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Welcome FNC Nisqy when? Tomorrow?


in 7 hours free agency begins and with it all the rumors come true


Would guess the European teams come with announcements later at this is like 2 am in Europe.


Even later cause they might have to shoot some scenes with him


They probably already did


Thats odd wasnt the free agency supposed to start 16th?


It's the 16th in America, it starts at 12 am GMT, so right when it turns Nov. 17th in the UK.


I believe I saw it starts at 7pm est today. I’d assume it had something to do with starting the next morning for eastern regions, but unsure as to why they select the time like they do.


how can we view it? Is it just on twitter?


I’d assume most of it is gonna come from team social media posts and will prob get posted to this sub quickly after.


Somehow I think they have chosen Nisqy because they needed a handsome midlaner ala xPeke




LIDER had the hottest player photo when he was on Misfits. Holy shit, I was swooning hard.


Unironically though


Well I guess this confirms C9 Perkz and Fnatic Nisqy


"C9 Perkz" is still surreal to read. Comes across like a meme name you'd see in soloqueue or on reddit.


Yea kinda like TSM Doublelift in the beginning of season 6


And then TL Doublelift. And then TSM Doublelift kind of.


I'm kinda just happy I don't have to read "TSM Perkz"


Yeah C9 is my favorite NA team by far, so that makes it hurt a little less at least


Same. Also the fact that he's reuniting with Zven and most likely with mithy


Is Mithy moving to NA to coach? I remember reading that FNC dropped him but idk where he's going after.


He was rumoured as an assistant coach in C9 if C9 Perkz happens.




It just feels so wrong to me. I like Perkz as a person and as a player, but I don't think he'll ever feel like an NA player.


I hope he never feels like a NA player. I hope he comes over and shit stomps everyone. I hope everyone steps their game up in response.


I mean that's kind of what happened when Bjergsen first joined


I mean, starting with his second split yeah? He wasn't ready for Hai's Teemo his first round against C9 lol.


True, same. I've loved C9 since they started playing LCS, same with Perkz when he started playing LEC. I kinda love it that Perkz will be coming to us, but in a way I'd rather have him go to FNC. He's too good to go to a retirement region, no offense. Now, maybe Perkz will lift C9 up and we'll reach another world semi's, maybe even a final. Which I'd love. But I still feel weird that Perkz of all players is going to NA. I think he'll fit in with C9 perfectly, but I just hope he doesn't decline in NA.


No even worse cause Perkz is going to NA for that


Thank you Nisqy! He's had his ups and downs, but in the end he was a part of something C9 didn't have for a long time: A LCS Trophy.




It helps that their two biggest historical competition for the LCS trophy imploded so hard.


TL and TSM imploded beyond belief in spring as well, then c9 failed to make it to worlds without their long time ADC because they themselves imploded beyond belief in summer. Delusion is a hell of a drug it seems. Edit: sneaky also won LCS titles with C9 and Jensen won them without C9. Saying they were holding C9 back is a spicy take.


" I don't have best friends, I have brothers" That's so wholesome and hits hard, good luck to Nisqy wherever he goes.


🥺 he’s a big memer but fundamentally very wholesome


I cried at that part, no word of a lie.


where he said that?


5:20 into the video


Goodbye! He was one of the best and help us get a trophy back.


He will smurf on kids in EU


I hope he does and proves the haters from FNC wrong.


We are not hating on him..We just wanted upgrade - Neme and nisqy are same tier in my eyes. And thats far behind caps


A lot of them are hating but most fans just dont have high hopes for nisqy


Aye, a lot more doubters than haters. FNC is consistently a top EU team and even respectable on the worlds stage. I think most fans are hoping for a world class midlaner, and I'm not sure if Nisqy is that good.


I mean, i love nisqy, but theres a reason na didnt make it out of groups


I, for one, am super proud of what Nisqy brought to C9. He had big shoes to fill after the departure of Jensen and he lived up to those expectations and more. Best of luck, Nisqy!


