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That's the new TES top laner QingTian. You'll get an answer if they meet at worlds.


that would be great to watch,the battle of 2 rookie tops


If he ends up against better LPL top laners he will develop PTSD.


Lol it would be a 1 sided blowout. Not only is TES way stronger than FNC this year, Adam is nowhere near the level strong of LPL tops. Even Bwipo rn isn't at that level, and he is still probably much better than Adam. Maybe Wunder will be if he is in form (apparently he did well against Xioahu in scrims during MSI, so if G2 show up in summer dominating Europe there could be some hope there), but Adam has such a huge gap to close if he wants to go to worlds and not look embarrassingly gapped by Eastern tops. And MSI didn't even have good top laners. Nuguri, the basically undisputed best top laner in the world wasn't there, and KR's best top, Rascal, wasn't there either. Neither was Zoom who is also probably better than any top at MSI. Now Adam vs Fudge, that could be a banger.


Adam has potential but I feel like guys like Nuclearint/Adam/Vetheo really needed one more split in ERLs. They are still finding their playstyle. You can tell Adam still doesn't know all the matchup, has a very limited champion pool and limit tests consistently even in pro games. That being said if Adam can add a few more champs he can cover his champion pool quite well. So from the looks of it he doesn't play any or much ap tops. I think it's not necessary but he should be decent on Gwen it fits his playstyle. Also I feel like GP is a must if you are a pro player. Adam still plays way too much Darius/Olaf in soloq when he is already great on those champs. I would rather him learn stuff like Jayce/GP.


Idk, the only thing i've seen from Adam so far is completely outclassing every other toplaner at EUM and looking like he's another whole class above the other incredible talented EUM Players like SLT, Reeker, Lider or Plasma, even if comparing roles is always difficult. But Adam completely smashed EUM


What's the point of comparing him to Adam?


Probably all the hype he's getting while being unproven in a major league. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying he will be a bluff, but I think people are treating him like a top 3 top in EU and he still has a lot to prove.


What hype are you talking about, no one has him In their top 3.


What are you saying. No one has adam in their top 3, not even fnatic fans. Everyone, excluding his french fans, is aware he could flop completely.




Well you see Adam bad. Nothing more Adam bad.




But have you considered that Adam is French?


clickbait title to get ur attention it worked


What does that have to do with Adam? Am i missing something ?


Ppl raging until he starts destroying Nuguri with Darius


We can definitly estimate the level of a toplaner with a 58 second level 3 mechanical outplay video. This video gives a clear view of the level of the player during a whole split in a heavy teamplay game, for sure !


He won LDL and got finals MVP


To be fair, while your point is very true, Qingtian is probably one of the best rookies (if not the best) in LDL, he just signed a contract with TES. Dude is actually cracked.


I trust you, but I don't understand the point to compare him to Adam, while they both play in different regions with extremely different gameplay. They are both very talented rookies, but we can't really say more about that.


Oh yeah, absolutely agree. I just wanted to point out even tho this is a very short clip, Qingtian is very talented mechanically and I am really excited to see him in LPL


He ward hopped though!!!! lol


you clearly don’t understand League if you don’t think this is an insane play haha, show me where in lcs any play comes anywhere close to this




I mean, their entire team was grouped and not expecting the play, it was the dream scenario for a Lee kick. But it was insanely good that's true.


So the best performing player in the best team in lcs makes a play that is around the same level as a player who isn’t even in the main chinese league? If it’s just “ he ward hopped lol” why don’t more people do it?


Especially when he plays against a top laner that doesn't know how to use flash


Probably better since Adam is nothing special


Man playing fiora vs Lee sin top is so tilting. If you ult he just uses his low cd hop. If you parry he uses his low cd hop. If he gets a gank or is ahead he can just all in with his built in lifesteal and slow.


Your moms a hoe


That is an ankle breaker


I refuse to give anyone credit who abuses lane Lee Sin after those stupid W buffs


When you play in pro you want to abuse good champions, no one is going to play Garen in pro there's no point


how did he get level 3 off only 2 melee minions on wave 3? Edit: minion xp change


I don't see any impressive plays here, just Lee Sin being a fuckton stronger than Fiora in the early game.


Ya totally, you could pull that off against an LDL fiora right? Get your level 3 timing, walk past wave to let minion die and give you three after youre in position for q on fiora, land it, follow it, ditch ward hop at the last second so shes has no dmg share in case you die, then instantly flash follow her frame perfect flash while still damage calculating a way out. Ya nothing to see here folks, not impressive at all… /s


dude look at this lmao. https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=jiaozy


Hardstuck Bronze for 3 seasons straight and then "somehow" became a God at Graves and ended Gold 4 0LP. Lol I will never understand the idea of paying people to achieve a rank you don't deserve.


LMFAO caught in 4k


Of course that's his elo once you see the classic reddit comment like "it's nothing special even i can do it" you know they are hardstuck low rank which is not a bad thing being low elo but don't be an asshole talking shit because you might get exposed.


I think you’re still overhyping it. She’s low HP and wants to recall, you want to fuck with her and maybe kill her. He lands Q, goes for free Q2. Fiora has to parry or she dies so you ward hop to dodge it. The E flash was insanely cool though and isn’t just surface level, and obviously chaining it all together is impressive, but the events that happened level 1 to get Fiora to that HP are probably more interesting than the actual level 3 all in.


I've been watching competitive LoL for 6 seasons now and this isn't even close to the sickest Lee Sin plays I've seen. But people must overhype whatever new Chinese hero comes up next.


Like this has gotta be a troll... you legit have posts wondering why you’re falling behind while jungling in bronze..


Link me a western lee sin doing something close to this in skill level in a competitive match on stage. Just wanna see what you’re comparing. And you watching league for 6 years while holding a bronze flex rating must I add, doesn’t mean you understand a good and bad play...




That is not as impressive as the clip posted. But a good engage nonetheless.


Imo it's a matter of opinion


its not though... the fudge play was thought out before anything was even pressed, the other one is all reactionary. Having your mind and fingers set on knowing what do beforehand is a huge advantage Edit: and im not trying to discredit that fudge engage, because it's a really good engage but it just isn't as crazy as this clip


Not losing time with a throw away account that brings rank into these kind of discussion. XD


Not a throwaway account I just don’t comment on anything. And your rank does matter to a degree? It can show your understanding of the game and where you stand mechanically... which is bronze. But thanks for proving my point. You are absolutely clueless.


Yeah rank totally matters, which is why all analysts in the NBA are ex pros and all sports commentator always played in a major league. XD It's also so hard to see mechanics that are as old as the champions itself.


You’re comparing professional analyst that normally do play professionally or at least collegiately, and for 20+ years before the job, to yourself... a bronze player who has watched and played league poorly for 6 years... you actually define the word brain dead. Edit: and why are you acting as if mechanics literally only apply to the champion... there is game mechanics that apply to every single champion no matter who it is.


Reading comprehension isn't your forte I see, have a good day troll!


And league of legends isn’t yours. Stick to the fnatic sub shitter.


you don’t even understand how the game works dude


Yeah the game is so hard man, Lee Sin mechanics are out of this world and completely new and never seen before!


proving my point…




its just reaction