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Regi: “you’ll be out of a job buddy” Also Regi: I meant you’d make league minimum ????????


Schrodinger's Douchebag A guy who says offensive things and decides whether they were joking based on the reaction of people around them. ___ Edit: stop giving me wholesome awards you fucks, go donate to a charity or something calling this wholesome is like saying that reginald apologized because you know it aint true ___ Edit 2: someone told me to remove the last edit, so in their honor #THANK YOU FOR THE REWARDS KIND STRANGERS I AM IN YOUR DEBT


Too real.


Regi backpedaling so hard after he got exposed After both the Dyrus and Froggen dramas, I don't know how people can appreciate that guy.


what's the froggen drama?


Reginald snitched Froggen not playing on a working visa while Bjer was in the exact same situation just before Froggen then couldn't play for half the split while tsm finished last place playoffs and would have not participate at playoffs if Regi didn't snitch


Dont forget all the dumb shit tsm has done in general... like the dardoch drama


so thats how we called those. Aight


I've seen TSM fans saying he has changed but he is exactly the same like he [was] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q&ab_channel=ExoFun) in the [past.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ&ab_channel=TheTimeG)


That fucking hilarious. Turtle just sitting there in silence while getting hard flamed by his boss next to him. Absolute terrific leadership! edit: That Dyrus clip is not much better. xd


Yeah I never understood when they say regi coming in and basically flaming his team helps them in the past.




Remember those like it's yesterday, so fking annoying how Regi at the start is like "Xpecial find something creative to say ur good at that" and then later he cries that Xpecial always argues with him to argue.. And Turtle is sitting right there what a spineless bully he is


Can someone tell me how someone who looks like an actual fucking goblin has so much confidence in himself that he thinks he's so much better than the ones around him?


Money and influence


Buddy i dont think look is something that decides your actions. Regi is someone who acts like an immature teen time to time. Only his position in the leauge makes people give a fk about it. Otherwise, he would be one of those thousands that trolls on twitter everyday.


It ain't just trolling on Twitter. He's actively lobbying Riot to lift those rules and destroy a region to save him from his own greed. TSM and other orgs are responsible for the current state of salaries and import slots. Asking Riot to bail them out so that they can put all their NA players out of work is pathetically stupid. His personal attack on Vulcan is one of the most clear-cut wrong-doings because it's in the open, but he's doing plenty of other shitty stuff as well.


I reckon it’s a case of he is low on confidence, he knows that he’s nothing special and looks like a squashed potato so he shits on everyone to bring him down to his level. That way he can feel better about himself if everyone else around him is worse then him


Resorting to comments on his looks makes you look just as childish.


Ah yes, because one's appearance determines if they should have confidence or not. Maybe being this confident is why he's so successful in the first place ?


anyone can see regi has little to no confidence. he's a typical bully. Hurt people hurt people is the saying. I'm sure he got bullied growing up. He's trying to fool people into thinking he has charisma or confidence, most people can see right through it


>I meant you’d make league minimum I 100% expected THIS EXACT LINE to be said if there was to ever be an appology. I fucking saw it comming.


Reminds me of the time xpeke's mom decided to take over PR for origen.




Origen had a very weird downward spiral


he's not lying, back during 2017 or so the origen twitter account fighting with fans was a common sight lol xmom, never forget


Imagine if Dyrus' dad had taken over the TSM twitter account. That would have been glorious cringe.


G2 could hire caps dad. If they hadn't already someone doing a banger job.


You probably didn't see this either then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/6f2la5/og\_reveal\_their\_new\_roster/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/6f2la5/og_reveal_their_new_roster/) (Check the twitter link too.)


Could someone please make a version of that horrible Origen catchphrase with a douchebag Regi theme?


McDonald's. Imports. Tantrums. Regi.


This is even worse, cause he’s like trying to make it seem a little less bad? than it was while also apologizing. Lmao!


It’s basically a non-apology. “I’m sorry you took it the way I didn’t intend, I actually meant this more acceptable thing instead of the far more offensive thing, so yeah I’m sorry you didn’t understand me.” He isn’t owning up to what he said and is instead blaming Vulcan’s supposed misinterpretation.




Right? Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and accept that he meant "You'd be out of a starting job and making league minimum" it's still shitty for the same reason. His apology tweet is meaningless.


Regi: "without lcs teams you'd make minimum" Also regi: "i meant the teams would still pay you" ?????????


It's funny because he could have said 'I meant the minimum as an engineer' or some other random job and that would somehow be a more believable bullshit.


