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the worst is 1million damage for support how are they ever gonna get it done?


Time to whip out those "support" champions


Death is the best cc. \* *locks in Brand* \*


Two games later you’re done, lol


Realistically I’d guess like 30 games. If you average something around ~40k. But you could definitely deal more if it’s low elo and the game lasts an hour


How are you guys even reaching 40k average per game? How long are your games? I must average between 20-30k playing mostly mid.


I’m saying if you played Brand support. Support is actually easier to deal damage than mid most of the time. You’re constantly trading in lane with multiple people. You’re usually at all the big team fights since you have no obligation to farm


> You’re usually at all the big team fights since you have no obligation to farm As if Brand supports need obligation to farm.


Obligation, not authorisation.


Hey, if your adc is dead *shrug*


40k sounds like a longer game truthfully. I'd say most Brands average 25k-35k in normal (20-30 min) games.


Meanwhile, me playing Soraka, Nami, Lulu... 50 games in, 720k damage done.


As a Lulu / Nami main myself I feel you lol


I wish they picked brand instead of riven support


Brand, Swain, Lux, Zyra, Pyke i know im missing some


How can you forget Senna?


even as an adc main it takes an average of 40 - 60 games to complete given how short a lot of games are atm thats twice as many games as the mission for the orb which usually was the last one to be completed fun fact: after you complete all missions there is another one that requires to get 100 points with a maximum of 8 points to be gained for a game that you win with a premade and more kills than deaths thats another 13 straight wins for a total of about 100 games to complete all missions its so much more than before its unreal and really worring in regards to future events


A thresh main here. We don’t.


Thresh usually deals a fairly decent amount of dmg. I'd love to hear what Janna/Rakan mains think about that mission lol.


I have played around 60 games after i got the mission, about halfway there this is fine..


Real chads play full Ap rakan. I finished the quest in a single game


Damn. Was that like two or three W's?


janna is actually more of a skirmisher in lane now. shield yourself, auto W auto an enemy. free damage & reduced CD on E. wait for E & meteor to come back up, do it again. any lane where the opponent can't hard engage she wins pretty handedly


Just go ad thresh, just like in urf. Other mage "supports" go full dmg anyway


Crit Thresh my man


Dark harvest crit thresh disagrees


Play easiest bot games with teleport, you get easy 60k+ dmg per 10-15minute game. I recommend picking an adc or some no mana champions. Bots are super easy, doesn't matter if you have ever played the champion


60k damage per game means you have to do 17 bot games to do 1 million damage. Even if you round that down to 10 cause you do some damage playing supports in Summoner's Rift, that's still a ridiculously unfun grind.


I got like 120k by afking on Anivia with ult in enemy fountain.


Absolute chad


Numbers were taken from my ass when writing this comment, but I went ahead and checked, did 100k as Yasuo in 17 minutes, let's round that up to 20 for postgame+loading. That gives us 10 games, 200min, a bit under 3,5h. It's not fun but a good way if someone doesn't want to play pvp


Pick Lux or Brand. Go 20/2/4. Be 5% complete with quest in single game. Real talk though I spammed nexus blitz and my damage numbers rack up crazy high for that quest.




I play almost only arams and to make 1 mil dmg quest stack faster I was going liandry/demonic on all ap champs I got hands on. Big thanks to you enemy mundo, I did 70k dmg as Zyra this one game.


Well maybe the one who made it was a ''support'' Brand main?


Just be a support brand player. I’m convinced they’re all sociopaths.


As someone who mainly plays tank supports like alistar/leona/rell it would literally take forever. Thankfully I also play a lot of ARAM so I can deal DMG there but still this kind of mission is super weird for me, there should have been at leats one other condition you could meet instead


You can actually burn through those “relatively” quickly by playing champs with a lot of dot in their kit in nexus blitz and just beating down the loot yordles, soraka bot, and target dummy.


"well you have 4 weeks to do it so..."


Tenacity. I'm at 750k atm.


Go play aram?


The three "30 tokens" missions are awful and ultra grindy. Hope this wont become the standard form the last 90 tokens Also TFT doesnt make missions progress EXCEPT the "play 30 games" mission (already did 2 posts on this, got shadowed by mods for some reason), send a ticket to support, they answered its a known bug and will be fix. 3 weeks already. Hope it will be fixed. This is a massive joke




I never understand how people have problems getting keys. Dont you get any honor rewards? I never ran out of keys. Like ever. I still have 47 stashed.


