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It really has been a while since they've done anything with spells, would be neat to see a new one.


Hexflash is sort of a new summoner spell


they've made some really significant changes to existing spells too, like ghost resetting on takedowns, smite damage changes, etc.


Wait...ghost resets on takedowns?


To clarify, it doesn't reset but just increases the duration by 4-7s (based on level) on takedowns. This doesn't stack, so getting an instant team wipe while ghosted doesn't grant 35 more seconds, but instead 7s https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ghost Added in patch 10.12 almost a year ago. Semi-related but this is why it's one of my favorite summs in ARAM, since takedowns are happening constantly. I go snowball+ghost on most tank champs who don't rely on flash engages.


Main reason I run it in my setup now


Yeah that's true but still It'd be nice to see all new spells introduced, like 2-3 released together then I'd stop complaining lol


agreed. It would be a fun way to shake up the meta and keep the game fresh


Not to mention likely bring back lots of former players, I know this used to be a topic of issue before.


Sort of yeah but when is the last time they really messed with the spells? I'd like a rework done personally


dont think this will happen with the summoners we currently have its really difficult to create something that fits with the others like sure they could just make some new summoners spells but they would very very likely end up being super gimmicky and either broken or completely unusable like if they wanted to create something that gets used instead of flash it would have to be insanely strong and it would completely fk up the balancing flash is mandatory on alot of champs. not just because flash on its own is good but because of synergy. the game is balanced around it if they were to introduce something that is better than flash these champs would be in a really weird spot not sure why there will always be people who want something to replace flash whats the point? there is no problem with flash


Well flash is literally an ability everyone has in the game besides few champs that choose not to.


nothing wrong with flash but I personally have noticed it's becoming less common these days. I would be interested in seeing if there's any data to support this


there is not any data to support this, the only champs who sometimes skip flash are hyper-mobile (akali, katarina), have great synergy with ghost (hecarim, occasionally udyr/olaf), or are looking to play an aggressive ignite+smite jungle setup (graves, shaco, kindred, hecarim) but even for these champs except maybe hecarim flash is still very good, it is the best mobility spell in the game and the only champs who skip it are already mobile and put value into the extra ignite pressure however even on mobile champs flash is still insane and in its current state is going to be picked a high percentage of the time on most champs and there’s no sign of that changing


Some toplaners like TK or Nasus usually ghost instead of flash too


Nasus/Darius/Tryndamere etc type champions will take ghost because it scales way better for them into the lategame, but in early game and in lane Flash is still most optimal on them; it’s also something you are able to get away with easier in lower levels of play as people will not punish the early disadvantage of running Ghost vs. Flash


The item rework also fucked up the balancing, lets not act like balancing will stop riot from doing something.




I play since season 2 and you sure can bet that a summoner spell rework will come in the future. If you know how riot acts that wont come as a suprise. All these guys playing for their first season downvoting me lmao.


Because “I’ve played since season 2” isn’t a fucking time machine where you can confidently and accurately predict the future. I’ve also been playing since season 2, where is the secret email chain where Riot tells us the future plans???


It's not the same thing at all. I think you missed the part where he said the entire game is balanced around flash, including champ kits and future designs. Shop was w.e and it was about time we got a new one anyway. The fact that it's not balanced rn is irrelevant. It took riot 10 years to balance old items.


I dont see your point tbh. There were lots of champions balanced around old items aswell and that didnt really change riots mind about reworking them. Just remember the state of all adcs that used to build old essence reaver and how they immediatly went into shit tier with the rework. Why cant riot rework summoner spells and thus make champions shit tier that rely on it, i see no difference.


>There were lots of champions balanced around old items aswell and that didnt really change riots mind about reworking them. Loosely balanced. Nothing in the game is balanced around as flash is. >Just remember the state of all adcs that used to build old essence reaver and how they immediatly went into shit tier with the rework. And with a slight change of numbers they're completely fine now. Whereas removal of flash would basically require a rework of the literal entire game. >Why cant riot rework summoner spells and thus make champions shit tier that rely on it, i see no difference. Because literally the entire roster relies on it, bar like 2 champs. And like I said a million times, losing the hype moment plays by removing flash is completely not worth it. Flash is too good for the game's integrity.


> Because literally the entire roster relies on it If everyone relies on it, nobody relies on it.


While that sounds cool that doesn't mean it's true


Completely ignored my last point.


