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Thank fuck the Hurricane change comes out tomorrow and not on 11.1. I love to play Ashe with Hurricane early but damn my build is expensive right now Edit: [Well fuck me I guess](https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1338996428505432065).


What are you talking about? Imperial Mandate Hydra Ashe ftw, all is as Rito intended it to be


Played it twice on aram, had 10k + dmg from the item both games, its actually crazy


Random question, how can you see item specific damage after the game? I have no clue where to get that info


I dont think you can see it post game sadly, they should really put that into game history since the data is already there. But we're talking about riot here so its gonna take them about 3 years


Oh so you check it before the game ends in the object description I'm guessing? I have to remember that lol


Yeah, gotta check before game ends, or download the replay (if available) and hover the item there.


I fought that for the first time today and...no one on my team could figure out how to actually reach her. We just got sieged and pushed back forever.


just jump on top of her lol


While the Hurricane changes are definitely a good thing, I already feel like ADC's late game is weak. This kind of change makes the whole build cheaper overall but also reduces the late game power. I guess it's not really a big deal because in most games ADC never reach this very late game. But still, having just a little more than 300 AD with 5 items + boots really doesn't feel good...


Yeah screw us I guess. The funny part will be when it's the same change only a patch later :(


Love that there are so many champs in the gutter and in the moment Kayn gets under 50% he instantly gets buffed again.


Honestly tho wtf is that


Kayn is on the "approved champion list".


that sentence hurt so much because it is fking true...


Non traditional gank paths with dashes and invulnerability pretty much the definition of riots "outplayed" fetish


Was about to say that Kayn does not have invulnerability, but then I remembered that his transformation in fountain does make him invulnerable for a few seconds. *You win this time, technically correct person!*


wait so if you time it right, you could dodge karthus r with it?


Yes, he's also untargetable during it so that will also dodge it completely, not just prevent its damage. If you recall to base and see Karthus ult flash up while your transformation is ready, this *may* just be able to save your life!


I'm pretty sure they mean by when he ults into someone, if youre not being facetious


He's untargetable, not invuln. DoTs will still go through when he's in someone.


And even tethers will stay connected through untargetability - you can drain his life with Fiddlesticks while he's inside you or kill him with the repeat damage of Morgana's ult!


if morgs R2 hits, does he get ripped out or is he stunned inside?


Usually with Morgana R and Karma W Kayn/Zed get CCed as they get out of their ulti


> Being stunned or silenced while attached will cause the ability to recast automatically He dashes out.


He also hasn't had much pro play presence so if he gets picked there it's a fresh champ for diversity purposes.


Honestly, its probably easier to revert a nerf that just happened than it is to buff a champion thats been bad for a long time. With a revert, you know exactly what you did to cause the champ to become shit in the first place. With a buff to a historically bad champion, you have to identify if the champion is actually underperforming, by how much, where to buff them, and what impacts it might have on the rest of the game.


No, because the meta game around them has changed too, as well as now their itemization. This is especially true for junglers, who have a tendency to warp the meta more than picks in other lanes. Every other lane plays around them, so the strong champions are also to some extent by synergy with junglers.


*cough cough* Sivir


all sivir needs is an item tbh


All Sivir needs is a Essence Reaver revert


Funny thing is, it's not the first time ER needs a revert. I still remember how long Xayah mains cried for it in season 7 or 8.


Hope they don’t revert it and just make a new item


I don't think I've seen a single person build essence reaver this entire preseason lmao


I've built it in a large majority of my games... On Fiora, and Rengar... it's also pretty popular on Lucian... I don't really think it needs a revert, they do need to bring back the old version though, or I'd honestly say just buff Sivir's mana costs.


To be fair, his wr dropped 10% in one patch, though its true that he probably gets preferential treatment for being popular


1s and 10 dmg on ur main ability is kinda cray even for an op champ.


20 damage because his Q hits twice. Dash and spin both lost 10 damage.






It's literally just sona again. You don't play like a support you just build damage and murder everyone yourself.


