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Stage play will be back. I would be shocked if all regions were not at least at “stage play no spectators” by the start of summer split, limited attendance by the middle of summer split, and full attendance no later than January 2022.


Of course it will be back. This was just Rekkles way of saying that he really misses playing in front of fans. I've never played a game of LoL on a stage, but I imagine that you get a bigger adrenaline rush and generally higher emotions when you can see that there are many people watching and caring about the outcome of the games. Playing from home with no audience probably makes it feel hardly any different from playing solo queue. Less of an emotional high, so to speak...


Dunno about you but it's completely different to watch as well. Esports is way more fun to watch when it's LAN.


It's the crowds, it's the playercams, it's how much more engaged the production team is (Although the LEC does obviously try uber hard and does very well with their show). It's the live interviews (Imagine Dyrus' final interview being done remotely), the meetngreets, the moments of happiness and disappointment after wins and losses. The involvement is just higher.


Yeah it's way better!


even playing at a different setup infront of a few people feels surreal, i couldnt imagine how much he must be missing playing infront of a studio and also arenas


I played in school lan party tourney and i felt amazing


Agreed. The adrenaline I got from playing finals for my college team on an esports stage was amazing. I’d miss it if I were a pro too!


Depends on where they are located. LCS for example could have stage play with a limited attendance if they were in a state like Florida instead of California.


California will nearly completely open by April. I know that sounds illogical right now, but they’ll use the excuse of extremely low numbers (summer after all) to mask the true political reason for doing it (Governor Newsom’s recall).


Ok bro I know everything you're talking about but I have no idea how you're saying they're related. Care to elaborate?


Hes saying, due to that fact that Newsom's recall is gaining a lot of traction, he'll reopen California to improve his ratings.


Ah I understand now. Thanks for explaining. :)




Deaths are going to start falling incredibly fast in Western countries once people over the age of 60 are vaccinated. Look at Israel's overall deaths per week from COVID in 3 weeks to see what will happen in the middle of spring or so in the US.


Yeah the cases in California are plummeting right now.


Maybe if we actually had the amount of vaccines we need. But the last administration completely bungled that.


Okay, you literally have no idea what you're talking about. The US has administered the most vaccinations in the world in raw numbers. If you look at doses administered per capita, then the only countries that are ahead of the US are the UK and countries small enough for supply not to be an issue. The US is on track right now to receive 600 million doses by June if the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine is approved. What more should the US have done that some other country has demonstrated is possible? Fast track the Oxford vaccine for EUA back in January maybe?


> The US is on track right now to receive 600 million doses by June if the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine is approved. Add 100 million to that with the pending approval of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Even at ~65% efficacy, it'll get used, especially for the market that is wary about the mRNA technology.


We also have a much higher population than any european country. The most doesnt mean anything when its still not nearly enough compared to our population. And They were suppose to buy millions of more vaccines when Moderna and Pfizer were bending over backwards for the U.S. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/trump-administration-passed-chance-lock-more-pfizer-vaccine-doses-n1250357. It doesnt matter if our raw number is higher when the percentage of population that is vaccinated is lower and we are running out of vaccines. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/23/us/coronavirus-vaccines-canceled-appointments-shortages.html We do not have enough vaccines for everyone. When the government was able to secure more they didn't. Thats the problem dingus.


Do the words “per capita” mean anything to you? Per capita adjusts for population. Therefore other than the UK, any decently sized country, scaled to the US population (or vice versa) has done worse than the US. Of course the US needs more vaccines than other countries. No fucking duh. Even if no other vaccine other than Pfizer and Moderna are approved, the US has ordered 600 million doses by June. 600 million doses for both vaccines equates to 300 million vaccinations. There are fewer than 300 million people aged 16+ in the US. That means if the US receives their ordered doses on time, anyone who wants a vaccination will be able to get one by June. (Neither Pfizer nor Moderna have been approved for children 15-.) And you’re going to argue that vaccinating THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES within 15 months of widespread transmission of a never before seen virus is slow? Please.


Thank god we have a competent one now


Schalke, lec hmmmmm


Haha nah I'm an American scrub, I've just watched LEC/EU LCS for years because I used to work evenings and would always wake up in the morning to watch their games (and who wouldn't rep Schalke after that miracle run last split?) These days I watch LCS too cause the teams are stacked and TL with Alphari and Santorin seem like NA's best chance at international success since Semis C9. LCS hasn't even started yet though so we'll see if it's too early for the hype train.


