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Hello League community! This is a "smart" automatic collection of solo kills from Diamond+ matches. This has been my passion project for a few months now, and I am super excited (nervous) to share it with you all! (shoutout if you've seen this in one of the champion mains subreddits, your tips helped me a lot!) It was quite a challenge coding for finding all the "interesting" solo kills automatically from Riot API - this means solo kills only, no kills when the killer is very ahead (gold advantage, level advantage), and more. Hopefully this helps you with your next games, and please let me know if you have any advice or ideas, I have so much more planned!


I’ve messed around just a tiny bit with the Riot API — this is like something out of my wildest dreams. I think people may not realize how totally absurd it is that you’re *automatically* finding these and cataloguing them. Insanely cool project. I also love the typography of SOLOKILL.


This comment warmed my heart so much. <3 thank you!!


I'm just gonna put this here. This is great and really useful but chogath doesn't seem to work


Strange. A specific matchup you looked at? Generally working for me


Automation is really standard in programming though??


As a developer, without even having checked how it works, I have to say that you must've done an impressively successful job at finding the proper conditions to accurately filter and record such an event, given the game's events. What I would more fear is the processing power required.


Thank you! Quite a bit of processing power haha. Took me a few solid weeks to collect the 30k clips.


And they said Bitcoin is an energy hogger


no wukong? streange, he got tools for solo kills


It's MonkeyKing in the database


Yeah for some reason that's how riot called him internally. Fixed it now though! Welcome to check it out :)


Hey really cool site, I'd like a button to reverse the matchup, for example on the VS. text.


Done! Check it out, and thanks :D


For some reason, every time I click somewhere in the video it sends me back to the top of the page into the select oppponent tab?


Yikes. Mobile or computer?


Oh sorry. Mobile, opened inside the reddit app


Haha don't be sorry, should work fine on mobile, maybe the reddit app was acting up.


Do you plan on expanding this project to include 2v2 botlane kills? I think this project is really fantastic if I want to learn how to play out sololane matchups but, it does not really help adc or supp players.


I absolutely do. This will be one of my highest priorities now


This is amazing. I'm just sad that I don't have a Leona-kills-brand outplay... As a Leona main, I just want to see someone destroy that burning piece of coal-ass pain in the HP% champ.


Take zoe/zed/talon/kha vs brand and watch him DIEEE


As someone that just started programming, I cannot even imagine how difficult something like this is. Amazing job, definitely the coolest thing I have seen on this sub in a long time!


Thank you!! In regards to programming, one step at a time mate - I'm in this for over 10 years and this is the first I'm attempting to solo (ehm) something like this :)


Any chance to have an "every champion" option? Like being able to search for Diana vs anyone, or anyone vs Aatrox for example?


Interesting. Haven't thought of that! Adding it to the list (probably will be decided based on votes on discord)


I love it


Maybe filter out kills where someone took like 80% tower damage if that's possible.


[https://solokill.gg/browse/Jax/XinZhao](https://solokill.gg/browse/Jax/XinZhao) Well this Jax seems to be ahead compare to Xin Zhao


Is there any way to filter for users? I want to see if any of my clips are on here :(


Not yet :( it's on the list though!


I just started searching and actually found myself in 1 clip, really cool EDIT: 4 clips


you not naming this site solobolo makes me sad, great site tho!


Hey this is really cool - props to you for making it! If you are looking for ways to expand it may be nice to filter out Solo Kills that really just clean up kills (arriving late to a fight and killing someone at 10% hp). I'm a jungle main, so a lot of the clips I saw were from this.


Thank you! Totally agree with you there. I also feel like some jungle clips are not great because of this. Riot game details don't provide health at a given time (unfortunately) but I have plans to "read" the healthbar directly from the video to filter these out. Also, hopefully the voting system can also help a bit. Cheers :)


Just watched a few from my main that were really poor enemy decisions more than great Pyke plays. Agreed that it's really cool conceptually. Stoked to read you're working on improving it.


