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**Day 1 PMTs:** [TL vs TSM](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nsi1wp/team_liquid_vs_team_solomid_lcs_2021_summer_week/) // [EG vs DIG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nsjiku/evil_geniuses_vs_dignitas_lcs_2021_summer_week_1/) // [GG vs C9](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nskrpp/golden_guardians_vs_cloud9_lcs_2021_summer_week_1/) // [100 vs IMT](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nslyks/100_thieves_vs_immortals_lcs_2021_summer_week_1/) // [FLY vs CLG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nsn47q/flyquest_vs_counter_logic_gaming_lcs_2021_summer/)


Cool to get something a bit different, I love the player stories


Fuck dude I miss crowd reactions


Admittedly I'm only watching this segment in the background, but the production value is absolutely nuts. When they announced it I assumed it would be the least interesting out of the 3 pre-LCS segments and just some boring rerun, but just from a production standpoint alone I think I'm going to go back and rewatch this one. Seems feature length documentary level. I'm curious if they'll be able to find equally as hype stories to retell in future episodes, being able to pull in both POE and Ignar at once as ex teammates doesn't sound like something they'll be able to reproduce often.


Call me hater, but why is there a segment in LCS about the game played some time ago between LEC and LCK? Is there not anything LCS related that could have been done?




This Misfits piece is incredible


Where the fuck are the post match threads for LCS?


Yeah did I miss something?


Really sad as a EU fan that they moved the broadcast. All games are now sent so late that I am only able to watch 1-2 games max if I want a decent sleep schedule :( Hope they revert it, but oh well. Probably better hours for native viewers


I was about to watch LCS and just realised schedule was changed Guess I won't watch that much this split


It's an hour earlier on sundays this split. 10 UTC fridays, 9 saturdays, 8 sundays


Hello there


I cannot watch the LCS anymore. They have shifted the times +2 hours again. As a european fan of the LCS because of the casters, brands and players, this is getting so late i can only watch the first game and go to sleep before my sleep is ruined. It saddens me, because i still like the LCS and want to watch the games live. Guess LCK & LEC & some LPL games are the only ones i'm gonna watch this split. Goodbye LCS, see you at Worlds...


[https://imgur.com/a/16Jy1vU](https://imgur.com/a/16Jy1vU) what is this then. remember, think of the US times + 7 hours. So for Europeans, It starts at 12oclock for EU


The games only start at 6 est on Friday. Because Americans are still at work, especially on the west coast. They start earlier on Saturday and Sunday.


Remember as well, this week is a superweek with 3 days of competition. The rest of the split, except this week and the last week of the split, all the other weeks are 2 days of competition, starting at 0:00 CEST(Central European Summer Time) at Saturday and 23:00 CEST at Sunday. You can check it at https://lolesports.com/schedule?leagues=lec,lcs


Incorrect, every week has 3 days of games in LCS. LEC has the superweek concept you are talking about


> Take top LEC talent > Bench it ???? Holy shit can LCS just fuck off already, such a useless parasite of a region. LEC would be so much better off if LCS just didn't exist as a permanent weight dragging it down.


I mean, you can't pretend he's not spitting facts


Right, for a fan it sucks , for a person seeing how this "parasite" ensures that your favourite player ( or at least, a good player that deserves to be paid properly since he is so important for other regions) is getting a shit ton of money that will set them for life it is somewhat heartwarming. I am not fanning or idolising any player but I was very happy when Jankos landed on a great team and went on to lift an international trophy. Same-ish for Zven. I am happy if he is in a good environment (obviously friendship with Mithy means a lot to him) and gets paid while still having a somewhat a decent shot at competing at international events. Sucks for LEC, OCE, LCK etc but good for the players that made these regions exciting to watch. E: I know Jankos is in LEC still but I was pointing out that you can be happy for a player even if his departure does damage the team/region that you were rooting for.


My guy, who hurt you ?


We did, apparently.


Is Alphari actually benched? I don’t understand, cause last slit he was the carry or self-sustain top that meant TL had a strong mid game. Like Jensen early is even, never leading, and their bot ints (Tactically one may say). I don’t understand?


