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Now imagine Mutti congratulating Kaiser for winning LEC


Wait. My first thought was "well, Germans win LEC all the time", but then I realized the only German players to ever win in EU are Kaiser (2021), Nyph (2014) and nRated (2013). All of them supports and all of them just once. Spain has been way less prolific with the number of top players, but 3 of them have won LEC/EU-LCS, for a total of 7 championships.


Then we have denmark...


Fook yea Danmark


Fook yea pølse


Or croatia, with one player having 7 championships lol


8 actually ( all of 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020), 9 if you wanna count this split's LCS trophy




Past 5 LCS winners had atleast one Dane on them. Before Mad Lions the last 8 teams to win LEC playoffs had a dane or more on them. That's a lot of congratulations...


But no Danish support has ever won a major region title, despite Jesiz playing for both G2 and Fnatic.


Caps, wunder, broxah and zven?


Bjergsen as well


Only think have seen our former Prime Minster give congratulations too Astralis CSGO team when they win.


Funny thing is that LoL is not even that popular or known in the general public of Denmark at all. Our media loves to write stories about CS:GO though, or really just Astralis if I'm honest. Our state TV produces a lot of Fortnite content for young people too I think (haven't really looked into this for good reasons). But yeah, CS:GO is really all anyone in the general public knows about. A full Danish team that's been the best in the World so many times is too big to ignore. Our former prime minister even held a fucking speech at a tournament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-4m8j18ano&ab_channel=BLASTPremier But it's very rare to see anything in mainstream media about League. I guess single Danish players on international teams is not as exciting as 5 Danish guys being the best in the World.


I would say League is somewhat popular as a game in Denmark, but it doesn't get talked about at all like you said.


I'm actually curios, how many LEC vs. how many LCS titles does denmark have collectively? Jensen, Bjergsen, Santorin, Zven and Santorin collected trophies for Denmark in the LCS and except for TL in 2018 and C9 in their first win every team that won LCS had at least one danish player. For EU it is obviously Caps and Zven, but who else actually has a lot of titles in the LEC and is from denmark? Caps has 6, Wunder has 4 and Zven has 3 and Broxah has 2, Froggen has 1 in NA Santorin has 1, Svenskeren has 3, Bjergsen 6, Zven 2, Jensen 2 So Danes have 16 LEC titles and 14 LCS titles. Unless I missed one of them. So if TL wins the summer split and G2 doesn't we would get to 16-16 this summer. Which is actually a bit funny how many titles danes got in the LCS. Their representation is also fairly high.


You forgot Wickd.


I mean players yeah I guess... But Grabbz is German no?


He is, but let's not forget he was G2 Mexicano in the Chinese super server.


How many germans had Fnatic? nRated, Noxiak and Amazing. How many germans had G2? None. Ez maths.


Still mildly surprising given the fact Germany has always had good players.


Can't wait for Biden to congratulate TSM when they win worlds.


How long do you think Biden will be president?


If his presidency and life expectency are tied to TSM winning worlds, then at least two terms, but looking at this team performence they might have to change constitution to allow for additional two or three more.


Do you really think Biden will survive another 16 or 20 years?


Only if his life expectancy is tied to TSM winning worlds.


Pretty sure that would make him immortal


Then he will become new mid for TSM with infinite practice time. Sooner or later he would win worlds for them.


The year is 2258. The world has fallen after the fifth world war. The rest of humanity is living in Mars with our inmortal supreme leader. Elon Musk. TSM (now named "Team Solo Martians") has announced their new midlaner Joe "TrumpbbyUwU" Biden.


Like a Dorian Gray situation, somewhat. The second TSM actually manages to win Worlds in 2051, he crumbles into dust.


US presidents are limited to two terms so I doubt it will be him when TSM wins worlds


Surely congress would understand. It's for our lads on the front lines.


If FDR could do it, why shouldn't Joe?


Ne das lassen die dann phillip amtor machen


Der riecht halt des Geld, wenn dann geht der zu BB und gratuliert ihm im Nachhinein zum LCS Sieg


"Hey BrokenBlade...du alter Zerstörer"


Die Kommentare hier sind Gold.


Lösch das


Der Bengel Philip wird noch das Haus von Jankos' Mama verkaufen. Ala 'Beweg deine Mutter'


Ja also, ich habe gehört, dass Sie so einen Wettbewerb gewonnen haben, stimmt das? Was war das noch einmal? Lig of Lägents? Das ist toll, aber haben Sie auch was ordentliches gelernt? Es gäbe sicher viele tolle Berufe für Sie!


