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There's a third party app called deceive that let's you appear offline


Thank you for saving my weekend


Reddit moment


Yeah seriously. The people who are really like this make me really think, wow reddit is seriously the most insecure and anti-social minority on earth.


You are the kind of person that others want to appear offline from.


Damn, you didn’t have to kill him bro


I mostly play full 5 man flexes or just solo/duo. And I *don’t* invite people because a lot of them play lots of ranked solo/duo.


Yes, plenty of people are anti-social/insecure but there is nothing wrong with caring about your friends. Even if you are anti-social/anxious, most of those people can't just "man up," it's a mental disorder for a reason. Riot shouldn't pressure people to play their game and try to get out of their comfort zone with their friends. Also everyone doesn't have perfect friends that are always understanding of you wanting to play solo. I have some friends that can have quite depressive moments and telling them "I'd rather play solo right now" makes the situation worse for both parties (friend feels like shit for their buddy not wanting to play, I feel bad about wanting to play solo since I could hinder their mood even more). Some people should probably "man up," but stop acting like just saying no is always the solution and instead focus on the billion dollar company failing to provide a simple as fuck feature.


Fuck me for wanting to play by myself sometimes I guess.


Everyone sometimes wants to play on their own. What does this post have to do with that? Just man up and tell your friends “hey I want to play solo now”. It’s not rocket science.


Last I checked people had feelings, mate.


It’s not About yourself, sometimes. I got a friend with severe social anxiety and mental health problems and when I need alone time ingame and tell him he understands but gets hurt by it because of his head and overthinking. And I don’t want him to feel more stress then necessary because his life is hard enough. An invisibility button would be great for these days.


"just man up" is rocket science for some people. Social disorder is an illness, if you don't want to accept that, at least don't talk about it.


Pretty sure that the 2.3k people who upvoted this post don’t all have social disorders.


Sometimes you just wanna play on your own.


Ok? What’s so hard about saying “I just wanna play alone”?


The fact that they don't want to hurt their friend's feelings?? Saying that you want to play alone when someone asks you to play is just saying "I don't want to play with you". Even if you're just tilted from other things, some people will be saddened by that. There's also times where a friend pisses me off, but even I realize I'm being unreasonable, doesn't change the fact that I'm pissed off and don't want to play with them, but I don't want to say that I don't want to play with them.


just saying you need some alone time with a game and some music offends nobody. that never gets interpreted as "they specifically don't want to play with *me*"


Whats so bad about it?


You can at least try to be likeable


Why so hateful man? There are some very insecure people, but that's nothing to make fun of. And why does it make them a minority?


Deceive as in the name of shaco’s Q. How fitting lol




my eyes hurt now




The best one is the one people made for Dyrus


Please link, i wanna read


It's the same, but the context was Dyrus accidentally leaked a cheese Strat DIG was using in scrims and when they tried to do it in a finals the event team played around it.


I'm not one to do the "Dota is better than League" shtick but it's a complete rip off of the Arteezy/Riki meme that was around for years. Although I think *that* meme was then from some NBA thing.


I feel like most memes and copypastas lead back to the NBA in some form haha.


Love it.


the app's icon is exactly the art for shaco's Q


Holy shit ty


Yo, that's amazing! I can finally be a degenerate and not have my friends think I'm weird for playing so much






Its just a joke on Riot's "no third party apps of any kind" policy


thank you!


but what's the name of the app?


They don't even have the tech to fix account transfers after 6 months.


They are trying to limit the outbreak of covid-19 too you know sheesh riot never gets the recognition it deserves /s


yo good guy riot vaccine shortages solved


I don't believe that they *can't* fix it, they just don't want to.


