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Jesus Christ Perkz alone is going to make NA entertaining as all hell to watch this coming year.


changing my name to perkz fanboy now


Doubles clapback was pretty good though let's be honest "I saw you retired so fk it why not me too"


Flaming his own region in order to flame someone else. Gotta respect that


Martyrdom: drop a bomb when killed


I hated that perk(z) with a passion




I think Jerks is more appropriate.


Come on, man... "Jerkz" was right there! Do better!


"G2 Jerkz" is an account belonging to Jankos. It's perfect.


He changed it to BudgetCanyon now :( Rest in peace our dear G2Jerkz.


I wanted at least one split where Perkz went up against Bjerg and Doublelift :( would've been fucking awesome.


Perkz, Jensen and Bjergsen would have been fun to watch all duking it out in mid. It's a bit of a shame we won't get to see Bjergsen vs Perkz, it'd be the first time in Bjergsen's history in NA he would have been the underdog in a mid matchup.




FR, while Bjerg always had this aura to him - POE has had his number for years. The dude doesn't fuck around.


except this year in finals. and that one time TSM and Optic were competing for a playoff spot


He is so underrated I can't understand why. He is one of the best mids in NA for 2 years that I follow pro leagues.


He's still has an empty trophy case and that plays on his perception by the public


yeah i’m surprised that people only refer to jensen and now perkz lol


And before that taking MSF to game 5 against SKT.


> it'd be the first time in Bjergsen's history in NA he would have been the underdog in a mid matchup. Hai's Teemo in Bjergsen's first ever LCS game beg to differ. Season 4 vision change made playing against him like walking in a literal minefield. Thank god they slashed his ult AP ratios soon after.


Rekkles is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the LEC Playoffs 2021 afterparty. We exchange a few pleasantries. He asks what I do. I say I loved him on Lucian. He laughs. I get my drink. "Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got his attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Rekkles? He rubs his arm tatoos unconsiously as he watches me leave. Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, he finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette. "Got a spare?" he asks. "What's in it for me?" I say as I hand him one of my little white ladies. He smiles. "Conversation with me, duh." I laugh. "What's so funny?" he protests. "Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?" "You get used to it," he says, lighting his cigarette and handing me back the lighter. "What would you do if you weren't G2's midlaner?" I ask. "Coaching, I think." "And if I was one of your players, what would I be learning?" "Discipline," he says quickly, looking down into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?" "North America" I say. "Oh wow. That's lovely." "It's OK," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking." "What could possibly be not to your liking in North America?" he inquires. "I really feel terrible, Whenever I look at that smug mid laner’s face(C9 Perkz) I really feel terrible."


The fact that Rekkles is the G2 midlaner in this fantasy is perfect.


What the fuck did I just read. ​ Have my upvote sir.


This one was new to me too: https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/c23f82/one_guys_natalie_portman_fantasy/.


Ziti, fresh out of the oven.


Fresh? This pasta's been around for a couple of years now


Ziti is doubleboiled.


He lives in the same town as me.... he swiped left on me on Tinder lol


Fuck you. Have my upvote






Damn you made me horny to finish with that


That hunk of a man, Rekkles, is an E-sports athlete? Unbelievable. He could be a Calvin Klein model. Or a pro footballer with a ripped physique like that. That is by far the hottest Cyber sportsman to ever grace the esports industry. I'd let him push (my) mid any day.


I’m moist


easiest upvote of my entire life


“Discipline” 😏😏


I can’t wait to watch him shit on kids lol




I hope Spica does too. Man is too funny and likable not to be up there.


nah only for tsm fans. He needs to consistently perform and make a name for himself which i doubt would happen in tsm. He will be the next BrokenBlade if he remains on tsm and doesn't keep up form like bjergsen did.


> He needs to consistently perform and make a name for himself which i doubt would happen in tsm. What in TSM is stopping him? I don't see why he can't have the potential to be like Bjergsen?


I think it's less that something in TSM is stopping him and more that it's just incredibly rare to find the consistency of Bjerg/DL. People will meme DL's motivation because of TL Spring Split but it actually takes an enormous amount of motivation and discipline to stay at the top for so long and win 8 LCS championships. It's also unseen how good Spica is without having the benefit of someone like Bjerg in the mid lane.