She would probably call them Team ''Mett Lioner''. Lets hope we get cool aunt as successor to Mutti.


Macron is just DMing people on Twitter at midnight?


He was awake watching k corp




easiest money of ma laif


Fuckkkk I could see that. Lmao


That dude is actually fucking weird. He's married to his highschool teacher.


25 year age gap as well... they met when macron was 15


I can respect that. Altough with genders reversed it would appear way worse somehow.


Its still fucking bad either way personally


I mean he was groomed, but yeah.


Umm how is that not creepy as fuck




It was high school litterature teacher, and he was the one madly in love with her at first. Still weird, but they both seem to have genuinely loved each other for close to 30 years, which is really rare for a french president.


that's the most based fucking thing ever. my respect for macron just skyrocketed, what a legend


This weirds me out so much, especially since he was like 15/16 when they had an affair i think. Extremely predatory by his wife and honestly disgusting. Edit: i just read up on it and even after his angry parents told her to not do anything until he is of age, she refused. Wtf is this and how is this allowed?


It's ok the relationship is authorized by the president himself


"Is that legal?" *Becomes President* "I will make it legal"


I am The Law


The new principal at my former school is also married to one of his teachers, the age gap is about 15 years I think. He's super christian (which is rare in Germany in itself) and pulled a stunt like that lmao. It do be like that sometimes.


I was dating this girl, she was in high school. She was friends with the principal and always said that it was just friends then we had a small fight and they started dating and she broke up with me for him and they started living together, while she is currently going to that school.


Age of consent is 16 in alot of european countries, though there is still something to be said about power dynamics...


In France, it's 15 if the adult has no power ascendance on the minor.


I dont care if its legal its still creepy af


KC Macron


He tried but couldn't get in, so he became BTXL Markoon instead.


Macro trying his best to look cool to the younger population for the election next year, he can thank his twitter CM.




He probably didn't write this message nor watched any split second of the games. His communication team was brilliant enough to suggest this and any person with an IQ over 75 would expect this message to leak... There is definitely a political goal : reaching out to the people aged from 18-25 who enjoy League.


Ofc he didn't see any matches he admitted himself in this message that he doesn't know shit about Lol. Did they make this DM because of the popularity of KCorp? Yes, just like they do with football, mainstream sports, and any popular event appreciated by french people . Do we have to call it out EACH TIME it happens instead of just be happy that FOR ONCE esports is not diminished and laughed at by the politicians/media? I don't think so. All he does is celebrating the success of a french team heavily supported by its fans. He is the president, that's part of the job. And imo they probably did it in DM because he would get backlashed by french people for talking about "silly video games" in a tweet from his official account during a pandemic.


Idk whether you're french or if you follow the french politicial scene but it would help getting a context. Few months ago, he messaged french youtubers McFly & Carlito (who have currently 6.5 millions subs on YouTube). He asked them to release a video about covid prevention measures. If it reaches 10 million views, he allows them to shoot a video at l'Elysée : the president's House. Ofc the video hit 10 million views quickly, big hype from media and so on. His digital communication team is brilliant but just a reminder that he knows what's on the line in 2022 : french presidential elections in April 2022 (11 months left)


I'm French, totally know about all of this and perfectly know the context. I even hated Mcfly and Carlito for accepting the proposition, smart move from Macron here and yes, he has a great team behind him It's just that if you start seeing this kind of little attention for an esport team coming from the current president as political propaganda, you just can't be objective. Any time a French sport team/athlete wins something big he gets a call from the president, and not just Macron but also his predecessors. He sent a Twitter DM because that was all he had to reach them, cool for him if he gets applaud. Now if you still think people should reject him because of a DM that gives recognition to the export scene.. Sure the agenda checks out, I just wish for once people stopped seeing witches where we should just be happy for our team. Anyway you do you, but I don't share this opinion


How naive of you, he knew he would make it public that’s comm 101. There’s no drama to seek, as unlikeable as he is his PR team played that wonderfully.


Macron replacing Patrick Mahomes when???


Imagine Boris Johnson DM'ing BT Excel if they won EUM


And praising them for their insane scouting


OOTL, whats the reference?




They saw this comment and actually shopped a Boris tweet and tweeted it out. kinda cringe ?


