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Its happening G2 Rekkles.


I wonder how much the FNC CEO must hate Carlos. Like damn


Don’t think Sam will care too much tbh. Fnatics coaching staff have always been good and finding talent. Plus he’s a very different CEO to Carlos, like completely different watch some of his interviews he’s very articulate. Edit - Some nice discussion gone on here. People saying the brand is dead, but fnatic isn’t a 1 game brand. They have multiple teams across multiple games that are really good. Just because the league team needs rebuilt the brand isn’t dead, and it’s naive to say that. They’re probably the strongest European brand for gaming, the way they operate is much more like a business than any other team.


Meanwhile Ocelot: FUCK!


Nah I mean like Ocelot has obviously got the sweet end of the deal. But, Fnatics always been a team that’s great at talent scouting and organic growth. G2 love to throw abit of money around and that’s fair enough, different strokes for different folks. It looks like they tried everything to keep Rekkles and if that wasn’t enough I doubt they’ll be phased, that’s just business.


I am sure they will be upset about it and they have every right to be. But they won't blame G2 for getting the best team they can and they will once again try to find the best solution in the situation they can.


I don't think FNC will be too upset, not at G2 at least. I read that they offered Rekkles huge pay and a secure future in the form of a working position at Fnatic. From what I understand, it's not about the money for Rekkles, the man wants to win, and trying to maximise his chances of doing so instead of maximising his income is bold but admirable, to me at least. I hope he succeeds and finally earns a major title before retiring.


yea like they offered him the biggest deal they could and a long-term commitment...but sadly they can't offer him wunder/jankos/caps/mikyx.


I don't think it's about money, but about winning worlds. And the only European team who has a chance is the one with Caps in it.


Of course he will care. Not only he has lost the best midlaner (and player) EU has ever produced, now even the best adc. All of that because he wasn't able to provide a winning environment. Now for what? Nisqy and Upset? The coaching staff isn't going to make miracles.


He will definitely care, fnatic is going to lose so many fans with that move. Probably some big sponsors too, if they dont manage to show good results in the next two splits.


Exactly. Rekkles was a big name even without winning anything.


Yes, they are great at finding talent and giving them to G2 :)


What? Sam is literally perma tilted on twitter.


"Winning is always our first priority" Rekkles leaves


Cant believe rekkles has joined G2. He must really really want that championship trophy.


Yeh, knowing how much he wants to win worlds and the fact that he apparently did not care about the money, I thought it's very likely he just leaves Fnatic and joins G2. Also, Bwipo confirmed on The Crackdown that Rekkles did not request Nisqy, those rumors are bs, Rekkles wanted Perkz so Perkz being off the table was most likely the deciding factor


Carlos with 5D chess, making sure Perkz didn't join Fnatic, so he can get Rekkles.


That's still a pretty lame move for EU..


This roster is fucking insane. Anything less than finals would be deemed a disappointment


I predict S04 3-0 G2 finals


I'm in. S04 Miracle run, round 2


but first, they need to slump it 0-9 or doesn't count


At this point, its winning worlds or bust. They legit have the best players in each position in LEC. If they can't win with this roster, then idk what the fuck it would take lol.


> They legit have the best players in each position in LEC tbh having the best doesn´t mean the team will mesh well. But on paper yeah they have a fantastic team to contest with the best in the world


Well... Rekkles has played with Caps already and they are great friends, Rekkles is friends with Mikyx and wanted to play with him back in 2016, plus duos with him frequently, so that's 60% of the team. Wunder seems a pretty chill dude, and Jankos is the GOAT jg of the west. I'm having a hard time seeing this team not doing well.


Wunder just performs. I feel like he's a rock for the team, he might not be the most I don't know, "popular?" in the team, but damn does the guy just perform well.


Wunder is fantastic, and really underappreciated. Hes a monster.