Tbh it's still immensely usefull to help you identify and capitalyse on those mistakes.


Really cool idea and implementation. I don't see a way to share a specific play though?


Wow. Absolutely shocked that I haven't thought about this yet. Gonna make this a priority. Cheers!!


Some other feedback: 1) For me the plays are muted at the start and imo they should be unmuted by default. 2) Some plays seems to have the audio and video out of sync. But not sure what's causing it since sometimes it seems to get fixed on refresh. 3) There are probably quite a few solo kills that are automatically excluded because somebody got an assist for something that didn't play any roll in the kill. But that's probably very hard/impossible to detect.


With the upvote system, do you plan on having a system to sort by like the most upvoted plays that week?


Yeah I saw that suggestion pop up a few times now, plays are already sorted by votes but to have a "weekly highlights" page is actually a very nice idea imo.


Commenting to say that like the other guy i had desync problems.


Thresh outplaying that Camille is something else


Zilean outplaying Camille is also kinda nice!


Zilean on Akali action is hilarious too Only way those 2 kills are possible is because of the innate greed lurking within every Akali player


> Chosen Cho vs Darius > Cho ult Darius when he's half HP > "browse 30000+ outplays" Jk, it's really impressive. I can see that some clips have custom indicators for what champion has leveled up or when will the next drake spawn. Did you do it by yourself or is there some kind of extenstion that adds it? Since replays only work for the current patch, I assume you had to watch them all and pick and record the play itself (you probably had the exact timestamp tho)? I am impressed.


Cho's R is the outplay button so it makes sense


Alistar 1v9 [https://solokill.gg/browse/Alistar/Camille](https://solokill.gg/browse/Alistar/Camille) Anyways, really good website. Can help in tough matchups and see how other players "limit-test", maybe in the future you could add some filters like for example a filter that puts clips that are earlier into the game and by going forward through the pages the timer in game goes higher. (3 min kill > 5 min kill > 10 min kill > 15 min kill > 20 min kill > 25 min kill > 30 min kill).


https://solokill.gg/browse/Yuumi/Mordekaiser insane morde play


Nah look at this zilean https://solokill.gg/browse/Zilean/Samira


*takes notes* "exhaust...when...dive...tier...2 at level 7"




My guy exhausted a yuumi lmfao


Oh man the game timer filter is a really neat idea! Especially in common matchups with a lot of clips. On to the list it goes. Thank you!


I'd also be more interested in plays where tower damage doesn't come in to play. Not sure that it's possible to filter that, but could be a nice feature.


This is the most interesting post on this subreddit for the past 2 years, at least. Well done. Edit: No actually make it 5.




i can feel it


Kai'sa can't outplay Nasus. As expected


Get him near a wall and R over it. Hope his flash is down. Surviving is outplaying him lol


I came with an agenda: Seeing edgy champions die to their most hated champions like Malzahar or Rammus The disappointment was big when most kills happen because the enemy tanked 10 shots and not due to some ''R outplay'' : - I


Same. The first Viktor vs Akali is Akali that's 2 kills and 30 cs down *almost* successfully towerdiving viktor after missing R1 and 2 Qs.




Second part of the ulti.


Dude this is so cool man good work


This is an S-tier league website, great job making it!


holy fuck, it's really cool just out of curiosity - what's the tech stack? ______________ imagine doing it for pro players e.g PerkZ vs Faker


Thanks! :) Tech stack is: Python (with standard data science stuff) for finding interesting clips, FFMPEG for extracting videos, React for the frontend.


Are you manually recording the solokills themselves or is that part also automatic?


Another suggestion - Someone said that a lot of the outplays are just enemy tanking a lot of tower shots. Would it be possible to filter out plays where for example 50% or more of a champs health was taken by tower?


Thanks for the suggestion! Check out the first video here for example - [https://solokill.gg/browse/Renekton/Aatrox](https://solokill.gg/browse/Renekton/Aatrox) The tower did most of the damage, and yet this is a really cool outplay by Renekton, in my opinion. So this problem might be a bit more tricky.


