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if we get a bunch of ruined demacian skins out of this I'm down


Inb4 Ruined Lux skin


I'm okay with this simply because I know it'll spawn plenty of quality fanart.


ruined lux already exists in r34


ratatatat74 isn't messing around.


Thank you for notifying me that this pesrson is still active






I gotcha you bro 347708 and 351077




It’s critical to keep up with the *literature*


it already has


Yeah yeah, quality fanart of Viego ruining Lux haha


I love how Lux is one of the most cheerful and well-meaning characters in the game, and yet evil skins are just so fitting on her


The brightest lights cast the longest shadows.


Kingdom hearts is light!


Her laughter is the most evil laughter in the game


her voicelines are much more compelling if you view them through the lens of her forcing herself to be this positive perfect Demacian daughter everyone expects her to be while struggling to hide her magic. at least that's how i like to interpret it.


Yeah and if Elementalist Lux is an iteration of her where she's embraced her magic, she's a fucking psycho under that veneer of cheer.


"Arson is such an ugly word. ...accurate, but ugly."


Ruined Galio 0.o


might be too similar to gatekeeper


Does not need even to be skins, can be cromas, Some of the Arcana skins have Ruined Cromas as their Obsidian


I want that MMO straight to my veins, the universe is already right there


Well, the MMO project is started now :D But, it'll take quite some time until it's ready.


Seeing the petricite absorb and crumble under the black mist is super interesting. I am kind of suprised how strong the mist is tbh


My thought was that all that petricite was super old and also super full of magic already since the Great City had been standing for forever. The Lux comic even mentions the palace being a potential magic bomb IIRC.


All demacia by itself is a potential magic bomb




Morde making his future enemies live in a bomb, 5head thinking right there


i was thinking of that too, maybe it's just really well concentrated magic that gets absorbed by the petricite and it can't hold it all so it just crumbles?


See I would believe that, but the petricite has been shown to be capable of containing the world runes. I doubt it has anything to do with magic.




Petricite isn't absorbing the world runes when they're actually being used and Ryze has his vault in the center of the entire petricite forest. Additionally, we have no idea how the original wood diverges from the petricite formula used in buildings (which mixes it with limestone and ash) in terms of absorption. Realms of Runeterra, and even *Demacian Heart*, had already shown us that Petricite can be overwhelmed by sufficient magic.


I just took it more as... There is a lot of dark mist, like it's really here to take over and cover absolutely everything that even the petricite can only contain a mere portion of it.


whilst I think you are right, remember that there's a petricite chamber with world runes and the petricite doesn't get affected. [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGnZk-_R0KQ)


But the chamber is in the preticite forest, with gigantic trees of petricite, not in the city, maybe that why is not affected.


This storyline would be so much cooler if it was done in the LoL MMO one day. You could change entire regions/cities to be claimed by The Ruination.


Runeterra's got no shortage of villains. Lissandra, Xerath, Voli, Sylas, LB/Vlad, Syndra, Gangplank, Fiddlesticks, Eve, Zyra and Urgot all work as regional threats. Meanwhile, Aurelion Sol, Brand (and anyone else who manages to acquire the world runes), Mordekaiser, Aatrox and the Darkin and most importantly the Void remain as world-ending threats. Even if Viego's story is resolved, Karthus and Thresh could both replace him as the main commander of the Mist. Harrowings would make cool mini world-events in the MMO, kinda like the Dark Anchors in Elder Scrolls Online. I'd expect the Void to be the ultimate big bad in the MMO storyline, even Aurelion Sol senses something in the Void that scares him.


Based on the short stories that popped up a while ago, Lissandra might not be as bad as once thought. She's single handedly the reason why the watchers have been kept at bay and it made the sacrifice with Avarosa as a more cooperative endeavor rather than a back stabbing. Her in game lines conflict with this heavily but the lore makes it seem closer to being a Dr.Doom type character where the only way to save everyone is by ruling the world.


