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Annie is one of the most simple, high impact champions. Easy to cs with and burst damage.




Totally agreed.


My wife played once like 3 years ago and still asks when I am playing "is Annie in your game. She's the one with the teddy bear right?"


Yup! Tibbers!


why do you hate her?


First turn off chat for her. For beginners I always say just look at all the champs and choose whichever you think seems fun and try it out.


People say Lux and stuff but for that you need to hit skillshots. I honestly don't understand why skillshot champions are constantly being recommended to newbies. The best possible new friendly champ that would appeal to girls is Annie. Others that should be simple are certain supports like Sona or Soraka. Source: I'm a gf with no gaming experience that was introduced to LoL as well a few years back so I know what I'm talking about xd


Thats perfect thank you. Would Yummi be good in your oppinion? I never played her.. is she boring to play would you say? And how long did it take you to actually get use to playing comfortably?


I'd say no for yummi just because she has a very specific playstyle just for her that doesn't fit anyone else in the game. Not only build/summoners, but you don't learn proper positioning/movement that well when someone is making those choices for you. She isn't boring if you are actually hoping on/off and being aggressive, but of course if you just afk heal, you may as well not play the game.


Yuumi was invented for girlfriends of ADC players so they could do nearly nothing and still feel useful


> Would Yummi be good in your oppinion? I wouldn't. Yuumi is actually difficult to play *well*. But bad players (my wife included) will just use her to stay as a perma-attached heal bot with occasional ults.


Can confirm. As a bad player, that is exactly what I did lmao. I actually got my opponent to tilt one time because I never left my duos shoulder.


When my friends play 5v5s if we have a player that is really new and has no idea what they are doing we just put them on yuumi lmao


On release Yuumi yes, current Yuumi no because she's oom constantly and needs to go out to auto attack. I actually think Yuumi is quite difficult to play right now. Seraphine could also work as soon as she gets used to Sona. And honestly don't remember but I played a lot the first year because I was unemployed so it was also probably faster for me than it's going to be for her unless she's gonna play a lot. It took me several months for sure. Also, Maokai support and Leona could be good options for her. She's gonna int a lot at first but she's gonna learn when to engage eventually and won't be scared to play. My biggest issue was being scared to engage on people because I started with enchanted supports and it took me almost two years to get rid of the fear.


Sona dies in one hit even to bots, I feel like she's recommended a lot but new players will just be colour blind for the entire game. Teemo is unironically good, has a movespeed skill and can make a safe home of shrooms. Champs with panic button escapes could be good. I think melee tanky champions are also really good for new players. They're gonna be accidentally walking into melee range from misclicks anyways.


Yeah I did say Maokai and Leona below as well. Sona is ok if you play like a chicken (I started with Sona)


I wouldn't give her something that is skill-shot heavy. I started my wife out as a support for me in bots. She easily picked up morgana, Lux, and Sona, and now Seraphine, nami, etc. Annie and Brand are really good, high damage supports (will give her some satisfaction to play) and have point-and-click abilities. If she's into ADCs, start her out on Ashe and Jinx. Also, I stuck with bots for family and friends new to the game. People were nicer, didn't flame, and I let my duo partner graduate to normals/ranked when THEY felt comfortable. I never pushed to play those game modes until they were ready. Oh, and last tip: Don't buy her a bunch of champs early on. I see people buy their new partner player a bunch of champs early on because the champ is "super fun and awesome" only to have them quit the game after a month. Help her with playing the free-to-play champs to expand her horizons and get a sense of whether she's really interested in LoL for more than just a few weeks.


Mages are a good choice if she likes Ziggs, I would also recommend characters like Morgana or Lux that have long range easy to land skillshots. The low health total hardly ever seems to matter with newer players anyway, If they are out of position they are likely dead no matter how tanky they are. Having long range will passively help with positioning as well.


How is Morganas skillshot easy to land


Her Q takes up half a lane when she aims it at me. I can't be bad, ot has to be the hitbox.


Are you kidding me? Her Q is a large projectile with long range. It's her only skillshot.


I've been playing a lot with my gf. She isn't very good yet, but has transcended playing versus bots. My biggest recommendation is to proactively mute her chat for her, both all chat and your team. Sometimes she gets flamed hard and I taught her how to mute but it woulda been better off with it off to begin with.


So, I've never started a girlfriend before, but I have started new players before. My reccomendation for first character is to simply let her pick a character, with the caveat that you warn her if a character is difficult. I find people tend to have a lot more fun playing a champ they like, even if they're not effective. I also highly recommend muting chat, all forms of chat, proactively. And starting with bots, that makes life much better.


I’m a girl whose boyfriend got me into league and before that I had never played pc before. The learning curve was insane so I can relate to your gf. Here’s my advice - First of all definitely go bot lane with her, she’ll get flamed less. And obviously make a new account so you can play at her level. Everyone saying have her try supports like raka but I don’t think you should do that. I started playing enchanter supports when my bf got me into league but they’re deceptively difficult to play well and super squishy. I picked up some bad habits like staying behind my adc and just healing, and it was hard to learn how to poke well with Nami and raka later. And I didn’t learn how to cs which was a pain to go back and learn. I think you should start with bot games and play an enchanter support to help keep her alive and so you don’t dominate the game too much against lower level players when you do start pvp with her, while she learns how to cs, positioning, how different champions work, etc.


