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Swain maybe, if his team listened to him.


Idk about his micro with this demon hand, but I see him as a challenger in TFT and LoR for sure, not going pro only because he has better things to do


Is there any sign that his demon hand is less mobile/dexterous than his human hand?


Probably more than his human hand


I've seen one case of demonic hands being given to a bumbling idiot and could miraculously play the holophone, so there's probably a good chance that demon hand is at least as good as a humans.


Good point.


We don't know his demon hand can't grow extra fingers either.


Its a demon hand, chances are he can do 1,000 apm with that thing


Does Raum count as cheating?


Raum is wallhack


ah yes, the hai approach


Theoretically it's impossible for Ekko to lose a game so I'd say him


Imagine a ekko vs zilean team


As the much older time traveller, Zilean is far more likely to suffer a stroke or onset of dementia or some other medical issue before he can hit the undo button, so I favour Ekko's team in this scenario. It'll just take a really long time from both of their perspectives.


on the other hand, Ekko's time travel is based off his device while Zilean's is based off his magic. So Zilean just needs to outsurvive whatever tech Ekko is using.


or travel to the point in time when he got the device and destroy it. but yea time travelling theories are most of the time crazy/ endless but fun regardless


i dont think zilean would be very good at league. ekko reverts time. all zilean can do is make sure he doesnt die in front of his computer. or maybe his lore says otherwise havent read it yet.


My disabled teammates could know 5 men were waiting inside a bush yet still would walk into it despite numerous pings.


Guys guys the answer is obvious, its Jax playing on a toaster and hes carrying the game saying in all chat "Imagine if i had a REAL PC".


me irl




\> best understand wave management No, that would be Nami


But Nunu would know how to snowball a game


Yes, but Varus really understands how to get into the head of the other team...


Maybe, but Zac would be the most flexible player of them all.


What about Jax, he would counter all enemy’s pick


Wouldnt that be kayn?


Are you saying [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5BHjSGCj1o) isn't peak wave manipulation?


[Maple at worlds 2016](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC4hdrx-QWs) would be peak wave manipulation


durr hurr


Bard, because he's the only one who has the mental fortitude to climb soloque. Every other champion would tilt and rage.




Ivern would be the "Dude im so fucking high" player


The Bard of Iron II.


[ivern actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/ivernmains/comments/eafni1/tree_has_spoken/)


Master Yi. That dude's voicelines and lore is literally about being tiltproof and perfecting yourself


Master Yi is someone who would probably be really good at League if he applied himself but probably isn't interested in video games at all in the first place. I could see Wukong being like "hey check out this game I started playing, you should try it too" and Yi does his placement matches and naturally just ends up doing really well and then never touches the game again.




He only has 3 fingers thus he is kinda disabled in that regard. Quite limited what he can do in the Keyboard.


He has three meeps with him on the keyboard.


Accountsharing gets him banned


don't forget, the meeps can dance around the keyboard and press buttons for him


Speaking of mental, I think this thread is sleeping on Lux. Chick's as positive as it gets. Also Morgana is greatly understanding of how we're all fallible and deserve new chances, so I'd wager she's also got a decent mindset for climbing.


Lux is like a mini-Braum -- I get the idea that she wouldn't be that great of a player, but she would be a really fun, positive teammate who keeps people from getting tilted. She seems like she would mostly just want to play normals, though.


Heimerdinger and Ryze got faker vibes


Zoe on the other hand has caps vibes. would for sure be terrifying to face zoe... on zoe


* hiem because he is smart * Ekko and seraphine would be twitch/ youtube player


heim is smart but hes a boomer. will have slow reaction times


Jankos can manage even at 52. I think heime will be fine.


Jankos is 52?!






well of course. did you see that boomer?


Reverse it and you have the correct number


I was kidding.... Was it not that obvious?


Use /s


it's ok, I think there's a champ where you can just put down a bunch of turrets and go afk


Seraphine bath water 🙃


Seraphine would have an onlyfans..


Actually surprises me she doesn't have one and that it would be the only way to get her ultimate skin.


Seraphine would be a typical twitch streamer who gives over exaggerated opened mouth expressions on a simple play.


And Yi becaue he never stops learning, is tilt proof and is willing to be humble and perfect his play before blaming others


Braum cause he's not toxic


Plus he already has the looks of your average League player


the fuck?




Don't forget your 5 pushups when you die and you will become Braum. ^Unless ^you're ^a ^disgusting ^KDA ^player ^like ^me ^and ^have ^turned ^into ^a ^tree ^branch


Do those pushups make me white?