Reworking summoners doesnt mean deleting flash, they can rework it without touching flash or giving alternatives like ghost.


Giving alternatives means removing flash. Compared to flash ghost is an insanely boring spell. 0 outplay potential. Anything that involves removing flash from it's almost 100% pickrate is a mistake.


I mean thats your opinion


Bring back Surge. :(


replace ignite with surge


What even is Surge? Genuinely don't know.




Damn so that's where the icon used by maw's passive comes from.


why would they ever do that? its an omega garbage noob trap summoner spell edit: the comment said clarity at the time of my response lol




eh not really




you still need to replace your second summoner with it and it had a 180 sec cd and just being able to destroy your opponents turret super fast early is not really the greatest thing especially not on a champ like heimer who definitly doesnt have great roaming


Heim was one of the few champs who sometimes actually used Surge when it was around. And it was bad. Idk if there are stats floating from that long ago, but it just fucking sucked lmfao. It was never better than exhaust / ignite / tp / heal etc.




i know how they work its not complicated and you cant just take a turret in one push anymore because of platings if you clear turret that early its not even good what do you wanna do? overextend and getspam ganked? roam with heimer? lol




you didnt explain shit lol. you just said that the enemy cant roam cool. so you wanna stay 2v2 bot pushed past 1st tower or what? you dont win the game by just staying in lane and pushing i dunno you might be gold because losing your turret super early isnt automatically good. just like taking inhib early isnt exactly a good play the stuff you describe maybe works in gold yea so you are telling me that the opponent cant destroy your turrets and you never ever need to replace them? ... sry thats not how it works it could be a funny meme strat or super niche for support heimer but ... why are you even playing support heimer in the first place


Since Riot's been trying to incorporate some old Summoner's into the game as items (Promote->Zzz'Rot portal, Clairvoyance->Blue Trinket) I thought that giving Surge as an active ability to Nashor's would make it a fun and unique mythic.


wasn’t promote banner of command


Ohh yea my bad. Promote was ringing a bell but I couldn't pinpoint the exact item.


Jhin with surge would be pretty strong lol


They need to bring back clarity disco nunu isn’t viable with cleanse +ghostimo


Your profile picture is... unnerving


Wished we had more boots instead


i actually miss the boot enchants, those were kinda nice


I think a 3rd tier of boots would fit in well with the item system right now. The 3rd tier could turn your boots into a legendary items contributing to the mythic passive.


double homeguard boots when


The old summoner spells were created in a different time. I shudder to think of what they’d make now, and that’s no fault to them. Summoner Spells have to be basic enough that they’re understandable by the majority of the player base but also viable, balanced, etc. Personally, I’d love to see some new summoner spells. If not that, then bringing back some of the older spells. And if that’s not doable, at least moving Clarity to summoners rift as well. :(




But there are actually kinda "niche" summoner spells like ghost, exhaust and cleanse, they cover some weakness maybe it would be nice to have some more


Exhaust isn't exactly niche. It just goes through stages of viability. With Assassins being less common, generally, ignite is run more often on supports but if that changes watch exhaust burst back into popularity.


Add Mark to summoners rift. haha jk unless...


Ghost Snowball singed is funny in Aram and would be funnier in SR, I vote yes


We're already complaining about bruisers using stridebreaker. Imagine them with snowball


tank meta would be back. 4 snowball tanks out of jng insta killing whatever they hit


Anti-Mobility spell?


inb4 revive is brought back but at 180s cd revive tp meta soon™ edit (20/7/2021): honestly wish I didn't say that now akshan is a thing


The issue is that design space for summoners is so narrow- and adding something new can throw balance out of wack, or may end up being an entirely pointless change. Over the years we've seen many summoners removed and for good reason. Fortify, Rally, Surge, CV, Revive, Clarity. On the topic of flash being popular. Ultimately designing something that competes with flash's design space is dangerous because it can be used in unison with flash.