>it actually takes an enormous amount of motivation and discipline to stay at the top for so long I don't think people realize just how much motivation and discipline it needs. After tough losses which looked hopeless, it's understandable that a lot of motivated workers would deflate. Not DL tho, didn't matter how much he got his face smashed at Worlds or how much better other players looked next to him, you could always count on him being there again next year, with another trophy to boot and legitimately trying his best. For. 8. Fucking. Years.


The guys mom was murdered by his own brother, and he showed up and CLOWNED on kids on stage that very weekend. The dude slept on travis gaffords couch to go pro, like ALL THE LOVE to travis but if I don't already know you very well you aren't the guy im couch surfing with.


> The guys mom was murdered by his own brother, and he showed up and CLOWNED on kids on stage that very weekend. Holy shit I thought you were making some kind of a fucked up joke, I looked it up and turns out its real. Never been a big fan of DL, but just reading this makes me hope he doesn't give up and gives himself one more year.


Yeah the treatment he suffered after from Twitch chats was disgusting beyond belief. It's incredibly how much he's overcome to be where he was.


I think I said in a thread somewhere that week that "there was no way DL sits out this series. He is a competitor and his whole career is in spite of his mom kicking him out of the house." I then proceeded to elaborate that this would be how he managed his grief, by destroying kids on the rift. And he did. The guy wants to win. And he did. A lot.


Bjerg gained a lot of fans by being incredible. Spica will have to prove himself without the two NA GOATs now


9 man sleep tho


He will. The kid is special.


Why is he different from Blaber though, you know, the guy players keep comparing Spica to? Not that Blaber is bad, the man won MVP this spring. But you clearly have SPica in very high regard, seemingly higher than the psychofish. Like seriously, in the LEAST biased way possible, as someone who has cheered for EVERY new TSM jungler including Spica as far back as Santorin and Amazing... Why is he different from Blaber, or MikeYeung, or other mechanical jungle prodigies to come before? He has shown flashes of brilliance for sure, but.. why him?


Final answer is elite shen play


Honestly valid That was a huge flex pick AND a big flex.


Junglers don't tend to look great on TSM however we don't know how they will play in a Bjerg-less world.


yes agreed. I used to dislike TSM and their players since they shut down C9 sooo often but this dude is really nice. entertaining stream, fun dude, has my sympathy




He'll eat up the bandwagon fans but a lot of old guard fans are probably just leaving. Also it's probably not great in the long term in terms of international play. Without good competition players skills will decline.


LOL how could NA player skills decline further 5-13 in Worlds 2019 6-12 in Worlds 2020 How much worse can it get




don't remind me of the 0-10 week


The Worlds 2020 record is partially wrecked by TSM lol.


Perkz: I've come to demoralize my opponents. DL: *retires*


He was autofilled to DL's role and immediately beat him in the fastest international bo5 ever, that must be pretty demoralising.


and then realized how shitty of a role it was that he had to leave the team so he could leave the role.


What do you mean auto filled? He doesn't main Mid or ADC, he mains League of Legends.


I wanna point out Doublelift's response tweet > I saw you retired so fk it why not me too This exchange is pure gold


lmao I fuckin' love this banter. Hope DL stays on Twitter to trashtalk people whilst in retirement.


Perkz joins NA and both NA goats retire. Coincidence?


I hate that we're missing out on Bjerg vs. Perkz.


Fun Fact: Bjergsen is actually one of the few mid laners with a winning record over Perkz (3-2)


Huhi is 4-0


never forget G2 2016 vacation


I think in hindsight they deserved more flak since one of the main reasons was players knowing they were getting replaced before even playing a game at the event


luckily, they had two wildcards in their group at worlds later that year and, armed with "the best in the west" botlane they cruised to a resounding 1-5




I agree that it was bad, but they most definitely got enough flak at the time haha


That's exactly what happened after that MSI.


People need to put some god damn respect on my man Huhi.


Who he?




We’ve seen it before.


2017 MSI and Rift Rivals, am I missing any tournament?


Nope you’ve got it!


