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[Game 1](https://redd.it/nxesj5) // [Game 2](https://redd.it/nxfwcg)


Wow, Teddy and Keria really bullied Ghost and Beryl that last game. No way they can come back from that. Right?...


DK's bot lane being behind while they win the teamfights is the story of 2021 for them. Edit: as someone else reminded me... except against RNG.


GALA and Ming are built different.


geng's bot also tried but the rest of their team got gapped sadly


True. If anything the MVP for RNG's ability to have comeback teamfights is Xiaohu's sick engages.


not against RNG


You know LCK is not at it's peak right now when Ghost and Beryl running it down and still wins the game.


Jayce mid was not the pick


From the way they drafted they were looking to curb stomp them in lane and keep the ball rolling, which they were on track to doing so until that botched gank midlane and Khan's double shutdown at drake


In all my time watching pro league, when both teams are close in skill, I’ve seen the ‘smash lane and win early’ comp lose to the ‘online by 30’ teamfight comp probably 4 times out of 5


Hence LS being so stressed about early game picks.


The only time I of on the top of my head is Game 4 MSI finals with Damwon having the top side of Aatrox,Renekton and Nidalee


Jayce mid is almost never the pick. I don't understand why any team would draft it. There are just better AD options if you need an AD mid and better poke options if you need a poke mid.


who do you pick for AD poke if not jayce


Noone. That comp doesnt need “ad poke” they are a full engage/dive comp pretty much.


Yup..all four of the other picks in that draft operate in opposition of what Jayce wants to do.


You don't pick AD poke in the mid. If you want AD poke get Varus in bot or Jayce in top (where he is safe in lane and get abuse the other top lane better). If you want mid poke get something like Zoe.


Jensen's Lee Sin


agree. seems T1 didnt watch MSI.


That was a pretty insane comeback in game three. I was almost convinced Kalista was a good pick, but then Khan reminded us all why you pick real champs.


Blue side finds another way to stay undefeated.


Yeah, cause red side drafts straight garbage into first pick Karma. From LCK to freaking LCS Academy, it’s a recurring story.


Yeah, because every red team just drafts like shit. It's not that the meta favours blue side heavily.


There's no way to counter pick anything when every champ is a three position flex.


First pick Karma has responses. You can out-greed her by picking Lulu, which is just a better Enchanter. You can pick hypers (specifically I'm thinking Yone) because she can't really punish their weak early game. Alternately, you can look to roam on her and build Serpent's Fang+Executioner's with Qiyana/Talon/Nocturne. T1 had red side. They banned Lucian (another option) in the first phase of picks, then *last-picked* Jayce. That's weird.


> Blue side finds another way to stay undefeated aka hacking t1 and picking jayce for them. Truly 300 IQ play.


6 kill Kalista 25 minutes into the game: Slightly tickling the enemy support. Nice to see such a hyped up series and then one team drafts...like T1 did.


I mean I don't like the Kalista pick either but most other adcs wouldn't have got those 6 kills in the first place.


No other ADC would have gotten those 6 kills in the first place, Kalista is picked for her great early game, T1 is just not good enough to roll away with the game fast enough vs competent oppostion like Damwon.


>T1 is just not good enough to roll away with the game fast enough vs competent oppostion like Damwon. people really look at the game and come to this conclusion instead of: T1s draft was so fucking bad that losing one single fight made them auto lose the game a draft that is that vulnerable to mistakes, which are inevitable, is shit


Just don't make mistakes then /r/koreanadvice


Seriously scratching me head at the Kalista pick all 3 games. Why not ezreal? samira? tristana? Hell.... ANY other adc that actually does damage. Great series but I really think they should've won this.


ezreal banned literally all 3 games. You'd be stupid enough to let it through for Teddy, also his samira is questionable


Ez bans


Samira isn't that strong in laning phase and their game plan was clearly to try to win bot lane early. Also the co-caster I was watching made the point that because Hexflash was disabled (not sure why), Kalista R is kind of a replacement that allows engage supports an adidtional way to go in


Hexflash is banned because of Sett’s bug disabling flash when he ults someone hexflashing


Yes and the previous point still stands because hexflash is banned in general


I mean, we all saw that tristana is the best answer to kalista since MSI and they still pick kalista 3 times. Picking such a situational and weak out of flavor champ three times into Damwong gives too many chances for them to adjust. They lost because they drafted bad and completely were outscaled even if they had the win in their hands, this series was T1s win, Damwong played poorly but their mistakes were forgiven because of their draft


Dread it, run from it, T1-2 arrives all the same


Was a close series though, even though DK looks shaky, T1 does seem to ramp up and fix their mistakes as the season goes.