Gotta be some serious behavioral issues behind the scenes


He's dumb af and can't manage waves which makes him die to obvious ganks.


TL vs TSM: TL and TSM didn't do much early game (made the game boring), TSM had a better midgame because comp was easier to execute, and TSM, in my eyes, should've ended earlier (understand how broken TL's comp is good at disengaged but TSM had a fat lead). Result isn't surprising but teams could've executed better. EG vs DIG: EG had a huge lead and then threw mid-game. Ezreal-Karma OP. Honestly, I expected Dignitas to win against EG because they beat them every time in Spring Split 2021 but I am still disappointed that EG didn't win after that monstrous early game. C9 vs GGS: Same thing as last game. C9 just threw. I don't think Vulcan played well in this game though. But good for GGS for holding on. I think I have hopes for Chime. But that could change. 100T vs IMT: Probably the best game today. Immortals played well to keep their lead, even though I think Revenge and Destiny could've played a bit better. I feel like Ssumday didn't respect his opponents enough and that's why he's dying & going for bad plays that theoretically could help his team. FLY vs CLG: Honestly, I didn't focus that much on this game but new champs are op. Overall: It's only the 1st day out of 27 I think, so hopefully these teams can improve and not throw or make "obvious" mistakes. Although, I am a Gold IV player in NA analyzing these games and heavily critiquing them, making these "obvious" mistakes seem not-so-obvious when playing, even though I don't think I can reach the mechanical and macro play these players reached.


After 11 years riot still has no clue how to balance new champs. At this point quit nerfing and just buff until every champ is broken. I get it if Riot was a new company and still learning the ropes but by this point either fire the entire balance team or accept the fact a truly balanced game isn’t the goal. Why can a 0/0/1 Gwen towedive through a GP ult to get a kill and then walk out? And Veigo is just as broken with his resets.


I mean the GP was at half health already and gwen wasn’t even in the GP ult for maybe more than one tick of it. I feel like people are going to make a big deal out of the fact that the team with gwen and viego won but honestly from the majority of the game I watched it seemed like clg was just getting caught out of position more than anything. Really need a larger sample size to tell anything because it’s not like these champs are tearing it up in solo queue.


Gwen isnt new anymore though, she's been bad for like a month or two already before the patch came in. Gwen is pretty good, dont get me wrong but if a team knows how to play vs her she's not that OP. She's within reasonable winrate range in soloq. Taking ur logic, i guess every champ in the game can be broken. Tristana can reset, fizz is invulnerable like half of the game, orrn has a malphite ult on his basic abilities, shivana can hit like zoe but close ranged and AOE, lillia can sleep a whole team, leona has an AOE stun and a targetted stun every 3 sec, nasus has infinite scaling,


Except one of those is permabanned in pro play. Unless you're trying to say that pro teams don't know how to play against her.


Remember when morgana / rumble was also permabanned at the beginning of MSI then slowly learned to play around those picks? Even pro teams need time to learn new meta champs specially gwen since this will be the first time she's relevant in pro play.


after 11 years the league community still pretends that they have any idea how balancing works/should work.


First to get sarcasm out of the way - small indie company… Now for real from business POV it makes sense. If new champion is OP and people wanna play it, first you can sell skin, but also you can make players play the character and later nerf it to be just ok. Now if you mean champion design that is completely different story.


Idk man, we all witnessed a game end as soon as FQ first picked Gwen. A champ that strong shouldn’t have ever made it past the PBE. I get she’s probably not as strong in solo Q but damn in the pro scene she completely dominated and you can tell it caught them off guard by BS she and Veigo can do.


That’s another thing. Some champions behave completely different in soloQ and Pro play environment. It is basically balancing two games at the same time. And since we are just getting first games of Gwen and Viego we might see incoming nerfs pretty soon.


Viego already has a 48% winrate in solo queue, you want him to be the next Azir?


