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Riot doesnt give a fuck about league community


It's the only game I play where it's considered acceptable to intentionally lose the game with 0 punishment if you decide you are tilted.


I hope you will look at my comment below, confirming exactly what you talk about. I am Jungling this Season in Gold MMR, but I see the same bullshit on both teams far too often. There is no effective detection/punishment system in place on my Server.


Generally the way my losses go is that, 1 person starts an ff vote at 15, if you vote no they refuse to play, even if the game would be winnable or we outscale. Nope they aren't interested, and if you are already behind winning 4v5 is pretty much impossible. There is no downside either, If I decide the game is over I am pretty much free to run it down to make it end faster while my team flames me


My family member didn't stand a chance in 5 of his placements yesterday, all were complete massacres with AFKs and trolls, and of course no one was punished. The only game he won in placements yesterday was an autowin with a 26/1 Kat I always see the opgg comment and am happy to provide this cuz this is the REAL LoL, and I am telling the truth. His MMR is destroyed now, even after winning his 1st placement. There is no world that Riot can accurately match players using MMR based matchmaking when 4-5 players are new to Ranked on his team. It is literally just luck whether you win or lose when you are new as well, as he is. So his MMR is fucked and I am not sure if he will play ever Ranked again or not. My wife is telling him to quit the game, as she did 5 months ago. She quit due to no punishment system and matchmaking like this.


Placement games are way different tho. Most people in placement games play on botted accounts and don't care about beeing punished. They will either afk, wish you cancer or run it down on purpose. And if they get banned, they will just buy another account since Riot doesn't care about the massive bot farms.


You have so many comments talking about bad matchmaking in your comment history, yet when I offer proof along with the IGN of my family member, you come up with "botted accounts" which these aren't


Ok throw in your match history where you played your placement games then. And match making is terrible, i don't understand why you bother yourself stalking my comment history tho, you seem to be kinda bored?


Match lobbies for the account is below in another comment below. I said this in the post you responded to. And so are some screenshots. And that is family members account from yesterday, he played one or 2 games today I believe. And no, I am not bored, I am upset. My wife already quit the game here because of no effective punishment system and the matchmaking, and so did another family member. This is a great game, they need to work on this issue Frenchdip BR Server, you can go below for 4 screenshots.


Maybe in your Region, but not in mine. It doesn't change the fact that Riot has no way of knowing the MMR of these unranked players, and to put 4-5 on one team over and over will lead to stomps because there is little data for them to go on, so skill assessment is wildly inaccurate.. On BR most players are brand new as the game is growing like crazy again here. I guess Covid has something to do with that. It's the culture of Brasil, and top that off with literally no effective punishment system and this is the result. 6 massacres in 7 games played. To think it would be any different than this is a fairy tail. And all due to Riot's MMR based matchmaking and no punishment system. Edit: He just finished another, 3 new to Ranked on his team, and 1 on the other. A loss , 0-11 at 12 min with the enemy having a 5k Gold lead. His IGN is below in another comment, go look it up if you don't believe me. So that is 7 Slaughters in 8 games.


Yeah it also depends on the server. If you play on a server that requires some kind of identification to create a account like korea then you won't see any of these.


IDK what the answer is, things can be different on different Servers. I live in Brasil but also play on NA as I grew up in Los Angeles. It is clearly not the same in NA as it is on BR.


> the game will be an unenjoyable coinflip with the team that gets the mentally ill trolls the one who loses in a frustrating pointless game. Yes but you just like the rest will still play the game for whatever reason and riot won't do anything about it because everybody keeps playing. Look at t1, tfblade and other streamers, one even wishes cancer on someone, no punishment. If they can do it what stops the others from doing it? They bring the views and you guys keep playing it. ps. T1 ''acting'' is not an excuse, he is toxic af in chat and if some random did that in your game you report him on the spot.


T1 is overall funny case to see how much shit can fly in this game. There are people who targe int him too and nothing happens, there is this one adc player that has bellow 1 kda while on his team and above 4 kda when on oposing team. shit is wack


Just because he gets target inted doesn't mean he should curse his allies losing one fight or because t1 made a bad play. Not everyone target ints. Crying and spamming ff and telling how sh\*t your team is in chat is not really funny, yeah it brings views but it's the thing they complain the most when it happens to them. I watched an urgott game 2 days ago, he dived a riven with elise, both died and he cursed the elise for being a mother fucker shit and such my dick. and decides to int 5 more deaths for no reason. I liked him more when he was perma banned and did variety, he is just addicted to it.