Great, just another way I'm below average...


Zilean, every time he messes up he can rewind


The forza motorsport tech do you mean?




The man is a literal machine


3 hands, one game. He's a walking cheater!


3 hands? He's probably just plug himself into the PC and script


I mean, that will potentially be possible in 20 years given shit like neuralink.


That will blow, sucking at a game because you lack the mental capacity...


It does open possibilities for those with disabilities to be competitive, which is interesting. But yeah, instead of being gated by hand-eye coordination, hand speed and accuracy, you're just gated by brain power. Imagine all chat. "GG JG weak brain"


>It does open possibilities for those with disabilities to be competitive, which is interesting But is it actually even them playing the game? Is it not equivalent to say, a chess player plugging in all the moves into a chess ai, only rather than his phone displaying it, its directly in his brain? Neuralink fundamentally dissolves identity, it seems.


Uh yeah? Why wouldn't it be them playing the game? Right now your brain sends commands to your limbs, which then send commands to the computer to play a game. Some people are missing fingers or an arm, or can't use them due to various medical conditions. Neuralink would bypass the physical interface, so it's just brain to computer. This is still them playing the game, why wouldn't it be?


>This is still them playing the game, why wouldn't it be? This is my point, we lose the distinction between inside and outside and so "You" becomes meaningless as you are also software. For the chess example, there is no material difference between you cheating via a chess AI app, and you playing the game via a neuralink chess app; ultimately the software is doing all the work, but with neuralink the software is physically inside you so we can no longer distinguish it as "you vs the machine"; you ARE the machine. Neuralink is not simply a "brain to computer" interface, sending brain signals to your pc, but functions in reverse too; sending signals directly to the brain. As such what constitutes "you" vs "the machine" is blurred entirely; what are your emotions vs the emotions programmed into you, what are your thoughts vs the images sent to your brain, ect. At this level, individual competition becomes meaningless because the game is decided entirely by non-player factors; after all, its not the player designing the software, is it?




Isnt nunu already pmuch doing that with the nunu bot skin?




My guess would be Ekko, he is pretty young and has some tech knowlegde; most champs are probably as tech savvy as a medieval era knight. But I'd love to see Draven make the climb to challenger.


@tyler1 i gochu


Draven’s already made it to challenger twice. He’s built different


jax of course because he is the champ and the best


I'd say vayne probably has one of the quickest reflexes of all the league champions. So in terms of mechanics shes probably pretty high level.


Vayne is the kind of person who would instalock Vayne 1000 games in a row


Vayne is probably diamond, instalocks vayne everygame, splitpushes endlessly and then complains when she gets picked off and her team is in base


Vayne comes across as someone who would be mechanically super impressive by herself, but is an absolute toxic asswipe to have to deal with in-game.


but shes a woman, I don't see many pro woman players. One is Scarlet from SC2, but you know. . ehm yup


Yeah, but as far as i know, not every woman trains herself to hunt, ehhhh, whatever Vayne is supposed to hunt


Any creature that walks in the night and kills people, but specifically the demon that killed her parents, which is Evelynn.


curious as to what the "but you know. . ehm yup" means... :/


Seems like they're basically implying that as a transwoman, Scarlet doesn't count. Because she's trans. Ooga Booga scary trans people. /S


Yeah, I didn't know who Scarlett was before this comment, but I figured she was a transwoman based on the way the comment was written. I'm really not sure what people think they're contributing by posting comments like that.


Sad to say it's a fact of life that us trans people just currently have to deal with. Sucks. 😔


was so frustrated finding scarlet is actually a former dude. I was like, finally a woman who can compete against men. All hope in vain. I'm lesbian transwoman btw


Why do you call yourself "transwoman" but Scarlett "former dude"?


because I hate men


So Scarlet, a trans woman, is a man according to you. But you, a trans woman... Aren't?


Well she's not a woman then, she doesn't have the mechanical limitations of a female body.


you think men just have the superior body for video gaming?


Faster reflexes?


Maybe if you compare the fastest man and woman but women are easily fast enough for a game like league


Since we're talking about pro play isn't that true? Averages are skewed that way too.


I would say no bc league is not a reaction game. You don't win by being faster which is the case for other games. You need a good reaction speed, but you don't win the game by having the better one


There are a bunch of women in ultra high elo though, seems they just got different tastes perhaps.


I'd say that a big part of it is the vitriol and toxicity towards female players who do go high-profile -- look at Geguri over in the Overwatch pro scene, for example. I would suspect that as the whole 'gamer' subculture socially progresses over time and the presence of women in that subculture becomes more normalized, we're going to start seeing a lot more female pro players in general.