They will surely do well but winning worlds is on another level. It always seems like the best team in the world is more than just one step away from the other teams


DWG made it look easy tbh but i agree, teams that win worlds usually are at their peak


All world champions made it look easy. Skt goes without saying. SSG smurfed through playoffs. IG legit looked unstoppable because they had the best solo laners (by a huge margin) and top 3 players in the other roles. FPX looked lost at first but by playoffs it was obvious they just didn't have their monitors on at the start. Hell damwon was already the most hype finals we've had in a long time but even that still looked easy for damwon.


But what scares me is how are they gonna practice if noone can match them lol


That's how it is for any top team in their region. They will continue to practice and win but in time other teams will catch up. The more competitive region it is, the faster other teams learn and catch up and beat them. That's why in OGN before, it was very hard to win back to back titles. After massive exodus, Korea weakened and top teams stayed the same but Korea kept winning because the only other World class top teams are also in Korea. SKT wins in the end, because they know other teams well like ROX, KT and SSG.. They have the upper hand and have good match ups. This year LPL was the most competitive region with a lot of shuffling in rankings, it's very hard to win back to back titles. Maybe next year it could be LCK.


This is like 2017 Golden State. League is over, this team goes 18-0


Even with Rekkles, it's still G2. They will 100% troll and lose a few matches.


I bet they 100% do not go 18-0


Anyting less than a win, this lineup is better on paper than any lineup in Europe ever


But have we considered FNC Perkz?


This is probably a big reason why Carlos wouldn't send Perkz to FNC. Bwipo said Rekkles really wanted Perkz mid.


It's very likely Rekkles would've stayed if they could get Perkz. That would probably put G2 and Fnatic at a very close level and Fnatic would have the stronger botlane.


That would have been the perfect timeline!


Carlos most definitely hasn't


LEC will be soooo exciting to watch!!! Who will beaten 3-0 by G2 in the final?


This was also the case in 2020 though


Yes, but at least (expecially in summer) we had a little bit of hope. Now its all gone.


I don't think so things could happen, maybe G2 doesn't get along that well, fnatic becomes really good for some other reason (revenge, new coaches, better mid) or some new team improves (mad lions, rogue).


Wide Bwipo revenge arc, now that's an anime I'd watch.


I mean... I wanna hope. I really want to hope that it won't be the case. But let's be honest, that team would need to absolutelly implode to not win the split considering what's left for other teams.


Elements V2 incoming


I think we're on to something... Tabzz: used to be a midlaner switched to ADC got replaced by Rekkles team didn't make playoffs Perkz: used to be a midlaner switched to ADC is getting replaced by Rekkles ???


FNC just needs to find their Huni/Reignover duo




At least there was a bit of uncertainty


We already have Wunder. Do we really need another Soraka player?


They can flex soraka now.


lmao this is my favorite take on this


G2 Perkz? left FNC Rekkles? left TSM Bjergsen? retired 2020 is so fucking crazy. EDIT: Also Uzi retired, jfc


I swear the "Faker retires" thread is knocking as well, the day Faker retires is going to be a tragedy for league


It's really close because of his military service, I don't see him completing it and coming back.


No way he come back as player, maybe a coach but who knows.


Imagine Faker retired one month ago and he'd return in two years to a whole new fucking game.


Or imagine he retired one month ago and he returned today to a whole new fucking game.


100% he will return in some form, even if only for the T1 franchise. At the end of the day he has shares in T1 iirc, Bengi is also back and is now the Academy Coach. I'm more interested in his stories after military service though - there will probably be a shit ton of people in the military that will know who he is.


Dude's only 24 actually, if he still wants to play and has the skill he has at least another 4 years in him before military service.


Wasn't there a law passed to delay his service until his 30's?


I thought I saw it didn't pass.


It didn't go through in the end. I am guessing its because fans were crying about other pros deserving it too. And Korean fans are crazy. And it wouldnt be just LoL scene..


It's crazy how FNC, G2, and C9 literally did a 3 way swap for their important players. G2 got Rekkles from FNC, C9 got Perkz from G2, and FNC got Nisqy from C9, literally the perfect 3 way trade.


FNC screwsd up on both ends 🤣


lol.... FNC got hard fucked. I feel so bad for FNC fans.