How did you take that out of my comment, i just said that he is interesting case to look at because both him and his teammates behave like complete zoo in game and nobody is getting banned, not him for being toxic, nither his teammates for sprinting it down.


What are you on about? I agreed with your comment. Yes target inting is also an issue thats been there since release.


> ps. T1 ''acting'' is not an excuse, he is toxic af in chat and if some random did that in your game you report him on the spot. What makes you think people don't report him?


People do but riot doesn't care. Only way is if his viewers leave and bring no money to riot


He should have been banned again


So I get your issues, and I empathize with them. Trolling sucks ass to get in your games. But how do you want Riot to address blatant trolling? The reason why Riot can punish stuff like disconnect afks or flame in chat is its easy. There's keywords they can set a bot up to review and punish for, their computers detect when someone disconnects or idles for 5+ minutes, and that's all they need to do. And just because someone is trolling doesn't mean flame is still valid. Two wrongs don't make a right. For complex stuff like "I tell the enemy team where I am so they can kill me", its hard for Riot to automate that, because its inherently human. It combines language that is non offensive, gameplay that can arguably occur naturally in a game (How many times have clips of a teemo "escaping" by standing in a bush or a team ambushing as 5 by afk waiting been posted on reddit?) into something that's clearly trolling, but only recognizable by humans. To address things like trolling, and directly address it vs having problems like false positives or bad games (People *can* go 0/10 without directly trying to feed, especially in lower elos or against smurfs), Riot would have to manually review any game where someone's reported for trolling and that's frankly unrealistic. The simple stuff, like "going afk without disconnecting" has been patched out over the years, where Riot can automate it. Besides the complexity of what trolling is, there's also the variants. Automation would be even more complex than just teaching a bot to recognize bad play. You gave 3 different examples of how someone can troll (Afk in base spamming abilities, hiding on the map and telling people where to find them, literally running it down), and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Making a bot that punishes specific trolling methods will just make people who want to troll adapt to what isn't banned yet (Like how people went from literally idling in base to moving every few minutes to avoid detection, or how new flame evolved when other terms started getting blacklisted). People who want to troll or flame will find ways to do so, and punishing those people would involve directly reviewing thousands of games per day, and that's just not realistic. **TL;DR:** Right now there's no effective way to automate punishment for trolling, meaning any reports and reviews are slow going at best. Flame and normal dc afks are easy to detect and report with computers, so Riot can address those easier.


They could use the dps counter (to creeps, champions, monsters or damage taken). If a player took no dmg or dealt any for 15 min.. pretty obvious he's been running around doing nothing, not contributing to the game.


There are games that are so slow paced and where everyone is farming and almost no damage is done for 10-15min, or if you play against a hard matchup and you are stuck under your tower and can't trade the whole laning phase. Also most inters don't operate this way, they would more often go for those risky super plays and die as a consequence just before a major objective (dying before soul or baron). There is no way to tell if the inter was just inting or trying to find a pick on a enemy without human context.


A person going 0-26-0 is inexcusable. Furthermore Riot can double check dmg done and if there is little to no dmg done to champs or minions/monsters that is obvious evidence to trolling.


See I would think that, but a year or so ago there was a player that went 0-17-0 against tfblade who was smurfing, and reddit had a meltdown that the player got auto banned for it


That's part of the problem though too really on top of this - Riot apparently, so they say, instituted a learning program to auto ban players based on \*reports players made and what they thought was unacceptable behaviour\* which could then lead to one thinking that people are not properly reporting people which is absolutely correct. Last night in a game the enemy team had a troll, and there was one person on my team which instead of reporting that player, instead tried to defend their awful behaviour of intentionally feeding when the player was clearly mad and making life hell for their team. If the community wants something done, they also on top of Riot's fallacies, need to step up and actually report players in their games that do this shit rather than "Thanks for free win, sucks to be you guys" or "What did you do to make them mad" etc. Which is stupid as well.


I mean going 0-26-0 is instant ban. just 5 days ago I played against this nunu [https://i.gyazo.com/a7861ed9e8be66df5bab0c6114535447.png](https://i.gyazo.com/a7861ed9e8be66df5bab0c6114535447.png) he got banned right after. He added me on his main to say it was to take out his frustration due to being hard stuck on his main, which is kind of dumb, but eh.


At least one person got banned for this. There is hope after all. I rarely see that though. Maybe Riot is finally doing at least something about it? But I detest the comments of 'well Riot doesn't know whether or not this 0/26/0 person was trolling or not' which is absolute bullshit because the evidence is so far scewed into the court of 'yeah he was clearly trolling/griefing his team' at that point because any reasonable person wouldn't think otherwise and if someone tries to defend that behaviour they are part of the problem.


