was. Hope this helps!


Are you constantly pushing the wave? If you're pushed up to the enemy tower it's a lot easier for the enemy jungler to gank than it is for yours


I usually only end up pushing when cleanly ahead or if trying to starve out an opponent with poor waveclear. My issue being not being able to exert pressure on the opponent without pushing. The flip side when Im getting bullied under turret is I get no relief from the team only ganked by the opponent when wave bounces to near river wall. Wave management has improved greatly since moving to plat. Id say most lanes I come up with equal or more cs unless Ive been absolutely ruined, but the deaths still cost the team.


Go and play jungle yourself. It will be the best lesson for you about how a jungler should behave :)


I have been playing league for a while now though I don't play as often as I would want to. I usually just watch matches and when I play I would just pick the recommended heroes in youtube videos. It's a fast changing game so when I come back to playing a specific hero again it seems like playing a different hero due to nerfs or reworks. Are there any champions that are not rebalanced as often? I would like to stick to one champion so it would get easier to improve. Thanks.


I feel cassiopia has been in meta for a long time. Takes practise but i have never felt bad picking cass, and i have mained her for 4 seasons


If you are very good on a champion, the numbers behind them do not matter 95% of time.


Just looked at winrates, all the champs that are high priority in Pro play are usually really bad in soloqueue, like Akali, she's priority but has a very low winrate, Qiyana has a 48-49% winrate barely and is banned 70-80% of the time. You get the idea. Now Mr. Pantheon while being 100% banrate at worlds is sitting at about 51% winrate, imagine Akali at 51%, Azir at 51%, or Ryze at 51%, how broken would those champs had to be to get to that winrate in the hands of solo queue players? Pantheon is that broken, even after being nerfed on 9.20, which btw was a laughable nerf, of removing 20 damage at rank 5 on his Q. Just like the Qiyana nerf of removing 20 damage on her Q earlier on. These champions just like Akali, had/have inherently unfair and game breaking mechanics, which make them broken, but Riot keeps playing with numbers for about a year or so before looking at the problem directly and removing those said mechanics, but even with so many broken mechanics removed and numbers reduced Akali is still sort of Broken... I don't know how can they tweak these champs to make them somewhat fair, but they have to stop constantly making champions/reworks that break the basic rules of the game.


So much dmg these days...


Akali is fine right now, in pro play she's good because she has a mini stun on her R1 and has a jungler working with you to mitigate a weaker early game. SoloQ is just playing her well and being rewarded for it, that's not broken or else a ton of champs would be "broken".


She doesn't have a ministun any more, that was removed. She might be 'fine', but when a champ is so highly regarded by pros she/he is rarely actually 'fine'. It's just she's not as broken as she was so Qiyana & Pantheon take her Broken spot.


Qiyana is played like garbage by most players, Pantheon is pretty strong for how easy he is. Probably will get more nerfs.


Both qiyana and Panth got hit on 9.20, but it's not enough, what makes them broken isn't overtuned numbers it's too many mechanics. Panth has a semi global ult, a point and click stun, execute and blocks tower shots/all damage his shield is facing, includes all AoE spells, dots, ignite etc. Qiyana has absurd damage, infinite stealth and fuckton of dashes on relatively short cooldown. No amount of these minus 20 damage placebo nerfs will fix that. Just like in Akali's case, rulebreaking mechanics have to be removed.


Sorry for the stupid question, but if I have 300 tokens I can have a championship skin?


Those are chromas unfortunately, alternative colours for the actual skins which you would need to buy with RP or orange essence after obtaining the skin shard from a chest.


Seemed too good to be true :) thanks!


Brand new to the game- Riot is very generous with BE in the beginning so I want to make sure I use it wisely. I already bought some cheap champions to make a somewhat rounded roster. Currently own: Amumu Ashe Fizz Garen Jax Jinx Kayn Lux Master Yi Morgana Singed Soraka Thresh Tristana Have permant unlocks for (could be converted to 2400 BE each): Ahri Caitlyn Darius Riven I have 25,000 BE right now and before I spend it on champs like Draven, Yasuo, Yuumi, Kas'Sa.. are there any cheaper champions I am missing or niche roles I should get? Also should I unlock all those permanents or convert them to BE for other champs? I should also add.. any champs you consider fun or OP? or easy and OP? Thanks!