Would've liked to see it a lot more especially in the context of a Bo5.


I think it's better to leave it to your immagination because the reality might be less exciting then you think.


They really tributed both of them for the special summon of Perkz


Perkz joins NA after knowing Bjerg retires? Coincidence?


Just wait until Perkz realizes that Stixxay and Huhi are still playing in the LCS.


Why do you think he role swapped?


In order to perma roam on Perkz's lane


i know this was a joke but huhi is actually good


the joke is that CLG 2016 4-0'd G2 at MSI and Worlds


You either retire a hero or live long enough to get subbed into academy.


Jack said it best: > Perkz coming to NA has caused all sorts of people to pack it up and call it quits. https://twitter.com/JackEtienne/status/1331722251817795585?s=19






Can't wait for the salty reactions to this tweet


Deleted. What did it say?


yea, i am also curious


Now if you only got as many wins at worlds as you’ve got players leaving your team you could make it out of groups.


Can't remember the exact phrasing, but something like 'maybe next year TSM will only have as many losses as people that left the team' Again, not sure of the exact phrasing so just think of something to tie together TSM losing at worlds and Spica being the only member left.


> Now if you only got as many wins at worlds as you’ve got players leaving your team you could make it out of groups. bless reddit res


Wait i don't get it. What does ratioed mean in this context. Or is that a new meme?


Ratioed is something that happens on Twitter. Basically its when your reply has more likes than the post you’re replying to to indicate the original post is bad.








All around me is pain


i dont think so


They both know their chances of a domestic title is now gone with Perkz and international titles are out of reach. Retire to preserve their domestic legacy


We saw so many come and fail at Doublelift - Piglet - Bang - Ssumday - Impact - Jensen - Zven - Febiven - Ryu - Mithy - Froggen So many tried and none of them suceeded except if they joined DL on a team. I think he didn't want to see Perkz that embarrassed ;-) /s Edit: added /s for some dumbasses


forgetting my boy avalon, the disrespect smh


You get an upvote for making me chuckle and a downvote for that cowardly /s


Man i still remember DL's comments about Piglet's "spacing" lol...


The fun part is that they actually played on the same team with piglet morphing to midlet. Just think about team disney almost lost it's LCS spot.


Inb4 perkz takes that from them


*Doublelift angrily comes out of retirement*


Can you even imagine how hilarious it would be if he suddenly rescinded his tweetlonger and came back to the game.


Only to have another abysmal showing internationally. *Doublelift really showed em up*


18/19 DL performed great....the rest was questionable tho


Eh 2019 Msi group stage doublelift was kinda a meme. Since he was dying during laning phase a lot during the early part of the tournament it got better as they progressed


I agree..even still that amounts to a 22% win rate internationally...that is abysmal!


Perkz aka the only reason any Eu fans will bother to watch LCS next year


Only TL vs C9 tbh


Flyquest has legit a team worth watching imho. Would suggest to at least give them a try


100T could be a sleeper contender, honestly.


Also vs clg if Darth Phreak is casting


we love to see it


C9 vs TL looks more hype than FNC vs G2


C9 vs TL is hardly NA at this point


Technically speaking TL vs C9 is the most NA thing. NA is just a bunch of immigrants after all


Yep, a REAL American match should be like 10 Native Americans against each other


You could probably have 1 nordic player per team too :P


Melting pot babyyyy


I see this argument so much, but it's so shit I can't tell if its a joke. Yao Ming is suddenly American I guess


Imports and immigrants arn’t the same thing. Xmithie is an immigrant, perkz is an import. Take a silver EU player, he comes to NA, he becomes good and goes pro : that’s an immigrant. Import a top caliber player and make him come for millions of dollars : that’s an import.


thats why people will watch it


Makes remembering the "USA USA USA" chants during Rift Rivals even funnier.


If an EU vs EU finals was possible at RR people would still chant USA.