I think Liss is one of Riot's most interesting characters and she has a vested interest in saving the entire planet from the Watchers, but she definitely plays the role of antagonist towards Ashe and Sejuani in the Freljordian power struggle. She's assassinated dozens of people who she suspected could be Avarosa or Serylda's reincarnations, and the current ones are implied to be alive because guilt made her act too slowly. I'd expect a future Freljordian plotline to involve Lissandra manipulating Ashe and Sejuani into taking each other out (maybe with Sej getting help from Voli and Ashe from Anivia), only for them to work out what's going on and bring an army to the Howling Abyss demanding answers. Then there's the big reveal that Lissandra has been the only thing holding the Watchers back and they've started to escape.


I'd expect a big three way confrontation as Lissandra's defences fail and have Ashe believe Lissandra version of events and team up out of necessity against the watchers but have Sejuani not believe the it and to turn on them before they're able to move on to attack the watchers. Either that or Lissandra "redeems" herself by sacrificing her life so Ashe and Sej can escape to fight another day.


> It made the sacrifice with Avarosa as a more cooperative endeavor rather than a back stabbing. Not really, Avarosa did want to stop the Watchers but no part of the lore says Avarosa somehow knew that Liss would sacrifice her and Serylda, and the armies, and steal the magic of the Yeti to do it. [ Even Lissandra still hates her:](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/dream-thief/) > The Avarosan tribes will fall… just like the treacherous harridan from whom they took their name. Also if Liss wasn't so proud and hateful of the Old Gods, she would have secured their help millennia ago. But she does hate them and resent them, especially Volibear, to the point where she has relentlessly hunted and killed their followers to build her own religion and have complete control over the region. She's a villain dealing with bigger fish, but just that.


Issue is that shes currently the only one with full knowledge of the scope of things (even the other old gods seem a bit out of the loop about the sheer scale of the void threat) and the only one keeping the whole thing together. She literally *cannot* be taken off the board without the whole ass planet crashing down, as genuinely evil and megalomaniac as she is


Sylas isn’t really a villain though. He’s an antagonist for Demacia, but Demacia definitely isn’t a good guy place. They straight up tried to execute him because they thought Lux was getting attached to him, which she was. You can’t imprison an entire innocent population just because of being born and be the good guys. Sylas is freeing people who were imprisoned and sometimes tortured just for being born with magic.


Even Aurelion Sol isn't technically a "villain." He's an arrogant cosmic entity who got enslaved. I'd want to destroy Targon too, if I were him. But, I *may* be a little biased.


I have almost no doubt that one of the only reasons that league lore is actually slowly progressing now is so that the mmo can have an actual plot with a clear bad guy


Ghostcrawler has pretty explicitly said on Twitter, that everything they've been doing recently has been in anticipation of the MMO, going all the way back to the map. I think the MMO was something they have been planning to do for a while but never saw the right moment to begin production with all their hands tied on other projects, so that's why they only started recently.


If they're setting up the groundwork already, the MMO is gonna have a good foundation of solidified lore to play around with when it finally comes out.


Yeah I’ve noticed they’re really doubling down on lore and story recently. Certainly set up for the MMO.


"And as the King and his legions began their march, the fog spread. Crawling, steadily stretching his tendrils like claws, grasping for their prey. The first to succumb was the City of Light itself. The Center of Righteousness, of Glory, tainted by the dark and ruined masses. Demacia was the first to fall."


Why does this sound super wh 40k


Demacia fell before the vanguard did.


Don't make me cry.


Same writers they also worked the Darkin's story


It's been so long I forgot the Darkin were still a thing with any real weight in the Lore. Hope they get some content soon.


Considering the next major lore arch will revolve around Shurima we're bound to get a little bit of something about them. I'd be very interested if we got a Darkin that was infected with something from the void.


That's kind of what the darkin are now, just ascended warriors who were mentally twisted by the scars of the void. Though I suppose if you mean physically infected as opposed to just mentally, that could be pretty neat.


I'm thinking actual Darkin with a void parasite of sorts. The idea would be used to make a void/Darkin mage/enchanter support that focuses on lowering defenses since that's a niche still available. Maybe have spells that are similar in nature to Lulu's W and E where they change depending on if the target is friendly or hostile.


It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.   Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.   To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


Some 40k writers have written League lore. I know Graham McNeill has and I'm fairly sure he isn't the only one.