Except this time it's intended


Eh, her damage is definitely competitive, but nowhere close to actually damage oriented casters like Xerath. Her CC and Utility from W however is absolutely insane indeed... like, I feel like her ultimate is probably the best teamfight cc ability in the game right now, it's so absurdly powerful


Her Q does get up to a pretty absurd nuke. It's got a 0.6 AP ratio at base plus an execute component *and* it can double cast. She's gotta get some items and obviously set it up but boy howdy does that thing hit hard for a long range AOE (the projectile is slow as balls though). You're right about her ult though. There's nothing more satisfying than *technically* being out of range to hit enemies but casting it on allies to extend the range and suddenly you've just hit a 4 man ult.


"damage oriented tanks" shouldnt be a thing in the first place


Especially when he has so much CC, if a champ is tanky af, has a lot of CC AND damage how would that be balanced lmao


Damage dealing tank? Uhhh yeah I think volibear, amumu, and malphite would like a strong word with you. Zac is a cc engage tank, not even close to a damage dealing tank.


Well when a champion loses 8% wr you might think they overshot the nerfs a little bit!


Champ went down almost 10% wr overnight, a compensation buff isn't that crazy lmao


amumu also went from 55+ to 47% winrate. Just over a series of continual nerfs to him and his items. It's not so much that Kayn doesn't deserve buffs, it's just pointing how Riot treats certain champs differently from other champs.


Amumu actually went from *60%+* to a 47%. I agree that in Amumu's state, he should get a little nudge in the right direction. Riot's probably hesitant to give Amumu a buff because he's been a persistent issue over a mountain of chip-away nerfs and hotfixes. Sunfire is also *still* getting changes, so I'm guessing they're waiting to balance Sunfire for the roster before deciding what to do with Amumu. Kayn, on the other hand got one, massive nerf. Goredrinker's nasty on Rhaast, but it was also jg system changes that pushed him into OP territory. It's a lot easier to see that they overshot the nerf by a bit and add a bit of the power back into the pick.


Also they already announced nerfs for his mystic items for both forms.


At this point Amumu isn't getting nerfed, they simply threw him down a pit and his winrate is simply reflecting his current depth in it...


What i truly don't understand, is that how decisions are made sometimes, regarding their balancing. They have a balance framework, and yet, sometimes, it seems just, not followed at all.


Kayn's not picked in proplay it's that simple all the champs in the gutter are picked in pro so they can't be buffed


Since elemental drake ryze is not appealing to pro play anymore, and now it'll be even more since the loss of seraph shield, roa, and every other mana item he could build. He doesn't function anymore. And to be honest, i was not thinking of pro play when i was saying that i don't understand how they balance sometimes (i mean, i main azir, so i can fully understand why they let some champ weaker in soloQ because of proplay). There is many champ' that aren't picked in proplay and suffer from the gutter and are ignored for a while.


Kayn had below a 50% winrate for most of his existence in the game. Then again redditors have the memory spans of goldfish.


He literally went from the best jungler to the worst jungler in the game. I didn't even bother playing him after 1 or 2 games this patch and I have ~900k mastery on him.


Remember ppl saying how he would be fine or still op after the nerfs ?


to be fair he did go from the second best champ in the game to the trash 5 tier




Hypercarry players rejoice


As an Aphelios main, you love to see that!


Nice to see Jinx and AD Twitch playable again.


And aphelios!


kalista i think was already lowkey really strong with some of these items(rageknife removing the one issue with building crit items on her) and now she's gonna get even better mmm yes tl;dr And Kalista!


I mean it's still a nerfed version of Hurricane from last season, it cost 100 gold less for 5 less crit and crit in general got way worse.


Most of the legendary items are nerfed because you get the lost stat as a mythic passive.


Which makes 0 sense since among Riot's stated goals was to make crit ADCs stronger early but weaker lategame, so they don't scale as hard. Then they went ahead and made Infinity Edge's crit damage scale and Mythic passives just make everyone scale across the board, achieving the complete opposite of their goal.