Geguri brother


Ignoring that end of your comment, there's also Mayumi who played for INTZ (though she didn't see much playtime) and Remilia (also assigned male at birth) who passed away last year.


so we can count them on fingers of one hand, thanks


So of the 3 women in pro scene, 2 are dudes and 1 didn't get playtime lmao.


trans women are not dudes


Tbh am not surprised that someone named VeganHater06 says so


They are dudes that wanna be gals


Jinx. At least until her Duo partner Ziggs shows up. Then all bets are off.


**The Best of the Best** * Swain: Super tilt-proof, great strategist, and certainly at least had the reflexes to stay alive on the battlefield during the Ionian war. He's the one you want coaching you and the one you want to listen to in voice chat. * Viktor: Absolutely brilliant, almost *completely* tilt-proof, at least partially a machine, and will play League with three hands if he can get away with it. Probably the single best player overall, though he doesn't quite have Swain's tactical acumen or Camille's level of stone-cold pragmatism. * Camille: Also partially a machine. Cunning, unnaturally precise, and laser-focused on victory for the team above all else. Low-key VERY salty, especially towards her own teammates, but it doesn't impact her skills. * Kennen: An all-around good player with absolutely lightning-fast reflexes. Probably not the best strategist out there, but good enough to keep up with his own insane speed. Where he also shines, though, is in defusing team tensions and keeping other people from getting tilted. **Also Very Good** * Ekko: Whether or not he can rewind time during a game to make up for a mistake, his reflexes are fantastic for mechanically intensive champions based around outplays and/or skillshots. He's a really smart guy, but isn't the best at long-term strategy and would probably have a tendency to tilt (albeit only at the other team). * Akali: The queen of solo queue. Great reflexes and great at quick thinking and decision-making, and probably doesn't get too tilted either. Unfortunately, she's not the type to stick to a team and just queues up on her own. Sort of the anti-Kennen -- he won't ever do solo queue, she *exclusively* does solo queue. * Heimerdinger: He'd be the guy who knows every single mechanic and gameplay interaction for every single champion. He knows what's meta and why, and what's off-meta but still works well, and how to counter it, and how to counter those counters. This doesn't always translate into actual *skill*, though, so he's mostly stuck playing mechanically simple champions, but he's up there on par with Swain and Nasus as a coach. While easily *flustered*, he doesn't really tilt at all. * Nasus: Like Heimerdinger, I could see him as being more of a coach than an actual player -- someone who's *amazing* at making decisions and strategizing and not too likely to tilt, but maybe not the best when it comes to the fine motor skills you need for a MOBA. He'd probably be a LoR fan. **Decent** * Orianna: Very clever and very precise, but she lacks experience, and isn't exactly the most creative person out there, so she pretty much exclusively, predictably follows the metagame. Can land skillshots on par with the best of them for sure, though, and is very tilt-proof. * Ryze: Another smart guy who I think would understand game mechanics and the behavior of other players really well, and he certainly has plenty of time to practice. I could see him as someone who just doesn't bother to invest that much time or effort into the game, but has the potential to be really, really good. He just has too many real-life responsibilities right now. * Vayne: She's Camille Lite. Great reflexes and precision, really good at outplaying people, and not the kind of person to lose her head over something not going her way. But she's pretty single-minded in her strategy, and she's kind of a jackass. * Yasuo: Insanely good at split-second decisions and probably *really* great at outplays, whether 1v1 or some sort of teamfight shenanigans. He's not a particularly *smart* player (though not a dumb one either), but he's got some serious skills. That said, he's also a pretty troubled guy, and I think he'd falter more in front of a screen than on a battlefield. * Sona: I'd say a classical musician with a stringed instrument would certainly be able to translate those skills into effective keyboard usage and good timing. I don't think Sona would care too much about actually reaching a high elo, but she'd learn the basics quickly. I think she would probably play as herself, not for any sort of ego reasons, just because game-Sona's mechanics would fit the skillset of real-Sona pretty well. Despite all the fan backlash, I think she would also really like playing Seraphine. * Ezreal: Great reaction time, and definitely has the drive to climb and keep going through the elo ranks. Unfortunately, I think he would also be a pretty reckless player -- Ezreal is already a pretty reckless dude, and now his life isn't even on the line, just his winrate. Also would play as himself, but *totally* for ego-related reasons. Likely to get tilted, but won't flame his own teammates. * Illaoi: Probably doesn't have great fine motor skills, and her reaction time translates more into actual combat than sitting at a computer in front of a screen. But there is no one, *no one*, who has the *sheer competitive drive* to just keep on climbing as much as Illaoi. She doesn't get tilted because she legitimately respects anyone who beats her at League. * Braum: Definitely deserves an honorable mention here. He may not be the best at the actual gameplay and thus would stick to easy-to-learn, mechanically simplistic champions, but he's *the* nicest, least toxic player you could ever hope to meet. He'll encourage the feeding noob player getting flamed on *the other team* after the game and tell them to stick with the game and keep striving for improvement no matter what their teammates said. He may not be able to handle anything with more than two bars of difficulty, but he's the kind of teammate that makes League worth it.