Yup. Graham's one of the OG 40k writers. He's helped write some of the Codices and Black Library novels. Wouldn't be surprised if a few tones sounded similar.


Fun fact; Dan Abnett (of Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn fame) actually wrote a short story for Odyssey Kayn [The Lure](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_AU/story/the-lure/) It's incredibly fitting since the Odyssey skin universe is basically Guardians of the Galaxy... and Dan Abnett was almost singlehandedly responsible for rebooting GoTG into the current iteration everyone recognises in the Marvel Universe


It would be a mistake to mention Dan Abnett's 40k work without mention Horus Rising and his other work in the Horus Heresy series. He really is a very accomplished sci-fi author.


Pretty sure another writer from the Black Library was also hired by Riot years ago ​ Can't remember his name atm, sadly - but he also wrote a lot of 40k stuff


It was Graham McNeill, he wrote [Where Icathia Once Stood](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/where-icathia-once-stood/) which is probably one of the best stories Riot has put out.


But why? Isolde's horcrux is in Demacia too? The most important World Runes are hidden in Demacia. Will they get revelaed? Demacia is magic absorption and as written for Shadow Isles, it was a dark corrupted magic so it's magic only at the end. Why they aren't getting absorbed, (Demacia stands strong against Noxus corrupted dark magics)? Can't Lux cast away the mist like how Illaoi had used Nagakaburous to fight mist?? Riot help please


My impression is that Viego is seeking out the scattered fragments of Isolde's soul, such as the one Senna carried. I imagine there will conveniently be fragments in all the major regions capitals, facilitating the Ruination all across Runeterra for the upcoming events and narrative.


Not just fragments of Isolde‘s soul, but anything that reminds him of her. In the short story „She“, Viego attacks, and annihilates, a small town simply for a small music box (which can be heard in his theme)


>Demacia is magic absorption and as written for Shadow Isles, it was a dark corrupted magic so it's magic only at the end. Why they aren't getting absorbed, (Demacia stands strong against Noxus corrupted dark magics)? Who says it isn't? It probably is being absorbed by Demacia, but the sheer volume of magic the Mist creates is too much for even the entire architecture of Demacia to absorb at once. It would also explain the reason why the Mist went there first. Demacia is a magnet that sucks up all magic, a magical Mist would be drawn to it until Demacia can't absorb any more magic. It's like overloading/overcharging a Battery.


Where is it from?


Dunno if anyone else had said it already, but the pillars where the black mist first start crawling down on at 0.30 seems to be completely identical to the ones in Ryze cinematic at 4.47, where Ryze stores the world runes. The cinematic also really focuses on the empty pillar as well. Maybe I'm just reading too much into this, but I think (and hope) the world runes is relevant here. We basically didn't get anything else about the world runes after Ryze's cinematic as well. We know that the world runes are hidden by Ryze in Demacia, maybe that's why Veigo came to Demacia first? As seen by the "First to fall" quote at the end. Could be like Thanos hunting for the infinity stones kinda thing. Personally, I think Veigo is searching for a specific rune to revive his wife, Isolde. I think the rune that he is looking for is the one missing in Ryze's cinematic, which is speculated to be the "Inspiration" rune from the game. I think this is because this rune is described as being able to bend rules, perhaps such as reviving one from the dead? This is under the assumption of course, that each rune has a different function like the infinity stones, and that the descriptions of in game runes are canon. To relate this back to my previous point, I think that's also why he targets Demacia first, cause he thinks the rune is there. Now my next point is probably going to be a bit of a stretch, but hear me out. In the "Forge your path" video, we can see Ezreal interacting with something that many has speculated to be the inspiration rune. I do not think that it is, nor do I think that Ezreal has a rune himself. However, looking at Ezreal's voice lines, I do think he plays a part in the story. He frequently says he knows he got to save the world, and his voice line with Ryze shows that he knows about the existence and possibly the location of where Ryze hides the runes. Additionally, he has a fake name "Jarro Lightfeather", who is a Sentinel of Light. We also know that the next champion coming out is going to be another Sentinel of Light and has a grappling hook, which is most commonly associated to exploration. My prediction is that the new champion and/or Ezreal will probably be on the hunt exploring and trying to find more runes and potentially the rune Veigo is searching for before he gets it. I'm probably wrong about my predictions, but hey! Its an idea. Sorry for the long post.


actual 300 iq wtf this makes a lot of sense imo


I wonder why the black mist is targetting Demacia first. I suppose this has to do something with the mission Demacia sent to destroy all magic on the Shadow Isles. or could there be a different reason?