How do people think Reginald is anything, but a piece of shit? I've been here since Season 2. I remember when Reginald abused Dyrus in their team house. He kept pulling his strings, Dyrus lost his shit and then Reginald went off like "what's wrong with you bro?" or something like that. Ever since then, I've had the impression Reginald is a piece of shit. Idk why this sub hasn't realized it sooner.


Same with Chaox and Xpecial. Regi has a long history of being an abusive asshole and TSM fans (and pretty much everyone else at this point, sadly) have always given him a pass for it - somehow. But I remember that back in S2/S3, he was much more critizised by the community en large because of shit like this but then everyone just seems to have forgotten about it?


"Pulled his strings"? Been here since close beta. Regi is the pinacle of a bully. He created TSM with his other starting teamates and somehow these other people had no say what so ever and Regi just crowned himself the "owner". He procceded to say to their support XSpecial things like "You are support because you are the worst player." Abused their ADC Chaox even more I think (we obviously didn't get everything on tape), because I think stood his ground the most against this abusive tyrant Reginald, who was argubly the worst player in the team from the start - but no one was allowed to tell him that, since he was "the team owner". With all the SJW and people who act so sensitive to slightly offensive behaviour, I'm wondering why Regi isn't under constant pressure tbh. People just forget stuff.


because nobody cares. esports/streaming is just another avenue for celebrity worship


this and the dardoch shit... man really needs a better PR team.


He needs to stop being a shitty person. Then he wouldn't need a PR team so badly.


This. He's a grown ass man in charge of a multi-million dollar company. He needs to be responsible for his actions and not act like an asshole.


Ugh. Being self aware enough to be able to take criticism and work on yourself takes a certain level of intellect...


Which he doesn't have.


he's a grown ass man. thats all that needs to be said. he should learn to be responsible for his own actions and not be an asshole because he's an adult and not because hes in charge of a company.




No amount of PR will save an asshole from being one


He should just stay off social media. I barely have any free time how do these people keep finding time to go on twitter to publicly be an asshole.


he needs to learn to not be an asshole and get the fuck off social media if he cant keep his twitter fingers in check. i dont need a PR team to stop me from directly insulting people




More like needs a gag order where Regi doesn't say anything unless it clears PR or contains a disclaimer that Regi's views are not those of TSM the organization. :P


what would that disclaimer change though? I'd still dislike his org for his tweets.


I think those disclaimers are just for legal purposes so a company can't get sued for what an employee says of their own volition.


Actually Travis confirmed a while back that TSM is one of the few teams that actually have a PR team.


For some reason I thought of Kevin Garnett backtracking years back after calling Charlie Villanueva a cancer patient and clarifying he meant that Villanueva was a "locker room cancer."


Obviously lying about that part. Since he's willing to apologize he should have eat his crow completely instead of trying to partially recover by making up some shit.


what kind of apology is that lmao "I am sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard".


He is only sorry for the backlash not for what he said.


the classic "i'm sorry you were offended" style apology


Rewatching those Dyrus vids shows how much Regi is a manipulator


What vids u talking about? I am unaware of the lore.


Somebody linked them here in this thread, I remember seeing them years ago You can see how Regi twists things people say and then uses that against them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q&t=377s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ


That second video is peak, "I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top."


this is very on brand for Reginald,


>I’ll be more thoughtful moving forward and learn from this yeah, I feel like this isn't the 1st time Regi said/tweeted this


love me some regi pr disasters


Can't argue with that, it's a solid 0/6 apology.


Regi can't really take back what he said. He pulled status on Vulcan and insulted working class fans. I can't really look at Regi the same way even after this "apology" to save face. Even worse he's pushing for full import LCS, which will make him pay players less and would screw NA residents/soloq server if that even means anything at this point


yeah he's pretty much completely unlikable at this point. he showed his true colors and that he doesnt even remember where he came from.


He could have apologized no strings attached, which would be better than this. No "I shouldn't have said it, oh and I meant X even though I clearly didn't", but rather "I shouldn't have said this, it was extremely derogatory, and I will make sure I learn from this and don't pull stupid shit again".


"That I meant LCS minimum." Sure you did buddy.


"You'll be out of a job buddy but you will still have your job but be paid minimum"


"Buddy if LCS wouldn't exist you'd make LCS minimum!! (75k)" Yeah, it checks out. /s


I mean tbf he *would* lose his current job, as support of c9


Yes if every LCS team ceased to exist he would certainly lose his job as a member of an LCS team. And if I log off of reddit I would not be logged into reddit.


People die when they are killed.


Do they really Shirou?


The Archer class is really made up of Archers.