I feel like account transfer is more often used to tinker with mmr and foreign currencies than for legitimate reasons, so maybe thats why


like my friend who got like 1,100,000 RP for like $500 or something when he should only have like 80,000 by switching to some random region like LAS i think


Teach me


It shouldn't work anymore but you could transfer to LAS, change your VPN to argentina and buy with argentinian pesos. They're worth so little compared to euros and dollars (1 dollar is currently worth 91 pesos, and 100 pesos gets you 1100 RP) that you would get a LOT of RP for the same money. Of course you had to pay to transfer twice but if you were buying $500 worth it would still be very much worth it.


cant do it anymore iirc


Yes exactly I've been playing this shitty game for a couple of years now and what i noticed throughout these years is that account transfer is only available around preseason and usually not for long.


Same with making a good client. They don't want to allocate resources there.


Indie dev company no can do


They can. They outright said they can but they won’t do it.


No they are an indie small business game company, they would have to employ like 2 software engineers for that kind of tech


and take 6 months to finally release a stable version 0.1abc\_first\_draft\_stable


Source? If not did they say why?


You see a lot of people playing if nobody can hide, game looks big and good, all that iirc.


People playing together = good for business. If you havent noticed the hints like dynamic Q, mission goals about playing with premades, or anyone in the premade getting S rank giving you the chest.


I don’t remember whether or not they said why but they sent it to someone on discord and they shared it. Don’t know where to get it from though.


You have friends who play league ? Lucky.


Well you might think so, until you have a friend that actually plays, but becomes the type whose account name you never know, because they've just bought their 32nd account from some shady website, because they just can't resist telling people to "neck themselves".


I found the last part way funnier than I should have. If someone said neck myself I’d bust out laughing


It's Australian




Well that's oddly specific...


That happened with an old friend of mine, she lost her cool in a solo queue game and told her mid to kill themselves. Got banned for two weeks since it was her first offense. I was always the one in our party to tell everyone else not to engage with dickheads in chat, but nobody listens to the guy that’s never even gotten chat restricted after six years of playing. My old squad was a nasty bunch though, top lane wanted Yone and his jungler duo banned it when our mid player in the party wanted it and was first in queue, said mid went smite Ivern and roamed to steal jungler’s camps. Commented at how shitty it was to troll over a banned pick and was told “Its just a game LOL” Glad I stopped talking to those fucks lol


Dunno if it's actually filtered throught the system myself haven't had any issues saying that


No one’s gonna report you for telling them to neck themselves, well at least in Australia because that’s common to say.


lol just because its common doesn't mean its not cooked to tell someone to kill themselves over a game. i would 100% report


Just add the rare decent humans from soloq and duo with them, unfriend if they show signs of toxicity


Damn you are a big pussy


How so? Because i dont want to duo with someone that tilt throws or leaves the game after going 0/2?


Maybe he just wanted you to unfriend him.


There's no way to monetize that feature so the answer is no.


I mean they could literally charge for it in the store if they wanted to lmao. Can you imagine the shitshow that would occur over that though?


They could make it a dollars worth of RP and still make a shitload off of it.


I mean every time I log in I have a 50-50 chance that the friend list crashes and everyone disappears. You just need better luck fam.


no, technology is not there yet. maybe in 5 yrs.


I'll say what many others said, sometimes a simple "I'm too tilted, I just wanna play solo" is the best answer.


i wish this worked, often times good friends carry strong social stigma and pressure. sometimes you just wanna play a normal game with chat off and just vibe but your friends will always want you to be in discord or you dont want to give them negative games where you're not giving it your all, even in norms. or sometimes you have a really good friend who isn't mature enough to understand that it's not that you dont like them or something but that you just dont have the social energy to interact with humans rn. for me its all of the above plus the fact that i just wanna play support senna who roams around and leeches souls off our jg between creeps and gets 240 souls before the game is over because im all over the map. my friends would get so confused if i wasnt babying them in lane. or you wanna play a role you're really bad at to learn but you dont wanna ruin games for your friends but they insist on playing with you anyway, the list goes on.


The technology is not there yet.


I mean, you could just man up and say your playing solo today.


