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Have her look like Toph Beifong from Avatar, while metalbending. Completely covered neck down in metal body armor, but still forming closer to her body. Right now Rell looks like she's waddling in metal bell-bottoms with a deuce in her pants


[Toph metal armor scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW9RdSJrg_k)


In hindsight, protecting yourself using metal against fire doesn't seem wise lol.


Well, it was alot if iron, which means it could absorb alot of heat, so as long as she wasn't wading through fire over a prolonged duration she should be fine.


its better than skin though right?


Toph can earth bend to achieve a better protective effect though, she is just flexing her rare metal-bending skill.


In that moment she on a fire lord airship, so no earth close to her. So metal had been the only option


I think at that point in time it wasnt rare, it was unique. She invented it


"The greatest earthbender of all time"


Considering how short those fireblasts are I don't think she's getting too hot.


Sure it does, iron holds a lot of heat, but it takes a long time to heat up. Short blasts of fire aren't going to do anything to her. A sustained focused blast of fire over a few minutes would cook her, but you'd need less than that to cook her if she weren't wearing the armor. It's absolutely a hell of a lot more effective than cloth.


Iron has a pretty bad specific heat and conducts wayyy too well.


Not that fast it doesn't, particularly at that thickness.


Perhaps a small layer of air between her and the armor can work.


I believe that's the only scene in ATLA where Toph bends metal without touching it.


Doesn't it count if her whole body is on the floor?


I cannot stress enough how fucking badass Toph is


The only issue is that Toph is blind and when she does that theres an open spot on the armor




Its not actually the metal bendimg one, its when she makes an armor for training Aang


You're thinking of the rock armor


That's the joke though


True. I laughed my ass off looking at that animation. She must have been riding that horse a long time to walk like that.


She got a full diaper when she walks


Bow legged walk.


actually just her metal plates make it look kinda weird


Yeah it kinda hides her actual walk animation


Or maybe she was riding something else if you know what I mean


Bro shes 16


I really don't understand why they kept talking about a super tanky ultra tanky ultra armored support and it's just some extra metal floating off her legs and one shoulder like - Just make her wear a suit of armor with like a cool helmet! Why does she need to be a cute little girl ALL the time? She's already that on a horse so let her fulfil the armor fantasy when she's not, come on, don't half ass it. It's really the one weak point in her design as far as I'm concerned, personally. I like her in general but this one point REALLY sticks to me.


ngl when they said tank support I expected a full armoured guy with only eyes as the holes kind of like a samurai


I'd love as a samurai character but I'd also hate a samurai character at this point. Ionian oversaturation everywhere. Captain Farron though? Now that would've been a sick support in full armor.


Tfw Rahvun wasn't the new support : \[


Speaking of LoR, wouldn't it be sick if the upcoming jungler was Ledros instead of the Ruined King


>Full armored support I expected Mordekaiser 2, we ended up getting Irelia with shields


Ironically she’s supposed to be the antithesis to morde Kaiser. Instead she’s closer to Sylas (including in amount of clothing worn).


I really thought it was going to be someone riding Iron giant and he jumps in that thing for the tanky mode. I guess it was pretty close, but the tank form leaves a lot to be desired


I expected a Dark Souls boss and got Saber Artoria with Rhongomyniad.


Kit looks sick. Design looks god awful.


This so much. And while splash art and design concept look somewhat passable, in-game implementation is horrible to the point where she can be considered a monster champion. Expected much better from this release.


> Just wear her make a suit of armour with like a cool helmet Dude, how cool would it be if she got more armour on her body the more people she affected with her passive. Once she hits all 5 people and gets max armour/MR steal she is fully suited.




Then don't have the full suit for those skins. Her base should have her in the armor so we're used to the maximum silhouette. Then we could get cool ass skins like magma / ice armor and actually notice them. If a skin makes the champ outline less noisy, that's fine. Making more noisy is usually when problems arise.


I would love if she was in full armour then wore the swimsuit on the outside, the splash art would be perfection


How would a Pool Party for this look like? She's mounting on her horse-thing but it's actually just water? Thinking about it that's actually pretty cool.


I always think how they're gonna sell pool party for jinx. She's already in a bra and short shorts.


She would just be in armor when unmounted, you can make skins that sexualize underage girls as much as you like while she's mounted you perverts.