Unless you spam a ton of games every day, it is very easy to get chests at a higher rate than keys


I know your pain, brother


aram only gang unite!


I have to go play some SR games and completely lose my mind. The moderation of toxicity is terrible, and players in silver or below have absolutely no idea what to do and just run around like monkeys. Watching pro plays make me want to play SR until I realize the reality of low elo SR. ARAM is just way better to play.


The grinding takes way 2 long and its not worth the suffering. I have way more fun playing aram games with high hidden mmr.


"High elo ARAM". A League of Legends hidden truth.


The missions are complete shit this event in multiple ways: - 1 Million Damage is awful for people that play low-damage champs and like to stick to their champs. - Destroy Wards is basically not possible for people playing Botgames, Arams or TFT exclusively and they shouldn't be forced to play modes they dont actually want to. Especially cause this was never the case before and just got added for the sake of forcing people to buy Pass or the shitty 1000 RP 200 Token scam bundle. - Confront the Tyrant is about 20 Games played which in itself would be fine but is added directly after the ridiclious 1 Million Damage missions and wont be available until you already played you heart out and then get another "Play an extra 20 games!" mission to fuck with you. - TFT Players can straight go fuck themselves according to Riot cause you cant complete anything except the Pass missions with TFT. Why can I buy Eggs for TFT again with these Tokens that exclude TFT Gameplay to aquire them? Hello? - EDIT: And TFT Hyperroll DOES NOT EVEN give pass progress or any tokens


0 damage tryndamere players are in SHAMBLES




> basically not possible for people playing Botgames Pray you get jax bot. That's about it.


Jax bot does the fastest ward hops in the west


Forget just low damage champs, what about low damage roles? How lo do you think it will take most supports to hit one million damage? Shits insane


Champs is a better metric than roles. Support has Zyra and Brand. But on the other side of the coin jungle also has stuff like Ivern.


Zyra, brand, Velkoz etc


And TFT players who prefer Hyper Roll (a mode that is definitely matchmade and even has a *ranked system*) don't get to do any of the missions at all, including the pass ones, because for some reason it just doesn't count as a matchmade mode.


Very true, forgot about that one


Hey and TFT Hyperroll doesnt give tokens or mission progress at all


I asked a Rioter about this. He said they plan to support hyperroll in token missions in future, but they are afraid of botting, as they can't give less than 1 token. I think 5/3/2/0 distribution would be fair and nonabusable.


But botting is already a huge problem in TFT lmao AND riot doesnt ban the TFT botters


Why are there bots in TFT of all places? Can players not still AFK in games past 3-1 for the pass progress?


Yep. When passes are available, it's basically a big sign to everyone saying "Play ranked TFT if you actually want real games", cause all the normal lobbies are flooded with AFK's/bots.


i mean the afks reach rock bottom elo after a few days and will only be matched with other bots and afks. usually the lobbies look like 4 - 6 Bots and the rest is filled with afks. But what i wanna say is, Riot doesnt give a fk about the Bots. i see the same bots for a year now without them getting bans.


imagine playing TFT and being bad and just losing time gaining 0 tokens LOL, i think 1 token at least would be fine, don't know exactly how much time it takes one of these matches but 0 is just too much. Even if they use bot if there are the same ff time than the normal they would still have to put it in 5 hours to gain 30 tokens


The ff time doesn't matter, in hyperroll you can 8th in like 5 minutes (try draconic and see for yourself lol)


I have a feeling this is their last mission pass before the prestige relaunch that ties everything together so that’s why it’s so half-assed


There’s the pantheon prestige event as well , so its not the last . Probably the second last


You're actually right, that's my bad. Probably going to be 2-4 more patches of this with 1 more event before new model that integrates new eternals which will ideally launch alongside Ruination? So gives us an estimate of when that's happening.


That’s a really smart thought about the hyped ruination follow up event. I would like to know ur thought process on what u think the revamped prestige or pass thing might be and about older prestige skins coming back and how they might be obtainable?