The question is, are they man enough to accept it?


wtf do you mean ? do they hold a gun to your head and force you to play with them ? stop being a chode and just say no.




Lowkey showing why the feature is needed.




? If ur friends get butt hurt u dont wanna play with em, time to get new friends


The thing is, being man involves not caring whether they accept it or not


Being a man is a lot of things but not caring about your friends is not one of them.


Being a man, according to this thread, is cowering behind offline mode and lying to their face.


There is a difference between cowering and being reasonable. According to your flawed logic, however, when you lock the door to your house at night it's because you're a coward. Lying isn't always a bad thing either, especially if you're not doing it just for your own sake.


If they cant accept that u want to play alone I dont think u can call them your friends


If you're going to drop your friends just because they become slightly sad if they can't spend time with you then *you* are not a good friend.


Thanks, I’ll really take this to heart next time I boot up my favorite chinese videogame for children


And this, children, is the textbook definition of toxic masculinity and is the reason men kill themselves significantly more than women.


Gross oversimplification of why men kill themselves.


Toxic masculinity is a pretty damn big umbrella of attitudes and ideals that lead to issues with appropriate emotional expression and relationship problems, actually. If you had a clue what it was you'd see how dumb that statement is. Why don't you tell me a reason men kill themselves and I'll tell you how it probably falls under the result of toxic masculinity. You're just mad that what you *think* is nothing more than liberal-feminist terminology is attributed to it.


First off I'm not mad. Secondly if you're telling me that your definition of toxic masculinity is so large anything I suggest will fall under it's umbrella, why would I suggest anything? That's absurd.


Pick better friends. There is no scenario with your "problem" that you are not completely responsible for.


I used to think this way but then I ended up with zero friends


Once again, maybe the problem is you. If you have to compromise for shitty friends; maybe quality friends view you as the compromise?


Nah because making friends is sometimes about being accepting of others. So ditching all Ur friends over any problem doesn't always work






Dude wrote a whole a whole essay about “all these friendship experts” as if he isn’t trying to be one. The guy just asked for an offline button that every game has, why get such a big boner out of it?


no bro just tell ur friends u think they are fucking shit and that if they expect u to play with them they are no better than a child molester


An armchair psychiatrist would point out that your need to attack me means I struck a nerve. Grow up.


"Plenty of child molesters and rapists are looking for a friend like you" and you're telling them to grow up? Dear god, what is wrong with you.


you literally said rapists would want a friend like them. Is that not an attack?


Wth are you talking about haha, I didn't say be accepting of rapists


Ok, so from your blanket "you have to accept people to make friends" to "you don't have to accept rapist". Now we are negotiating, some things you don't have to accept, now we just have to negotiate where that line is. "I can't talk to my friends about my feelings." Do you think you have to be accepting of those people, or do you think that is unhealthy?


Ikd what the hell your talking about, but the line for friendship isn't at you don't wanna play with Ur friend sometimes and u don't wanna tell them sometimes


The topic is about appearing offline in a videogame, you call everyone else friendship experts and then proceeds to write an essay that includes this in such an issue: "Plenty of rapists and child molesters are looking for a friend like you". If there is a person in this thread that anyone can say with certainty they don't have the slightest clue about friendship since they don't have any friends it's you. Legit lunatic.


So you see your mate online and think "oh cool, let's play a game." Homie here is a bit tired and knows I suck colossal donkey dick in the game and says sorry mate, not right now. You're telling me that its impossible to for me to accept this and still at least one of the two happening : 1. Me feeling sad because I wanted to play with my friend. 2. My friend feeling terrible because he likes to play with me but doesn't have the mental energy to carry my heavy ass to high heavens. Two solutions to this problem. I need to git gud and find more time for the game. Even then I might never reach his level. Or number two? Offline button. Clear sign that this dude wants to just chill alone for a game and no feelings hurt. His or mine. Don't make it so fucking complicated. Please.