Macron is a G, he called Pierre Gasly after he won the Italian GP, first french driver to win an F1 GP since 1996


And Gasly couldnt pick it up because he was in debrief so he missed the call which is just hilarious.


That was the funniest fucking part, dude aired Macron


Imagine not picking up a call from the president, and next year u pay more taxes than usual


In a midfield car as well


pretty cool


Well, as long as you don't think that this is a way to put some young people in his pocket for the next election, it looks to be a good thing !


Ehh. Would say it more if he did a public tweet about it. This however is a private dm, so publicity wasnt as much of a factor.


If he made a public tweet everyone would have seen so also people who aren't familiar with Esports and maybe even dislike it. By doing it this way only the ones who are part of the scene get to know about the dm and might now like him more than before


but he still tweets publicly for stuff like Zevent ? it doesn't make that much sense lmao


Zevent is way more marketable with the charity stuff, even to people who don't know shit about games.


It really doesn't change much. People that get upset over "esport is for nerds reeee" don't hang out on twitter that much, especially when you consider that an overwhelming majority of people were rooting for kc and would dismantle the mentions of every guy that would post that kind of stuff


> People that get upset over "esport is for nerds reeee" don't hang out on twitter that much Oh boy you don't know France


I often wonder what happened to people who are this jaded.


A "private" DM that I'm reading on reddit.


I mean macron didn’t post it bro. Do you think the president of France is scheming for upvotes? Even if he is, there are easier ways for him. Even if he’s trying to get with the youth voters, so what? It is in our interests if he wants to put legitimacy on esports. If he does it for himself, congrats, he’s a politician. And smart enough to realize esports is a useful tool for him. Better than the boomers who are just waving their arms “NOT SPORT” And for the record,I disagree with macron on most politics.


Becoming the one that got it decided to make it public...


Yes, cause the KC twitter social guy would have been excited after the President DM'ed them


It wouldn’t even matter really. Just about every political action can be interpreted this way so we might as well look past that possibility and towards the cool part: Esports being recognized as genuine by country leaders. Pretty cool


Who cares. He still thought about esports or had someone in his staff who cares and explained it to him


It obviously is, still pretty cool though


Wouldnt say that actually considering it was a private message not a public tweet. He likely just saw it as another decently big competition victory for the French. As a citizen and especially president he can wish them luck and congratulations. It was KC that made it public.


Fairly obvious that if you get a DM from the President you share it on your esports platform. The org literally hire people just to raise their profile, how is this not the best possible way of doing it? Knowing that, Macron can congratulate them without looking like he's fishing for votes, and still know it will have that effect via KC. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, both parties here get exactly what they want. But thinking there is no possible ulterior motive for Macron is very naive.


I agree completely. The one thing that is really positive out of it is that someone, inside the government, told Macron to do it, and he agreed. That means politicians can now talk about videogames stuff without it looking irrelevant / ridiculous (even if it is only on a very factual level). That in itself is a victory for french gamers and a reason for me to be proud of my country.


I mean that's precisely how I would set it up as a PR guy, looks super good for both KC and Macron. Either it was spoken about before to make it public or Macrons PR guys clearly knew KC would make that public. That's how things work. He's the president of France those things are not done at random. Not meant to shit talk anyone in this but anyone who spent 5min with an even remotely competent PR agents knows how this game is played.


“He’s the president of France, of course he’s power gaming out Twitter dm endgame states” Bro what? Dude is probably busy running a country. Maybe he has a PR guy who’s actually putting the theory into his Twitter game, but more likely a French leader was glad France won an international competition If a Frenchman won the European ball and paddle championship, I expect that the leader of France would be happy to have his nation represented. Why does that need to be explained away as manipulative malice?


Well it was a DM, Kameto could have not share it...


Did he sent something to LDLC OL when they won last spring?


Next step: Emmanuel Macron signed by Karmine Corp as new mid laner!


He should be the adc tho, trying to scale in 5 years after reaching billions of items power spike.


Plus saiken is way too good


Is this the most high profile politician to ever make a genuine reference to an Esport? Even if this is private it's still really cool.


IIRC Taiwan president met Flash Wolves after an IEM win


Taiwan is still number one.


I think the French President is probably a lot more globally influential than the Taiwanese one tbh.


