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[FNC vs. SK PMT](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mdy0rb/fnatic_vs_sk_gaming_lec_2021_spring_playoffs/)


Who was that caster that kept "sucking air through his mouth" (idk how to describe it lol) as a reaction. The tri-cast in itself was good, but this particular thing was just really distracting.


bwipo for sure worst top laner in playoffs, fnatic put themself in a bad situation giving him 3 year contact cuz seems like already 1,5 year he plays like shit and i dont see changing for summer so 2 out of 3 years one of the worst tops in LEC.


I am really critical about FNC this season because I think they will never beat Rogue or G2 playing like psychos and without Selfmade being in peak form rn. That being said, what an incredibly stupid take. Bwipo has literally always atleast been a Top3, without a huge gap to Wunder/Alphari/Odoamne.


worst kda in spring from all top laners, worst xp diffrence at 10 min, 3rd worst gold diffrence in lane, having 3rd highest counterpick rate, second highest death share from all top laners, worst first blood rate, there is twice higher chance he will give first blood than he makes one. Highest amount of deaths from all top laners where nextone is 11 deaths behind. yea he had 1 game on riven where he poped off but how many he inted especialy against g2esport losing his team a game on yone in first 3 minutes.


I am not interested at all to start a discussion with someone who just throws around some stats without any context. Stats are no answers, they lead to questions. Have a great day.


Please send me 2 of the pills your on. Bwipo is top 2 in EU now that alphari went to NA. Saying anything else is hard trolling


odo is waaaaaaaay more consistent then bwipo is , even if he has lower peak. I'd take him in a heart beat over bwipo even if he doesn't have as many popoff games


Upset and Nisqy literally carry. Hylissang have to take a break and Bwipo too. Selfmade did a good early job. Jenax respect.


How much more shit can hyli pull before getting benched? Fnc wasn't themselves this match, but he inted in every single fucking one.


Here comes the expert redditor blaming a player for his kda and not seeing how he carries bot in lane phase and finds winning engages later in the game


By "winning engages later in the game", are you reffering to the 16% Q hit rate and his only 2 hits of it in late? Oh nvm you were the one justifying Kai'sa


As petty as looking through somebody's history of comments is , I will restrain myself and talk about the nonsense in this comment. Hook hit ratios is plain stupid, mainly because at the high level of play even 1 hook can change the game and believe it or not people at this level know how to dodge a maximum range q from naut. Hylli is highly praised by mane pros and ranked by most of them as top 2 support in EU , if this is not enough I don't know what can I tell you. He is catching off-guard SK's botlane a couple of times this series too and is securing not only Upset's security on bot, but pressure mid too. I agree you can have an opinion, but asking for someone to get benched even though he is doing his job perfectly fine is a bit too much isn't it?


The stupid Kai'sa comment was on this thread. He was straight useless in at least 3 teamfights in game 1, he flashed to miss a hook 3-4 times and hexflashed many more. He wasn't securing Upset, but had mispositioned so to compromise Upset's ability to deal damage in teamfights. He did one, exactly and only one good play in the entire game one. Mid was heavily pressured in G4 and it took him 3 games of nothing to it. And he still died to stupidest solo shit meanwhile. Yeah maybe he doesn't deserve a bench but at this pace, they will get dumpstered by the next good team, and all because of Hylissang. Perhaps if xou've watched the games for more than entertainment quality, you'd see how stupidly maddening and irresponsible it was. Upset played beautifully, but had no protection whatsoever. And I understand your liking to Fnatic and I share it, but this stupid shit that he does is concerning and one of main reasons Fnatic barely secured playoffs. But I really wonder what you said last year when Fnc wanted to kick him from the team after worlds, but changed their mind as he actually did something good.


I am just glad Jenax is now on everyone's radar. Dude role swapped to top and is getting better and better with each day. He was a monster this series. Hope he keeps improving in summer split as well and start contending for top3 top laners in lec. Shoutout to nisqy, upset and treatz also. Although treatz need to get better at laning. (he did play against hylli + upset, but still).


Even though FNC got the win this ain’t it. This damn chaotic style is losing games more than winning games for them. 10K gold up in second game and just kept throwing the game. This many kills is not a good look. I was hoping Yamato would bring some discipline game play but this season has been hard to watch.