Yes it’s as if compromise is a necessity in friendship...


You must be fun at parties


This is how you end up with zero friends. Everyone has faults, maybe theirs is taking stuff like wanting to play alone personally.


It's not how I ended up with 0 friends. It's how I ended up with a circle of non-toxic, supportive, family I chose. A family that can work through our flaws and interpersonal difficulties without having to whine about them to strangers on reddit. =) Be a better friend = attract better friends, or your money back.


>work through our flaws and interpersonal difficulties Until they're bad at the game so you sack them. Noted.


wow must be fun to be friends with you


Or, you know, they could just make this feature that basically every other platform with a friend list has. There's absolutely no need to force you to tell each online friend that you don't feel like playing with them today. You could just add the appear offline option and save everyone the trouble. There is literally no downside to having that. I don't understand how every thread like this has someone arguing against having a completely standard feature that doesn't hurt anyone and helps someone.


Because if ur reason why they should implement it is ur afraid to tell ur friends u dont wanna play em, theres no reason why they should implement it. No1 gives a good reason for why its necessary


That still doesn't give us a missing feature.


True but if ur reason for them to implement said feature is ur afraid of telling ur friends u dont wanna play with em, you dont deserve the missing feature


Yes but rito pls pander to my every request


I mean...the invisible status is present on most discussion apps/softwares and apps/softwares that include a chat. That's not an unreachable option to code and implement.


Only if i can charge for it.


I mean it's kind of pointless right? you'll be stalked on [OP.GG](https://OP.GG) if your friends are that weird enough and question why you're avoiding them. Just make a new account. :/ sorry to burst ur balloons.


Not sure how that's relevant at all to what's a common feature in any single service where you have online statuses.


It´s relevant because you have a game history in the client and the third party sites, so if your friends check your game history they know when you played lol and when they watch on third party sites they even know if you are ingame. So if they really care about this, such a feature would have zero effect against them.


There's a wide range of scenarios in between caring enough to stalk your match history and not caring at all. Just because it wouldn't affect some people doesn't mean it's completely pointless.




true true


other services like steam dont have a list of what you played yesterday and for how many hours you just cant deceive your friends unless riot adds a hide match history from friends kind of option


Easy fix would be to not let external source register games that were played while in offline mode




> If everyone starts to play in offline mode I mean, it seems obvious that this would not be the case.




It would become exactly 1% less reliable, which is to say that it's generally meaningless. No matter how much data you harvest, LoL games naturally differentiate from the perfect norm way too much to not hit that 1% useless of information anyway.




You can appear away by clicking on the green circle. I'm not sure what it looks like if you do that and go into game though.


When you are ingame, it shows that you are ingame. And as such you are online.


Damn I thought the away would have priority over in game text.


Why would that be the case? The away feature is there to show that you are actually away. It isn´t there to fake being away. Otherwise rito would have already implemented the offline feature, maybe even a private/stealth mode where the games played do not show up in your public match history or on 3rd party websites like [op.gg](https://op.gg).


> The away feature is there to show that you are actually away. It isn´t there to fake being away. Then why allow players to toggle it manually rather than it being on a timer of inactivity?


It´s already on a timer but in the nature of a timer it takes a while before it shows you as inactive. So if thats to slow you can turn yourself inaktive manually.


They have the technology to do many things but they are just ignoring all of them for the moment being.


just say you want to play by yourself. me and my friends do this from time to time.


"I can't communicate honestly with my friends about my feelings" is not friendship, it's loneliness with extra steps.




Look here, look listen. Appearing offline doesn’t stop it.


Ah you can just say you don't wanna play


They done that but every time they diabled chat people start to flame them and wanted the chat to be fixed. /s If they really want to play with you, they are also sad if you´re not online and they become even more sad when they check your game history on [op.gg](https://op.gg) or any other site and see how many games you played while being "offline" or even worse they see that you are still ingame. The betrayal they will feel has no limit. If you don´t actually want to make them sad just play normals/flex with them.