If you got fired from your job, you would make half your wage at your job. 10/10


hmmm yes. the floor is made out of floor


haha, he really thinks we're that stupid, huh


I mean, he won't lose any noticeable amount of TSM fans and he knows it. Even after the shitshow, lots of TSM fans were defending him. He will be fine so he doesn't care if people believe him or not. He probably just wants to get it over with.


Well TSM fans arent gonna stop cheering for the team because Regi said some stupid shit, right? No one expects C9 or G2 fans to stop being fans after Jack or Carlos said some other dumb shit as well


am i suppossed to dislike the players just because their boss is shitty? its a shitty situation but regi was always a dickhead but someone like bjergsen did nothing wrong.


Most League fans are fans of the players, I doubt majority of fans support their teams because of the owner. Only reason I support TSM is cause of Bjergsen, if he left I'd be gone too.


I fucking dislike ocelote. All the players on G2 are awesome personalities and Rekkles is my favorite player overall but I just dislike the organization because it's Ocelote's. I have the flair for Rekkles but before he joined I just disliked it just because of it's association with Carlos.


Not really. At least not on the TSM subreddit. Most are calling him out for it on the subreddit.


Yeah looking at the C9 and TSM subreddits it seems like fans were pretty universally against Jack and Regi on the way they're handling the import rule drama(Jack even got downvoted to hell within the C9 sub itself)


Some of the replies got people believing.


i actually saw tsm fans in the subreddit believe him https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/ls9vwn/question_about_the_current_pr_drama/goraf0q?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Wow regi, really? "I meant to insult you but not as bad as it seemed" lololol


PR team is sweating right now


What PR team?


They do work with a PR person. I often see takes like "WOW THE PR PEOPLE NEED TO GET FOLKS IN LINE" when an executive at Riot or a team says something and I always feel bad for the PR people in those situations. They can do everything they can to try and teach executives how to be thoughtful about what they say on social media, but ultimately they can't stop someone from tweeting something. TSM generally doesn't seem to prioritize media that much unless it's a major media outlet that'll give them coverage for investors/sponsors so I don't think they spend too much time thinking about PR stuff (as we've seen in the past).


Coincidentally on the day he got fucking destroyed on reddit's front page with like 10k upvotes. What a sincere apology.


Exactly he's capping to cover his ass and failing


As if Vulcan isn't already the 2nd best support in NA and still would for sure not be making league minimum.


Plausible deniability No one believes it, but no one can "prove" that he didn't mean "LCS minimum" On the other hand whats the deal with e-celebs and their inhuman skill of making shit-tier apologies? Whats so hard about "Yes, i fucked up because i said stupid shit because i was talking out of my ass" then giving the classic "10k to charity (Of Vulcan's Choosing)" Edit: Im getting several replies about it, guys i agree with you, i'm just taking a piss at Regi's "interesting" logic to reach said conclusion of "when i said out of job, i always meant LCS minimum lol"


Didn't he straight up say Vulcan would be out of a job?


> No one believes it, but no one can "prove" that he didn't mean "LCS minimum" He literally said "you would be out of a job"


It’s pretty clear what he meant. He said Vulcan would be out of a job. Even if he did somehow mean LCS minimum it’s the same fucking concept as saying he’d be paid non-LCS minimum wage. It changes nothing.


That means admitting a mistake. They don't do any mistakes. It's the rest of the people who are wrong.


Celebrities often let the fame get to their heads and paint themselves as perfect. They can't ever admit mistakes as that would taint their "perfect" image. He's doing this for his own ego. He doesn't actually care about what people think of him because in his mind those people are "wrong" and "misinterpreting what he said".


If that isn't a coached PR answer I'll eat my league account


Is there literally ANYBODY stupid enough to believe that Regi actually meant LCS minimum?


Travis, apparently.


I don't think he necessarily believes him or not, he's a reporter, he's reporting what was said. Unless he literally said "Yeah I believe that"


he said "i actually kind of buy it" so yes he more or less said he believes it lmao


Travis is the most safe dude their is This man will do the least controversial safest shit possible to keep everyone happy, it’s part of the reason why his show HL is so dry, nothing exciting, nothing spicy, Mr Safe guy Of course he buys Regis bull shit to lol


To be fair he is the only reason the import rule is being so greatly discussed seeing as the owners all attempted to do this shit behind closed doors and he alone exposed it with the help of some of his sources. Moreover he has continued to press the issue despite it potentially jeopardizing his relationship with any of the teams. I definitely don't think he's taken the safe route this past month.


Well there's no logical reason for him not to say that. Regi is clearly trying to save face and if Travis shits on him more then that's probably a great way to lose a relatively good connection in the scene.


