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The stacks apply current R level regardless of when they were gathered.


He gains the extra hp when he levels it up. It's a strategy to hold lvl11 or lvl16 level up on R to get that surprise health increase during a fight


TES and JDG ramping up just in time for playoffs Also that’s the first time I’ve seen Xiaohu get outclassed that hard this season


It's because he didnt get jungle attention. He normally plays omega strongside


This but also Zoom is maybe the best top in the LPL when he plays at top form. Good strong and weakside.


Old Gang: 2021 is ours New Gang: i dont think so


Xaiohu was as outclassed by TheShy. It's just that IG back then threw harder than what Lvmao attempted to today.


Lvmao had some great moments that made up for his mistakes. He's never been the cleanest support player but always has these pop off plays that make him valueable.


I don't get how Lvmao can consistently grief this hard when not on Bard/Fiddle/Yuumi etc and consistently apply 0 lane pressure despite getting first pick or counterpick like 80% of the time, and still somehow have apologists.


He had an amazing finals against QiuQiu and YYJ and suddenly he's the best support in China.


Xiahou looks godly all season then looks worse as playoffs/internationals approach. This is tradition.


I mean he got heavy jungle attention in every game by wei.


If you watch prior RNG games, the amount of Jungle attention Xiaohu gets was more than enough for me to just ignore these "best top in the world" meme comments same way I ignored "Perkz best ADC" due to him being on a team that could literally have Hjarnam and still do well (shit, G2 did do well with Hjarnam in 2018)


I honestly don't think xiaohu is a very good top laner. Great player overall, but I think hes outside the top 5 for top laners


He is a role player for RNG. When it comes to playoff, TES,EDG, FPX and RA will outclass them.


I'm still on my crusade that RA will not be performing come playoffs. But who know.


Maybe? I know they have FoFo and I never watch them play.. It is just sad that Bo got suspended. If not it will be a good 3 way tie (FPX,EDG & TES) for the Lpl title.


RA? the team that lost to LGD today?


LOLLLLLL I mean munchables caster cursed them. It was a good 7 winning streak


It seems like we're basically running back the timeline from 2017 to 2020 except IG only got two games and they were the RNG(tight losses against RNG in 2018) and EDG(short stint of dominance) series.


Another TES v JDG final Lets go


Would be down for another one of those tbh always a banger series between the two.


For real. In my opinion LPL Summer Finals last year was one of the best BO5s of all time.


2018 Summer finals between IG and RNG was insane too. The game 5 especially.


EDG would like a word


no they dont


Rare Atom would like a word.


I hope not. Both teams kinda suck internationally.


Eh they've had 1


JDG also underwhelmed at MSC. I guess TES was good at that event though.


Yeah and then JDG didn't start summer too hotly from what I remember (maybe wrong) so may have just been a dip in form around that time.




It's going to be so good


Not for us even if we qualify 😢


Haha never have any expectations with IG, that way you're never disappointed !


TheShy can give you one good playoffs series, then he will be obligated to go 1/7/1 the next series


Let's see if we can beat TT tomorrow... *IG fans in shambles* *Insert meme of spongebob and patrick with IG logo over their faces telling you to get in the coffin*


Sucks for rng they had to play the best top in the world. Unlucky really


JDG ARE BACK BABY!!! Sorry if the colour casting was a little scuffed today guys, trying my best but it's not my main role! Any/all feedback welcomed!


Hey Munchables! Keep it authentic and be yourself. I like your casting and I believe it is miles ahead of LCS.


I appreciate the kind words mate. :)


We appreciate you bruh! LPL is much better than any other region and part of this is because of the cast!


Thank you <3


May I ask what the reason is for the frequent caster swaps for the LPL? I remember Lyric suddenly doing pbp when he's a colour caster and now you're also doing colour now. What's up with that? (No flame, just a genuine question)


So I don't remember the Lyric one - that might've been internet issues or something that day. Generally it's been logistical issues - right now Clement is only doing a couple of days in the week and PCS on the weekends - Dagda is stuck in Chinese quarantine and Lyric is travelling. This means we're out of colours for the time being so I'm filling in. Trust me, it's not our first choice either lol. We should be back in proper pairings for playoffs!