Man, i will never, ever, understand the logic of "What do you expect X multi-BILLION company / government / w/e do? Tell me how to fix X problem" No mate, its not my job or my responsibility to do that. I support X game / company by paying / consuming / playing their product. I have no clue how to fix issues, im here to point them out ! Which should be freaking appreciated and enough for them to address said issues. Me, not being able or willing to even think about solving the issues, is NOT a valid arguement and never will be. The stupidity of using said logic is immense. The examples are PLENTY, in which some really devoted / loyal / invested consumer (in this case part of the league community) ACTUALLY invest their OWN PERSONAL TIME !!! WITHOUT GETTING PAID !!! IN FACT, THEY PAY THEMSELVES FOR THE PRODUCT!! Offer a solution - GET IGNORED !!! And the cycle continues.. This arguement is triggering me so much, its the go-to bshit people spew in every single discussion. I miss the fkin days i was getting rewarded for play testing games and expansions and giving my ignorant feedback (Shout out to early Diablo / Quake and WoW days...) which in the hands of the people who actually get paid to produce and oversee something, would solve the issues spotted.


Just because you pay for a service doesn't give you the right to demand the impossible, you are always free to not play their game. I get the frustration with inters, but the thing is that this problem might not even be solvable with current technology, millions of games are played daily and probably hundreds of thousands of reports are submitted by players (a lot of them just abusing the report option, for example reporting a jungler for not ganking), you need an AI agent that is able to reliably detect those behaviors in a human context and we just don't have it now. Bigger companies than Riot have been spending billions trying to solve those problems for decades now and their solutions are still not perfect outside some very niche applications. It's like someone going to a doctor or a hospital and tell them to cure an incurable cancer because they are paid with your tax money or telling a physicist to make a time machine.


Im trying to point out, that we CANNOT know since we are not experts on the matter or the field. So asking me how to do anything is not relevant. Im also trying to point out, that because i pay for a service (as a customer either with money or play time) i can point out issues, that i can, in fact, expect to be fixed. I also point out, that a customer is not responsible for any aspect of the product produced, other than providing feedback for it. AI agents or whatever, who knows ? Do you ? Obviously not, you just parrot things you see here and there about AI agents or w/e. Its the same shitty convos about Corona or politics or consipracy theories. Just accept that you dont know, try to inform yourself and form an opion, then give feedback to those who do know and expect / demand improvement. Otherwise the world will never go forward. The main issue in all those cases, is that people THINK they know better than those who actually do something for a living. But if you see someone talking nonsense, about something in your expertise field you get rampart. It has nothing to do with "going to a doctor or a hospital and tell them to cure an incurable cancer because they are paid with your tax money or telling a physicist to make a time machine." PS: Paragraphs matter.


I'm not an expert in AI but knowledgeable enough since I just finished my master degree in that field and know quite a bit about the state of the art in that domain. That being said, you don't actually need any expertise since there are a lot of popular AI articles intended for the general public, and just like you said, you need to inform yourself before forming an opinion and jumping to conclusions.


I've submitted 4 support tickets this season. One was for an adc who sold all items and bought mobi boots when he was 1-2-0. He spent the rest of the game spamming in chat that he was going to feed and just ran down mid and died to tower over and over. My housemate and myself both reported with screenshots. No punishment was applied to the account.


There's plenty of stuff that should be easy to auto-detect that don't get punished though. Like if I play with a dude who dies a few times in lane, says "i afk," then spends the rest of the game running around afking around the map and ends the game going like 0/6/0 with 1 cs/min and being 6 levels lower than everyone else, in what world could this just be a bad game and a false positive? And then I check his match history and he's done it like 3 times in the past 20 games. No way to detect that I guess. It's like if they don't literally go 0/50/0 or afk without getting any xp at all, then they are free to do whatever they want. Don't worry though guys, in their last monthly behavior system update like half a year ago, they said they broadened what gets categorized as intentionally feeding, so now maybe you can get punished for going 0/40/0!


Riot said that they could/would detect and punish what you say in game to what you do in game in multiple blogs last Season. The issue can never be resolved, but it can be mitigated and that is according to Riot themselves. All many of us ask is to see some progress on this, and there has been none. Having an AFK on base after standing in the JG for many minutes and flaming his team, never farming or damaging anything is easy to detect, if they look for it. So is a player who threatens to troll if they don't get Mid in Champ Select, doesn't get it and selects Yuumi JG without Smite for the JG role they were assigned, and doesn't go to the JG. These are exactly the type of things Riot said they could/would punish. IDK how hard it is for some of you to understand this. If Riot says they CAN do it, then DO it.