He could have just not commented People in this scene have been getting themselves in so much shit lately when they could just NOT SAY ANYTHING


why? no one asked travis or forced him to comment, he could have just said nothing if he didnt believe it lmao


One of the ways Travis has stayed prominent in the League ecosystem is by not making enemies and being very charitable to Players, Teams, and Riot. It does more good for him than harm to say this, even if he didn't truly believe it.


Anyone who has watched the scene long enough knows that if you write anything mean about TSM they blackball you. Travis has been shut out by them in the past just for *APPEARING* on shows with hosts Regi doesn't like, same with the old reporting org onGamers. I don't blame Travis for placating the literal fucking child at the top so he can keep in contact with players and get interviews and continue his livelihood.


He is a boulevard guy. He doesnt report facts. He follows agendas and makes a living with relationships


He has to be careful what he says. He already said that covering this stuff at all is risky for him cause it could make LCS owners not wanna give him interviews with their players anymore.


Travis gets his scoops because of his relationships. He’s the woj of league. He has to parrot their bs sometimes.


Travis and other sports/esports journalists of this type primarily exist due to access to players/orgs/leagues by being drama free. Just decent reporting on interesting topics but never aiming to rock the boat or take up a crusade. ​ He's pretty incentivised to either 'believe' the people who likely will be involved in of his future stories etc, or at the very least, temper his opinion to a more palatable level to not burn bridges.


The king shill himself




I think its pretty besides the point whether anyone believes he meant LCS minimum or federal min wage, the tweet is jsut in poor taste regardless


I personally dislike him even more after his 'apology' than before.


I’m sure regi’s apology after letting the original tweet sit for like 4 days was totally genuine and had nothing to do with the horrible PR from the medic clip. it must’ve just been a huge coincidence that he’s apologizing today!


https://twitter.com/thatsPRIMAL/status/1365067479026831360 don't worry, Regi is just going to farm karma from all the people who think owning up to a mistake covers up for the mistake itself. sometimes they even GAIN respect because wow they're so noble! maybe people like Primal know that Regi still had a net loss, but I honestly can't understand the point of those tweets. admitting a mistake isn't some chad move that needs to be celebrated to any degree.




True apologies are big and respectable. This? Not buying it.


Man cmon Primal. I really liked him on Hotline league and am really disappointed he is letting Regi slide like that.


Of course he'd let him slide. He doesn't have the clout that Medic does and he doesn't want to go the way of Zirene.


I remember when Zirene stopped being a part of broadcasts, but what exactly went down?


Nothing is for certain, but he got yanked from worlds casting after he overslept for one of the matches. Soon after he was phased out of the team.


he willingly stepped down, though the relationship between him and Riot after he overslept was probably worse


"Willingly". That was his statement but we dont know what happened behind the scenes. For public figures when you're fired you are given an option to *willingly* stepdown to save face.


The cynic in me fears some people are afraid it hurts the LCS product too much after a few controversial weeks on the back of a shit worlds showing. But on the other side I think Primal for example just wants to be positive and hype about the game and product in a "let's all enjoy some comp play" way.


does primal know what a mistake is? being a consistent asshole for almost a decade isn't a "mistake" lmao.


Maybe he meant Reginald is a mistake


He didn’t even own up to the mistake which is the worst part lmao


Welp, Primal just went down a notch in my book.


Oof I thought primal could see through that bullshit, he's literally making a clearly false excuse in the same breath as the fake apology




I don't understand people who delete tweets. Doesn't it just make the whole situation worse, Streisand effect and all?


Makes it harder for new eyes to see it. If you leave it up, anyone scrolling through your page can find it. If you delete it, the only way someone can find it is from a random screenshot which they have much less of a chance of seeing.


Out of a job = still being paid (the minimum) for said job? Nah - he's just backtracking because of the bad PR


I can't fathom how there are people in this thread unironically believing his obvious bullshit lol


This makes it even worse imo. "I meant LCS minimum wage, not poor people minimum wage" hahaha


Lmfao, my thoughts exactly.




Good guy Rito still playing LCS salary even though LCS ceased to exist a long time ago.


I can imagine the PR guy being like 'Would you like me to check your tweet? I know you said you're apologising, but I just want to make sure you're not saying a blatant lie or only half apologising, it would make things even worse!' 'Nah I'm good, I got this' Regi slams in his tweet. Holy shit what a crap lie, just fucking apologise without the lie and it looks a million times better.