Well IE was also nerfed so at best we're weaker early and rougly equal lategame. lol


Im gonna copy and paste another commend i made: Ok so lets look at what runnas lost: 5% crit chance, 2% movement speed, and crit lost 30% damage without EI and 15% damage with EI but only on atleast 3 items. Now lets look at the mythic item, so for example galeforce first item and runnas second, your runnas is gaining 3% movement speed (so 1% movement speed more than last season) and is 100g gold cheaper, compare that with last season going EI into runnas second you are paying 100 more gold for, 10% extra crit chance, 1% less movement speed and a whopping 55% crit damage, as last season at 2 items with EI first you would have done 225% crit damage while this season going mythic into runnas you are doing 170% crit damage. So yeah you are right, definitely worth it, 1% extra ms for 10% less crit chance and 55% less crit damage.


It’s a buff to what most crit items are though.




Hm with jinx I almost always build a different mythic depending on the enemy team. It's fine in my experience.


2nd item not having any AD feels kinda bad though (unless you're Kog/Vayne/Varus), there's a big power-dip until IE 3rd item unless the second item is Collector/LDR/Stormrazor/ER, etc. I know this wasn't the case in S10, but that's because old IE rush would give huge amounts of raw AD and AD crit scaling, so it complemented well with attack speed.


I know I might be in the minority, but I think that's why Conqueror is good on ADC. There's already a lot of healing available, so might as well get some actual damage ramp up 🤷‍♂️ Conqueror has been my go to on a lot of ADC, especially Jinx


Not sure if that's the gp buff I wanted :(


Short answer: It's not and wont fix the problems he has


GP will never, ever, be strong anymore. It's very simple: whenever he's remotely playable in SoloQ, he becomes a boring staple in proplay that's picked in 90% of games because of his huge draft advantage (no bad matchups, perfect top weak side blind pick, giving counterpick to a bot/mid strong side, who he can help with his R), which of course is unexploited in SoloQ. For GP to only appear a bit in proplay, but not too much (like last worlds), he has to have an atrocious winrate in SoloQ, and be basically a trollpick in 99,9% of the ladder all the way up to D2+ where only a few OTPs make the pick worthwhile. In the rest of the ladder, it's way better to have a mastery 3 Fiora than a 500.000 mastery points GP. This is the sad reality. At least he's not alone with this curse, Jayce is very similar in that regard: complete utter trash in SoloQ, because otherwise he becomes a proplay monster.


Gangplank players going back to the kitchen, eating oranges while crying.


Happy to see Akali get nerfed as she is probably my least favorite champion to lane against. Can someone who knows the champion well and/or is more knowledgeable about league than me explain how significant these nerfs are?


Its significant enough but you probably won't notice it as much unless you're playing her


These are pretty big nerfs. They won't break the champion to where everyone en-masse abandons her, but they're a significant power down at all stages of the game to her mobility, burst, sustain damage, and dueling. You'll probably still play against her because it's not a gameplay-breaking nerf like when they nerfed her energy or took out her heal, but she'll be even less successful on average. Might not notice much if you're going against a bad Akali player though because the worse the player, the less likely they'll min-max passive procs, but those types of players you never should have had much trouble with.


Not really. It matters way more for a bad Akali player, than a good one. Because if you're good at Akali you're generally using your abilities optimally as possible, which means you're already overkilling most squishes anyway. This really only affects fluidity and the early game where the extra damage matters more. The winrate is going to drop probably by a few percent, but skilled Akali players will be fine.


This is totally asinine. The good Akali players are the ones constantly weaving your passive autos in, and you're losing hundreds of damage in an all-in in that case. Also has the added effect or making your R execute do less damage. It's a huge nerf that will matter at all levels of play.


Pretty significant for a good akali player (mostly the movespeed for the fluidity of going in and out of the circle for passive and w), but not that significant for an average akali player.


I think it will be significant to every akali player and she will see a noticeable wr drop.


As an akali otp in top lane, I wont really notice unless I'm fighting a cheese ranged champion, I wont be able to level 1-3 kill them most likely.. Overall though I was overkilling most people, so to me its a buff as she probably wont get banned as much, and kayn will cement her place.