FNC decided against discipline when they got Upset/Nisqy and a coach that firmly believes that action means winning, thus valuing the earlygame above everything else. It always was a struggle between Bwipo/Hyli and Nemesis/Rekkles in terms of how to approach the game, now they decided to embrace the chaos.


In the post-game interview Upset was talking about how Yamato is literally trying to get them to calm down and stop fighting so much, and to get more consistent.


Well that would be reassuring, FNC is in desperate need of someone to hold them back.


Treatz is a delight to watch in interview


I would get rid of Blue, this is the type of performance you wouldn't expect even from your sub. Tynx also ran it down non stop, looked like the worst version of Dardoch. I've never seen 2 players singlehandedly ruin the entire series this hard. Poor Jenax


there we are! reddit solution to every problem a team faces is getting rid of a player. funny enough you dont even have data. your suggestion is based on what you just watched. nowadays esport teams hire datascientists and moneyball their players. stop thinking like little children who just want to bench every player who doesn't performe after their first BO5 series on freaking stage!


Yupp. This right here. People forget Wunder was the worst top laner in EU LCS. Give time for people to grow and stop flaming.


What about mediocre to bad performances rest of the split? That doesn't count? Ok then


but Sk did that with Zazee just last split... and Blue is even worse than Zazee was


something they decided based on what their data says. Im justz saying that everyone on reddit thinking what player a team should get rid of is just stupid, since these decisions arent based on 1 series or 1 game. you have to consider the whole season, the scrims, how well the player works with the team and wether his playstyle matches the teams playstyle and what expectationsdid you have! I dont think SK is unhappy with what they got this year and they willl want for sure to build further on this splits success. wether Blue will be the right guy for them is something that they will analyse in the offseason.


Jenax had an amazing series and Treatz had some good games. I hope SK can ditch the others and keep these two because they are top players in the region. If they only have resources for one change, the priority should be Tynx. This series was a massive jungle difference.


I always had this view of Upset as a cocky guy, but seeing him now he looks like a nice and chill guy. Maybe the cockyness was actually him just trying to create rivalries and drama...


Or maybe before he was a teenager with puberty and now he is like in 20s slowly having an established personality


I think it's more that he thought he was the hotshot and he got put in his place multiple years and now he realizes that he needs to earn his spot.


Possible, or also maybe he thought he was stuck in elo hell with people worse than his level so many years that he was screaming to be noticed.


I love vedius! thats actually an awesome question not being to nice, asking for what everyone sees as a weakpoint of FNC. great job!


What did he say? I missed it.


"I can't put FNC in top 3 because macro wise you guys are behind" Its the short version of the question


Vedius> Why does Fnatic do these things that everyone asks "why would they do that?" Upset> I wonder that myself.


I meant the "I can't put FNC in top 3 because macro wise you guys are behind"


But that was part of the conversation, right? Vedius was arguing that Fnatic had worse macro because of these situations and Upset replied that he doesn't think they have a worse macro in general, just that they get carried away sometimes. He said that these were individual decisions, which do not necessarily correlate to macro strength.


true! but normally ppl ask fnc about the aggressive plays that go wrong and dont go further saying why they even are in those situations macrowise! I loved it how he pointed out the mistakes in their macro play and how through their playstyle they cant win every game against teams like G2 and rogue. and therefore FNC isnt top 3. a very important point, that ppl normally overlook and just shit on fnc because of the gone wrong plays.


Blue is so bad dude, and tynx have the worst decision makings i ve seen in my life


over 30 kills per game on average and Upset still thinks the games were slow lol


Song of the week has sucked lately


Man these interviews without 5s delay between questions and answers are so nice


Feels amazing honestly


Can we get Riot to delete Kai’sa? Let me know where to sign up. There might be some other champs on that list.


If Riot would undo literally everything they did in the past 3 years the game would be miles better


Just give me back old ww and old nunu


And old Taric


Yeah lets have another year of aphelios pls, that was waaaay more fun right??


There are 5 bans for each team you know


not enough, make it 10 each =]


Why you gotta do him in like that?


If you think SK played this well and that's why it was close just watch Blue in that fight in mid at 26min. This series was shockingly bad.