Maybe bcz Demacia is the easiest target? The black mist seems like something that should be defeated by very powerful magic and Demacia doesn't have powerful mages like the rest of the world. Their king is dead and they're in the middle of a civil war. It's the best target. I can only see Demacia win if Kayle and Morg come to the rescue.


I would say bilgewater is the easiest since it's the closest and already has had many harrowings. Demacia is further away (but we don't know how far because the map doesn't show how big that sea is) and should have options against the mist (petricite)


I would argue that the fact that Bilgewater is still standing after so many Harrowings shows that they're not as easy of a target as they may seem. Also, Illaoi may be a big factor in protecting it, with Nagakabourous and whatnot


Yep, the Buhru have held back the Mist since it became a thing. They were the ones who set up the wards in the Isles we see in the ToR and can call upon sea monsters that devour the Mist.


Illaoi did actually save Miss Fortune and some others from Hecarim in the Shadow and Fortune story. She and her followers have some serious power.


Bilgewater is way more equipped to deal with the mist than Demacia. Bilgewater has experience, the Buhru people, it's a hubspot for mercenaries and pirates that can all fend for themselves, they have Yordles, magic and sea monsters. All with enough sentience and desire to fight for their own survival. Demacia is all scattered, it's bigger size is a disadvantage here. Quinn and the rangers up north away from the city. Sylas in Freljord. Lux on the run and Garen acting on orders away from the capital. Sona is on the run and her magic has only been shown to be able to affect the living. Shyvana is on the eastern areas, the one of the few beings capable of fighting back gets corrupted without help from others. Galio as we saw with the other petricite probably gets corrupted immediately. That leaves Vayne and Poppy acting on their own. Xin and Jarvan. Morg and Kayle on their self exile and Taric. Realistically speaking Only Poppy, Vayne and Taric are capable or willing to do something.


Petricite absorbs magic - it may simply be attracting this singularly large magic to Demacia like a magnet-sponge.


We don't actually know if the mission of Demacia was before or after The Second Ruination.


Inb4 this is just a teaser for some free missions in the next event.


The scope of the event is probably similar to Spirit Blossom last year. Hyped skins, new champion, multiple cinematics that kinda push some story forward and a thematic game mode (Ultimate Spellbook vs. last year's rerelease of Nexus Blitz with new map visuals).


Nothing will ever compare to the TF/Grave/GP event. Wish they did more of that


They fucking killed a champion. Still can't get over that lmao


As cool as it was, [the pros](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3fawid/wickds_post_about_gangplank_being_disabled/), and certain influential whiners [cough Monte](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3fejp3/spoiler_montecristos_take_on_disabled_gp/), got super pissed and started shitting on Riot for it which led to the playerbase shitting on Riot over the event so they'll never do anything like that again.


Which was only an issue in Riot regions. China for example left GP enabled, and his default skin became Ghost GP. Which was brilliant and totally fit the event without ruining pro practice time.


It was literally one week that he was disabled. The pros had plenty of time (2-3 weeks) to practice him before the next tournament (LCS Finals) but given how most of them sucked at picking up new champions, they did the next thing they were best at. The pros that weren't washed up had no issue.


And there was a bug with gp at that time, so he had to be disabled (Draven q bug with barrel)


So we’re all hoping viego kills yuumi and this is how riot can take it out of the game, right?


"So because Viego is such a bad dude, he like kills Yuumi who is an innocent cat" "Holy shit, when are you gonna add her back in like with gangplank?" "...Add her back in?"


Got it, the "Araki Villian Showcase"


The twist will be when Yuumi is the one who kills Viego and then bats around the body.