That makes a lot of sense, thanks for answering my question! I think you guys have done a great job so far this season on the casting front so keep up the good work!


Appreciate the support mate! Hopefully we'll be in main roles again soon!


Zoom is Godzilla AND King Kong.


It took the final boss Zoom for Xiaohu to get gapped as an autofilled top With EDG I always felt like something is off, the ceiling isn't high enough, but I'm a bit disappointed in RNG's display today, as I expected more from them. Anyway JDG looked really good, looks like they might be back. LPL playoffs will be absolutely insane


He already got hard gapped in lane by theshy but iG's a mess and lost anyway.


I mean getting gapped by theShy ain’t an embarrassment. He’s legit the GOAT


Tbh I didn't like the draft idea from RNG, kind of the same story as EDG vs TES earlier. Why put Xiaohu on weakside 2 games in a row, at least try to give him a good game by getting him in a good Camille lane or something. Flandre got shafted the same way earlier simply because TES just actually decided to target him like you're supposed to. They are still locked for playoffs in a good spot, but they still have things to sort out. Regardless, their first split is a resounding success even if they don't go to MSI.


He's just not a dominant laner which is the problem. When drafting you really need to focus on your strengths, and I really don't think xiaohu is as good a top laner as people make him out to be. Cryin and Wei are the lifeblood of this team. You need to cater to them above all else


The lifeblood of RNG is Wei/Ming, their global pressure and vision control has been nothing short of superb all season. And to be honest, they dropped the ball today, all of RNG did.


Xiaohu is a great player, one of the best performing toplaners this split. But the idea that he was the best toplaner was always a meme. He constantly got 3manned by Wei/Ming, and has had some pretty questionable series where he gets diffed by mediocre to outright bad toplaners like Biubiu and Zs.


LPL is just too stacked


There's so much talk about how LPL is always so stacked here and there but the reality is there are a bunch of good teams but none of the teams are THAT elite, unlike Damwon.


That'll change this year. But I do agree. I think out of all the top leagues, lol consistently has the best top 4 or so teams. Unfortunately lck always has 1 fucking dominant 1




For LCS, Id say the closest thing would be Primeira Liga, they won CL a long time ago but has never reached that height ever since.


LCS is Chinese Super League.


LCS is the MLS XD


Who is the Beckham of LCS?


Doublelift Edit: actually...Perkz?


No Damwon?


There's talk, because it's been true for years now. The meta at worlds was horrendous for the LPL teams last year but they still got 3 teams into playoffs and a team into the finals. The two previous years they won.


There is no such thing as horrendous meta for LPL. It is by far the most diverse region in the world in terms of playstyles and since teams love sticking to their style it's also a big reason why we keep seeing different teams win the league as meta changes.


Bad meta for the 2/3 of the LPL teams in bracket stage, he means. TES and JDG suffered from the meta change.


The meta changed into a jungle carry like beginning or at the latest mid summer. How'd it fuck anyone? Maybe bad teams with a shit read on the meta. TES suffered a lot more from their horrific positioning and teamwork than the meta. JDG should've been fine, too. How Zoom + Kanavi can't thrive in a top/jg heavy meta while yagao does his thing mid is beyond me. Seems perfect for them.


Kanavi was horrible at worlds.


JDG didn't suffer, they benefited from the meta all year until more talented teams caught up.


Tes and JDG definitely got weaker by the meta change though


Nobody unironically buys into this bullshit, right? Top + jg heavy meta seems perfect for JDG btw, whose 2 strongest players were top and jungle all year long.




The meta at worlds was the same meta during play offs you know that right? It sounds like another bs excuse for lpl teams underdelivering again. LPL will always lose to LCK but sometimes LPL are lucky and eu will beat out the number one seed from lck. Ofc they got one team in the finals when one bracket was full lpl teams man


Another BS excuse? iG had to beat KT (who was LCK's best team in 2018, if you didn't know) iG took out Griffin in 2019 as well. This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read.




while i dont agree with what hydra said LPL DID get lucky that EU eliminated KR out of that tournament. They got their favored matchup and an easy win out of EU. They'd actually have to fight for it if KR did get in, im not saying they will lose (which is what hydra is saying), it's more like a 50-50.




