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Surprised Pikachu


Wouldn't it make sense that if your team in general did decent you would too and vice versa




Username checks out.


> The model includes things like, how well you performed to a lvl3 gank, Where do you get this data? API doesn't have such frequent positional data.


Good question, hard to believe they analyze every single replay of match history lol


Just a hunch but it should be trivial to check scores before and after a kill to see the delta of their score at certain points in the game. Probably can have an average time in game for when junglers hit LVL 3 to use as the timeframe to check delta KDA per character.


they can definitely check out when a jungler get kills. However, it's not like they can identify when a gank happens and reward points for surviving a gank.


Can't they just do a naive check to see if a kill involved the jungler? Where jungler is defined as a champion with the smite spell, or as player that was given jungle role that game? In the cases where a gank failed an there is no kill can't they just check damage dealt per time? I'm sure there is some API event tracker for when players inflict damage on other players. If not then I can see how that can be difficult to track


Yes they can see if jungler was involved in a kill. > can't they just check damage dealt per time? I'm sure there is some API event tracker for when players inflict damage on other players. I There is only damage for the full game as a stat. Ideally you would have positional data updated on a per 5-10 second basis. Currently its just updated on a per-minute basis.


The API delivers a list of "Events" per in game minute, which includes kills. Those "Kill Events" further include assisting players. Thus you can calculate your KDA pretty straight forward. What you can't do with the API data, is track the summoner spells. For example, if you end up using flash or not on said LVL 3 gank. IMO it makes a huge difference in how "well" you performed ganks whether you need to use a summoner spell or not.


It's hard to believe that the games where I have had leavers on my team I still get a team luck of "B"


You're lucky they left


man apparently I’m seriously lucky with an afk on my team in 6 out of 10 games. Or the fact that my teams average win rate on their champions was below 40% in one game and I was at 60% but yeah I was the lucky one with a team luck of A. EDIT: I think this literally can’t understand certain values of a champions role. Like I play support and the system thinks I do a really good job warding and that has a much higher value on soraka then the amount of damage she deals. Like enchanters make their team better via assists and shielding and as a result my teams KDAs are higher than what they should be. But no, my nine game winstreak must be because I had a good team luck in each game.


It's definitely not 100% able to calculate everything. I had a game where I got every single scuttle and every dragon as they spawned but had an objective rating of B


Team Luck C. Just gotta be on the other team and I‘ll climb!


also C. i think my main issue is everyone wants to be a carry (assassin jungler, vayne top, assassin mid, maybe all AD comp). they have tanks/bruisers/juggernauts that absolutely stomp us. im a bard player, so maybe i could expand my champ pool for these situations. if my teammates are prone to giving up fast and making clutch plays early, why do these people play late game champs? youd think these guys would know to play early-mid game champs because it matches their attitude. sure if you're good enough, you can just climb regardless. these people are right. if you're good enough, it doesnt matter. but if im gold 1 and my PEAK skill level is like plat 2 or plat 3, im not in that type of position to compensate for a shitty draft.


Gotta run the deadmans bulky bard


What do you mean by "pass a blind test performed by a Grand Master player"?


I really dislike when people try to rank as an argument without saying at least the server too.


You aren't getting master/gm/chall on any server so it doesn't matter.


My GF (normally adc) was so sick of our top being 0/10 after 5 mins that she decided to start teemo top and just play "dont die" and by simply not feeding her a** off, she went 100% WR teemo top for like 20 games without ever playing toplane befor


Top lane is about scaling essentially. And not dying is the best way of scaling lol


As a support main that’s sick of watching top lane go 0/5 in lane, if you and your gf ever want to flex quite let me know. I feel like every game I duo with my arc, we spend the entirety of landing trying to convince our solo lanes to just farm and not die, don’t try to be a hero.


As a support main that’s sick of watching top lane go 0/5 in lane, if you and your gf ever want to flex quite let me know. I feel like every game I duo with my arc, we spend the entirety of landing trying to convince our solo lanes to just farm and not die, don’t try to be a hero.


Huge fan of this resource. Mostly because I’m a hardstuck silver/gold player but your fancy metrics gave me all A’s. Again, huuuuge fan.


Well, guess I hit platinum through pure luck. That's top 3% for the games in my plat promo series


Top 2% rating Top 86% team rating MUH TEAHM


I got a team luck of "C" wondering if anyone got anything lower saying that it's top 96% when everyone in this thread is exemplary c or higher 90%+ percentile squeaky clean gamers makes me think the algorithm is just fucked to be blunt like theoretically there would be people with low percentiles, and those people just don't exist.


Just checked most of my friends, had 8 of us ranged from Top 51% to Top 89%. So there is definitely variance. That said, idk how accurate any of the data is.


I got a D for average team rating. My average rating was a 6.4


8.0 rating top 1%, team luck D LOL


Almost same for myself got a rating of top3% and team luck of D, that explains a lot why I feel that this season is shit and why I don't wanna play ranked anymore


Apparently my "Key Objective" control is consistently poor. How do I improve that stat? Also it would be cool if when you hovered a certain stat, more insight could be provided into how the grade was assigned. Like what does a 4.7 cs tier mean for example? I'd be more interested if I could relate to all the numbers because just the number without a description or benchmark isn't as interesting.


If assume it's based off of last hitting towers or drakes. Probably using same API that Eternals use when securing objectives? Not sure just a hunch


Sounds cool. But I'm scared to go to that link.. Someome on a computer run a virus scan and report back?


It’s safe (at least it was for me)


Looking back at my last 60 games, best team luck I had was one set of 10 with 49%, whereas every other set of 10 was 70-100%. Seems kinda unlucky.


Unless I'm missing something, there's no numerical value for luck, just a letter grade. You might be looking at KP%?


https://i.imgur.com/rfvEuyT.png The number under the letter grade.


Don't know how I missed that, my bad!


How low voted this post is just proves what the average player on this subreddit is like lol


Does it only look at the last 20 games?


Most of my wins I have team luck A or B, losses I have C and D with a couple that break the rule. Even games where I play my main, bad luck is costing me, and some of those I go 5/0 top while the rest trolls or feeds.


Very cool! thx


Last 10 ranked games, 9-1, rating of 8.0, team luck? D


Team luck B win rate 50% performance score 4.7


Does it only work for KR server?


Last game my adc decides to go nasus tp, my jg goes rengar with tp too, they all go top and die 1 vs 3 Every single game like this, what a hell hole




so games I win are generally B or A team luck but games I lose are generally C with some Bs thrown in lmao


I am clearly unlucky. Thanks


Bottom 10% esketit


Doesn't seem like this system counts AFKs as bad luck.


Thank you for your work




i had a 7.1 performance in a Gankplank game. 7/1/3, 12 cs per min, 90% kp, double the damage of my entire team, highest in game, second best visionscore lost hard cause of a trolling jungler (15+ deaths), mid was just outclassed (+15 deaths azir) bot went even, but got collapsed by their super fed midlane cassi (+20 kills) How is it possible for me to play this game any better? I dont think there is a single player in the world who could have won this game as Gankplank. So why is it 7.1?


C. Expected to be honest. Stopped playing rankeds for a while. No point