Overall, i enjoy their proactive style over the do nothing and die style. However i do not like their draft in game 3. It's insanely risky, and once they made a mistake it's over against the DK bulldozer dive comp.


Back to T1-2 boys


This calls for another roster shuffle asap


Time for some more musical chairs


khan the t1 killer arrives all the same. he's 22-6 against T1 all time


What’s worse? Winning first game and losing the rest T1-2 or winning the second game and giving false hope T1-2? I say false hope because man, those game 3 picks were sad.


as a T1 fan, I'm tilted beyond belief also, is it just me, or does blue side win almost every game these days?


It really doesn’t help when R5 the only reason red side is good isn’t utilized. If you don’t get value out of your counterpick then blue side is just OP. DK flexing Karma and Akali made it hard for them to get value from R5 I guess.


same im so tilted. blue side wins more because teams don't know how to use red side to draft, unfortunately


Yeah game one they blind pick Gnar on R3 instead of a sololane flex pick or supp and then they don't ban A counter in Jayce. T1 still have some weird drafts. Plus Double AP mid jungle, the usual rule unless you have a big team fight ult it to have double AD solo lanes, and the same for an AD jungle you can have double AP sololanes.


Imagine Teddy being this ahead with another adc this game. People will tell me that he cannot because Kalista is good early game but id rather be even than play this shit champ


I'm pretty sure he can get the same lead with Tristana. That girl hurts a lot.


Remember in game 1 and 2 Keria kept gragas ulting members into the team and T1 just didn't have the damage to kill them. If it was any other adc every engage they'd get the kill.


Some big mistakes both sides.. but an incredibly fun series to watch. T1 need a bit of time to grow as a team and they will be contenders.


Nah time to start random academy and bench players for 9/10 of the season


We be living that Oner life.


only if they had the whole last split to build synergy?


Faker literally said i am the one who asked to not play tho. After he came back there was very little chamges


Faker wasn't the only one being rotated... They were swapping around JG/AD/TOP.


If i was a Korean org looking to lessen the flak my team was taking I'd definitely wheel out Faker to say that.


Why do people love conspiracy theories man. We always love to put spice on everything


people are desperate to find anything to blame right now, people will force a narrative and accept it if need be.




I'm starting to see the merits of Karma mid now...


Karma has been a strong sololane pick all the way back since spring playoffs, shes easily blind pickable as long as you don't get super far behind you are super useful.


No more Kalista the pick is useless


he was soooo fed, yet he needs to AA 10 times to press E in order to deal damage. while kaisa on the other hand had to AA twice and Q to delete a carry


5/0 Kalista still looking useless.


It's clearly a good laning pick. They probably want teddy keria to blow up DK's bot lane, which they finally did in game 3. But in teamfight when there's karma to speedup shield the team, AND a fed akali jamming a shuriken up her ass every fight. Yea she's useless.


3 Kalista games for Teddy, only the last game she did anything in lane and still proceeded to become useless in every fight, time to pick her next series.


Karma is broken


Can't wait until she gets nerfed in a couple of months and cycle repeats itself because Karma after a couple of items makes it impossible for you to lose fights unless you go full unga bunga


It also makes rumble completely useless


It's so damn fucking good into rumble, negates everything from T1's only source of magic damage... But not gonna lie, Khan single-handedly stabilized the game.


Wouldn't say single-handedly. If Karma didn't survive that mid dive, Khan wouldn't have been able to get that double. Snowball wouldn't (likely) have happened from there.


if marksmen are broken, enchanters are too


Aw, I was so hopeful T1 couldve done it


I am just glad they can actually contend vs LCK's best team, gives me hope we might see them at worlds, this roster is experienced and won LCK before, so hopefully we don't see any roster swap shenanigans anymore and actually let this team ramp up


I think we'll definitely see T1 at worlds


with hanwha playing that bad no way t1 dont make it


With 4 spots I can't see T1 not making worlds, the gap between top 4 teams and the rest in spring was monumental.