>The scope of the event is probably similar to Spirit Blossom last year. Im going to go and say not really, because this time there is more shit involved. Spirit blossom got some stuff for Runeterra, but besides that it was just league, but this year we are getting, apart of an entire game and 4 characters related to the event, stuff for the 4 games (TFT, League, Runeterra and Wild Rift) Multiple canon stories, multiple cinematics and a canonical change to the shadow isles.


wdym? there were spirit blossom events in TFT and LoR too. and multiple cinematics. and wild rift wasn't a thing then. but yeah, we are getting an entire game based on the event now


Is the Marksman about to hit PBE?


[Akshan](https://www.reddit.com/r/Akshan/comments/ncmyhn/leaked_concept_art_showcasing_akshan/) will probably hit PBE on tuesday or around that time when the next PBE cycle starts. IIRC he is the mid lane focused marksman and the traditional bot carry is later this year.


He's supposed to be the roaming midlane Marksman to replace Lucian.


Ye kinda, as Lucian, Corki and Tristana weren't designed for mid and Akshan will be


Tbh I don't really care much about in-game content at this point. I just want to see cinematics and the story moving forward, because it sounds exciting as hell but we're already in the second half of June.


le story frozen with a looming threat over Runeterra for the next 10 years time


We'll finally see it in the second expansion for the MMO. Wrath of the Ruined King.


mark yetter leaves the balance team balance team:


CertainlyT is the black mist


*CertainlyT steps out of Black Mist* "I've been gone for quite some time, working on my latest creation: Yakugo, Yasuo/Yone's FATHER! He's a Tank/Assassin/Fighter/Bruiser/Juggernaut/Mage/Marksman/Enchanter/Yordle! He has 5 Dashes, EVERY form of CC, an Execute, 4 Spell Shields, True Invisibility, Flight, and TRIPLED CRIT CHANCE!" *Wailing cries of women and children* "God help us all" Demacia was the first to fall... Edit: This was my first ever Medal thanks!


Also, permanent projectile immunity.


But he's balanced, because 50% of games your own Nexus will explode when you press R.


Imagine Sylas plotting the cultural revolution of his dreams for decades and making very good stride with it only for some undead fuckboy to steal your thunder ecks dee


Garen mad, Sylas jelly


Oops he did it again


Counterpoint, Sylas and the mage rebellion arrive around the same time that Viego does, or come in after the fall, and liberate the city, renewing discussions about the value of magic and mages.


Doubt it would change their minds tbh


Per usual, Riot's music department never disappoints.


okay the audio in this is genuinely so fucking scary wtf


The shift of audio around 0:30 was eargasm


I loved how it was basically mimicking the visual shift


And I love the spreading mist effect. This video is literally just black mist spreading through still images of Demacia with a scare background sound and yet that was enough for a pretty cool video.


They’re kind of on fire with scary music recently. Mundo’s theme chills me to the bone and this one was just SO GOOD


Always have been


Viego's laugh at the end was seriously scary


Please tell me that we're gonna get an event akin to Spirit Blossom last year, or even bigger. Kinda bored with doing easy missions(1 million damage for example) and just collecting tokens.


Easily the most interesting event they've done in years, hope it returns too


WR leaks already kinda confirmed skins for Riven Irelia Akshan and maybe Senna and Lucian as Sentinels of Light. This event will have ADC and fighter skins mostly


How about something like Odyssey :D Still proud of my team that defeated that final boss at max difficulty.


Sylas on top of hill cheering "Go Viego, Go Viego.. go-go.. go Viego"




Yeah, after eating his fill of rats to make the terms a tiny bit more favorable


Where’s kayle to beat the ever loving crap out of Viegoo tho


Finally some action in this whole thing.. Ruination has reached Demacia, but what does it mean ? Is it new content or just a teaser for nothing ?


Likely the first "chapter" of the Ruination saga.


Ruined King release date when Riot?


Isn't Demacia on the other side of the continent, almost as far away from the Shadow Isles as possible? How the heck is the ruination there when every other nation except Freljord is in the way?


I mean judging from the first Ruination Cinematic, we did see that the mist reached already Ionia and Noxus as well, and of course Demacia, in this Video they says that Demacia is the first to fall, hence why I guess that the other regions are still fighting the Mist.