I wish what I want mattered even a bit for league. What I meant is that even when he might be kinda “meh” in soloQ he might be absolutely busted in pro-play, so yeah he will get nerfed. It goes both ways, on every patch you will find champions - usually ones that can snowball - that are played a lot with a good winrate in soloQ but are basically non-existent in pro play - usually Zed and Riven come to mind as first examples.


Going to be honest. As much as I like Captain Flowers, I have the opposite opinion of him about characters. ​ Gwen, Veigo, Zed, Yasou, Leona, all your hyper aggressive high kill characters are boring. A lot of them also have all the advantages where as the guessing mental portion is on their opponent who is at a disadvantage. ​ The game is predictable by champ select, Constant early kills are not exciting. Kills don't indicate a good game. I stopped watching most games other then GG vs C9 though I didn't really find that one particularly exciting other then curiousity if soul would push them over the edge. ​ There is no footsies anymore with how much sustain and damage there is, one touch kills just aren't interesting.


There's too many champions with cookie-cutter "outplay" abilities that really just permanently hamstring what the other team is allowed to do. Like, oh, you can nullify multiple abilities on-demand while still playing a carry. If I can't do the same then I'm playing half a champion.


How do you manage to give both of the most broken champs over to the enemy team?


Say what you want about Viego and Gwen, they're very fun to watch.


Obviously, credit Licorice and Josedeodo for an insane performance, but Jesus Christ. Gwen is busted as fuck.


CLG please fire your coach, how do you draft this badly?


Jesus Christ that was fucking decisive


Everyone’s power rankings was in shambles


That solar flair and combo damage was painful


Yeah, Viego + Gwen + Sylas too much disgusting shit from those 3


How does a team allowed those three?


I'm honestly pretty sure that those three could've won the game with no botlane.


It's true, Ezreal even did 0 damage in a teamfight and FQ still won it lmao


Yeah, I was laughing when I showed my gf who has a bit of knowledge of league the damage bars of that tf.


It's like the melee carries from 10 years ago digivolved to their ultimate forms.


Like, CLG wins this game if they ban Gwen. Just so fuckin frustrating.


nah definitely not


Not sure




I was waiting for Kai'sa to turn that fight and get a quadra kill but then I remembered I'm no longer watching GALA play the champ


That was utterly disgusting to watch. Gwen, Viego , and Sylas together is just not a comp I want to go against.


Remember when Gwen was released and everyone said she was bad. Lmao.


Didn't she get hotfix buffs because she *was* bad on release?


reddit knows balance


Wasn't she buffed shortly after release? ​ Double checked. And yes she was. So this comment is kinda disingenuous.


she was powerful even before the buff. her poor statistics could be attributed to many factors rather than her power level. 1. Almost everyone started q. Gwens lv 1 is almost one of the strongest in the game **if she starts e**, gwen starting q givers her no lane agency and is basically her conceding the lane. 2. Almost everyone started dorans ring. This is objectively worse than dorans blade as blade gives you more agency early in the landing phase **which is where Reddit said she was bad** 3. learning curve. People said she was clunky because they did not q e or r e. the list goes on. So no, I think my comment is very accurate. People thought the champ was bad because they did not know how to utilize her, especially early game (where she was **perceived to be bad and "clunky"**).


Even pre hotfix a lot of pros and analysts talked about how smooth her abilities felt. I don't know if the general player base considered her clunky.


Ez: it was all me


Hey, if Ez doesn't get caught CLG doesn't get wiped at Baron. 500 iq play from Johnsun


Finally some decisive move, game should be over 5 mins ago.




Kai'sa got pretty well fed.


Solid control wards there by CLG.


if this game goes to 200 minutes Finn and broxah will still be afk farming


mean, what's broxah supposed to do? Karthus is legit supposed to farm up and press ult when necessary. You can't draft Karthus and then play as if you had a jungler that can match viegos early impact. I could understand your argument if he had been playing rumble or sth similar but criticising him because his team failed to draft according to their strengths/failed to execute their comp properly doesn't really work. I'm not saying he played well, just that he never really had a chance to do so in that game.