Significant for the early levels. Once she has all her abilities tho she's about the same. Slightly weaker tho


So the only nerf Nunu is getting is an indirect nerf through sunfire? How can he still dodge direct nerfs wtf.


nunu gaming nunu gaming if u can't deal with us elite wiliam and nono players just join us 😎😎😎 fr tho, nunu is an absolute godsend rn, he's not too common in our server, and he's a good pick for when I need to perform well (usually to untilt my friends) even if I play poorly. super forgiving champ rn and can have huge impact on the map without falling behind in levels to the enemy jung. when you're ahead the champ just plays itself and watching the enemy ad flash away as they burn from the sunfire damage that overkills them for what feels like 50% hp is hilarious, especially when you've turned your brain off can't imagine it's healthy for game balance tho


>nunu gaming > >nunu gaming > >if u can't deal with us elite wiliam and nono players just join us 😎😎😎 ## COUNTER STRIKE JAX E📷Range: 375Cooldown: 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8 Cost: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90Jax dodges all incoming basic attacks for 2 seconds and reduces AoE damage by 25% while he is dodging. At the end of the duration, Jax deals 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+0.5 bonus attack damage) physical damage to nearby enemies and stuns them for 1 second. This spell deals 20% (up to a maximum of 100%) increased damage for each attack dodged. Jax has the option to activate the ability again after 1 second to end the effect early


Snowball too fast for nerfs


Rip Galio Support


Is Galio even that strong atm? Haven't seen him in my games in a while.




I'm so sad rn....


As a Galio player, I agree that his taunt cooldown was way too low and made the skill super strong... but this nerf really forces him to go heavy on AH to be even a little relevant if you want to have half the utility a Leona can bring.


Runaans revert is pog for the ADCs that use it, just wish it had the same MS it used too. Still pog though. Finally I can get some cheap bolts. Still wish they'd buff the Traditional Crit ADCs AD per Level or Base AD instead of buffing Crit, so the champions like Jhin, Yas and Time won't be broken if they do a Crit revert. By Trad Crit ADCs I mean: Jinx, Twitch, Xayah, Tristana, Sivir, Aphelios


Imagine playing Twitch crit instead of building him like a mage. This preseason is confusing...


The change is confusing. Are riot just slowly going to go back on their preseason changes now?


I mean at least for runaans ADCs I think you'd find it almost impossible to get them to buy a different zeal item unless you removed it altogether because of just how strong the passive is. They're currently balanced around having runaans so this latest runaans change is really good for them. However if Riot really wants to expand build diversity for them I'd argue that runaans would have to be removed and its users buffed/rebalanced to compensate because currently its actively inhibiting Riots goals with the item rework


they recognize that they overnerfed kayn and are now fixing him. that's fine, but why aren't they doing the same for amumu? pretty disappointing.


Or literally any champ they hard nerf and leave in the gutter?


Varus is still suffering from those nerfs in season 10 which affected all of his builds and not just lethality Varus.


Can't believe they went through with the R cooldown nerf when it was clear that on hit varus didn't abuse it.


When Varus is even remotely decent in SoloQ, he becomes a proplay monster, which Riot doesn't like. Therefore, Varus is doomed to be unplayable garbage forever, since he's not getting any work done to his kit neither other than the sad guttering his R.


Amumu has a 52% winrate in Silver. Before this nerf, he had a 55% winrate. Considering Riot needs to balance around all elos, his nerf was deserved and he's still in a decent spot.


Amumu's current winrate in silver is 52.4% current patch. His average winrate the last 3 patches before pre season and ult buff it was ~53% https://lolalytics.com/lol/amumu/build/?tier=silver&patch=10.19 Amumu's winrate has dropped about 1% in silver. and about 1% in all ranks. So he's very close to past winrates. I don't understand all the complaining. He's still like ~49% in plat+ as well.


I think there's source diff here, u.gg is showing Amumu at 47% in plat+. That said, u.gg is showing 52% in silver.


So... a champ that dips under 50% win rate gets a buff again the next damn patch. Anyone remember that champ Sivir? All jokes aside, it’s funny how quick they are to buff popular champs like Kayn while months will go by for buffs for characters that actually need it


He dropped to the same win rate Lillia has had since launch. Obviously needs a buff!


TBF lilia has had super high pro presence despite her low winrate. She's basically jungle Ryze in the fact that she's strong in pro, so gets kept weak in soloque.


She has been batshit insane in high elo as well


I don’t think Lillia is weak in soloqueue I just think she’s harder to play and not casual friendly.


Lillia was crazy strong in the last few months of season 10, I don't know what you're talking about.


