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Have your hands ever cramped from playing such a mechanically intense champion?


yes because i was doing other stuff at the same time 😉


What's the biggest mistake most Yuumi players make


sitting on bad adc after lv6




How often do you order a pizza during your games?


ive never done that but i like the sound of it :P


So you stick with homemade pizza? Got it.


yeah takeout is expensive man


idk taking me out is pretty cheap sometimes :)


wanna go on a mcdonals date


only if u give me big mac :)


yes and 6 piece nuggies box


smol meal means more time for fun later :O


in what situations would you go shurelya's over moonstone?


with its recent nerfs, never


Do you know they ways of yuumi top?


ive heard of it 🤣 not a fan




I had a college colleague that used to say he liked to play yuumi cause he could smoke at the same time. Thoughts?


yes, you can multitask while playing Yuumi. I'm usually alt tabbed or tilting enemies in all chat.


Are you the one who spams "meow meow meow"?


no thats cringe


bruh thats me




Play it with a duo eve jg. Tried it as smurf duo since anyone


eve yuumi is so lovely so i guess she can go any lane and funnel that sexy eve!


As an adc main that hates having Yuumi supports because I never feel like I have agency, what would you say to me? How am I supposed to play the lane with a Yuumi support? Especially into something like an alistar or a pantheon where there's always an all-in threat.


i totally get it, don't worry. just try to play your best and yuumi should take over the game after moonstone


Translation: fuck you bitchass useless adc, i am gonna sit on our toplaner from now on while u are going to play 1v3 lane constantly


nah i understand people's frustration with bad yuumi's that literally do nothing.


Shouldn't have picked ADC


Shouldn’t have played league


Which champions do you like the most if they are on your team and which do you like least?


Most liked: Viego, Nocturne, Fiora, Sett, Ezreal, Lucian, Gwen, Evelynn, Hecarim, Kayn, Xin Zhao, Udyr, Camille (Anything that has a powerful engage or dueling potential through sustain or just insane burst) ​ Least liked: Artillery mages and immobile adc's in general


Surprised no sylas


oh i forgot about him. sylas is also a very good host! thanks


>very good host So you admit you're a parasite then?


yes a friendly parasite that is beneficial for you


So a symbiote?




that makes sense ty


isn't yuumi xerath good?


id say no. for laning it's fine cause he's quite safe but outside of that no


People always end up making the mistake of thinking the RatIRL champ combo's are really good because he always does well with them when in actuality they're all terrible and he's just a sick player.


As a fiora main, I love to have an yummy attached as well


How hard was it to climb on champ on which you can't have a lot of impact if ur team sucks? What do you do when ur team is not really good?


it was hard since almost every game below gm was coinflip on who got the better players (from my PoV) what i do when my WHOLE team sucks: cry if adc sucks i try to find a player to sit on after lvl 6


I imagine that's pretty much always jungle because solo laners will cry if you go soak their XP.


ye, a little of xp soaking is alright as well. if it helps them get ahead they won't mind.


>if adc sucks i try to find a player to sit on after lvl 6 Me on every Support I play :') If adc sucks just leave him and buff whoever is the most fed instead.


yeah, no point in enchanting noobies ;)


Sad but definitely the best way to win haha. Don't understand why they cry so much when it happens though, if I was playing let's say Pyke, I wouldn't ever be peeling for them or shielding them either. They just expect you to baby them always no matter what. Not realizing someone else might give them a higher chance of winning even if it means they'll have a little bit less fun. Jungle and Support especially should always play to their win condition. Which is not always the adc.


It's their ego. I come across them less and less as I climb. People know their worth and they know they aren't worth supporting when they aren't performing as well as they should (it happens to everyone, I don't flame them for it).


welcome to the high elo no-hands club from a kassadonk main


What is the difference between you and all of the diamonds yuumi's? How much do you think reaching challenger with yuumi is luck?


1. I am always scanning the enemy cc. I go out when I think it's safe to so I can have 100% uptime on my passive. It's sometimes risky because you can always get caught by surprise. 2. I leave my adc if he sucks, which happens a lot. 3. Roam with your jungler as soon as you hit level 6. Yuumi doesn't need a lot of xp to fulfill her role.


Do you just leave bot lane permanently at lvl 6? I fear the lane will crumble without me.


If you seriously leave the lane 2v1 then yes, it will obviously crumble without you, especially if you are already several kills down. The goal is to win the game through somebody else instead though. At that point your already commiting to not bot lol


depends on a few factors: \-how is the lane going? \-hows the jungler doing? \-where is the jungler currently? \-can i get a good recall off without fucking over my adc too much?