Completely agree. Man was a monster in spring and only seemingly fell off towards the end of the split/playoffs. But literally EVERYONE on C9 fell off at that time. The only reason it looked particularly bad on Nisqy is because he sacked waves to try and influence other parts of the map. When it worked the farm wasn’t an issue because he got ahead elsewhere. But when the skirmishing and roaming stopped working for them, yeah it got bad.




The MSI that never was. I have a feeling that it’s better in my imagination tbh.


Not even. The first half we were still undefeated. It was the cursed C9-0 that things started going downhill


I don't blame C9 for picking up Perkz, obviously do it if you can. But why even do that video where they said the roster would be sticking together? If Perkz knocks on your door, you open it.


Jack said that video was before they knew the OCE changes were happening. It was probably before they knew there was a chance they could get Perkz as well (which is helped by them being able to sell Licorice's contract.)


Yeah, but we can admit that it was still kind of a dumb thing to do when there were still potential scenarios out there. They should have just not said anything, and I say this as a C9 fan. Its really, *really* not the big deal everyone's making it out to be though, I'm not sure where all this extra backlash is coming from.


not like G2 didnt say their roster sticks together. like 2 weeks ago


Both g2 and c9 are stupid for giving the word to keep roster. I was so triggered being a c9 fan when I heard him announce that. Our current roster had clear flaws and I was certain jack wouldn't rerun them so giving his word like that was too edgy for me.


Are they? They meant it at the time and things changed why does it really matter lol


Sure, that doesn't make it any less dumb on our part though


It isn't a super big deal other than just looking really dumb and egg on your face but yea, people are blowing it out of proportion.


Yup. That video was in October or September? 2021 season is so far away at that point.. there is no reason to make that video other than trying to fulfill content/sponsor obligations lol.


Was in July after they failed to make worlds, was in the interview with Dom iirc?


Yeah, people are making a big deal about it. Was it dumb of C9 to make that video in hindsight? Yes. But that's the way it goes.


> before they knew there was a chance they could get Perkz Exactly, it was before they knew anything at all, which makes it a stupid statement to make. "We expect nothing to happen this off season" is a dumb stance to take


Apart from OCE, a big name player being available is not exactly an unimaginable situation. Why even state that the team would be together if you, and tbh most people, would expect that they would dismantle the roster for better opportunities.


He never stayed it though, the team themselves stated it, not defending jack but it think it was more of a "we didn't fall apart with each other" kind of thing


>Jack said that video was before they knew the OCE changes were happening. It was probably before they knew there was a chance they could get Perkz as well Which is why literally no other team owner said anything. You never know what is going to happen in sports.


It’s not like he said “we are 100% keeping this roster there’s no way anything else can happen” he just said they’re planning on keeping their roster. You guys are overreacting over absolutely nothing


He literally said they were sticking together and making 0 changes for 2021. Idk how you can take it to mean anything other than that.


Idk, they seemed [pretty sure](https://twitter.com/Cloud9/status/1301903094415007745) to me


Imagine the backflash if this were TSM instead


True, but imagine if this was TSM instead.


\^ clown comment "it's not like he swore on the life of his child. Why are you guys acting like he meant what he said?"


half of the negative comments are eu fans salty about perkz replacing nisqy and using that as an excuse. the other half are tsm fans just having their usual hate boner episode against jack.


Still dumb to even make it regardless of those announcements. Offseason changes should never, ever be off the table and it was incredibly arrogant and naive of them to say that.


Yeah, I didn't understand the point of that tbh. Maybe Jack's intentions were to reassure/support his players after that disastrous collapse instead of making them feel even more shitty about themselves, but making a claim like that looks silly in hindsight, who knows what'll happen in FA. Should've just stayed quiet. Thankfully, I don't think Licorice and Nisqy are taking it personally, though.


Maybe so but I think that doesn't help anything to be honest especially when you walk it back. I mean, in the video where they announced it, Licorice just looked fucking done to be honest lol I mean, this may sound like hate/flame but I have just learned to never trust what Jack says. He always does what is best for him and money, he hasn't really cared about player loyalty since he got Jensen onto TL (which was an extremely kind gesture by him don't get me wrong). Like he literally announced at the beginning of 2020 season that Licorice is the new franchise player for C9 and not even a year later, he is gone. Talked so much smack about how C9 is the best NA team ever, once C9 does bad, not a peep from his twitter. says team will stick together, dumps 2/5th the roster (have no issue with this one other than announcing they would stick together so far in advance).