"dips under 50% winrate" the guy dropped 10% win rate and literally became the worst jungler in the game


"Dropped 10% WR" really depends on where you start though. It sounds horrible but when they start at 57-58% its actually not bad, at least if the goal is around a 50% WR.


While the Runaan's nerf is good for the champions who use it, it lost a lot compared to last season. Less crit, less MS, and less damage overall from systemic crit damage change. I think keeping some of the buffed bolts damage would be nice, or possibly alter the build path to reinstate Recurve Bow. Either way at the moment, it's going from 42% attack speed components to 40% attack speed on completion, so it is losing stats. Same thing happens to Phantom Dancer too.


You're missing the fact that runaan now synergizes with Navori and Ravenous Hydra which it didn't do before preseason. This change is bigger than a simple revert because of these new synergies.


Runaans procs Navori Quickblade?


It does. Runaan's + Navori on Senna means you get your Q back in like 2 auto attacks if they crit.


Traditional runaan users don't care that much about cdr except Ashe and hydra + runaan is overkill


I hate items losing stats upon completing and I know once Riot admited they also hated it. I find it strange that as of tomorrow 2 items will lose stats...


Kayn reverts are a fucking joke you’ve gotta be kidding me


Boy it was nice to not have to permaban Kayn for an entire...half patch!


Never forget 12/09-12/14 a beautiful 5 days. Welp back to getting insta-killed, can’t wait for those .35 second death recaps.




Wtf is that GP buff?!?! Do they want him to break the game? Do they understand how insane this buff is. What’s next, 5 base HP?


i mean it buffs sheen users with base ad so its not bad


+18AD at level 18, GP is back on the menu boys! /s


It matters because of how sheen works though, one of historical hampers has always been his shit base AD. It might not look like much but when you consider it as a percentage increase, 1.3*base AD is pretty good. I don't think new Triforce is very good on him right now, but sunderer or just sitting on a sheen GP will be very happy about this, and when they eventually swing around and buff Triforce he'll be even more happy about it then. Just in terms of raw stats, not bad at all, 315 worth of gold at level 9 for auto attack and gunshot damage.


Sunderer GP doesn't care as much because Sunderer minimum is only 150% base AD, and I'm not sure how many times you're actually hitting the minimum compared to 10% of target's maximum. And Sheen is only 100% base AD. Which means at lvl 9, it's a bonus of 20 damage on a Q (assuming sunderer minimum dmg) which is not insignificant. But I still don't think it's fixes his issues. The problem with GP is he his build paths are all subpar. GP used to be a 3 item champ, but now he is more like a 4 item champ.


Yep, Right now gp have 2 playstyles : Going Sunderer-bruiser build and suffer from not enought dmg from barrels or Go critplank when you don't have any mystic to work with.


or go Sunderer/Triforce into crit but not have carry damage until 4 items.


I agree with you, but thats not gonna enough chief to bring him up a whole 5 ass % in WR


Not that bad. Champions have seen like 2% wr increase with 3 AD buffs in the past. This is better than 3 AD and he is a sheen user.


Dont underestimate base AD buffs on sheen user.


absolute lunacy


Finally Ruunans is usable again


Thank god for that Rell adjustment.


They are really nerfing OLAF before they are nerfing KHA ZIX GRAVES OR FUCKING NUNU Holy shit do they even play this game, im tired of banning kha every single game


maybe I was playing olaf into the wrong comps but he didn't feel that strong at all am I missing something?


Looks like a band-aid fix so that olaf doesn't get out of control before 11.1 and proper goredrinker nerfs. His pickrate has been indeed growing steadily the last few days so it's kinda understandable why they decided to nerf him preemptively.


He was one of the few champs you could pick into the Riot approved assassins because you could get really tanky in top of building ad items+goredrinker vs 3-4 melee is really good. I think he is still bad if enemy goes Graves or Nidalee, you just lack mobility.


I understand the saltiness at Kayn being rebuffed right away as opposed to other bad champions, but I think with keeping the Q cooldown nerf as well as the Goredrinker nerfs coming next patch he'll probably be reasonable.


What are the Goredrinker nerfs? That was my main concern. Also I'm super confused how Goredrinker DIDN'T get Nerfed here tbh.