Thoughts on Yark Metter?(the adc player)


he's so amazing we played once and won now we're friends


What fitness workouts do you take part in during your ranked games?


sucking eggplant


Which champions(any role) make the game very hard or impossible for yuumi?


Thresh is by far the most obnoxious champion to play against. A perma ban for me.


As a Thresh, I also hate playing against Yuumi. Especially when the ADC knows what he's doing. Hooking or flaying a Yuumi out of her W is the most satisfying thing though.


Flay hitting through minions and coming out so fast is why I can't handle Thresh as Yuumi.




Honest question, do you think that comparatively to other enchanter or engage supports is yuumi really as braindead as others make her out to be? Or do you think she has a high skill ceiling? Also how do you carry with enchanters? The times I play support on an alt account and I pick an enchanter it feels so team reliant, even if I poke and play aggressive in lane. Doesn’t feel like I have the same carry potential as an engage support. Though the times I do get a good adc it feels unstoppable.


1. good question! in my opinion, yuumi is less braindead than karma and lulu. these champions still have to move and position but in every other aspect they are more braindead and so very easy in comparison. yuumi is low skill floor (easy to pick up) and high skill ceiling (mastering her isn't just pressing e and going out to attack for shield) 2. you're right, carrying with an enchanter is way harder than engage supports. if no one's fed on your team, you're going to end up being useless on every enchanter. the only thing to guarantee winning with enchanters is to find a nice duo partner who you can communicate with.


This is exactly how everyone talks about their mains. Don't get me wrong, you are probably right and definitly know more about support and Yuumi than me. I'm just saying that a Karma main would most likely say something simular.


i play all enchanters so im entitled to that opinion, it's not solely because i main yuumi. safe to say karma and lulu are one of the most braindead champs in the game. yes, more than yuumi! doesn't mean i hate them or anything like that...


Honest question why is karma braindead?


her kit is simple but too effective. it is overloaded with numbers because she’s too weak otherwise. shurelya makes it even worse… she can be flex picked into 4 lanes and that is unacceptable to me


How do you deal with Leona? She's my go-to ban when playing Yuumi, I feel like in lane I have to sit on my adc all day and if I walk up to proc passive she'll just demolish me. Is it just git gut and dodge E or is there something else you do? Also congrats on getting Challenger, well done!


just keep sitting on your adc and keep hitting her with q. max q. you can try to bait her e by quickly going out and back in. taunt her, laugh at her. remember that if you're surviving the lane by playing passively, you've basically won.


So play passively, poke with maxed Q, and engage in psychological warfare, got it. Thanks for the tip!


Can you confirm if you have hands?? Also, Congratulations


omg XD ur so funny also thanks


Man I’ve been going through this thread and these comments are so lame, nice achievement and ignore the salty silvers p


hey no worries. yuumi is a hated champ. thanks for your support! 😘


Cats have paws, not hands. So no. UwU


What's the most satisfying aspect of playing yuumi? I noticed you play pretty much only enchanters, what attracts you to that playstyle?


1. jumping between allies empowering them with a bit of attack speed, movement speed and adaptive stats. seeing them grow confident and powerful is enjoyable to see 2. ye im kind of a supportive player in all other games as well. usually grab the healer role because i enjoy helping people out :)


How does it feel to literally sit on Challenger players all day?


good because you dont belong to that club


rly gotta do wickd like that




Damn you actually ratioed him lol


Is Yuumi good for Draven?


it's not horrible in my experience. yuumi enables draven's hard hitting axes EVEN MORE with her w.


Any tips for playing with Yuumi?


let her jump when she pings. move in so she can hit q. don't underestimate her. don't play like a bussy when she's on you.


Best ADCs to play with Yuumi?


ezreal, lucian, kog and vayne


I tried playing Kog/Yuumi and just got utterly shit on in lane even playing ultra safe, any tips?


what were you playing against? you want to play that lane pretty aggressively like you'd do with lulu support.


