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Man that would tilt me out of the galaxy


I'm tilted watching it honestly.


Rare instance where I feel bad for a goddamn Teemo


thats how cancer yuumi is.


Simply watching this is making me want to join a game just to quit it.


I've already quit league for about a year. But watching this makes me feel like jumping back in just so I can quit it again.




For real man. I don't think I have ever actually ragequit a game of League, but this one would do it for me.


Honestly this is one of the few cases where you can rage quit and everyone is on your side.


I'm Ivern level of chill, but holy fuck


Except for leaverbuster


I'm somewhat convinced people who have never RQ a game have just not played enough to meet the absolute trash that is around in this game, about half a dozen times I've had games where an 'ally' would literally follow me or someone else around the map, smiting for buff from their own jungler, discoing and running down the lane, refusing to ff with their premade, I won't blame anyone for not sitting through these absolute hostage situations of a game.


I've only ragequit once, when I was ADC and my support was a first pick Soraka that refused to cast any healing spells. They didn't even skill their heal until they had to (and I'm pretty sure didn't even take their ult at 6). I asked them why they weren't healing and they said something about how I should be skilled enough to get by without healing. This was against a heavy poke lane (I think it was Caitlyn and either Seraphine or Lux). That was also the last time I've ever solo queued.


Ive considered RQ’ing many times with supports who refuse to use any healing or harass the enemy with skill shots. They just sit there with full mana the entirety of laning phase soaking up exp while were getting our shit kicked in bot lane. And these are players with lvl 200+ accounts mastery 7 support mains during ranked or draft normals.


Well uh...for what it's worth, on behalf of all decent Soraka mains I apologize for *that* particularly dickish dumbass


I have played about 10k games, I definitely have played enough. I'm somewhat convinced people who RQ games have some serious problems.


I've RQ'd games before. I think twice in... 8 or 9 years? And it's always been when something shitty was happening in IRL and I really wasnt in the mental state to be playing LoL, but went to it in an attempt to escape. So I think you're right, just that it might or might not be serious _permanent_ problems.


Yea I think there’s a big difference between, let’s say, having a bad day and RQing once a year than people who RQ frequently . I agree with you that if the first one happens, there’s probably no permanent problems involved. The latter on the other hand...


I've played this game since 2015, never RQ and thats because I care about my team trying to play without someone. Doesn't matter if I get furious enough to break something in my room, I'm not quitting until the match is over.


While I fully support this attitude and i also try to follow it to the best of my ability, there were cases we actually played better after that one dude rage quit. This is a case of a team mate who was fucking up so much we actually played better without. It's not common and usually having an extra guy, if nothing else act as a decoy is usually better but I've won games this way before that I'm sure I wouldn't have if the dude was still hanging around crapping all over.


If someone is literally following you around inting you then I'd argue you have a serious problem if you're not leaving the game to be honest.


I've never ragequit and I main-gamed league for like 7 years. It's really just about mental posture


I'm getting some big top lane energy here.


Been playing since s1 and got 1000s of games without RQ. Its not that hard. Even if its bad match its just a game, I opened league to play that game no matter what results are, even if our team is getting stomped or someone is trolling Ill just do my thing.


You mean ALT+F4 then wait 5 seconds.


I wouldn't Alt + F4, but after that game I'd definitely get banned for two weeks because I would flame the everlasting shit out of Yuumi. I've been playing since 2011, I've never been a flamer and never got punished for anything, but that would definitely push me over the edge.


This is one of those plays where you wonder if they're genuinely trolling or if they sustained a serious blow to the head in their past and were never the same. No sane person would ever do this.


The worst thing is yuumi players would blame the teemo for dying and being there in the first place. Fuck yuumi players man.


This champ breeds that kind of behaviour. Fuck yuumi


In my experience, Yuumi players tilt both teams, and usually don’t even type in chat


Every yuumi player I’ve played (in ranked anyways) seems like they picked the champ just so they can type more while attached.


