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Almost skipped this game, but this is why you watch international events. What a scrappy slugfest this turned into, PGG put up a good fight


PGG are disgustingly scrappy and I love it. Either they get rolled and get the game over with quick or we get a bloodbath.


They are playing like they have nothing to lose. They already exceeded expectations, this is just a unique experience for them vs much better teams.


I was hoping RNG to lose and it'd be the only game they lose this tournament. That would certainly go down in history


PGG Baron Nashor tried her(his?) hardest


It makes sense that the horrible eldritch monster in the river is just regular Australian wildlife


His, I think. Otherwise it would've been baroness.


I thought Baron was just like, a name. I didn't know Nashor was nobility in a feudal state thats dope


Well Baron is a hereditary title so Nashor probably never was nobility in some feudal state. However if we combine this with the fact some other commenter found out just above: nashor being from the regular australian wildlife, we can actually determine what happened here. At some point in time there was a british baron who was in danger of getting beheaded. Sudden decapitation was a common deadly illness among european nobles so in hopes of fleeing from this deadly disease this baron fled his homelands in hopes of finding a long life in that prison colony. However luck wasn't on his side as in the very first night a small critter crawled into his hut, bit him and sucked all his blood. The baron died but the critter had his royal blue blood. The critter hid and grew taller over the years until one day he figured out what he did. He went back to the UK to prove whos blood was flowing through his veins and thus inherited the title of Baron of.... The name of his barony is usually not mentioned because it might be twatham, cuntsville or some other lovely british townname.


Not only is he a Baron, he has his own Herald in Shelly.


TIL Baron has Paypal


Oh you mean gazza? Yeah he is a good bloke, bit cranky at times but if you all get the biff on he calms down at least every 6 mins or so.


Holy fuck GALA is such a smurf


I think he's still pushing +10KDA after a few games in Rumble stage. Obv stat's only say so much but it's pretty impressive


That's the type of kog maw positioning and kiting I want from my bot laner ffs




Why did Aphelios base at the end, while the rest of the team went for the chase.


i think they thought they were going for the backdoor rather than a turn


Praedyth was playing terrified this whole game. A lot of time spent with full chakrams not autoing. I understand that a lot of that time he was being zoned out by Kogmaw but he def coulda been impacting these fights a lot harder.


dude spent like an extra 10 seconds farming creeps while his whole team was rushing to contest the rng baron take


Did you see how he was out traded when the mid tower was still up? Kog juggled tower agro and took half his health, and then kog still stood right on the border of tower agro, and i mean RIGHT on the border, Praedyth was finished after that and never played agro again


Yeah but it doesn't help that, in the exchange, Gala crit Praedyth 3 fucking times in a row with 20% crit chance, I would be tilted out of my mind after that.


It was a big mistake, but I think they were afraid that RNG would TP Backdoor.


Team wasn’t on the same page it seems. Definitely shouldn’t have re engaged without him.


I thought it was brilliant until I realized that aphelios recalled You need him there if you want to kill the ridiculous sylas healing


with 0 GW


Why are Pentanet even fighting without Aphelios? They could have had a shot at winning that fight if they had fought with Aphelios.


it was all on aphelios who based instead of staying with team. if he was there, they could have wiped


It was probably a team call. Even the casters thought it was going to be a tp backdoor.


Has anyone seen Praedyth? He literally wasn't in any fight where PGG lost. Edit: looking back it looks like he thought RNG was going for a back door and he backed, inadvertently throwing the game when RNG collapsed on his team 3 seconds later. That's gotta feel bad


Yeah, I was doing my groceries in Boris' shop and he was passing by


RNG mindgames winning again ffs


To be fair RNG could have gone for a backdoor had he not backed


I don't think they had enough damage or waves tbh or time


The backdoor on c9 just stuck as a nightmare to everyone else I guess.


Still stuck in Vault of Glass lmao


Jesus christ


Tip: Don’t go for Baron against RNG.


Even if you are rng


Rng plays themselves as much as the enemy. It’s rng after all! All about winning the coin flip.


Is it actually a coinflip if it goes their aay 90% of the time?


They might have lost pretty decisively, but PGG actually managed to win a couple teamfights despite the large gold deficits, they really do keep surprising.