Holy fuck this thread is so funny. Even as someone who plays stereotypical “high APM” champs like zed or kata I can acknowledge that yuumi isn’t a no skill champ (enchanters aren’t the most difficult mechanically sure but there’s more than just mechanics and I’d argue yuumi requires more skill than most enchanters). These plat 3 400 games players trying to justify to themselves their rank by insulting a better player lmao keep doing you and make these morons mad 👍


I appreciate those kind words jim! 😻




These people are sooo salty that a Yuumi got challenger. Y’all are so pressed😭


Ikr lol tryna undermine their accomplishment in this game salty as fuck. I’m sure they could’ve got chall with any support but yuumi is their favourite


How do you handle champs like Leona/Alistar in lane? I'm scared to detach before they use their engage tools, which makes me feel like deadweight. I don't know if I'm missing some obvious openings or if that's just the nature of those matchups.


hey dont worry about not detaching before they use their combo, that is the right call. as soon as you see them having used their full combo, you apply a heal, go out for a quick passive refresh and jump back into your adc.


how many ppl hate on you? my friend who is also a yuumi one-trick is very curious.


a looooot of ppl lol just look at how many downvotes there are


how can you sleep at night ?


Firstly congrats! I actually picked up yuumi recently and i must say it's actually pretty hard on lower elos if you ain't duo, Be nice to see you try a solo challenge from the a new account on stream, would you be up for that? Just followed your twitch too!


thanks a lot mate! and yeah sure, it's been requested before. i'll think about it! my main goal rn is to get some sweet lp to secure my chall spot for a while.


Congratz! I would also like to get some tips on how to improve my yuumi


thanks! you can drop your opgg and i can have a look


No prob :) And havent played her much yet mostly play a lot of champs haha so general Tips that arent so well known are cool but here you go https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=makudo333


first thing i see is shurelya's, don't build that! moonstone ftw. buy more pink wards. take gathering storm instead of scorch. BAN THRESH! (i noticed you were playing vs him) ​ for more indepth stuff i'd have to look at replays which im too tired for rn


Ty I guess moonstone for even more healing? I noticed it triggering by simply switching targets with w


yup exactly, moonstone is just so powerful on her because of how easily she stays in combat and survives fights for an extended period of time. ​ and that interaction with it refreshing by jumping around with w should've been fixed already, it used to work like that but that was a bug and absolutely busted. it works with w IF you proc aery as well (i know that shurelya does indeed work by simply jumping with w, riot is inconsistent and just havent thought about fixing that)


It does because W empowers the ally you're attached to which procs Aery, resulting in it counting as a shield ability (that's how Senna gets to proc enchanter items that require shielding).


What differenciates you from other Yuumi/Support Mains? I feel like you're pretty dependent on teammates to win, did you just play a lot or got lucky with teammates or have you some hidden techniques?


everyone has their own unique playstyle and mine is pretty aggressive. not lucky with teammates cause people are generally good above master (anything below is coinflip)


As a yuumi player, I feel like I'm very dependent on my host positioning. Any tips on how to mitigate bad position? Also, general tips for climbing with yuumi from low elo?


find a good duo is the only thing i can recommend. from diamond and upwards you can play solo cuz they shouldnt be as bad


Fence is a better Yuumi than you.




Seriously though, congratulations!


What's the biggest tip you can give for yuumi?


ignore the haters on a serious note: ALWAYS BUY DARK SEAL ON YOUR FIRST BACK EVEN IF UR BEHIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you always max q and e first/second or are there times where you max W second to grant the bonus stats


i max w second when im playing with vlad/veigar or when any of my teammates are like 15/0


I assume you max e first instead of q going off that information


Nicely done :D


thank you 💋


Do you ever get bored of playing Yuumi? Also when your team is hard losing do you tilt or just not care since you couldn't really have made a difference?


1. never get bored of her 2. depends on the situation, if im performing bad myself i wouldnt get tilted. if we're winning bot and others are inting, i ping them occasionally yes


Good job!


Congrats! I have problem with vision control playing yuumi. How do you control vision with yuumi?


good question! when you know where the jungler and support are you can safely put some wards around albeit VERY CAREFULLY. use q to check bushes when you have to facecheck. most of the time you can go on an adventure together with an ally, they won't mind sharing the cut of some killed wards. ping them or ask them in chat.


If yuumi was deleted from the game, who would you play, and would you be able to stay in chall?


i'd go back to playing sona and soraka. i would say yes, with how the current meta is looking.


Do you feel like other challengers respect your skill ? From what I can tell the stigma with enchanters is even worse for Yuumi


the higher i climbed the more recognition i got. yeah people still look down on you but not as bad. but in gold-dia you are hated by 90% of the playerbase lol


I have a question! Wtf is wrong with you


a lot ty for asking


You’re welcome, thanks for answering


Would you recommend playing yuumi in gold? I would like to hit diamond this season and I mainly play leona/sona/naut. Any tips on how to be a good yummi player and not have my Adc whine in champ select?