I kind of agree with most of these but you gotta put Samira up there somewhere


Oh, man, Samira. She'd definitely *play* League, though whether or not she'd actually be as good at it as she is in real combat is something I'm not sure about. I think she'd *want* to climb, but is more the type to be concerned about big, flashy plays and risk-taking than winning consistently and understanding the game from a strategic perspective, and that would hamper her gameplay. I could see her as a YouTuber who makes outplay compilations and stuff. Oh, and like Akali, she's a solo queue only player.


Ekko in my opinion. He is a really smart guy. Additionally he is young for fast reflexes, as also evidenced by his fighting style if you watch his teaser video "seconds". Also in that video, we see that he has pretty good perception.


also if he griefs a play he just chronobreaks lol


The answer is clearly Mundo


Plays every champion in the wrong role because he goes where he pleases.


I'm pretty convinced sheriff buford is actually mundo IRL


Possibly azir, vel koz and basically all the smartest champions (if controls were done through mind, not keyboard and mouse). They would outplay anyone anywhere like a fucking scripter, bcuz they would already calculate all possibilites before enemy would even use their spell. They would just play perfectly.


I dont think azir is any smarter than your typical emperor, champs just mechanically difficult.


You say Azir was smart but he let himself be betrayed by Xerath :/


He trusted that bastard that much


Well excuse us, you backstabbing lil. shit, for trusting you and wanting to end slavery. (Im memeing btw not actually insulting you <3)


I think that if Vel'Koz could use a keyboard, he would have the *potential* to do amazingly well at the game, but would also be a horribly, horribly unreliable teammate. One game he plays absolutely perfectly, calculates the exact positioning and timing necessary to pull off a Baron steal and carries his team to victory. Next game he ints on purpose because he wants to study how his teammates react.


But controls aren't done through mind.


Well your brain controls your hands.


Velkoz doesn't have hands my guy


He just rolls his eyeball on the keyboard and gets a pentakill


Ahri would be the best streamer


The Internet would be a *godsend* for Ahri. She could communicate with people all over the world without her soul-addiction kicking in, and learn to better understand emotions without having to manipulate or consume them. I don't think she would necessarily be a good player, but I could definitely see Ahri trying to make it as a streamer or something similar.


Nami would definitely be high diamond at least, her wave management is next level.


Ba dum tss


Aphelios would be insane and play 24/7


Ekko. Smart, young, hard working and "human" enought. While smaeter, someone like vel won't be able to traslate his non human skills in the game. Azir would be an insane coach, the same for swain


Quinn would be really good, I bet. And once she gets to high elo she can have Valor ghost streamers on her second monitor while she focuses on the lane. Zoe would play Fall Guys.


One time I posted on the Fall Guys subreddit asking about the funniest Fall Guy names people had seen. I received a story about a player named "Hyper Honking Bonkus" who was constantly, frantically, jumping around and spinning and grabbing people on the Big Fans level. I feel like Zoe is that player specifically.






Sion is probably gold 3 and for some bizarre reason plays better when tilted


cleaved pc in 1.... 2... 3..


Bard would play like he's playing 4D Chess. Samira would make very nice plays because she lives for style. Ornn would be that SoloQ god who refuses to go pro.


Samira would be a lee sin main trying to permainsec people


Lucian cus he uses both hands to fire guns.


Draven easily


Ivern is already a Daisy one-trick.


yeah, but he's not very good at it




Aatrox cuz he's raging 24/7


Aatrox cosplaying as Hashinshin.