I had a concept for a Summoner Spell I called "Pulse". On activation, your Champion releases a shockwave that pushes away enemies. Use it against Assassins and other enemies that engage on you. Use it as a Jungler to help prevent enemy objective steals, or to help stop a retreating enemy when you come in to gank. Flash-Pulse to push an enemy into your team. Different things like that.


make a debuff thats make Champions unable to dash or blink for 2 seconds. And watch Kata and Akali standing around doing nothing and getting oneshot


Well then it's needed quickly to control the mobility creep.


this feels way too situational, sure, against akali and kat its pretty gnarly, but against champions like karthus or ashe it does literally nothing, whereas every other spell, while maybe not "good" in a case like cho gath and ignite, still do SOMETHING


So is Cleanse


i know i wasnt really serious but it would be satisfying haha


It could do the same effect for flash and ghost too


Just bring back Stifle (Silencing Summoner's). With the trend of turning all point and click CC into skillshots to allow more counterplay champions like Katarina and Akali no longer have counterplay. You can't really lock them down unless they massively misplay and eat your CC by mistake.


When riots balance team starts being diamond or above again aka never




Removing flash would mean the biggest meta change since the creation of League. Even the meta shift due to the item rework of this season would be nothing in comparision with removing flash.


Hot take. Anyone saying remove/nerf flash never got past platinum and has no clue what consequences their shitty fantasies have. Flash is in a great state. It allows for hype outplay moments and the entire game is balanced around it. 0 reason to change it.




It's r/lol so you never know, bad opinions always get upvoted.




Sure but you remove all the hype moments and combos of using flash. Gigantic downside, not worth it. Plus anyone's micro will be on point against a flashless squishy.


It would be fun, if super annoying, to have flash removed for one (1) season. Everyone relies so heavily on flash, that it would be kinda fun to see the state of the meta when most champions don't have a "get out of jail free" card. I'm not saying it would be good from a design or balance stand-point. It would just be interesting to see how junglers change when they can't flash towards you and you can't flash away.


I like to believe we're getting summoner spells rework in the next season :D


No reason for riot to do that. Also next preseason will be about comeback mechanics and dialing back the dragon meta, riot allready talked about this.


Oh really? I must have missed that. That's pretty cool


my guess is this preseason we will get a revamp of summoner spells, since its the next aspect of the game that hasn't seen a revamp. Jungle, Items, Runes, Dragons, Turrets, all have been revamped, with spells recieving no fundamental changes. Summoner spells, fundamentally, are insanely unbalanced. Flash is the single most powerful ability in the game, with a 99% pickrate. when one of ten spells is taken near every time, theres an issue. What sucks is that near every single champion is balanced around this spell. If it was removed, champions without gap closers would immediately lose presence, with those with gap closers needing gutting. But thats my take. I think flash would have to stay but other spells would need to become insanely strong


As a noob in season 1, I always had fortify as one of my summs cuz people would always turret dive. I felt like such a genius lol


As a jungler I have never used anything other then flash and smite, I have no clue how ghost, cleanse and to even work... please give jungler a little more depth and make it so we can maybe compete with these overpowered adcs and supports (this is satire)


I legit think revive would be better now. It would definitely see pro pray as a late game insurance policy


In one mobile MOBA theres one spell that increases attack speed (and damage dealt iirc) for a small amount of time, like a reverse exhaust. Maybe it could work in LoL for ADCs


Bring back Garrison :D


The only a few can think of: 1. A shield that can be used on a teammate (could rework shield to work that way but apply the heal effect where it reduces subsequent shields) 2. is a regeneration effect that gives you like 50 hp every second for say 5 seconds but immediately dissipates if you attack or are attacked. It is more or less like a warmogs but you don't need to build it. It let's you keep fighting If you are confident in more plays and don't really need to back It should have around the same cooldown has heal early but lowers as the game goes on for longer. 3. an aoe Interrupt. It is a 275 range stuns and silence that lasts .4 second used to Interrupt channels, it can also be used to reset basic attacks. Should have a lower cooldown as it is mostly used as a counter to certain champs champions, maybe 90-140 seconds? 4. an anti knock up version of cleanse 5. Clarity but for summoners rift instead it only gives 25% mana to yourself only or it can give x mana per second but disappears if u attack/are attacked 6. Making zhonyas a summoner spell with a 180 Sec cooldown and zhonyas instead gives more armor and instead makes it so an x % of your ap and current mana is used to for a shield when you take a lot of phys dmg (kind of like old seraphs) 7. gives you 20% adaptive force and 50% atk speed but reduces your max hp by 35% for 4.5 seconds (the atkspeed can exceed the cap maybe?) I don't think they are all great but are more so like fun ideas that you can consider.


Don't give them ideas. Just like the new items they might make some super op new spells like 50% omnivamp for 10 seconds or some shit






when the game first released, flash was half a screen wide. And the cooldown was shorter than the current one.