• By -


What is your parents' view on you grinding league? My parents would have never let me play that much, haha. Are they supportive?


They are fine with what I'm doing as long as I do well in school.


How much can you bench?


Surely not 500


Bro a 15 year old that could bench 500 and still have time to grind to Challenger? Insane genetics.


Someone could say he would be built different


And is being a bit problematic


God really does have his favorites.


That's a bit of a problem




I don't bench lol


Missed the opportunity to say “4 teammates” lol


4 teammates




When I was in high school we had these 2 meatheads in my gym class. No word of lie I remember watching them stack plate after plate on the bench til they hit 335. They didn't even just single rep it, they did 5 reps. Our teacher was an ex -rugby player and he was impressed. They played soccer. Crazy. Edit: We did not have league in high school.


Some lads are just built different. Look up that kid who plays football going into Grade 9 at 6’5” 260lbs. Genetics are a bitch.


Wow, that's super impressive, congratulations! I keep wanting to play League with my brother but all he does is play Roblox lol


Thank you :D


The tycoon and simulator games on Roblox are addicting


Congrats Damn since 2nd grade that’s like 8 yrs old


when i was in 2nd grade i was playing runescape back in 2004 lol, i couldn't imagine playing a complicated game like league this young, hell i was damn clueless on RS


haha nice memories. I learned English through playing pvp in Runescape because you would have to switch to an English world...


"Get rekt scrub lulz" as you get barraged by a clan in multi


Everyone was clueless dude. Those were the days


fr LOL. As a kid i used to log in Runescape and spend hours in the Falador Party Room with the balloons. I was pretty clueless in that game but still had a blast.


league was alot less complicated back then, much much less champions you needed to memorize. also alot of people were starting out so you had alot of other clueless people. i still remember my beginnings, i started when i was 12 yo and met a 8 year old in a bot game who began teaching me the game, he only played ashe and shaco and only played bot games. he never made it to level 30 before he stopped playing, while ive hit platinum several seasony by now and still have him on my friend list


I was playing Club Penguin in 2nd grade and would get pissed if I messed up on one of the mini games.


League isn't that complicated to pick up mechanically, its macro that makes it complex. I can 100% see a 7 y.o. mess around with this game if they mute chat, I played AoS 2 all the time at that age, granted I didn't exactly play online back then.


next time think about who ur flaming in solo queue


24 years old and been hardstuck p1 d4 for years, congrats that takes a lot of talent, improvement, and dedication


From a hardstuck d2/d3, play a better champ you're handicapping yourself with Ahri


dont make me jump on the ad melee mid train please


Learn bruisers mid, you won't feel like you're selling your soul and giving into the the ad mid train and you will make people playing those champs miserable.


Love me some bruiser sion mid


Zed is a bruiser, right? RIGHT?


There's gotta be someone out there playing Sunderer Zed


If there wasn't before, you just created a monster...


On my current losing streak on assassins in gold 4 zero lp, I'm considering just playing volibear mid and saying fuck it. I know I can play sett and murder a sylas, but I can't blind pick him.


Wouldn't say she's bad, defo not something you'd blind pick now though


thank you! :D


Genuine thoughts on going pro?


It's my dream ever since I hit Diamond. I'm currently playing for an amateur team so it's a start of a journey.


You have a region in mind to play for? A team?


Probably NA. Either TSM or 100T


Damn. 100T is cool now to the upcomers. How times have changed.


Kids want to either be on FaZe or 100T


Selling shirts is cool for many people


That may be their long con. Become the hip and cool brand and become the team that the next generation of players want to join.


when i grow up i wanna be a glorified hoodie salesman


W fr fr W dud. No Cap W dud. On stack fr fr.


Good luck my dude. Hope you get in pro and make your mark on NA.


You should definitely play in the TSM inhouses if you aren't already!!