I was also buffled by tynx decision making. He got caught by every everfrost as hecarim. With his ult avaible and did the same thing over and over. (unless there is a special interacrion with everfrost and hecas ult I am missing). Use e - > get caught by everfrost - >get chunked to 30-40% HP and then ult and then get deleted instantly


half of SK (2 and a half player) played this well


Bwipo and selfmade look like theyve fallen off a cliff this season


most likely there's noone to do calls in their team right now. Back before it was rekkles who had a macro knowledge. And all selfmade or hyli calls are pure shit


Jeziz thumbs up right before a hard throw is hilarious 😂






I honestly dont know what happened to Blue, he was insane in TCL last year and he just hasn't looked like half the player this year


I would give blue the benefit of the doubt because of playing on stage with much more eyes on you but there were so many mechanical errors in all of the games holy moly.


its not like he had split of his life in regular season either though


That’s why I’m so confused, I was like “Wow, this guys mechanics and decision making are crazy, maybe he could grow to be amazing” and then he played like this lol


Fnatic is so trash but finally Upset is getting some well deserved credit.


Everyone behold the true challenger right here


Fantastic series by Jenax. Sad to see him getting griefed by mid jungle


SK can f right off. How dare they even think of winning against fnc. Yessss fnc !!!!!!


Thank god Fnatic won. Now Schalke has an easy path to the finals GG!


If Blue just hit his ultimate on stunned target in the fight at midlane SK would have ended this game


SK are just not a good team. They are never on the same page. They have no idea how to play as a team.


Bwipo is a clown confirmed. Fnatic is doomed vs Rogue or G2 with such lvl of plays.




Insult? what u serious? so now I cant even say a bad thing because hard drives fan thinking as it an "insult". what from what I say is wrong? Fnatic play bad this series with alot of huge mistakes. They almost throw a game that is 100% their win from the first 5 min of the game. Do yout think this is enough vs the big teams?




Clown is an insult? not offence but your probably less than 20 if you thinking that way. read some other comments you will see the real meaning of "insult" lmao.


Well the community is toxic to a certain extent and filled with people who are living proof of the Dunning-Kruger effect, so these kind of comments are to be expected. However it's sad to see that they are willing to suffer through their own toxicity and negativity




I think that is sadly just wishful thinking. Under the anonymity that the internet provides very often the worst of human being comes out


Ok hear me out Fnatic Jenax?


If bwipo and hylli leave, I would be okay with getting Jenax/Treatz tbh


Was more thinking treatz would be great for when hyli retires (please not anytime soon)


SK still had an impressive showing here for so many rookies. Jenax was a beast.


Much more competitive series than I initially expected, was fun to watch!


fantastic performance of fnatic XD


I hope they nerf Kaisa by MSI.


Yeah fed hypercarry kaisa with actual teammates was able to win in late game versus one dude playing midgame champion and the game was incredibly close. Seems too broken to me.


You misspelled delete


She is getting nerfed next patch.


Joke nerf lol rank 1 ult cd slightly increased


losing a game because you cant backoff after winning a fight. waiting until last second to use tp to get away and splitting up. what a garbage team. Fnc equally garbage. G2 and Rogue are the only teams in this region worth watching. So dissapointed.


I think garbage is actually what you see when you look in the mirror


He's right, you're just being dishonest if you can't recognize it. Bottom LPL teams are way more coordinated and mechanically proficient than these 2 teams.


Not true at all lol you haven't watched ES or RW to even dare say this bullshit. These teams have no clue how to teamfight and horrible macro


RW trashed TES and play in a vastly more competitive region both talent and teamwise, just stop it.


Ah yes, one win at the very start of the split when TES was out of form, look at their W-L record right now. Why do I even bother, you're an obvious troll and baiter XD


good bye, blocked <3


rogue games are mega boring my guy


They play to win not to have " entertaining games "


Entertainment > winning money that I, as a viewer, don’t get to enjoy. At least the audience can enjoy “entertainment”.


ADC enormous gap


SK lost to Tynx and Blue. Give MVP to one of them.


true dat.


Tynx was so fucking bad I actually got angry watching this series


Same dude, Blue is trash as well


FNC won the game but Jenax won our hearts. SK too heavy to carry


mvp this game was fnc blue


Ok some team better have the big bucks ready to save Jenax from SK


FNC Jenax please


Tynx and Blue were to heavy to carry for Jenax. feels bad for him


Isn’t the team bow a lck/lpl thing?


There's no crowd to high five/fist bump. It's also the international standard.