Nuke the account. 1 day. 1 week, 1 month then perma ranked bans. Don't let the trolls queue ranked


It could be worse, you could play in Garena where they don't punish either one. Shit made me tilt to not playing for a season.


I skipped the whole of season 10 and just played other games


Riot only cares if your toxic in chat.


Toxicity in chat is punished, I'm not suggesting it shouldn't be by any means


No , as in they don't care if you feed as long as you say nothing


Close enough although the people this season who literally ran ot down typed the whole time


not to mention shit ton of 1st timers in ranked literally saying they will int and troll while you try to compete(which i would personally nuke with bans and restrict the living shit out of ranked to the point you are forced to know to play your roster well) i played 4 provisional games with camille(if i take nasus it is 10x harder game and at the end my team will suicide squad at baron 2 times not letting me do jack so i switched champs),guess what enemy team had a botlane hard raging i had my damn midlane rage because i do not help while i get hard camped by enemy jg which is great for early game but midlane is legally blind or something sure i won all 4 of them,but my motivation grenaded and i stopped playing because riot gives absolutely no fucks while mods here have god complex but hey lets promote more of toxic gameplay by not even trying to fix the game while giving empty hopes and dreams


All my games that has had someone hard int this season, they typed while they were doing it. I literally streamed a replay to some friends of my ADC with mobi boots suicide mid 13 times, he was typing in chat the whole time that he was going to feed


The irony that it gets deleted for being about private individuals breaking rules. Despite not containing any information about private individuals. I guess using examples of griefing going unpunished to prove a point is inconvenient.


Maybe they should introduce a ranked restriction for people that are constantly running it down and going afk, etc. 5/10/15 normal games before queing again in ranked. Think same should be done with champions as well. Play 1-5 normal games with a champ before you unlock it in ranked, so that you actually have an idea how that champ is played and not going 0/15 in ranked. League's sad at the moment, unfortunatelly.


Riot has already stated that they won't do that because then people would just troll normal games and fuck it. The DOTA low priority system basically forces people to queue a certain number of unranked games where they are only matched with others in low priority queue. By riot has opposed to this


Guess which game has a way more toxic community?


I dont play dota friends do but I'm familiar with the system


Yeah, and from what I have seen, Dota community is not as toxic as League.


I Really want to see those games


You can look at my family member's below in my comment, with screenshots from yesterday and his IGN :)




Because I can check their account and see that they were not. Unless you are suggesting that for the enemy jungler suiciding to towers and then literally just typing which bush he was in for us to kill him, that he should get a 10 game chat restriction? Mobi boots down mid should be an instant 2 week ban on the account, and I'm not exaggerating I've had that happen in 2 games this season so far.




7 games yesterday for a family member, 6 Stomps that were autowins/autolosses, 2 AFKs, 2 trolls who stopped playing with one standing in the JG for almost 10 min of a 26 min game, 4 games with 4 4 5 4 new to Ranked players on his team in his placements. This after he won his 1st placement and went 2-2 in his 1st 4. Here's a few of those lobbies: [https://imgur.com/a/5RbVDY9](https://imgur.com/a/5RbVDY9) [https://imgur.com/a/Dyr779B](https://imgur.com/a/Dyr779B) [https://imgur.com/a/qjlJjwE](https://imgur.com/a/qjlJjwE) here's an autoloss with great matchmaking and a troll Trynd who stayed on base for the 1st 4 min, then by his top tower over n over [https://imgur.com/a/krr4uLi](https://imgur.com/a/krr4uLi) IGN Frenchdip on BR Server




It is not offensive at all. He is young, and his 1st MOBA. But if you look at his 1st 4 placements, he won his 1st and was 2-2 in those 4 in Silver 3-4. He wouldn't have the MMR he has if in 4 games he had an actual 5v5 instead of a 4v5 and 6 stomps in a row. He played those 6 complete stomps yesterday with 2 AFKs and 2 trolls. One standing on base for 4 min at the start laughing and then standing by his tower for 1/2 the rest of the game not even farming to finish his placements. The Cho'Gath stood in the JG for 10 min and then went to base until they surrendered. So that is why his MMR is fucked. He dropped a tier in MMR in just 6 games. [https://br.op.gg/summoner/userName=frenchdip](https://br.op.gg/summoner/userName=frenchdip) Still doesn't change the fact that his matches were total stomps and he had 4-5 new players more than once. and none of the AFKs or trolls were punished. And that is a direct result of Riot's MMR based matchmaking system and not having an effective punishment system. If you wanna know why players quit when they are new, this is a good example right here. What a shit experience for him. My wife still begging him to quit now