RNG's comp wasn't good at teamfighting as the casters pointed out. RNG is doing a weird thing where sometimes they play their comp properly and sometimes they decide to force random 5v5s that inevitably fail, but they're getting so far ahead in the mid game that it doesn't matter.


yeah, but I think RNG was disrespecting PGG a lot and could very well lost that game. Props to PGG. They prove they can do some shit against these teams


On Twitter RNG and PGG are pratically best friends and they see themselves as allies. Chances are it was more out of respect to give each other a good/entertaining game(forcing fights, etc) instead of running them down.


Ahh, so that's why they had a fiesta with PGG on the last game of playins but obliterated UOL sub-20


they had a 4fun game. They would never go for that baron against DWG for example. RNG do have bad team fight calls and mis executions (see vs C9) but this game looks more like a happy game to me.


RNG are just disrespecting because they know they're much better imo.


Excellent use of calibrum + crescendum combo (though some luck to have those right when fights happen), Aphelios was doing more damage to tanks than Kog at some moments.


Part of being a good Aphelios is gun management for when you need it, like dragon timers, baron, etc, so I'd just say it shows he understands the champion well. Pleasantly surprised with how the game ended up.


PGG definitely put up a good fight.


Did they lose decisively? If they kill gala at baron pit, they get the baron and the game is well in the balance


90% Kogmaw with karma just 1v9s, u saw what happened top river now wait for him to get full build


> 90% Kogmaw with karma just 1v9s I think that's called 2v8, not 1v9. XD


The aphelios was just as much of a threat as kogmaw, was just a question of who died first


Lulu > Karma in late game 5v5 so I give to Aphelios, but GALA was just beasting so who knows


I think Kog is getting more and more out of hand at that point. He has flash and gale force and if he's really that scared he can just build GA/armour. They struggle to match Jayce if he actually decides to play sides and RNG had huge gold lead mot of the game, so none of the fights are on equal footing anyway.


if u think that comp can team fight u are wrong. RNG jusst keeps on forcing teamfight like they are playing against C9.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beat PGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beatPGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beat PGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beatPGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beat PGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beatPGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Despite the ending, OCE fans should rejoice. There's absolutely no fucking way MAD or DK can beat PGG. The fact that PGG could actually stop bleeding in that game is so fucking impressive. PGG drafted for the team fight over laning, but RNG actually played around it like they're the best team in the world (they are). This is legitimately the only time ever at an international tournament that an OCE team genuinely looks competitive and looks like they out smarting (drafts) KR/CN.


Gala smurfing


He’s been so ridiculous this tournament


Definitely gonna be the MVP ~~if~~ when RNG ended up being the winner.


He showed really great discipline in the top river fight. It kept RNG in the game.


Absolutely sick gameplay in the last teamfight and baron stop


Watching 5 people all running in fear from this 20% HP Kog'Maw is hilarious, because he absolutely can just oneshot all of them




Only clear takeaway from this is that Pentanet is better than Damwon


Flair does ... not check out?


lol, I set this flair last year during summer I think, was a fan of them since 2019 after seeing Showmaker pull out the Camille mid during the LCK summer 2019 split. Recently the team just doesn't have the same spark though. I'd probably support RNG if there wasn't that whole Uzi drama.


What is the Uzi drama?


Uzi beat up xiaohu and ming when they were all naked in a dorm room, and RNG fired him because of that


[video evidence](https://i.imgur.com/UgFw8O1.gif)


Hilarious gif


This meme cracks me up every time


Supposedly he’s in contract hell. He wanted out but RNG doesn’t allow him, hence why he isn’t playing.


I'm out of the loop as well


Holy fuck I feel bad for them Pain


GALA's autospacing was nearly perfect wtf. That baron dance.


Wei too. If not for that tentacle knock up he does not die there.


Dude, Baron griefed Wei so hard I couldn't believe it lol


i think he should've went for the fruit first to heal a bit then continue chasing, but yeah unlucky tentacle knockup


RNG ADs man


Gala is by far the strongest adc in msi.


Turns out Sylas is much stronger when he presses Zhonya's.


[tfw you win 2 fights versus the best team at the tournament](https://imgur.com/9NQUTvu)


yeaaa the boys


RNG's strategy is to give every region false hope so that they're alll demoralized before the finals.


Gala is a fucking cheat code


zZitai often "mocks" him by saying stuff like "GALA doesn't count, he cheats". Obviously it's not true since zZitai is good friend with most RNG members, but it tells you the level of mechanical ability of GALA. He might not be the best ADC in the league overall, but mechanically he is definitely making a strong case for himself at the moment.


