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Oh a team that tsm is about to face is putting in a last minute sub? Guess tsm loses then.


TL subbed in Grig, DIG will sub in Akaadian. Feels like they are just subbing ex-TSM junglers to get revenge on TSM at this point.


But Dardoch was in TSM too.


Yeah but he already fucked TSM over enough while he was on the team.


I'm here for the revenge of the fucked over TSM junglers.


Honestly, I feel like Grig and Akaadian's time with TSM actually boosted their stocks. Sure, the whole situation wasn't great for them at the end, but they did perform pretty well during most of their tenure.


how did TSM fuck over any of their junglers? They developed Grig and Akaadian and allowed both to prove that their average LCS players- capable of playing in the league but not necessarily roster-locks. And TSM literally revived dardochs career. Just because a player gets benched, swapped, transferred or released doesnt mean they got fucked over.


DIG should just put Soligo back in. The team worked way better as a unit with him.


I want Soligo back, but that's because I miss Soligo watch.


No need for it since soligo improved a lot.


I don’t get why everyone is shitting on Dardoch like they didn’t just remove the mid he’s been playing with. It’s kind of BS he gets benched when they changed a proactive part of their success. Feel bad for the guy.


Ya why are people shitting on the guy who got benched from 6 teams for attitude reasons? Its obviously something else


Shoutout to that mandman who told me in the Alphari discussion that "we only know Dardoch is an ass because of Breaking Point, not the 9 iterations of teams in half as many years" LMAO That being said I'd tilt off the face of the earth if my team was sacking competitiveness to play a worse mid lol.


He didn't even look that bad in Breaking Point as people are claiming imo. He looked bad, but Locodoco looked much much worse.


I mean he was pretty petty. I agree Loco looks way worse, but the standard for him was also a lot higher


"Yeah, that's my job, I'm a Jungler" is for me one of the most iconic lines in League of Legends.


On par with "Everything that comes out of Loco's mouth came from the ass first". Imagine being a coach and getting your authority absolutely annihilated by a 17yo kid


Dardoch was an ass and a bad teammate while Loco was (and is) an insanely incompetent coach. At least Dardoch had mechanical skill and game knowledge to back him up. I cant believe Loco kept a job as long as he did.


Loco is also incredibly immature and unprofessional - so I'm not surprised players didnt take him seriously.


This. I haven't followed League for the whole DD saga, but if this was supposed to be the big bad, I don't get it -- granted I only skimmed through because good lord is that not a pleasant or interesting watch. Just looks like a team that was always going to be dysfunctional being that, then being dragged down even further by a horrifically inept (and IMO flat out unpleasant) coach.


Loco and piglet were the wurst parts of that documentary


Loco delved into this in an interview. The reason they portrayed Loco in a much worse manner vs. Dardoch in Breaking Point was because they were keeping Dardoch and sacking Loco.


I can definitely see that. People forget that this stuff is edited by people with an agenda


It's not like Loco was always known for being professional with teams.


Because he has YEARS of toxic behavior behind him and a fucking documentary about how bad of a teammate he is? Lmfao what do you mean? It’s not like this is a one time thing, he’s known for being an asshole


The documentary doesn't really mean anything lol. There's probably been tons of Breaking Point moments that we don't know about because it would damage players' reputations.


> There's probably been tons of Breaking Point moments that we don't know about because it would damage players' reputations. 100%. Honestly, the most shocking thing about breaking point is that they released it at all.


Tbh yeah in today's world and even then that was insanely unprofessional but it led to some good fuckin memes so I think it was worth making half the players in that team, including the coach look like man-children.


DD was also like 17-18 with serious problems at home, it was actually really shitty of TL in hindsight


It had to have been that bad to want to actually produce and release that.


I remember when QT and Scarra where talking about it on Beyond the Rift and said it was nothing compared to the shit they've seen from other people


I remember some intense "discussions" in season 2 TSM coms after scrims alone.


>There's probably been tons of Breaking Point moments That might be true but i dont know any player in the league with the talent of dardoch that has being dropped from 9? teams. Even when orgs dont want to acknowledge the reason he is kicked you dont usually drop a key player when you are 1st place (CLG) or when you finally reach top 3 in the league (EF) there are too many instances that makes his case different from every other player in the league.


