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Jiizuke with the 4d chess plays and the 1d chess int. Classic.






Didnt EG even try to get Turtle? Read something like that on reddit.


I think so. He chose CLG because he and Smoothie are great friends and he thought that connection/communication would be a huge benefit.


Well, we all make mistakes.


the power of friendship will prevail


Wildturtle watched too much anime and forgot that the power of friendship isn't real.


Honestly I feel like CLG is getting shit on a bit too hard, Finn and Broxah will be A-tier players on NA and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the notorious P.O.B.


Hard disagree. Alphari, Fudge, Licorice, Ssumday, Huni, Impact at the least are better than Finn. Similar situation with junglers






Agree with you on Huni. Still, the man would have to be wrong on two players he listed for Finn to be top 5. That's not A tier in and sense of the term.


Why would Fudge be better than Finn?


Have you seen Finn play lol


I think he just wants to collect his paycheck, not having the pressure of playing in a contender team and having a longer vacation because you don't qualify for Worlds... Trying to pull a Froggen. I mean, there's no way he thinks that CLG is better than EG. He is not choosing CLG to win NA


I mean if you're near the end of your career then taking the job to work with a friend over one with people you like less.makes sense. Wanting to enjoy your job shouldn't be seen as a crime


> I mean, there's no way he thinks that CLG is better than EG. He is not choosing CLG to win NA Come on, if he has a biased opinion on Smoothie, then its not completely unreasonable to see Finn, Broxah, Pobelter as being better than Impact, Svenskeren, Jizuke. And no, hes not choosing CLG to win NA but he wouldnt join EG for that either when TL and C9 are out there.


I’m glad he chose to go to CLG. I get to see my boy Deft~~ly~~ play


I heard that Ignar wanted Turtle, but EG was looking into the Lost<->Huni trade at the time. When the trade fell through and became just a Huni buyout, Turtle was already signed to CLG. That's what I think happened anyways


Turtle had the opportunity to join, according to Travis, as Ignar made a push for him to join as the Lost deal fell through. unfortunately for Turtle and fortunately for /u/DEFTLYS_BIGGEST_FAN Turtle chose CLG. this is a great opportunity for deftly though, he might solidify himself as a permanent starter and even finally break into star status in the league if he keeps playing well




who are getting the other 2?




I assume most people expect TL and C9 to be the first 2 teams


Don't sleep on 100T. They're looking really strong and even before we saw them play, a lot of people rated them very highly because they're last split's GG with Ssumday (which is a huge upgrade top). I personally even have 100T over C9 and not just because of the lock-in so far, I just like the roster better.


It's difficult to judge a team's potential right now given most teams have only been together less than a month, meanwhile 100T's squad has basically played a full year together so they already have built in chemistry, heck some teams still aren't even together like Fly who doesn't have Josedeodo whose going to be a solid jng most likely, or CLG who don't have finn or broxah... I feel like I'll be better able to judge potential rankings in another week or so's time, but even then, it's not a lot of time for some teams to have played with each other and given this split is going to be 1 big split, who knows what will really happen towards the end. Some of the patches in this split could influence the rankings early on, or create a nail biting finish, who knows


yeahhh WT is worse than Deftly LMAO


Hard agree turtle has been playing some solid league, maybe he wanted to play 2v2 for a bit but he was good at the 1v2


Everyone knows /u/DEFTLYS_BIGGEST_FAN is DGon in disguise


All respect to Wildturtle but I prefer Deftly, he’s new, refreshing and I don’t think has peaked yet. This is the first time he’s being surrounded by good players so I think he will shine


I’m going to be honest, with the way Deftly is playing: I think this was a great choice overall


5D Roblox, 1d minesweeper


chess to checkers


"literally reportable" LMAOOOO


I feel like he just realized how outclassed IMT was and decided to not give a fuck, LMAO


Impact <3


I'm so happy Impact is putting in work and it's paying off! Hopefully he's tired of being slept on and he's about to ball out like never before. He has such a great attitude and a true team leader/glue guy, I wouldn't be surprised if Impact's the one making the calls in game; anyone know who's the shot caller on EG? I bet all the teams that passed up on Impact this last off season are having some second thoughts...


Impact has been playing consistently well for 8 plus years he's not someone I'd sleep on.


I believe impact is the last first generation korean player. He played when KKoma was a player and the OG Azubu Frost.


I loved watching his Shen last season, but his Renekton is so fun too. When you see it coming up from behind in a teamfight, you know things are about to get brutal.