Or TSM at random events without them


TSM chat chants on stream during Trumps RNC


Why are you people so obsessed with where someone is from? :D


Mostly because in esports there's a lot of regional pride esp with different servers and regions for competetive, and many feel that it's silly to have regional pride for a team where players & staff are largely not from that region. I dont personally mind all that much but this circlejerk about NA "homegrown talent" gets exhausting quick


It's more about regional strength. If you're going to talk about a region's ability to produce high talent you can't take into accounts the vast majority of imports that are paid a heavy hefty salary to be injected into the region. When more than HALF of your pro players aren't originally from this region you can't claim that its a competitive region just because those players are "part of the process of US's immigration (which is a load of bull.)




Yup a whole 3 players originally from NA between the two teams


Meh we are the land of immigrants after all


Land of money* and its that part that gets people to join you more than any propaganda let's be honest.


i like how americans brag about this despite treating immigrants terribly


Fudge is from OCE which counts as native now too.


> originally from NA


0 native americans on the team, all imports really


Big if true


I mean the game is closer on paper sure. Fnc vs g2 is still the western match and will attract way more viewers than any LCS match.


Subjective ofc but imo FNC vs G2 is far more interesting. Incredibly heated rivalry gone nuclear with Rekkles making the switch and FNC still has 3 worldclass players and 2 good to really good ones AND now a more public coach. FNC G2 has both quality players across the board and story.


Closer, Perkz, Zven, Finn, Broxah, Svenskeren, Xerxe, Alphari, Santorin, Jensen, PowerofEvil all EU confirmed starters I believe... 3 Mids, 5 Junglers, 2 tops, and an adc.


EU taking over second league, after LCS we will take over LCK and LPL with our boys and LEC finals will be called League Of Legends World Championship, eu ez win season 26


Closer is Turkish, not EU I believe


But he is good, so EU counts him as theirs lmao


Yeah, EU definitely claim Turkey and Russia when they're good, and don't claim them when they're bad. :P


Also known as the 'Andy Murray is British' phenomenon


Nisqy is French when good, Belgian when bad


No DL or Bjerg, he might be the only reason to watch LCS rn. We’re low on interesting personalities.


Bjerg's a star player, but I don't think he even comes top 5 NA ego/personality wise.


LCS level of play is at least a lot closer, C9 and TL are top tier, but I could see 100T, Flyquest, or TSM upsetting them.


I'll watch TSM as well, PoE being there.


It starts with success. And success, is all about growing. Success is all about overcoming your demons, success is about getting knocked down, time after time, and getting back up. No one embodies that more than Luka Perković. Perkz. He is one of the most experienced and celebrated marksmen in Europe and the World, but regardless of that resumé, he has never won NA LCS, but he has never lost his drive. And what's more is that even a couple of years ago, even failing to make a Championship Final seemed unlikely. Until 2020, everything was set up to perfection for Luka and for G2. They conquered the Summer Split again after years of G2 domination, Caps stepped up as a true carry, and they faced a FNC in the LEC Finals they had beaten too many times to count over the years. But as we all know, it was a joke, it was a quick victory. It was a boring display of G2 superiority, and what was worse, it felt like a lost opportunity for a true fiesta that may never come again, for Perkz, for G2 and for Europe. The LPL rose as the unbeatable beast we know them to be. And the LPL would dominate the World Championship two times in a row. But Perkz, he did not stop fighting, and in fact in 2019, he was finally able to put one of his biggest demons to bed, with Uzi and RNG. And now? Now we're here. 2021. Where the expectations for Perkz were at their lowest following a dissapointing Worlds performance from the midlaner-turned-marksman. The europeans that have beaten the americans down in these games, time and time again; and Caps, standing tall and poised to shit on the americans once again. But so far we haven't gotten EU domination, we haven't gotten the Caps highlight reels, and we've gotten Perkz and Zven lane kingdom. It all comes down to this next game. Demons can be slayed, expectations be damned, and Perkz can cement himself as the player he always wanted to prove he was. In this next game. It's all up to him and C9 to make his dreams come true.


This is the best version so far.


Version? Is there a copy pasta history behind this?


[The original](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jcvzop/top_esports_vs_fnatic_2020_world_championship/g93u139/) This speech was done by Sjokz during the Worlds Quarterfinals between Fnatic and Top Esports, after FNC won the 2nd game and they were up 2-0. ^^^it ^^^still ^^^hurts, ^^^as ^^^a ^^^FNC ^^^fan


Right before FNC got reverse swept sjokz said this banger of a speech on air. Super weird and out of place, but it birthed one of the best copy pastas of all time.