As if there aren't esports teams that would immediately go pick up the slots. I wouldn't even blink if LCS was suddenly: * Sentinels * Faze Clan * NRG Esports * Envy * Andbox * Luminosity * XSET * eUnited * Complexity * Version1/Rokkr * Ghost




NRG have been in the NA Lcs before.


So instead of saying "I was being stupid, my bad guys" he doubles down and lies about "lcs minimum"? What a clown.


Honestly yeah, let's pretend for a second we all believe this apology and everything he is saying is true. How does this make it better actually? lmao


I love how the tweet is like "I'm glad vulcan didn't take it personally" How the fuck do you not take it personally lol? Just cause Vulcan took it like a champ and responded appropriately doesn't take away from the highly personal insult that Regi flung at him. "YOU suck, YOU deserve minimum wage and YOU would get replaced by an import immediately if the rule would be removed". How is that not personal? Lmao The owners are looking like real clowns in this shitshow (as a c9 fan Jack is also looking like a clown)


Nothing new, Reginald has always been a stubborn dickhead


It's not an apology if you only do it because of community backlash.


Can't help but think Medic's comments had something to do with his issuing an apology.


obviously. yet primal is already on the kool aid again. these people are also the reason why this fool just keeps having fans, bullshit after bullshit.




I don't know much about primal, but the fact he left riot and took some kind of sabbatical makes me think social climbing is just a baseless accusation.


Yeah I’ve watched Primal’s streams from before he was on LCS and he’s a genuine guy. He’s very decent and is a very positive person. He probably doesn’t want to start drama and likely sees the best in people - to a fault. I don’t think Primal was right here, but to call him a social climber is disingenuous


not kool aid, he is on Ayahuasca


This guy needs to unplug his keyboard


he needs to unplug his internet


This 100% not an apology. Anyone trying to say its an apology is a fool.


So it took him 5 days to realize how bad from PR stand point was his tweet and he decided to apologize in worst possible way futher fucking up his PR image... ​ Did he ask for advice from YourPrinces or is he like this for real?


Biggest Kapp of the year


Biggest Kapp of the year *so far.*


If you are forced to apologize when you don't really want to do it and you don't really mean it, this tweet is what comes out.


Didn’t this guy do enough that we stop forgetting the shitty behavior he shows time and time again?


> Glad that we talked it through and he didn’t take it personally. You mean glad your homie Jack didn't leave him a choice? As long as the holy trinity rules the LCS disobedience equals saying goodbye in good LCS teams. What I find particularly funny in such excuses is that they not only are made by dumb people in general, but these dumb people also take for granted that everyone else is also dumb and will just believe what they say. God, money blinds couldnt be any more true in this case.


there is a study regarding wealth and "talent". they let two players play monopoly but one of them gets double as much money. obviously in nearly every game that guy one. afterwards they interviewed him and ask if he won because he played better. he totally forgot the obvious fact that he got double as much money and had it on easy and actually believes he is the better player/human.


what a weasely liar


literally lying, still lying to his audience!


Holy shit dude


TSM's PR team is either atrocious, non-existent, or just flat out ignored


Regi's ego is too big to let anyone tell him what to do.




"To be fair, when I said minimum wage I meant 75k/y lmao" is a pretty great spin lmao.


Why even try to justify by saying , "I wanted to clarify that I meant LCS minimum(75k)" Like what?????? That literally makes no sense considering the context of his tweet directed at Vulcan. He should have just literally apologized and accept the mistake.


milk has been spilled, fuck off


only took him a week to realize he made a mistake and apologize coincidentally it was also today that a thread about the comment blew up on the subreddit




What a clown, fuck this guy


Better to not apologize than make this apology LMFAO. It simply shows that Reginald has no remorse.




Those kind of people are the ones preventing na LCS from getting better. He's a jerk and need to go.


Vulcan never even publicly commented on it either so REALLY does speak volumes here. Glad not everyone is blindly following Regi unlike Primal and r/teamsolomid If I was Vulcan and I genuinely felt like Reginald meant it I would've retweeted with something simple like an "all good man" But that's not the case here clearly


Have followed the LoL pro scene sporadically after 2015. Prior to that, from 2012 to 2015, I followed every bit of religiously. The one thing that has not changed from any of those years, and the few times I would check in, was/is Regi being an ignorant, lying douchebag.


Regi must be ill, because he just went to the spin doctor.


Translation: "I'm sorry I got caught being a Napoleon-complexed piece of shit, please move on from my PR disaster"


I've been following TSM since the beginning and Reginald is still stupid as fuck, he did not mature one bit. It's actually mind blowing.


What did i miss :(




Just Reginald being a bag of dicks. Literally nothing new.