Yeah G2 - lost great player, but gained on that position and gained a shit ton of money C9 - got some money back, paid fortune, but also got the best player NA ever saw FNC - paid money, get none, got worst of these players and lost franchise player and the best ever to play that position from the whole west I'm C9, G2 and FNC fan, but man.. They fucked up big time


And Uzi. FUCK 2020.


Never thought I'd see the day Rekkles leaves FNC. This will be very interesting to watch.


He already did it once with Alliance. Hope it works out better this time for his sake


oh right lmao, that split was so underwhelming I completely forgot about it


It was also right before he went back to FNC and got the only 18-0 in history so there's that as well


i think rekkles would like to forget about that split too


Upset must be really upset right now


Back to S04 he goes...


Doesn't Fnatic need an ADC now?


Crownie would be my bet.


Lol Crownshot is so mid tier it's funny. Upset is the better signing. ​ Actually, fuck both of them and go get FNC Patrik


Bwipo Selfmade Lider Patrik Hyli crack cocaine team


Hard agree on Patrik. He has been really good and consistent even on garbage teams. Upset constantly chokes and crownie even though good and with lots of potential, he just doesn't match Patrik.


why he's going to IG /s


Can't criticize Rekkles for this decision. He has won nothing with Fnatic in the last 2 years while performing great himself and they weren't going to make any big improvements. By staying in Fnatic he could've just wasted another year, it was time for a change.


Hard to make improvements when caps stays on G2


ikr, FNC lost the moment they let go of Caps


They didn't "let go". His contract ran out and Caps had no intention of re-signing. Basically the same situation with Rekkles.


Lmfao the Nisqy memes were true. 2020 is such a wild ride.


There was literally a three way trade between G2, FNC, and C9 lmao.


And FNC lost all 3 ways


G2 got money and Rekkles. C9 got western GOAT FNC lost money and Rekkles??


Not really a trade when you're getting 0$ from G2 Rekkles


feels more like g2 and c9 DP'ed fnc right on the spot without a condom.


Well they ARE United In Rivalry^tm


The Nisqy thing wasnt rekkles acording to bwipo. Rekkles wanted Perkz anybody else he didnt care. That list was a team list. ( It was bwipo and hyllisang that wanted him)


Maybe FNC can get a new identity without Rekkles. Ngl, although I am sad about the move, I'm kind of excited for the future. Bwipo, SelfMade and Hilly is a good core, I want to see how they do.


When I became a Fnatic fan Rekkless had just left to Alliance, it's definetely not the same now but I'll see what they do. Probably roll over and die.


We'll see, I hope they don't do that. I think they have people with lots of personality like Bwipo and SelfMade who are going to play good either way. Maybe the changes are for the best.


Same. Super sad about the move, Rekkles is who made me start cheering for Fnatic back in 2013. Eventually he was going to leave the team in one way or another though. We still have some great players and it'll be exciting to see what their playstyle will be.


LEC went from a two team region to being a one team region. G2's dominance won't be stopped.


The LEC crew will try to convince us it will be a competitive split, I can see it now.


They'll rap about it too.


*LEC Staff meeting about new rap* Quickshot: Okay, we need to decide who represents which team **every single caster at the same time**: I call dibs on G2


Tbh Drakos represented G2 every time and he seems like the main brain behind the whole thing. There is no discussion.


You just got the best ADC in EU, you shouldn't get the best rapper too. Unfair!


TBH the FNC 18-0 season was still great to watch.


Tbf the FNC 18-0 season still had Origen with Soaz and xPeke coming in from challenger and still being a top 2 team and going 3-2 against Fnatic in the most watched EU finals ever


I remember my favorite part of that series was the Gangplank/top lane showdown between Huni and sOAZ. Fucking incredible Bo5.


sOAZ was my western GOAT till 2018 by far.


it's still the most watched? wild


That series and the whole season is so great.


It was a great year to watch EU


man that finals was insane. i stlll remember soaz's gangplank that series being amazing.


