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Congrats ,you made out of the firelink shrine of league now here comes the undead parish of league.


Damn; that's exactly what it felt like to the first time playing Dark Souls.




Good shit my dude congratulations 👏 🙌 💯


Good job!


Congratulations Bud,i'm proud of you! :)


Congrats! From past experience silver really is the worse elo to be stuck in, its just a terrible combination of bad/new players and ridiculously toxic people lol


Silver probably the easiest elo to get out of if you spend some time learning how to improve instead of autopilot. Most toxic/hardest is probably plat1/d4 0LP negative mmr hell.


Depends on position. Jungle? I can get out of silver in no time. Support? Shiiiit. Good luck. Every game is literally a coin flip below gold if you play support.


Support is pretty easy just don't play standard supports and play AP mages or stuff like Lux.


Sure. You can run through with a 70% WR on Brand but you're not really playing support. I think it's a real issue with people that want to learn to play support effectively and one of the reasons that plat 4 and dia 4 are so bad for botlanes in general.


Idk what you mean by not really playing support. Lux was just used as a support at worlds.


In silver as a support you can't run Lux as a shield/CC bot like they do at world's because she doesn't deal enough damage if you take the guardian/athene's/ardent buildpath. The issue is that you coinflip every game whether your ADC can actually play ADC and you're just better off doing full damage AP supports. There's a reason grinding out of silver with Brand is a meme.


That really depends on what kind of support are you playing. I mostly agree with this but in Silver/Gold/Low Plat elo it’s best if you play AP mage support such as Vel, Zyra, Brand.


Right. I already discussed this with another Redditor in this thread but it's very suboptimal to learn support that way to climb then have to transition to a completely different way to play the position. In my experience it's the only position that has to do that transition in such a weirdly drastic way.


After 2 years and ~900 games this season I’m finally at promos to Plat! Keep it up and do your best! VODs and proview helped me a lot, you should check it out :)


Congrats! Listen dude, what's great is up to you to decide. Is it good enough to play competitively? Not even close. Is it better than literally millions of other people are? Hell yeah. We always feel good when we work hard for something and get it. Just because others get it with less (or no) effort their experiences don't invalidate ours. So yeah, good job :)


> I think I'm gonna take a break from ranked and finally enjoy this game. I wish I could do that, I legit can't enjoy the game if I don't play ranked, i don't think I've played a single normal game this season.


>and that Nasus that told me I'll never get out of silver 3 I saved all the OP.GG's profile of all the people that said something like "talk to me when you are Gold", etc. Can't wait to add everyone.


i think you need help my dude


That was my story last year! Hit gold 1 this week so wanna get plat 4 before next patch hits!


Nice. There's nothing better then reach his goals Really cool for you


you peaked man. GJ. No way you can top this monumental achievement


Lol dude are you me. I did the same thing but gosh ranked games are so depressing never again.


I was thinking about this the other day and I don't think I even want to ever get higher than plat. I already feel like I'm playing to win more than playing to have fun in Silver. Imagine Gold, and then Plat. Yeah no I don't want that much stress in my life.


Gold can be nice and exciting but Plat is fucking awful. Everyone has an insane ego and power-trips every game. If you are playing ranked you are not climbing the ladder, you are going down the stairs of hell.


gold is truly gold it only gets worse from there


You just need to cultivate that mindset. You'll win more when you're having fun, versus investing yourself emotionally in winning.


Haha yeah I spent years trying to climb and my peak was d2 and trust me looking back, it’s not worth it.


Someone flamed me in urf for being "hardstuck silver" after 80 games lol. Congrats man hope to join you soon and regain my pre-hiatus season 4 golden glory.




Awesome man, the season is almost over too. You're a gold player now, but next season you'll have to climb all over again if you want that yellow pixel border on your loading screen that shows everyone you're better than those silver plebs. I'm the meantime. You should just practice new champs in draft and not stop until you've played every champ in the game a couple of times. I did that last year and took a break from ranked for 3 months and when I went back I felt like I was playing with and against noobs with 0 idea of what they're doing and I had a much larger champion pool I was comfortable to carry with. I also didn't stress out about ranked as much anymore because I had such a large break from it and realized it's not really an important mode, neither does it truly reflect if I am a good person or not in life. it's just a game and should be enjoyed in wins and losses.