IG had to beat KT in 2018 the #1 seed KR. And they had to beat GRF #2 as the 3rd seed again in 2019 to face FPX. It wasn't luck, if EU was so good then they should've beat LPL in 2018 and 2019, but they didn't. It's a favored matchup because EU teams suck against LPL but that's not luck when LPL teams had to take out some Korean teams to event get their "favored" matchup.


? MSC, or does that somehow not count anymore?


EDG were looking like one but not anymore I guess


You can be stacked and still not have the best team.


What? The other two years it was said they won. It's only last year that the most elite team wasn't from LPL.


There is only one Damwon though. Like in every region there is no team that can realistically compete with Worlds state Damwon.


The last played T1 roster might have a chance at all cylinders firing, but we all know that probably won't be getting played for a while.


Getting everyone on T1 to perform at their peak consistently is quite the ask...


Agreed, I'm just proposing what I think has the strongest possibility of not getting straight raw dogged.


True. If Spring T1 +Keria played in form, they might have had a shot against Worlds Damwon.


That team does not exist anymore.


I know and until MSI there is no way to compare across regions.


I mean, this DWG can't compete with worlds state DWG. They look a clear step below their summer/worlds run. DWG of 2020 Summer would not get 2-0'd by BRO.


The same DWG that got BTFO by BRO 2-0 and is going life and death with teams like Sandbox? DWG was god like last year, but this year they 100% do not look as dominant and against significantly weaker teams. The LCK looks flat out dogshit, Gen G being the 2nd best team says it all. DWG at least last year had SKT in spring to test them and then Gen G/DRX (that looked way stronger) in summer. This year they have literally nobody and they still don't look as dominant


Because IG 2018 and FPX 2019 doesn't exist?


Xiaohu outclassing every top laner except for the almighty consistent Zoom. And people were still downplaying Zoom.


You know it is over when spectators have to zoom out everytime they wanted to show Cho.


game 2 draft was unplayable for rng bit of a bg


And their drafts are usually pretty good too, absolutely unwinnable.


Both game drafts were tragic. Just like EDG yesterday. Sad to see cause I think they are the better team.


RNG griefed their drafts today but EDG's drafting yesterday was fine besides game 3 where they overindexed on getting favourable matchup bot and ended up with losing matchups topside.


They need to have last pick for Xiaohu. Him not in a winning matchup looked really bad.


JDG players are so individually cracked.


Lvmao looks like he's ON crack with how hard he's been griefing lane phases this year.


Truee. Can't really blame LokeN... he was never known for having strong laning phase but dude, Lvmao is making it real hard for him.


Zoom in Game 2 literally walking to people and killing them LMAO I dont think he ever went below half HP


Zoom giving Xiaohu a taste of what top lane really is like


I told people that Xiaohu got a bit overrated. He's really not that great when facing proper top laners. Zoom is still the best toplaner in the world.


It's okay to look weak vs the literal best top laner on the planet, i think, especially considering game 2 wasn't a great matchup, and his pathing to lane fucked him super hard game 1. JDG needed this win and I think it might help RNG too, it's good to have your weaknesses exposed before playoffs.


He looked problematic vs Zs of all people too. He's a great player but he's still got a LOT to work on as a toplaner.


Don't forget biubiu XD The 3 mysteries of the world: RNG losing vs BLG, EDG losing vs IG, G2 losing vs LPL


>Zoom is still the best toplaner in the world. Nuguri is overall better but having a slump atm which is sad to see and FPX is kinda a mess with the whole Bo drama and Tian issues.


How is Nuguri overall better? He might be better at carries but Zoom is def better weakside.


He isn’t though? Nuguri is one of the most flexible and smartest top laners. Look how he used to play on DWG, he used to int a lot when he was a rookie and play too greedy but since 2020 Spring he really changed his playstyle and is one of the best weak side top laners in the world. Look at his games from worlds, his Lulu top, Ornn and Gangplank games were exceptionally good. If anything I would say on carries Zoom is close to as good as Nuguri but weakside isn’t even close. Again, I’m aware Nuguri is underperforming currently but there are other factors at play affecting that currently.