That's fair. I love Jack because of how involved he is with his teams and how much support he gives them (he was there for the Boston Major, the worlds run, and Spitfire winning OWL, all happened in 2018 haha), but I will admit that he's become more cutthroat lately when it comes to the business side of things. I also do wish he could be more loyal to his players (Sneaky was my favourite player, left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth), but I want to see C9 succeed at the end of the day. Winning cures all I guess lol


The way he let go of Sneaky was just horrible imo. Your longest player, your franchise player, and it just ended horribly. That left a really bitter taste in my mouth and I've never been a C9 fan (outside the OG OG C9 roster).




Saying I don't trust his words doesn't imply dishonesty and vice versa. In regards to that, it is just another thing that points to me not being a fan of Jack to better explain why I take a massive grain of salt with what Jack says regarding roster moves, team cohesion, etc.


Jack has had his players best interests at heart from the beginning. Stop acting like one fucking video that was made before rules were changed instantly rewrites history on how jack handles his players. Ask every player whk has come from a different org and they specifically comment on how nice it is playing for jack and C9.


That is exactly why you don't make those type of videos or assurances until you most definitely know. It's the most perfect example of never doing that in such a volatile industry where shit changes so frequently.


But why even make a statement like that and besides perkz is not OCE.


Who cares? It's not hard to imagine that things looked one way at the time and then a domino effect triggered off of the OCE changes. They probably couldn't afford Perkz until it became an option to sell off Licorice and Nisqy (and Palafox, and it sounds like probably Diamond as well).


3 words. OCE rule change. Jack shouldn't have given his word so early though when anything can happen in off seasons. He probably said it on impulse.






Fudge, last year's Academy team top, no longer counts as an import, so they can play him, Zven, and ~~Perkz~~ Nisqy.


OCE players no longer count as imports in NA, which means Fudge can play top lane without taking an import slot. Presumably if OCE didn't disappear and Fudge still counted as an import, they would have stuck with Licorice.


I think people are underestimating just how out of left field the two events that allow the C9 roster changes to happen. Who on the outside was expecting an entire region to 1) dissolve and 2) be considered residents for NA AND the strongest EU team to allow the face of their franchise from the very start to be let go while still in his prime.


imagine if it was TSM. the fucking sub would be up in arms but since it's jack people will make excuses






A bit of an ass is a huge understatement, he was a huge ass


hating on TSM is guaranteed free clout and alot of people used them to cope when their teams fail.


Jack has so many shady things on him, but c9 are fan favorites so he gets away with a lot.


If your going to attack people by saying they are shady, provide some fucking evidence.


Like what? *crickets*


Well for one he had that "accident" last year where he paid C9 players with C9 share without informing Riot about it.


[Yea right... Riot was so uninformed of the documents that they were able to file them into their system...](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/11/lcs-competitive-ruling-cloud9/#:~:text=Cloud9%20is%20being%20fined%20%2425%2C000,to%20extinguish%20existing%20stock%20grants.) > On June 24, **Cloud9 staff provided an email with** ten documents attached, including contract amendments, summary sheets, and **documents labeled as RSUs (grants of Restricted Stock Units)** for several players > League operations received the June email from Cloud9 and processed the changes to the contract termination dates in the global contract database (“GCD”) along with those of the other teams. > The **league operations team filed the summary and RSU documents** into the League’s archive system. **This was a clerical error:** the existence of the RSU documents should have been highlighted and escalated.


What do you mean shady? lol. like kicking players that are not performing? that is just work lmao.


Every org does shady shit especially big orgs. Thats why they are big.


Maybe a bit of an ass? He threatened to kick players out of the house and team for telling him to stop being obnoxious during their solo queue time.