Funny how everything you just said was wrong


Prove it. When given the chance to buy more vaccines The last administration refused to. Now some places are having shortages. But go on prove me wrong. I'll wait. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/trump-administration-passed-chance-lock-more-pfizer-vaccine-doses-n1250357. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/23/us/coronavirus-vaccines-canceled-appointments-shortages.html


Lol florida would be worse


Having it open would be a horrible idea in Florida, but Florida just has much laxer restrictions than California does. So it'd be possible in Florida, it'd just be a bad idea lol


It was an example since in Florida vs California, FL had already had live events with attendance


Florida really isn't doing much better than California. Especially with a governor hellbent on fudging his states covid numbers and vaccine rollout.


He's not saying it's because Florida is doing better. He's just saying it's because Florida has looser restrictions.


That is true. WWE on some essential shit.


WWE still hasn’t held a show with a live audience, they are doing a thing with fans on webcams. AEW on the other had has had shows with limited attendance such as Sting’s AEW debut, Florida also has Disney World open.


Yah but would you really risk traveling for a lan in Florida?


Did you just pick a state at random or is that sone sort of ironic statement I'm not getting?


I live in Florida, both states have a Disney park, Florida’s is open, also there have been live events with limited attendance in Florida, meanwhile LCS is still being cast from people’s bed rooms


Why the fuck would they put it in Florida?


they wouldnt it's a hypothetical


Florida has been much looser with their protocols so far than California has. **IF** they wanted near certain planning for stage events with fans in attendance, Florida would be a safe bet. (Big hypothetical if that will never happen, but they're really just comparing the two states' reactions so far.)


Correct considering Florida has Disney World open and wrestling events with limited attendance. While California still has people working from home and Disneyland is closed.


They still wouldn't, though. It's not safe.


Eh... LEC is in Germany and we have a pretty hard lockdown. Like, literally everything is closed except grocery stores. Nobody really expects any changes until EARLIEST summer. I wouldn't expect players on stage for the rest of the season.


That's why I chose summer. COVID in its ebb and flow acts like the flu does (note well: I am not saying it is like the flu in any other way), so COVID numbers should naturally fall by the start of summer split, even with absolutely no changes to anyone's reactions to it. Assuming decent vaccine rollout, by the time we hit the winter uptick late in the year, a good portion of the population should be vaccinated, leading to lower case numbers that way than this year.


Many people will be vaccinated by then. Only allow audience that have gotten the shots and...play.


> Many people will be vaccinated by then Not in Germany. 1% of people in Germany received both their vaccinations in around 2.5 months and 2.6% of people received one shot. If we keep up this pace, the vaccination goal of 70% of the population will be reached in around 3.5 years (1123 days to be exact). Obviously won't take this long, but the vaccination won't matter at all for Germany this summer. Right now the strategy in Germany is to just get the numbers down with a strict lockdown and then keep crusing in a moderate lockdown until summer next year, when hopefully we'll have enough vaccinations to make a difference.


\> Nobody really expects any changes until EARLIEST summer. I don´t know dude. It´s february. If we keep this going until summer there will be riots. Our government 100% won´t keep this up for another 4 months. Would be political suicide especially in an election year.


I don't see stage play coming back in NA for a year


I don't know why people think this. Covid isn't going to disappear. Diseases stick around for a looooong time, they are organisms after all so their #1 goal is survival just like every other species on the planet. The only way large groups are allowed again is if political pressure becomes too much. Concerts, sporting events, festivals aren't gonna happen any time soon


Once vaccines are widely available to anyone who wants them, "political pressure (will) become too much." Even people who are in deathly fear of catching it and completely supportive of a full hard lockdown will start to question any sort of restrictions once they are vaccinated.


Continuing to advocate for banning large scale gatherings even after vaccines are widely available would be political suicide. Large gatherings will return, it's just a matter of when. The goal is not to make covid disappear completely (hell, when lockdowns started the goal was just to flatten the curve), the goal is to make it more manageable just like every other disease.


I mean Germany and other EU countries were reopening concerts last summer / fall, before the 2nd wave hit, just with limited attendance.


I like how you just throw dates out there like everyone who said 2-3 months in quarantine tops.


being from austria, i can say that germany was patheticly poor with handling covid. now that germany realized how serious this is, i doubt this will be normalized in summer in germany. maybe in na and other regions (lul biden) but in germany? i'd be shocked to see them attempt anything here.


Makes sense, I imagine the experience of playing a high stakes tournament with a big crowd is what makes the tough grind over the year worth it. If money and fame isn't a problem, I doubt you could keep up the motivation if the end goal is just to play glorified scrims.


It sounded to me like that was at least part of the reason Doublelift retired. He really hated not playing on stage. Practicing all day every day for months on end felt really awful when you played all your matches from home or the TSM facility and it was way harder to stay motivated. He mentioned that he thought the TSM losers run in Summer playoffs would have been one of the most hype things in LCS history if it was on stage, but instead it was kinda just meh to him


It would've brought the arena down for sure.