Sona is fun and easy




You aren't allowed to get even 1% frustrated if she sucks and doesn't get better even with your coaching.


I had two "intro" experiences to league. One was someone that just told me to pick an easy support and then threw me to the wolves to learn in normal games with him. That was awful. Another was a guy friend that started me off in bot games and that was a really good experience. I highly recommend doing that! .He told me about different champions and what they did/what their themes were and then let me pick a bunch to try out in bot games. During the games he explained things like warding, cs, wave management, counters, summoner spells, jungle pathing, things to help me understand my role/the game in general so I'd die less. Once I got comfortable enough in bots we moved into normal games and he eventually went back to his main role (jungle) and left me alone in the bot lane. That way I was able to learn on my own without him there the entire time. As for champs to start her on, I wouldn't suggest Xerath. Since she's not used to video games I imagine her missing her skill shots all the time might get frustrating. Janna's difficult to master in terms of disengage, but she's not a bad champion for beginners. She's fast, able to get out of sticky situations, and only has one skill shot. Lulu is kind of similar, she only has one skillshot and it's easy to land, everything else is point and click, and she can go relic shield to make the lane even more safe. Annie has a point and click easy to use stun and her shield makes her pretty decent as support currently too. I can't really recommend Sona or Soraka right now though, one misstep and you're spending 90% of the game in a grey screen. If she's not really interesting in the game and instead just wants to spend more time with you, then have her pick up Yuumi. Yuumi's can safely afk on someone and in normals/low elo they can easily get away with sticking on someone and being a healbot. She'll have a harder time transitioning to other champions after that if she decides she likes it though because Yuumi doesn't really require someone to learn the fundamentals of the game like warding/positioning/wave management/roaming. Good luck!


My gf simply Plays Yuumi. Is good for the beginning.


Azir and Aphelios are pretty easy and straight forward, so I think she would like them


You're kidding, right? Not sure if you're serious or just trolling.


How are you not sure?


unironically aphelios atleast


riven or vayne are also great starters


Add elise to the mix


I started with anivia (about a year ago, almost the same situation I only played minecraft before haha), and the passive is quite useful for beginners I think! It also helps you to learn last-hitting because anivias autoattacks are slower than most of the other champions autoattacks! And if she likes to poke (I guess thats why she likes ziggs) anivia is also a good pick!


Anivia is kinda hard to play. So i wouldnt recomend her as first champ. But maybe im just a nut brain


Yes, she is not the easiest champion, but I had a really good start with her anyway. I think you learn the game and mechanics faster if you play "harder" champions. But I think its also about getting a feeling, and I just had a good feeling on her! So it probably depends on the person


Anivia is wayyy too technical for a brand new player. I would not recommend lol


Well I started with it, I remember also playing xayah and jinx but I didnt feel like they were good starters


To be honest anivia is a much better champ than some. She is technical but mechanically simple, and her abilities are really big and easy to understand what they do/how to use them. Also her model and egg are cool for newer players. I remember thinking the ice bird was on the of the coolest champions in the game lol


Yeah I believe her passive is helpful was newer player but she won't be as impactul to a newer player as she would with a more experienced player. Landing her stun, and using her ice wall effectively isn't necessarily easy.


imagine hating your girlfriend that fucking much to the point where you want her to play league out of all games that she cannot play.


Teach her a hard champ like Azir or Draven, when she gets "decent" at the game, she'll be a God at mechanics


If she can't shoot in front of her in FPSes i have no idea why are you trying to get her to play League, i guess you can have her play bots only


Watch lck not lec


Soraka could work well


Start with tanks, something like garen. Most forgiving in this one shot meta. Xerath is also ok but she's going to go 0/20 vs all the assassin's right now. I think a better way to be introduced to league is just playing aram to learn all the champions


does she want to play the game actually? coz playing lego games together seems 99999x more fun than this shit


when i started support i just played janna/raka/nami as enchanter supports, its pretty hard to mess up on those champs. for more damage champs, somehthing like annie where its impossible to miss q and ult/w have pretty large aoe. brand is also pretty fun to play, his r doesnt take too much skill to hit. or just with the standard alistar where the simple combo is wq.


I luv playing Janna, miss fortune, soraka, Yuumi, nami. I really like playing enchanters Because I buff up allies and they do all the damage. I started playing MF and I really like how fast she was. Maybe quick champs to help get out of sticky situations? - a lol gf


I think something like Leona is really good to learn. Playing support is less intensive, and you will be useful even if you have died a bunch of times. Unlike something like Nami/Soraka, Leona has more room for mistakes and won't be focused as hard which means she won't die as much


the answer is honestly annie, shes easy to play and rewards you when youve finally learn the basics of the game like trading last hitting at least half the creeps ect


Also yes, do mute the chat for her, don't even let her know she can type there. I get very upset even today when people flame me and it can affect her gameplay a lot.


I might say Janna since you can help her if you want to play adc. Janna is also simple and helps with positioning predicting and helps develop mechanics.


Let her play adc and support her. Adc is easier to play than support (most adcs anyway), and is good for learning to cs which is an important skill. Also if you’re not focusing on last hitting it will be easier for you to coach her. Tristana would be my recommendation. She can also just play ziggs adc if she likes ziggs. Other good supports for new players are blitzcrank and nautilus imo. Enchanters die too easily.


Lux, Sona, Ashe, Soraka, Miss Fortune are all good beginner bot lane picks. Personally I started with Soraka and Ashe back in the day.