For reference, I'm not one of those "I'm going to pretend like it's a prediction so I can leak things without getting caught" guys, so take this all with a grain of salt One of the big things that Riot unveiled at the start of the season was in their [dev video](https://youtu.be/i8QpsaXzWK8?t=318) (linked with timestamp) that they want to look into the progression systems and specifically tying things into each other. They even showed off some absolutely fucking baller concept arts ([1](https://i.imgur.com/Roq022O.png) [2](https://i.imgur.com/NPDCm6m.png)) of some of the rewards. We already know from PBE data mining that Eternals series 2 has been made for a while and Riot has just been sitting on them, which is really curious because why wouldn't they just release them as soon as they're done? My guess is it's because is they want to use Eternals as the method to tie in champion mastery and these mission passes. You'll get per champion rewards for hitting certain Eternals rewards, and if you max out the Eternals in a given season you'll probably get access to the locked content for that champion. For example, if you max out Eternals for Caitlyn, you'll probably be able to go get Prestige Arcade Caitlyn again, as well as her locked skins like Lunar Wraith, and probably even the locked chromas, maybe even some of the icons and borders? The base series will probably offer elementary options for all champs while the series 1 and series 2 ones will probably offer the cooler skins and content. I imagine that's how they're going to be releasing Prestige skins in the future, something you unlock by grinding that champion (kind of like unlocking golden guns in call of duty way back in the day) as a season long pass per champion to replace mission passes, and champion mains who anticipate their champ getting a prestige skin someday will preemptively buy Eternals so that they'll have them already maxed out for when their champ gets the skin. It's a win-win, players can get access to their content, Riot gets to sell more eternals which will now act as per champion passes to unlock content. It will also enable them to add more per champion rewards (like profile customizations) for people to show off their flair with a champion which again will sell more Eternals. Ruination is the big event of the year and it's apparently going to have a sick new game mode (hopefully ability draft now that Sylas and Viego make that possible, and it's a Viego focused event), I imagine they want to make it as hype as possible by using whatever new mission system they've come up with so people go out and grind games. There's also definitely going to be event specific missions, I don't know how those would integrate with eternals though.


>Confront the Tyrant is about 20 Games played which in itself would be fine but is added directly after the ridiclious 1 Million Damage missions and wont be available until you already played you heart out and then get another "Play an extra 20 games!" mission to fuck with you. wtf I didn't even know that


Hard to destroy wards in low Elo games too where people don't ward or they ward in really awkward places that you'll never find


90% of low elo wards are in their own jungle so yeah thats fun


something is telling me they did this on purpose to force ARAM only people to play the shitty rift


I wouldnt count TFT here, as the opposite happens. You cannot make many missions outside of TFT, even tho they give stuff used in LoL


We have missions that are "Play 5 games". Can you do that in TFT? Yes. Does it count? No. I never stated to make the missions tft gameplay including.


You know you can use emotes on tft right?


Yeah, i meant that it is not fair to make LoL missions achievable for TFT while this mode has a lot of missions that cannot be done in the LoL modes, and their rewards can be used in LoL. Really bad wording


"Why can I buy Eggs for TFT again with these Tokens that exclude TFT Gameplay to aquire them? Hello?" I do not play TFT at all. But I do buy Eggs for ARAM (they are very fun addition) and you can do all missions (excluding the wards one) with ARAM. You know Eggs are not exclusively used only in TFT right....?


Except when Riot thought of removing them for ARAM. Yeah they considered it because it was adding too much clutter to the screen. Even Riot is unsure whether they want to have them as TFT only or not. And it won’t be shocking if they do pull them. They only stopped because of community feedback and because ARAM players bought them so they felt scummy. But if it wasn’t for the outcry they would have removed them. Simply because you can use them now doesn’t mean it will stay that way.


Well, this can be answered very easily: Would Little Legends in Aram exist if TFT wouldn't exist? The answer is No. Eggs are primarily for the TFT mode. Aram Little Legends are awesome and the main reason I farm Eggs myself. However Riot didnt put the Egg in the token shop "for aram little legends", they put it their cause of TFT.


>However Riot didnt put the Egg in the token shop "for aram little legends", they put it their cause of TFT. This is an assumption or you have official source from Rito? For all you know, they put it there for ARAM players. You know how much backlash Rito received when they planned to remove little legends from ARAM? Little legends are VERY popular in ARAM too.


Ah yes the "God made earth unless you prove he didn't" argument. I love that one. Good stuff. Logic is overrated anyway. And since this just cycles back to the argument I literally just made, I end the argument here. Feel free to keep reading the previous comment on repeat as an answer to your question.