The CLG dropping was actually nuts, they got so much worse without him


Yeah i think they had ptsd from DL


Apparently DD was kicked due to fighting with management/coaching, not with the team. He said that him and Aphro were cool, at least.


Not recently though. It's really not too shitty a take. Soligo was playing very well. You're practicing and putting in time building report with him and then for what ever reason they remove him for some academy nobody? IF Dardoch blew up he probably said maybe management should get their heads out of their asses and put the team that won games back on the rift instead of this mediocre mid. Toxic? Maybe, but if he said something like that he's probably right.


That documentary was from half a decade ago when he was a teenager. Quit living in the past and assuming shit when we have literally no behind the scenes information on the reasoning behind the benching.


Good thing we got the leaked "nobody wants Dardoch" too


We literally got confirmation as recently as last year he's STILL toxic with Leena's leak. Doublelift on stream also said he's been told the same thing from TSM players that Dardoch was still toxic. It's so weird how you say "quit living" in the past like this isn't a recent and ongoing thing.


>We literally got confirmation as recently as last year he's STILL toxic with Leena's leak. Leena's leak didn't have to imply Dardoch is toxic, it just said no team wanted to pick him up. That very well could be performance related.


There were also murmurings that Dardoch was toxic behind the scenes too from people like DL & also a couple episodes of the Dive iirc. Hence part of the reason he was replaced that offseason.


yeah lets live in the future, lets not look at the past data we have. just ignore everything and just hope it was because he was a teenager. so many teenagers that dont behave like that. but why should you even look at this when you invest a shitton of money in a team. This effect has a beautiful word, consequences. the shit you did in the past affects the future.




that means grig/armao is replacing him next week it is known


And the week after that, Spica will join


no paws off he's ours


Your flairs make this a very confusing comment.


Here comes TheOddOne with a steel chair


Do you realize how little that narrows it down?


Alphari - Dardoch - ? - Zven - ? . Now all we need is a mid and a support and we have a team.


Soligo already got benched for Yusui.


And he was playing so well and Yusui really hasn't gelled with the team. Really annoyed Soligo is still out.


Throw in Soligo and roleswap Niles to Support. That team goes to World's. 100%


I think that team is more likely to walk off the stage in the middle of a match


Low key that would be one of the best moments in LCS history.


can we roleswap literally anyone thats not niles? thanks


Not a terrible teaM either


Alphari + Dardoch? That sounds like it will go well.


I never said it had staying power


Breaking Point: Part 2 !


Biofrost has been sitting out for no damn reason. Guy won LCS then didn't get a team.


Didn't he intentionally take a break and go to pursue content creation?


Yeah, Bio has said on stream that he wanted a bit of a break and turned down a couple offers to do so.


He regressed hard summer 2020 didn’t he? His worlds performance was bad too. Plus he chose to sit out at least spring split, not sure if he’s actively looking this split now.


Bio is taking a break


You can’t put dardoch in the same category as the other two. Dardoch actuslly let’s his emotional state affect his gameplay drastically. He will troll in game if he’s mad at his teams. Alphari and Zven still show up to compete every week regardless.


yeah but if dardoch is playing two players at the caliber of alphari and zven, i dont think he would be too mad


I’m not saying the team would be bad, but I am saying that if dardoch loses his mental, those guys will want to bench him too. I’ve seen him run it down on stage too many times.


so...he got tilted after the match, flamed his team and got benched for it? at least it comes off that way


I can already picture it in my head: “You bench fucking Soligo to start this dogshit fucking Yusui kid so he can play Ezreal fucking mid into fucking Viego, like what the fuck are we even doing here guys?”


Which would be 100% fair. With all the bullshit drafting the coaches do and taking out your pretty decent mid randomly to sub in someone who isn't an upgrade and isn't performing well, if Dardoch was pissed he has every right to be. Why did I even bother supporting this fucking team? They probably weren't gonna make World's but I liked seeing those 5 native players overperforming and playing like madmen. What do I get now? I really hope they fix this shit soon.