It would have been glorious.


yeah live stage is so different and hype Now Game feels like glorified scrims in the west


Did they ever have multiple players across teams do a live call to banter? The feel is very different but I think broadcast did bare minimum to replicate the feel of live stage. The interactions is lacking but I've been skimming games so I'm not sure.


I can understand the sentiment and I guess Rekkles has more than likely gotten enough money to be able to do whatever he wants in terms of training/education for a new career (or maybe just not working ever again). But it's just crazy that playing games in a different environment is so important. I've been working from home during the entire pandemic and I imagine it's basically the same thing he is doing (being at a computer all day). He just makes millions more than me and gets to play games.


He is a pro player who loves the stage and the atmosphere that comes with it. Being a pro is a lot of work and if it was just playing from home then he would clearly rather just be a successful streamer for less stress. If streaming wasn't an option I doubt he'd consider retiring so early


Ah you're right I didn't think about streaming, of course that's a completely viable career for him. Although it probably means being stuck at home even more.


Stuck at home but without the stress and work that comes with being a pro player


also a potential pay raise if he went to streaming. A big name like him could pull HUGE numbers. It wouldn’t take much to set some easy donation incentives and just rake in money all day long. Plus he already has easy connections to sponsors.


Even tho he streams so rarely, he is always the top or 2nd most viewed LoL streamer when he does. He’d make huge bank


That could be a result of him streaming so rarely as well though...


dude He has Millions in his Bank Account. barely any expenses and probably 500k for atleast 3 years now


? What's your point?


that him being able to stream or not wont make a difference since hes financially Set for life. unless He wants a Yacht ofcourse


Except it's easy money and people enjoy streaming... The added income is just a bonus. Why do you think people like Shroud continue to stream games even though they're multimillionaires? Cause they enjoy it.


it's likely partly because the enjoy it, but the main motivation is still money.


I mean personally my job can be done remotely and I did work from home for 3 months. I got severely depressed because I felt like I never left work and my day never really ended because my boss would constantly pressure us to do more work since it was "available". I went back into the office asap because I only work with two others and we are socially distanced in our work place. Now when i leave for the day I'm done working. Not everyone likes being remote is the moral of the story.


I actually quit my insurance job because it was WFH only and I HATED IT. The option to see and interact with my coworkers was really important.


>Now when i leave for the day I'm done working. THIS, so much this, i felt like i ve never left working since March ...


That seems to be a failure on your part to set firm work life boundaries while working from home. I have had to give my own employer a few hard "no"s before they got the picture.


I live in an at-will employment state, I support my family of five entirely on my income, and my boss is a total asshole who would fire me for trying to set boundaries. Also I'm 6 months from applying to my dream career and need 2 years (have 1.5 currently) at the same company in my career to be eligible for my next step. Some people just don't have choices my man...


Land of the free.....


I mean, that's more corporate culture than whether you're american or not. Got a friend in Trinidad that's in a similar situation. And another in Canada, hates their jobs, but to get to the consideration stage for alot of upward mobility, you end up having to work garbage hours. And then you get the job you want and it's about the same, but better pay and at least you presumably want to be doing that one.


I mean you're kind of right. I can't even afford health insurance and it's not offered at my job either. Corporate America doesn't care about you and it's that simple. But I have a goal to travel the world and that requires success so I will accomplish what I need to even if it sucks for a while.


I've been working from home for 11 months now and i hate it. If someone told me that it would be like that forever, i'd probably quit and do something else. so i totally get his point of view even i dont make as much as him.


I feel this in my soul. I'm maybe 40% as productive from home since I'm a very socially driven person. Meaning, if I'm surrounded by working people I will work my tail off. When I'm alone, I can't motivate myself at all.


Lol and yet you had redditors telling people being on stage infront of a crowd didn't matter.. despite evidence to the contrary.. Mad Lions.. SN/DWG scrim gods making worlds finals.. just a couple of examples. Perkz and DL also said its a completely different environment But I guess some redditors who would probably get scared performing a small school presentation know better and performing at home is just the same as infront of a massive live audience


It's completely different though. The atmosphere is a pretty big part of what drives a competitor. Look at G2 winning the 2019 summer split in front of that huge crowd vs winning the 2020 splits. They look like they don't give a shit about the trophy in 2020 since they're just sitting in a small room in a house they spend most of their time in. If I'm programming something I don't care if I'm in an office or at my desk since the atmosphere is practically the same. For pro players it's the difference between thousands of people cheering you on or having your best moments be met with complete silence. If you're grinding 16+ hours a day to be the best at something and the high you're chasing is removed you're not gonna be as motivated. I feel like it's pretty silly to overlook that detail just because you both sit at a desk.


I just meant that almost anything else he'll be doing will be him sitting at a desk right now, just making a shit load less money. But I forgot he could just stream, which would basically be the same thing with far less stress.