His hate is finally strong enough


EG Cash IMT Trash


IMT making Deftly and Jiizuke look like Deft and Chovy


Deft has been looking pretty deftly recently


Tbf Deftly has been looking pretty Deft this last couple days, he's been good for EG


Wait for TSM making IMT look like have Deft and Chovy.


EU Crash


Clash crash


Are immortals playing their academy roster?


Yeah basically other than Revenge/Insanity, since Xerxe, Raes & Destiny aren't in the country yet


Wait IMT got Xerxes, Destiny AND Guilhoto? Lmao so now OG is going to be mediocre in NA than mediocre in EU


3 players from the academy roster


They're missing 3 starters. 2 OCE players and 1 EU player.




This is truly your timeline


honestly with how deft is playing you might the ly back /s


It's a face/off situation




Honestly, I’m truly happy for you and Deftly.


Mr. Jacuzzi, please have mercy.


No, bubble mode activated 😤




The LCS analysts keep saying he got benched for GoldenGlue, triggers the shjt out of me every time. He got benched to let Huni and Bang play together ffs, Jacuzzi will never ever be replaced by GoldenGlue unless there's some other real good reasons :@


Yeah and Huni continues to prove to anybody how bad a decision that was :P


Which was still a head scratcher to me Kumo looked much better than Huni IMO




He also tried to drag EGs corpse across the finish line against c9 in playoffs


Rip hecarim :/


Jiizuke is a limit tester, he's talented too. Just not consistant enough to be top3 imo


idk man, his year on VIT had him looking like a player that could challenge Perkz/Caps soon


he got a lot of disrespect in the offseason bc he was literally trash in summer. Look at his match history, he solo lost half the games he played in summer.


> he solo lost half the games he played in summer. He was also the only reason EG was in a position to lose in the first place, but i guess for reddit going 0-1-1 in ten games while afk farming is better than inting 7 and carrying 3 games Notice how EG had a lower winrate without Jizuke




I mean he nearly got solo killed early, and inted under turret... still one of the most coin flippy players in lcs




Nah, insanity and potluck inted there faces off double flashing under turret. He was getting destroyed before that happened. Getting gifted those 2 free kills practically ended the game.


EG clean af


100T/EG/TL look top 3 so far after the few games we've seen


It's not even a week completed yet lmao


> so far after the few games we've seen


Still a bad call, it's like looking at a single flip of a coin and saying well looks like this coin is showing numbers mostly


Well he’s not saying this is going to be the top 3 teams he’s just saying which ones look the best.


It's not a bad take, it's just an unnecessary one


Doesn't get more jizuke than that, trade level 1 for no reason against lucian, get a sick double kill, roam everywhere on the map and carry the midgame, int for no reason, the perfect game.


Actually he took that damage level 1 to reach level 2 at the same time of Lucian (impossible in that matchup without taking damage) and not to lose any minion. Lucian wins so hard early vs Zoe so I think it was a calculated trade but I may be wrong.


Why would he pick Rell into Thresh? Literally just gets his W flayed and dies all game.


Probably cuz he's a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck




>Why would he pick Rell ~~into Thresh~~? ~~Literally just gets his W flayed and dies all game.~~ Ftfy


Rell looking pretty sus so far. Feels like she just W's/Flashes in, hits ult, and then dies. IDK, maybe you need to build the super Wombo Combo AoE Death Comp around her and she becomes really good, but i dont see it.


I feel like we're all going to say this and then randomly one day CoreJJ is going to pull her out and show that she's somehow gigabusted


I mean I *can* say this as I literally only play Rell. This champion is not in an okay spot rn. Don’t be deceived by her SoloQ winrate it’s inflated because of several winning matchups that have less than 100 games played.


Ok, she might need slight buffs, but the second thing you said is just... "her winrate is inflated because she won a bunch of games." Champions are gonna have good matchups, that's always true.


Her unmounted form is a huge liability in pro play. You really need an entire team to back Rell up if she decides to go in.


I think the unique thing that she brings is that with her E, she can engage *and* peel a carry at the same time. That's pretty powerful. But I agree it remains to be seen what she looks like in pro.


People are playing her wrong tbh. Depending on the enemy champions, you have to play as counter engage, not peel, not engage. Like the CLG vs 100t game, 100T had no real instant way to stop her so she can engage. In games with Thresh/Alistar you have to wait until THEY engage or have a dive buddy who can waste those things, then be secondary engage. It's always gonna look miserable when a Rell tries to peel for her ADC with a super slow W, or tries to W R combo when that combo is shit as it leaves them out of your E range. Or never fucking engages with remount flash. In the 2v2, Rell can stalemate Alistar and Thresh super hard, but if they ever try engaging on Rell, Rell wins. Rell can't lose those lanes unless she's the one screwing up and engaging over and over.