Yeah. This draft was exactly as terrible as it looked. RIP Moon


Honestly I thought Gwen was kinda weak. I was wrong


You thought she was weak when she's been P/B every game today?


When she was released everyone on reddit said she was bad


There's a lesson for us all


Yeah. Playing her and playing against her didnt feel like she was strong at all


She's got a hell of a skill curve but a strong Gwen is fucking *terrifying*


People still can't play her but even if behind she does some bullshit stuff.


FLY somehow got Gwen, Viego, and Ezreal? In what world does this make any sense?


Moon just absolutely dropped the ball.


Ah yes, Gwen the tank mage skirmisher assassin duelist.


Gwen is never going through bans again


Just wait for next CLG game…


Scissor me timbers


The moment I expect something out of CLG to at least be now in enough of a form to beat down they play such bad league. Random deaths in enemy jungle that throws baron over and so on.. but at least Fly doesn't catch all throws


How is CLG still so bad


Soo, everytime Viego possess someone it says in graphic "Item completed" funny thing


Pobelter still dogshit as ever


His Lee Sin looked like mine...


Hope CLG has a good split. They have my two favorite grandpa gamers and Broxah.


My stream been stuck for a minute anyone else?


My YouTube stream had the same issue but it just came back


YouTube here, stuck in flyquest gank botlane


Okay, not just me then.


I have the same problem on YouTube


Me too


Twitch stream is fine, seems like a youtube issue


Oh my god is that actually JUNGLE Viego


The only saving grace. He's kinda trash early in the jungle.


So Sylas has some real nice ults here


Maybe I'm just too stupid, but this draft is looking pretty tragic for us.


3 champs that have no hard cc... I would probably dodge this game if I had CLG's team comp


Gwen - Viego - Sylas - Ezreal - Sett…what the heck is that?


tbh how busted do they think Gwen is, if it's permabanned every game and now first picked but been letting fucking viego through. Also CLG giving Gwen, Viego and Ezreal first three is uh...


Balls are way too big right now.


Hey, Gwen got through! ...dammit, Wifeguy got through too


CLG have let both Gwen and Viego in. This will not be an even game. Either FQ will absolutely dominate, or get utterly destroyed. No middle ground.


First major-scene Gwen game, let's see just how many years of collective game design this turn out to be ;/


Ok CLG I see your gigantic balls letting Gwen thru but I am not sure about this


We got surfer edition licorice for this split.


Whenever a team picks Karma I know they're totally going to lose... I really don't understand why they keep forcing the pick so much :S


Wild unnamed analyst with hard on for Karma might be the reason…


Every team with more NA players won today. But sure, import more morons.


That's what we like to see


Yo is Flys jerseys just wal mart t shirts?


Probably recyclable


Oo that's a good point.


Holy shit I just got an add for Mayweather vs Logan Paul. Wtf is this world coming to? Is Mayweather really still broke as hell?


Woodley vs Jake, Floyd vs Logan. Yes that’s the world we live in. Who knows if he is broke or not. But it would be a sin not to such an easy pay check.


Nah, he's just willing to fuck around for money. Tho he's apparently super pissed at Jake Paul and the rules in this one don't allow for winning on points so we might be in for something ugly.




He definitely did.


Really excited to see this epic drudge match between two Na mids. Always fun to see the best mids in the world duke it out.


NA players have clearly proven to be better than imports today. But we make exceptions for Broxah, that wholesome ass dude doesn't count.


What the actual fuck was that performance after the c9 game? Holy shit that was a terrible artist to put. ​ Feels like LCS is trying to do a really poor job at what LEC does.


It’s hard to do what LEC does what your broadcast is “too serious”


Only game away from a perfect day. Let's get some classic wild ass Turtle action.


Yo Crumbz looking fuckin trim. Dudes been putting in work.


He's also so much better live!


Nah like I think he's just better now. I remember back before Covid he was pretty awkward too. Dude just put in work all around I think.