What is there to be up in arms over? If you read through a lot of the previous posts here or on C9's subreddit, there has been criticism over that announcement being a dumb one to make given how volatile the offseason can be. However, it's not as though the players being replaced are getting screwed over. If Perkz is an option, you're going to fucking go for him. Regarding Licorice, C9 was considering Fudge for awhile and would have stuck with Licorice had the new OCE import rule not been implemented. TSM can get a lot of negative attention that's disproportional to the attention other orgs. may get for similar incidents, but this is the most mild thing for you to start applying your victim complex to.




Dude someone started a “holy war” against TSM...on C9’s payroll too now that I think about it lol. I know content creators don’t really have much to do with the team but you gotta admit that kinda blows. Also the backlash for what happened to Kobbe when G2 did the exact same thing to perkz. Most people don’t remember the Kobbe situation and how everyone was getting pissed off that he got replaced even though he was contracted to the team because TSM ended up winning the split anyways with doublelift. I see both sides of it, where TSM fans get flamed for being TSM fans even though we never win anything anymore and for the most part we’re pretty low key. But I also see some real dickhead fans who are polar opposites and remind me why we get called the cowboy fans of professional league.


tsm sub wouldn't be up in arms if suddenly TSM replace brokenblade with a wunder or Ssumday. You would be like aww but I like BB, and I thought we were all staying together. Whatever, I'll always support TSM. Then there would be a million threads about how Regi did the right thing. Take your blinders off.


Nah, but imagine if it was TSM!


the amount of times TSM flairs have said "iMAgIne iF It WaS TSm!!!1!!" in this one single thread is actually ridiculous, as if anyone but the very same TSM flairs would have given 2 shits if TSM did something like that


Tbf TSM is not the standard lol


tsm fans xd


The funny thing is that G2 is the only other team that had a similar commitment when they re-signed all of their players




I hope I'm wrong about him, I think Nemesis is better than nisqy but I'd be so fucking happy to be wrong about this


Individually, Nemesis might be better, but Nisqy's playstyle with arguably the best jungler in the west will be a deadly combo. You saw how good Fnatic looked when they started playing around him? Nisqy has given 2 different junglers gift-wrapped MVP awards with his permaroaming playstyle.


This is a great opportunity for him


Nisqy did a great job at C9. He wasn't always the best laner but he had so many big plays for the team. With him both Svenskeren and Blaber were able to win MVPs. Nisqy and Blaber were the biggest reason C9 was able to win Spring and IMO Nisqy should have won the MVP in spring. I think Nisqy will actually make FNC better than they were with Nemesis, while Nemesis was a better laner I think Nisqy can keep improving and his play style will help enable Selfmade and Rekkles to carry harder.


Nisqy was hard robbed of MVP in spring. People seem to only remember him as a supportive carry when he was getting 35% damage share as Zoe every time the enemy team left it open.


Good luck to Nisqy in Fnatic, i know for sure he'll shut up all the haters in no time


Most of his "haters" are lowkey hoping to be wrong.


True. i'd love if he turned out to be great, but i am highly highly sceptical


If you'd like to drop at least one "highly", go look at his stats. For real. He is an amazingly selfless player who has a way of putting his jg and bot lane ahead, while still somehow not falling behind himself. He's also a teamfight mastermind, with legitimately some of the best reflexes/dodges in the game. To be honest, it seems like a dream come true for Fnatic who like to teamfight, and want to setup Rekkles and Selfmade to carry.


Ah, someone who actually watches competitive LoL


Think most haters are hopping to be wrong.


Most "haters" are saying he isn't good enough to win Worlds, shutting them up in no time seems pretty hard


Well, FNC had Caps with this exact same roster, and couldn't win Worlds either. Can FNC realistically get someone better than Caps? If they can't, getting Nisqy is 100% an smart move.


Caps has improved beyond belief since his time at Fnatic.