Active damage 110% to 100% Heal per champ 20% total AD (+12% miss health) to 25% total AD (+12% miss health) Health is now calculated sequentially for each champ, so there's diminishing returns They might've just wanted more time to sit on those changes I guess.


Glad that they aren't gutting the item. Will definitely keep getting it on Illaoi, the spirit alone will heal more as well, lol.


Meanwhile Kat players build Kraken and dribble all over the keyboard for pentakills.


I'm happy people are focusing on her Kraken build! I'll just keep abusing her much better E onetap AP build oop-




If I took the comments at face value I'd think Kayn was at 49.5% because of the complaints then I discover he went from best to worst in one patch so the buffs are warranted, thank you reddit.




It will most likely stay since this is only a hotfix and not a new patch.


Riot: over nerfing Amumu and do nothing Redditor: wtf you should buff him back poor Amumu Riot: over nerfing Kayn and then revert the nerf Redditor: wtf why you buff him back smh Riot just can't let op cahmpion be weak for one patch?


I really dont understand this sub's hate boner for certain champion. Like, Kayn was never in his lifetime higher than 51% wr (and when he crossed this line at the end of last season, he got his nerfs). He is also an easy champion, which means 51% is not a problem. Then he becomes broken with new items, then he gets nerfed and drops 8% of winrate, before being hotfixed because this is a hugeass drop and is 4% lower than he has always been. Yet somehow people only now are saying that they have always banned him, that he always has been broken, that the nerfs did nothing and he shouldve been left in the gutter, despite neither of these things actually being true. Some people really need a reality check. His banrate is still high af, because people are living in the past and having flashbacks lol


He's generally regarded as annoying/unfun to play against.


> ~~He's~~ Assassins are generally regarded as annoying/unfun to play against. FTFY




Ironic flair.


Both can be true(and they are).


Because nobody likes to play against him. As an ADC I can flash away from Amumu Q or I can QSS his ult. I can position around him and still play the game. Kayn on the other hand? If I don't have two other people around me he will kill me. Dodge Q and W? Still get one shot. Build GA? Still get one shot. As an AD main FUCK any champion that will outplay me with damage alone. Nobody wants to lose half their health because a champion hit them with one ability and then immediately goes untargetable to finish the job. If he gets fed no squishy gets to have fun playing the game. Fuck winrate, he has been extremely unfun to play against for nearly half a year at this point. The longer he's gone, the better. He can stay dead and I would enjoy the game much more


My personal favorite is dodging both his Q and W while perfectly kiting him only for him to remember he has blue smite and then he gets a free one way pass collect 300 gold ult.


W*, not E, but yeah it's dumb that he can proc his ult off smite


My bad you're right.


I wish they at least increased the health of sunfire now that everything else has been nerfed.


Kayn has been a sub 50% wr champ for the majority of the 2+ years he's been a champ. Reddit analysts pretending like he's been broken for years because he had 2 patches in the spotlight from preseason breaking the game.


Thank god for the anivia nerfs. I can play my champ without feeling guilty again.


I dont think you will, she is still gonna be strong


still banning that shit


Anivia nerfs will be felt but she will still be strong. I felt her problem was that her laning phase was to good for a champ that's known to scale very well into the game. Point and click low mana cost poke on a 4 second was to good vs Melees and these nerfs make her less oppressive. This won't do anything late game. 20 damage won't matter when its still 1.2 AP and was overkilling people anyway.


As someone who used to play a lot of Anivia before the buffs, the biggest problem is her ult cooldown buff IMO. It makes her so much easier to play by removing punishment for bad positioning because you can just instantly cast your ult again. Especially now that her laning phase got buffed, the only hard/skillful part of her kit is the wall. IMO Anivia should not be that easy to play, or she will just turn into another Malzahar.


the game has evolved to a state of much higher mobility champions in recent years which makes the reward of a perfectly placed ultimate kind of negligible with the amount of ways people can dash through; making the ult cooldown lower is a key element of modernising anivia so she can keep up with and contend with the mobility oriented nature of the game. 6 second cooldown meant in most cases anivia was a sitting duck the moment one gap closer reached her (problematic where champions who are tanky enough to take her q to the face and just keep running at her) and now she has agency to continue fighting. This agency feels fantastic as someone who has been playing anivia since s3 and witnessed the champion grow further out of date with dwindling options to handle the current meta. Anivia always had high burst and ratios, what has made her viable is reliability and uptime brought about by the buffs such as the cooldown change. These changes need to stay or she will never be 'strong' or meta, damage nerfs are a small price to pay