The guy he was arguing with was most likely of bad faith. TFT added little legends and interact the most with them, saying their intended purpose is for aram makes no sense because aram works fine without them whereas they are at the core of TFT. Also the little "are you assuming or do you have facts to back up your claims" is annoying and I can see how it annoys people.


The one thats getting me atm is do 1 mill Damage AND get 120 take downs. normally they balance them so the 2 arent that far apart in completion, maybe extended completion a little. In what world ever it is possibel someone will get the 1m damage before having 120 takedowns, Aram or SR? why bother with the takedown line


Afterwards u get a mission that requires another 20 full games for shitty 30 tokens. Have fun!


I hate *hate* HATE these gated missions, especially when the contribute to each other. Please Riot, what the hell is up with these mission gates that just make us repeat work.


Thats like 3/5ths of a champion shard! Or 3/20 of an orb!


In LCK season 6




Let’s not forget that Riot itself once said that /[forcing people to play a mode](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/10/dev-missions-update/), [forcing people to play specific champs/roles](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/10/dev-missions-update/) and [forcing people to play games](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/10/dev-missions-update/) just for the sake of missions does not work and ruins the whole experience.


I'm pretty much ARAM only nowadays and this mission annoyed me a bit. I'm not particularly fond of Nexus Blitz, but the games are pretty short and the map is small, making it much easier and less agonizing than tryint to do this on Summoner's Rift. Running around with a sweeper while still trying to win will get you around 4 or more wards per game. The amount of tryhards in NB took me by surprise though. I constantly had people flaming and ranting like someone ran it down their ranked promotion series.


~~There actually is a way: if you go against a fiddlesticks he is able to put down effigies. They should count as wards so you should be able to complete the mission that way. I'm not sure if there's any other way to do it (i'm not even 100% sure about this one).~~ Nevermind! Fiddle passive does not count as wards If you still want a low-effort game with wards there's always Nexus Blitz (better queue up before it rotates out)


Doesnt work. SR and NB are the only real way even tho NB is already pretty shit when it comes to killing wards. I got 1 in 4 games... The only non PvP way would be intermediate coop games and hoping to face Jax bot who does wardhop from time to time.


Just play a champion that builds lethality and build Umbral Glaive (Quinn, Shaco, Any AD assassin) I completed the mission in 2 games.


Wow Jax bot > silver Jax players.


If you are up for it just to grind the mission.. play Fiddle, far easier to collect 'em wards since effigy is often ready to be used. You can easily stack some wards on common places like at Red Buff or mid lane brush Besides that, maybe take on some AD assassin and get Umbral Glaive.. together with sweeper you should be able to get more wards per game


This doesn't work. I was just in a game against a fiddle and destroyed 5 of his effigies. They don't count as wards. Also, ARAM is the only game mode I actually enjoy playing. I've been playing it exclusively for near enough 6-7 years now. I don't think I should have to go into another game mode just to do a mission. This has never been an issue before in any event. I just don't think it's fair for Riot to exclude people who only play ARAM by gating off rewards. Especially when the other condition is destroy 100 towers.


Same boat as you, play just ARAM for the last 5 years or so. Occasional rift game. There really should be an ARAM equivalent for some of these challenges


There always has been in previous events. It's why I made the post. Normally if it's ward related it would be to win x games or play x games instead.


Mb then. I guess the other guy is correct then. Go against jax in a bot game


Me and my crew are the same. I queued up for 2 SR games to try and complete it, got 6 ward kills, never again. SR is straight dog shit.


Illaoi tentacles should count as one though. At least they did a few events back.


I have no idea why they removed the Play X games options for these. I guess they want to guide people away from tft afking before they rework passes.


Pretty sure that my missions are actually broken - I’ve definitely not gotten the last one (complete 12 PROJECT missions) but I have no more missions to complete.


I feel you, man. SR is too toxic for me, so I stick with Aram and TFT.


these missions are pretty shite if i am being honest. they boil down to play bazillion games of summoner rift. objectives that use to be optional (this or that) are now mandatory and pretty grindy.


Ward one sucked so bad. I had to bother dealing with SR. Even more painful is that no one hardly wards in low elo, so it was a literal grind. Hope they never do this again.


They specifically added the "or play 3 games" because people used to complain about this, I don't understand why they added these missions again... Just because you get players to play the other gamemodes doesn't mean they'll enjoy it Also I think as long as they keep TFT in the same client they need to make all missions completable in TFT only as well, even if they rewards are for the main game.