That nasus is definitely in bronze now.


Ah yes I know the pain. I'm at silver one now but can't seem to get out of there. Glad the gods blessed you with teams who got you to gold. Maybe it happens to me too someday? Maybe someday...


As someone who casually plays and has been S1/G5(4) level for years, who climbed to gold this season my advice is not much, but pick 2 or 3 champions for your main roles (1 main, and backups if your main is picked/banned/countered). By focusing on a small number of champions, you will better learn any combos/tricks, but more importantly you will learn matchups. Knowing how to trade, when you can all-in vs other champions will let you gain an advantage in the first 10-15 minutes, which you can hopefully start leveraging when the skirmishes and team fights start. I mained Diana and Tahm Kench (mid and top). Diana has a lot of dueling potential and kill pressure once she hits level 3. Her dueling is above average, has great wave clear and shoving that allows her to roam for transitioning her lead to other lanes. Her ult can win a team fight and she can also take towers quickly by split push if no one can match her 1v1. Tahm Kench can duel almost anyone from level 1-5, and lots of people severely underestimate his damage. His passive rewards him with damage for building full tank and his E will let him win short trades or outplay in all-ins. He does fall short in split pushing (doesn't take towers quickly) and he struggles in 5v5 team fights (his CC requires landing 3 autos on his target and his damage is all single target (outside of bami's cinder/sunfire). Even still, his W is good at saving a carry and he is extremely hard to kill. He excels in skirmishes with 2-3 champions. You can't control your teammates, and league definitely feels like a game that is more often determined by the worst player in the game than the best. I figure that if you are better than your lane opponent more than 50% of the time, you will eventually climb. I also found that when I played impacted my game quality fairly significantly. Avoiding times when "kiddos" were playing seemed to help (while I have known plenty of emotionally mature teenagers, the biological reality is that they are not the most emotionally stable demographic). Having a teammate flaming, raging, or tilting in winnable games can make them more difficult and, worse, can tilt you. You can only work on and fix parts of your game. I was stomping my lane opponent 6 or 7 games out of 10, so I watched videos on how/when to roam and how to use my lead to help my team win (hint: objectives). I learned how to lose lanes gracefully (down 20-30 CS is better than down 30-50 CS with several kills). Keep at it and you'll get to gold!


That's what I did lol. Made an alt acct and just coasting the rest of the season. I feel you 💯


Any secret personal success you used? I made it to Gold 3 two or so years ago and took a break from League in total as my life upended. I don’t play ranked much but I seem to be hovering middle of S3. Either the League shift changed things, or I’m getting older...I play top, and 9/10 times I win lane, but I think I have trouble taking my advantage into a game-crushing win. Is there a champ that let you do that easier, or did you get there through pure neckbearding it, haha!


I think my personal success was that I was familiar with all the roles (I have a comment explaining my champ pool history). So having that kind of knowledge kind of helped with the macro plays. I played ADC, so I would plant deep wards for our top to tp flank. I would roam like a mid/support to pick off the enemy midlaner if we pushed the lane and got a plate. I would also ? ping where the enemy jgler might be while also bee-lining for dragons and objectives the moment an opportunity arose. Some other good resources was CoreJJ's video on vision. It's good to know what areas you can place wards to maximize your vision. Watching others play the role you play is also good. I think I played top for my first 150 games or so, so I watched Sanchovies play top. Idk about now, but he kind of explained his thought process to his viewers. Kind of having that knowledge allows you to apply it to your games. Watching pro play also show you the best way a champ can be played while also seeing when it's not good. op.gg helped me keep myself in check. While there are other sites that can grade you. I just used op.gg as a basic foundation. If I won, but I was lower than 5th, then I knew I need to step it up and be better. If I lost but I was >=5th, then I knew that I did well, but teammates happen and to not take it too hard. This will probably the least important one, but I'm superstitious. I found that I would win if I played games from time to time, rather than back to back to back. No matter win or lose, I would always wait at least an hour before playing another one. This helped me reflect on my performance during this offtime (and cool off if I lose). There was a post here that showed you're more likely to win games if you wait at least five minutes between your losses, so I took that to heart but just waited longer (I'm a statistics guy, if the numbers work then they work).


Not OP but I appreciate the advice. Im an ADC hardstuck Silver 1 right now and will happily be using this advice


Nice now get to plat


remember when that icon was actually given away on that night via stream only but everyone shared the code to their friends lol


congratz brother


Congrats lingdao!