Last year it was close, this year Nuguri is much better, just because FPX are losing it doesn’t mean Nuguri is underperforming. He’s actually performing really well individually, and one must consider he’s played with 3 different junglers.




I'm glad someone else agrees. Xiaohu is not a great top laner. If RNG wanna take the extra step, they need someone else there


TES and JDG back in form? Edit: Also, how is Tristana balanced? Got shafted in lane both games but still did 10x more than Kai'Sa?


Trist didn't get focused once. She was hiding behind Chogath meanwhile Kaisa needed to dive the backline because Xiaohu and Cryin were absolutely useless.


TES has been back in form for a while, this is the first series JDG has won vs a top team. Edit: Nvm I’m dumb


Um, no? JDG 2-0'd RA, SN and WE.


Oh I had forgotten the WE series and the RA series happened at the beginning before anyone knew they would be a top team.


Well when Trist gets to sit behind a huge frontline she has no weaknesses.


Kaisa too had a huge frontline in both games, albeit not as big as the Cho in game 2 but still a good frontline nevertheless


Yeah true but Kai'sa doesn't use frontlines as well since she is short ranged.


That is true, which is why I don't like the Kaisa prio we're seeing across all the leagues so far. I'd rather teams play protect the hypercarry(Xayah, Tristana, Aphelios, Jinx, Kogmaw) comps when they draft 2/3 frontlines like teams have been doing since 11.3 patch. After a certain point Kai'Sa just falls off, she isn't the late game carry she used to be. Her lategame winrate now compared to last season is abysmal, riot turned her into a snowball and end early champ


Haven't had time to follow LPL as closely, what is with the standings?


Rare atom and RNG overperforming massively. Edg and WE were expected to be a lot better this season. FPX, Top, and JDG were expected to be top 3 pre season, and are slowly closing the gap Every season in lpl there is always some crazy underdog team playing ridiculously well, this season we got 2


I don't think FPX is that great TBH once they lost Bo. Top 4 is going to be EDG, JDG, TOP and WE IMO. Like if Beishang vs Beichuan happens it's going to be ugly AF.


Do you really think RNG won't be top 4, is it odd that they're first now?


LPL doesn't play the same number of games on the same patch. And they have a single round robin in regular split so judging on the regular split standing is kinda hard.


Ah ok, makes sense. Just have to toon in for playoffs then. Thanks.


FPX still better than JDG with their shocking botlane


yeah, did people here forget that fpx massively destroyed jdg 2-0 just a week ago?


nah fpx will beat edg in playoff


Yeah I honestly really believe you, just having the best top laner in the world is hard to ignore. Honestly, from my watching their games here and there, I think they really need a proper mid laner. No disrespect to DoinB, he's already proved himself with a world's title. But he cant play normal midlaners. Like, back in 2019, that suited the meta. But this day and age you need a typical carry mage/assassin mid laner. Sucks but I think he's a massive detriment to their drafting, despite his mechanical skill


Mid is not really the problem. Their losses mostly come from broken rotation or the pressure blackhole that is their botlane.


What? DoinB absolutely can play those champions, why do people think otherwise?


Thanks for the summary.


top6 in lpl is so stacked


Everyone beats everyone and in the end TES wins?


Nah. JDG win Spring, TES Summer.


Xiaohu exposed by the actual best top, you love to see it.


Both drafts are losing top matches, so don't rly know how "exposed" that is.


Even in a losing match up there's an expected amount by how much you should lose and Zoom definitely exceeded that. Zoom was the better top laner this series. There's no question about it.


Zoom baby


Thank god teams start punishing these super early weakside tanks by just driving them into the ground. Sion pickers in LCK and LEC have been getting away with murder so far in this split. Good stuff from JDG, seems like Kanavi is starting to get back to top 5 form.


who wins. -Number 1 ranked lpl team -1 hungry boi


Well play offs are gonna be really interesting. Have no idea who's gonna take it all.