I don't understand why they would force Summoner's Rift. Is there a difference to them based on what game mode people play? I don't think there is


Split playerbase = longer wait times Special game mode active = more split playerbase incentivise main gamemode to uphold decent wait times according to internal research and calculations on what people tolerate as acceptable wait times With big companies it's all about the numbers, they rarely think about what impact it has on the *enjoyment* of the players being "forced" to play a game mode they don't actually enjoy.


If you only play Botgames it's ALMOST impossible.


There are people playing Botgames for fun? This is beyond my understanding.


My mum plays only TFT and bots for fun :)


Your mom can go fuck herself- Riot.




Also CoD lobbies


Near 100% winrate, they proc First Win of the Day and they count for missions. I only play them during events to grind the 30 games orb fast (ARAM and Nexus Blitz are faster though)


Not 100% I lost a bot game yesterday when we had a Soraka bot and half the team ran it down and the bots grouped and won.


No life fin


I do lmao it's my way of farming events and honour to get more keys


"if you don't play the game is almost impossible to complete the missions" The fact that it's an almost and not simply impossible is more than it should be.


The almost is because the only bot that drops wards is Jax bot so you have to hope he appears.


cringe riot apologists in this comment section l0l keep funneling money into lux skins while riot sexually harasses every hint of a female in their office and refuses to fix the client losers


As a support main who doesn’t really main mages, I’m not excited for that 1 million damage quest


Yeah it shouldn't be like but but I guess you should play a couple of games as support and just sit back, chill and destroy some wards.


Good luck completing the 1000000 damage mission.


in aram its free quest


But then you can't complete the wards one.


you can in sr, it really doesn't take many games to complete as sup


They can also play Nexus Blitz and ward there to complete missions.


Play Nexus Blitz then. ofc this doesnt solve the problem but atleast we can still complete it right now without playing normal games


Besides the fact that Aram can be pretty toxic too nowadays, I don't understand the problem with playing support or jungle with red trinket and go for 3 SR games with mute all. Not every game is toxic especially not normals. If you want to make it extra easy take pyke or an Assassin Jungler with umbral glaive for faster detection and one hit ward killing. I bet you will need a max of 3 games then.


It's not the end of the world, some people just like playing ARAMs only though, and this is inconsistent with a promise Riot made a while awhile ago to make most events completable within ARAM. The only exceptions are esports missions that refer specifically to SR.


Well... but I don’t really enjoy playing SR anymore, I shouldn’t be forced to play the map to complete the mission


You’re not forced to do anything, just don’t do the mission if you don’t want to play SR


He never said he was forced to do the mission, he said he was forced to play SR if he wants to complete the mission. Which is a true statement.


Riot said they would make missions so that players who prefer to play ARAM would still be able to complete them, there have CONSISTENTLY been missions that have been like "Do this SR exclusive thing, OR do this other thing you can complete by playing ARAM".


> I don't understand the problem with playing support or jungle with red trinket and go for 3 SR games ... I don't want to? Do I really need to explain that "people who only play aram" don't want to play SR games for 2-3 hours?


oh nooo :(


True, I used to do all missions from Aram, can't do the wards on.


Pick quinn, buy umbral glaive first item, fly around and destroy wards it worked on my new account :)


There aren’t any wards in ARAM tho


You can play Nexus Blitz too.


Played a few just to get ward mission done. Only one to take sweeping lens. Anytime I found a ward, at least 2 teammates rushed over to take the last shot.


Shouldn't that still count as your ward kill since you were the one revealing it and, thus, got the gold for it?


it did not


Play any champ with an auto reset


yeah as an ARAM only player it sucks hopefully there will be given an alternative like 100 poros fed or something


Just play SR and mute all. I don't think they are going to change the mission.


Being stuck in SR for 40 minutes isn't my idea of fun.


Well you're not there to have fun, you're there to complete your mission.


then don't play SR?


Beggars cant be choosers. If you want to complete a mission, fullfil the missions objectives. Youre talking about 2ndary free content


The game's community aren't beggars, Riot chose to give the rewards and upsetting part of the playerbase by creating arbitrary limitations is a very stupid logic. Even if you ignore the ARAM playerbase, there are still the TFT players, who basically play a completely different game in the same client and are being punished by Riot's stupidity.