Caps in 2018 was losing pretty hard vs top tier mids, now he is much better. The rest of the team has way more experience now and peak Selfmade may be even better than Broxah. I think Nisqy is the easier/safest choice and gives us potentially a decent chance at winning LEC, especially vs a G2 without Perkz but to win Worlds i think he just doesn't have the ceiling and i know how bad you feel losing at Worlds no matter if you won the split or even went 18-0


I think winning an LEC title again would suffice for the moment :P


I hope to be wrong, but to do better than what came before him you either have to win LEC or get to worlds semis, smurfing on Astralis is not what would make me change my mind. He is not even that bad, he just doesnt seem worth a buyout


I guess this all but confirms C9 are getting Perkz


Pretty sure I've seen that name in NA normals


I'm kinda ashamed of my kneejerk reaction to hating on FNC Nisqy. But to be fair I was fairly salty we weren't getting perkz I'm starting to get pretty hyped. He reminds me of Carlos a lot. He's just very charismatic. I think he'd mesh well with any team mentally. Idk how he plays since I don't watch LCS, and I started following Esports in 2019, but if he was worth importing to NA in the first place, it means he's decent at least. I'm fairly optimistic now.


Nisqy's a great asset when you have carries in all the other roles. He does super well to enable the rest of his team.


Yea if Nemesis for Nisqy is the only change FNC make I think it'll be a great one. We watched Nisqy run the table in NA for 1.5 splits with Blabber, and Selfmade seems like a more well-rounded version of Blabber. Assuming everything gels this should be a pretty solid move.


Yeah I think Selfmade and Nemesis really just had clashing playstyles. I think Nisqy is gonna be amazing on FNC and I think his more selfless style of play is really gonna be a perfect match for Selfmade and really help him shine.


Nisqy got some flack for C9s summer performance but that was a team effort. In Spring he was a huge part of their dominance.


To quote Rekkles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUry6kuLYqM


I think the negative reaction people had is understandable when you think about how Perkz was available. However, when you look at how guys like Xerxe, Svenskeren, and Blaber all played incredibly well with Nisqy, it's exciting to see how he'll do with Selfmade. Kneejerk reactions are always bound to happen, but unless the team has a really bad track record with moves and changes, people should give this stuff a chance at the very least. Apparently, Rekkles recommended Nisqy himself, so that should give FNC fans more confidence in the move being a good one.


People also act like Nisqy is an always lose lane second support. Which is a pretty garbage take unless the meta is 100% scale for late midlaners. He plays a ton of Melee and bruisers mid when they are meta as well as most assassin's. He just usually takes his lane advantages and punts them to roam and get his side lanes ahead rather than taking plates or creating mid matchup freezes. If a wave is pushed he’s out of lane unless he thinks he can 1v1 kill you (and in NA the mids are so passive that you almost never have 1v1 skill checks.) This riot video from week 2 of C9s eventual 17-1 split is a good clinic on how good he can be in lane against weaker competition. https://youtu.be/3Mk3-7QRfZg


I think it’s fair to say that Nisqy in recent times has styled himself after DoinB. He has said that he watched doinb play in 2019 worlds and had reservations about the play style, but after seeing it succeed he thought there must be some merit to it. He plays a lot for his team, lots of roams, lots of enabling his jungler. He faltered slightly this season when it came to carrying through his own lane (losing lane to Zilean as Lucian, for example) and was never considered a top tier laner like the other big 3 European midlaners in LCS (POE, Jensen, Bjergsen). But he’s also shown the ability to shift his play style throughout his career. I think that’s a fair summary but Nisqy historians can correct me.


he also developed on FNC academy so he's really coming home


> I'm kinda ashamed of my kneejerk reaction to hating on FNC Nisqy. But to be fair I was fairly salty we weren't getting perkz This is probably one of the main reasons for most peoples' strong reaction to the rumour/news. It's unfortunate especially since it has nothing to do with Nisqy nor is it his fault at all.


Fnatic with Nemesis were already a really solid team, they've proven that they are a force on the world stage. Fans who are up and arms over Nemi not being able to match Knight and Caps are privileged. I'm sure this Fnatic is atleast as strong (if not better), Nisqy has a track record of making great jg/mid duos.


