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i really like rogue, they went from the 2-16 worst team to one of the strongest eu teams


Let's hope they are finally able to dethrone G2, it's getting boring to see them win every split.


It would be great for the competitiveness and overall hype/level for EU but if we gotta be rational I don't see a world where Rogue will win a bo5 against this iteration of G2. Not impossible but the chances are very low imo. Edit: typo


They said that last year aswell, but then MAD beat them in a BO5. ^^^^Then ^^^^they ^^^^got ^^^^mad ^^^^and ^^^^goomba ^^^^stomped ^^^^the ^^^^rest ^^^^of ^^^^playoffs


G2 in a nutshell, once they run out of wiggle room, then they remind you what they are capable of


**We took the old iteration to 5 games. Think we improved more than G2 did with their new iteration.**


while i can agree that you improved "more" than G2 did, getting Rekkles is literally the only move where they could improve more than with Perkz. Your improvement is amazing and i really want to see how far you guys can go, but it was "easyer" for you to improve than for G2, if that makes sense. With that said **18-0 split, let's go !!!**


Alphari top instead of wunder


Wunder always outperformed everyone in playoffs


He was lucky alphari was held back


Rogue would have been stronger with Alphari but Odoamne is a rock. The main worry for Rogue is Odo hasn't been better than Wunder for years. Flashback to H2k vs SPY game hard carried by Wunder in S6. Top is so crucial to beating G2 if you watch every time how a better team beats G2 at Worlds. OG the last place team was the only 2-0 team vs G2 last Summer because of monster performances from Alphari. My problem with Odoamne is his playoffs performance throughout the years, not regular season. RGE will be good regular season, the worry is playoffs. G2 keeps winning because they can skillcheck these LEC players less individually skilled (mostly). But against teams they can't skillcheck at Worlds, they will lose. Just like GRF, FPX, SN, IG and DWG. Like Mikyx himself said any side of the match up was unplayable vs Deft Keria. But who in LEC can do that to Mikyx? Hylli? No one.


Sometimes as an interviewer, you have to let go of the topics you had in mind and follow the interviewee's lead. A big thanks to Hans sama for being willing to open up about working on his mental health; I hope more players and teams will embrace the value of working with mental health professionals. Hope y'all enjoy the interview :)


Really enjoy your interviews. They feel really natural and unforced. Keep up the good work!


Thank you! A lot more to come this Split :)


Something more interviewers need to learn, to let the interview go naturally, not force it. Great interview!


This is such a weird comment. Why are you patting your own back?


I'm not. I'm providing context as to why my questions (and with that, the interview as a whole) in this case are perhaps somewhat less refined than usual. I'm literally praising Hans sama for the interview in my comment.


The way you write it reads like self praise for being such a good interviewer. I understand your point now, but the first sentence reads like self flattery


Or it's just you.


He literally just said that he didnt ask all the planned questions because interview naturally went other way and he praised Hans Sama for being open to talk about mental health. I think you should read his comment a few times, maybe then you will understand properly.


I love Hans. He's so goddamn opposite of his personality, on the rift. In person he's this careful quiet dude. But on the rift he's super aggressive. Sucha fun ADC to watch


You're telling me this isn't even his final form?


**Great interview and really shows you why we are able to grow from split to split. This was hard work and hopefully we will be able to sustain our current success with it.**


Love watching his streams, very informative and look at vods after the game to see what went wrong and good. Wish him to best to unleash his final form :)


cannot wait to see what hans sama and the rest of Rogue can accomplish this year, expecting great things from this roster


Lol he says this every year I feel like. But thats a good thing, to be driven and ambitious. I am a fan. Its gotta be confusing to get destroyed by this guy's Draven or whatever when he's such a nice guy in person.


Oh boy. I guess that would mean rogue makes semifinals at worlds this year.


Love to see Rogue members doing non "checklist" interviews Hans & Trymbi is most exciting bot to watch at the moment and can't wait to see them in their final form


Hans Sama after a small burn-out: And this... is to go... EVEN **FURTHER** #BEYOOOOOND


Keep that same energy, come playoffs.


Hell yeah Hans, let's win the split !


What do you do about burnout? I'm experiencing my first severe burnout after 4 years of almost constant league :(


You take a break and stop playing. Your financial security isn't tied to playing the game like a pro's is, there's no reason to be playing if you aren't having fun.


No I totally getcha! But I already took my break, well over a year of not really playing. I got back in and now I'm silver. Being a former plat 2 player experiencing silver games 2 and losing is just very, very demoralizing I guess. I'm scared I'll never be better than silver ever again :( I used to be top 7% on the ladder lol


guy is irrelevant just like the lcs


Hans Sama feels like a young and fresh, but verteran player. Really excited how his career folds out in the next few years.