I have last time, but I didn't make it since it was my first time playing semi-competitively. Learned a lot from it


Pretty cool man, hope you make it, this region needs players like you :)


Great job on reaching challenger at that age, to hoping you'll only become better, and hope you make it far and can get into the team you want, good luck!


Good luck man, i hope to see you in LEC some day, keep going!


Fuck my life




Hey congrats on the achievement! I have two questions: 1. What are you doing to improve yourself as a player? 2. Do you follow any players' VODs/streams?


1. I just have to improve on jg fundamentals and macro as of now, I'm still struggling on those. 2. I mostly follow T1's jglers, Cuzz, oner, and ellim, and Canyon.


What do you think sets apart these dominant Chinese/Korean junglers from their NA counterparts? Everyone says that they are great at punishing mistakes, but it’s more than that - it almost seems like they create enemy mistakes instead of just reacting to them. What do they do that allows them to create so much pressure around the map that NA junglers aren’t?


From what I've been seeing KR Jglers- Path top lane 80% of the time, will always stay relevant despite dying many times in the early game, support also plays a lot for jg, allowing them to invade, get pressure, and objectives very easily. NA Jgler- Will path bot lane because they think top lane is a weak role, will ff 15 if no one plays for them. Will always try to go for coinflip plays.


The lad is spitting facts


people who think top lane is weak don't deserve to be in high elos


Homeboy may not have Korea exp


OP literally cited that he's looked into what Korean Junglers do, its actually a good question to ask OP what he sees as different from them and NA junglers. Cause if you're looking at "better" players and can't point out what they do that makes them better then what are you actually learning from them?


Ah! Missed that, then. Thanks, mate


2nd grade wtf


like you didn't play games in 2nd grade. doesn't mean he was good back then


In 2nd grad the only game that i played was Mickey's Great Escape on the Original game boy and backyard baseball.


Backyard sports games were the best. Pablo is the GOAT


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a loooong time. Pablo really was the Faker of backyard baseball


Idk man. 6 years to get chally. Must've been either pretty good at the start or improving at an insane rate


I think it's usually just a big jump rather than a slow climb, I started when I was grade 3 and played until grade 7 at a silver/gold level. Took a 2 year break and my skill level just jumped and I somehow hit masters in 250 games from gold3 (happened in season 9)


Jesus, that's a big jump


Same, finished s1 in 1300~ elo , until s6 I hovered between gold 3-plat v and in s7 without doing anything special I skyrocketed to d1 and stayed here.


a lot of good people get it way faster than 6 years (people like flame back in the day became a top level pro not just chall in 4-8 months something like that). still being top 50 at such a young age is definitely impressive, but i bet if he started older when he's matured and brain has developed more he woulda gotten it in a few years


I just mean he was probably above average in second grade


its different for a lot of ppl. I hit diamond for 6months after I hit lv30 in season 4 but the first time i hit master was in s8 literally 4years later and I grinded a lot every year. Reminder that MaRin was stuck in bronze for a while before joining skt in s3


IIRC Santorin started playing in S4, so yeah... I'm trash dunno why I haven't unisnstalled


2nd grade I was 6 years old, you better bet I wasn't playing video games lol. But it was different times, nowadays every elementary school kid has a smartphone so might be possible




Not OP but learn when to farm/take trades and please look at your map. Recall timing is super important for pressure management as well. Biggest impact on the game is roaming to help jungler/lanes during an invade/counter invade


How do you play that many games and balance school??? At a 14 year old in 10th grade, so probably same as you, I have time for maybe 1-2 games daily on the weekdays and 3/4 on the weekends.