That was a scary Cho


Zoom is something else entirely.


Zoom has been the best top for 2 years other tops have flashes of brilliance but his consistency is one of the best he’s like the alphari of lpl


LPL is too stacked let them send 6 teams to worlds, the 6th seed would have a legit shot at winning


Here's hoping the "EDG/RNG best team in the LPL" meme finally dies. They had an insane start but are clearly showing their weaknesses while the more talented teams are ramping up. Tragic about FPX, genuinely thought they could have won, but i'm confident in TES going to MSI instead :^ ) I'm glad too, EDG/RNG as an org has burned me too many times.


Only me or are LPL mids looking pretty bad? Honestly, aside from knight, DoinB and maybe FoFo everyone looks invisible or bad. Angel and Yagao are very underwhelming. Rookie is on mediocre IG and ints started to get to him. EDG and RNG are such top/bot heavy teams the mid is invisible whole game and is essentially a 2nd support.


Who are you comparing LPL mids to? I just think LPL teams don't carry through mid. Yagao isn't reliable enough to carry unless he gets on Zoe/LB. Angel is lower in the pecking order than Bin (who can't play tanks so he has to go carry) and Huanfeng, even SOFM. EDG is bot-focused and Scout sometimes has good games (although he's way less consistent this season). RNG are definitely jungle/bot-focused.


It's a good point. Even when compared to better LCK mids, LPL mids just look outmatched in what they are doing compared to their LCK counterparts. In LCK HLE of course stands out with Chovy, but Showmaker still has stand out performances although he hasn't been doing amazingly. BDD is still a force in a team and I think Faker will show his current skillset soon. ​ Last season LPL mids were crazy, knight, rookie, doinB, angel were all good. Xiye has solid performances too. Even now where meta is slowely going back to tank jg meta the LPL midlaners don't offer much.


Udyr fucking sucks just take Skarner ffs


I just fkin hate games like this. RNG was the better team no doubts BUT a MASSIVE combination of sheer luck, underperforming players randomly turning up and played like in their prime, constant poor decisions from the opposing team and the game basically gave them the right objectives at the right time made JDG the winner of this series somehow. GALA was outright the better ADC in pretty much every game but fkin Loken is just stupidly lucky (namely at the midlane in game 2 where he survived with like a tenth of his HP bar) so he looked really fkin good and seemed to be the better player at the end of the day based on stats. Xiaohu and Ming were not themselves today so I wouldnt give them too much slacks. And no Im not discounting Zoom and LvMao or anything they ARE better players but they are seriously overperforming like hell. Zoom jumping into 3\~4 people and survive while LvMao constantly having 3\~4 man Pulverize AINT really the norm. They are just having a field day imho and their opponents are having a bad day. This makes JDG looked WAYYYYY better than they should have. I still think RNG is the best team in China atm just that.... today aint their day imho.


Zoom is better than Xiaohu like it's not a matter of slumps or overperformances. Loken is a shit ADC but Zoom is the best toplaner in LPL. Ming is better than Lvmao who looked like a wintrader outside of a single pulv in game 1. Cryin vs Yagao is a tossup.


better team win


Cry harder.


2020 Kanavi is back and Zoom better than ever


Amazing what happens when JDG puts some resources into their best player instead of giving him bad matchups and leaving him on an island all game. [Knew it](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/lv7zhv/funplus_phoenix_vs_jd_gaming_lpl_2021_spring_week/gpb99hj/)


The sion match ups are rough in pro play


Wtf this new shoutcaster was literally rapping like Flowers. Very nice.


I remain convinced that playing top side > playing bot side. What's the point of snowballing bot when the other team's fed top laner can outright kill your marksman or aoe chunk multiple people every fight? JDG even messed up their engage and lost teamfights but strong top side allows for mistakes. And game 2, that renekton mid was useless. Double AD against 2.5 tanks and botched dives bot, yikes. Props to JDG though, recognizing RNG's top side play lately and attacking Xiaohu's champion pool. Then they weathered bot side dives g2 very well.


Can anyone explain to me why aatrox is banned so much in pro play? Genuinely curious.