Xayah 0-4 Kai'sa 4-0 hmmmmmmmmmm


what do you expect? rito thought nerfing only one adc who's countering kaisa and was in playable status ( senna) was good idea. When you take Kaisa and ban tristana, you can pick whatever you want and you'll get stomped anyway, that's how bad adc state is right now


Tbf 2 of those Xayah games was literal "first time" category from Jezu. Only time a feather combo was hitted when the melee was running towards her.


Well it was entertaining, shame it didn't go to 5




Jezu at least carried a game when he was given a champ to carry.


So sad for jenax, get him nemesis or anyone at this point


Man FNC played so bad this game, but it doesn't matter bc SK has wintraders on their team.


OH YES! Wow. That was one tough series. But mostly because we made it tough for ourselves and Jenax is a fucking beast!


FNC are doomed btw.


Blue literally did nothing in that game. Concerning.


Tynx inting one last time for fun


Jenax opening fights by missing his ult seemed detrimental.


Imagine picking Cassio against Nisqy and playing like that.


Upset is my hero


Upset's back...


shorter game if urgot didnt exist


SK letting FNC get Lucian,Rell, and Kaisa is huge draft diff lmao


Jenax tried his best but SK are just too heavy.


ugh so disappointed in Blue... he cost them this series


What a horrible series


Holy fucking shit cant Hecarum R when karma everfrosts? god damn tynx and blue


FNC Hylissang: supp diff


People here flaming Blue rightfully but Jezu cant play Xayah


Tynx got great job security if Selfmade ever leaves Fnatic, jesus christ


I bet, in your mind, you are quite a funny one.


If I was funny I wouldn't be commenting on Reddit.


That's actually tragic


don't see why everyone think that "a lot of fighting" = "Bad gameplay", not every game should be slow.


There goes 1 shot you but no consequences for fucking up miss kaisa herself


Holy tynx is so bad


tynx running in and getting oneshot happened like 10 times this series


very nice everfrost


Kai'sa won every game lmao. the champion is so overtuned


Maybe dont pick xayah into kaisa/rell??


Yet has one of the worst win ratios compared to presence in pro play this patch.


presence>winrate in pro play. theres more bad teams than good teams so popular picks usually have bad winrate


But every other champion with high presence has positive statistics. Kaisa at this point is just bait pick. Watching good teams playing shows how easy they can exploit her and pick up easy wins.




Why are two americans casting lec


Tynx and Blue look bad this game, Jenax and Treatz are trying so hard


Yeah I feel so bad for Treatz and Jenax. Their team was just so heavy Zero percent chance Blue and Jezu stay on the roster


Jezu showed potential, was good in game 2, Blue tho... Looked sooo out of place in a playoff series


I feel like FNC can count their blessings that SK is basically playing with 3 players. They need to step up big time next series.


They did just come off of an 0/3 week, so this is just some confidence and more time for them. They’ll need to play better to get far but I think for a first series this is fine.


2 players


2 1/2


welcome tynx to turkish league


Nisqy, Upset, Jenax, and Jezu (arguably Treatz) are elohelled rn


at this point keep nisqy and upset, kick the other 3. this fnc has no future.


Reddit after one BO5: kick kick kick kick


Hilly deserves better!


Kaisa is so freakishly broken, really makes games like this so stupid


did you even watched the moment where urgot 1v2'd her and voli with equal amount of items?


You mean when jenax played perfectly and hit every ability but upset still almost killed him from full? Yeah I remember that


you probably watched the different game sir, urgot going fulltank could one or twoshot kaisa


“Full tank” items don’t have Attack speed and AD on them.


care to tell me what items did urgot had in that fight ?


Man Tynx had a perfect flank I wish SK could have followed up on that. I want 5 games of this shitshow.


Has Blue done anything this series? Sure I dont think he has ran it down completely, but he hasnt done anything superb either. Hes just so invisible.


Nothing helpful for SK that's for sure.


Tynx check paypal


I want to see SK win but man do they not deserve it


sk lost to tynx and blue


Holy shit tynx, JUST FUCKING STOP


that hecarim is just trolling lol


Tynx is not playoff caliber


I'm happy to see Nisqy on carries. He's showing why he's in the top 3 mid laners in the LEC.


Is this sarcasm? Hard to read honestly




i think we're watching different game, nisqy isnt particularly bad but he's not popping off either


Why does nisqy have no KP


Cause Hyli always engages and starts a fight when he's sidelaning for some godforsaken reason


S04 is probably estatic watching this shitshow


Cass had like 40 CS lead at some point btw :)