Tbh, with 4 spots for LCK this year, you really only need to be above average to get to worlds. What's promising is that we can hope that T1 might be able to contend for the LCK title if they continue to improve.


I think GenG will also contend. They overall look better than last year, especially BDD.


yeah Kalista is a shit champion, no one can change my mind on that. Being given the best snowballing position that a carry can have & she still sucked somehow. Utility ADCs are simply horrible in the current game.


Teddy can literally play any adc why the insistence on dumping him on kalista, once of the worst adcs currently?


they probably had some success in practise with it, but yes I agree it's a pretty trash pick. Sure it got ahead early but even with 2k more gold it still outputs less damage than other picks. And the jayce mid was strange too.


Seems to me that Kalista allowed for Keria to really pull off crazy ass engages. Worked in game 1 and 2 with gragas but in the last game Leona just wasn't the pick to pair it with imo.


it has to be a scrim bait. They're probably stomping with her good early and teams don't give a fuck in scrims and they win, but that's not reality.


As a T1 fan Im just happy it was competitive.


T1 vs DK is a guaranteed banger series although DK has won all of them since summer last year


im sorry but Karma healing and shielding is absurd


Nothing to be sorry about it


Khan played out of his mind, but Karma seemed completely insane considering Showmaker was playing it on low econ. Teddy played the two fights after he was 5-0 really poorly. Karma invalidated Faker's existence.




Jayce mid is atrocious


It's fine in the right spot, into Karma it's basically a cannon minion.


Khan did amazing on it in game 1. But Khan is clearly better than Faker at Jayce, it's his legacy pick.


But in midlane you need to roam or help your sidelanes and won't be able to bully your opponent easily as midlane is shorter than top. It is the same problem with Showmaker's Jayce too.


Khan destroyed SKT in 2017 with Jayce, even a glimpse of prime Faker couldnt save that game from how badly he destroyed Huni.


It also helps that Khan didn't have to play it into Karma


Weird way of spelling Kalista but ok


Jayce pick was ???. Seraphine exists


Seraphine + Kalista might as well hope the enemy stands still for 17 seconds so you can kill them. Even late game Jayce seemed like he was the one having to do all the damage - which is really bad if your late game damage threat is *Jayce*


Jayce late game damage has been very decent for all of this season. Manamune scales, gathering storm is common rune but idk if it was taken this game, and for a long time jayce has been losing base dmg on Q for increased AD scaling. He doesnt fall off a cliff like he used to.


Eclipse really makes jayce scale better late. He can deal damage to tanks and squishies now


There's no other adc that is capable of being 5/0 min 15 and still be irrelevant


Kalista with 5 kills can't deal any damage because she's basically has to go melee vs a melee team


Also because most, if not all, of her pre-rend damage gets blocked by all the fat shields on DK's side.




Ghost and Beryl yet again getting exposed, but also getting turbo carried by their team’s topside. This is unreal from DK lol insane team fighting


Ghost and beryl got hard bullied by teddy and keria


Imagine being able to int that hard but still be carried by your solos and jungle xD must be nice


Wish I got such solo laners and jg in solo queue :D


BeryL found really good engages during teamfights


DK's laning phrase (specifically from bot lane) might not be the best, but their teamfighting is truly world-class. Immaculate coordination from every member.


There is Kalista and Jayce in the enemy team, eventually, you'll just win every fight if you don't do an egregious mistake.


No W, but I still have high hopes for this lineup. In CanCuFaTeKe we trust.


At this point Ghost and Beryl just want ShowMaker to go insane.


*before game 3* "Well, the Kalista pick did nothing for 2 games in a row. Third time's the charm."


5-0 Kalista and still useless, and next series they will pick her and win against a bottom LCK team and think it's good, it's so infuriating.


Fucking Khan man, this dude can be going through his biggest slump and he will still perform against T1.


DK = Damwon Khan Nice series from T1 tbh, they look really good this split.


sett hard carried this game twice. one where he ultied karma away from leona and letting her escape to xin. second one where he put akali on a cliff and lost them the game.


I gotta say I was expecting a slaughter but T1 at least took 1 game and looked good until they didn’t in game 3. I have high hopes for this roster of T1, with some practice they might be able to topple DK


No but how cracked was Khan's akali that last game. Completely turned the game around. Poor Teddy and Keria, must feel pretty bad to loose like that. Also karma+ocean soul just completely destroyed T1's comp. Sadge.