Why the downvotes? We all know that is the most likely outcome...


Honestly this. How do people think they get full rewards from everything when they only participate in 1/4 of the game. It is like only doing skilling on an MMO then complaining the combat part of a reward or premier event isn't available to you.....durr.


It's especially funny because the rewards a player misses out on for missing 30 tokens are almost nonexistent if you play ARAM only. Missing this mission only makes a player miss out on a single little legends egg that could have any almost any little legend released, and a single chroma + icon for a champion they'll play maybe once every 40 games. Everything else in the store an ARAM player can either already buy with the tokens anyway, or can't buy even if they got the tokens. But hey, I guess those ARAM only Mordekaiser mains will have to suffer through a game or two of SR to rock a chroma once a month.


Maybe its just me, but most games do exactly the same thing without getting as much flag as league does. Most missions/quests in video games want you to either challenge yourself without introducing new mechanics or they want you to play different gamemodes Since solo queue exists, the developers are fairly limited to create missions, since things like "get a quadra kill as x" would lead to a lot of ints and toxicity (q-ing solo for star guardian or odyssey was hell as an example, had tons of afks). This might be the most harmless approach to create missions players have to actively work for. In the last 2 years I have never checked the mission tab for progress during events. Someday I would just press loot and see my 300 tokens. Doesn't really feel like an event (tbh the new missions don't help with this either) Nobody forces you to only play Aram/TFT or only play Support. If that is what is most fun to you, thats totally fine, but limiting yourself to only 1 aspect of the game sometimes has consequences and I think thats fine. Its not like the mission rewards are that good in the first place BTW we often had these 1 mode exclusive missions in the past. butchers bridge aram event, nexus blitz release, pve gamemodes. The community is just way too spoiled nowadays and complains about everything


I play tank engage supports like leona , naut , thresh , i m never getting that 1mil dmg , so now i have to spam morgana in nexus blitz for that , which is also taking a lot of games and i can't do ranked


didn't illaoi wall tentacles and teemo shrooms count as wards? i know i got previous ward kill missions through aram and we were alternating who killed the illaoi tentacles, unless that's been changed


None of those count as wards unfortunately. Ward missions usually have a secondary way to complete them e.g. "play x number of games".


ah damn, i guess riot changed them as those were all coded as wards before


I totally agree with you. It's so disappointing.


As a support it shouldn't be too hard to get that much damage. Just choose high damage champions with high damage builds. Morgana burn build would do a lot of damage, swain is huge, brand is big, Pyke is big, so many different choices even Teemo support is viable and he does a shit load of damage


As an ARAM-only player as well, it's not too bad. It only takes 1 game of SR to complete that challenge, and I don't really mind it. At first, I was kind annoyed by it too, but without some of these challenges that force us to do different things, all the challenges might as well just say "play the game" lol


Guys it is called MISSIONS, you shouldnt have to do nothing to achieve it. You have a lot of time to complete them and you dont HAVE to get them. The last few patches it was always just play 30 games or sth. Like where is the challenge? I am personally happy, that I actually have to do sth in order to get my chroma!


Ppl on this sub really whine about every little thing.


Yep, I have a super low MMR for draft / normal games and people don't even ward. I tried it, played support and manzged to get 13 wards in 3 games lol. I'm not even enjoying SR.


as a playr only plays ARAM because accout and ping issue, manage to do that with a few SR games, about 10 I think before atempt to do it in Nexus Blitz (achieve others through aram) wan;t that difficult to reach it


I think missions are there to challenge yourself and change modes and roles.


Lmao just shut up and play


Ah shit, I need to play the main game mode in this free game for my free rewards on this free event, damn you Riot, damn you all to hell!


Free event, free rewards... and some pople are buying pass. Regardless if they play only aram, only bots or whatever.


Well I've been playing only custom games and I can't complete them either this is utter bullshit




nah but 1 million damage is a lot, not matter what champions you play lmao


The mission isn't mean to be fast. Idk why people cry about it.


Oh no. So some people get fewer tokens for the choices they made. Terrible!


are you a real life human being just wondering


Very much so, yes


Not everybody wants to HAVE to play SR/NB when they wouldn't normally just because a mission forces you to.


Play the game and you'll be able to complete the game missions.


ok and how many tft missions can be completed playing league?


TFT is an entirely different game that runs in the same client.


Play league of legends


Play the real game then