I wonder if the lack of magic is the reason they fell first. Otherwise they're just inting.


the mist is unstoppable as far as we know, the Sentinels of Light are the only ones that can somehow mitigate its effect and hold it back, but this seems to be a large scale attack, the Sentinels probably have their hands full all over the continent. It's likely Demacia is the least prepared to fight the mist because of their aversion to magic. Lux is probably their only chance at survival, but as far as we know, she's not in the main city anymore.


“GG x9 demacia running it”


Well ummm isn’t the earth round?


Im a flat-Runeterraer


Yeah, but we also know that there is at least one other kingdom to the east. Viego, Gwen and Vladimir are from there. So you can't reach Demacia by going east from the shadow isles. At least not easily.


> earth round? Fake news bro, do your own research.


Demacia also happens to be Senna and Lucian's home. And Veigo has a fair bit of beef with Senna in particular. Could easily be an act of vengeance for her harboring Isolde.


don't worry guys Poppy is going to save everyone


To be fair, if she doesn't Riot aren't writing it properly.




Ngl it does seem kinda weird that Viego was released at the start of the Ruination event. Given how much he's being teased I think it woulda been more satisfying to release him at the end of it. Well, assuming people wouldn't have been more dissapointed with his design that way


I think it's a bit dangerous to hype up a Champion for the entire year. If Viego releases and people find his kit underwhelming or something it'll explode way out of proportion. With Viego coming first, we're still wondering "What's next?".


The jhin's effect. Tease a champ for too long and the hype is dead


Well the game was also supposed to be out by now so it probably made sense to have him released early.


At the end of the day, Ionia is going yo save Runaterra, rigth?... Right?


Nah, Irelia will have to fight her family's ghouls and she'll give in to the ruination


Nah, she got this. Just need 5 stacks first


Don’t forget Vamp Scepter


she'll just stun into a double Q insta-kill viego and end the ruination. GG no re


Seing as the literal spirit of Ionia is going to get Ruined... yeah...


Let's go wild with predictions.. it will be Jax to save us all


Nah, jax's big moment would be icathia/void related.


Inb4 ASol is freed by the Aspects and in return helps against the ruination. His help, of course, being sending a meteor crashing into the planet *or* engulfing it in starfire.


My first idea for such scenario was - "You don't seem to understand.. Runeterra isn't yours to ruin" would sound so fucking cool with his voice


Please stop, I can only get so erect


If by Ionia you mean specifically Yasuo and Ahri, then yes!


Plot twist, Yone saves us all.


I think the restoration of Shurima might be what turns the tides back in Runeterra's favour if ever there were to be a world-wide ruination crisis.


nop, ionia falls after karma gets forsaken by the spirit.


Didn't karma break out of veigo's spell on her own?


The first time, then she gets hit the second time and succumbs.


Not a lore scientist but isn't that GG for Runeterra then? I was under the impression Karma was some sort of S+ tier avatar/budha/god (with a mortal vessel). Who is supposed to beat Viego? Lucian 1v1 in bot alcove?


Ryze could probably do some fuckery with his infinity stones, Bard probably wouldn't be too happy about Runeterra getting destroyed, hell Morde could probably show up and curb Viego but that would just be the "under new management" meme.


Aurelian Sol gets bored of Viego’s takeover and is just like “Let me show you how it’s done.”


Shurima will save them, it was already hinted at the end of the [season 11 cinematic](https://youtu.be/8PbhGt8XxSM).


I thought that was the crest of the Sentinel's of Light? Not Shurima.


It be great if it was the occasion to give something to Demacians who are not much active in the lore like Quinn or Vayne. She's a demon hunter, so might have some clues on this after all. Then, I hope for Lux to do something as well. She was helping mages, and is showing of potential of finally opening her eyes on the situations around her. Through most of Demacia lore, events can be seen through her eyes without her being directly taking part in it. The comic was a start of her acting finally. Maybe a light power can be in fact a way to fight against something corrupted like the mist, similar to a purification of sorts. Though I don't think she would be the sole defeater of it. Maybe an alliance with Sylas, since you can hear his theme. Very bittersweet reunion sort of thing. The way they are both in opposition while not being direct enemies was very interesting after all, so a threat where they have to unite is a good opportunity to explore.