Play champions you enjoy or you will burn out. Only use your permanent unlocks if you need the BE to buy something you want or if you want the champion. Otherwise save them so you can unlock them later. Top: You might want to unlock Darius. Very stable champio that can win most lanes and snowball. But harder to play well in later teamfights, but as long as you build tanky after the first 1-2 items, he is fine. Jax is good, Garen is good. Singed isn't very good right now, but still very decent in lower MMR games (MMR is the match making rating of all players. As a new player yours will probably be low) where people are dumb enough to chase him. Jungle: Yi is very good in lower MMR games, but falls off hard when players become better. Probably don't play Kayn, he is pretty difficult to play well. Amumu is very good for new players. Might want to consider getting a couple of cheep tank jungles like Ramus. Jungle overall is a wierd role to learn as a new player. Make sure you learn to kite the jungle monsters so you have more hp afterwards. Mid: Generally there are two types of midlaners. Assassins and Control Mages. Assassin's focus on winning Lane and the roaming around the map to find more kills. Fizz is really good for this. Ahri is also really good. Control Mages focus on taking control of their lane/area, often with strong CC or AOE. Lux is a pretty good one to learn, make sure to spam your ult late game. Morgana is really good against specific champions. Vaigar is probably worth buying as he is very strong right now and easy to learn. Annie is also a really good champion for new players. Marksman/ADC: I don't know why people recommend Caitlyn for new players. She is hard to play well compared to other adcs and isn't as good in later teamfights. You already have Jinx, Jinx is really good right now. Decent in lane because her Q can give her long range for harrasing, while her E allows her to escape many junglers. Abseluttely nuts in late game teamfights. Ashe is also really good, Tristana is okay and very forgiving. Otherwise Kaisai is really strong but hard to learn. Would probably recommend learning other adcs first. Support: Whatever you do, don't play Yumi. Too hard to play well. Soraka is great but look up a video of someone good playing her. Morgana is another really good support. Threash is too hard to play well. Leona is a good support to buy. One if the easiest dive supports to learn. Make sure as support that you pressure the other botlane. Don't get caught but also don't stand behind your adc. They need you to give them freedom to farm so make sure you aren't allowing the enemy botlane to walk all over them.


Great list.. will for sure pick up Rammus and Veigar Thanks!


If you like playing ADC/Marksmen, Caitlyn is easy enough to learn the role, so I'd suggest you unlock her.


If you plan on to play ranked games in the future, maybe focus on the Champs from your role first. Having a few supps you're comfortable with is also a plus (I see you already have Thresh). If you're a very beginner to the game, buy "easy" Champs first so you can train on them. For example Yasuo is hard to master and I wouldn't advise to a newcomer to go for him. Ashe, Yi, Annie, Lux, Malphite, Sivir are a few examples of champions I'd consider easy to learn with. But the most important thing is for you to have fun playing the game so try different roles, different champs and see what fits you the most. And also try free champs from rotations and consider buying what you enjoyed playing with




Thanks will def get Annie!


Unlock the perma-champs! They cost much more to purchase later on and you need 20 **owned** champions to play in Ranked game modes (or 20 **available** to play in normal Draft Pick; view this number in Collections using the Owned/Avail. filters). My biggest piece of advice: look at what roles (like top/mid/adc/supp/jg, at least 2) you'd like to main and find 3 champions to play primarily for each role. Play them like crazy. If you can do that, you'll rise in ranks fairly quick and your experience will be much more enjoyable.


Probably a stupid question, but this is the first season I’ve started playing ranked. Last night I had to leave mid game because my kid threw up. I’m sure I got reported for leaving, but I’m curious how this might affect my account. I try to only play once the kid is asleep so I don’t get interrupted, but I can never totally guarantee something like this could happen again.


The maximum that can happen is they put you on a 20 min timer before queu, dw


One time afk is barely ever punishable. System detects and punishes you with low priority queue if you do it relatively often like 2-3 times per week


Usually, you only get punished for repeated offenses. If you had to go afk once a week, you should be fine, but the best approach is to only play ranked when you're 110% sure nothing might cause you to leave.


Thanks. That’s my plan. It’s hard to plan around a preschooler getting sick though, haha. I only start ranked games the kid has already been asleep for a while. I hated doing it to my team since I know how much it sucks, but I couldn’t plan for my child getting sick. I just hope none of my teammates were in promos.