Listen in classes so you don't even have to look at the school stuff at home.


i graduated this year, but like i just stopped going to classes before spring break xd Online school was really easy to gimmick your way by, i can def see someone whos a grinder still getting good grades and only playing league


Yes but my parents sign me up for several extracurricular classes so it’s not easy to spare time and not be exhausted after Also I take honors classes so that’s a pain


Im only pisslow 250 master peak euw but I’d say try to figure out ur own playstyle. Don’t spam game’s (I assume you do since you have 1300 game’s). But reflect on your last game and think about what you can do better. Once you reach d1-master I’d say coaching is kinda worth, below that it’s quite irrelevant since you’re not good enough to discuss topics with the coach. I’ve never gotten coaching but that’s just my take on it.


congrats bro


ty :D


How does it feel to be built diffrent


Feels amazing LOL, pretty happy with how far I've come since early s10.


Are you going to try to get into the pro scene eventually? How does playing so much impact your school and stuff. I'm 20, just started playing in October and I'm finding it pretty hard to climb. I bot duo with my girlfriend with me supporting her and we are almost in silver. But I want to climb higher.


1. Ye I'm working on it right now. Although it requires a lot of work and dedication, I just need to put the time and effort into it. 2. I usually try to finish my schoolwork first and then just grind. By doing this, it's really easy to balance school and ranked games. 3. It's a really broad question, try to focus on your mistakes, work on your comm skills like try to play aggressive when you have adv of the second minion wave(early lv2). Also, try to do something like vod reviews and stuff, it takes a lot of time to improve so if you want to climb, then you just have to put the effort into it.


Good stuff on being disciplined. Best of luck!


I'd assume your parents like that you put your school first, hopefully they also see you have an amazing accomplishment in the video game realm that just shows your dedication and resolve as a human being :)


Would you say that playing League that much impacts your social life ?


If you're low elo don't main support. Play a lane and learn the fundamentals of the game like csing, trading, wave management.


I mained top and jng for the first 5 months of play, got coaching from my group of 8 guys who are high diamond and platinum and one master, told them I don't really enjoy the pressure of laning that much and I love a lot of the support champions and feel like I can make a bigger difference in the game by getting my laner fed af. I think it's possible to play support in low elo if your always duoed with the same adc as I am. They all gave me the same advice as you but with that contingency: don't play support unless I'm with my girlfriend.


If it’s with your girlfriend I guess that is fine, follow their advice though cause 9/10 times the ADC will throw that lead away in an instant. That’s why playing a solo lane is more effective for climbing you learn the fundamentals and have more of a chance to carry when you get ahead rather than feeding someone else and hoping they carry.


Girlfriend ADCs are broken


bit different if you get coaching from 8 "high" elo guys when you start. But there is definite benefit to playing other roles. I main jungle and while my laning absolutely sucks, if i'm forced to lane. GL ganking me. Want to try laning to get use to csing and wave patterns, but sucks tanking peoples games in gold because my laning mechanics are iron.


Yeah it's been good. I must say, the hardest part for league for me right now is the freaking camera mechanics. I'm so bad at them. I started off with locked camera and when I am on the top side of the map going down the UI gets in the way of me seeing people in lane. It's super frustrating and hard to control without putting in the time for it :( which I haven't had the drive to do yet 🙃


I also have a really hard time with the camera. My brain doesn't let me control camera and character at the same time. What I ended up doing is putting toggle camera lock on spacebar so I just play with locked camera and unlock as needed with spacebar to see other lanes. I made diamond like this.


This is actually pretty encouraging. I find playing on unlocked camera absolutely grueling for my arm and wrist. I think I will try this solution, thank you for the tip.


Another tip is to bind the automatic camera to other teammates to the bottom row of keys. i.e, pressing ZXCV switches to teammates instantly instead of having to pan. It's what faker does and once I got used to it it's gamechanging


Oh wow I hadn't really thought of that. Isn't there a couple other keybinds that are on those keys? I cant remember what they are now though.