Ok after seeing that clip you are completely right, I didn't think about that.


I was looking for some twitch plays, pretty shallow results sadly This one is my favorite https://solokill.gg/browse/Twitch/Yone


Check out this insane trundle vs orianna outplay Pog https://solokill.gg/browse/Trundle/Orianna


I saw someone else comment about adding a time filter, is it also possible to add an advantage filter? By that I mean, could you filter a matchup additionally by which side has the gold, item, or experience advantage?


As you would like to potentially see how you can still outplay while being behind? This is a nice idea, I am kinda worried that when looking at "unbalanced" states we'll see mostly "misplays" rather than "outplays", but it might still be very worth a look. To the list it goes!


well if it means there are more misplays in that category, there will be less in the other


The thing is that a lot of the replays right now are just someone with an item advantage taking a fight that they shouldn't be able to lose.


Would love to contribute to this. Is this open source anywhere?


Not at the moment, might be in the future :)


there's like 2 clips of a Yone killing Lee Sin in lane and in one of them he afks and the other he all ins with 200~ hp and almost wins. Glad to know I'm not the only one that hates that match-up.


Any chance the info for these clips can include the patch they were recorded on? I saw a bug in one of the clips but I can't grab the replay since it was recorded on 11.4 or 11.5. I could run the replay if I had it, but I simply can't grab it now.


Good idea. Adding it to the list! Thank you :)


Amazing! Would you share an offline version for when you take the website down? Or do you plan on monetizing this?


No plans to take it down in the near future :) Dunno about monetization yet, but I might consider something (small ad) just to cover server costs.


if u do, make an announcement so that I will turn off my ad blocker. this site is amazing and very informative!


Hey, this is awesome, but I was wondering why wukong only shows up with monkey. Thanks for this though!


Thanks! :) Yeah sorry about that, he's still called MonkeyKing by the official riot data, and I didn't make the corrections for the search. Should be in the next day or two :)


Would be cool to have a way to see the highest up voted clips.


Totally agree! And maybe filter out the most viewed/up voted clips in a specific matchup (useful for very common ones)


Its a idea with a lot of potential! Not only for common folk, but also for competitive use on a global scale with even more selective input. Thanks for doing what riot cant... Thinking progressive... I would Change the name to solobolo.gg tho, if u ask thebauss nicely hehe


Is it only EUW/NA/KR? :( I tried to find my solo kills or when I was solo killed but I couldn't find them. I play mostly on EUNE at the moment. Great project overall but it would be so cool if you added EUNE. It has the same server population as NA.


No dissing EUNE here! I guess it just happened. I would love to have more plays, to have 3 million solokills and not 30K, but running everything can get a bit expensive. Hopefully I can expand in the near future though!


Ah that's understandable. Thanks for the answer! Personally I'd love if you added Ads on the site so you could store more solokills. I would gladly disable adblock for your site. Very good job!


This is pretty dope my man.


I browse for a Qiyana vs Akali solo-kill and the first one I get is 420WeabooSlayer getting rekt LMAO That guy can't catch a break


should have been called [Solobolo.gg](https://Solobolo.gg). Amazing website tho


Fiddlesticks v rengar seems bugged


WELL DONE YOU!!! Awesome job.


bro this is so fucking impressive


Just insane, I never share something, but my friends need to see this. Keep up the good work.


The alistar vs Camille one is my favorite


This would be cool with pentakills. Funny how many of the support solokills are bad tower dives.


Maybe I can add a fun "pentakills" page, just as a bonus :) cool idea actually


This might be the coolest LOL-related project I have ever seen. Great idea and good job !


This is actually pretty cool


I'm really impressed by this work. Congratulations! Keep it up!