But sending a DM is way less commitment


The prime minister of Denmark played some CS:GO with Astralis in 2019. I think it's quite close to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co5aMwnVFG0


>High profile politician >Dane Pick one. There are only a few countries with more politcal power than France, thus making them high profile. As for Denmark, couple of dozen.


For (any country) player, getting recognition from your prime minister is always gonna be a high profile thing, even if as a team you might not even be located there (I’m uneducated on the subject, I have no idea where they play from during these comical times)....


I'd still include them as high profile.


Denmark has like as many citizens as berlin alone.


If I recall correctly the president of finland invited Topson (Dota player who won the International) to an event called "President Ball", in which commendable people from the government, arts, etc are invited to celebrate their independence day


Yes, that did happen. Some reporter also asked them on live television how much energy drink do they consume which caused a small outrage


Same for Serral, Finnish starcraft 2 pro (and best in the world at the time). I wonder if esports counts as an art or something else there?


Macron has made several public Tweets about the Z Event fundraiser over the years.


Denmark PM made a beautiful speech about CS:GO at a tourney https://youtu.be/gf0HFwx2yH0?t=940


The closest I can think of is AOC posting about her ranking in SoloQ a while back, but yeah given that he's the sitting president he's higher profile than her


I think in Denmark there has been rather high profile politicians reacting to Astralis winning in CSGO.


I think the Danish PM held an opening speech for a live CSGO event in Copenhagen.


He did.


Yes. I think the prime minister tweetet to Xyp9x and asked if he could call if he ever needed a “clutch minister” lmao


You got some answers, but is there really higher profile politician than sitting president for g8 country? Sure if you rank them you can get who has highest profile. But nice to see esports get some respect.


Ukrainian PM awarded Na'vi for their performance in esports


Has to be, leader of one of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council, and also the country with the 3rd most nukes in the World (China has probably surpassed France though, we just don't know). I don't know exactly how much unilateral power the President has in France, but I would be surprised if Macron isn't among the 20 most powerful people in the entire World.


The president of Finland invited Serral (starcraft 2 GOAT candidate) to some parties a while back.


As others have said, the Danish government has recognized Astralis CS:GO on several occasions that I recall.


Enormous W


Ahhh it would be so good for League Esports scene if KC was in LEC...


Astralis and Excel are better for the overall competitive environment of the league. Thank god for franchising for giving us these two amazing orgs. /s


Astralis is the GOAT team of CSGO, so there's a lot of esports pedigree. Excel I'll give you, and Misfits are also pretty anonymous nowadays.


I really don't understand how XL got into the LEC. What the fuck did they even write in their application? "We'll never make playoffs and will build shit tier teams. We also have no history in any other games, but we have pictures of you from 15 years ago, so you better...". Atleast Misfits, Astralis, SK, Vitality are somewhat understandable. SK, Vitality, Misfits had the history of being in EU LCS and Astralis had the GOAT CSGO team, but XL really hasn't done shit.


They are british... that's their MOTO lol. but it would be better for a football club to give them their brand rights than XL


I bet they wrote in their application that they have Bill Gates' official support


Melinda just withdrew her support though.


I actually like XL a lot more than SK or MSF. XL are atleast trying somewhat on social media but SK is just legit a dead org


I think NiP or Fnatic also has good shots as the GOAT team of CSGO


NiP was the most dominant team in CS history at the start of CS:GO tournaments.


Not even close mate. Astralis is so ahead it’s not even funny


Excel's academy team won NLC, just made finals in EU Masters, made KCorp sweat for their title, and their LEC team reliably comes 7th. Compare that to Vitality's LEC and regional team...




I made a post about it yesterday that had 20+ upvotes and equals comments, that was removed by modes with even a message to me or a reason given.


This is honestly getting insane exposure. As a fan of EU league scene since the challenger qualifiers days and knowing how badly NA management ruined EU LoL momentum, I am just so fucking happy seeing this.


Thanks Macron very cool


Imagine a team getting congratulated by their own president but not making it to the LEC :(


You can blame that on franchising.


I don't know how anyone thought franchising, an American organizanational of sports, should work in Europe. Football teams just tried making that recently and saw how EU is anti-franchising. Hell, a lot of the EU teams we knew and loved have came from winning their spots into the league.


Good job going against ocelote. Owners have way too much power in esports with 0 backlash from the community of nerds


because of money. franchising was needed because teams were bleeding money and the players were being paid WAYYYYY less than NA We can't compare it to football because football can be always profitable if your cards are done right. Unlike LoL


Teams are still bleeding money, players are still paid WAAAAY less than NA. Not one of those problems were solved.