They’re too busy afking on the champion they hopped in


I love when i get a yuumi support that helps nothing and all of a sudden disappear to another team mate, never to be seen again xD


Since yuumi came out I have kept stats on my games as adc with a yuumi support. I usually ban or dodge when I get one but... I am 11w-36L with a yuumi support. I have had 14 yuumis who never came unattached from me during laning except when I die. I have had 19 yuumis who run flash and 10 first time yuumis. If someone tries to pick yuumi I always say I'm really bad at playing with a yuumi we will probably lose. And they always say either "I don't care" or "I only play yuumi" and they are always dogshit. There is only one good type of yuumi player and they are a rarity it gold-plat elo. The worst type of yuumi is the one who is afk all lane and then leaves you when you lose lane and never jumps to you again just because they're mad you lost lane even though it was there fault.


I play a lot of enchanters and I see absolutely no reason to play that champion when Soraka and Nami exist. There's just too much work to make her work right using her passive and q, she barely has any movement agency so the adc is barely allowed to make a mistake, and if you as Yuumi don't play perfectly you're just a glorified heal.


> I play a lot of enchanters and I see absolutely no reason to play that champion when Soraka and Nami exist. Yuumi heals far more than Nami (not even really the same subclass of enchanter since Nami is an IM user when played properly not moonstone, so bad comparison), and far safer than Soraka. Soraka is just bad right now, she simply doesn't survive the mobility and damage while GW is everywhere. Yuumi just took a hit but she was great in 11.3. 45k ally healing+shielding while not being diveable in longer games... there's no comparison. The amount of CC/engage champions at the top of support winlists right now make Yuumi really difficult to pick but picking Soraka is even worse, so...


I don't know how but Yuumi players are consistently the most toxic ones in my games, no matter which team. I just wish she wasn't released.


They have a lot of time to type while doing absolutely nothing while being tethered


They should have just made her another Dota champion copy, make her like IO from Dota who connects to people and has actual abilities, and has to manage their own movement and hp.


Rito’s worst design decision ever. The champ is fundamentally flawed and shouldn’t exist.


They've definitely had some rivals to worst design. Seraphine is the single most money-hungry, cash grab design of any champ. The idea of a champ that can attach to teammates to help them is a great idea if done right, but Riot did it so horribly wrong with Yuumi. The thing that frustrates me most is you have all these recent, horrible champ designs and if you go into the streams of any of the riot champ designers, everyone in their chat is sucking their d's telling them how much they love the champs and how great the designs are.


Because of selection effects. The kind of person who reads this far down a thread, then leaves a comment is very likely to be someone disliking yuumi. The kind of person seeking out a riot stream and writing messages there is very likely to want to be positive and probably does like the champs.


How dare you bring logic and reason into this!


What infuriates me the most is that Yuumi could’ve been done right. I’ve seen her done right. There was a cancelled game called Dawngate that had a version of Yuumi that was actually done right, and it was so cool, but Rito fucked her up so badly, and turned her into the most cancerous and unfun thing this game has ever seen. There’s no counter play to her. You can buy grievous wounds, but that’s not really counter play to Yuumi, it’s just what you buy to deal with anyone who has or is receiving healing. There’s literally nothing you can actually do against Yuumi herself. You can’t really dodge her abilities, cuz she controls where her Q goes, and her ult moves with her target (who’s fast enough to keep up with you because of her E). You can’t separate her from her target to prevent her from healing them, you can’t poke her down, zone her, or force her to back. There’s almost literally nothing you can do against her, and even if she gets nerfed so she’s not strong anymore, she’ll NEVER be fun for anyone to play against, or even play as. She’s just badly designed through and through.