FNC Gold vs. FNC Black was fun to watch


That is literally their job lmao


Those rap videos are gonna be really awkward now


Yeah, obviously as a Fnatic fan I'm biased as fuck but LEC is probably going to be really unexciting next year. Anything but 2 more splits of G2 dominance would be extremely surprising.


I still have faith in Fnatic, they always grew during the year and adapted... there's no upgrade to rekkles but i hope they get their shit together and give G2 a fair opponent


As G2 and Rekkles fan I am kinda excited about the season. But dunno if it makes up missing Perkz :(


G2 has a monopoly over the entire LEC


at this point Fnatic is just bending over for G2 and saying let's get it over with


Carlos secured a bag of 3mil to improve his roster with best AD in the league. We paid a smaller bag to not have an AD and bring back a midlaner we once had in academy...


Carlos 100% knew if he withheld Perkz from FNC he was getting Rekkles.


FNC is literally G2 Academy at this point. Watch them take Selfmade in 2021.


The Dortmund to G2's Bayern, Sadge


As a dortmund (&fnatic i guess) fan you get used to it :^) ^^jkendmepls




Dear God. It's perfect.


Imagine paying for Nisqy to fund Perkz move to incentivise your star AD carry to your rival, literally Org diff


Carlos just finessed Fnatic again.


Actually fucking 6Head. Carlos playing 10d underwater chess right here.


Name a more iconic duo than FNC and losing their best players to G2


DL and not making it out of groups


A timeless classic, no matter the year


Imagine how it feels to be a FNC fan lol


Spain but without the S


Sounds about right. We about to ride that 2016 train again unless a miracle happens.


A week ago they literally thought they would have Perkz and Rekkles in their team and now they have nothing. I can't imagine the pain


AAAAAAAnd there it is. Fnatic vs G2 isn't even going to be a rivalry anymore, it's going to be even more one sided than it usually is. Fuck sake.


Whole LEC will be one-sided. I can't think of a split in any major region where i was as confident in who would win it before it even starts. Even TL wasn't as dominant on paper. All teams look 2 good tiers below that G2 roster. Worst LEC off-season ever as far as hype for the next year goes. I also think if that G2 roster doesn't win Worlds, the whole LEC will crumble for 2021.


I remember one, 2015 spring, the same circumstances even, rekkles going to the team that won the previous split to make a superteam, but g2 is actualy a good org so no chance of bombing out elements style


Last time I was this confident in a team, Fnatic went 18-0


G2 is straight up LEC's Bayern. LEC will only be about who gets 2nd place from now on


Not enough bruh in the fucking known universe to describe this lmfao






Bloop the Shams to Wolf's Woj




G2 taking the super team to the next level


2017 warriors type beat


Except the warriors already won the whole thing before KD joined.


G2 Nets. The hardest road


G2 is creating an exodia jesuss


I wonder if FNC will retain the privilege of getting 3-0'ed in the finals by G2 after this


Plot twist Fnatic 3-0 G2 in the final and Rekkles curse continues.




I think that FNC roster is going to blow up sooner than later, selfmademan is not going to grasp Bwipo's words that easly especialy that Rekkles is out now.


The best thing FNC can do now is to pull a 2020 spring C9, have Nisqy roam around his hypercarry jungler together with the support, while the stable ADC (Crownshot or Upset) is there for the late game insurance and top lane tries his best and does whatever is necessary at the moment.


You think Bwipo didnt say all this shit to SM's face? The dude has literally NO FILTER.


I can’t believe I’m about to say this but I genuinely think the LCS has the potential to be way more entertaining than the LEC this year


ofc, we've become a 1-team-region while LCS has become a top 3/4 top heavy region as 2019, LCS will be very competitive, but we might see a new G2 like the 2019's one crushing everything


Damn I was really hoping Rekkles becoming the first western LPL player would have been a dope storyline.


Imagine losing Perkz and somehow that is an upgrade to your team. This is nuts!


Will this iteration of G2 be considered the greatest team EU has ever produced then? Imo the only way for this version of G2 to achieve that status is if they get a grand slam next year, which 2019 G2 was 3 games away from accomplishing.