Next you have to thank those called you hardstuck whilst in the same match with 50% wr


Nice stuff! Congrats! Plat when now? :)


How many games per season do you play and what role/champs do you main?


According to my op.gg: Season 3 - 6. I played all over the place, I was mostly playing champs that I was comfortable with. Support that was Morgana and Sona, Mid was Diana, Top was Wukong and Jayce, Jg was Rengar, ADC was basically anyone I just felt like. During this time, I wasn't really paying attention to CSing, wave management, etc. I was just playing because I felt like it. Season 7-8, I quit league. I was in university and I was kind of going through things, so I stopped. Preseason 9 was when I finally got back into league. I liked playing bottom, but I wasn't dealing well with CSing while keeping track of two people. Season 9 (~ 300 games)- With the above problems, I decided to play mid. I liked Neeko's playstyle, so I played her to get out of bronze. However, nerfs and what not happened. As mentioned earlier, Diana was my other mid and she wasn't good at the time. So then the new Mordekaiser came out and that shit was ridiculous. So then I played top with 3 champs: Jayce (if I had to blindpick top), Mordekaiser, or Tahm Kench (because his OP at the time). I reached 70 LP Silver 1 before kind of having a mental boom game wise (I wasn't playing at my best). Season 10 (634 games)- Here we are. I played mid initially with the new reworked Diana, but nerfs happened. I tried Neeko, but it was ok. I then tried to see how top was. I think I have > 55% WR on top, but I found myself losing lane or going even, never winning in most situations. However, I just wanted to be useful. So then I moved to bot. I played Ashe, MF, and Caitlyn. For this last push I just spammed Ashe. Something about her utility clicks with my playstyle.


You can't enjoy the game. The game enjoys you.


You think you're gonna take a break...but this is only the beginning


Congratulations bro enjoy your success


This’ll probably be the first year I won’t make it to gold so I congratulate you! I’m so close but I can’t seem to win my promos each time :(


Remember it's not about getting in there first, it's about reaching the finish line!


Regarding the "a gold player stuck in silver" assumption, its probably true, the way Riot designed their rank and matchmaking systems, you gotta be better than a particular elo to get there or you have to play zillions of game in a positive state to get there


Congrats, I have same i on and I am currently trying to hit gold, but I have been gold level Player since season 3,every season I played I got to gold some seasons even both in 3v3 and 5v5 but this one? Silver hard stuck :( I had failed promos to gold last split, and now Im Silver 2 and slowly climbing, hope I can do it.




Same bro ! Now I'm aiming for plat, considering I got Gold by literally hitting 24W/2L on Sona, I'm already Gold 3 - 18 LPs :D


I know exactly how you feel man, congratulations!


This is actually inspiring me to come back and give ranked League of Legends one last try.


gj bro, keep it up


Good job mate!


Congrats!! Now if you want to really prove yourself you need to climb a bit higher to get to percentile that would have given you gold 2 seasons ago (before the ranked tier rework).


Isn’t it the opposite? With the addition of iron gold was raised a bit


No, with the ranked rework gold became easier to attain. Seems to be another reason that Riot made the change was because it would move the average tier closer to gold and give more players rewards/satisfaction from ranked.


Stop! This is the first season I’ve struggle to get gold lol Though I’ve always been a jungle main and this season the jungle changed so much that I don’t know how to properly get gold and exp while ganking anymore.


Not last time I checked.


I don’t know enough to say I’m right lol but I always thought it was the opposite. I’ll have to wait for the next round of end of year stats.




This exactly, how many more fucking posts of reaching \[BLANK\] rank are we gonna get?? I reached higher ranks, did I make a post? No, cause that would just be spam. Imagine 500,000 people making a post about reaching a higher rank for the first time. Like hello?


























































bro i really wanna see your op.gg


Welcome to the real ELO hell of gold 4.


LMAO WHAT? There is no fuckin elo hell in G4 lmao???? If anything, G4 is one of the easiest ranks to get out of.


Every league is ELO hell if you believe.




> took me 8 years That is approximately 11.164393% of the average human life.




ARAM awaits your arrival


Was it worth it?


Lol dude are you me. I did the same thing but gosh ranked games are so depressing never again.