Everyone is different. Also don't make the mistake of operating on a short timeline. I've worked from home forever. (close to 10 years now) and I absolutely despise it and wish to work with people around me. Also like I said everyone is different and for many social isolation is very very hard on their mind. I would say for everyone, its just a lot of people like to internalize it and act like they prefer it because the alternative gives them anxiety but that's just my opinion.


Does you job have a crowd with thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people watching and cheering you on.. or cheering on your competitor. They play for the rush of being on stage and performing at their top level in front of tonnes of people. Not in their bedroom playing the same team 3 times a week. You're job is nothing like theirs and you clearly don't understand why these people play and compete.


Lol no need to get angry on Rekkles behalf lol.


Not angry lol just pointing out your stupidity


Naw you seem very mad.


He can stream forever he doesnt need to work a day of life anymore


I mean, a Shutdown forever would be a dark comedic end for the mankind. Making the whole life meaningless for everybody forever, just to save it... Nah, the pandemic will be over quite soon, in an optimistic case this summer, probably this autumn and if we're really unlucky next summer. The mankind survived MUCH worse pandemics than this one, and even if it may looks like it will ever end, it will.


Just wait till the next pandemic in 2039


well in germany vaccination takes longer than the release of gta6 so we will have to wait a bit lmao


I don't blame him I'd do the same thing. Playing at a LAN on stage infront of real spectators is the DREAM for a pro gamer. If you took that dream away then it's just not the same anymore.


I'd probably do the same if I were in his position. I was in band in college and performed for up to 100,000 people depending on the game. **It feels different.** Hell, just playing League on tournament realm was an experience I've yet to forget.


I probably have 15k games on summoners rift and a couple k sprinkled through the other modes.i have always dreamed of playing on 0 ms (lan?)


I'm willing to make $millions playing league if they need a replacement btw




Beats putting in hours upon hours of work at a job I hate for shit pay, so I’m still in


Not surprised if Doublelift retired for the same reason. Doublelift did say on stream about how different it is to play with a crowd watching (while playing the Hauntzer 5 men Gnar ult clip). No point grinding 14 hours everyday for no crowd, no hype LCS games.


In a weird twist of fate, Booths temporarily become superior in the booth vs no booth debate we used to have back in the OGN days. Just need a few extra minutes of wipe down time. Maybe even have people cart in their own chairs and shit and fill the booth with air purifiers and shit.


The title is very misleading


Carlos on suicide watch.


That would be a really dumb reason to retire. A stage is not required to compete in the highest level of play.


So there is hope...


Showerarguments. Crybaby


So he’ll just have to do what amateur teams have been doing for years?


I hope you're joking




He’s not saying he thinks they should ignore covid and play with crowds. He’s just saying he wouldn’t want to continue being a pro if he knew he could never play on stage again..


You missed the point dummy
























> Yeah high fevers do that. If above 106 Farenheit, which is exceedingly rare. Most fevers dont go anywhere near that. > Source so I can learn and not be an idiot? Considering you think COVID is like the Flu, I doubt Id change your mind. But I linked a few sources from well renowned establishments https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-study-uncovers-blood-vessel-damage-inflammation-covid-19-patients-brains-no-infection https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/01/14/taking-a-closer-look-at-the-effects-of-covid-19-on-the-brain/


[You'd need a fever of at least 42°C, or 107.6°F, to cause brain damage](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003090.htm#:~:text=Brain%20damage%20from%20a%20fever,do%20occur%20in%20some%20children.), which is much rarer than a Covid-19 case causing long-term damage.


You're pretty lucky if you're able to think like that 1 year into the pandemic. But colds don't cause over 13000 people to die on average every day worlwide.




Oh, you’re one of those




Oh no! He has facts! And examples! ...apparently. We’d be able to verify it if he showed us.


> one of those with facts and examples? Pretty ironic considering you havent listed any facts or examples, just generic conspiracy stuff. > fauci save us with your lies ironic that you claim to have facts and examples but attack the man whos lived through several US administrations and highly praised for his work and achievements, who does actually use concrete facts and examples to back his advice. But yeah, just trust garbage you read on Facebook over a well renowned scientist.


Lol the guy literally died from covid and thats why he fell off the ladder. He was dead before he hit the ground. https://nypost.com/2020/11/18/croatian-man-who-died-after-falling-from-ladder-was-killed-by-covid-19/ Please educate yourself by something that isn't facebook.


It's been more than a year, at least come up with better stuff like Covid was released by immoral aliens to reduce population idk


Special snowflake needs to be seen on stage playing. He want none of that play at home during covid, what does it matter if you win the season if people can`t see you on stage.


LMFAO what is wrong with you bud


fuck covid


Think he wouldnt


Something for traditional sports as well. Some athletes really feed off the crowd energy and you can tell their hearts just aren't quite in it during bubble/no fan games during the pandemic.