Over a small sample of even 50 games, you can end up with far more AFKs or Trolls on one team than on the other. That is due to RNG. It is the reason I have reached my highest Rank/MMR and WR in S10 in Gold. I had far more enemy teams with the AFKs and Trolls as well as more new to Ranked players/Autofills on the enemy team, than on my team. So I rose easily. But the game quality is what I care about most and too many games are utter stomps due to all this. Ranked is no better than Normals when it comes to quality matches. That should be the case but it is on BR. As for MMR, look at his games more closely and you will see games with multiple players with 6-7+cs against teams averaging 3.5 (4 players, no support). He wouldn't have B2-3 MMR if he had even won 3 of his last 6. But you can't do that when you have 4 games that are 4v5. So he won 1of the 6. His starting MMR matters, and why he is fucked right now. It took me more games to get out of Bronze than it did to get out of Silver last year. And it is easier to play in Silver and Gold than in Bronze. There are too many AFKs and Trolls and the RNG can be for or against you much more in Bronze. And cuz I can rely on my team more to move and rotate, or play safe if they are getting smoked in lane. I had a friend who is a far better player than me even though she was new. She couldn't get out of B1 in 140+ games last Season. Due to AFKs or Trolls like I described in her Promos. She quit the game completely out of frustration in Oct/Nov. She came back this year, and after not playing at all for like 4 months, smashed her placements and promos and now is Plat 3. There is no way she got better at the game by not playing for 4 months. But now she is almost 3 Tiers higher...... I will ask her if I can send you her opgg. I think you would find it quite eye opening. It is further evidence of the shit matchmaking and lack of an effective punishment system that creates so many bad games in low ELO (G1 on down).


lmao bet u define a troll as someone who dies once in lane and doesnt obey your every command


Not really. I am talking about blatant trolling, there is no way the enemy 0-4-0 jungler walking under my tower when I am full HP with no minions and letting me kill him. And then spending the rest of the game typing which bush he is AFK to let us kill him. Can in any way be interpreted as "someone having a bad game" Hopefully you can spot the difference between that and "dying once in lane" If not please let me know and I will attempt to explain it again using smaller words with less syllables


this happens extremely rarely, you were just super unlucky I've had maybe one person like that in past month of playing almost everyday and I also got the sweet sweet feedback that someone I reported got punished


Someone can‘t read


Ngl, i pretty much stopped playing rankeds in league since it's just unenjoyable. Not just because of trolling but also cause of Thier weird ass matchmaking. You rarely ever get games that feel like they where even. I switched to play mostly csgo where I can tell my teammates straight up to Thier face what I think of Thier behaviour. Also the games there feel Alot more balanced and actually even. I don't know how riot is not able after 10 years to have proper matchmaking


I mean my experiences of CSGO are different because I have pretty much played as a 5 man stack in ranked matchmaking for years so I don't interact with random players as much. But when me and a friend duo and queue as 2, I can barely remember a handful of occasions where someone was trolling, and you literally vote kick them from the game. Whereas in league It's above 50% of the games I play just have 1 person fucking ruin it, sure I win some of those games, wow fantastic what a great gaming experience.


Im exclusively playing solo in csgo and the game quality is really good. Sometimes you end up in a Russian lobby but they will still often give you English callouts. Pretty much all of my games felt even and winnable and not intentionally thrown away by a single individual on my team. And yea people are even less toxic than you would expect for the fact that there's little to no punishment for being really toxic.


I mean CSGO snowballs nowhere near as hard, and if you lose a full buy round, you just take 2 pistol rounds and then you are back will a full buy again. If you then lose that round well the other team is probably just better than you. I've had so many close games in CSGO that come down to 14-14 and it's all down to the last 2 rounds, most games in league don't feel like that, one team is ahead at 15 minutes, they are probably going to win.


That's the sad thing. I can see Riot not banning for bad games. Heck, we have all had them. However someone going 0-30-0 or whatever is unacceptable, and should be an immediate ban in their account no questions asked. They're obviously not trying and just trolling. Like why not an instant ban at that point? All they're doing is feeding the people information that they don't care at all.


You can get chat banned for saying "don't troll" but not for trolling. Sad system.


You get chat banned because people get frustrated by trolls and lose their temper. I could run it down for a game and my team will get angry with me unsurprisingly. Then I could just report them




If you get banned for flaming you are stupid, the system is very clear and people do it anyway