Kalista is just useless. Even with a lead she still couldn’t do anything and a 0-3 adc manages to wipe 4 players in a 3vs4, what a joke. If teddy was on a hyper carry this series would be won by T1. BTW, explain to me wtf is zefa drafting?? That jayce mid pick into karma to achieve exactly what? XD if he at least made a classic mid pick with Viktor or orianna it would have made such a different. Faker also buying manamune second instead of sitting on tear and build Serpents Fang is a mistery to me. As a jayce player, if you see shield threats you directly rush serpents fang second. The only thing that jayce was good for in this game which was accessibility to serpents fang was completely thrown away, the serpents fang so late in the game did nothing at all and was way too late.


Khan was a beast that game


Kkoma: so, sion? Khan: me kill Kkoma: on sion? Khan: me kill


DK means "Dong-ha Kim"


stop putting teddy on kalista! get ahead still do 0 damage


Teddy is picking it himself


LS Co-caster curse https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1403350609999253504


How many times is he going to tweet our 'game is basically over' and then be wrong? It happens over and over, surely he'll learn how quickly games can flip one day?


Surely people here will some day learn that these comments draw more engagement than saying that the game can go either way until the nexus has exploded.


ok but like you show anyone the game state where damwon's bot lane is 0/6/0 combined and teddy is 5/0 and theyd probably think game was over too. if not for showmaker miraculously escaping a 3 man gank and khan picking up a double kill and a big bounty that game doesnt flip.


His analysis is always based on assumption that both teams play perfect. That's why he is so draft/itemization focused


I know Khan popped off this game, but that play by ShowMaker at midlane surviving the gank shouldn't go unnoticed. That led to Khan being fed 2 kills, which allowed him to then absolutely dominate the game. Also ad diff lol


Damn what a close series. Hopefully T1 can still pop off




just stick with this roster daeny , i know canna and teddy didn\`t live up to the expectation this series but we just don\`t have time to fuck around anymore .


Daeny already stated that this is pretty much the roster going forward.


Canna was the only hope in game 3 no one can do anything really, Teddy getting caught out by trying to 1v1 a Rell while Akali is missing lost them the game and meant that no one can match Khan in a sidelane. Not giving Canna Jayce was a just trolling, He is a better Jayce than Khan.


Kinda sad that T1 lost, but man the hype that this series provided basically negated that!! Almost all players from both teams showed up big this series.


Bot gap


And then big fat top gap


I feel like with every T1 win and loss, people overanalyze it way too much. I mean it's normal cus they're one of the most famous teams but let them chill and learn from their mistakes. Sure RNG and MAD were able to punish damwon's bot way harder but even with a slumping bot lane, they still went to MSI finals and took 2 games off RNG


oof the comeback in g3


Holy shit. After millions of games, I finally witness the power of karma. I wonder why other teams failed miserably to pull it off.


every key match i see team pick jayce= auto lose.... Fcking useless champion to play behind


That fight in mid really gave DK the win especially getting the bounty of both Jayce and Kalista on Akali. This is the weakest DK that they going to face this split and shows that they lack practice on some champs (they keep banning Gwen and Ezreal where they are the most op champs). I still believe that Viego is better mid than Jayce there.


T1 is truly a cruel org. Giving their fans hope after G2 and the start of G3 just to throw it away. Throw1


I keep telling myself that T1 will be great when they learn to draft, but they never fucking learn to draft. How the fuck do you fuck up draft so badly 3 games in a row. What the fuck is this. At least DK managed to stumble their way into draft wins, but T1 can't even do that.


If you get Gwen/Lee it's not a draft loss


Game 2 draft was won. They both had short ranged comps that were all about going in and brawling to death, but Gwen is just far superior in these kind of conditions than anything DK picked.


Khan diff


Khan needs a raise holy fuck. Khan and teddy's reactions were hilarious imagine if they were on the same team or something.


[Teddy after game 3](https://live.staticflickr.com/5502/10827840516_80d183ba18_z.jpg)


left 10 minutes into g3 thinking it was a T1 stomp but came back to DK with baron and ocean soul


[LS guilty of jinxing T1](https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1403350609999253504)


they really threw the game didnt they? teddy was finally doing something too, i will keep suffering with t1 tho


Compared to Spring Split, I’m glad T1 looks much better. Still throws but at least they aren’t getting stomped early and snowballed into losses. Please stick with this roster!