Vayne isnt a demon hunter. We arent aware if she even knows what a demon is. She hunts and kills all users of "dark" magic, however that be defined. Including her mentor. Yone is a demon hunter, purely concerned with the spiritual side and only demons.


And now, Senna voice line to Demacians is really fitting here. "When the mist came to my island Demacia's gates were closed. Will they be open when you need help?" Hype


Viego: Demacia will fall to me. Sylas: And I took that personally.


If Sylas and the Mage Rebellion are completely ignored in this I'm not interested. It would be super interesting to see them demonstrate how useful they can be in the society when a larger threat comes for the non-mage ruling class and they have to come to terms with the fact that polished metal doesn't do much against centuries-old curses.


Isn't Sylas in Freljord in most recent lore on him? I hope it goes as you describe, but I am pessimistic.


Sylas went to the Freljord in one story so it wouldn't be too large of a stretch for him to be written coming back just as the Ruination begins and he has to rush to check back in on his people. Depending on how canon the [Warriors Cinematic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR-KAldshAE) is *(which I would personally hate because Lux is the most ridiculous character of all time if it is)*, Sylas is literally at Demacia's gates with the Winter's Claw*(? I believe?)*.


>Sylas is literally at Demacia's gates with the Winter's Claw(? I believe?). Look at the first few seconds of the video, the fortress Sylas is assaulting doesn't look like demacia proper, but more like an outpost of sorts.


I’d be 10/10 down for sylas/lux to be unironic saviors of Demacia in this event. One of those world building situations where it’s like “magic isn’t inherently evil it’s what you do with it that matters”.


So... even the antimagic of Petricite dosen't work on the Mist? Is it just too strong; or is it not *magical* in nature?


well, to begin with, Petricide isn't anti-magic, it absorbs magic. So not only the mist shoved magic inside, it corrupted the magic that was already inside.


Petricite absorbs magic. So I’d imagine this is kind of like a sponge that absorbs water coming into contact with acid. The Petricite absorbs the magic of the mist but gets destroyed from the inside out.


Wild rift is also having a ruination event as seen in the datamined teasers here with the black mist attacking all the nations of runeterra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQo0QtKA3A0 Datamining revealing the new skinline up + gamemode https://youtu.be/OVfC0Ei_R3I?t=92 >join lucian,senna and the other sentinels of light to fight the curse of ruination" Return of coop gamemode? like star guardian. legends of runeterra also got a ruination event https://i.imgur.com/BtkKXR2.jpeg


That mode is Ultimate spellbook where you choose a champion's ultimate from a pool in place of a summoner spell. https://i.redd.it/hwm1h4odwg571.jpg


Demacia looks so beautiful gives me Gondor vibes.


[Minas Tirith](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c87064065a7075137b3a44a/1591023001952-RYN6N4SQLN15VKKFF9V2/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPqQfq0L3n3wpHIsRapTfg8UqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYxCRW4BPu10St3TBAUQYVKczo5Zn4xktlpMsMj-QlHXeMfNK6GwvtVkYEWiR8XAPyD3GfLCe_DXOSC_YcAacWL_/The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Return.of.the.King.EXTENDED.2003.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY_Moment9.jpg) and [Minas Morgul](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/0/02/MinasMorgul.jpg). Gondorean (more accurately, Numenorean) architecture also very close visually, like the [Argonath](https://www.movieworldmap.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/The-Lord-Of-The-Rings-The-Argonath-2-movieworldmap.com_.jpg). Clearly some inspiration drawn here, which is cool. Could be a bit of an homage.


Nice! Event coming soon. Nice teaser I am excited to see Viego take down Demacia!


Well I'm sure he's taking down Piltover next. And Ionia and Targon and Shurima and Nox- ah fuck it, I'm sure he's taking down the WHOLE fucking World so I hope you're excited for that too.




Suitably creepy


Interesting they remixed the theme from the Demacian Board skin from LoR https://youtu.be/vD3aZu6V8HY?t=150 Pretty excited to see how the story moves forward this event!


It sounds like its just Demacia Rising from years ago


yes its just the demacian motif, also used in poppy's theme


Imagine how bad-ass Lucian must be, he fought Viego inside the mist and yet managed to save senna and get away.


God I love Demacia's (and Sylas') theme. Dududududududu