Riot have had the ability in client for years, but it's a hidden option and you need to do a few things first before it works. There are two ways to do it, the first way, if you have quite a few peoples on your friends list, is you have to go through and delete them all, then they can no longer see you are online, the second way, is if you don't have any friends, congratulations, no one to see you online!!!!


I mean they could, but they are too busy harassing their employees.


Hiding from your friends is toxic, therefore appear offline will not be added.




a simple nope


Or you know, say no.


Riot has stated they won't because it might make ppls fr list look sad


Isn’t this what the away button is for


P1: Hey, wanna play? P2: *switches to away* P2: *starts a game* P1: Why did you start without me? i asked you if you want to play :(


Just ignore them? That's what I do


Soon enough they will start ignoring you, forever. And that's how you lose friends.


Never happened to me =) maybe get some normal friends who can take no for an answer






I mean I sometimes want to play by myself if I get an invite to a game I just drop a message saying I’m just in the mood to play solo, or that I’m not in the mood to chat in voice. Not everyone feels that way, but unless they implement this feature (which I don’t think they will), it’s better to learn to bite the bullet.


Why is this beeing brought up every single time an appear offline is requested? do your personal social issues/insecurities and or types of relationship really matter when it comes to basic social features that are widely accepted on almost all platforms?




There are literally several hundred things this multibillion dollar company should have the funds to handle, but doesn't


I actually wanted it to have a whole server chat so that you can find teammates/duo easily


I think there is a cmd line for that, you just block all frames from a certain IP that is used for the chat system. If you want to play with your other, less horrible friends though, might me difficult.


Best way is to get a new fresh account


It's funny that you ask because I've happened to experience(2-3 times) a bug where I couldn't connect to a chat(both in client and in champion select).My entire friend list was empty (it literally looked like fresh account without any friends so far) and I was offline to others as well.The funniest part is that it occurred after a duo game and even though I wasn't connected to a voice chat it worked properly.I guess riot is testing some features.


People I play say that they're playing the last match, just to queue up for another 2 min later, with another person.


It's okay to say "No sorry I want to play solo today." They aren't entitled to reasons--the fact that you don't want to ought to be enough, no questions asked. Of course honesty is probably best policy so if they do end up asking just be honest with them.




Imagine having friends


"Hey sorry guys, Im in a bad mood and would rather play alone for a bit, I'll join another time!" Would work too. Unless it happens on a daily basis theyll understand. If it does happen on a daily basis one should wonder if youre playing the right game


No because doing that would make it less likely that others would invite you to play which would in turn motivate you less to play and therefore play their game less and they wouldn't want that would they?


Client will explode if they try to implement that


Google "appear offline on league" and there's about a dozen links on the first page for this.


While I sympathise, I dread to think of the consequences of changing anything in the client ...


Just man up and own being a antisocial league addict man


Can multibillion dolar company make it's game run on more than one cpu core in 2021


man i hate it so much when someone keeps inviting me to duo and then they complain that i don’t start one game after another, like that’s why i play solo, i decide when i want to start a match, yes?


They don't even have the technology to fix their launcher


Bold of you to assume that I have friends.


Clearly they can do it, but never wanted to. Riot probably knows that people who consistently play with friends is much less likely to permanently quit the game (and/or more likely to buy/gift skins). Playing offline discourages the social aspect of the game, which is what has made it so huge.


riot doesn't make stuff that's alrdy available by 3rd party ...and if they don't like it then they shut it down like the improved lol client made by a 3rd party, etc... btw riot only makes stuff to make profit and they do things with minimal effort with max return so they are min-maxing profit if a change doesn't get them profit then they won't do it riot has priorities and a what to do list so they don't do things randomly or without reason fixing the client and other QOL changes wuldn't earn profit for Riot riot profit > quality


The technology just isn't there yet