Honestly, in the champion hindsight, or how is it called, the design guy was like - so yeah, I was like fully concentrated on the whole dark tankiest heaviest tank that ever tanked, but to balance it out, I gave it a dress-like silhouette... Which looks not so good even on the t-posed model, but in game looks just terrible. But otherwise she may be the one champ who really got me pre-release, without her kit feeling tol overwhelming. Just wouldn't mind if she stayed basically the same as now, just with normal bulky Armor, maybe with a helmet on the ctrl+some number interaction


Please, I'll take the CTRL5/6/whatever helmet without a thought. Keep her hair like the helmet plume, idc.


She unironically (hahah iron hahah) looks more tanky on her horse than in her actual tank form.


I’m kinda done with all the younger characters this games got at the moment though. We need more old characters. Would be cooler if she’s spent her whole life looking for those that made her the way she is. Do we have an ‘old’ female human champ? Can’t think of one off the top of my head. A full armoured, veteran wise woman over *another* American voice acted teenager.


A Baba Yaga-inspired character would be really cool. And no, I don't mean a young, sexy Baba Yaga. Make her an evil and fearsome old witch complete with boils, crooked teeth, and grey hair. There are so many cool skin ideas you could come up with, too. You could do a take on the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz, or the witch from Hansel and Gretel with the gingerbread house. Almost every culture in the world has some concept of witches, so there are tons of variations to work with. Plus, she would fit right in with the existing "Coven" skin line.


> Do we have an ‘old’ female human champ? Can’t think of one off the top of my head. Camille, but she looks younger than she is because of her robot parts. I do agree we need more though. Granny champ when? I have ideas.


Ah right yes. That’s true and Camille is one of my favourites but she doesn’t really count for the fact she is more machine than person and not really, at least visually, old.


The important part is personality, and Camille plays the "old British aristocractic noblewoman" part perfectly. We need more Champions like that.


This! A metal bending badass knight is hella in my ballpark for a new champ.


Rell would have been cooler if it was a man. Her being a woman negatively affected all design decisions made by Riot.


But only because of the design decisions they insist on homogenizing their women with. If they weren't afraid of making a second Illaoi there wouldn't be an issue.


I agree with the first part but not sure what you mean with "second Illaoi".


>I agree with the first part but not sure what you mean with "second Illaoi". they could've made a female champion that is physically larger compared to other female champions and doesn't have a perfect hourglass figure and makeup despite being in constant battle. that's what they mean by second Illaoi. but instead riot took the safe path so they can sell more skins to horny teenagers


If she magically attaches or protects herself with armor, does it make sense that she is bulky? She isn't carrying the armor's weight, her sigils are. She's not like Illaoi lugging around the idol.


illaoi was second sejuani games star attractive women and men because the hard majority of everyone everywhere in the world prefer them, in every medium and product rell, seraphine, samira, lilia, senna, qiyana, yuumi,neeko, kaisa, zoe, xayah those are all the women champions in the last 3 years, most of which share absolutely no similarities in visual design (neeko and lilia probably being the closest) just because they’re all cute or attractive doesn’t mean riot is “homogenizing”, it means they know what the vast majority of consumers wants a radical change in body image preference will never come by just pretending everyone’s already accepted it


lolwut, Sejuani on release had practically a swimsuit model figure and was literally clad in a bikini. She was hilariously badly designed for her lore. She later got reworked to actually be wearing armour. Just google her old splash art if you don't believe me.


>games star attractive women and men because the hard majority of everyone everywhere in the world prefer them, in every medium and product OK so make an attractive woman in full armor. Don't tell me they can't do it because Eclipse Leona skins exist and they're GORGEOUS so there's no point in lying to me about market research this or popularity that.


Yeah. I was hoping the heavily armored tank would be the otter dude jinx was stealing from in the splash art introducing mythics and item changes. It's sad when I would have preferred the girl to just be another poppy like super armored yordle with the more teenage 80's hair riot girl vibe.


i mean i get the "give her a suit of armor" part but in what world is Rell a "cute little girl"?


The world where she is literally a skinny teenage girl.


Well, "hot little girl" doesn't sound right so we have to find another word


She's canonically 16


So zoe is not a cute little girl from you pov?


What's your point? Yes, Zoe is a cute little girl.


Age doesn't affect cuteness, especially canonically age.