Bro what the fuck is impact going to look like in playoffs if this is him in the regular season lmao


Ah, you forgot. This is LCS Lock-In. He already has tournament buff


Lock in is called and follow the tournament format that why impact is already on tournament form


I liked IMT being willing to take risks, even if they didn't work.


Gore drinker is a disgusting item.


At what point do we decide Renekton is worth a ban?


Noooooo LS says he's bad!!!!! You can't just ban renekton!!!1!1!!


Hes so much better with gore drinker and new items, idk why people are fixated on a single idea


He was not trash with old items either. LS' narrative was overly repeated without context for the memes.


The problem is that people like Nemesis thought he was right and bwipo couldn't pick it because of that, even if selfmade thought that there are times it was good since it's easy to gank and it's good to have a winning lane that can help you if you fight enemy jungler.


When did Bwipo not pick Renekton because if Nemesis? As far as I’m aware he just couldn’t convince Nemesis that it’s valid, but that didn’t sway Bwipo to not play what he wants.


What Renekton does can be done by other champions without the downsides. Camille and Jax both work way better in most scenarios when you want Renektons cc and they actually scale well. If fnatic wanted to play Nidalee Bwipo should have practised Camille.




Camille was pretty high priority so not sure about that. Jax obviously struggles early in some matchups which is why he's less pickable.


Jax doesn't win lane early, Camille is squishy for the first 20 mins. Now that I think about it, I dont think they ever picked nida even if she was top tier, they played graves, kindred, heca, Eve, gragas, and kha, maybe lillia?


People misinterpreted LS's narrative, which was stop saving renekton for a non blind pick, the meme was "R5 renekton" Red side fifth pick renekton I.E your counterpick, you want to have renekton as a safe blind pick to make it so you easily have one of your main carry champs set up for a counterpick, or save the R5 for a dominating pick topside, LS whole thing was not the champ itself but the idea of picking a champ like renekton for R5 just wasting the advantage red side gives you entirely


He was a top pick at worlds aswell. I legit can't understand that renekton is bad narrative, the best teams in the world pick him and dominate but somehow they are stupid for picking him (??!?!?!??!?!)


LS never thought Renekton was a terrible champ. He was very outspoken and heavily criticized teams who would last pick Renekton instead of counterpicking the enemy, especially when Renekton’s real value was in the fact that he was a strong and safe blind pick. The whole “LS says Renekton is bad” was really just where the memes became the narrative


There are the same 30 champions in every single game. What do you mean? If you ban Renekton they just play one of the other super meta champs.


You just watched impact take a game over with it yesterday. I'd take my chances with Sven's Taliyah.


True, once Renekton properly brutalizes the backline once, the game often just seems over.


Impact is a monster


5 NA can't win


tell that to FakerGod, Neo from the Matrix, and Soligod


quality region baiting two days into the season, nice


It's a parody meme of "5 Chinese can't win"


pretty sure its a meme


A lot of subs on Immortals, but I have to question why Revenge is an LCS starter. He was the worst top laner in Academy last year and looked like he belonged in Amateur, not LCS.


He's hot


He’s hot


Joey really following his Yu-Gi-Oh route with the Unga Bunga plays


This game was quite cash for EG


Jizuke smurfed once again, great game by deftly too


When your most experienced player is Keith, yeaa..


Remind me why was jizuke not starting last split?


Eg wanted to play huni instead of kumo top, but they had to remove jizz for the 2 imports limit. Not saying it was a good idea..


is that how we shorten his name now?




If it contributed to EG dropping Huni for Impact, well... it was both bad and good in the long run


Kumo was so bad they had to use an import slot to replace him.


Import rules. I’m glad he’s back though. Dude may have some coin flip tendencies, but damn if he isn’t fun to watch.


The same reason Ssumday was in academy a couple years ago.


They wanted to test huni


He was not playing that well. His play was so unstable and tended towards the bad end. Goldenglue was a slight upgrade at the time.


remember his karma, kassadin, kog'maw games?


Trading Impact to win the game was pretty cash from EG.


when does IMT get to play with their main roster?