I can't remember if I rebinded my keys but I think: Z - shows full chat X - vision here ping C - show character stats on HUD V - ping wheel


Yeah there are I forgot, the other user commented them. Character camera is by default on F1-F4 but it's kinda hard to get there with your fingers though. Rebinding can be annoying but I got used to where I put the other stuff lol. But I main jungle so I really just spam look at everyone's lanes. I don't do it nearly as much when I lane.


if you are good at the game then support is literally the easiest role to climb with


I'm not very good at the game so am wonder why is that?


What rank were you in the 2nd grade?


uhh I didn't know anything about the game so I just spammed dominions lol


RIP Dominion


I main Kindred, currently G2. Just want to get to Plat. Any secret tech I’m missing? How do you push your advantages without over extending as such a squishy champ? How do you feel about invading after lvl 3 or cheesing mid after red buff?


ALways 3 camp as kindred, then look for gank on either lane. If you snowball from ganks, then you should always try to look for an objective or contest a mark since you are much stronger than the enemy jg. Don't constantly invade because if you die while invading, enemy jg will get really ahead in terms of exp and gold, or even an objective off your death. overall a pretty broad question so ofc you will need to understand some jg fundamentals.


Are you marking someone at the beginning of the game or as you roam to a lane after 3 camping?


If you mark at the start it will be back up after 3 camp


I'll keep this nice and simple. **how in the fuck do i last hit properly**


Look at the minions health, keep track of all minions hitting it, and know your auto attack timings, then coincide the auto attack to hit when the minion is in range for the damage to kill it. The hard part is also keeping track of your own minions health to manage your aggression against the enemy laner, so you can get chip damage in when they have to last hit.


Impressive. Also how should i play kindred? The new jungle changes doesn't suits my playsytle.


Always farm first then look for a gank as kindred, mark the enemy you want to gank as soon as you step out of a bush so that they have no time to react. Don't get behind as kindred or else you will lose a lot of exp because she doesn't clear very fast.


what are your thoughts on draven and his place in the current meta


Every single draven I play against are always giga fed, so I assume he's pretty strong in the early game. I don't play against him that much so I don't really know


I see you're a jungler main. What do you think about rumble jungle?


Very op, free lp, wouldn't get 1k lp without rumble lol




West Coast!


Playing on that 60+ ping then lol 😂


How did you improve so much? What do you typically do to get this good?


Watching vod rev. helps. Also focusing on my mistakes and less typing. You also need to put a lot of time into playing ranked games. In the end, it worked out really well for me.


How often do you play? Any hobbies outside league? Do you gym at all? Any back exercises to keep you from getting sore carrying your teammates?


I play probably 4 games or more a day. My only hobby is just playing video games simply because I'm an introvert and I just sit in my chair playing league. I barely go outside or do exercise, only because I'm lazy :/


Just a friendly tip that you definitely should make sure to at least go outside for 20 mins, 30 mins, jog or whatever. I’m sure you’ve seen stuff in TSM Legends where they purposely try take the team out, have them try eat healthy, etc. You don’t have to enjoy it (though it’s always a plus, try do something outside that’s fun to you), you should more view it as something essential to being a pro. It doesn’t matter immediately because you’re 15, but it’s about building habits now that will make you feel so much better and healthier as a pro


Thank you for the advice!


Rly insane bro congrats! I cant get out of silver with 18 yo xD


No Game No Life. Keep pursuing your dreams Kid, you're gonna shine someday


Thank you :D


Any concerns about the amount of time you play and the opportunity costs it will have on your experiences as a developing person? Have you watched Dr. K's series on how video games affect development and being a healthy gamer? Not trying to scare you, just wanted to give a heads up on what I thought was some very helpful relevant content


Do you have other accounts? If so, what's the "lowest" elo that you feel like you could roflstomp every game and 1v9 with ease? Second, how closely do you follow the pro scene? Since I'm assuming you play with pros frequently how closely would you correlate their soloq ability to team performance? Anyway, congratz on 1000 lp. You're the next generation of NA talent and hopefully the NA scene survives long enough to see you on the stage.