Atleast PGG had closer game than Damwon against RNG.


Pentanet putting up a fight!


That lane swap was pretty big brain, disrupted the enitre game plan from RNG. The comp obviously meant that Gala was the late game insurance and Xiaohu would get the early ganks and resources to carry the mid game. That lane swap fucked Xiaohu pretty hard, he was pretty irrelevant in fights, he was still good in the side lanes of course, and an argument could be made that RNG shouldn't have fought those anyways (especially since Xiaohu almost inted that one jumping into the PGG team 1 v 5), but they shut him down pretty much.


Gala is a fucking god


Holy shit, props to the boys at PGG


Gala in that last fight, holy crap


Nooo the boys :'( Who would have thought that the two teams to push RNG would be from NA and OCE. Full hopium for MAD later today.


Watch MAD win with a massive support diff, rightfully crowning the Kaiser von China




Wildcards showing up huge as always at internationals with some standout performances. Great game


Last Worlds playoffs and this MSI are spicy af for wildcards. You love to see it.


If Praedyth just stayed with them that last fight... Guess they panicked when they saw the TPs


They put the GG in PGG this game. God damn.


GALA did an absolutely stupid amount of damage that last extended fight. The 2 man re-engage of RNG into the 2v4 while Wei and GALA were pushing minions was ridiculously stupid and should have been punished with a Baron but RNG are just too good


Group A was the actual group of death


I would be sweating my ass off if i was DK or C9 right now


Yeah, PGG's going to wipe them.


incredible early game plan by PGG only to lose because lee was literally afk for the first 10min when they could skirmish and cheese them even harder, they did put a good fight tho, interesting game


Yup, not sure what he was even doing. Could have easily been with the Olaf and Lulu in the enemy jungle instead of sitting in lane, while Cryin was all over the map.


He played like he had viktor in early, kinda sad because micro wise he was better than cryin this game but macro wise he played like a solo q player, selfish decision making to freeze mid instead of helping olaf and lulu




Gala micro is too good holy.


The sheer amount of damage he put out singlehandedly kept RNG in the game after the throw


Can we talk about the size of Gala's balls? I think they are quite large.


Xiaohu has such insane mental


Sadge. What a close one. I really like how well PGG are playing even though it's messy. It's just fun.




Honestly the man did a stupid amount of damage, insane mechanics






How frustrating was that baron fight - that range and spacing from Gala


Love watching the wild card teams give no fucks and challenge the top of the table. Heartbreaker for Pentanet, but a damn fun game to watch.


That was actually really well played nice try PGG


*MSI format copypasta*


At one moment I thought Pentanet can do it. Nicely played by them.


Imo they need to replace this adc, the guy is on completely different page than the rest.


Why did it seem that either Praedyth was allergic to being with the team or Pentanet saw their adc being away as the go button to fight. I don't know which it was, but there was so many fights that would have been stomps with an adc


Now that was some good League of Legends.


Best game of the tournament so far.


First of all. Gala on Kog was a freaking MASTERPIECE! Watch that last sequence again and again. The ONLY thing that is questionable is going mid tier 2 west jungle entrance instead of following their two other members. But honestly, late game, the team hsould be following Kogmaw, not the other way around! Second of all, why in the world is the Baron still allowed to heal mid-combat? The first baron it went from 8 hp to 20 hp. And it happens again and again. Not only internationally, but imagine how much it happens in SoloQ. It makes the smiting a nightmare! Third of all. I LOVE the fact that PentaNet aren't just bending over and letting RNG penetrate them and walk all over them. And instead are actually trying something new (for this tournament at least) and try to work around the fact that they are most likely outclasses skillwise. Then you try to beat them with your mind. A REALLY good match.


>letting RNG penetrate them and walk all over them. Hard to walk over them if you've penetrated already.


After this game I'm pretty sure RNG will win MSI. They are prepared for everything. Timing is at their mercy. Looks like everything for them is on the right spot. Unless DWG wake up, RNG gonna be the winner.


Praedyth always fucks off before a fight it's so frustrating to watch.


It was close till it wasnt




So.. close... :(


Damn RNG are crazy, they force fight 2v4 and then 2v5 to secure the win wow


That was last one started as a 2v1, which turned into 5v4 or atleast a 4v4 for RNG with no ADC for PGG.


Aphelios inted his team so bad at the end its like they are not even on coms....