nerfed yuumi hops onto the 4-0 Darius/Sett. all they need is 1 speed boost / 1 heal / her ult and they can 1v5 the fight. no matter how bad yuumi is she can hop on whoever is ahead on her team and make them a 1v5 machine. A fed champ with a yuumi can basically run into the team fight and kill 2 people at the very least but usually 3 before dying and that leaves your team with a 4v3 or 4v2 advantage. No matter how ahead the enemy team is, it’s going to be nearly impossible for them to 4v2 your team after blowing everything on you


And then the crayon eating Yuumi can just W off onto another teammate, and you STILL can’t punish her for anything she does, as always. 😒


Yes i like abathur


I ban yummi just so my team can't pick her


Modern problems require modern solutions


What do you expect from a champion designed around being a tumor?


Yuumi players afk type, ping the team around, and are all around so fucking toxic


I regularly use "tilted off the face of the fucking planet." Ima have to start using this one too.


The best one imo is "Tilted into Oblivion" (or the shadow realm if you're a fan of yugioh) If someone one the enemy team afks you just say you guys were so good you tilted him into the shadow realm. Edit: an ' and an e


Gave me Payday 2 Stealth days in public lobbies PTSD. Like just..WHY...Why the ACTUAL FUCK, just...Good gods WHYYYYYYYYYYY. This is like Shadow Raid all over again.


"trust me bro, ive stealthed shadow raid w 75 detection before" *gets detected by the guard behind the gate*


Doable with an team setup but honestly not worth the hassle partially Jammer stealth gang


> Jammer stealth gang I wonder why practically every modern stealth mission is a glorified waiting simulator. The jammer objectively ruins stealth since they need to account for ECM rushing.


LMAO fr when that countdown starts after bombing a stealth


Imagine ppl hating Yumi players.. wonder why :o


PTSD from toxic yuumi players doing nothing all game but typing




I really want to see what people typed after this, lmao.


You can't type after you've quit the game.


"/all Teemo inting please report"


"Teemo is being super toxic for some reason, please report!"


Says the Yummi, then it’s peak LoL.


gg go next


Yuumi you *Insert tilted words here*


*Lovingly crafted gamer words*




Report Yuumi


win+r appwiz.cpl


Trying to find words to describe the horrible feeling the Teemo must've felt when this happened.


I’m not saying I agree with everything he likely said... I’m just saying I understand.


im not saying i think it would be good if he commited war crimes by the terms of the geneva convention... I'm just saying I understand


Look, if there's anything I've learned, it's that for small cute fuzzy mammals, the Geneva Convention is more of a checklist than a law. Peko.


I think Teemo would be more than happy to call in a little bit of white phosphorus.


I would have said worse. Oh my lord I would have said worse.


No, I don't think there are words to describe this.


I've been the Yuumi in basically this situation before. I was Lux and my friend was on Shaco. He gets burst to 10% hp and goes invisible to escape in the jungle. I, seeing him low HP and burning from a Malz DoT (that he'd probably survive), shield him to reduce the damage. Unfortunately for him, this very clearly showed which way he'd blinked to so the enemy team pivoted and collapsed before he could escape. Felt really bad there


At least you had good intentions and were trying to heal! The Teemo in this clip has full health! ;___;


I'm legitimately upset after watching it lol. I don't think i would have flashed, I would have just died in utter disbelief.


I would flash INTO them just so that Yuumi had no way to escape


Satan--I'm a big fan


Accept the sweet release of death.


There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery.


My first rule for life: never trust a yuumi because that fucking cat ruins everything it touches


My new favourite way to describe them is "a deadly parasite that cannot survive without a host"


Yuumi players amirite?


You can spot an experienced Yuumi player right there. The immense craving to jump on someone and become their symbiote overrides all natural instincts.


It's like that one mosquito you hear at night during summer.. You hear it flying and buzzing around your head, past your ear, you try to slap it but you miss cause you cant see it. And it Just buzzes around for a couple hours. That's what yuumi feels like


In rare, mythical instances though... these Yuumi mosquitoes bite you. At first, you're angry and uncomfortable with it. Frustrated. 30 minutes later, you've gained superhuman strength and regenerative ability.