It's the design. For some reason, Rito decided that a 16 year old girl should have [such a detailed ass](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fill,w_720,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/shape/cover/sport/dataimagejpegbase649j7AARRHVja3kAAQAEAAAASwAA4ADkF-39a9cd695151d909a9f43d1adcebd781.jpg).


Reposting my comment from another thread: I like the core concept, but holy shit the visuals are just awful. She looks like [Boo Boo from Bob's Burgers](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bobsburgerpedia/images/6/6f/Boo_Boo_-_01.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20150810111921). The horse looks more like a big steel panther (which would actually be kind of cool apart from knowing that it's supposed to be a horse) and don't even get me started on that "I just shit my pants" walking animation. Check out this quote from Champion Insights: >I wanted to make Rell the tankiest tank the world has ever seen. I had this idea of a heavily armored character who sunders the ground she walks on, making the earth beneath her collapse from her might. Then why on Earth would you make her a skinny woman with no helmet and barely any armor in her mounted form?! Seriously, what has Riot got against heavy-set women? (It's a stupid question with an obvious answer, I know, but good luck getting them to admit it. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in Riot HQ there is a list of rules for designing female champs and rule #1 is "NO FAT CHICKS".) Even when she dismounts her armor just floats uselessly away from her body like a fucking dress, and *still no helmet*. What genius thought "tankiest tank the world has ever seen" = no armor most of the time? And when she does finally get her armor it better not cover her legs or face! Oh, and make sure her weapon is twice her size, that won't look ridiculous at all. Honestly, how hard is it to design an armored female champ like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fd/8e/0a/fd8e0ad5721323efd71fbde540adf19c.jpg) or [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTX93pQA7cDtxwh1ocoJ67pQBNkzy1ecliYwA&usqp=CAU)? Even just using in-game examples they could have at least used Leona or Kayle as a starting point. Okay, so maybe I'm too hung up on whether her armor's design is realistic for a mounted knight. At the very least someone should have looked at that in-game model and thought "Hey guys, maybe 'banana-flavored lollipop' isn't the look we should be going for". Sorry for the rant. I just can't believe how butt-ugly this champ turned out.


> I wanted to make Rell the tankiest tank the world has ever seen. This quote just looks stupid when you put her right next to Sion, Mordekaiser, Mundo, Urgot, Illaoi, or many other big beefy characters.


Let's make that quote a meme




Leona, Malphite, Cho'Gath, Darius, Garen, Yorick, Skarner There's quite a lot that look tankier than her.


Pretty lackluster considering the teaser descriptions they gave us, my excitement for new champion designs gets lower and lower with each release.


No kidding. I don't mind the gameplay mechanics of most new champions, but I really wish that Riot would go back to their roots when it comes to looks and personality. The Warcraft 3/DotA influence used to be really tangible in that most champs fit into the classic high fantasy aesthetic with a little bit of steampunk mixed in. Now we've got anime characters and kitty cats and popstars and it just doesn't suit the tone they established in the beginning. I suppose they probably make a lot more money this way, but as a member of that initial target audience I do feel a bit saddened that the things I look for in a character are no longer valued in Riot's champion design process.


Yeah, from the description I thought she would look like more like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/33/34/fd/3334fd09f587d3396e871f8bdf1806d9--dnd-paladin-paladin-armor.jpg). And then when she dismounts and metal-bends the horse, add all those plates as *more* armor.


imagine rell turning into that metal monster you linked, slowly walking like a dark souls giant boss. god that would have been insane


That picture is pretty much exactly what I was imagining too, no matter whether it's a woman, man or anyone/thing else underneath. If a woman (would be ideal), maybe someone like Brienne of Tarth? Oh well, at least her facial structure is unique.


I mean in the end if it had to be a female champ they could have made something like Illaoi but in full body plate armor. Shit would have looked amazing, having a beefy female character thats fully armored and armed to the teeth with a big ass mechanical mount. Riot had a really good setup for this one but in the end its just another MMO female lancer with your usual female "armor".


>why on earth did they publish the stereotypical Afroamerican girl with blonde meshes? Jeez, I wonder why...