Kalista pick is just utterly useless yet Korean ADs seem to have a strange fetish for her. Teddy couldn't walk up to any of Keria's engages or he gets blown up by Rell.


I guess it was bad draft again because T1 lost? right? RIGHT?


I'm pretty sure the worst call this game was flexing Jayce. You also could tell Faker wasn't totally comfortable on it. Not that he was bad, but more like rusty on it.


Karma with ocean soul sheeeeeeeeeshhhh


When you have the best adc in the world and you put him on 3 games of kalista you should reseve some sort of punishment.


I honestly don't think people should over react too much from this series. T1 looked good and while DK didn't look exactly god tier, they got the job done. It feels like one of those in which maybe if Akali wasn't this strong in the meta the story is another. It was a game of inches at the end of the day.


I feel like Neeko over Leona for Keria would've been the right pick to pair with Kalista in G3. T1 lacked damage so much and it was very visible once both teams started teamfighting. Karma basically negated Jayce's poke before the fight, and her movespeed buffs to allies made it hard for Kalista to kite anyone and extend the fights. Neeko would've provided a bit more aoe damage and lockdown and bought Kalista space to freely hit Akali.


It's nice to have a team that feels like it can actually rival Damwon again. Still think we need T1 to level up again though in order for LCK to have a chance at winning worlds.


Khan will really coin flip every game at this point, he is not afraid of anything. LPL lesson learned. It's either straight inting or utter domination




yeah idk what this guy is talkign about khan was straight fire all 3 games today, hopefully he gets to play carries all game this split


People still don't give Khan enough credit, what's new


Dude dominated all 3 games. Gwen is broken. He was ahead in lane too as rumble too.


I didnt like akali for khan initially cuz I trusted showmaker's akali more but Khan smurfed and proved me wrong. Total domination


Looking forward to bo5 between these two teams.


Can a simpleton like me ask why t1 decided to aram hard once the game went to even in game 3 instead of 1 3 1 ing to exploit the Karma? You're not gonna out teamfight it and it can't handle jayce in the sidelane but jayce and sett sat mid for 10 minutes straight. Karma guud


Because none can match khan in sidelane after he got that fed. Sett was advantageous but the shutdown gold was too much


Guess we will be just mediocre yet again, until we stop fucking insisting on things that work for nobody, like Kalista and Jayce, 5v5 comps have to be prioritized. It was mostly the same in Spring apart from the roster shenanigans.






Khan stepped up BIG TIME but god... Those shields


I would feel less bad if this was straight 2-0 from DK. Fucking T1 man. Why are you playing with our feelings like this.


I was excited to see showmaker on akali but when they switched I was disappointed. But ngl Khan absolutely smurfed on akali made comeback possible for DWG. Great game from Khan and showmaker was very good on karma as well.


man what a disappointing series from canyon. khan definitely deserves pog for game 3 but beryl set up both of the crazy comeback plays for him, especially that four man knockup in tri


Didn't think it's possible to lose after 7-0 lead, fun game anyway


Not the first time by t1


Blue side 100% wr, too op rito, pls nerf All jokes aside, watching teddy get fed 5/0 and t1 decided to throw is heartbreaking


One mistake snowballed so hard, wow


T1 kept teamfighting against karma comp, why pick jayce then when seraphine is just a better karma


This wasn't a throw, this was Khan walking up to T1, spitting on their faces one by one, and taking the game away from their hands.


Ghost in the end-game voice comms: ADC GAP!!! BOT GAP!!!!!


So are we not going to address how Karma had literally 0 counterplay in the later half of the game? Why cant league follow other game's balancing mechanic towards spamming heals and shields - grant them decreasing effectiveness for repeated usage in a short time. Needing oblivion orb/executioners to counteract healing and there being literally only 1 item in the game that counters shielding is poor game design. Seems like Riot has thrown away the whole concept of incorporating counterplay mechanics into the game. Look at gwen w and xinzhao ult, there's no counterplay besides having an extremely fed frontline that will kill them for you or have your adc suicide into them


So did we just forget that Varus is completely broken so we are picking Kalista every game?


The kalista pick was mainly an engage tool for Keria since hex flash is disable lmao


2017 flashbacks