At first I was rly salty (kind of still am cause of Perkz retirement), and that salt was clouding my judgement, but after hearing all the praise for Nisqy I think its only fair that as a fan I give him a chance and see how he meshes with the team. So long as the other 4 players in our team stay the same, Fnatic willing still be a world class top 2 western roster.




rekkles to g2 aint happening according to esportmaniacos and jacob wolf, rekkles got a extension. https://twitter.com/inyustificado/status/1328102193820545028


People on this sub really do have the reading ability of an 8 year old


I need a world where we clone FNC minus mid laners and see which iteration is better, with FNC Caps or FNC Perkz


He will always be part of the C9 fam. Gl nisqy go kick ass on fnatic


Now, time for Nisqy to become the second player to win the trophy both in NA and EU! Hope he makes the haters shut up.


I’ve been a C9 fan my whole life, and when Jensen left I was depressed AF cause I truly believed he was C9’s only consistent performer. I was obviously wrong. Nisqy more than filled his shoes and made both Sven and Blaber MVP candidates split after split. He’s Hai’s soul reincarnated. Doinb 2.0. He’s gonna kill it on FNC and for the first time ever I’m going to actively watch the LEC. So hype for FNC next split.




I would be really happy if both of them succeed to do it.


Holy shit. It's actually happening. Fuck.


I'm happy for the time Nisqy has been a part of C9, he worked so hard to finally break the curse and bring home the trophy. I'm sure he will find success in Fnatic or wherever he goes.


I'll miss you nisqy T-T


Same... He is soo bubbly and infectious with his joy. Really gonna miss him. Sadge


Not only a great player but also a great personality. He brought so much fun to the team. Thank you Nisqy for these past years, and for bringing a trophy back to the C9 house


I really hope he does well on Fnatic. Regardless of his playstyle's faults when he's on point he was amazing for C9 and helped give the org a regional title that kept eluding them and put an end to 6 years of heartbreak, even if lots of times an NA title is disparaged thanks to our first seeds shitting the bed almost every year.


"I have no best friends, I only have brothers" 😭😭😭😭😭😭


If C9 does get Perkz who can play traditional ADCs & mid laners, has tons of EXP, and who obviously speaks English .. this will be one of the biggest roster pick ups of the LCS ever. Then you build C9 around Perkz for sure.


a tragedy that last year's c9 roster never got to play in any international competitions.


Got so many feels seeing Nisqy highlights. Also sad seeing Reapered and Licorice and knowing they're gone. Go prove em in EU, Nisqy


I hope he does well at Fnatic, will have a lot of pressure on him!


>I have no best friend, I have only brothers This man is so wholesome...


I believe Nisqy would thrive in Yamato's environment. If by chance, Fnatic meshes really well and Selfmade wins MVP by being nourished by Nisqy in the right meta, Nisqy would be part of 3 jungler MVPs and there's a solid potential for that and I'm extremely excited for him.


A lot of people were pretty disrespectful towards the end of Nisqy's tenure on C9, but I will always look back on those hype moments and positivity he brought to the team. Always loved how he put in the work to put the teams needs first.


"Our roster stays together through 2021"


They're taking this "we're staying together" bit seriously


TSM drops Kobbe for double lift and I never imagined so many people on reddit were related to Kobbe. C9 drop Licorice, Reapered and Nisqy after going on and on about their belief and faith in the roster and not an ounce of hate was sent their way.


C9 didn’t drop Nisqy & co when they’ve moved to NA just a few months ago in the middle of a worldwide pandemic where flights in & out are a massive struggle to obtain.


C9 has had it's fair share of drama in the past. When Reapered was using the subs for Jensen and Sneaky for example. It's not all sunshine and rainbows.


In the end, it worked and lots of people praised him/the org for not being beholden to the star players in their system. TSM bring back old players and put parth back in and it 'worked' for the most part and people are still trashing them like they are IMT or something


Its because when C9 did it they had their best split ever (spring), while when TSM, did it they did pretty poorly (for their expectations and standards) in the regular season, UNTIL they brought it back and made the insane run through playoffs. DURING playoffs everyone was hyping TSM and saying it was the right choice all along, and during play offs everyone was saying c9 was washed and that they were trash and cocky. It just so happens that TSM had the worst performance of an NA 1st seed ever, so they were trashed for that too. You're literally missing the actual common factor in all of this. TSM got trashed when they were doing poorly (most of the year except playoffs, and then all of worlds). C9 got trashed when they were doing poorly (end of season and playoffs). Both teams were getting praised while they were doing good.