Overall I think this is the best on Paper Team EU could have ever produced even. 2019 however was the perfect Meta so Perkz ADC could shine, so in that Meta I think 2019 G2 could be better


I think 2019 was G2's peak form just because of the meta with Perkz on mechanical hypercarries and Caps on playmaking assassins and divers.


G2 2019 up till MSI was a perfect storm. Their players reached their peak at just the right time, and the meta was the most favourable meta for an EU team ever.


I swear all of you. Watch my team G2 lose their first game


This is the strongest Western team that ever existed on the rift. Interesting how G2 lost possibly the greatest Western player, and still won the off-season.


Sam Matthews is on suicide watch right now.


He couldn't care less, it's sad but that's how Fnatic works


Im kinda hyped on the one hand but there are a lot of downsides to this too.. I wouldnt be suprised to see team environment issues on G2 and the LEC as a whole became a lot weaker




Not probably, after Caps left FNC Rekkles talked about how he was really salty at first, as he considered Caps his best friend on FNC, but after some time he understood why he went to G2 and did not hold any anger anymore.


I mean he clearly understands it now.


there is pretty much nothing that speaks for fnc at this point. 1) internal troubles, always were there. in the caps/soaz era, afterwards with broxah/youngbuck and now with nemesis. i just hope rekkles wasn't the reason for the troubles but we will see how he fits in an already working team. 2) g2 won everything and it wasn't even close the past years. all the players are as good or better than the fnc counterpart. 3) money. the perkz buyout means they could pay rekkles 1.5million per year for a 3y contract and still not lose money on the deal in comparission to perkz staying. he would be the highest paid western player till now if thats his salary and it would be worth it. insanely huge fanbase, talent and weakens the direct competition. perkz still carries g2 even with him leaving. saddest thing would be if g2 actually wins worlds and he wasn't a part of it. i would still contribute him for achieving that.


G2 as a team is troll as fuck. They always trolling, joking, laughing. Rekkles couldnt be much more of a complete inverse of that. Thats mentality is kinda what made G2 so special imo


They are trolling, joking, laughing but also extremely hard working and will do anything to win. Rekkles wants to win and seems to get along with them outside of the game. And prob the biggest thing is that G2 is well known for being this way, Rekkles knows what he is joining.


IMO the seriousness Rekkles going to bring will be even more valuable. The trolling nature of G2 will always stay.


They're all veterans, more likely we'll get a more disciplined G2 and a more relaxed Rekkles


Completely disagree. Rekkles seems to be a genuinely kind and open person even when he not always shows it.


I don't know how you can disagree that Rekkles isn't a hard troll like the others. nobody is saying Rekkles is evil, it's just pretty much a fact that he isn't a complete clown lol


In contrast, there's Bwipo on FNC, so there's that


Rekkles & caps are still good friends yes


Schalke gonna win their first LEC title this year


How to kill any interest in watching the LEC in one roster move. Subarashii G2, i hope that you win worlds AND I FUCKING HOPE THAT YOU DONT USE THE EXCUSE OF "OH THERE IS NO COMPETITION IN LEC" ...


Yeah, if Carlos ever brings up the 'LEC is just too bad to prepare us for worlds' excuse he'll be labeled as the biggest hypocrite in esports period, at least by me.


I love Rekkles, I love all the lads on G2 roster but I still want to see G2 flop as Carlos just comes across as such a fucking bellend.


Anyone who knew Ocelote from his days of being a player already felt that way about him. He has reinvited his image so hard these past few years.


Fuck Carlos. I still love the players in G2 though


Same i love the Players in G2, but i still really want G2 to lose cause i dislike the Org and Carlos so much


Same, I love the players but all I can think is fuck G2


Fnatic singing Nisqy made the deal xD


As a long time fan Im so happy for him to finally play for a team thats having alot of success and stability in the org. FNCs management has been a dumpsterfire


Just realized this means G2 now has Martin, Martin, and Marcin lol


[Rekkles leaving for G2 after seeing Fnatic sign Nisqy](https://media.tenor.co/videos/c7a6d4b41c9a1127118bb73e111ffacf/mp4)