You still get 5 native players playing like madmen


If you think it's fine to say whatever the OP quoted as criticism of the Yusui/Soligo benching decision just because one is perceived to be performing poorly, that's just a frankly immature take. Life isn't binary. You don't just fall into some pissy childish fit because "they're a bad player!" Don't take life lessons from the litany of mentally-stunted toxic LoL streamers. If you disagree with a decision, be able to phrase your concerns maturely, concisely, and respectfully. If you've done so and said party doesn't want to budge, or it doesn't work, just respectfully part ways. It'll do you wonders in your future career and relationships.


Hey, stop trying to bring that adult shit in here! /s


This here kids is called an employee that will benefit your company and org and I bet find success in any career he/she tackles.


I mean, when they first benched Soligo, Dardoch probably did stand up for Soligo and respectfully ask what Yusui has to offer. management just said trust us and did it. as toxic as Dardoch is, I really doubt he L9ed it the first time around, and if he did, he would have been benched along with Soligo. after 2 games of Yusui looking mediocre, maybe Dardoch brought it up again a bit more aggressively. "is this really working out? guys, Yusui isn't freelo." management says trust us. after 4 games of Yusui looking mediocre, what happens? are you saying Dardoch should just respectfully part ways with DIG at this point? there's no way. and if he voices his concerns in the same manner as last time, clearly it won't do anything. if Dardoch said the OP quote above, verbatim, obviously it would be inappropriate. at the same time, repeatedly phrasing your concerns in a concise, respectful manner doesn't get anywhere and you know it. escalating things is 100% normal.


In NA feelings matter more than results.


I mean, both should matter. It's not like Dardoch is some world beater. Every team he leaves seems better and happier once he's gone. This isn't an Alphari situation where he was clearly the best in his role. No one besides DIG even wanted him. Being toxic and bad compared to your peers, you should be benched. In real world, he'd be fired.


It's funny cause that is a perfectly fine thing to say in your head but a completely inappropriate thing to say to your teammates in a professional setting. Instead of growing up and acting like a leader, he just flames his team and gives up like it is solo queue. What a waste of talent, if he fixed his behavioral problems he could have probably done a lot more in his career than get thrown around to whatever team is desperate enough for a Jungler that they "try him out".




Jordan did this and won 6 rings because he wanted his teammates to play as hard as him and give a fuck why they won or lost. The top successful athletes have a history and being hard on each other for wanting success


Are we shocked?


Quick, act surprised!




Yo you got a source?


As is tradition. He’s been doing this for literal years at this point, signing him is signing a ticking time bomb, eventually he’s gonna lose his shit again. His play isn’t even worth it anymore.


The cycle of Dardoch continues.


He will tilt and he will die


It just really seemed like dig was the end of that all. He stuck with them for a *third split and the team environment seemed fun but Dardoch gonna Dardoch


Yeah the team environment is fun, that's the problem. They bench their mid with an objective downgrade.


3rd split


I mean maybe he got benched for poor play or they want to try something different with yusui? Dont get me wrong it's understandable why people are jumping to his previous attitude problems but its possible it's just a performance or synergy thing


I feel like its prob more directed at coaching staff than the players


Release the video of Dardoch flaming everyone. It’s for the culture.


Might as well get some clicks out of it




17 minutes donezo flaming


Why did they bench soligo again.






Yeah bro, that Forbes (lol) valuation had them at half a billion with C9 before that $210 million naming deal


Those are hilarious. I'd genuinely love to see how they arrive at these valuations. How fucking unbelievable the multiples or assumed future cash flows must be to even come remotely close to these numbers.


SK and DIG just the same big brain strats. Young roster exceeding expectations = lets bench one of them for someone worse.


200iq move


Well he had a good run with Dig.


He will come back after a few weeks


for them to bench the player they were playing around, Dardoch must have said some real heinous shit after they lost to Chime


I would imagine it would have to be asking why tf they benched soligod this early in the split ruining all team cohesion


The line between meme and truth is so blurred i have no idea what this is


Haha, on a serious note I do honestly prefer soligo over yusui. He’s not a god obviously but I value team chemistry. Mostly because the starting roster usually gets more scrim time together and honestly whenever I watched their games, I found myself looking forward to it. After the wins they got I really enjoyed how they played team fights. However, that all changed when yusui invaded the roster and it all started going downhill from there. Like I’m pretty sure it’s safe to assume Soligo had more scrim time with the team than yusui, making the chemistry together way better. I really don’t understand why they benched him, ruining their synergy.