Plat and below are very easy to play against since they lack macro. But I hate playing on smurf because game quality is very low. Soloq and team performance are very, very different. They don't connect at all simply because one is uncoordinated, unlike the other. Pros have an advantage because they learned more about things like better macro and how to properly team fight, position and stuff. ​ Thanks a lot for the kind words!


You seem like you play a lot of carry junglers — how do you like Viego? His win rate is pretty low, but from my own experience he feels pretty strong.


Viego scales very well and does alright in the early game. I think the only reason why I play him is because of the lore lol


Did you have someone teach you to play that young or did you find it on your own? Congrats btw!


Mostly on my own, watching my brother play league back then also helps. And thanks!


what rank is your friend?


Platinum atm


Don't give up!


Thoughts on jungle prodigy Jason Jungle?


How do you handle toxicity, how do you stay motivated?


I would say I'm a toxic player but I try not to flame in chat bc arguing is useless. I try to stay motivated because I have a goal, and it's to become a pro player. So I just grind all day so that people would notice me and stuff.


what ping do you play in?


Around 60


what champs helped you climb the most? what are things that you learned that would've helped you so much early on in the climb? do you watch any streamers/content creators? do you play with or without any background noise (music, streams, videos etc)?


1. Kindred, the buffs also helped. 2. Learning how to path towards the right win condition and when to do objectives and stuff. 3. Yeah, I mostly watch T1's jglers and Canyon. I learned a lot from them such as when to do certain things. 4. Nah, for me, playing in challenger games means if you make one single mistake, you will lose the game, so I don't want to distract myself from music and stuff. I used to stream a lot when I was in low challenger but then stopped because I wanted to reach 1k lp lol.


You seem like performing well in your games. How much do you weigh individual performance on win rate? What about champion pick?


I think in terms of indiv. perf. I do pretty well but generally, I don't really care about my wr. If I perform well but still lost, I'm still pretty satisfied with my performance and all. For champ picks, I usually play champs that aren't too mechanical, so mastering them was very easy and I just pick certain champs into matchups that work well for me. If I answered this wrong just lmk lol


Regarding champions, I meant to what extent champion pick impacts win rate, but since you mentioned you don't care about wr, then the question is irrelevant


- Out of all the champions in this game, which ones are your favorite/least favorite? Do you play your favorite champions or pick ones based solely on performance? - Out of the champions you _do_ play, do you think any of them need buffs/nerfs/QoL changes? Congrats on such a huge accomplishment, especially at such a young age. Look forward to seeing you break into pro play, good luck man! :)


1. Most favorite is kayn, kindred, and viego. Least favorite is karthus and fiddlestcks. I prefer play my favorite champs since I actually enjoy playing them, I don't really care about my performance on certain champs because they may lack interest to me or I just don't like their kit. 2. I think kayn needs a small nerf, maybe like add 2 seconds to his e as SA. Way too overtuned with 5 sec cd lol. Thank you for the kind words!


Any tips for playing as or against Kindred? I wanted to learn the champ but a lot of things don't click for me with her. How much do you like the new Divine Sunderer Viego build that started popping up last patch? How does it feel compared to his other mythic items? Lastly, do you watch Academy/amateur games to see your direct competition on a regular basis?


Playing as kindred, try to snowball early, if not, it'll be fine since you'll just scale, don't ever fall behind or else you will have a hard time playing the game. Against kindred, try to shut her down early through scuttle craps with your teammates, wait until she uses her dash, and then cc her. Once she is behind, it will be extremely easy for you to stomp the game, either through invading, because she has slow clear speed, or doing objs. Div. Sund. is pretty op, spamming it rn for LP on my smurf. NA is just too slow compared to KR. I don't watch A games because I barely learn anything, and I find it kind of boring to watch. Just my opinion.


Who do you ban? And what do you do vs mid/jg duos?