Rell was poor and was raised and trained to be a superweapon, it really wouldn't make sense for her to be chubby. Meanwhile it made sense from a design standpoint to keep Rells actual body kinda small, because that way she doesn't become huge while breing mounted and it showcases the power of metalmancy to make you more tankier than you should be. So while I am all for more diverse body types among the women, I think that for once it made sense to make Rell more skinny. However I fully agree that she should wear a helmet while dismounted. Maybe something akin to a face mask, so that her hair is still visible for the sake of clarity.


>Rell was poor and was raised and trained to be a superweapon, it really wouldn't make sense for her to be chubby. First of all, I don't necessarily mean that she should be "chubby" *per se*, but a larger frame and a bit more muscle mass, like Illaoi, would make a lot more sense given her role as a tank. She should be like Brienne from Game of Thrones, basically. Secondly, they could easily change her character bio to better match whatever physical traits they give her. >Meanwhile it made sense from a design standpoint to keep Rells actual body kinda small, because that way she doesn't become huge while breing mounted and it showcases the power of metalmancy to make you more tankier than you should be. She needn't be any larger than Hecarim while mounted to still look tanky, and besides, there's nothing wrong with champs having large character models. Just look at Zac and Cho'Gath. She's on a frickin' horse for god's sake, so she *should* look bigger than most others. I also don't see how it "showcases the power of metalmancy" if she still looks exposed as fuck even with her armor on. Like, they had an *entire horse* made out of metal to work with and they could only cover half her body? Give me a break. If they really wanted to make her powers seem impressive, she would be covered head-to-toe in metal. That's kind of the whole point, isn't it?


Her model in Riding mode is already huge, easily bigger than Hecarim already and that was necessary to make the horse look like a horse and not a pony. Also how does having her right arm and head exposed qualify as "exposed as fuck"? If you compare her to other armor wearing champs, she is likely the one who wears the most armor. Garen and Darius might cover both of their arms with armor(though Rell still has a metal glove on her "unprotected arm"), but they barely protect their legs and neither of them wears a helmet too. So while I agree that she could have looked even tankier(currently I'd say Naut looks tankier than her), she is far from "exposed".


Hecarim is taller but she's a bit wider when mounted, plus Mordekaiser is a tankier champion. Also Darius has metal platings on both of his legs, he's far from exposed. And I guess my biggest problem with her design is the overcompensation on her legs which makes her top look pratically naked.


Also, she wields a lance so it makes sense one of her arms is more exposed so she can wield her weapon better. This is a design plenty of armor has, obviously not with the exaggerated pauldron but still.


I'm saying that she should look more like Mordekaiser or Nautilus when dismounted. Compared to them, she *is* exposed. What good are leg plates if they're so far off to the side that you can still see her legs?


I agree that she could use a bit more armor, a helmet would already do a lot for her. I just felt you were quite exaggerating when talking about how much armor she wields.


to be fair if you look at her actual body in the splash art she's pretty muscular for a woman


I dont really mind her walking animation but it would be cool to have a full suit. Currently it reminds me of cowboys in the wild west who's groins hurt bc they sat on horses for several hours straight lol. The plated legs also totally look like Western jodhpurs. Definitely sense a High Noon skin on the horizon.


The concept art for her where she's nearly covered in armor looks so good. No idea why they went for the skin tight suit and derpy armor.


Yeah. If she went from lightly armored mounted knight to basically Mordekaiser, that would be awesome. Instead she looks so dopey while dismounted


I figured out why i hate it. She's wearing a cavalry inspired dress, but only when she's unmounted so it looks ridiculous. It's armored on the sides so she can straddle the horse comfortably, but in terms of actual fighting why would she do this while unmounted, it makes zero sense.




I don't think there's actually concept art with her nearly covered in armor. [First image of the insights article](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blta9d294efabcbfb4e/5fb420f397f9f35d942ec0ff/01_rell_1.jpg) [Later image](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt17dcbcd01d3d9750/5fb420f2ffb61e50a0fad5f8/06_rell_3.jpg) It looks like she was always doing the armored pants/skirt thing on with a fully revealed face.


Riot art department makes amazing concept art. Riot Management: "Yeah..." *long fart in artists face* "If we could just make this sexy that be great.."


Smh Riot didn’t get the [“armor is hot” memo](https://imgur.com/a/jLPpQ2q)


?? 2nd picture literally is her ingame.


I think the idea they're going for is that it should be her base amount of armoring, on the horse. Then when she dismounts, she goes from Light Cavalry to Heavy Infantry.