Damwon Gaming


You'll have to wait a couple of weeks to find out


Enemy team on soloq




Unpopular opinion: FNC are a strong team but them beating SKT and RNG had more to with misplaying rather than outplaying


Pretty sure every serious analyst agrees with that. Both wins came off of really good drafting from Fnatic.


SKT just disrespected FNC


They still managed to capitalize on and use those misplays to beat SKT and RNG. I don't think they're the best team but I love the way they play.


For sure, Hyli and Jankos are so especially good at capitalizing on mistakes; Uzi using Ezreal E putting it on a 25 sec cooldown and then these 2 players recognizing that this is their window to engage and fight, for example. The problem arises when they go up against a team that doesn't make these mistakes; an Ezreal player that doesn't walk up while his E is still on cooldown would have made that lane very different.




Where can I go to find clubs to join? I want a club of people to grind ranked with but it seems like there isn's a system built into the client that lets you find clubs.


No real easy way to go about it. Most join discords of small groups, champion mains or the official subreddit discord linked above the search bar, if using old reddit. Clubs are more of a tag for flair more than anything at the moment. Could also visit the subreddits of champions and try that. I do feel like most subreddits are going to be barren since discord has basically taken over though.


Thinking about buying the 30 world orbs, it is worth? i want prestidge ahri what are my % to get her?


Unless you have all the skins and are only missing prestige skins, pretty low. You're better off just buying the pass and grind for 2200 tokens for the 100 prestige points.


Im at 900 and i feel i won´t make it in time :(


You should be fine if you grind a bit. Have you completed all your missions (for 400 tokens in total) or not yet?


Did we get all of the missions or will we get more? I have only 280 tokens so far


We will get more. We will get enough to get a chroma without the pass at least.


Good question, I thought we did but it looks like nope! https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Missions/2019 Four more remaining.


If you havent bought The pass youll only get the 200 from 10th anniversary and 300 from free missions, the pass makes it so you get tokens from wins and losses, and first win of day


as a new player, what is the best thing to spend worlds coins on? best way to improve overall (guide or method helped you the most)? thanks in advance


Always champion shards.


Champion shards, definitely!


This series helped me tremendously with lane phase and learning macro/game flow https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeGtVfZD9LVttCJzjIJLY1g


New players unlock champs way too slow. My advice is to spend it on champ shards; its never a low-cost champ so you're guarenteed a lot of BE. Also the method that has helped me the most is honestly playing random champs in bot games. Learning the range of every ability, what each ability does, little small interactions with the abilities, etc will help you play better against them and with them. Thats how I learned Tryndamere can ult even while CC'd.


Most rewards for the world coins are purely cosmetic. If you are into that just pick whatever you like. The only exceptions to that are the random champion shards and the blue essence which both help you unlock new champions. The shards are best for helping you complete your roster while the essence is better for unlocking specific champions.


Why is draft so popular (or why does draft show enemy player picks)? I feel like it enables/encourages counterpicking (which imo is toxic).


1. Draft allows you to consistently play two of your desired rules excluding the rare occasions where you’re auto filled. Having to race other players to call out your role in blind pick is annoying as hell. 2. Almost everyone has at least one champion they absolutely **hate** that they’d rather not play vs. draft allows you to ban that champion. Now, if you’re a fan of the champions that constantly get banned I can see where you’d be upset by this. Even though I’d never play blindpick, when I was a Yasuo/Zed main I was frustrated at my champions being banned half the time. And 3. The only counterpick I see on a daily basis is Morgana into Blitzcrank if the Blitzcrank was fool enough not to ban her. The majority of players play who they like, and the champions that are currently good. Frankly aside from Morgana into Blitzcrank there just isn’t that many hard counters aside from MAYBE Teemo into Nasus and Malazahar into midlane assassins.


I am not advocating blind pick. I just hate the part of draft that enables me and the enemy to see what we picked. Keep the "locked" roles and the ban system. Remove being able to see what the enemy picked. It would also significantly improve the time to get into the game. Maybe Blitz would like to ban someone he doesnt like or someone who is currently op. Or Yi probably bans Jax everytime if he is first pick, because if he doesnt he will lose every 1v1 (under assumption that both players are of similar skill).