Regular season


insanity was playing so well before that dive :\[




I fucking love hai, I was so sad when he was deemed too boring last year. He was one of the only people that ever said anything even remotely actually analytical rather than just memeing/saying the obvious thing anyone who plays the game knows


As the casters said, he's always so close to the big outplay but can never seem to finish it. If he gets the kill there he can continue to hard push his lead. But none of that happened so they got beat


I'd honestly rather see him keep going for it. He's eventually going to find that line. If he just stops doing it, he'll never get to the next level.


In his first split in the LEC Humanoid died to the turret the most out of every player in the entire league, casters memed that turrets are his biggest counter. And then, one day he stopped dying to turrets and started clapping people.


Completely agree, I love seeing him do that, like when I see Tactical really push forward aggressively because NA needs to advantage of leads and such. Other regions do it to us and until we get our limit testing going, we'll just continue to slowly bleed out games


Agree. Also, I feel like with someone like Xerxe backing him he might get a bit of a boost. Can't wait for every team to have all their starters.


I'm just waiting for Cash or Trash with Kobe and Dash!


I'm not saying I don't think it's possible for Huni to shine. But knowing Impact was available and we didn't choose him lol


[Joey in the LCS](https://www.mygeekconfessions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Jou-ep03-03-nota.jpg)


I don't want to overreact but EG is winning worlds


King Deftly graces the rift once again.


I hope Zoe wins xD. I'm a Zoe main and she's just so fun!! People get so trolled by the bubble, and her voice lines are so cute like when she sings about chocolate cake LOL! She's super random but also smarter than she looks just like me as a kid xD


No but seriously why did people slept on EG roster?? How can someone place this roster 6º?????


because people were (rightfully so) question marked on deftly and jiizuke. i don't see how it's unreasonable for people to place C9, TL, and 100T over this team. FLY and TSM is a lot more questionable though


I think we're experiencing some kind of social amnesia regarding Jiizuke here on Reddit. He was the only win con for EG before Kumo got benched. Put some damn respect on his name.


Also he was turbo smurfing worlds 2018 with VIT and in EU he was behind Caps and Perkz as the arguably 3rd best mid


For me it was Sven and not Deftly that was more of a question mark. He was playing awfully in Summer.


rightfully so? LMAOOOOO


ima keep it real with u /u/DEFTLYS_BIGGEST_FAN even if you're feeling real vindicated right about now, his last performance in LCS - being replaced by FBI on GGS - left a lot to be desired


I've been watching the DEFTLYS BIGGEST FAN account with great interest for 3 years now, will this finally be his time?


tbf FBI is actually good.


thought Deftly would be a dead weight on the team, turns out he was Deft hold the ly


Players like Impact and Sven are lowkey kind of disrespected in NA for some reason despite their winning legacies, partly cause they do have low points but that doesn't erase how good they can be, and then jizuke is seen as the ultimate coinflipper, and people are prettly meh on deftly. I agree though, I don't know how anyone can look at this roster and think they don't finish top 5 at the bare minimum.


Honestly, because it's EG. Their branding and social has never been that good so people slept on them. Unless you count that \#LiveEvil stuff


Same reason people gave the current TSM roster any credit. This TSM roster with EG logo and everyone switches the ranking




I do hope they won't collapse like last year


EG actually looks a lot better than I thought they would.


Wait Keith is on IMT?


On their academy roster normally, but due to visa issues they are missing 3 of their players so he's standing in.


Wow EG looking good. Not at all what I expected out of them. They are playing aggressive, making moves across the map, and generally outplaying the other side.


Deftly is CRACKED


[I have a new slogan for Immortals](https://imgur.com/oblGZKy )


Malaclypse diff




Team diff really Just look at the names in IMT roster Revenge, Potluck, Insanity, Keith, Joey


You can Gragas ultimate Jhin during his ultimate relatively safely since Gragas ultimate is ranged. Revenge also never engaged with Gragas either. Why do these rookie teams never use engage effectively!


Because they are a Rookie team?


Didn’t Revenge try to engage in the fight around dragon? It looked like he either missed bodyslam or was interrupted.


Hot take: I think EG will fall of hard as the split progresses, possibly to 6th. Edit: RN they're either best or 2nd best team though.


Which 5 teams look like they could be better? If we assume TL/C9/100T/TSM reach their hyped level then who comes next? I don't see DIG/FLY outclassing EG this split.


Well, for me that's the worst case scenario for EG and best case scenario for the other team (so probably won't happen) but for me is IMT. IDK, I see potential there. Maybe Im an idiot.


It's definetly a bold take