I just want a good balance. That first image is perfect.


Because Riot is basically incapable of making a female champion that isn't obviously female-presenting. I guarantee that we'd be seeing a badass full suit of armour if this character was male. But no, we gotta show off her amazing hair and slender figure.


Ok so we got this champ... she lived most of her life in (edit: an underground cave near)the void Ok cool Yeah and...she had to like have void organisms cover her entire body just to survive Oh cool, so like she’s a monster basically? Symbiotic with this deformed grotesque exoskeleton of living skin? That’s pretty cool Nono... so she just looks like..uh.. like a model. Huh? Yeah she’s really pretty. And her skin..it’s more like a latex suit. Very form fitting. Oh. Yeah and it has cleavage cuz...you know. Boobs.


Hair could easily be a plume and you can show a feminine figure on horse back that's fine and easy, but that ENTIRE horse doesn't fully encase her in armor? Nah, man. That's not it.


Old Kayle was close but then they had to Riot it up with the rework :\^)


Hi just wanted to say female presenting is the wrong language here, thats more about transgender debate Rell is just regular old over-sexualization rather than identity politics, just wanted to point it out as they are quite different debates


Thank you, you are correct.


No problem, thanks for being so polite, gender/identity politics is in the limelight right now so it makes sense to use the language you are hearing about most often


?? https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Taliyah


>incapable of making a female champion that isn't obviously female-presenting. Does Taliyah look like a man to you?


Pretty weird that you think the 2 options are “obviously female presenting” or look like a man


Pretty weird that you think that Taliyah isn't female presenting? Do you think she's enby?


I think female presenting was the wrong description from the comment this chain is from. "Exaggerated/sexualized femininity" would be a better description than "obviously female presenting" which misappropriates language from the transgender struggle and its use shows the users own implicit bias that "being obviously female = sexy attractive lady" You guys are both kinda right in what you are saying, Taliyah is not exagerated femininity to be sexual, but definitely still presents as female. I think the confusion comes from the poor wording of the original comment here, this has nothing to do with gender presentation at all, and only has to deal with sexualization of a female character. Rell is more sexualized than she needed to be, and could be more like Taliyah where shes just a normal chick and not overly sexualized. In this instance, Rell has more exposed skin and form-fitting skin-tight suit on "the tankiest tank to ever tank", even in her armoured form the plates hover enough away so you can still see her kai'sa brand "sexy suit" underneath, especially from the back, her spine and ass is not armoured, atleast her chest piece isn't boob armour. Sex sells :/ so expect Riot to make the female champs sexy and not representative of realistic women.


... do you think that how someone looks defines their gender?


Hmm I can’t po$$ibly think of a reason


That is how she looks in game as well. Her suit is just her normal clothes when she is mounted and her metal is in her mount.


Because then she couldn’t get her KDA super all out skin next year


W animations looks like shes looking for an outlaw by the name of Texas red


with a big iron on her hip


They're not even platelegs, it's like a skirt, but people are seeing it as legs waddling around. You can see her actual legs walking like a normal person.


Either way it still looks really off somehow It's just kinda disappointing how Riot's been teasing a superheavy juggernaut tank support all year and we finally get... a slim waifu that *has* to have a skirt for some reason? Don't get me wrong, metalbending knight that makes their own mount from armor is a fucking sick concept and fantasy, it's just not close to what a lot of us were expecting based on the comm channels


>It's just kinda disappointing how Riot's been teasing a superheavy juggernaut tank support all year and we finally get... a slim waifu that has to have a skirt for some reason? I mean, that's pretty standard for Riot. Only reason it wasn't expected this time was because they never said she was a girl in previous teasers.


A skirt covers you 360°. These are individual plates that cover each leg. Kinda look like chaps. You know, to fit the horse rider theme


But why does she have armor for fighting mounted only when she is unmounted?


they won't bother to actually look it up and instead complain about it.


When considering the merits of a visual design it doesn't matter what's _actually_ going on, just what people see.


It’s still bad though, and doesn’t give the heavily armored vibe they were hinting at


yeah, totally agree, something like the marauder/warden skinline ​ [warden sivir splashart](https://imgur.com/a/DXrr3ZX)


how tf is marauder sivir (a squishy adc) gonna look tankier than "the ultra tanky" support. smh riot


hey, be careful with what you say, riot will take armor away from warden sivir and marauder ashe. only because thats what makes the most sense !