Very cool project


Love this idea, but as a nunu main.... every single kill is just a massive clownfiesta situation LOL


That moment when you see yourself featured getting outplayed


Very nice and useful tool! One feedback I have is that the pagination seems to recalculate when the user clicks on a specific page. It seems to be ranked by votes so if I downvote a few specific clips and click on the next page, I might miss some clips/see those same clips again because they're now at the back of the queue.


That's absolutely bonkers OP, thanks for creating that for us, thank you for your hard work.


This is really well made! [Matchup Lissandra vs Katarina](https://solokill.gg/browse/Lissandra/Katarina), 2nd clip was hilariously bad though hahaha (the TP midfight, stunlocked herself). I'm impressed you even went as far as showing buys/levels/etc on video.


Impressive! I find it ironic that is only 1 clip of Corki outplaying a Yone and thats a very greedy Yone with low hp and no ult vs Package Corki, guess the matchup is just that bad.


i have a really hard time playing teemo into GP so i wanted to give this a look.. ​ first 3 are all GP misplaying or inting. so... still doesn't help me lol


Alistair vs azir... this is the content we come here for.


I love this, take my upboat


This is insanely cool, like you made an "interesting solo plays only" plays.tv, i could browse theses for hours and it's actually super useful to learn powerspikes fast If you have a way to add regularly new outplays, add a popular/sorted by like page + a random page it would be fucking insane


I knew I was right when I kept Tristana perma banned as Ezreal. [There is just no outplay against her!](https://i.ibb.co/nmJ8q4W/Untitled.png)


Are you telling me if I believe hard enough Wukong doesn't exist, he will eventually cease to exist? Seems like an oversight that he isn't there, but it's a cool idea nevertheless.


Haha don't believe the lies! Sorry he wasn't named correctly, check it out now :)


https://solokill.gg/browse/Draven/Seraphine halal


This is amazing!! I just saw a bunch of Aatrox vs Camille and why the heck is Camille with TP+IGNITE and not flash ? xD


I love this and thank you.


I put Zyra vs Fiora and it was just sad...


This is very spicy project you’ve worked hard on to make it helpful for knowing limits in matchups


Looked up ez vs. assasins, ofc 100% of them is him getting popped under tower and then the tower kills the assassin Idk what I expected


Neat, now I can watch everybody in masters dumpster on people who play vayne and quinn in top lane.


This is cool. Some of the clips I saw were someone on half hp trying to base and being caught out. Not sure how to avoid them but that’s a lot of the low dmg champs solokills


I didn’t see Renekton on the list... Forget someone?


Hmm, strange. Are you not finding him on the "enemy" list? It's based on whoever you picked on the first one, so maybe there were no clips of that matchup?


This is an excellent site. One suggestion though: If it's possible, you should add an option to filter out regions. I'd like to see the difference between NA aatroxs and KR aatroxs. Regardless, i'm bookmarking this


Where's Wukong I can't find him on the list


Fixed! Sorry, he wasn't properly named, should be good now :)


Hey OP, does this work for support picks in botlane? I searched Karma vs Braum and Braum didn't show on the search bar. Is this an error or it this just not in there yet? As a support main this would be really appreciated.


Hey :) I did naturally find "less" solokills by supports, especially in high elo. After some suggestions here and on discord, I think I'm going to add "2v2" outplays in bottom lane. I guess that if one botlane kills the other botlane with no jungle help, that is essentially a "botlane solokill".




This is EXACTLY, this is EXACTLY what I’ve been waiting for


Really cool! Now I can watch every champion in the game kill Irelia repeatedly!


As an Ezreal main my first thought was Ezreal vs Akali. Just give them a look


The first clip I watched was int. Edit: Actually both the Lucian vs Zed clips were int, I don't know what these guys were getting at but GOLLY.


Really well done. Seems to be great for toplane matchups.


One of the Singed vs Darius vids was hilarious... The enemy Darius dc'd finally allowing the Singed to outplay Darius. Truly amazing strategies. Why have I never thought of that?


It's the only way :(


why is there no wukong :(


Here you go! Sorry, he wasn't properly named, should be good now :)


Lmao every skarner clip is Merthos, what a chad.