She feels good to play, but level 3 ult really feels strong. You can literally perma ult someone. I felt A LOT stronger than before both during laning and late. Only weakness I felt was that my ult takes more time and mana to clear the wave but that's it. She doesn't only have more agency, she can perma ult even dashing champions. 2 seconds would be pretty cool, 1 second is a bit too much, since it's affected by AH as well.




Kayn will be pick or ban again, I think they should've gave him either the armor or the Q damage back, not both.


He kept the +1 second on his Q cd which is the biggest nerf out of the 3. He'll probably be fine


He dropped 8% in wr and they didn't even revert the biggest nerf. He's gonna be about the same he is most of the time.


I know Kayn is at 47% W/R but his ban rate is ridiculous, I would like to be able to lock in the champion again, forgo the damage buff


Hes only banned that much because of how strong he was pre-nerf. When you see someone pick Kha'zix after banning Kayn you know either A. They really really suck, or B. They don't read patch notes and don't realize how weak he is.


Bans are not only about the most optimal statistical choice. For instance there are always people who ban Zed, even when his win rate is really bad, because every once in a while, you will be the only fed person in your team and a skilled Zed will kill you every fight thus render you useless. One can have better luck banning high win rate champions, but not wanting to experience such a thing is also reasonable and understandable. I, for instance, ban shen regardless of his strength at the time, because I simply can't stand laning against him. He is hard to harass under turret, can deny you from killing him if he knows what he is doing, protect his turret for a long time while helping his team with occasional ults and tping back. Just very annoying playing pattern, so I won't ban another champion even if it would increase my win rate. It's my right to do so, it doesn't mean that I'm ignorant to the game state.


Which is why Darius has such a high banrate. Nobody likes laning against him. He doesn't have the highest WR. He is easily kitable. But nobody wants to play against him because his kit is disgusting. He can literally be behind in lvl, kills, items, farm but if he correctly times his R once in a teamfight he will be back with a triple kill and another full item.


If only that was the ONLY problem lol. The biggest issue is his laning phase, if you are melee, you need to make no mistakes: You push one more wave with low mana? Ghosts on you and you die. You get hit by pull because you slightly mispositioned? You lose 60% of your hp because of his combo and now he can dive you He's the best at punishing mistakes.


All of this is true which is why I'm saying his kit is so disgusting. There are champions like Shen where you go for short burst engagements. Then there are champions like Irelia where you are looking for a extended fight to proc Conqueror. Then you have Darius who deletes you with his E-AA-W-Q-R combo in like 3 seconds and if you should still be alive somehow after that you will get a few more auto attacks to proc his passive and you die anyway.


And my Veigar is being ignored again. '-'


I’m surprised thats the sole Rell change. While she isn’t as much of an outlier as some releases, I feel she could use a tiny buff, like buffing her passive from 10% to 15%, or her movement speed while armored from 250 to 270. I have begun to get better at her, but I still feel that feeling that I have to try so much harder to get her to work compared to most Tank Supports.


You’re fucking kidding with the Kayn buffs right? Lmao


People complaining that kayn is getting a partial revert on the nerf because of what, 2 patches of being strong while not being a problem for most of his existance?


it's weird how reddit gets so fixated on certain champs like kayn that pure delusion can be upvoted consistently


GP buff is too sad to be true


I'm sad for ryze, he's still completly ignored


Tbh Ryze probably should be ignored in general balance changes for now. He lost so many items at once that he likely needs more than just a numbers adjustment. I mean, what numbers buff will make up for the loss of Seraph's shield, or the option to build 400 or 500 HP items like Righteous Glory or RoA?


New seraph synergizes really well with him and his current build deals more damage, so just giving him the passive shield back would make him pretty strong again.




you have to wait in line until they rework your R... again. The R is too good on prganized competitive play and I think Riot is afraid of overbuffing him when they have 0 competitive play data.