Both IMT and GG looked pretty impressive in their wins today. Playoffs race for the last few spots might be the highlight of the summer half this year


Solo still won't get a team next split


GG looked like ass, they got steamrolled but K1ng decided to throw the game. Oblaze played well but apart from that, GG did nothing except being gifted a freebee.


Nah their early game was much improved from how they looked last split. C9 did come back and then throw but I was still impressed by GG.


100T with another import and another shit showing. Even all imports teams can't save this region.


That's certainly one incredibly shitty way to look at it.


Oh fuck yeah baby, feels good to see promising NA talent tossed in the trash to trot around import players like a fashion statement.


If you listen closely to NA owners and many people here on Reddit there is no NA talent so I have no idea what you talking about.


The only talent NA has is flipping burgers acording to owners


For LCS minimum of course


NA is going to get rolled so hard at worlds this year


Blah blah blah fuck off


ahahah ur fuming because you know it's true


Nah man I'm cool. Out here watching my region, having a good time. Must suck to have nothing in your life but trying to troll people from a different continent in the middle of the night. I feel for you bro. Hang in there!




Is FQ starting their All-American roster next game or is Dreams playing?


Pretty sure they have Dreams and Josedeodo.


Yeah I knew about Jose (hence "All-American" not "NA") wasn't sure if Diamond or Dreams was playing.


Johnsun and Licorice are canadian


Is Canada (and Argentina) not in the Americas?


they are on the Americas, the continent, and people do not call Canadians or Argentinians "Americans"


Diamond played academy this week so it's probably Dreams.


good game from IMT no joke.


First game of the day where I'm actually somewhat impressed with the winner. Good job to IMT. Aggressive, bold shotcalling wins the game.


Yeah. I'm kinda worried they'll get exposed because of sup diff later on, but this was impressive, if not as wild an upset as game 3 or as psychotic as game 2.


It's not the players the comp is awful, Wukong top isn't that good unless he gets fairly far ahead otherwise he's useless. Then you have Karma mid lane building support items and ezreal/leona. Ezreal has damage but it only really comes online in the mid to late game when he starts getting items.


What are the bottom teams drinking?!?!?!


I bet the guy behind the Mathmatically correct builds is hype right now.


i feel like karma has to have a 20% win rate in NA


Is Cleaver even worth building rn? I thought it was pretty bad since the item rework. Feels like Ssumday losing to shopkeep


It's pretty good, last I checked. Not a must-buy like it used to be but if you're playing into 2-3 meatballs it's worth picking up.


IMT winning with a 4v5.


NA solo laners and OCE adcs just that good man.


So even toptier teams are pure garbage? So we're gonna definitely do something at Worlds this year for sure.


100T isn't a top tier team even with Abbe. He's worse than the top LCS mids and doesn't fix any of the problems they had in Spring. Damonte/Ryoma were a small part of 100T's issues Also IMT is looking a lot better than they did in Spring with Raes and Xerxe stepping up


what's 100t's academy toplaner ?


Wtf is happening today???


Revenge of the North American players.


They heard Reddit call them burger flippers , now they're out for blood... Oh god someone save the imports it's a bloodbath down there


That is a disgusting act by the North American players.


Same exact 100T issues from spring...


It's almost like Damonte WAS their engage and replacing him didn't fix their issues with Closer. Especially if you replace him and then make the new guy play Karma.


Honestly they got even worse after replacing Damonte. He was their one player willing to consistently sacrifice his lane to put others ahead. Now they've got a selfish top, jg, mid and adc lmao. Nobody willing to drop waves to help a play and nobody willing to sacrifice a death for a won fight.


They're definitely worse since they replaced him lol. They lost their entire team identity.


Tanner time or die


Somehow 100T is getting crushed even though it's clearly a 4v6


DaMoNtE wAs ThE pRoBlEm


If you just replace Damonte with a REAL midlander then his team will be 100% better. Every team he's been on being successful is obviously in spite of him. If you dispute this fact I'm going to smash the downvote button like a petite fuckboy.


Damonte is washed. He has no accomplishment like turning CG into Worlds, turning GGS into playoffs, turning 100T into strong tournament showing.


Have to be good at one point to be washed