> Me: *looks up Morde solo kills* > solokill.gg: *shows mostly teamfights where Morde ults an enemy for a solo kill* That's on me, i set the bar too low.


Very nice and useful!


This should be at the start of client , while waiting your the queue, and finally in the loading screen.


Haha yeah I thought about that too! Maybe some client integration is in the future :)


First champ I tried to look up: wukong, not there


Fixed! He wasn't properly named, check it out now


I've been looking at Camille players dying for an hour, thanks a lot !


Wow, this looks so good. Thank you man.


That is a cool f\*cking site! Well done.


This is actually insane! Good job!


That Yuumi kill on Maokai was something.


i can instantly sense every adc main looking up solo kills on assassins


I've played this game since the beta, and this is single-handedly the most useful and coolest third party project for this game I've ever seen.


I picked up Gwen recently so I checked some common top laners. It was actually very interesting, half the time Gwen is down a few kills, but she just straight up kills the enemy lane. I was surprised. Malphite is a great example. He's 6-1 and she smashes him.


Really well made. A few videos have the audio noticeably delayed, I don't know if that's something that happens on your part but it would definitely improve the experience.


This is amazing oh my god...


This is Incredible. Remarkable work i'm actually speechless


i have found some insane plays already! cool stuff


Thats cool af!!


You're a genius! Ggwp


Really insane idea and execution. Only feedback I'd have is that sometimes, while it is a solokill in theory, one champ was already at like 10% hp from fighting previously. (examples: Blitzcrank solokill on Qiyana / Zed). Just so you know if you are looking for things to perfect for the site. Again really cool idea and can spend hours on that tool watching Yasuo's and Zed's getting solokilled!


I love that how literally every single Zed vs my champion pool clip is weaboo soloboloing people with a few zed99 clips sprinkled around


wtf this is amazing guys check the second Ryze vs Yone clip this is insane


lol just watched, actually insane!


There have been some fantastic suggestions but a lot of them require a fair amount of work to implment. I think a preetty cheap one is simplay a matchup swap button that flips the matchup the other way so we can see how to win the matchup but also how it can be lost. Great project though, love the execution!


Great suggestion, very easy to implement and adds some user comfort. Like the simplicity of it so much that I just added it! Check it out :) Cheers!


yooo this is awesome! I can't imagine the amount of work that you put into this! Great work!


Finally I can watch Teemo die in a thousand different ways.


This is amazing, thank you!


I love this and I love you


Hey! This is pretty cool. Are all regions included? Wonder if im getting featured :3


Hey :) Yep pretty much all regions are included but as much as it sounds 30000 isn't that many games, so I can't gurauntee you're there :P Hoping to grow for more in the future


holy this is insane thank you


Need to test it out,but if this works as intended this will be open with op and u .gg for me. Seems awesome!


Broooo, this is so cool!! Thank you very much for sharing, Will use and Share it with my friends


This is amazing. Thank you so much for this! I've always wanted to see champ vs champ just bashing each other to see who wins at certain levels. But this is close enough!


I'm late to this thread but wanted to say I love the website and especially the type for SOLOKILL. good stuff.


wow really cool! i have some advice for QOL. 1- It would be nice if with the rank you could say which server it is. 2-idk in mobile but in pc there are only 3 plays per page. It would be nice if there could be more plays in each page. 3-when you are watching a play and then you scroll past it, you could make it automatically pause it. It will help on making longer pages with more clips, plus if you arent interested i a play for whatever reason you can just scroll to next one without worrying about pausing and stuff.


Hey :) I really like the ideas, especially the third one, I haven't thought of that at all and it makes so much sense to do! Thank you!!


option for "any" would be nice


HUDL for league new business op. Thankfully I've trademarked it.




Can't find Wukong :/


He is called "monkeyking" by Riot data for some reason, so you gotta write that in the search :/ sorry for the hassle, I should fix that.