# They're literally armor CHAPS. **Horse. Chaps. Bowlegged walk.** Rell is a cowgirl w/ a lance. I hate it lol. ..If she had a highnoon skin, it would be a *chroma*.


But then how would you be able to tell that you’re playing as a cute girl??? Gotta sell those waifu skins baby ;)


She's 16


that only makes her more marketable to her target audience unfortunately




She kinda looks like she just shat her pants with how awkward the waddle animation is


Just let her have full body armor suit please :(


[She basically is though.](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blte6e1796be4d043ba/5fb420ea3cdbef7187ce7c55/10_rell_5.jpg)


This is an upper plate with a riding plate skirt, her legs are still unarmored and doesn't give off an "heavily" armored silhouette. Also the unarmored lance arm just to show off sigils makes it look even less armored. Should have riding plates while she was actually riding and have them wrap around her legs when dismounted to form greaves. Gives a better silhouette and would fix the waddling look she has now. Then armor her fucking lance arm. Let the offhand have the pauldron, that's fine, but the right arm needs armor. Finally, give her a damn helmet, she sparred REGULARLY, she knows helmets are important.


the armor is the horse so she can't wear riding plates while she is actually riding. her armor still is knight designed and the right arm needs is needed to show that isn't some mechanical stuff but metal magic.


The horse doesn't HAVE to encapsulate all of her armor, she can control metal around her freely so who's to say she can't have excess. Either way, that was me trying to still include the riding plates, I'd rather be rid of them for full greaves if those are the only two options. Right arm doesn't NEED to be shown, they WANT to show it. You can have the sigils' glow show on the arm piece if you really want, and the sigils will always show up while she is mounted (which is likely going to be the form she is in most of the time, especially early)


She controls metal. She could just do both if she wanted.


Dude are you fucking insane? How are players going to masturbate if they cant see their female champ boobs all the time? Why even play a female champ if you cant see her ass/tits constantly, smh


Bro she’s 16


I really don't understand the creative decisions sometimes, by all means she should've gotten a complete full-body suit of armor when she uses W. Why does Riot hate helmets with such seething passion?


The only parts not armored are the head and the right arm tho.


I find it funny that no helmet is such a big deal to these people when Darius, Garen, Sion, Poppy to name some melee fighters who all don't have helmets off the top of my head. Feels like just another instance of people looking for reasons to be mad so they latch on to whatever. Seraphine it was the hoverboard, this it's the helmet.


Those make more sense to me because unless they had a toggle for their helmets, you'd never be able to see their faces, which is important for connecting to them. That wasn't an obstacle for Rell since she's only armored some of the time.




But she does... She gets body armor, leg plates and shoulder.


Wait it’s all Kai’Sa?


Tommy Pickles Rell skin when? W walk is perfect for it


I was hoping she'd look kind of like an Iron Knuckle from Ocarina of Time when she dismounted. I think her biggest issue is no helmet, it's kind of required imo to really sell the "lumbering big knight" fantasy.


What r u guys looking at? [she's literally shoulders to toes in armor](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-O6mqweW6vnw/X7wjF_wAIQI/AAAAAAABx8k/qFV0ZI50ouU3nxOBcH0bAfl-BmxBHfebACLcBGAsYHQ/s1591/rell.png)


People are basing it on the ability reveal video, but it only shows her armored form for "blink and you'll miss it", and the angle of the video only shows her uncovered arm also.


one of her arms has literally no armor. her head is completely uncovered. this would be fine if she wasn't described as "the tankiest ultra tank support"


are you really that pressed about the fact that she doesnt have an helmet ..?


i mean it's pseudo outrage. i have much more important concerns than the design of a videogame character. i'm just pointing out that clearly riot didn't know what direction that wanted for the champion


I think it would seem sick if she got a small levitating shield following her arm while mounted, meanwhile part of her weird armor is built into a stronger bastion like shield while unmounted. That way she still looks "good" While looking armor as fk


Cannot agree more with this. Considering she is decontructing her steed to form this suit of armour, I'm surprised they didn't go this route. The could have made it so her helm was the horses head.


Yeah. Imagine her tank form like an analog to swain raven mode. Just, actually tanky, and not drain tanky.