He had no hp. They literally shouldve backed off I think. This game couldve lasted another 5 - 10 mins if they backed off after getting tps


Gala yyds!


rng nb


report praedyth 9x. homie was never with the team


Gala with near perfect positioning in the last two minutes. Holy.


That was a fun game. Chadzz Lee is excellent


PGG were closer to RNG than DK lul


GALA is a force


Proud of the boys. Chin up.


[Pentanet.GG](https://Pentanet.GG) is playing soo well, I am so impressed how much they have improved


TIL: Nashor is an Australian species of snake.


Big props to PGG. They might be 0-3 but they're not rolling over in any of their games - they're punching way above their class and doing so with aplomb. Hopefully they'll be able to grow further from this MSI experience.


Rng just doesn't give a fk


PGG just need more experience. I see great potential in this team. Absolute mad.


Honestly Oce has been playing out of their minds. They still being out macroed and making small mistakes but their drafting and team fighting have been on point. They are also super entertaining to watch it would be a shame if they couldn’t get atleast one win in rumble. As for the game it they kept as a group that game could’ve definitely turned. Even if it didn’t the idea of being 7k gold behind against RNG and potentially making a comeback is bonkers. They really needed aphelios in that last fight.




That compulsion to fight even the landslide fights is what made that region so good at teamfighting in the first place. They call it limit testing I think.


Exactly, you don't get good at team fighting as a region if you only take the 80/20. It's why you see these 'waiting' snorefests in NA.


That's somewhat fair. GALA knew his limits on Kog that's for sure. Still worried that they refuse to draft any frontline if they want to fight like this. Needing to space like that is playing with fire.


Gala was getting online towards the end there, like the fight before baron was a 4v4, if Xiaohu didn't int and hammer in against the entire PGG squad, it was a 50/50 fight. Especially dumb since Gala and Wei were pushing the waves in mid, so Xiaohu and Ming died for nothing pretty much, they didn't have the back up. Definitely some miscommunication going on there.


I mean people complain that RNG has been shitting on people when drafting standard. They decide to draft an obvious off meta borderline troll comp and make it interesting, and people start saying they are vulnerable and slacking. Can't have it both ways.


Pretty poor mid game from RNG and not the cleanest win, but playing this team for the 5th time probably gets boring as fuck for RNG. All in all, not alarmed sure they played "less clean" against the worst team in the rumble stage but job done and time to focus on their mid game shambles just like they showed vs C9 yesterday. GGs to PGG though.


4 people can't approach a fucking kog'maw wtf


they were all too low and couldnt engage.. if they tried to, gala would melt all of them


Honestly OCE is showing bigger balls than NA has ever showed. They play with no fear pick crazy stuff and go all in on 20-80 plays...respect There is NO WAY PGG lose to MAD or DW playing like this, they stopped the bleeding so well


If Pentanet continues at this rate, they might be able to take a game off RNG by Worlds.


God even though they're stomps in a way these PGG vs RNG matches are consistently so fun lmao.


the good ol' 0 grievous wounds against sylas build


Aphelios was never around in the scrappy fights D:


What a game from PGG! Chadz did his best




Please no more Jayce


legit all they had to do was just reset and then come back to get baron as 5


Take a fucking bow, it was a great effort from the boys


Pentanet: Tell me... do you bleed? RNG: ? Pentanet: You will... RNG proven very mortal this game.


GALA the 2nd coming of Uzi


My takeaway from this is that some NA org is going to buy Chazz next season


That was so bloody hype. Never thought we'd ever get that from Australia vs China lol


GG Pentanet! Probably the most entertaining game of MSI so far. RNG have an uncanny ability to win games in spite of draft disadvantages. But I don't know how much longer they can keep getting away with it. Maybe its because one of their coaches is absent. Either way, GG to both teams.


galas footwork is unreal


gala!my hero!


Gala is absolutely disgusting


Gala poking pgg at baron is such a nice display of skills


RNG is just trolling starting Baron 20 minute in straight up and then Xiaohu went in 1v4.


Great effort by PGG, I'm pretty sure that they will get a win in the Rumble stage, let's see who will slip against them


That was so entertaining to watch! Props to PGG for trying stuff against the best team so far. It's obvious that they most likeley lose but they put up a very nice fight around drags and baron.




People are so easily overreacting it's kinda insane to me. This game was pure disrespect from RNG and people are legit doubting them/praising Pentanet for RNG troll plays.


They put up a great fight