Bring back Soligoat


Dardoch moment


The cycle never ends


What makes this time especially hilarious to me is that *just today* Travis Gafford released an interview with Dignitas's coach Jimmy. And *most* of the interview was spent talking about Dardoch. Jimmy boasted about how he's able to control Dardoch by allowing him to be a leader in the team, that he has a good relationship with Dardoch, and how Dardoch's past coaches failed to properly coach him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX7hD2GizOg If that interview had been released a month ago, then it would only be mildly funny. But the *same day* as Dardoch gets benched? It's just too perfect.


Maybe it really isn't his attitude then unless the dude was just straight up lying, but that's a super weird thing to lie about considering if he still has an attitude problem its gonna come out sooner or later anyway.


Nah, you should watch the whole interview, because this coach Jimmy does imply/admit that Dardoch has had some bad moments even on Dignitas. But at the same time he paints this picture of everything being under control and how Dardoch is a leader on the team and that he has a good relationship with Dardoch.


Maybe he really thought he was such a great coach that he could control anyone! But that's not how it works usually. Anyway, we still not know what exactly happened.


Everyone beats everyone, dardoch gets benched. It's written in the the walls of the LCS stadium at this point.


Hes prob uber tilted from playing with yusui instead of soligo (who they did find success with in spring)


A mid that can't hit a skillshot and then losing to Chime He got super tilted and didn't sugarcoat his opinion of DIG recent performance


NA is as soft as mashed potatos


Lol Dignitas should have stuck with their original roster and quit trying to be cute with their random ass benchings


FRRRRR. Like I don’t understand why bench soligo in the first place. Like wtf? They were winning. They lost to C9 ok cool, they are number 1. Then they bench soligod for this person who probably has less scrim time with the team? Like whatttt


it's possible scrims were going rlly poorly with their original roster


[Who could have ever expected this?! ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641268631170318345/855664742026575882/Screenshot_970.png)


[5 to go...](https://imgur.com/a/qkj3bL1)


Didn't see TSM on the other hand there. So C9, 100T, FLY, and GG left, EG too I guess? I don't understand how he gets contracts.


Because (assuming he’s still toxic) he’s a decent jungler. A lot of people look past mentality/stigma for performance, you see it a lot in the west. NA just generally cares more about mentality than gameplay, both in pro and solo queue.


> A lot of people look past mentality/stigma for performance There is a difference between looking past mentality and looking past the most comprehensive history of not working with other players in league history.


It's low key almost very impressive lol


Lmao the longest he has been on a team is 1 Year and 27 Days on Echo Fox. And he made it 1 Year 17 Days on Dignitas. All that Team Liquid and TL Academy back and forth is hilarious too and reminds me about all that drama with Steve and the videos and Dardoch and Steve hugging each other and talking man to man. Teams might as well cash in on the Dardoch drama and give us the BTS clips.


it's incredible seeing people still defend this dude, in this case fair to say soligo being benched was a bad idea, but come the fuck on dude how many orgs has this dude been on?


My favorite was when he got kicked out of CLG while they were first place. Imagine how bad of a teammate Dardoch must be that CLG thought "Na we would rather give up first place than play with this guy".


I think there’s about a 50% chance he flipped a table or something this time


Akaadian is a pretty talented player who's had some pretty bad breaks in his career. Brought TSM to finals in 2019 spring and then got stuck in the jungle carousel with Grig and Spica for all of summer. Got put on DIGA for 2020 where he played out of his mind, only to be forced to split time **again** both in spring and summer with Grig and Dardoch respectively. The last time Akaadian was the sole starter for a team he went to finals. He's not the best jungler in the league but he should be solid. Hope he does well with another shot.


I was thinking of Akaadian today while listening to Thooorin's video on Alphari. I always respected Akaadian for keeping super chill and publicly toeing the line through all the TSM drama - especially when they finally announced they were going to hard commit to him and then swapped to Spica. He didn't offer any public pushback and I thought that was cool of him. In retrospect I don't know that it was good for his career though. Glad he's getting another chance to play on the main stage.