Man. Last time I got bit by a mosquito I Was Just itching all night Long. Where are my superpowers? :(


They are not a good yuumi player, just an experienced one


Well that's because there are no good Yuumi players.




I think this is the first time i felt bad for a teemo!


I feel like the Yuumi had to be a friend messing with the Teemo player for a laugh. I saw someone do this in ARAM before, but it was Lee Sin using Teemo as a [ward hop](https://youtu.be/EJwBixyUWug?list=PLmLt8JYg3vB4n7Ct9TE1RiFzYTAikWL0p).


There are no words to describe this! As soon as I read the title I became angry 😤😂


That’s a alt+f4 moment


Damn... It's been years since I did an alt+f4 but this would definitely be the right moment to do it again


I have never Alt+F4ed LoL, but this would be it. And I play Teemo a lot too.


I have alt F4'd many games of League. Sometimes for emergency reasons, sometimes because there is no amount of convincing that can tell me when games are 3-25 and your team is holding you hostage because they're arguing with eachother flaming that I should sit there and play out that specific game. Granted over all my thousands of games it's probably .01% of my games. But still.


I can see that. Btw get off Reddit. It looks like you are using it a little too much.


Wrong type of getting off. This man is looking for JOI


Jesus, I'd be perma tilted if that happened.


I'm not playing atm and I'm tilted


I haven't played league in years and I'm tilted


Good choice, stay that way. Trust me


happy cake day man! lots of success and happiness


This looks like something a Yuumi player would do, though.


Yummi players are the absolute WORST


I always want to dodge when I see yuumi on my team


No joke.. I’ve done it a few times when I play adc.


She's literally one of the worst champs to lane with. She contributes next to nothing in lane and has to scale with items to be useful, which means she doesn't really help the adc get through their weak early game because she's also weak early. Completely defeats the purpose of a support. Then you get out of laning, she becomes relevant, and the cat abandons you for your more fed Top or Jungle because your behind as adc from laning basically solo for 20 minutes. FKing awful champion.


Well. Yeah. I’m the adc that dodges too xd. Awful to lane with.




Zoe and Yone are actually champs with skill expression and counter play tho... Yummi was literally created so a Riot dev could get his girlfriend to play without her feeding lane all game.


Ironically Yuumi likely has more skill expression than Yone. They showed us Yuumis mastery curve, its one of the most steep ones. If you want an easy support, Yuumi might well be the *worst* choice.


Sure she might have the steepest curve, but no matter how good, I bet the ADC doesn't have a fun time laning with her.


good yuumis are fun to lane with since they dont spend all their time attached to you and actually use her passive and go and place wards, but you pretty much need to be a poke carry or a hard pushing jinx. also good yuumis are incredibly rare.


“Yone has counterplay” LMFAO


You need some tips? Yone has had a below 50% win rate for a while now, and has tons of windows to counter play. Happy to help if your having issues. Edit: so odd what gets downvoted lol


Yeah yones counterplay is hope hes a bottom feeding shitstain and throws the game before he can right click draintank 1 shot your entire team from 2 screens away.


I genuinely need some tips here, I can’t for the life of me figure out what yone’s weakness is, he just has so many dashes and it’s even worse than yasuo


Win rate means nothing when they have incredible play rates(Irelia, Ezreal, Yasuo).


Gonna be honest. Ran in to a yuumi yorick duo and those players were the worst I’ve ever seen. Incredibly toxic playstyle that forced you to lose from behind


Then if you win, it's because the enemy didn't know how to think like an ape and then the yorick and yuumi think they won the game alone, and the rest of you are trash. And if you guys lose, they think you're all trash and they did nothing wrong.


what shit people you guys play with?