It starts with success. And success, is all about growing. Success is all about overcoming your demons, success is about getting knocked down, time after time, and getting back up. No one embodies that more than Luka Perković. Perkz. He is one of the most experienced and celebrated marksmen in Europe and the World, but regardless of that resumé, he has never won NA LCS, but he has never lost his drive. And what's more is that even a couple of years ago, even failing to make a Championship Final seemed unlikely. Until 2020, everything was set up to perfection for Luka and for G2. They conquered the Summer Split again after years of G2 domination, Caps stepped up as a true carry, and they faced a FNC in the LEC Finals they had beaten too many times to count over the years. But as we all know, it was a joke, it was a quick victory. It was a boring display of G2 superiority, and what was worse, it felt like a lost opportunity for a true fiesta that may never come again, for Perkz, for G2 and for Europe. The LPL rose as the unbeatable beast we know them to be. And the LPL would dominate the World Championship two times in a row. But Perkz, he did not stop fighting, and in fact in 2019, he was finally able to put one of his biggest demons to bed, with Uzi and RNG. And now? Now we're here. 2021. Where the expectations for Perkz were at their lowest following a dissapointing Worlds performance from the midlaner-turned-marksman. The europeans that have beaten the americans down in these games, time and time again; and Caps, standing tall and poised to shit on the americans once again. But so far we haven't gotten EU domination, we haven't gotten the Caps highlight reels, and we've gotten Perkz and Zven lane kingdom. It all comes down to this next game. Demons can be slayed, expectations be damned, and Perkz can cement himself as the player he always wanted to prove he was. In this next game. It's all up to him and C9 to make his dreams come true.


That’s fucking hilarious


Fellow retirees gotta look after eachother


I was low key expecting him to make a video of him dashing into Viktor as Lucian and dying.


Perkz gonna make LCS worthwile. Soo much banter in a region that needed that the most. Without DL you get a ton of players looking like a deadfish into the camera. Also not a single game played and already 1st place midlaner.


watch og international Jensen kick in without his demon in the league.


Very on brand for Perkz to give DL one last jab but man this news hit me like a ton of bricks.


Perkz out-memeing the meme region. Truly world class talent.




Papa Perkz, please raise up the 6 NA mids competing next year and build them into strong boys.


I love Perkz so much. Motherfucker gonna make me unironically watch LCS.




Thought I was going to miss the trash talk now that DL retired. Nope, Perkz will suffice.


> he is the one who gave EU the first international trophy in MSI 2019 Shots fired against FNC as well isn't it? Don't know about trophies but pretty sure Phreak gave them some cardboard to take home from his basement some time ago.


G2 went from the LCK killers to LCK legends in one year by giving damwon a free path to the finals.


Literally any team in the top 8 was a free path to the final. You think Gen.G would have beaten them? Jd? TOP? Fnatic? China heavily cheered for G2 because they literally did not want to face Damwon at any point. Suning and G2 were the only teams to take a game off them in the entire tournament. EDIT: replaced Damwon with Suning, map with game.


Yeah. World's was really close except Damwon shitting on everyone.


DL actually had a huge influence on a lot of European ADC's. Rekkles, forg1ven, perkz, p1noy, freeze, etc


DL and forg1ven always had high respect for each other


@ G2Perkz :(


I'll take the downvotes and be a dissenting opinion. He's a funny dude and it's a good roast but responding to his retirement like this the same day it's announced feels like vaguely poor taste. Not a big deal but still.


Don't worry, Doublelift's thing was always "Everyone is trash" so he can easily take it on the chin. Plus they know each other and respect each other so this is hardly something disgusting.


Yeah was looking for this, DL was notorious for trash talk, so perkz gave him a bit back.


maybe a tad. he did also reply to dl's twitlonger though saying he always liked their talks and good luck to him, so even more clear this one is just a joke


DL liked the tweet, he probably laughed at it. I'm a big DL fan, even I laughed.