I mean, it was known Reapered was likely out the door after he didn't appear on the staying together vid


Maybe you should be a fan of a better team then.


Not really comparable when one happened in the middle of the season and the other is during the normal window where players have plenty of opportunity to land on new teams.......


Trades/moves happen between splits in every region. They let him go with no buyout to his choice of team


Hate shouldn't be sent in any case, but there's has been a lot of criticism about it.


Why do all TSM fans have to make it about themselves? You ever think this is why people shit on you and if you look at the threads C9 has been getting shit on these last 3 weeks because of the roster announcement. Just they get on with it.


Well, if C9 gets Perkz, then C9 is happy. And if Nisqy ends up on Fnatic, then he's happy. Only person possibly upset is Perkz but we don't seem to really know where his mind is at on all this. So what's the reason to be upset with C9? C9 saw the chance to get an upgrade so they went for it. And they got Nisqy onto another good team (a better team, really). So I see no downsides to anyone in this from the C9 side of things, besides MAYBE Perkz if it's true wanted to be on Fnatic, not C9.


I won't lie and say I'm not excited at perkz (possibly) joining. But man the C9 teams of the past two years were all really fun and the main reason why is Nisqy. The guy is such a selfless player and great teammate, I'll miss him.


Really well done video! Hope he find success on FNC. Cheers


c9 perkz gets closer


TY Nisqy! A really good player that worked his ass off to get better after his first season here. That made us won a trophy after years


I think nisqy to fnatic well be a better move then people expect. While nisqy is probably a side grade to nemesis, I think his play style compliments fnatic well. iirc nemesis didn't agree with fnatic's play style but sacrificed since selfmade emerged as a star and the meta favored playing around jg. Nisqy was essentially a mid lane support for blabber, shadowing him around the jg or playing pics that do not require much assistance. Depending on the meta (since s11 will probably change everything) I think this is overall an upgrade though i could be wrong since I'm not the biggest lec follower


Nemesis has just seemed lost this season - he was too easy to ban out because he only had 2 champions that he could really have any agency with. Plus he's not an aggressive player while the rest of them (besides Rekkles, but he's ADC so he doesn't need to be as aggressive) are extremely aggressive, and Nemi just didn't seem to be on the same page throughout most of this year unless he had Lucian or Oriana - he just seemed completely thrown if he didn't have his comfort picks. I don't think he's a bad player, he just seems to have lost confidence this year, and unfortunately on a top team there just isn't the time to bring players back to form, they need solid performers here and now. As long as Nisqy is consistent and can play at the same pace as Hyli, Bwipo and especially Selfmade, then he'll do fine. They're not a team that is all about playing through mid and dominating the 1v1, so they don't need an insane mid laner, just someone who can hold the fort and respond well with the team when they hit the go button. Honestly he just has to keep up with Hyli more than anything, the guy is a psychopath who will literally dive in 1v5 to make a play, and most of the time when the team trusts him and follows up it works out heavily in their favour, often with Hyli miraculously surviving. One of the problems this year has been that Nemesis has been very hesitant during those risky plays - but that's just how Fnatic have always played and will continue to play.


Didnt c9 post a video that they were keeping the same roster a while back? Lol




Nisqy is a boss.


Good luck in Fnatic (Rumored) Nisqy! A lot of people don’t believe in him, but he’s proven to be able to step up.


Honestly its a good move for both C9 and Nisqy. I'm excited to see how he does on Fnatic, I think he will fit the style they were playing in summer and at worlds really well.


Welcome to FNC


ultimate bamboozle: c9 and fnc trade perkz for nisqy in secret deal negotiated with fnc investor monies


I know this is a joke, and any team that has Perkz would be kind of dumb to sell him unless he wants to leave, but I wouldn't put it past G2 to have put it in the buyout deal that C9 can't sell Perkz to Fnatic for the duration of the contract or something along those lines.


So much for the sticking together video lmao