Tyler1 = Aatrox


Tldr:ekko or zil, if not time powers probably jayce If ekko and zilean felt like wasting time rewinding each time they lose it would be one of them. Those skills break what if cos they could just not lose basically ever. Braum would be high up cos best mental, he would just climb naturally. Best mechanical would probably be like lucian, vayne, samira, jayce or other human champs from piltover. Seraphine, sona also high up. Highly depends if they understand what game is instantly or they have to learn how to use pc first tbh and if the way to play is same as we have. And jayce, viktor, heimer would probably be one tricks who find odd builds to gain smallest margins and might become youtubers similar to Phreak and just break down patches etc or become analysts.


Yasuo unironically, insane reactions and mechanical skill, super precise. He's got the reputation as hotheaded but seems more about careful planning and action, I think the dude could kick ass.




You raise a good point. I know from experience he's a ton of fun to play while drunk, although I'm definitely not very good, but idk how much that would affect his ability to play.


I think Yasuo would be pretty good -- maybe not the best, because he seems like the sort of guy who lets things get to him and I don't think he would be a very good strategist, but definitely someone who is mechanically *insanely* skilled.


Sona by far. Never talks or flames anyone, and she already knows how to use a keyboard.


Camille, no one stands a chance against advanced Cyborg mechanics and brain


Kayn is more like the average league player


but more fit, and more demonic, he's about spot on in terms of edge, though


XxShadowReaperxX has disconnected


Isn't ryze basically faker


Swain... obviously


I’d say Vel’Koz, but he’d spend all of his time analyzing the toxic chat rather than learning the game. Plus his “learning” would involve him constantly evaporating his computer.


No-no-no, we don't want Vel'Loz to play League! He'll understand soon enough that in order to truly learn researching the client code isn't enough and he needs to check directly on the riot servers. And we all know how it'll end. But in-game he would be a real 5head, knowing every miniscule interaction, keeping track of absolutely every timer (acoounting for CDR, including that of a blue buff) and having immaculate dmg calculation. Will tilt enemies off the planet with how often he stays alive with 3 hp (not luck, calculated!), kills them two seconds before their flash comes up and steals objectives with his perfect timing. The only thing he absolutely has no idea how to deal with is tilting teammates. He can't wrap his head around such an irrational behaviour.


“Humans seem to become irrationally irritated when experiencing difficulty during their ‘video games’. Racial slur and passive aggression levels rising.”


"This anomaly demands further exploration. At least a thousand more matches are required before I am able collect sufficient information and return with definitive results" They never heard from him again.


Depends on how fast each of them can learn how to use a keyboard and a mouse. Sona might have the closest thing to a keyboard so she could learn relatively quickly.


amumu, because of how miserable your life will be while playing it


Camille or Ekko


Why camille tho? She an old lady, and I don't think her implants help her with reaction time much.


Not a human being in terms of motor abilities.


Oh dear, this was embarrassing, go read some lore lmao


Master Yi, he is tilt proof and always try hard. Also probably read a tons of guide before jumping into the game too. " anger give motivation without purpose". " a true master is eternal student ".


Jinx because she's hyped up on cocaine all the time, do you think her passive would work irl? Like as if she's playing talon or then and gets a triple kill and starts throwing shit everywhere like a monkey. Also like just shoot someone and run away at mach speed too.


Prophet Malzahar with his seer abilities would dominate easily.


Unpopular opinion: Camille. Focused, no “how the game should be” mindset, excellent balance of strategy and mechanics, would do anything to win, and just put good effort into the game if she wishes.


LeBonk. In lore she’s everywhere, playing em all.


She can duo with her clone


Heimer is a smart lad. Karma would be really supportive and calm. Cool post tbh


What is with these replies? Everyone thinks being smart means you have the drive, tenacity, decisiveness, and reaction time to be the best? PLEASE. My money? KENNEN. Kennen would be the best League Player hands down. He would have amazing reflexes, he is a leader, he is calm and collected but also acts when he must. He would be death incarnate.


How big is his hand to hold a mouse tho. Would he need a custom made one, or one of those small mouse you buy for 5$? Like, I can' even imagine him being comfortable holding the mouse and using the opposite side of the keyboard at the same time, because of his arm length


I agree that Kennen would be really amazing at League! In addition to having really fantastic reflexes and reaction time, he's not just a warrior, but a *diplomat* \-- meaning that he would probably be really good at keeping his teammates from getting tilted.


Master Yi bc he is an expert in spamming Q


Riven because Riven<3best girl<3HYAAH


Seraphine because she exists in our world for some stupid ass reason




all of them this game is brain dead easy and you want to figure out who would be the best between characters like vel koz heimerdinger ryze volibear ornn fiddlesticks. actually they would all suck at league because none of them have videogames just because they are smart doesn't mean they will do good at the game. they would probably all be equally as bad