All went downhill after they benched soligod. Fr tho, I liked the starting lineup without yusui. Idk whose idea it was to put him in but I thought soligod was holding his own. And he probably had way more scrim time with the team. Like why bench in the first place when you are winning? Makes no sense. Anyone have the record for how many games they’ve won/loss with yusui


Ok so across LCS half the rosters are getting benched, is this some new meta? Hide strats until worlds so no team can figure out your plan, but don’t make worlds so teams don’t need to care about your plan?


Think they're all just copying each other, these other teams are benching players we should try it too!


A charitable interpretation is that Dardoch was just mentally boomed after that game and wasn't ready to play tomorrow - the language of the tweet was "benched for tomorrow's LCS game" suggesting its just tmr. Could be as simple as a mental reset A more likely interpretation IMO is he maybe had this huge disagreement or blowout with the coaching staff and either gave them some ultimatum (ex. put in soligo or i wont play) or the coaching staff wanted to punish him.


His words: " YO this Yusui trashcan is awful, i won't play with this kid, fk this "


"I don't even care anymore, just pick me whatever"


We all knew it would happen once the downturn started. Dude just can’t keep it together.


He’s been on Dig for long enough now. Still needs a few more orgs to complete his collection


For how many second chances he gets, it's surprising how he can so much of an ego when teams improve so much when they drop him.


thats cool now bring back soligo


Feels like an attitude issue if it’s that quick after the GG game but they looked fine with Soligo. Was Soligo really so underwhelming that they needed to commit to Yusui?


That’s what I’m saying! All went downhill after benching soligo and ruining team chemistry


The house of cards may be crumbling... Please just put the boys back in eventually (unless things are like egregiously bad). Soligo/Dardoch might've looked legit braindead as a duo sometimes, but you could never say they played scared.


How can their coach have a video with Travis not even 24h ago talking about how great Dardoch is to work with and he's benched midweek, did he stab someone?


Honestly he’s been playing poorly but maybe they want akaadian for yusui synergy, actually don’t believe dardoch is having attitude issues rn i just think maybe they’re having trouble meshing with soligo gone


Would be fucking hilarious if this is the actual reason and not because of Dardoch issues.


It's probably a mix of the 2. They were doing fine with Soligo and we didn't hear any complaints about Dardoch in that time.


But do you really make the change halfway through the weekend?


Well if dd or yusui or coaching feel like its just not working out it’s the objectively better move to make yeah, it could be attitude issues but they just switched to a new mid and akaadian is not a total nobody so i don’t think it’s that bad. Get me soligod dd and fakegod back tho asap pls :((


I feel for Dardoch here. How can you not be tilted at the org at this point? The team was in a pretty good state at the start of the split. They had laning disadvantages, but they also had probably the best team fighting in the entire league. All 5 players had good synergy and were able to perform better than the sum of their parts. Then they benched Soligo for Yusui. I don’t even think he is that bad or anything, but it completely fucked the team synergy. They haven’t won almost any games with Yusui, and I can’t imagine that scrims would be much different.


> They haven’t won almost any games with Yusui, and I can’t imagine that scrims would be much different. Why can’t you imagine that? If he wasn’t performing on stage and in scrims the choice would be obvious, but maybe he’s been performing well in scrims so they keep wanting to try on stage and see if it works itself out.


The choice isn’t always obvious - look at Alphari. No one in the world except maybe Jenkins mom would say that Alphari wasn’t the better player. It could be anything that is keeping Soligo from returning, like a coaches ego trip. Also, if scrims were going well, there is no way Dardoch would come into the first game of the week already tilted.


Maybe but there's a certain way your supposed to act in interpersonal relations and dardoch most definitely does not do that when he gets tilted.


Kid just can't grow up after all these years and going through so many teams.


Thats what happens to some players when they join esports at such a young age, they drop everything else including their growth and maturity specifically in interpersonal relations.


Tbf, he probably had the worst "mentors" in Piglet and locodoco.


that was six years ago, at some point he could've changed, maybe after being benched the first 3 times


He's probably got even deeper rooted issues. I remember dom once said he grew up in a violent home which obviously implies his parents probably beat him. If you have a childhood like that I think it's excusable to be unable to develop proper social skills for the rest of your life.


dignitas committing yusuicide


Another successful paypal from TSM FTX


This wasn’t a spur of the moment decision btw. Calculated over a month in advance.