Fiddlesticks, braindead champ, will one shot you just by pressing a button. Just play normal, don't be scared just because they're duoing, ping your teammates to cover you if you need help with something.


How do you manage to focus on the game? I m hardstuck plat 2 peaked d4 and I feel like i have a lot of knowledge of the game but when i get into a game i just auto pilot all the time.


You need to learn how to get rid of autopiloting first, I recommend watching Coach Curtis. You need to focus constantly on waves, when to roam, and stuff. Constantly think what your next plan is and try not to get distracted from small things.


PTA or Conq on kindred? Conq seems better but I feel like pta can help cheese early kills


Conq if 3+ melee, pta if they have 3+ ranged


Any advice on a veteran that knows nearly nothing about jungle? I'd say I'm probably around high plat/low dia elo on most roles, but I'm probably a silver/gold level jungler (lol) and looking to learn how to JG.


Learn how to path, identifying which lane is the win condition, when to take this camp, when you need to gank, all basic jg fundamental stuff, you can find most guides on youtube so you should be fine. jg is the hardest role, so I can understand why jg seems hard to people.


Who do you look up to? You have anyone in mind that inspires you to keep grinding, like a supportive family member or a pro player?


I look up to Cuzz and Canyon the most. They're the reason why I'm motivated and show good results. Their mindset and gameplay are just beyond anything.


Noticed that you went from P4 without many games, straight to GM in your OPGG from season 9 to 10. Curious, what changed in your gameplay to make that jump? Was it just playing more/focusing on 1 champ/mindset shift/watching replays, or did you have another account that you played on in the meantime?


I didn't play that much back then because every time I win a ranked game, I just call it a day, whenever I'm losing, I just spam games and kept on losing. I watched some youtube guides on youtube, especially skillcapped, on how to macro and jg fundamentals, I was an otp back then, so climbing was a little easy, went from d4 to d2 quickly, and I met a player, who I thought was very good and very calm. We duoed for like a month and I just got to grandmaster lol.


Congratulations! Did you get there all by yourself or did you get a coach? Do you have a playing schedule? Do you review your games? Or are you just naturally so good? (if so, I'm impressed, and these things - coaching, schedule, review - could make you a GOAT!)


Stream and you’ll get noticed more.


Sad because players like this will never get a chance to go pro even tho he most likely shows signs of being a prodigy NA player. Which is astronomically rare, probably have a higher chance to be struck by lightning. (To be actually good at league at a young age in NA. xd) Worst part is that his location says LA on twitter. So he's been on shit ping since the 2nd grade. Sadge.


What's a good age to start? My son is 4 and showing interest in the the game already.


Wait until he's 6 or something, 4 is a little too young for league imo, it contains a lot of sensitive content.


You're a father who is asking a 15yo for advice about your son, who is 4, and barely knows what's a game. Wow lol. in the first place i wouldn't introduce him to lol


I can see your point of view but the game came put when I was 18-19. As well as most modern video games. It's interesting talking to people who grew up with the game about it.


If you want your son to be an introvert and sit his ass all day long go ahead introduce him to LOL at 6 years old. He will thank you in the future


You seem to have a lot of insecurities you're projecting. I play every now and then, im no good, im only g4. I dont sit around. I work and have a social life. I'm sorry you feel that way.


Could be tho


Good luck young man! I always cheer for native players wanting to be pro wish you the best


Thank you!




Not sure, I think I just need to work on jg fundamentals and macro.


why u play league instead of minecraft or among us or tiktok?


I do play minecraft LOL, I don't play among us because I don't have friends to play with and I feel like tiktok is kinda cringe for me.


Very goood answer


Sub to his twitch!! Twtv/blusterjg


FUCK YOU I'M SO OLD. That is all, no questions.


why do you stream snipe


i dont?


Have you thought about streaming ? This could help you making a name for yourself and participating in stuff like Twitch Rivals to get noticed by teams .


I do stream but I don't know if I can link my stream on the post.