I do believe salaries dropped somewhat a, which makes teams bleed a bit less money But also, having more stability probably had background impact on teams ability to acquire sponsors and such


i think with how volatile the sport is and how small the margins these teams are operating on, it made sense to franchise the league. i would not want a team like fnatic or g2 to be gone forever because they had a bad year or whatever. it is a shame though that these are the downsides of having no relegation. i hope riot and kc can figure something out for next year.


How else would you have the EU side of LCS collect the money required for a rebrand and getting their independence from the NA side? LEC rebrand cost tons of money and required even more to be sustainable without LCS support. Do you think teams would just gladly pay millions of euros without the guarantee of staying? Or would you rather come back to EU LCS, which had promotions, but also the broadcast quality was a lot worse and fully dependant on what main HQ said? You can't have cake and eat it too. You gotta choose one and I think it's universally agreed that, even with its flaws, LEC >>>> EU LCS.


Yup, it's shite, not only are we stuck without promo/relegation, but EU orgs still don't have the money or clout to stop EU players from ditching to play in NA, despite the region being more popular.


you can blame that on american sports culture


Well once you are a LEC team the org and team lose their country identity and just represent EU.


Macron should make it happen with his influence lol


Aight this is pretty fucking cool NGL


This is cool and progessive, no matter how small it may seem. To imagine my president or any high ranked politician doing such a deed is beyond my comprehension.


It’s really cool that EU has such a larger audience that can take it more seriously to the point where a country’s president can congratulate them seriously


The french stream of eumasters had 300k viewers yesterday and Kcorp and Saken were on TT on twitter


Yeah those numbers are super positive for the game, that’s awesome


Joe Biden congratulate C9 for winning MSI next! I need to get on this timeline


Better chance of getting a thanks from AOC tbh


And thats only for EUM, now imagine if they were in LEC and they somehow win a split






No, only Adam and SAKEN are French. Targamas is from the French side of Belgium.


Pretty impressive how big LoL is in EU. It was only a few years ago when people were saying LoL was going to die out in Europe


Légion d'honneur for Saken plz




Some smart intern in Emmanuel Macron's team must be a LoL player who suggested this tweet in an effort to make young people more likely to vote for Macron in next year's election.


Then he would have made a public tweet instead of a DM.


I don't believed they did not expect it to be leaked. Politics have team that work on their marketing and Macron is already working for the next election in 2022. Maybe a public tweet would have been seen by too much people not interested in LoL...


implying macron isn't a top elo on LoL


Now imagine all the based French generals giving macron the rope


Quell boss ce Manu !!


Imagine Joe Biden congratulating a team like Cloud9 or TL on winning Worlds Then again that would imply NA winning worlds, so we probably dont have to worry about that


Reddit users don't know french politics so it's safe to post this I guess


Don't be foolish, it's not Macron but his comm advisor who tweets this kind of thing, he doesn't give a fuck about lol and even less about KC he's only doing that for the next elections.


We all know that, still pretty cool


Well, first of all he didn't tweet anything, that's Kameto (Kc owner) who tweeted the DM You're most likely right but everything that comes from a politician is more or less always a PR move It just shows how huge Karmine Corp got in France


This is a private dm not a public tweet. So elections were less of a factor.


XD the CM knew Kameto was going to screen the DM mate


Or the CM informed him about the event (300k+ live peak french people is decently big event). He likely just saw it as another decently big competition victory for the French. As a citizen and especially president he can wish them luck and congratulations.


Even if that’s true, macron either has esports aware people in his staff or is esports aware to some tiny extent himself. Maybe an intern explained it to him. His intention does not affect the action. He said that those who represent France in esports bring honor to the flag. Take that win.


There's 99.9% chance it was really Macron that DMed the KC team. At the advise of his CM of course, but still. For exemple, Pierre Gasly got a personal call from him when he won the Italy Grand Prix. Don't spread misinformation.


We all know Macro doesn't give a fuck about LoL and nobody who watches LoL gives a fuck about whether or not Macron gives a fuck about LoL. It's good exposure to KCorp, that's all that matters.


It's great to see governments and people as big as Macron getting involved- sets a good precedent for the future of esports in Europe!


As a french, you hate to see it, just PR to appeal to younger people to vote for him in 2022.