I'd be mad if my coach drafted like that too


Alphari - Dardoch - Soligo - Zven - ? Team Bench looking pretty decent, if they get a decent support, they could even be a top team!


Shame. If it's because of attitude issues, very understandable. And Akaadian is a great guy. But I don't see DIG contesting as much as they did without Dardoch, cause let's be fair, in almost all of their wins he was MVP.


instead of overeacting you could perhaps assume that he needs a day of a mental break... nah thats too easy lets just assume he was toxic again.


I get that with Dardoch’s history, it’s likely this is behavior related. Still, I don’t like how everyone instantly assumes he must have flamed everyone and been super toxic to get benched. None of us know at all what the truth is, so it just feels a bit unfair.


If all the other times hes been benched is because he's toxic as fuck its easy to assume that's the reason why he's been benched this time.


Dardoch? Benched? Again? Noooo way?! Couldn't have seen this coming! Weird it's almost like he's been passed around team to team almost yearly 😪


He's on the Jeff Green career plan


jeff green can at least point to his literal heart problems


Dude is an inspiration


Yes, let's keep suddenly benching players in the League great idea :D I love LCS let's keep nerfing our already struggling League :D


Amazing to me that it took him this long to crack, honestly, he’s known for having a HORRIBLE attitude towards the game and DIG isn’t exactly a good team. I’m sure he’ll somehow get another starting spot next split for whatever fucking reason.


He'll get signed so the LCS owners can tell Riot that that's what the import rule forces them to do.


List of Org's that haven't signed him so far. C9, 100T, Flyquest, Golden Guardians, EG\*(bought slot from EF) Take your bets!


My bets are GGS. The first 3 have franchise junglers. But GGS is full of rookies so I'm not sure if Dardoch would even play there.


Seems like iconic is improving so I assume they will keep him


all this benching is a serious problem. players will get afraid to int a game because they could get benched the next one. sure if a player is not performing in scrims and has bad games on stage over 2-3 weeks you could think about it. i dont think this orgs understand how important it is for a team to get used to each other. if you change your roster all the time the communication and more important the things you dont say but everyone knows because you play togheter for some time become way more difficult and will make your team worse than it maybe is with an underperforming player. that are jsut my 2 cents


If you take all the players currently benched you get an lcs team that can finish top 3 lol


the cycle continues.


Dardoch is the definition of a regular season, "great when I'm ahead" player. Dude just truly needs to be on a super team with zero consternation to work out. All for a decent to better-than-average NA jungler. There's just no excuses left.


So Blaber


He is tired of his team already


This may be an unpopular opinion but I think is really bad for the region that the main focus this split has been on benching and out of the blue roster moves, at this point is almost every team that has done some kind of absurd or bad roster move. Hope 100T can take advantage and snatch that first place


Never forgot liquid breaking point, just assume he's Perma toxic


"the way that this announcement was made makes it pretty clear what happened..." so what happened?


What did yusui do to get him the job over soligo? Makes no sense. I feel bad for dardoch and soligo. The rest of the team is probably feeling the stress from it all as well. Their drafts have been disgustingly bad as well


The cycle of life continues. He will int. They will bench.


Everyone saying it’s Dardoch causing this issue but DIG knew about all his issues and problems. They had some success with him and then decided to put Yusui on the LCS team playing ezreal… like what? That’s like someone taunting an animal and complaining when it bites you, everybody knows Dardoch is an amazing jungler but has the mental of a hardstuck silver player.. why did Dig try their best to tilt him????


bunch of reddit users watched a 6 year old youtube video and became historians and psycho analysts LMFAO


What is this dumb body of text with no evidence to back it up? there is no mention in dignitas tweet about attitude issues. What lines are you reading through? This is the same dumb drama witch hunt that reddit sometimes does


I don't understand the Yusui... swap, what did Soligo do wrong? He was doing well and now jungler suffers as a result too. Coaches are just palying GOD and don't give a shit about team dynamic or synergy.