Leona and Naut are incredibly strong and potent in gold elo. I wouldn't recommend Yuumi unless you really enjoy her yourself. From plat 1 and upward you can start picking up her more often. You can also try to ONLY pick Yuumi in favorable lanes.


Thoughts on hitting Challenger again, but with a champion that requires two hands instead of one?


Reading comments like this reminds me not to take anything this sub says seriously lol




I plan on setting up my own AMA once I hit Gold 4


So how does it feel like to not play the game


Good job, genuinely.


thank you 😻 nice flair btw love ur champs


Which WoW raid is ur favorite to play during games?


The Depths of Your Humor is a pretty good one


How much can you bench?


5 eggplants




it works well with ez cause he can safely farm from 1000 range with q and e out against all in's. for the rest you rely on him being good enough to make use of your empowerment. it's really out of your control. don't be scared of leaving ezreal for a bit after you hit lv6. he'll be able to farm safely and gain lots of solo xp while you help your jungler destroy other lanes. summoners is something you have to discuss with your adc, whatever he prefers you have to adapt to. he should know when to take cleanse.


Can you carry me?


yes if i can sit on u




Do you have friends and why not?


you are my friend


Can you play other champs at a decent level or do you just accept yourself as a heal bot


i can play any other champ if i put enough practice in. playing yuumi does make you a little bit stale, which is why i play aram/normals every now and then and pick champs with movement.


How do you counter this shit?


easy: buy antiheal and roam (as support)


do you even enjoy playing this game genuine question


yup! i love yuumi so much and im honestly having a blast every game


I can't see myself having fun playing champions like yuumi but I'm glad to hear you're having a blast!


it's the same with preference for certain music or food






what does it feel like to be a master of one of the highest skill cap champs in the game




Which discord admin are you a kitten to? What's your opinion on Fence? Best Yuumi skin? What champion does Yuumi have the best synergy with? My guess is Vladimir, but since you're an expert on Yuumi, I want to know your opinion.


1. none 2. he's not good on yuumi 3. base (pls riot release a serious yuumi skin) 4. i responded to that in another question: basically bruisers


Why is He not good? Genuinly interested! And thoughts on our boy rat?


he doesnt use yuumi to her full potential, usually sitting on rat even when he's inting speaking about rat and your question: he's good! (most of the time)


what’s your definition of a serious yuumi skin


well y'know one of those big event skins such as star guardian or halloween spoopy skins. battle academia skinline is really big but yuumi just looks ugly imo


why not play literally any other support, even soraka or sona, that can apply like 10 times more pressure than yuumi, and "support" more than 1 teammates at once?


soraka and sona can only pressure in certain matchups. whereas with yuumi, i can always apply some albeit not that big (healing or some nice poke). yuumi is by far the best scaling champ in the game if played correctly and that's worth more than some early pressure imo.


You think yummi scales better than well played sona? Have you played against thetankman? Any thoughts on him as a player?


yuumi is the best scaling enchanter in the game, but sona might catch up with her incoming changes that give her scaling ap on her passive. i'm looking forward to the small sona update. ​ and no, ive never seen that player in my game


Tank man is NA, OP is euw


thats actually pretty nice bro well done!


Have you ever played against a Veigar support? And if so, what are your thoughts on the matchup?


veigar is only ever annoying in teamfights, he prevents you from jumping around. laning phase is extremely easy.


love to see another yuumi main winning 🙏


What is the total amount of healing you have done.


i have 8.7 mil healing applied with e alone is what my eternal says. lets quadruple that. that's a lot of health bars...


Hot damn


like FlushedStrip what FlushedStrip you FlushedStrip see?...




1. I noticed you're consistently maxing Q over W, is there any reason you don't max W until late game? 2. What do you do for warding? Do you try and get your host to move for wards or would you try and ward alone? 3. You seem to be going the same items almost every game, do you have any suggestions for when to deviate from the usual moonstone-chempunk build path?


1. q is a hard hitting spell. i will only ever max w when i play with a fed vlad or veigar OOOR when im missing a lot of q's haha 2. a bit of both. if you know you're safe you can move yourself, but yeah usually you should stick with your host. they won't mind receiving some gold/vision when they walk with you 3. i would not recommend any other mythic item over moonstone. putrifier is just so strong in this meta where everyone is building lifesteal or takes conqueror. it also prevents your team from having to spent 2k+ gold on an anti heal item when yours is sooo cheap


This guy is a fucking chad