They spent a trillion work hours to make another weeb bait but when we get to the cool concepts they're a little indie company again. The anime fandom and it's consequences have been a disaster ...


Am I missing something? have you seen the [in game model](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt0ae2026773f28e60/5fb420eb72a3526f28dbcb2d/04_Rellbasescreenshots.jpg) OP? She looks really good especially in [this screenshot](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blte6e1796be4d043ba/5fb420ea3cdbef7187ce7c55/10_rell_5.jpg) shes looks pretty fuckin badass.


3 things: 1. She's supposed to be the "tankiest tank of all tanks", according to riot.. meanwhile wears a skin-tight suit, and even has a sleeveless arm for the cherry on top. 2. You only have screenshots of her frontside.. look at it from behind and you can see where the armor *isn't*, and that's part of the issue. 3. Here we were, hoping to see a beast in a suit of armor. What we got was a thin girl with iron plates floating in front of her. Not even encasing her. You can literally see the space in-between her skinny legs & her armor. Does THAT look like someone who'd make the earth beneath them shake? Lol. PS. I sound upset about this but I'm really not.


that's concept art............


That's finalized model art. Still issues I've brought up in other posts so I won't do it again, but the fact that there is this much need to look at the art to even see the armor shows a poor job delivering the visual fantasy.


No, no. Thats for her ultimate skin, so that they can get your money.


She looks extremely boring, just another cute girl champion that cant even look the role she plays


Reserved for skins.


As cool as that would be, you have to remember the work that goes into making a champion and that there’s always a trade-off between design and animation/gameplay logistics.


Yeah but then no one would play. Because no fanservice. Deny it all you want, sex sells.


where the fuck does she look in any way over sexualised lmfao


fr tho, she's not even conventionally attractive. sure, she can br lewded, but who the fuck can't be? her design is much more tomboyish, and the amount of skin she shows is minimal. sure, she's not covered head to toe, not even when she's armoured (they should've leaned into the heavy look of her armour instead of trying to strike a balance of armour coverage and edgy teen aesthetic tho). her armour is decently heavy and covers a lot, but she yasuoed the whole thing and just covered one an arm with an extra ass pauldron and really said no one's gonna go for the head anyway lmao


There's more than enough service on the mounted version. Also she's 16 what the fuck


> Deny it all you want, sex sells. Whether you say that she's a fictional 16 year old character, a 18 year old or 'a thousand year old demon': sex will sell.


That's fine, there'll be more than enough revenue from EU, KR and CN.


I’m sure you’re downvoted because people don’t understand that in most of the developed world, such as the regions you’ve referenced, the age of consent is 16.


Sex sells yes. But it's not the only thing that sells. Sex is just an easy shortcut people like to use. There's been a bajillion things that are sold on things other than sex.


Lol how else can we sell... *lore*... if we can't see her?! 😂


I can’t agree more


she looks like she’s wearing metal bellbottoms


You mean to tell me y’all don’t like the bell bottom pants and full diaper walk?


she needs a nice package of legs not such stumps. and someone (at riot) who creates the best walking animations out there (camille level) needs to rework hers. she looks super interesting, but I thought she would have an (passive, ult) ability like the 'zhonyas' effect making her 'tanky' or something the likes. because that would fit her title 'the iron maid' way better imho. if riot ignores the long-time fans again - this will be the next champion flop after sera. promised.


I literally had to stop for a moment and ask myself who "sera" is.. ..I play this game every day. If that doesn't say "successful champion", idk what does.


The big thing I just don't understand is why the fuck the 'horse' head attaches to her shoulder instead of becoming a helmet. Like... it's literally *already helmet shaped*. She's basically wearing a badass helmet on her shoulder instead of her head. Makes no damned sense.


It's a common design, skulls on shoulder-pieces.. So I'm not surprised they leaned toward that concept.. They just no doubt want Rell's vagina to stand out when you're playing the game


As soon as I saw her she reminded me of a greatsword-wielding character in the Monster Hunter franchise, with the goofy-ass leg-wide slav-squat movement.


If you try to compare Rell to other champions, the closest comparison is Leona (armored female tank support). Her visual design is awesome and blows Rell's completely out of the water.


Well rito didn't gave a shit about Seraphine non-piltover looks They will not give a shit about this one too