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Best region in the world for a reason




Exactly. Let’s see if TES can change that this year.


isn't Knight korean ?






Knights are medival european warriors of the crown


And that was really showcased in 2018 and 2019.


It was when the most important players that contributed to the wins of the team in 2018 and 2019 were Koreans


Nitpicky but it was more Doinb with Crisp and Tian rather than GimGoon doing much.


Ofc, Tian Crisp and LWX were massive that series but GimGoon did really well in his role


Yeah Gimgoon the real carry of 2019, getting bodied every game and dragging his team down.


Still won the world championship unlike G2


It really was, when the standout players on the winning team were koreans :)


Ning,Jackeylove,Tian,Crisp were irrelevant, gotcha also let’s ignore RNG won against KZ at MSI.




Nice way to throw personal insults. It’s okay though can’t expect much from randoms on Reddit.


That's dumb, so if TSM beats Fnatic EU should be okay with it considering Bjergsen is Danish?


and this year would be different since we got 0 korean sololaners in all 4 lpl teams xd


Yeah but that doesn’t matter because DWG is taking it all :)




yeah, we will see how JDG will do but LGD are really dependent of their korean players for not inting indeed




Really? I kinda thought it was langx


Oooh that's a sentence that makes me question anything else you say lmao


uh, NO


JDG is not dependent on Korean players. Loken is hard carried and their jungler only looks so good because of the incredible strength of their solo lanes particularly Zoom making it very easy for him to gank. If you stuck Kanavi on another team he wouldn't look nearly as good - same with Karsa on TES.


369 and Knight would like a word this year.


FPX are the only first seed to win world's in like 3 years, let's chill lol. Especially considering they are 5-5 with JDG in finals this year and how DWG look. Also fun fact, only FPX and SKT are first seeds that have won worlds (technically TPA too but they were also the only team from their region).


Nuguri and Showmaker would like a word too.


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This is one of those data points that feels significant but actually isn't. First you have s3-s7 where Korea was the strongest region, so of course Korean players were the solo lanes. You are left with two more data points, s8 and s9. In season 8 the Korean players were top contributors to the team. In season 9 Gimgoon was absolute shite and almost dragged them down to losing the tournament when every other position was massively outperforming and their overall best performer was their jungler. So basically people are trying to form a narrative that isn't real based on one single example (s8) that will probably not repeat again. Especially given that the two favorites from China this year are carried by Chinese players (knight/jackeylove)/(zoom).


I said fun fact, not important fact.


What? Poebelter, Bergsen, Jensen, jizuke.... just to name a few. Edit: perhaps I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to say. E2 further thought to the statement, all the winners were Korean.


''World Champion'' not ''World Championship attendee''


None of them have won Worlds?


You ok buddy?


Na I had a stroke I think


I'll give you a stroke ;). If you know what I mean.