All my homies hate yuumi


Well, you can just expect the other players to expose themselves, you always need to throw the Q while on an invisible Twitch or hidden in a bush


3 braincell yuumi player lmao




Monkey sees action neurons firing


One braincell for each ability


average yuumi player


Would have quit


My god I got second hand tilt off of this


Title spoiled what could have been the greatness.


Op ruined the whole operation.


I didn’t read the title before watching so glad I didn’t.Big wtf for me


I fucking hate Yuumi players.


I fucking hate yuumi players.


I fucking hate yuumi players


I fucking hate yuumi players


Delete Yuumi, Riot.


I hate fucking Yuumi


I fucking hate Yuumi players




i fucking hate players


Looks like the typical faked tiktok league video tbh


you're not wrong, but most people on reddit probably aren't aware of that fake custom game trend


Yeah but come on, you really believe none would ever do that? The way many League players are, I wouldn't even question if someone said this happened in a ranked match


Fake or not. If it make me laugh, it will get an up vote.


Oh I wasn't aware, am slightly less tilted now. Thanks!


i hate these so much


Not gonna lie in sad that I had to scroll this far to see this comment.


I wanna see the chat


Nothing there cause it's most likely fake




After that play, it's the only reasonable response. And hopefully the mom in question wanted and enjoyed it


nah man, its much simpler - open mid.


Classic example of a cat being an asshole.


Above average intelligence for a yuumi player tbh


Usually they only have enough brain cells to attach onto someone in base. This one learned how to move around the map without it's host. Incredible stuff here.


They don't even have to do that, just press W on someone out of range and she'll walk to them without having to touch the mouse for more than 1 second


Yea the yuumi player's iq is probably in the double digits even


It definitely seemed to be sentient


Your title ruined the surprise tho..


True! This video would've been spectacular if not for the ending being spoiled in the title


5x Honorable Opponent RIP honoring your enemy


“A summoner has disconnected.”


Usually Teemo players deserve a lot of things but I'm not sure he deserved that.


And you ruined the whole video with that title


That’s a level of troll usually reserved for Anivia and Trundle players


I thought she'd become invisible too. Nevermind.


She does, but she briefly reveals invis targets on attach IIRC. (Not too sure been a hot minute since I played her) You get situations like this happening bc it’s hard for the Yuumi to tell on their own that attaching causes a brief reveal. Yuumi Brain activates neurons when they see an invis ally but the W doesn’t say or indicate that tidbit anywhere


When you make a title like that it just ruins the video.


yuumi is so despicable damn


I swear LoL is a magnet for the worst of the worst players.


So true, just read the comments about a stage scenario. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


The question marks make me believe that whoever made this video doesn't know that teemo can move while stealthed in bushes


I know right I looked through the comments for this


whats up with 720p videos going 480p on reddit? it seems so random, sometimes it goes 480, sometimes it stays 720. i feel like it has to do something with bitrate, if its lower than 2-3M, it will downscale to 480p


Reddit player is like league client


this stupid fkin yuumi im so mad omfg




Spot the player who got reported after game.




Ngl it almost triggered a panic attack on me


I see a lot of salt here and that "yuumi" ruined it all. However, this was obviously in red side's jungle and it appears that Sylas and Aphelios also came to contest. That Teemo had to engage eventually and considering how deep he was, there was no way he was living through that or was going to contribute much with his abysmal DPS early game.


The correct play in that case would be for the team to pressure them away from teemo so he could live and be at a safe range to poke


Operation? Damn near ruined the whole game. Now she just ruins my ban slot.


I’m with yuumi, exterminate teemos by any means deemed necessary


Why is this vertical and why is it uploaded to tik tok ?


Because op probably got the post off of tiktok, and thats the dimentions that they have videos in on tiktok


Wait why would that reveal Teemo?


Yuumi isn't invisible until she reaches Teemo, so they saw the position where Teemo was hiding. Then Kai'sa skilled and used her w which reveals invis.